Sie sind auf Seite 1von 15


A few elements regarding the situation of the forests

before and at the moment

According to the latest statistics, before the setting up of communism

in Romania, the wooded area was as such, judged by the type of owner:

Entire wooded area 6.486.471 ha 100%

Area owned by state 1.942.000 ha 29,43%
Area owned by the Royal Crown 66.492 ha 1,03%
Communal and county 681.197 ha 10,50%
Churches and clerical fund 467.605 ha 7,21%
Ephors and foundations 125.628 ha 1,94%
Communities 655.707 ha 10,11%
Freeholders (South and North) 450.566 ha 6,95%
Private persons and anonymous societes 2.097.276 ha 32,33%

out of which, at the moment, about 3.000.000 ha were claimed, the rest
being abusive restrains of today’s power, un justified by restitution (forests
of different protection. Protected areas, folds for research and others).
Since 1829 when the wooded area in Romania was 40% of the whole
area of the country, that is about 9.700.000 ha, there have been cut, until
1920, more than 3.000.000 ha, and furthermore, after the land reforms from
1922, all together with the ground and the forestry plots of land, another
1.280.000 ha have been cut.
- The ending of abusive cuttings comes after 1930, when measures
were taken for the stabilization and special administration of forests; the
percentage of wooden area – 26,7% - remained the same until the present;
the difference between the regime before 1948 and the communist one being
that, before, forests were better structured in categories of age, without
outrunning the annual possibility of cutting; on the other hand, during
communism, there have been cut about 5 – 5 mil. m.c. per year ever the
annual possibility, the compensation of afforestation being made by planting
on the cut places.
- All these compared with the 2.000.000 ha of inaccessible forests, the
index of density being of 0,1 m/ha.
- Before the restitution of forests there has been made a log-term
development strategy of Romanian forestry, until 2020 with a view to
knowing the real situation and improving the present one. It is taken into
account the afforestation of eroded, cleared and unproductive lands. It is also
foreseen the accesibilisation of some areas which are inaccessible at the
moment, situation that will lead to the turning to account of the wooden
mass which begins to degrade and also to access into the forests which need
forestry taking care.
This strategy is a set book for the forest owner that has to become
aware of the way in which the administration of the forests owned in
forestry regime will be divided in the future and for the improvement of the
present situation.

2. The establishment of F.O.A.R. and its role

- F.O.A.R. is established in 1998 for an unlimited period of time,

having the following directions: the representation of its members in front of
the national and international forums, in connection with the recognition of
their rights to the complete restitution of forests and areas in forestry regime
to their owners, including the enclaves from the forests and the vacuums in
the mountains, the buildings and places belonging to the forestry
administration personal estate confiscated by the communist regime, as well
as the getting of equivalent compensations, given situations when the
confiscated properties can’t be returned. By forest owners, F.O.A.R.
understands legal entities (communities, communal forests, buying
communities, cultural institutions, charity, churches, schools etc), as well as
natural persons who, in the 1st of January 1948 were the owners of
afforestatted areas and were abusively dispossessed by the communism,
without a special law on nationalizing these goods.
At the present, F.O.A.R.’s members (including City Halls) own over
1.800.000 ha – almost half of the area belonging to the forestry fund which
is reffered to in Law 1/2000, out of the largest, forestry fund – counties
(Bistriţa Năsăud, Harghita, Covasna, Braşov, Buzău, Argeş, Hunedoara,
Caraş Severin), especially legal entities.
1.During the period of proclamation and effective restitution of these
properties, F.O.A.R. will allege for these restorations to be made on
the areas where the owners had them before, with the cancellation of
any civil document, drawn up beside this context;
2.F.O.A.R. will make the necessary interventions for the
establishment of a modern forestry legislation, strong and efficient,
which will assure the protection of the preset forestry patrimony of the
country, as well as the development – in the future – of afforestation
areas, and which will support the actions specific to the national
forestry regime.
3.F.O.A.R. will encourage and support the administration of private
forests by the creation system of economic and forestry production
units organized by the principle of free association and group private
property, technical guided and controlled by territorial units belonging
to the national forestry regime.
4.F.O.A.R. has in mind giving professional technical assistance,
economical and juridical, to its members, representing and supporting
their interests in front of National Forestry Administration (N.F.A.)
and other statal authorities, helping them with finding solutions and
solving problems of security, protection, good administration of their
own forests, with the implementation of the afforestation working, the
capitalization of the products, the solving of the fitting out of the
forests, designing and building of the transport installations and other
things of the kind, including the acquisition of forestry outfit and
spare parts, feasibility researches, the organizing of an activity for
capitalizing the wooden mass, in order to show the value of wood for
the sake of the community and the setting up of new jobs, abolishing
the unemployment.
5.F.O.A.R. is organized in county branches for legal entities, natural
persons being kept in the evidence of the head office, after the
restitution being moved to the territorial branches.
Although before 1997 there hasn’t been a major interests in giving
back the properties (see law 18/1991 and its results), since 1998 foresting
specialists in research brought out the disaster given the bas taking care
before and at the moment by elaborating this paper work: “The strategy of
lasting development of the Romanian forestry during 2000 – 2020”, written
in order to show the taking care – through an etatist system – of the forests
administrated by N.F.A:
At the meetings that finalized the work, F.O.A.R. has sent the direct
reproof, which were very little taken into consideration, regarding the
implication of the owners in the direct administration, (all thee because of
the mentality of these grown up under communist rule), although we assume
the Law 1/2000 is already proclaimed.
- Knowing that, given the poverty, the forest owners – especially
natural persons – have the tendency to immediately cut and not mind the
forestry regime, this phenomenon has to be stopped; these are the reasons
the etatist sylviculturists imply.
- The forestry rule which must be applied and the severe punishment
of forestry crimes, together with an efficient, but not exaggerated
administration regarding the costs (such as those with the N.F.A. today), of
course stressing the education of the grown ups as well as that of the
children, in schools, in order to get a favorable opinion for the preserving
and taking care of the forests which the next generations will take advantage
of. The repeated and variously presented messages in all the places where
people meet.
All these will lead to a change-for the better-of normal people’s
attitude towards the woods.
The training programs for the whole population must be well-thought
and variously presented, in order to reach the soul of the people.
- For passing the restitution law, F.O.A.R. stressed the communities.
- F.O.A.R., as an apolitical association, enlightened especially the
opposition parties with which, beforehand – in the Senate-Law 1 was voted
and then promulgated by the Romanian president. The political power
wouldn’t have done it without us – the representatives of the civil society.
- Our restitution policy was and remains the same: integral and on the
same spots.
- Beforehand the restitution according to Law 1/2000,a rt.35 says:
“The giving of the forestry land in possession of the persons authorized to be
owners, according to the law, will be made only after the creation in the
territory of structures of control and usage of the forestry regime and only
after the proclamation of the laws with a view to forestry minor offences,
forestry regime and administration of forestry fund – private and statal
property – together with the statute of the forestry staff”; this problem is not
wished to be solved in the spirit of the law by the present say-laborer
All these haven’t been totally solved when the law came out.

2’ Which are the laws that settle the private

administration of the forest?

The administration and exploitation of the forest – private property –

rights reconstituted according to Law 18/1991 and Law 1/2000, will be
made as following:
*According to art. 25 paragraph 2 Law 1/2000 reported to art. 41 Law
18/1991, the administration and exploitation of the forest, no matter the
nature of the property, will be made in forestry regime.
*The settlement of the Forestry Regime and the administration of the
national forestry fund, no matter the nature of the property, is assured by GO
no. 96/1998, republished in the OG part. I no.23 from the 24th of January
2000. This authoritative document must be observed – regarding the
administration and exploitation of the forest – by all forest owners;
a. The State – owner of forestry fund – public property of the State;
b. The local communities: the commune, the city, the municipality –
owner of forestry fund – as legal entity – public property of the
c. The associative forms, private legal entities: communities of
freeholders, churches, schools, natural persons owners associations,
etc. – owner of forestry fund – indivisible private property;
d. Individual forest owners – owner of forestry funds – natural persons.
*According to art. 12 and 13 of the RGO no.98/1998 republished, the
forests mentioned on points b and c, they will be administered by the
owners, with the help of personal forestry structures, similar to those of the
State. In case there are no personal forestry structures, the forest will be
administered by N.F.A., based on a contract.
*The setting up, organization and working of the personal forestry
structures is foreseen in the Regulation approved by RGD no. 997 / 1999,
published in OG part. I no 597 from the 8th of February 1999.
*The necessity of the private forestry structures setting up is established
by the foresights of art. 35 paragraph 1 Law 1/2000, according to which the
giving of possession to the right persons (natural or legal entities) is made
only after personal forestry structures have been built in the territory
(cantons, districts, folds), with a view to the administration of the forest in a
forestry regime. The personnel employed is specialized, fulfills certain
conditioner and, last but not least, has the notification of TFO – no matter
the nature of the property. The forestry staff has attributions and obligations
foreseen in chapter III from R.G.D. no. 997 / 1999.
*According to art. 15 and the following ones from R.G.D. no. 96/1998,
republished, the forests which are private property of natural persons should
be administered by the owners.
Brasov str.Crisan nr.7A bl.2 ap.7
Tel/Fax: 0268 411854

Lista cu denumirea si sediul persoanelor juridice si fizice

membrii ai A.P.P.R cu care colaboreaza in vederea
realizarii obiectivului sau de activitate pe zone teritoriale

Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul

1. Zona Teritoriala ARGES
-Societatea agricola si forestiera Oraş. Topoloveni
“Cârcinovul” Jud Argeş
-Asociatia poprietarilor de padure Com. Lereşti
“Lereşti” Str.Principala.730
-Asociatia agricola-forestiera Com.Valea Mare-Pravăţ
“Argeşel” Nr.373
-Obştea moşnenilor”Nămăeşti” Com. Valea Mare-Pravăţ
Valea Mare Jud.Argeş
-Obştea moşnenilor “Negru Vodă” Oraş. C-lung
Câmpulung. Muşcel Str.Negru Vodă nr.98
-Obştea moşnenilor “Dragoslăveni” Com. Dragoslavele
-Obştea moşnenilor “Rucăr” Com.Rucăr

Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul

2. Zona teritoriala ALBA
Primăria Oraşului Sebeş Sebeş
Str. Primăverii nr.1/jud.Alba
Primăria comunei Câlnic Com.Câlnic nr.20
Primăria comunei Săliştea Com.Săliştea nr.447
Primăria comunei Sâsciori Com.Sâsciori nr.363
Primăria comunei Sugag Com. Sugag nr.276
Primăria comunei Horea Com. Horea
Primăria oraşului Cugir Oraş Cugir
Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul
3. Zona teritoriala ARAD
-Asociaţia “Codrii Zarandului” Oraş. Sebiş
Str.Română nr.4 jud.Arad
Asociaţia silvocinegetică Com. Bârzava-sat Căpruţa
“ Valea Mureşului” Nr.95 jud.Arad
Asociaţia silvocinegetică Com.Târnava nr.734
“Zarandul” Jud Arad
Asociaţia “Codrii Iancului’ Com. Hălmagiu
Str. Calea Moţilor nr.62
Jud Arad

Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul

4. Zona teritoriala BIHOR
Asociaţia “Cebul” Com. Finiş
Str. Principala nr.437
Primaria comunei Aleşd Com.Aleşd –jud Bihor
Primaria comunei Lugoj Com. Lugoj – jud.Bihor
Primaria comunei Ţeţechea Com. Ţeţechea- jud.Bihor
Primăria comunei Astileu Com. Astileu- jud.Bihor
Primăria comunei Măgeşti Com. Măgeşti –jud Bihor
Primăria comunei Vadul Crişului Com.Vadul Crişului-jud.Bihor
Primăria comunei Sacaiuş Com.Sacaiuş –jud.Bihor
Primăria comunei Bord Com.Bord – jud.Bihor
Primăria comunei Bratea Com. Bratea –jud.Bihor
Primăria comunei Bulz Com. Bulz – jud.Bihor

Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul

5. Zona teritoriala BISTRIŢA
Primăria comunei Telciu Com. Telciu nr.435
Primăria comunei Feldiu Com.Feldiu nr.186
Primăria comunei Salva Mare Com. Salva Mare
Primăria comunei Cinigca Com Cinigca
Primaria comunei Leşu Com Leşu
Primaria comunei Sângeorz Băi Com Sângeorz Băi
Primăria comunei Rebrişoara Com. Rebrişoara
Primăria comunei Măgura Ilvei Com Măgura Ilvei
Primăria comunei Salva Com. Salva
Primăria oraşului Năsăud Oraş Năsăud
Primăria oraşului Bistriţa Oraş Bistriţa
Uniunea Comunelor Granicereşti Năsăudene Oraş Năsăud
B-dul Grănicerilor nr.19
Asociaţia “ZÂNA” Mocon Sat. Mocon nr.57

Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul

6. Zona teritoriala BUZAU
Obştea moşnenilor Rânibei- Cătineni Com. Cătina nr.148
Jud. Buzău
Obştea moşnenilor Nehoiu Oraş Nehoiu
Str.Valea Nehoiaşului nr.8

Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul

7. Zona teritorială BRASOV
Primăria Sinca Com.Sinca
Composesoratul Cuciulata Com.Hoghiz
Composesoratul Bran Com. Bran
Composesoratul Moieciu Com. Moieciu

Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul

8. Zona teritoriala CARAS-SEVERIN
Primăria comunei Bănia Bănia nr.120 jud CS
Composesoratul Bucova Com.Bucovani nr.68
Composesoratul Stramburi/Bautar de jos Com.Bautari nr.254
Composesoratul Bautarii de Sus Com.Bautari nr.331
Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul
9. Zona teritorială COVASNA
Primăria comunei Sita Buzău Com.Sita Buzău nr.222
Primăria comunei Barcani Com. Barcani nr.266
Primăria comunei Dobârlău Com. Dobârlău nr.322
Primăria oraşului Intorsura Buzăului Oraş Intorsura Buzăului
Str.M Viteazul nr.173
Composesoratul Doboli Oraş Intorsura Buzău
Str. M Viteazul nr.94
Composesoratul Loborfalu Com. Sita Buzău nr.71
Asociaţia Valea Popii Com. Sita Buzău nr.188
Composesoratul Dragoş Vodă Com. Mărcuş nr.159
Composesoratul Dobârlău Com. Dobârlau nr.225
Composesoratul Piliske Com. Chichiş nr.103
Composesoratul Infraţirea Com. Dobolii de Jos nr.75
Paohia Ortodoxă Mărcuş Com. Dobârlău nr.78
Parohia Ortodoxă Chichiş Com. Chichiş nr.144

Nr.crt Denumire Sediul

10. Zona teritorială Harghita
Composesoratul Sândominic Com. Sândominic
Composesoratul Tomeşti Com. Tomeşti Jud.Harghita
Composesoratul Ineu Com.Ineu Jud.Harghita
Composesoratul Cârţa Com. Cârţa Jud.Harghita
Composesoratul Dăneşti Com. Dăneşti Jud.Harghita
Composesoratul Mădăraş Com. Mădăraş Jud.Harghita
Composesoratul Delniţa Com. Delniţa Jud.Harghita
Composesoratul Siculeni Com. Siculeni Jud.Harghita
Composesoratul Mihăileni Com. Mihăileni Jud.Harghita
Composesoratul Soimeni Com. Soimeni Jud.Harghita
Composesoratul Bancu Com. Bancu -“-
Composesoratul Ittketfalva -“-
Composesoratul Martonos Com. Mărtănaş -“-
Composesoratul Simonszege
Composesoratul Kotormany
Composesoratul Altizes
Composesoratul Ciucsângeorgiu Ciucsângeorgiu -“-
Composesoratul Haromtizes
Composesoratul Jenofalva
Composesoratul Armaşeni Com. Armaşeni -“-
Composesoratul Korosmeny
Composesoratul Sânmartin Com. Sânmartin -“-
Composesoratul Ciucani Com. Ciucani -‘-
Composesoratul Cozmeni Com. Cozmeni -“-
Composesoratul Lăzăreşti Com. Lăzăreşti -“-
Composesoratul Tuşnad Com. Tuşnad -“-
Composesoratul Vrabia Com. Vrabia -“-
Composesoratul Casinul Nou Com. Casinul Nou -“-
Composesoratul Plăieşii de Sus Com. Plaieşii de Sus -“-
Composesortul Plăieşii de Jos Com. Plăieşii de Jos –“-
Composesoratul Imper Com.Plăieşii de Jos -“-
Composesoratul Iacobeni Com. Iacobeni –“-
Composesoratul Zetea Com. Zetea –“-
Composesoratul Sâncrai Com. Sâncrai –“-
Composesoratul Făncel Com. Făncel
Composesoratul Dealu Com. Dealu
Composesoratul Bisericani Com. Bisericani
Composesoratul Varsay Com. Varsay
Composesoratul Căpâlniţa Com.Căpâlniţa
Composesoratul Atid Com. Atid
Composesoratul Meieşti Com.Meieşti
Composesoratul Ocland Com. Ocland
Composesoratul Corund Com.Corund
Composesoratul Lueta Com. Lueta
Composesoratul Praid Com.Praid
Composesoratul Ocna de Jos Com.Ocna de Jos
Composesoratul Ocna de Sus Com.Ocna de Sus
Composesoratul Gheorghieni Oraş Gheorgieni
Composesoratul Topliţa Oraş Topliţa
Composesoratul Bilboi Com. Bilboi
Composesoratul Ioseni Com. Ioseni
Composesoratul Ciumani Com. Ciumani
Composesoratul Ditrau Com. Ditrau
Composesoratul Remetea Com. Remetea
Composesoratul Suseni Com. Suseni
Composesoratul Chilieni Com. Chilieni
Composesoratul V.Strâmbă Com. V.Strâmbă
Composesoratul Lăzarea Com. Lăzarea
Primăria comunei Voşlobeni Com. Voşlobeni
Primăria comunei Lăzarea Com. Lăzarea
Primăria comunei. Brădeşti Com.Brădeşti

Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul

11. Zona teritorială HUNEDOARA
Composesoratul Livada Com.Livada jud.Hunedoara
Composesoratul Lăpugiu Com. Lăpugiu -“-
Composesoratul Dumbrăviţa Com. Dumbrăviţa
Composesoratul Săcămaş Com. Cornu
Composesoratul V.Bradului Oraş. Brad
Liceul Avram Iancu Oraş .Brad
Composesoratul Pui Com. Pui
Composesoratul Poiana Teilor Com. Poaina Teilor
Primăria Merişor-Băniţa Com. Băniţa
Composesoratul Zeica Com. Zeica
Composesoratul Ilia Com. Ilia
Asociaţia Composesoratului Com. Corneşti
Asociaţia Composesortului Oraş. Petroşani

Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul

12. Zona teritorială Mureş
Primăria comunei Apold Com.Aplod nr.134/jud.Mures
Primăria comunei Deda Com. Deda
Str. Lean Popescu nr.1
Primăria comunei Răstolniţa Com. Răstolniţa nr.335
Primăria comunei Sachiz Com. Saschiz nr.159
Asociaţia Uniunii Proprietarilor Com. Ghindari nr.332
de paduri şi păşuni “Ghindari”

Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul

13. Zona teritoriala Prahova
Obştea moşnenilor Izvorani Com. Izvoarele/ jud.Prahova
Obştea moşnenilor Marcoveşti-Homorâciu Com.Izvoarele
Obştea moşnenilor Stăneşti Com. Drajna
Obştea moşnenilor Bătrâni Com. Staichiojd
Obştea moşnenilor Opreşti-Stăteşti Com. Talea
Asociaţia Slănic Com. Slănic

Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul

14. Zona teritorială Sălaj
Asociaţia Proprietarilor de Păduri Oraş. Zalău
Persoane Fizice şi Juridice Str. Republicii nr.15
Jud. Sălaj

Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul

15. Zona teritorială Sibiu
Primăria Comunei Cisnădie Com. Cisnădie/ jud.Sibiu
Primăria comunei Jina Com. Jina
Primăria oraşului Tlmaci Oraş. Tălmaci
Primăria comunei Sadu Com. Sadu
Primăria comunei R.Sadului Com. R.Sadului
Primăria comunei Selimbăr Com. Selimbăr

Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul

16. Zona teritorială MOLDOVA(Bucovina)
Obştea Satului Pojorâta Com.Pojorâta nr.566
Jud. Suceava
Obştea de pădure “ Capu Codului” Com. Păltinoara/jud.Suceava
Arhiepiscopia Sucevei şi Rădăuţilor Jud.SV
Obştea moşnenilor Vatra Moldoviţei Com. Vatra Moldoviţei/ SV
Liga Răzeşilor Dorneni Vatra Dornei / SV
Obştea Gemenea Com. Stulpicani / SV
Obştea de Pădure Berchseşti Com.Drăgoieşti / SV
Asociaţia “Padu Man” Gura Humorului / SV
Mănăstirea Humorului
Obştea moşnenilor Vatra Moldovei Com. Vatra Moldovei / SV
Obştea Valea Seacă Com. Valea Moldovei / SV
Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul
17. Zona teritorială VRANCEA
Obştea Negrileşti Com.Negrileşti/ jud.Vrancea
Obştea Viişoara Com. Vidia
Obştea Năruja Com.Năruja
Obştea Poiana Com.Vrâncioara
Obştea Spineşti Com.Vrâncioara
Obştea Herăstrău Com. Nistoreşti
Obştea Nistoreşti Com. Nistoreşti
Obştea Calacu Com.Valea Sării
Obştea Vrâncioaia Com. Vrâncioaia
Obştea Valea Sării Com. Valea Sării
Obştea Paltin Com.Paltin
Obştea Nereju Com.Nereju

Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul

18. Zona teritorială Vâlcea
Asociaţia obştilor de moşneni Com.Voineasa
“Valea Lotrului” Str.Gratului nr.11/jud Vâlcea
Obştea “Plaiul Poienii” Com. Voineasa
Str.Gratului nr.11
Obştea” Plaiul Vătafului de Jos” Com.Voineasa
Str.Gratului nr.11
Obştea moşnenilor Olăneşti Oraş. Olăneşti
Str. T.Vladimirescu nr.64
Obştea sătească Berceşti- Vlădoi Com. Novaci Jud.Gorj
Obştea sătească Bălceşti-Petieşti Com.Bengeşti-Ciocodia
Obştea Delurelul de Jos Com.Voineasa/ jud.Vâlcea
Str.I.G.Duca nr.62
Obştea moşnenilor Voineşari Com.Voineasa/ jud.Vâlcea
Str.I.G.Duca nr.102
Obştea Fraţilor Tăreşti Com.Voineasa/ jud.Vâlcea
Str.I.G.Duca nr.74
Obştea Repezi-Frăteşteanu Com. Malaia
Obştea Moliniş Oraş Brezoi
Str. Uzinei nr.139
Obştea moşnenilor Robeşti Sat.Răzeşti
Obştea moşnenilor Cheia Sat Cheia nr.103
Obştea Casna-Curmătura Com.Popeşti nr.607
Obştea Turcinari Com.Vaideni
Obştea moşnenilor Mălăieni Com. Malaia nr.242
Obştea Târnava Mică Com.Vaideni
Obştea Izvorul Rece Com. Vaideni
Obştea Târnava Mare Com. Malaia
Obştea Runculeţ Com. Voineasa
Str.I.Gh.Duca. nr.181
Obştea Fraţilor Mirioneşti Com.Voineasa
Str.Igh.Duca nr.102

Nr.crt Denumirea Sediul

Persoane fizice membre sau afiliate la

APPR= 170

Asociaţia Proprietarilor de Paduri din România (A.P.P.R) colaborează şi cu alţi

proprietari de păduri persoane fizice neafiliaţi până in prezen la una din asociaţiile
membre ale A.P.P.R.

Menţionăm că procesul de aderare a noilor membrii continuă.



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