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Tulsa County GOP State Committee Members

January 2014

Confession: Im a Conservative, Christian, Home Schooling Mom and I Support Decriminalization of Cannabis
by Joanna Francisco

Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs

by TC Ryan

Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs How many times have you heard a politician repeat that word? We need to tax for more jobs. We need to spend for more jobs. We need more debt for more jobs. With every tax package and with every new bond the state, city, or county put together that is their rally cry. But what does it really mean? When a politician tells you that they are here to create jobs what they are really saying is that they believe they know best the ways in which to spend your money. They are saying that they are better suited to centrally plan your life than you are in living your life. You see, when government sectors talk about jobs and job creation they are relying on the transfer of wealth, from your pocketbook to theirs, to be able to fund their grand schemes. More often than not their grand schemes of job creation amount to allowing for some businesses to gain an advantage over other businesses through tax incentives like lower or zero property tax or not having to pay rent or paying rent well below market value for use of publicly owned buildings or property. Other incentives include good ole fashion cash money: your cash money. Unfortunately for us, and our pocketbooks, politicians are not omniscient, cannot foresee the future, and do not know what is best for every consumer. But, by continually pursuing these types of actions, politicians are telling you that they believe they are. Macys: I was excited to learn that Macys had decided to move into Tulsa County. I thought, Hey! That is great! More jobs mean a boost to our economy! Then I learned that in order to get Macys into the Tulsa area our Governor and politicians in
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I certainly do not claim to be an expert on this subject although I find the topic very intriguing on several levels. Its medicinal benefits, the origin of its prohibition beginning in the 1930s, the economic and political aspects of its prohibition including industries that benefit financially from its illegality, the influence of law enforcement/prison for profit industry, the history of its use both medicinally and recreationally predating the 1930s Reefer Madness propaganda campaigncannabis is a very complex and interesting topic. The more I learn, the more I am prompted to speak up on behalf of repealing prohibition. And so thats what I have been doing recently. As soon as I began sharing my views publicly, numerous people suffering with various health conditions began reaching out to me privately, desperately seeking allies in their fight to end prohibition in Oklahoma so that they can treat their afflictions legally. Since there is such a stigma attached to cannabis use, many are reluctant to speak out. Some even fear that simply requesting this treatment from their doctors could put their jobs and families at risk. A sampling of folks I have spoken with recently include: the family of a police officer who was severely injured on the job and whose government approved medical care and pharmaceuticals have not improved this persons health at all, but instead have created a whole host of extremely negative side effects rendering this person practically incapacitated; a veteran suffering with PTSD who would rather let his PTSD go untreated than risk the dangerous side effects, such as suicide, of his doctor-prescribed pharmaceuticals; a young woman trying to get off of her prescribed serotoninnorepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (anti-depressant) due to the side effects she was experiencing; a home schooling mother who suffers from a rare condition which cannabis has proven successful in treating - but she cannot legally obtain this treatment in OK and her health has drastically declined as mainstream American medicine has given her no relief at all. Tulsa GOP State Committee Members Newsletter
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continued from page 1, TC Ryan

Owasso, amongst others, had to bribe them with taxpayer dollars. The glaring question when politicians use tax dollars to bribe companies into an area is this: What happens when a different city offers them even more money to move into their area? What happens when Tulsa, or Owasso, or Jenks cannot take enough of the taxpayers money to satisfy the corporation in question? They will move. They will take their business where they can get the most cash and the most incentives. This type of policy is unsustainable. Now usually when we are talking about this sort of crony capitalism it is in regards to big corporations like American Airlines, Maytag, Macys and the like. So, if government is constantly providing handouts to the big guys, what happens to the li ttle ones? What happens to the startups, the mom and pop shops, the online dealers? They end up subsidizing the big guys through taxation and eventually it will affect their business. Ive personally seen a mom and pop online shop shut down because of th e increase in federal and local regulation and taxation. When government picks winners in the market, they inevitably pick losers and the consumer ends up paying the price. What can we do? We all want a prosperous city, county and state right? Then instead of allowing politicians to drain the taxpayer/ the consumer dry we should be actively advocating for policies to lower all taxation, property and income, and to lower all fees and local regulations making it easier for all entrepreneurs to pursue their endeavors which would allow for consumers to decide the ups and downs of the market by their purchasing power instead of allowing for government to play dictator of the market. Or simply, we need to free the market. Jan 21 at 8:30 am and Feb. 3 at 9:30 am in Room 119 of the Tulsa County Ray Jordan Administration Building, 500 N. Denver Ave, you will have the opportunity to voice your opinions on crony capitalism as there will be public comment on whether or not your Tulsa County Commissioners should allow Macys to receive tax incentives that other business do not receive. Please attend if you are able and invite others to do so as well. TC Ryan State Committee Republican Party of Tulsa County

Tulsa GOP State Committee Members Newsletter

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continued from page 1, Joanna Francisco

Its time to lose the stigma. These people are not wannabe stoners. In fact, these particular people I mention all happen to selfidentify as conservative Republican Christians. They are your friends and neighbors. These people have the natural right to pursue the medical treatment of their choice and it is time for the law to reflect that rather than serve as a source of violence against those who would dare seek proven treatments that are legal in other states and had been legal all over until the 1930s. Plus, as shocking as it may seem, I have also encountered people - againconservative, responsible, hard-working Republicans - who admit to using cannabis simply to relax, take the edge off, or alleviate minor yet chronic pain. In other words, there are regular, upstanding people all around us of all ages who use cannabis recreationally and responsibly, much like many of us enjoy wine or beer at the end of a day or in a social setting. The stigma that people who use or advocate for decriminalization of cannabis are 'liberals' or stoners does not take into account reality. Additionally, an alarming trend is the increased use of legal psych-meds which are typically, but not solely, prescribed by doctors and typically, but not solely, dispensed at local pharmacies. Of course, they can also be purchased through street dealers. These synthetic drugs can be highly addictive and extremely dangerous to the user. Abuse of and addiction to FDA approved pharmaceutical drugs is becoming increasingly rampant and the number of people who are legally prescribed psychmeds is on the rise. Often in the case of acts of mass violence, the perpetrator had a history of using prescribed psychiatric medications. Have you ever read the warning labels on some of these meds? Risky, even under a doctors care. In contrast, centuries of countless cannabis users from time immemorial have not/do not resort to committing violent crimes nor turn into crazed druggies - no more than people who drink a beer now and then become violent alcoholics, ax-wielding killers, or strung out drug abusers. It is common knowledge that no one has ever died from an overdose of cannabis and people do not become violent from its use. Then what is the legitimate role of government on this issue? Many substances and behaviors can be abused and people who are prone to abuse them will find a way to do so one way or another. But does that mean government should ban products on the basis that they may potentially be abused by some in our society? Of course not. In a free society, people are free to make their own decisions, even if those decisions may be unhealthy. And in a free society, people who have not committed acts of aggression against others should not be languishing in prison when they could be out in the workforce engaging in market transactions that benefit society rather than draining the taxpayers! It is the epitome of nanny state big government to have laws that restrict what grown individuals can ingest or inhale when no crime or aggression is even being committed against anothers person or property. Advocating for government intervention in such personal matters is not conservative! Micromanagement by government is collectivist and progressive! It may sound outlandish, but if not kept in check, the next thing you know governments will start limiting things as basic as salt in an effort to protect us. Now, if the anti-cannabis people were consistent in their views - like if they also advocated for reinstating alcohol prohibition they would have some credibility on this issue. Until then (well, even then), it's just one group of people imposing their preferences and propaganda-based beliefs on others. And that is a very un-Republican, anti-individual thing to do! Interestingly, the more I speak with others about this issue, the more people I discover who also hold a positive view of cannabis. And guess whatthe Republican party in Oklahoma is teeming with them. So lets all start working together to educate ourselves and others and promote rationality and science over fear-based propaganda. Its time Oklahoma. Joanna Francisco Tulsa County GOP State Committee Member

Tulsa GOP State Committee Members Newsletter

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