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Lesson 6 - Meditation

All nature rests between 4.00 and 6.00 a.m, and 4.00 and 6.00 p.m.

The subtle force that stills the wind, that creates a quietness and a stillness in the air also quiets the body and mind of man. As we are PART OF NATURE so we participate in the ebb and flow.

Watch the trees, the grass, the birds. In the evening after the day's activity of all the forces of nature, it is now time to rest and so everything is slowed down.

In the morning, the early hours before daylight, everything is stilled again. Quiet and peace reign, a depth of stillness that invades all of nature until after the rays of the sun start to manifest heralding a new day. So nature becomes active again. The birds sing, the wind starts to blow, man starts to move.

Because of the false activity in the cities, these subtleties of nature go unnoticed. Man defies nature, does not let his body or mind rest at these given times, and so an imbalance sets in creating all sorts of disorders.

To counter this, it would help greatly if a quiet time could be set aside, even if for only half an hour, to sit quietly, to meditate and go deep within. This is the time when it is easier for the mind to be controlled instead of running wild, obeying the senses.

To meditate - and we can meditate on many things - let us aim at the highest goal of all, that of GOD REALISATION. Realisation does not come quickly, but at least while you are preparing, the art of meditation can do many things.

It can expand the consciousness. It will enable you to experience states of consciousness that you never thought possible. Your mind will be clearer and you will be able to function on a higher level in your every day life. For the time spent in meditation in the early hours of the morning, before activity sets in around us in nature, it will benefit you a thousand fold by mental and physical relaxation and spiritual upliftment.

It has to be EXPERIENCED to be believed.

In the evening, granted that civilisation has made it well nigh impossible for the average person to meditate during these hours, we can at least during these times, become aware of the quietness of nature and the quietness that is within us. When our daily activity is finished, as soon as possible, sit quietly, away from everyone and become immersed in the meditation of stillness and peace.

"But - what shall we mediate on? How do we go about meditation? Do we just sit, and then what do we do?"

These questions are often asked. Some people think meditation should be with music, others on certain passages of scriptures. What we must aim at is STILLNESS, becoming immersed within, not on an external thought.

Certainly music can help create the attitude for meditation, and to meditate on scriptures is important, but in the NEW AGE we aim at KNOWING GOD FOR OURSELVES so that meditation must become deeper than these.

As all knowledge is within, deep within the recesses of the Soul, we must become familiar with our Higher Self, become so deeply immersed that we know what we seek.

We rise at the allotted hour and sit in a place conducive to higher thoughts. It may be sitting up in bed, on the floor, or going into another room, maybe outside in the garden.

We arrange ourselves so that we are able to sit comfortably. It may be sitting cross legged, or legs straight out in front, or sitting on a chair that is the right height so the legs are comfortably arrayed. Ancient Egyptians sat in a chair and if you can find a picture of this, you will have an idea of how the body rests in this position. Arms placed well back, hands on the lap.

The ancient and modern Indians prefer sitting on the floor in various poses.

It is purely a matter of preference, but one thing is important, that of keeping the back straight and preferably not leaning against anything. This then leaves our etheric body free from obstruction (we go into details of the etheric body at a later date).

Make sure that there will be NO disturbances and do not allow yourself to rise before the allotted time. This is DISCIPLINE, a training that is VERY necessary. Without discipline of the body it is almost impossible to discipline the mind.

Now we are sitting comfortably. Gaze in front of you for about five or ten minutes at some concrete object, it can be either a picture or a dot on the wall. This is mainly to focus the concentration at first on an outer object.

When you have attained a steadiness of gaze, close the eyes, not tightly, but partially closed, bringing the concentration to the space between the eyebrows. For awhile the eyelids may flicker, but they will soon steady down as you yourself become more calm.

Keep the body still, the inner gaze steady.

Now we may find the mind has taken over and decided to play games, thinking of this and that. As much as we try to keep our concentration, the mind has decided otherwise.

Our wayward mind never seems to do what we want it to do, so it must be disciplined. After all, who is master ?, the mind or YOU! As with any wayward children, who must be watched carefully and disciplined, so it is with the MIND. We must now watch our mind and watch it carefully. Watch what it does and what it thinks, become an onlooker and watch it carefully.

There are many methods of discipline, and we list a few techniques here. It is up to the individual to decide which method suits him or her best. What suits one person will not necessarily suit another, so try the various methods, then choose one and stick to it.

While we are sitting still, watching our thoughts, we may mentally repeat the mantra "So Ham" pronounced So Hum. As we mentally watch the inflow of breath we repeat "So", and as we mentally watch the outflow of breath we mentally repeat "Hum. It is a SILENT MENTAL exercise. Watch the NATURAL FLOW of breath as it is inhaled with NO FORCED BREATHING (it should be so quiet as to be

almost non-existent), repeating "So". Then as it is exhaled, "Hum". Continue with this if you possibly can for at least half an hour. Then sit quietly absorbed in the deep state that this can take you into providing you STAY WITH THE MANTRA AND THE WATCHING OF THE BREATH.

Here, the flaw is that if you do not watch carefully and pay strict attention to the exercise, you will be doing it with one part of the mind and the other part will be going along merrily thinking of all sorts of things. Thus, CONCENTRATION ON THE EXERCISE, is an absolute necessity.

Another method is to try to focus the inner gaze between the eyebrows and try to actually see a blue haze. When concentration is achieved, try to see a spot of brilliant light in the centre of the blue haze. Keep your attention on this spot of light and try to draw it closer so that it will grow bigger.

Another method is to concentrate on your heart, visualising a golden ray emanating from it, spreading out, filling everyone and everything with PURE DIVINE LOVE.

The IMPORTANT THING is to go DEEP WITHIN, to STILL THE MIND. If this is done, you will be developing the physical, mental and spiritual powers that are your birthright.

But do not let us kid ourselves, it is not all that easy to still the mind. Even with techniques, the mind is still active. The secret is CONCENTRATION, and HARD WORK, and REGULARITY IN PRACTICE.

After we have practised our meditation, we then slowly open our eyes and gaze at the object we started with on the external plane. Slowly let the eyes take in more and more of the surroundings. stay for a few more minutes, then calmly rise up to go about your daily active life. You will be refreshed and at peace, no longer at the mercy of the wild untamed senses. You can meet any situation with a calmness that you did not have before. Your eyes will show a serenity that many will envy.

It is true that meditation CANNOT BE TAUGHT, but CONCENTRATION can be, and it is only through concentration that you will fall naturally into meditation. A state of perfect stillness.

The ancients taught that PRAYER was talking to God and meditation was listening to God.

As you develop you will come in contact with many inner sounds, the most important one being the Universal Sound. This is part of another lesson and will be studied thoroughly.

All true knowledge is universal, not belonging to one or another, but belonging to all WHO SEEK. The only requisite being to have an open mind that will absorb. It is like taking a cup and filling it with water, but if the cup is full, then no more will fit in. However, if you empty the cup, you can then fill it again and tip out what you do not or cannot agree with at this stage of your development.

But, empty it first, and then see what pearls fill it.

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