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"Soviet"AgentsDesignedIMF, WorldBank& UnitedNations

By HenryMakowPh.D. January11, 2009

We usually think of the New World Order as something coming in the future. In fact, a veiled Masonic Jewish banker dictatorship has e isted for some time. !his is the first world con"uest by infiltration and subversion. !hey took over the levers of power while maintaining the appearance of democracy and freedom. !hey did this by duping Jews and Masons, and the population in general with liberalism, socialism, #ionism and communism. $%rotocol &'()*+,ar back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words +-iberty, ."uality, ,raternity,+ words many times repeated since these days by stupid poll' parrots who, from all sides around, flew down upon these baits and with them carried away the well'being of the world...+/ !he Illuminati formali#es its tyranny by, for e ample, using the phony +war on terror+ as a prete t to suspend civil liberties and build a police state. Notice, no one has asked 0arack Obama to withdraw the +%atriot 1ct.+ 2. ,13!O !451NN4 5ecently, I was reminded of this de facto tyranny when I read that the ma6or institutions of the post'war world were created by +7oviet spies,+ i.e. men working directly for the Illuminati $Masonic/ Jewish bankers. !he most prominent was 8arry 2e ter White, a founder $and 2irector/ of the IM,, as well as the World 0ank. 1s 1ssistant to the 7ecretary of the !reasury, 8enry Morgenthau, also a 7oviet agent, White $originally +Weit+/ also delivered the printing plates for 97 occupation currency in :ermany to the 7oviets, costing the 97 ;)< billion. ,25=s administration was rife with 7oviet spies, mostly Jews, protected by ,25 himself. !his included spies in the Manhattan %ro6ect who delivered the plans for the atomic bomb to 5ussia.

!here was nothing +5ussian+ about the 9775. It was an Illuminati $Masonic/ Jewish state. 7o were>are .ngland, the 9nited 7tates and most of .urope. If White helped found the IM, and World 0ank, 1lger 8iss, a 3olonel in the 7oviet :%9, helped design the 9nited Nations and served as its first acting 7ecretary :eneral. 1 revival of the -eague of Nations, the 9N is the main mechanism of Masonic Jewish world government. I say +Masonic Jewish+ because most Jews aren=t Masons and most Masons aren=t Jews. 0ut ,reemasonry is a secret society based on Judaism. !he essence of a secret society is that the membership is manipulated to fulfill a hidden agenda, in this case world domination. White and 8iss could have been dupes, believing in +changing the world.+ 0ut think about it folks. !he architects of the IM,, World 0ank and 9nited Nations were both +7oviet+ agents, traitors, proof that the covert Illuminati takeover was complete in the &?@<=s or earlier. $My source for White and 8iss= spying is the 3I1 Interrogation of :estapo 3hief 8einrich Muller, who intercepted 7oviet cables from Washington to Moscow. +:estapo 3hief,+ Aol III by :regory 2ouglas pp. &B('&C@. !his was later confirmed by the testimony of 7oviet defector .li#abeth 0entley and the release of the A.NON1 material by 97 1rmy 7ignal Intelligence./ 71001!.1N7 1lthough 8iss wasn=t a Jew, he was a protege of ,eli ,rankfurter, a 7upreme 3ourt 6udge and 7abbatean Jew. !he 7abbateans were a &Cth 3entury Jewish heresy, a 7atanic cult that gave birth to the Illuminati. Numbering over a million,they included powerful bankers like the 5othschilds. When their leader 7abbatai Dvi pretended to convert to Islam $under duress from the 7ultan/, the 7abbateans imitated him by infiltrating other nationalities and religions. !his is the origin of Jewish assimilation $the +8askalah+/, all the more effective because most Jews were sincere. !he hard'core 7abbateans were 3abalists determined to be their own :od>Messiah and make the world worship them. !hey advanced this program by recruiting non'Jewish elites willing to betray their country using ,reemasonry as the tent. $,reemasonry is based on Jewish 3abalism./ 3ommunism and Dionism are both Masonic movements and Illuminati instruments. !hey brought 8itler to power and engineered the 8olocaust to reclaim assimilated Jews for Dionism.

,rankfurter was an +adviser+ to both Woodrow Wilson and ,25. +1dvisers+ or +brain trusts+ were the handlers, intermediaries between the Illuminati bankers and the politicians who are front men. 1nother Jewish +7oviet+ agent was -0J=s handler, 1be ,ortas, also a 7upreme 3ourt 6udge. !he ultimate +7oviet+ agent was Aictor 5othschild himself. ,inanced by the central banking cartel, the Illuminati Order control Intelligence agencies and most organi#ations and corporations of significance. 0ut they operate at arm=s length. ,25 and 7talin both wanted Aice %resident 8enry Wallace, another 7oviet agent, to succeed to the %residency. 0ut !ruman was installed instead, probably because the Illuminati wanted a 3old War to further degrade the West. -ike all wars, the 3old War was a hoa designed to further concentrate power and profit in the hands of the Illuminati bankers. !he Illuminati always re"uire an e ternal enemy to distract attention from themselves, the enemy within. !8. 7.35.! 7O3I.!4 MO2.!he whole world is now structured like a 3abalistic secret society. !he vast ma6ority of people are duped into thinking they are free and pursuing laudable goals. Only the +adepts+ understand that the true purpose of all social trends, movements and world events is to condition the masses to play their role in the Masonic banker world tyranny. 1s e plained in the +%rotocols of Dion,+ this role is to be permanently +dumbed down,+ or like children, trusting +leaders+ in all respects. !hus, arrested development is promoted by undermining heterose ual marriage and family using se ual promiscuity, feminism and homose uality. 2iversity, multiculturalism, migration are all used to undermine nations and races of .uropean descent. +3ulture+ is drenched in se , violence, trivia, atheism, nihilism and 7atanism, which I suspect originate in 3abalism. World events and social trends are engineered to advance world government tyranny. -ast week, we again heard 8enry Eissinger and +!hree 7tooges,+ 0rown, Merkel and 7arko#y, describe the economic meltdown as an +opportunity+ for a New World Order. In a famous statement at the June &??& 0ilderberg meeting, 2avid 5ockefeller thanked the media for help in creating a +supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers, which is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries. +

Of course, the +intellectual elite+ is really a fig leaf to cover banker tyranny. More accurately +intellectual whores,+ they sugarcoat the world government agenda in spurious platitudes. 1s I have said, the bankers want to translate their economic monopoly into a total political, cultural, spiritual and mental monopoly. !he goal of +hate+ laws is to enforce this monopoly on thought itself. !hese laws have nothing to do with hate. We live in a coloni#ed, totalitarian society mas"uerading as a free society. !hat should be obvious by the way they murder 1mericans with impunity. !hey assassinated J,E, killed sailors on the 977 -iberty and later thousands of 1mericans on ?'&&. We live in a totalitarian society dying to take off its mask in a way that makes tyranny appear normal, natural and necessary, so the masses will accept increased degradation and servitude. -ink to this posting* http*>>>understandingFdeFfactoFillumin.html

3omments for ++7oviet+ 1gents 2esigned IM,, World 0ank G 9nited Nations+ 1lan said $January &&, (<<?/* say +Masonic Jewish+ because most Jews aren=t Masons and most Masons aren=t Jews. 0ut ,reemasonry is a secret society based on Judaism. !he essence of a secret society is that the membership is manipulated to fulfill a hidden agenda, in this case world domination. 8i 8enry, I=m so glad you included the term +Masonic'Jewish+ and it=s e planation in your recent article. It forces people to think a little bit more about these things, that the people doing this to us are not a single homogenous easily identified people like blacks, whites, latinos etc. It makes people look beyond what they thought they knew about +Jews+ being the chosen ones and that maybe, the modern day Israelis are not the same as the Israelites of the O.!., and that maybe, 3hristians ought not be supporting #ionism and that we are NO! all Israelis now. Judy said $January &&, (<<?/* 2ear 8enry* Well done, as usual. I=m afraid it=s too late. :lad I=m CH. !hanks. 2ave said $January &&, (<<?/*

!hanks again for a good thought provoking article that tells it like it is. Jesus said, +4e shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.+ :handi said, +.ven if I am a minority of one, the truth is still the truth+. .ven though it is not a pleasent truth, thanks again for bringing it to light. %aul said,+ ,or our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spritual powers of darkness in high places.+ !hat darkness is the deception and manipulation the illuminati have duped mankind with. !he word +devil+ is 6ust greek for deceiver. !he word +satan+ is 6ust hebrew for adversary, as in adversary of mankind. Jesus was totally aware of their deception as he addressed in many times, and their prime MO, +!he love of money is the root of all evil+. 8ow easily people are bought off...then and now. Jesus was well aware of the 3abalistic 7atanic system of the %harisees, as he addressed it in John H*II calling them +children of the devil+. !he %harisses had brought back this 0abylonian 5eligion from the Isrealites captivity there under Nebacane##ar around B<< 03. !hey called it the +oral tradition+ which is a translation of the meaning of 0abylonian !almud that was latter at least partially put into writing several centuries after Jesus. I also believe that the +%rotocals of Dion+ was part of that oral tradion, although it was not put into writing until the &H<<=s. 0ut it is not Jewish in origin. It is the +Mystery 0abylon+ that was written about by John in the book of 5evelation. It predates even 0abylon, 3haldea, and 7umer. If people like yourself 8enry did not take the time and affort to bring to light events the world would still be a darker place. I believe once we are clued into the truth we can all spiritually access even more knowledge and insight. 7ome world call intuition, some divine revelation, some like 3arl Jung would call it collective unconscious and syncronicity. 1 sect of early 3hristians known as 1rians believed this, but their school of thought was labled heresy at the 3ouncil of Nicea, so the yoke of human control could replace a spiritual realtionship with :od. !he spirit if Jesus and the spirit of truth are all the same thing. I am not speaking of some theological concept of trinity for that is a man made construct. I am speaking of a direct relationship with :od that anybody can obtain if they seek the truth, +seek and ye shall find+...

4ou have opened alot of eyes 8enry...kudos. I believe when you and I pray, we pray to the same :od regardless of wether a person knows him a 48W8, Jesus, I am, or whatever. :od is love. =!ell a tree by it=s fruit+. !he answers are there folks...6ust look around. !yson said $January &&, (<<?/* In reference to your latest article,I believe you did a spot on 6ob delivering a summary of the truth about the evil in control of the world. I might remind you thou that the final goal is installing 7atan $the main anti christ prophesied about in revelation/ as chief priest of the new world religion and chief e ecutive of new world government. !his government will not be in place until after ww@ is over. 1ll of this will culminate in the +mark+ that none can buy or sell with out,as a world currency. ,ilms like the -ord of the 5ings outline this plan programming the masses subconsciously to accept him when he is revealed. -ink to this posting and comments* http*>>>understandingFdeFfactoFillumin.html


0y 2avid Icke ,riday, @rd July (<<? 8ello all ... If anyone still thinks the political creed of Dionism is about Jewish people then please read on. Dionism is, at its core, a secret society connected to all the others in the global web. It was not established for the benefit of Jewish people, but to e ploit them and use them as a cover for the manipulations of the 8ouse of 5othschild.

Dionism is another word for tyranny. No'one is allowed to "uestion it or e pose it without conse"uences ' including Jews. Well, actually, especially those of Jewish parentage, because they can=t be labelled =anti'7emitic= by the 5othschild' fronts that seek to defame, discredit and destroy anyone who is getting too close to the truth. !hey=ve tried it on me, but I=m still here. !ough. !his week I heard that a friend of mine, 8enry Makow, the inventor of the board game, 7cruples, is being called before a 3anadian =8uman 5ights= !ribunal over a complaint that he foments hatred against Jews.

8enry Makow What makes this claim even more insane than usual is that 8enry is the son of parents who suffered in Na#i'occupied %oland and his grandparents perished. 8is parents only survived by posing as 3atholics. Now here is the son and grandson of those Jewish victims of the 5othschild'funded Na#is being accused of spreading hatred against Jews. 3ome againJJ !he complaint has been lodged by the 3anadian Jewish 3ongress, or 3J3, and its chief e ecutive, 0ernie ,arber, who campaigned for years to stop me speaking in 3anada. 7hockingly, this man is considered one of 3anada=s leading e perts in =hate crime= when his 6ob is to use allegations of =hate crime= to silence his targets.

!he 3J3 works closely with 0=nai 0=rith, which was established by the 5othschilds in &HI@. 1ll twelve of the =00=s= official founders were born in the 5othschild homeland of :ermany and moved to New 4ork in the same period from the late &H(<s and into the &?@<s. 0=nai 0=rith, which means =7ons of the 3ovenant=, calls itself the =global voice of the Jewish 3ommunity=, when it is a global voice for the 5othschild Illuminati and operates as a strand in the secret society network. It is very closely connected with the ,reemasons. 0=nai 0=rith spawned the 1nti'2efamation -eague, or 12-, and both organisations seek to brand anyone who e poses the 5othschild conspiracy as a =racist=. !he 3anadian Jewish 3ongress, 0=nai 0=rith and the 12- operate basically as one unit. In typically Orwellian fashion, the role of the 1nti'2efamation -eague is to defame people and the full title of 0=nai 0=rith is the =Independent Order of 0=nai 0=rith= when that=s the last thing it is. 4ou can only laugh, really. 8enry Makow faces a potentially e pensive legal bill to defend himself before the 3anadian =8uman 5ights= dictatorship and protect his website from the censors. !he 3anadian =8uman 5ights= 3ommission is another front for the 5othschild network that is targeting free e pression and those who e pose the pure evil behind world events. One of the demands of the 3J3 is that 8enry be forced to remove an article entitled =+7oviet+ 1gents 2esigned IM,, World 0ank G 9nited Nations=. 3lick here to read it and please circulate far and wide* http*>>>understandingFdeFfactoFillumin.html

Ezra Levant
!he 3anadian =8uman 5ights= 3ommission $3853/ is brilliantly e posed in a book called 7hakedown by the 3anadian Jewish writer and publisher, .#ra -evant, who is another target of the !hought %olice. 8e reveals the e traordinary behaviour of former 3853 =investigator= and serial complainant, 5ichard Warman, a friend of 0ernie ,arber, which includes posting deeply racist comments on websites and then reporting them to the 3853 for publishing racist messages.

No, you didn=t misread that. !he 3ommission and its =!ribunals= are simply kangaroo courts in which everyone is guilty before the evidence is even heard. 8enry Makow rightly says* =!he 3853 ... forwards the Dionists= complaints to the +!ribunal+ which prides itself for being an impartial court. 0ut the !ribunal has never refused to hear a case, no matter how baseless. Nor has any complaint been settled in favour of the defendant.= !hanks to the tireless efforts of people like .#ra -evant, even the 3anadian media has begun to realise the scale of censorship and human rights abuses that are going on. !he Ottawa 3iti#en said* =1 court where the rulings go only one way is the very definition of a show trial. !hese institutions should be the source of shame to 3anadians=. .#ra -evant is, ironically, a passionate supporter of Israel and Dionism and yet he is still in the gun'sights of 5othschild Dionist organisations like the 3anadian Jewish 3ongress. .#ra=s crime is to stand up for freedom of speech and thus e pose the =8uman 5ights= 3ommission and the 3anadian Jewish 3ongress for seeking to deny such freedom. !hese two organisations work very closely together even though the 3ommission is supposed to answer to government and the other is =private=. What connects them is the 5othschild network of systematic censorship. 8enry Makow puts it very well when he says* +8uman rights+ have become dirty words in 3anada because Dionists determine who will have them. Welcome to the future=. Not 6ust in 3anada, either. It is happening worldwide as =hate laws= are introduced through the manipulations of 5othschild Dionist organisations like 0=nai 0=rith and the 1nti'2efamation -eague. Once again, these laws have nothing to do with protecting people from racism or pre6udice. !hey are to protect the 5othschilds and their cohorts from e posure. !he 3anadian Jewish 3ongress is seeking to persecute 8enry Makow because he e poses 5othschild Dionism and its true agenda, and alerts Jewish people to how they are being used

and abused to impose a new world system that will enslave them as well as everyone else. :eorge Orwell wrote, prophetically* =In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act.= It is also fast becoming a crime. !he Jewish professor, 2avid ,. Noble, faced the wrath of the 5othschild Dionist lobby when he e posed their control of 3anada=s third'biggest university, the 4ork 9niversity in !oronto. 8e distributed flyers headed* =!he 4ork 9niversity ,oundation* !he !ail !hat Wags the 2og $7uggestions for ,urther 5esearch/=. !he ,oundation is the university=s ma6or fundraising body and %rofessor Noble said it had been hi6acked by the =Israel'lobby= $see 5othschild/ to influence university policy. 8e also highlighted the broader influence of Israel in Western Institutions. What was the reaction of the 5othschild Dionist lobbyJ !hey actually called this Jewish professor =anti'7emitic=. 8ow desperate can you getJ 9nbowed, %rofessor Noble has issued a ;() million lawsuit at the Ontario 7uperior 3ourt of Justice for defamation. !he defendants include the private corporate entity, 4ork 9niversity ,oundationK pro'Israel lobbying and fundraising organi#ationsK 8illel of !orontoK the 9nited Jewish 1ppeal ,ederation of !orontoK and the 3anadian Jewish 3ongress, Ontario, and their agents. !he lawsuit accuses these groups of trying to harm, silence, and malign %rofessor Noble because of his critical investigations into e ternal influences on his university. %rofessor Noble said* =In an effort to suppress my in"uiries, publicly destroy my reputation, and isolate me from my peers, the defendants launched the most vile kind of personal attack ' attempting to stigmatise a Jewish man as an anti'semite ' because I darede amine and e pose their pernicious activities. !hese rich and powerful people pretend to be friends of higher learning but are in fact its worst enemies. !hey think they have bought themselves a university. !hey haven=t..= :ood on you, mate. 1 famous Jewish hate'figure of the 5othschild Dionists $hate is their base emotion/ is the magnificent Norman ,inkelstein, who has e posed their sickening abuse of Jewish people in his book, !he 8olocaust Industry* 5eflections on the . ploitation of Jewish 7uffering. 0oth of his parents survived the Na#i concentration camps.

8is mother was held in the Ma6danek camp, and two slave labour camps, and his father was in 1uschwit#. .very other member of his family on both sides was killed by the Na#is. I thoroughly recommend his book if you want to see the unimaginable lengths to which the 5othschild Dionists e ploit Jewish people. It is truly breathtaking. !hese people have no shame. ,inkelstein shows how the number of alleged =8olocaust 7urvivors= increased from &<<,<<< in &?I) to nearly a million by &??C as the 5othschild Dionists of the 8olocaust Industry demanded ever more compensation for fake victims. =If everyone who claims to be a survivor actually is one=,+ his mother used to say, =who did 8itler killJ= Meanwhile, the real survivors have lost out because, to the 5othschild Dionists, they don=t matter. ,inkelstein=s mother received only ;@,)<< in compensation from the :erman government while others, many of whom never went near a concentration camp, were given lifetime pensions by :ermany worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. !he 5othschild Dionists worked this scam by negotiating with the :erman government that the compensation should not go to individuals who actually suffered, but for the rehabilitation of Jewish =communities=. In other words, to 5othschild Dionist organisations. Oh yeah, there were two e ceptions to the no'payment'to'individuals rule ... rabbis and =outstanding Jewish leaders=. !hey still got their individual che"ues in the post and by today=s values the money paid out by :ermany amounts to tens of billions of dollars. !he 5othschild Dionist front that negotiated this outrage was the =3onference on Jewish Material 3laims 1gainst :ermany=, which included the 1merican Jewish 3ommittee, 1merican Jewish 3ongress and 0=nai 0=rith. !hese are the very organisations that say we need =hate laws= to protect Jewish people about whom they do not give a shit. One rabbi denounced the compensation deal in words that captured the real motivation of these self'appointed =protectors= of Jewish people. 5abbi 1rthur 8ert#berg said* =It=s not about 6usticeK it=s a fight for money=.

!he . ecutive Aice'%resident of the 3onference on Jewish Material 3laims 1gainst :ermany $the =3laims 3onference=/ is a guy called 7aul Eagan and ,inkelstein says of him* =!he reported annual salary of 7aul Eagan ... is ;&<),<<<. Eagan rings up in &( days what my mother received for suffering si years of Na#i persecution. !he hundred grand salary was in the year (,<<< ' think what it will be now. Eagan is still in situ and says that his organisation has so far secured more than ;B< billion in compensation payments to =8olocaust survivors= throughout the world. ,inkelstein writes* =In recent years, the 8olocaust industry has become an outright e tortion racket. %urporting to represent all of world Jewry, living and dead, it is laying claim to 8olocaust'era Jewish assets throughout .urope. ,ittingly dubbed the +last chapter of the 8olocaust+, this double shakedown of .uropean countries as well as legitimate Jewish claimants first targeted 7wit#erland. L1fter a protracted campaign which enlisted the 1merican political establishmentM the 7wiss finally caved in LinM &??H and agreed to pay ;&.()bn. +!he aim...+ a 7wiss bank=s press release read, +is to avert the threat of sanctions as well as long and costly court proceedings. Its solicitude for +needy 8olocaust survivors+ notwithstanding, the World Jewish 3ongress wants nearly half the 7wiss monies earmarked for Jewish organisations and +8olocaust education+. !he 7imon Wiesenthal 3entre maintains that if +worthy+ Jewish organisations receive monies, +a portion should go to Jewish educational centres+. 1s they +angle+ for a bigger share of the loot, reform and orthodo organisations each claim that the ... dead would have preferred their branch of Judaism as financial beneficiary.= !he World Jewish 3ongress and the 7imon Wiesenthal 3entre are more 5othschild'controlled organisations. Norman ,inkelstein has also e posed Israel=s treatment of the %alestinians and its human rights abuses. 8e said it was guilty of state terrorism and the =only difference between Israel terrorism and 8amas terrorism is that Israeli terrorism is three times as lethal=. ,inkelstein=s e posure of these sick and corrupt people made him dangerous indeed to the 5othschild Dionist establishment and they retaliated in the usual way. 1 campaign of

vilification was unleashed, spearheaded by the 5othschild Dionist, 1lan 2ershowit#, the 8arvard law professor and advocate of =torture warrants= to make torture legal. Idiot students protesting at a speech by Norman ,inkelstein at the 5othschild Dionist' controlled 3olumbia 9niversity in (<<B. . posing in6ustice, even against Jewish people, makes you a supporter of 8e#bollah, apparently. 7ome wore !'shirts saying =Norman ,inkelstein* 4our 8atred Is Not Wanted at 3olumbia=. %athetic. If you are Jewish, and the label =anti'7emite= is not credible, they dub you a =self'hater=. Never mind refuting your evidenceK that is irrelevant. !hey know that if they debate the issue with evidence they are in serious trouble. No, abuse is their weapon. If you e pose them and you are not Jewish, you are an =anti'7emite=. If you e pose them and you are Jewish, you are a =self'hater. One 5othschild Dionist critic said that ,inkelstein was =a sick, disgusting e ample of self'hatred=. 1s one writer put it* =1ccording to this propaganda, Jews who raise serious criticisms of Israel for the mistreatment of %alestinians, Jews such as Norman ,inkelstein, Noam 3homsky, 7ara 5oy, and many others, are, in short, +0ad Jews+. It is left to the +:ood Jews+ to neutrali#e such criticisms of Israel by tarring critics with these labels, thereby ending their employment, blocking speaking engagements, or generally attempting to destroy their credibility with the public ' and with university presidents. In this ta onomy, it is the +:ood Jews+ who claim to speak for Jews collectively.= %ut another way, the only =:ood Jews= are the 5othschild Dionists and those that do what they tell them. Jewish people in general need to understand this or they will go on being scammed. Dionism does not mean Jewish, it means =5othschild=. In (<<C, Norman ,inkelstein was =denied tenure=, in effect sacked, by 2e%aul 9niversity in 3hicago after a vicious campaign against him led by 1lan 2ershowit#, who sent members of the university =a dossier of Norman ,inkelstein=s most egregious academic sins, and especially his outright lies, mis"uotations, and distortions=. I=m sure it was a very balanced document. ,inkelstein=s department and a college'level personnel committee still voted in favour of his tenure, but he was opposed by the dean of the 3ollege of -iberal 1rts and 7ciences and the 9niversity 0oard on %romotion and !enure.

!his is how the 5othschild Dionists manipulate ' by controlling or influencing organisations and the key positions of power. It is far more difficult to impose your will upon many individuals, so you need to control the upper echelons of the organisational pyramids. !he university president, the 5everend 2ennis 8oltschneider, had the final decision and he gutlessly bowed to 5othschild Dionist pressure. ,inkelstein was out. I was able to speak at !oronto 9niversity in the late &??<s only because the top guy refused to give in to pressure from the 3anadian Jewish 3ongress, 1nti'2efamation -eague and 5ichard Warman to ban me. 7oon afterwards, he was gone. !here is a crackdown on diversity and dissent throughout the education system and academia as the 5othschild Dionists sei#e ever more power in the way described by %rofessor Noble. !hey control the funding and manipulate policy and appointments. Norman ,inkelstein=s academic career has been essentially destroyed for telling the truth and that=s the reason why %rofessor Noble was vilified and 8enry Makow is under attack today. !hey are all from Jewish backgrounds, but that matters not. 5othschild Dionism is not about the interests of Jewish people. It is about control. 2avid Icke http*>>>content>blogcategory>@<>IH>

A RepresentativeOf The NSWJewishBoard Of Deputies HasThreatenedTo Shut DownThe LoveFor Life WebsitePart Two

4th July 2009
LNote* 1lso check out 7teve Johnson=s 7outh .ast 1sia News 1rticle %osted ,urther 2own In !his WebpageM 1ustralia, the wonderful free and open nation, was formed by combining 1-- N1!ION7 creeds and colours to make an incredible mi of people sharing their e periences and 6oining together to create a nation of acceptance, tolerance and the uni"ue ability to "uestion itself without fear of being called names, being labelled or being hit with cheap, petty shots. 8owever in todayNs world this has all changed. We are told that we are no longer allowed to "uestion ourselves or our world with impunity without being called racist, a bigot or a nut6ob for doing so, even if we do so only with the determination to seek the truth. We are are told that we are no longer allowed to "uestion the fictional stories pumped out by the Media without being accused of +incitement+.

We are are told that we are no longer allowed to print or re'print material which "uestions the official versions of some very obvious, blatant, official lies. Why is this soJ !he Newsprint and 5adio industries, for years the backbone of the propaganda arm of the +systemO, are no longer the primary sources of information for many people. 7ince the e plosion in popularity of the internet, millions of people online have come to the conclusion that mainstream television reporters are no longer reporters. Investigative reporters in mainstream media are now a relic of the (<th century system and, as clear as day, todayNs reporters have been e posed as +repeaters+, repeating news'spin new'speak, catchy infotainment news liteP catch blurbs, now with B)Q less facts and (<Q more filling. Our collective digestive tracts have been clogged with this rubbish for so long that it has taken real news reports on the internet by real reporters committed to e posing the truth for the rubbish of the !A media to be e posed for what it really is. !he era of the !A media being an influential power has dissipated and been drowned out by its own nightly news theme songs. 3onsider that, for hundreds of years, the system of :overnments that have been elected to govern have put in place guidelines, laws and rules to preserve their rule and to what total sumJ What e actly have they done to benefit us as a peopleJ 0asically nothing but line their own pockets and screw it all up for the rest of us. Our water is poisoned, our animals are sick and dying and our food has become to ic and dangerous, full of cheap, nasty, untested chemicals. 1s a direct result cancer is more prevalent than ever before and has been on the increase since the creation of :overnment departments, committees and Ministers to deal with such things as food, air and water "uality control. 7ince :overnment +standards+ have been introduced and enforced, things have slowly gotten considerably worse.

!his leads a sane person to "uestion what e actly they are governing. !hatNs easy to answerK they are governing the descent of mankind into chaos. !hey are governing the control of the awakening of the individual as a free and creative spirit essence on planet earth and, before the internet, they were doing a damn good 6ob of it too. !he last few years have really shaken these media giants as a lot of information has seeped into the everyday e istence of these once asleep people, although an e"ual amount of people have slipped into the waking slumber and refuse to listen to these +crackpot conspiracy truths+, instead focusing on how to get the latest phone with double memory, twice the speed and better colour screen. !he desire for the pursuit of more trinkets has sadly been instilled in a lot of the newest generation. !he biggest threat to the control over the minds of these young people who carry upon their shoulders the future direction of the planet, are the independent websites that are ever'increasing in readership and popularity. !he war for our minds is being won with truth rather than spin and, because of this very fact, :overnments worldwide are freaking out about so much information leaking into the collective consciousness of us spiritual beings who are, on so many levels, connecting all the dots around us that have been hidden in plain sight for so long. In 1ustralia, this led to the inception of the +Internet ,ilter %lan+, a plan so well thought out and devised by non'technical minds that its demise was written before it even began. With that plan in tatters, along came plan 0. %lan 0 is to call these freedom of information sites +Incitement to hate+ sites because of the damage they are doing to the plan to keep people dumbed down. !his would be fine e cept for one thingK in claiming to be anti'racists and anti'haters, they in effect become e actly what they say they are against. !ake a case in pointK the 3anadian :ovt. funding an 1nti 5acism campaigner called 1lan 2utton from Aancouver. 8is site looks good enough ' clear and precise against the white supremacists and EEE crowd. 7uch a great and honourable cause on the surface, but is that all he truly targetsJ 7ee* http*>>>

,or the &<< thousand 3anadian dollars that he receives from the 3anadian :ovt. Mr 2utton has specifically targeted ?'&& truther accounts on 4ou!ube. 7ee their +hitlists of ?'&& truth channels here*+* http*>>>user>NoMore1busive5acists Mr 2utton lumps them all in with 4ou!ube Na#is and white'power clowns under the one banner. No e planation given, no e planation offered, 6ust sheer ignorance on display. !his is when anti'racists become as bigoted, ignorant and racist as those they report to be fighting. When seriously "uestioning IsraelNs racist policies becomes a +racist+ action we have !8.N witnessed the wheel go full circle and the anti racist has become the racist. 7adly, with ignorance abounding and 3anadian ta payers dollars flowing to fund this outrageous behaviour, even those really standing up for 8uman 5ights for %alestinians are called +racists+ and added to the 8itlist in this freakish 0i#arro world. $7top,undingIsrael 1ccount listed as racist and Na#i 4ou!ube account. %alestinian support videos flagged and already removed./ 0y this user* http*>>>user>dierassistische ' !hese accounts are very clearly funded and organised by 1lan 2utton using 3anadian ta payers money, all linking to his site with this perverted form of anti racism. Welcome to the upside down world which is a clear 12- creation. 0lack is white and white is black in a strange world where unarmed children and 1rab civilians are called terrorists and well'armed terrorists are called +defenders of the 7tate of Israel+. In this bi#arre world, a 7enior reporter of a 7outh 1frican newspaper can move to 1ustralia from Israel and begin to make demands about +What is acceptable and what is not+ for 1ustralians in an 1ustralian society, a society to which he has as much as a close connection with as mainstream religions have a connection with peace and tolerance. %lease listen carefully to the Aideo* -ove ,or -ife W.07I!. 1ttacked ' ,ree 7peech 9nder !hreat %art One below, as this man $Aic 1lhadeff/ makes it very clear* +!8.5. I7 NO ,5.. 7%..38+

and anything he deems offensive suddenly becomes illegal by law under his twisted definitions. 8ear his words as he clearly states that he has his own mandate given to him by his fanatical supremacist religious groups to eliminate anything he wishes to. 9nder any other name this would be vigilantism. -isten to him s"uirm as I delve into and "uestion his elite group of professionally trained 7ayanim L7ayanim $8ebrew* helpers, assistants/ is a term used to describe a network of Jews living outside Israel who volunteer to provide assistance to the MossadM, always willing to dob in a friend or neighbour to earn an e tra scout badge of honour, and then as he makes it clear this group has a not hidden but* secret agenda +not to be discussed in public+. 8mmmm... Make of that comment whatever you will.

Video:LoveFor Life WEBSITEAttacked- FreeSpeechUnderThreatPart 1 - 10 Minutes13 Seconds Video:LoveFor Life WEBSITEAttacked- FreeSpeechUnderThreatPart 2 - 10 Minutes15 Seconds
1n agenda is underway to undermine 1ustralians ,reedoms as they were afforded to us by our forefathers and descendants. Make it known and e pose their +hidden agendas+ before it becomes far too late. With knowledge we can undermine their true goal to usurp 1ustraliansN rights and become the by pro y slave masters of the respective colonies. Not in my name at least, and certainly not on a day I hold my head proud as a free citi#en of planet earth. 0e aware that this is 6ust the first step in a larger plan internet'wide to remove everything that has a close association with the truth. .verything that e poses the true agenda of the New World Order and levels of the deception onion that in recent years have been peeled back to the e tent its starting to show the rotten core.

2id you notice despite being upset with a couple of articles on 1rthur and ,ionaNs site, that indeed he wants the whole site taken off the internetJ !hey are not happy with 6ust silencing critics, they want to completely mu##le them as well. When this man Aic 1lhadeff says* R ?)Q of the worldsN media is a claim so ridiculous itNs laughable...O 8e forgot to link me with the following pages where 8ollywood Dionists 15. laughing at how much they do actually control. !hese articles are written by Dionist Jews in the entertainment industry. I suppose he finds these articles offensive as wellJ 8ow Jewish is 8ollywoodJ by 8oward 7tein ' -os 1ngeles !imes &?th 2ecember (<<H* http*>>>node>BBB& or try http*>>>news>opinion>commentary>la'oe'stein&?' (<<Hdec&?,<,IBCB&H@.column 2o Jews 5un 8ollywoodJ 4ou bet they do S and what of itJ 0y 0en 7tein ' http*>>>node>BBB( or try http*>>>medias>hollywood>holly6ew(.htm $reproduced from the .O-' 8omepage* http*>>>,eatures>7pecials>Jews/ Jews 2o 3ontrol the Media and 0anking by 0ruce ,eiler &Bth October (<<C* http*>>>node>BBB@ or try http*>>>feilerfaster>(<<C>&<>6ews'do'control'the'media'and.html Jewish power dominates at =Aanity ,air= by Nathan 0urstein S &&th October (<<C* http*>>>node>BBBI or try http*>>>servlet>7atelliteJcidT&&?&()C(HBH&CGpagenameTJ%ostQ(,J%1rticle Q(,7how,ull %lease do download and spread this video around to your friends and family. 0urn it on 32 and copy it as much as possible. %lease download the high "uality versions and spread to everyone, please share this site and article with others and return often for updates. http*>>>movies>attackFonFfreespeechF&.wmv

http*>>>movies>attackFonFfreespeechF(.wmv -ove and regards 7teve Johnson Ith July (<<?

Part One: A RepresentativeOf TheNSWJewishBoardOf Deputies HasThreatenedTo Shut DownThe LoveFor Life Website Part Two:Video/Report:A RepresentativeOf The NSWJewishBoardOf Deputies HasThreatenedTo Shut DownThe LoveFor Life Website THESTEVEJOHNSONREPORT

!he N7W Jewish 0oard of 2eputies $http*>>>/ have declared W15 on every 1ustralian citi#ens= basic right to ,5..2OM of 7%..38. One site they have already targeted for shutdown is* -ove, which is ,iona 3ristians website, and trading name. 1rthur 3ristian works as a dedicated unpaid>unemployed full'time volunteer for !he -ove ,or -ife 7piritual 1wakening program. 7olely dedicated to the awakening of the individual soul within everyone and removing them from the fictional world of fake constructs and life destroying systems of an illusory matri world . 5esigned to the fact that the Internet ,ilter will not actually filter anything, and is doomed to a slow horrible political death the 12- ' 0n=aii 0=riith based groups in 1ustralia under the

umbrella organisation of the N7W 0oard of 2eputies have begun to target specific websites for attack in order to remove them one at a time. When the N7W Jewish 0oard of 2eputies $1ustralian representatives for 1ussie Jews/ called the website and spoke to 1rthur 3ristian $see the full story here* http*>>>node>BB&B/ they never e pected to be called upon themselves. 7outh .ast 1sia News Journalist>%olitical reporter 7teve Johnson "uestions their idea of free speech and is shocked when they admit ... and I "uote* +... there is no freedom of speech...+ 5eal nice to hear it in a 7O9!8 1,5I31N accent and all... 7outh 1frica being one of the most racist countries in the (<th 3entury with the e ception of Israel. %robing further we find out a few things.. &/ !he 37: L7ecret Jewish 7ecurity'Militia %oliceM $contact the 73:* http*>>>37:'3ommunal'7ecurity':roup'>default.asp ' 3ommunal 7ecurity :roup $37:/ $3ouncil for Jewish 3ommunity 7ecurity $N7W/ %ty -td// has a +secret hidden agenda+ that is not allowed to be discussed in %ublic. 8mmmmm... 7hould I ring the !errorism 8otline about this shady super'secret groupJ (/ If any Jew is offended by 1N4!8IN: online.. that enough to have it classified as +incitement to hate+ and therefore can be regarded as illegal, and reported to authorities to have it be earmarked to be taken down... !his is setting a very very dangerous precedence in a country supposedly born amidst freedom and tolerance to allow our moral bibles and guidelines to be re'shaped and perverted by lobby groups employing two bit propaganda merchants whose positions entitle them to a self given new role of Online cyber cop or a +3yber %olice man for the greater good of the #ionist community of a :reater Israel+ !o read more about the 2isclaimer made by http*>>> in relation to the Aic 1ldaheff phone call... %lease Aisit* http*>>>node>BB&B and read for more information.

1lso check out 7teve Johnson=s 1rticle -isted 8ere G 0elow* http*>>>#ionistsFthreatenFwebsiteFinFaustralia.html

B'naii B'riith Umbrella Group Declares Censorship WAR

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ,or Immediate 5elease*' )th July (<<? 1rticle 5eported and compiled from sources 0y 2evon Markan and 3assandra 7tein 0ackground research by 7teve Johnson, -loyd ! Aance, 1nita Waddell and Markus 7chesling $7.1N.W7'1ustralian 0ureau ' %erth Office W.7!.5N 197!51-I1./ ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

The recent stunning threats made by the NSW Board of Jewish deputies against website comes at a rather curious time.

On the heels of a fiercely debated internet censorship row that has seen the Aussie Communications Minister: Stephen Conroy branded as the laughing stock of the technically aware world; it is very clear the filter plan is about as doomed to failure just as fast, as certain to be defeated and forgotten just as Conroys own career is doomed to certain failure. What rather curious timing then, that the website with so much vital information that is waking up the zombie- like nation of Australia is now the target of Jewish aggression and slander over what it sees as "racist and offensive" material. Such material that is also curiously mirrored on over 38,000 other websites *(For example the 96% of jews own the media story:

hl=en&q=Six+Jewish+companies+own+96% +of+world+media&btnG=Google+Search&meta=&aq=f&oq= ) Yet only targeted for removal on this one website alone. This kind of openly atrocious and cowardly attack by the NSW board of Jewish Deputies is doubled when it is exposed that they actually have a secret group of "Highly trained professional volunteers" running a little known Security Group within Australia doing GOD KNOWS WHAT to the public to keep themselves and their own religions fundamentalist radicals "safe and secure". Basically not giving "a rats arse" about anyone else. Anyone else running their own zionist fuelled vigilante group can expect to be called a Militia and have visits by the Australian Federal Police. Not so for these criminals who seem to act with an almost arrogant immunity, and a flagrance for Australian law that can only be compared to the attitude of Apartheid shown in both Israel and formerly South Africa. Curiously both former homes of Mr Vic Alhadeff before becoming the high paid propaganda Minister for ALL NSW Jews taking up position as editor of the Australian Jewish News. The Threats made against website are detailed here:

BUT How Did it get to this? Australia, the wonderful free and open nation, was formed by combining ALL NATIONS creeds and colours to make an incredible mix of people sharing their experiences and joining together to create a nation of acceptance, tolerance and the unique ability to question itself without fear of being called names, being labelled or being hit with cheap, petty shots. However in todays world this has all changed. We are told we are no longer allowed to question ourselves or our world with impunity without being called racist, a bigot or a nutjob for doing so, even if we do so only with the determination to seek the truth. We are told we are no longer allowed to question the fictional stories pumped out by the Media without being accused of "incitement". We are

told we are no longer allowed to print or re-print material which questions the official versions of some very obvious, blatant , official lies. Why is this so? The Newsprint and Radio industries, for years the backbone of the propaganda arm of the "system, are no longer the primary sources of information for many people. Since the explosion in popularity of the internet, millions of people online have come to the conclusion that mainstream television reporters are no longer reporters. Investigative reporters in mainstream media are now a relic of the 20th century system and, as clear as day, todays reporters have been exposed as "repeaters", repeating news-spin newspeak, catchy infotainment news lite catch blurbs, now with 65% less facts and 20% more filling. Our collective digestive tracts have been clogged with this rubbish for so long that it has taken real news reports on the internet by real reporters committed to exposing the truth for the rubbish of the TV media to be exposed for what it really is. The era of the TV media being an influential power has dissipated and been drowned out by its own nightly news theme songs. Consider that, for hundreds of years, the system of Governments that have been elected to govern have put in place guidelines, laws and rules to preserve their rule and to what total sum? What exactly have they done to benefit us as a people? Basically nothing but line their own pockets and screw it all up for the rest of us. Our water is poisoned, our animals are sick and dying and our food has become toxic and dangerous, full of cheap, nasty, untested chemicals. As a direct result cancer is more prevalent than ever before and has been on the increase since the creation of Government departments, committees and Ministers to deal with such things as food, air and water quality control.

Since Government "standards" have been introduced and enforced, things have slowly gotten considerably worse. This leads a sane person to question what exactly they are governing. Thats easy to answer; they are governing the descent of mankind into chaos. They are governing the control of the awakening of the individual as a free and creative spirit essence on planet earth and, before the internet, they were doing a damn good job of it too. The last few years have really shaken these media giants as a lot of information has seeped into the everyday existence of these once asleep people, although an equal amount of people have slipped into the waking slumber and refuse to listen to these "crackpot conspiracy truths", instead focusing on how to get the latest phone with double memory, twice the speed and better colour screen. The desire for the pursuit of more trinkets has sadly been instilled in a lot of the newest generation. The biggest threat to the control over the minds of these young people who carry upon their shoulders the future direction of the planet, are the independent websites that are ever-increasing in readership and popularity. The war for our minds is being won with truth rather than spin and, because of this very fact, Governments worldwide are freaking out about so much information leaking into the collective consciousness of us spiritual beings who are, on so many levels, connecting all the dots around us that have been hidden in plain sight for so long. In Australia, this led to the inception of the "Internet Filter Plan", a plan so well thought out and devised by non-technical minds that its demise was written before it even began. With that plan in tatters, along came plan B. Plan B is to call these freedom of information sites "Incitement to hate" sites because of the damage they are doing to the plan to keep people dumbed down. This would be fine

except for one thing; in claiming to be anti-racists and anti-haters, they in effect become exactly what they say they are against. Take a case in point; the Canadian Govt. funding an Anti Racism campaigner called Alan Dutton from Vancouver. His site looks good enough - clear and precise against the white supremacists and kkk crowd. Such a great and honourable cause on the surface, but is that all he truly targets? For the 100 thousand Canadian dollars that he receives from the Canadian Govt. Mr Dutton has specifically targeted 9-11 truther accounts on youtube. See their "hitlists of 9-11 truth channels here:": Mr Dutton lumps them all in with youtube Nazis and white-power clowns under the one banner. No explanation given, no explanation offered, just sheer ignorance on display. This is when anti-racists become as bigoted, ignorant and racist as those they report to be fighting. When seriously questioning Israels racist policies becomes a "racist" action we have THEN witnessed the wheel go full circle and the anti racist has become the racist. Sadly, with ignorance abounding and Canadian taxpayers dollars flowing to fund this outrageous behaviour, even those really standing up for Human Rights for Palestinians are called "racists" and added to the Hitlist in this freakish Bizarro world. (StopFundingIsrael Account listed as racist and Nazi Youtube account. Palestinian support videos flagged and already removed.) By this user:

These accounts are very clearly funded and organised by Alan Dutton using Canadian taxpayers money, all linking to his site with this perverted form of anti racism. Welcome to the upside down world which is a clear ADL creation. Black is white and white is black in a strange world where unarmed children and Arab civilians are called terrorists and well-armed terrorists are called "defenders of the State of Israel". In this bizarre world, a Senior reporter of a South African newspaper can move to Australia from Israel and begin to make demands about "What is acceptable and what is not" for Australians in an Australian society, a society to which he has as much as a close connection with as mainstream religions have a connection with peace and tolerance. Please listen carefully as this man makes it very clear:


and anything he deems offensive suddenly becomes illegal by law under his twisted definitions. Hear his words as he clearly states that he has his own mandate given to him by his fanatical supremacist religious groups to eliminate anything he wishes to. Under any other name this would vigilantism. Listen to him squirm as I delve into and question his elite group of professionally trained Sayanim (Sayanim (Hebrew: helpers, assistants) is a term used to describe a network of Jews living outside Israel who volunteer to provide assistance to the Mossad.), always willing to dob in a friend or neighbour to earn an extra scout badge of honour, and then as he makes it clear this group has a not hidden but: secret agenda "not to be discussed in public".

Hmmmm... Make of that comment whatever you will. An agenda is underway to undermine Australians Freedoms as they were afforded to us by our forefathers and descendants. Make it known and expose their "hidden agendas" before it becomes far too late. With knowledge we can undermine their true goal to usurp Australians rights and become the by- proxy slave masters of the respective colonies. Not in my name at least, and certainly not on a day I hold my head proud as a free citizen of planet earth. Be aware that this is just the first step in a larger plan internet-wide to remove everything that has a close association with the truth. Everything that exposes the true agenda of the New World Order and levels of the deception onion that in recent years have been peeled back to the extent its starting to show the rotten core. Did you notice despite being upset with a couple of articles on Arthur and Fionas site, that indeed he wants the whole site taken off the internet? They are not happy with just silencing critics, they want to completely muzzle then as well. When this man Vic Alhadeff says: 96% of the worlds media is a claim so ridiculous its laughable... He forgot to link me with the following pages where Hollywood Zionists ARE laughing at how much they do actually control. These articles written by Zionist Jews in the entertainment industry. I suppose he finds these articles offensive as well? and

and and Please do download and spread this video around to your friends and family. Burn it on CD and copy it as much as possible. Please download the high quality versions and spread to everyone, please share this site and article with others and return often for updates. (Right click to save as) Love and regards Steve Johnson
'''''''''''''''' In accordance with !itle &C 9.7.3. 7ection &<C, this material is distributed without profit to those who have e pressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. 7outheast 1sia is not affiliated whatsoever with the originator of this article nor is 7outheast 1sia endorsed or sponsored by the originator.

U Dionism ' 0abalonian !almud ' !he Jewish 0ook Of Oral -aw ' Israelup+Dionism is but an incident of a far reaching plan+ said leading 1merican Dionist -ouis Marshall, counsel for bankers Euhn -oeb V

-ove for -ife 3ampaign Aideos and 2A2=s 1dd new comment

Support The Love For Life Campaign, Kindom & The Cristian Family
7upporting !he -ove ,or -ife Website, !he 3ristian ,amily and !he -iving 2ream Of Eindom $3reation Of 2o No 8arm 3ommunities/ ' !he -ove for -ife website is produced for free without a fee $no contract or conditions attached/ as a gift of love for the benefit of others. If you feel you have gained something from visiting it, feel inspired, and would like to reciprocate as an e"ual e change in substance and support $value/, you are most welcome to make a gift of love to keep it and the dream of Eindom going. 1s always, we thank you for your gifts of love.

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Not for 3ommercial !ransactions. :ifts only. %aymate accepts Mastercard and Aisa.

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Eindom $2o No 8arm 3ommunities/ is the dream for freedom, but it is the dream for the freedom of those around us who also live the dream of freedom, because it is in living for the freedom of others that we get our freedom. When we live for the dreams of Eindom of those around us, we live life as a gift because we live for $dedicate our lives to/ their dream of freedom, truth, peace, 6oy, abundance, etc, 6ust as they live for our Eindom dreams too. !his is true co'creation $cooperation/ with no attack on the uni"ueness of each of us. When we live this way, we have no need for any man'made system ' everything>everyone has already been taken care of by our love for life. Just as we do not have to 6ump &< feet across the room to grab our ne t breath, neither do we have to worry about food, water and shelter because it has all been taken care of as we each co'create Eindoms>Ein'2omains for everyone. Now everybody and everything of the dream of life that is Eindom>%aradise is free $has been set free once again/. !he issue is greed

and selfishness, power and control trips, arrogance, ignorance, being fed many many lies and being traumatised. !he issue is not overpopulation ' there is more than enough land available for every family to have a hectare $(.) acres Ein'2omain/ to care for. !he land of 1ustralia can provide a Ein'2omain for every family across .arth, each with a food forest, clean fresh drinking water and plenty of space for building natural do no harm habitats and with plenty of land left over. .veryone must have the freedom to take full'responsibility for their lives, for the water they drink, the food they eat and for their shelter. 3urrently, +!he 7ystem+ forces everyone to give up taking full'responsibility so that we become grown up children accustomed to sucking on the nipples of +!he 7ystem+ corporations for everything, having to use money to get by and to follow the rules of money because we are not co'creating freedom, peace, truth, 6oy and abundance for each other. Money only leads to haves and have nots and all the abuse, manipulation and distractions that we are sub6ected to as slaves to money. When we give up living for other=s Eindom dreams, we start creating hell $+!he 7ystem+/ all around us because we become self'centred ' now it=s all about +my freedom+,+my money+, +my land+, +my belief+, +my saviour+, +mine+, +mine+,+mine+, +i+,+i+, +i+, +own+, +own+, +own+, etc. !o protect what we claim we own re"uires a man'made system with ,O53. to protect those self'centred claims. !his is 1-- trauma based and all story'telling $brainwashing>braindirtying/. Our true freedom comes when we set our thoughts of freedom into motion so that we live freedom rather than 6ust talking and thinking about it while we still slave for +!he 7ystem+. Eindom will not happen while we meditate for hours in the bush or do yoga retreats or wait for Jesus or follow the processes of the O%%! $One %eople=s %ublic !rust now called One %eople/. !his is not freedom because we are not living freedom because we are living the story'telling of Jesus or Deitgeist or !he 7ecret or !hrive or One .arth>3onsciousness>%eople. -iving Eindom is very, very hard work as we set about repairing the damage to M1N>.arth>Nature that we are 1-- responsible for but the burden becomes lighter the more of us put our life'energy into the dream of returning .arth to %aradise. 2ay'after'day, we all have to work our arses off until Eindom is all around us $M1N/ once again. !his is the price we pay to set each other free on a piece of land $Ein'2omain/, so that no one is under the image' power $education>brainwashing>story'telling/ of another M1N anymore and so that everyone

can have their space of love to create and live their uni"ue, do no harm dreams. !his only happens once we have the Eindoms set up so that everyone is provided for. Once we re'create the food forests, whether on land or in the suburbs, we can re'claim our freedom, breaking the strangle'hold of +!he 7ystem+ because we are no longer reliant on its services and benefits and no longer turning each other into slaves of +!he 7ystem+, cogs in the wheels of +!he 7ystem+ machine. If we don=t put the effort in to set everyone and everything free all around us then we still live in 8.-- $+!he 7ystem+/. !he key is to live for everyone else=s freedom so that we can have it too. We live for NO 747!.M. We do not lose anything by not having a man'made system and, in fact, we gain. We gain our freedom and we gain abundance. -et go of the fear. !o e plore these themes in greater detail go here where you can find many of our recent -ove ,or -ife comments, articles, debates, discussions, videos, podcasts, etc* So You Want T"e Good Bits #f $T"e System$ But %ot T"e Bad Bits& 0y 1rthur G ,iona 3ristian -ove ,or -ife ' &(th 1ugust (<&@ http*>>>node>HIBH 1ll the best 1rthur G ,iona 3ristian -ove ,or -ife

We feel there is an essential peaceful do no harm transition re"uired to get all of M1N back to standing on M1N7 feet without reliance upon another M1N for water, food, shelter. 1s it stands everyone in +!he 7ystem+ are highly dependent and reliant on the +group mind'set+ that forms +!he 7ystem+ of slaves providing services and benefits for the emotionally addicted slaves to +!he 7ystem+ $and you can put us in the same basket too/. !he transition is to get M1N back to relying ON-4 on nature without @rd party interlopers, intermeddlers, interceders getting in the way. !he transition is a team effort with the foresight for setting all of M1N free

down'the'line so that M1N is no longer dependent on slaves and masters providing services, benefits, privileges and e clusivity while being bound to contracts, rituals, procedures, conditions, rules G regulations which compromises M1N severely. !his transition is all about shifting from limited liability>responsibility to full liability>responsibility. !his full responsibility is all about caring for our health, nature all around us, clean uncorrupted $pure/ water and food, partner>co'creator, children, shelter, animal'friends in partnership, etc. In +!he 7ystem+, we are already together destroying each other ' we have to come together to create peace together so that we can all have peace. We cannot live peacefully when we are islands, not taking full responsibility for the lives of those around us until .A.54ON. can take full responsibility for their life, which means that .A.54ON. is healed of system trauma. In +!he 7ystem+, we all come together to make slaves of each other ' now is the moment to come together to set each other free, to live for each other=s freedom, peace, 6oy and abundance. Once we have set each other free, we are free. Control T"e 'and And You Control (A% #n T"e 'and )is*lace (A% From 'and And You Turn (A% Into Sla es 1rthur G ,iona 3ristian ' -ove ,or -ife 1pril (<&& $9pdated &Ith 7eptember (<&&/ http*>>>node>H(@C T"e S*ell Is Broken Takin+ T"e 'and To Create ,indom 1rthur G ,iona 3ristian -ove ,or -ife @rd March (<&@ http*>>>node>H@B) $T"e Ste*s #f ,indom$ http*>>>node>H@<I '''''''''

Once we fi these issues, we or our children or our descendants to come, can start focusing on the even bigger picture of getting back to where our ancestors were, as breatharyan=s, before they fell into non'sense images to be enslaved by them. 1ll the best to you and your family 1rthur G ,iona 3ristian -ove ,or -ife

The CristianFamilyDeclaration
!he 3ristian family and !he -ove for -ife 3ampaign are apolitical, non'religious, non' violent, anti weapons, anti drugs $both pharmaceutical and recreational/ and anti any ideology that denies the e istence of 2o No 8arm 3ommunities $Eindoms/ and suppresses the uni"ueness and freedom of all men, women and children. !he 3ristian family and our -ove ,or -ife work is unaligned to any big business corporation, intelligence agency, government body, +system+ law, +system+ think tanks, +system+ green or environmental movements, religion, cult, sect, society $fraternity, brotherhood, sisterhood, order, club, etc,/ secret or not, hidden agenda, law or sovereignty group, occult, esoteric, New 1ge or Old 1ge. !he 3ristian family supports and promotes the remedy that brings an everlasting peace, freedom, truth, 6oy, abundance and do no harm for all of life without causing loss of uni"ueness or the need for having slaves and rulers. We are not into following the one in front or being sheeple. Most importantly, we take full'responsibility for everything we think, feel and do. !he 3ristian family are not 3hristians.

1rthur G ,iona 3ristian -ove ,or -ife 2ecember (<<B

0eing of clear brain, heart and intention, we each declare the following to be true* W We have no intention of ending our own lives. W We will not tolerate suppression of truth, ideas, freedom, or our work. We stand for freedom of speech. W We stand together to support others in the e pression of truths and freedom to speak out no matter how radical those ideas may seem. W 7tanding for freedom takes courageK together we shall be strong in the face of all odds. W If it is ever claimed that we have committed suicide, encountered an unfortunate accident, died of sickness>disease, disappeared, been institutionali#ed, or sold out financially or in any other way to self'interested factions, we declare those claims false and fabricated. W We testify, assert and affirm without reservation, on behalf of all those who have dedicated their lives to the ending of secrecy and the promotion of freedom of thought, ideas and e pression that we shall prevail. W We 2o Not 8ave Multiple %ersonality 2isorders 1rthur 3ristian ,iona 3ristian Jasmin -ily 3ristian

.mma 5ose 3ristian ,rances 8annah 3ristian Xanthe Jane 3ristian &)th 2ecember (<<B $.dited>9pdated &Hth 7eptember (<&&/

UpdateRegardingThe LoveFor Life HomePageAndQuickUser Guide

We are turning the -ove for -ife Yuick 9ser :uide http*>>>node>BB<H into a blog of all the main insights of our work since March (<<), whether through articles, videos, podcasts or discussions>debates. 1s we do not have the time to compile everything we have written into a book, as many have suggested we do, compiling all our most important work into one area of the website is a way of providing easy access to this work so those interested are able to fully comprehend the big picture. Instead of having to find our different articles, videos, etc, in various parts of the website, it will all be accessible here* http*>>>node>BB<H and here* http*>>>node>@@H).

LoveFor Life Videos

1s amateurs and posted in the Yuick 9ser :uide below the ,acebook links, we=re currently creating and posting a series of videos called +!he 2ream Of -ife+ which covers the ground of all the -ove ,or -ife insights. We plan to have the videos completed by 2ecember @&st (<&(. Once this is behind us, our intention is to create a ( hour or so video covering the body of this

work. 1ll videos are embedded in the "uick user guide http*>>>node>BB<H and uploaded in 1rthur=s 4ou!ube channel* http*>>>user>1rthur-ove,or-ife.

LoveFor Life Music

We have started recording songs, with others, that e press the themes of -ove ,or -ife. !hey are now being posted on 1rthur=s 4ou!ube channel* http*>>>user>1rthur-ove,or-ife and are embedded in the "uick user guide http*>>>node>BB<H. We have over &<< songs to record. 1 few rough demos have already been used as the soundtrack on the first +2ream of -ife+ video.

AboutUs - LoveFor Life & The CristianFamily

1lso, everything we, the 3ristian family, have gone through, from bank fraud and the theft of the family home to death threats and attempts on 1rthur=s life, is documented in the Yuick 9ser :uide too. If you, the reader, are prepared to put the effort in, you will comprehend the e tent to which we have all been tricked into becoming slaves, giving up our uni"ueness and our full'responsibility for life and destroying everything of life to the point where life is in danger of dying out completely. 4ou will also comprehend the remedy to all this chaosK a remedy that re"uires only love for life and the determination to do what needs to be done. !hough our focus is very strongly on the remedy that creates a world of freedom, truth, peace, 6oy, abundance and 2o No 8arm for all of life without loss of uni"ueness or the need for slaves and rulers, we realise that it is vital to comprehend how to get there and what stops us from getting there. !his is why there is so much information on the hows and whys of everything going wrong in the world today. We are not into peddling conspiracy theories, we are into routing out all forms of organised crime. 7aturday (Bth November (<&& 1rthur and ,iona 3ristian -ove ,or -ife Website* http*>>> -mail* (obile* <<&& B& I&H (<@(<I ' $<I&H (<@(<I/ Facebook Art"ur Cristian* http*>>>arthurcristian

YouTube Art"ur Cristian* http*>>>1rthur-ove,or-ife SoundCloud* http*>>>loveforlife %imbit (usic* http*>>>loveforlife T.itter* https*>>>loveforlifemusi Facebook (usic* http*>>>loveforlifemusic Facebook W"y Aren/t We Free )iscussion * http*>>>&BI?&HC)@)@C(HC Facebook )o %o 0arm Community* http*>>>&)&H&&C(H&?)?() YouTube 'o e For 'ife (usic* http*>>>loveforlifemusic (yS*ace* http*>>>loveforlifemusic Goo+le 1 Fiona Cristian* https*>>>&<<I?<&C)&B<HC&B&<<?< 2e+ister To T"e 'o e For 'ife (ailin+ 'ist * http*>>>content><?><)>&I>mailing'list

1. For The BodyOf The LoveFor Life Workby ArthurandFionaCristian

Which 9nravels !he 5easons ,or !he 3haos, Mayhem and 3onfusion 0eing . perienced In !he World !oday, . plains !he Need ,or $Community Immunity$ and 5esponsibility, and ,ocuses On !he 3reation Of ,indoms 3 )o %o 0arm4 'ife3Sustainable Communities $1s !he 5emedy !hat 8eals 1ll Mans Woes/ ' 1nd 8ow We 3an 3o'3reate !hem. ,or 3omments, 1rticles 1nd 2iscussions, :o 8ere* http*>>>node>@@H) ' 1lso :o 8ere !o 7ee %odcasts 1nd Aideos %osted by 1rthur G ,iona 3ristian* http*>>>node>C@<? ' !he Information 7hared 3omes ,rom Inspiration, Intuition, 8eartfelt'-ogic 1nd Information :athered ,rom Nature 1nd Many 1ma#ing Men 1nd Women 1long !he Way. It Is Not ,ound In 1ny 0ooks Or 3hannellings, Or !alked 1bout 0y +. perts+. :o 8ere !o 5ead 1 0rief 7ynopsis Of Why We 7tarted -ove ,or -ife* http*>>>node>H&H(

2. For InformationAboutTheRingingCedarsof RussiaSeries

go here* http*>>>node>&&() and for more on -co 0omes4 5illa+es4 #r+anic and Permaculture Gardenin+ and 'ife3Sustainability4 etc, go here* http*>>>node>@BI& and here* http*>>>node>&?H) and (ik"ail Petro ic" S"c"etinin 3 ,in/s Sc"ool 3 'ycee Sc"ool at Tekos: http*>>>node>)&C@

3. For HowTo Eat A Raw,LivingFoodDiet,

go here* http*>>>node>)<BH ' -I,. is information. When we distort -I,. and then eat, drink, absorb, think, feel, hear, see, touch, taste, smell and perform these distortions, the information of -I,., your -I,., our -I,., our children=s lives, everyone=s -I,., is distorted.

4. To FindA MenuFor The ExtensiveResearchLibrary(over8,000itemspostedembodying over 11,000documents,pdf's, videos,podcasts,etc)

Which 3overs !opics ,rom 0ealt" to C"emtrails60aar* to Brain Control to Arc"aeolo+y to Astronomy Geocentricity 0eliocentricity to Pandemics Bird Flu S.ine Flu to Fluoride to Cancer to Free -ner+y to Global Warmin+4 76884 Bali Bombin+s4 As*artame4 (SG4 5accinations4 Aids60I54 (ercury4 %e. World #rder4 Satanism4 2eli+ions4 Cults4 Sects4 Symbolism4 etc, etc, go here* http*>>>node>H(

5. If YouWouldLike To ReadAboutThe CristianFamilyNSWSupremeCourt Case

$Mac"uarie 0ank>%erpetual -imited 0ank ,raud 3ondoned 0y Judges, 5egistrars, 0arristers, -awyers, %oliticians, %ublic 7ervants, 0ureaucrats, 0ig 0usiness and Media 5epresentatives ' 1 3rime 7yndicate>!errorist Organisation/ Which %rompted !he 3reation Of !his -ove ,or -ife Website 2ecember (<<B, 1nd !he 7hooting 1nd !orture Of 7upporters Who 1ssisted 9s In 5eclaiming !he ,amily 8ome, Joe 0ryant 1nd 8is Wife, 0oth In !heir -ate C<=s, go here* http*>>>node>) 1nd 5ead 7ome Of Our .mail 3orrespondence With -awyer %aul Eean ' Macedone 3hristie Willis 7olari %artners ' Miranda 7ydney May &Cth'June (Cth (<<B* http*>>>node>C@<<

6. For The StoriesOf OtherVictimsOf TheSystem,

go here* http*>>>australianFstories $If you have a story you would like us to put up, we would love to here from you* action Z

7. For DocumentationOf HarmDoneBy ThePowersThat-Be AndTheir Representatives,

.vidence 5evealing 8ow Aictims 2id Not 0reak !he %eace, 3aused No 3rime or 8arm, !here Were No In6ured %arties. 2ocumenting Incontrovertible .vidence 2emonstrating 8ow !he %owers !hat 0e $%!0/ 1nd !heir -ackeys Will 0reak 1ll !he -aws !hey 1re 7upposed !o

9phold. !hey Will Eidnap, Intimidate, !errorise, 5ape, %illage, %lunder 1nd -ie 1nd !ake 5esponsibility ,or None Of It. 1ll %art Of !heir !actics Of 9sing ,ear 1nd !rauma !o Eeep 9s In Our %lace. 5elatives Of !hose 9nder !heir 5adar 1re 1lso Not 7afe ,rom 1ttack 1nd Intimidation. 1ll 7tarting ,rom 1 ;() ,ine ,or Not Aoting 1nd 1 ;B) ,ine ,or Not 3hanging 1 2og 5egistration. We 2o Not 8ave ,reedom 1nd 3an Only 1ppear !o 8ave ,reedom If We 3omply. 5egardless 8ow 7mall !he Matter !he %!0 !hrow 8undreds Of !housands Of 2ollars 1way !o .nforce !heir Will.... :o 8ere* Fiona Cristian 2e*ly To State )ebt 2eco ery #ffice 3 Part #ne to Part Ten 3 From 89t" #ctober :;;< And Still Continuin+: "tt*:66lo eforlife!com!au6node6=>87 or Fiona Cristian 2e*ly To State )ebt 2eco ery #ffice Part #ne: "tt*:66lo eforlife!com!au6node6?9@: 3 From 89t" #ctober :;;< Part T.o: "tt*:66lo eforlife!com!au6node6=8>? 3 From 8<t" )ecember :;;< Part T"ree: "tt*:66lo eforlife!com!au6node6=:7? 3 From 7t" Aanuary :;;7 Part Four: "tt*:66lo eforlife!com!au6node6=:7= 3 From 8@t" Aanuary :;;7 Part Fi e: "tt*:66lo eforlife!com!au6node6=>9? 3 T"e Sick Pu**y 3 From :;t" February :;;7 Part SiB: "tt*:66lo eforlife!com!au6node6=>7; 3 Police #fficers4 S"eriffCs #fficers4 To. Truck )ri er and State )ebt 2eco ery #ffice Blatantly I+nore t"e 'a. To 2a*e4 Pilla+e and Plunder T"e Pri ate Pro*erty #f Fiona Cristian 3 From 88t" (arc" :;;7 Part Se en: "tt*:66lo eforlife!com!au6node6=@@? 3 Affida it #f Trut" 3 'etter To T"e Dueen 1 Australia: Fascism is Cor*oratism 3 From >;t" (arc" :;;7 Part -i+"t: "tt*:66lo eforlife!com!au6node6==?: 3 T"e Pirates Auction And T"e G"ost #f 5S'><= 3 From @t" A*ril :;;7 Part %ine: "tt*:66lo eforlife!com!au6node69;9> 3 Art"ur Cristian/s 'etter To Pru Go.ard (P 3 From 8?t" )ecember :;;7 Part Ten: "tt*:66lo eforlife!com!au6node69?;; 3 S"ould We Be In Fear #f T"ose W"o Claim To Protect Es& $2oman Cult$ Canon 'a. 3 -cclesiastical )eed Poll 3 T"e Work #f Frank #/Collins 3 From 8>t" #ctober :;8;

8. If YouAre InterestedIn InformationOn FreedomFromStatutes,Rule-Of-Law,FreeMan/Free Woman,Strawman,"Person"andAdmiraltyLaw(TheLawOf Commerce),

go here* http*>>>node>H?) ' ,or Common 'a.4 )emocracy4 Constitution4 Trial By Aury4 Fee Sim*le4 etc, go here* http*>>>category>main>law' articles'documents

9. If YouAre InterestedIn Bankingand MoneyCreated (Fiat/Credit/Debt/Mortgage/Loan/Overdraftetc) Out-Of-Thin-Air, HowBanksCounterfeit Money,

go here* http*>>>banks

10. For A List Of All The LatestPostsIn TheLoveFor Life Website,

go here* http*>>>tracker

11. For LinksTo ManyHundredsOf Videos,DVDsAndPodcasts

go here* http*>>>videoFdvd

12. To See The CristianFamilyPledge,Legaland otherDisclaimers

go here* http*>>>content><B>&(><)>love'life'legal'disclaimer

13. To ReadAboutHowA RepresentativeOf The NSWJewishBoardOf DeputiesHad ThreatenedTo Shut DownTheLoveFor Life Website
go here* %art One* http*>>>node>BB&B %art !wo* !8. 7!.A. JO8N7ON 5.%O5! 1N2 AI2.O* http*>>>node>BBB) and %art !hree* -atest 9pdate On James Aon 0runn* http*>>>node>BBC@ 3onscious -ove 1lways 1rthur G ,iona 3ristian -ove ,or -ife action Z http*>>> <I&H (<@(<I $int* <<&& B& I&H (<@(<I/ %O 0o &@(< 0owral ()CB N7W 1ustralia

Arthur Cristian

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Love For Life Discussions - Why Aren't We Free? How Can We Be Free?

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LoveFor Life LegalDisclaimer

!he information contained on this world wide web site $the web site and all information herein shall be collectively referred to as +Web 7ite Information+/, under the registered url name,, resides on a host server environment in %ittsburgh, %ennsylvania &)(<@, 9nited 7tates of 1merica. !he Web 7ite Information has been prepared to provide general information only and is not intended to constitute or be construed as providing substantive professional advice or opinion on any facts or circumstances. !ransmission of the information is not intended to create, nor

does its receipt give rise to, a professional'client relationship between =-ove for -ife= and the receiver. While every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information prepared and>or reported on this site, =-ove for -ife= is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the Web 7ite Information not being up to date. !he Web 7ite Information may not reflect the most current developments. !he impact of the law, policy and>or procedure for any particular situation depends on a variety of factorsK therefore, readers should not act upon any Web 7ite Information without seeking professional advice. =-ove for -ife= is not responsible for any action taken in reliance on any Web 7ite Information herein. =-ove for -ife= is not responsible for any action you or others take which relies on information in this website and>or responses thereto. =-ove for -ife= disclaim all responsibility and liability for loss or damage suffered by any person relying, directly or indirectly, on the Web 7ite Information, including in relation to negligence or any other default. =-ove for -ife= does not warrant, represent or hold out that any Web 7ite Information will not cause damage, or is free from any computer virus, defect$s/ or error$s/. =-ove for -ife= is not liable to users for any loss or damage however caused resulting from the use of material found on its web site. =-ove for -ife= does not necessarily endorse or approve of any Web 7ite Information linked to and contained on other web sites linked herein and makes no warranties or representations regarding the merchantability or fitness for purpose, accuracy and "uality, of any such information. !he sending of information by you, and the receipt of it by =-ove for -ife=, is not intended to, and does not, create a professional'client relationship. 1ll Web 7ite Information is considered correct at the time of the web site=s most recent revision.

Note* 9pdated Wednesday &Cth June (<<? H.<<pm 7ydney !ime. -ove ,or -ife does not support harm doing in any shape or form. 8owever, we are supporters of free speech and post articles, documentaries, etc, that represent a wide cross section of ideas. 7ee the -ove ,or -ife e tensive research library where over &&,<<< individual documents, articles, videos, podcasts and debates>discussions are posted* http*>>>node>H(. We clearly see the evidence of the destruction to M1N and .arth that has been caused by 1-- religions over the centuries and are therefore not supporters of religions, cults, sects or any group that demands conformity of thought, speech or action, or has rules, regulations or rituals that must be followed. 5eligions, nationalities and cultural +identities+ are formed as a result of the brainwashing we receive from childhood. !hey are part of the tactics the .stablishment uses to keep us all divided from one another and fighting one another. 1ll religions promote discrimination and division, leading to hatred and even violence and murder. None of them have yet to produce a remedy to all the suffering, poverty, unhappiness and discrimination in the world. If any religion truly had the remedy to all the suffering on earth, there would no longer be any suffering. What have 3hristianity, Islam, 0uddhism, 8induism, Judaism, atheism and the New 1ge done to end the suffering in the worldJ !he -ove ,or -ife website has information from all sides on many sub6ects, whether about Islam, Judaism, 3hristianity, -aw, health, psychology, mind control, vaccination, aspartame, M7:, 3hemtrails etc. !here are over &&,<<< individual articles, documentaries, etc on the website and they are so diverse that we are sure that everyone would be able to find something they loved and something they hated, if they took the time to search. If we removed all the articles hated by everyone, there would probably be nothing left[ We are not anti anyone but freedom of speech is freedom of speech and no one should condemn the work of another without taking the time to research the sub6ect themselves. 4es, there are articles by those who have a less'than'rosy'viewpoint of Judaism, but there are also articles on the dark side of !ibetan 0uddhism $and it is very dark/ for those who are interested in the truth*

!ibet ' 0uddhism ' 2alai -ama* http*>>>node>B(C& 7hould the authors of these articles be abused and imprisoned for daring to challenge the widely conceived reputation of 0uddhism as being the religion of peace and love and that of the 2alai -ama as a saint, or should those interested be allowed to study the work and come to their own conclusionsJ !he same applies to all the articles, documentaries, etc, about 3hristianity, Islam, ,reemasonry, New World Order, etc. !he -ove for -ife website also shows how the 5ule of -aw, the 0ar, the :overnment, the Monarchy, the system of commerce, the local, national and multi>trans'national private corporations, all the courses and careers on offer from our universities, all the educators, scientists, academics and e perts, the aristocrats and the .stablishment bloodlines have also done NO!8IN: to end the suffering in the world. !he website maps the insanity of a world where there is no help for those in need, 6ust as there was no help available for us when we were victims of terrible bank fraud* http*>>>courtFcase orchestrated, condoned and protected by an international crime syndicate>terrorist organisation of 6udges, barristers, registrars, lawyers, politicians, banksters, big business representatives, media moguls and other lackeys who, all together, put up a wall of silence despite our trying many, many avenues. 1fter the family home was stolen and business destroyed we were left close to poverty and destitution caring for I young daughters. !hree years later not much has changed regardless of all our efforts. Where were all the followers of all the religions to help usJ Or do we have to be members of those religions to receive help from others involved in themJ We have been accused of being anti ' Jewish because we had posted an e cerpt from James von 0run=s book* Eill the 0est :entiles[ http*>>>node>B<)I in which he blames Jews for the problems of the world. Obviously this is not our view because of what we have stated above. We do not hate anyone, whatever religion they follow. We are always open to talk to any religious leader or politician and meet with any 6udge, member of the 0ar, e perts, academics, educators etc to share the remedy we offer that heals all the divisions between M1N and M1N, and M1N and .15!8. !oday, a representative of the New 7outh Wales Jewish 0oard of 2eputies is threatening to close the website down, because they have decided it is anti ' Jewish and that we promote racism. What has the New 7outh Wales Jewish 0oard of 2eputies done to end the suffering in the worldJ 3an they show that they are concerned with the suffering of 1-- men, women and children 1N2 15. 7..N !O 0. 2OIN: 7OM.!8IN: 10O9! I! or are they only concerned with

Jewish affairsJ If so, they, along with all the other religions that only care for their own, are part of the problem, not part of the solution. !he man who rang 1rthur today was only concerned with Jewish affairsK he was not interested in our intentions or in anybody else, 6ust as most 3hristians, Muslims, 7ikhs, 3atholics, etc, are only interested in their own. While we separate our lives into groups, dividing our lives from others with rules, regulations, rituals, procedures, conditions and contracts, we will never solve our problems. No matter what we in the Western World 3ivilisation of 3ommerce have been promised by our politicians, religious leaders, scientists, educators, philosophers, etc, for the past two hundred years, all we have seen is ever'increasing destruction of men, women and children and .arth. None of the so'called e perts and leaders we have been taught to rely on are coming up with a solution and none of them are taking full'responsibility for the fact that they can=t handle the problem. 1ll religious books talk about end times full of destruction and suffering but why do we have to follow this program when there is an alternative to hatred, mayhem and deathJ Why are our leaders following the program of destruction and death rather than e ploring the do no harm alternativesJ It seems that any mainstream politician, priest or academic are only interested in supporting the 59-.7 O, !8. 2IAI2., that maintain the haves and the have nots. ,or (<<\ years, ??Q of the world population have been so trained to pass on their responsibility for their lives, others and .arth, that the &Q of the population that make up the leaders of the rest of us are making all the decisions leading to the destruction of all of us and .arth. -et=s not forget the education system that brainwashes the ??Q of the population that we are free and have e"ual rights while, in fact, we are feathering the nests of those at the top. 1t the root of all our problems is self'centredness, an unwillingness nurtured by the .stablishment that keeps us concerned only with our own needs rather than the needs of others around us and .arth. Instead of creating and releasing acts of love for those around us as gifts to benefit them and .arth, we take, take and take, until there is nothing left. !he whole point of the -ove for -ife website is to show people the root of all our problems and to share the remedy. !he e tensive research library is there to attract browsers and to provide access to information not available through mainstream channels. If the New 7outh Wales Jewish 0oard of 2eputies can, after careful e amination of our work, prove that anything we are saying is wrong, we will be happy to accept their proof. If they cannot, and they are still insistent on closing the website down, they will be showing themselves to be traitors to M1N

because they are not interested in pursuing any avenue that can end the suffering in the world. 1ll religions, corporations and organisations that support and maintain the Western World 3ivilisation of 3ommerce are part of the problem because our civilisation is a world of haves and have nots, e clusivity, privilege, racism, violence, hatred, poverty, sickness, discrimination, abuse, starvation, homelessness, corruption, collusion, vindictiveness, social unrest, arrogance, ignorance, fear, war and chaos. While we support civilisation, we support death and destruction. If we truly want peace and freedom for all, we have to let go of all that which keeps us divided, and come together as M1N, conscious living co'creators of creation>life. !he -ove ,or -ife website offers a remedy to the problems we all face in the form of 2O NO 815M 3OMM9NI!I.7 $EIN2OM7/* http*>>>node>BB<H ' http*>>>node>@BI& ,or more details see here* http*>>>node>B)&& and here* http*>>>node>@@H) ' We also highly recommend that everyone read the brilliant 5ussian books called !he 5inging 3edars* http*>>>node>&&() ' !he -ove ,or -ife homepage>front'page also provides lots of inspiring remedy based information* http*>>> ' If you want to be kept up to date with our work please register to the -ove ,or -ife mailing list here* http*>>>campaignFlist We usually send two postings per month. %resently $7eptember (<&&/ there are over C<<< registrations reaching over )<<,<<< readers across .arth. !he website now $7eptember (<&&/ receives up to &( million hits per month. 7ince 2ecember (<<B, over &<< million people have visited the -ove ,or -ife website. 3onscious -ove 1lways 1rthur and ,iona 3ristian -ove ,or -ife &Cth June (<<?
0est viewed at &<(I CBH

!his work is licensed by ,iona 3ristian under a 3reative 3ommons 1ttribution'Noncommercial'No 2erivative Works (.) 1ustralia -icense.

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