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Kevin Zheng

September 28th, 2007

Euro History
6th Period
Chapter 17 Outline Part 1

I. The Age of Reformation and Religious Wars

A. On the Eve of the Reformation
B. The Reformation
C. The Social Significance of the Reformation in Western Europe
D. Family Life in Early Modern Europe
E. The Wars of Religion
F. England and Spain (1558-1603)
G. Superstition and Enlightenment
H. IN WORLD PERSPECTIVE : The Renaissance and Reformation

II. On the Eve of the Reformation

A. The Discovery of a New World
1. Expanded geographical and intellectual horizons of Europeans
2. Started with Columbus
3. Prince Henry the Navigator + gold trade
4. Spices were good trade, for food and preservation
5. Columbus’s Voyages
a. Start from Canary Islands landed in San Salvador
b. Thought San Salvador was Japan
c. “Friendly” natives met Columbus
d. Gave his men corn and tams, and many sexual favors “They never say no”
e. Thought they can be easily enslaved\
6. Other explorers explored the new continent as well such as Amerigo Vespucci
and Ferdinand Magellan
7. Impact on Europe
a. 3 centuries of Spanish Conquest
b. Changed culture
c. destroyed civilizations, warfare, new diseases
B. Religion and Society
1. Protestant Reformation
2. First in imperial cities of Germany and Switzerland
3. Some converted, some stayed the same, some became Protestant then changed
back, some mixed and Catholics and Protestants coexist
4. Different internal social and political divisions
5. Church ceased religious piety
6. Modern Devotion : Brothers of the Common Life
7. Eve of reformation Church Network falls apart in some areas
8. City Governments restrict growth of ecclesiastical properties and clerical
9. Improve local religious life by bringing the clergy under the local tax code
C. The Northern Renaissance
1. Northern humanist crate climate favorable to religious and educational
2. Stimulated from the importation of Italian learning
3. Northern Humanist = more diverse background
4. Growth of schools and cheap paper created a mass audience for printed books
5. Johann Gutenberg invented movable type
6. Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536)
a. “prince of humanist”
b. Educational and a religious reformer
c. Under classical ideals of humanism and civic virtue with the Christian
ideals of love and piety
d. Edited works of Church fathers and made a Greek Edition of the New
e. Catholic and Lutheran turned against him
f. Lutherans: hypocrisy and cowardice
g. Remained Christian even after criticizing the papacy
h. Dismissed new teachings of Martin Luther
7. Thomas More (1478-1535)
8. Spain tried to stay Catholic

III. The Reformation

A. Martin Luther and His German Reformation
1. Late Medieval Germany lacked political unity to enforce “national” religious
2. 1517 Humanist, Martin Luther’s reform
3. Registered for being lawyer but didn’t pursue that path
4. Join Order of the Hermits of Saint Augustine on July 17th, 1505
5. Despise the phrase “righteousness of God”
6. Works of satisfaction: prayer, fasting, almsgiving, retreats, and pilgrimages

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