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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

!um"er #uestion Process$Procedure %e&erence

Date: Program P AS Code:


4. Quality Management System

4.1 General Re uirements:
)as the contractor esta"lished- documentedimplemented- and maintained a #uality .anagement System- in accordance with the re/uirements o& AS 91000


1s an e&&ective 2Continuous 1mprovement2 program- an active part o& the contractor3s #uality .anagement System0

)as the contractor:


1denti&ied the processes needed &or the #uality .anagement System- including their applications throughout the contractor3s organi4ation0


Determined the se/uence and interaction o& these processes0


Determined the criteria and methods neededto ensure that "oth the operation and control o& these processes are e&&ective0


5nsured the availa"ility o& resources and in&ormation necessary- to support the operation and monitoring o& these processes0


.easured- monitored- and analy4ed these processes0


1mplemented the actions necessary to achieve their planned results- including continuous improvement o& the processes0

Does the contractor manage these processes- in accordance with AS 9100 re/uirements0

Do ade/uate controls e6ist- and are they identi&ied within the contractor3s #uality .anagement System- &or process re/uirements that are outsourced- and a&&ect product con&ormity0

Developed By: Art Baldwin

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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er #uestion Process$Procedure %e&erence

Date: Program P AS Code:


4.2 !"cumentati"n Re uirements:

4.2.1 General: 7
Does the #uality .anagement System documentation include:


Documented statements o& a #uality policyand #uality o":ectives0


A #uality manual0


Documented procedures re/uired "y AS 91000


Procedures needed "y the contractor to ensure e&&ective planning- operation- and control o& the processes0


%ecords re/uired "y AS 91000

Does an ade/uate communication process e6ist to ensure that personnel have access to- and are aware o&- relevant #uality .anagement System documentation and changes0

4.2.2 Quality Manual: 9

)as a #uality manual "een esta"lished and maintainedthat includes:


;he scope o& the #uality .anagement System- including details o&- and :usti&ication &or any e6clusions or e6ceptions0


Documented procedures esta"lished &or the #uality .anagement System- or re&erence to them0


A description o& the interaction "etween the processes o& the #uality .anagement System0

4.2.# C"ntr"l "$ !"cuments:

Are the documents that are re/uired &or the #uality .anagement System ade/uately controlled0


)as a documented procedure "een esta"lishedidenti&ying the &ollowing controls:


Approval o& documents &or ade/uacy 2prior2 to issue0

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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
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5nsures that changes- and the current revision status o& documents are identi&ied0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments

%eview and update as necessary- including re<approval o& documents0


5nsure that latest revisions- or relevant versions o& applica"le documents- are availa"le at points o& use0


5nsures that documents remain legi"le- and are readily identi&ia"le0


5nsure that documents o& e6ternal origin are identi&ied- and their distri"ution is controlled0


Preventing the unintended use o& o"solete documents- and to apply suita"le identi&ication to them i& they are retained0

4.2.4 C"ntr"l "$ Rec"rds:

)ave records "een esta"lished and maintained to provide evidence o& con&ormity to re/uirements- and o& the e&&ective operation o& the #uality .anagement system0



)as a documented procedure "een esta"lished to de&ine the &ollowing re/uired controls0










%etention ;ime0




Does a documented procedure e6ist- de&ining the method &or controlling records that are created "yand$or retained "y- suppliers0

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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er #uestion Process$Procedure %e&erence

Date: Program P AS Code:


5. Management Responsibility
%.1 Management C"mmitment:
)as top management provided evidence o& its commitment to the development and implementation o& the #uality .anagement System- and &or continuous improvement o& its e&&ectiveness, "y:


Communicating to the organi4ation the importance o& meeting customer- as well as regulatory and legal re/uirements0


5sta"lishing the #uality policy0


5nsuring that #uality o":ectives are esta"lished0


Conducting .anagement %eviews0


5nsuring the availa"ility o& ade/uate resources0

%.2 Cust"mer &"cus:

)as top management ensured that customer re/uirements are determined and met- with the aim o& enhancing customer satis&action0


)as top management esta"lished and implemented a process- to ensure that product con&ormity and on<time delivery are measured- and that appropriate action is taken i& planned results are not- or will not- "e achieved0

%.# Quality '"licy:

)as top management ensured that the #uality Policy:


1s appropriate &or the purpose o& the contractor3s organi4ation0


1ncludes a commitment to comply with re/uirements- and to continually improve the e&&ectivness o& the #uality .anagement System0


Provides a &ramework &or esta"lishing and reviewing #uality o":ectives0


1s communicated and understood within the contractor3s organi4ation0

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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er + e* #uestion
1s reviewed &or continual appropriateness0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments

%.4 'lanning:
%.4.1 Quality ()*ecti+es:
)as top management ensured that #uality o":ectives are esta"lished &or relevant &unctions- and at appropriate levels within the organi4ation0

)ave #uality o":ectives- needed to meet the re/uirements o& the product- "een esta"lished0

Are #uality o":ectives measura"le- and consistant with the contractor3s documented #uality Policy0

%.4.2 Quality Management System 'lanning:

)as top management ensured that the resources needed to achieve the #uality o":ectives are planned &or- and identi&ied0

1s the output o& the contractor3s planning documented0 =ie> /uality manual- procedures- work instructions- /uality plans- etc?*


@hen changes to the #uality .anagement System are planned and implemented- does top management ensure that the integrity o& the #uality System is maintained0

%.% Res,"nsi)ility- Auth"rity- and C"mmunicati"n:

%.%.1 Res,"nsi)ility and Auth"rity:
)as top management ensured that responsi"ilities and authorities &or the #uality .anagement System are de&ined- and communicated throughout the contractor3s organi4ation0


%.%.2 Management Re,resentati+e:

)as top management designated and appointed mem"er=s* o& management- who have reponsi"ility and authority that includes:



5nsuring that #uality processes are esta"lished- implemented- and maintained0


%eporting to top management on the per&ormance o& the #uality .anagement System- including any needs &or improvement0

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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er c* 1' #uestion
Promoting awareness o& customer re/uirements throughout the contractor3s organi4ation0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


;he organi4ational &reedom- and unrestricted access to top management- to resolve #uality .anagement issues0

%.%.# .nternal C"mmunicati"ns:

)as top management ensured that appropriate communication processes have "een esta"lished throughout the organi4ation0



Does communication- regarding the e&&ectiveness o& the #uality .anagement System- take place0

%./ Management Re+ie0:

%./.1 General:
Does top management accomplish 2%eviews2 o& the #uality .anagement System at planned intervals- to ensure it3s continuing suita"ility- ade/uacy- and e&&ectiveness0



Are opportunities &or improvement- and the need &or changes to the #uality .anagement System- including the contractor3s #uality Policy and #uality B":ectivesevaluated during 2.anagement %eviews20


Are records o& 2.anagement %eviews2 documented and maintained as #uality records0

%./.2 Re+ie0 .n,ut: 19

Do the inputs to 2.anagement %eviews2 include in&ormation on:


%esults o& audits0


Customer Aeed"ack0


Process per&ormance and product con&ormity0


Status o& preventive and corrective actions0


Aollow<up actions &rom previous .anagement %eviews0


Planned changes that could a&&ect the #uality .anagement System0

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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er 19 g* #uestion
%ecommendations &or improvement0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments

%./.# Re+ie0 (ut,ut: 19

Do the outputs &rom the 2.anagement %eviews2 include the decisions and actions related to:


1mprovement o& the e&&ectiveness o& the #uality .anagement System- and its processes0


1mprovement o& the product- related to customer re/uirements0


%esources that are re/uired0

6. Resource Management
/.1 'r"+isi"n "$ Res"urces:
)ave the resources "een determined and made availa"le &or:


1mplementing and maintaining a #uality .anagement System- including continuous improvement o& it3s e&&ectiveness0


5nhancing customer satis&action- "y meeting customer re/uirements0

/.2 1uman Res"urces:

/.2.1 General:
Aor personnel who per&orm work a&&ecting product /uality- is competency "ased on appropriate educationtraining- skills- and e6perience0


/.2.2 C"m,etency- A0areness- and 2raining:

)as the contractor3s organi4ation:


Determined the appropriate skills and competencies- &or personnel per&orming work a&&ecting /uality0


Provided training- or taken other actions to satis&y competency needs0


5valuated the e&&ectiveness o& any actions taken0

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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er d* #uestion
5nsured that employees are aware o& the signi&icance and importance o& their activities- and how they contri"ute to the achievement o& the #uality o":ectives0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


.aintained appropriate personnel records o& education- training- skills- and e6perience0

/.# .n$rastructure:
;o achieve con&ormity o& the product- does the contractor3s organi4ation identi&y- provide- and maintain appropriate &acilities- including:


Buildings- workspace- and associated utilities0


Process e/uipment- including hardware- and so&tware0


Supporting Services0

/.4 3"rk 4n+ir"nment:

)as the environment- needed to attain con&ormity o& product re/uirements- "een determined and managed ade/uately =noise- temperature- lighting- humidity- etc*0

7. Product Realization
5.1 'lanning "$ Reali6ati"n 'r"cess:
1s planning o& the contractor3s product reali4ationconsistent with the re/uirements o& the other processes o& the #uality .anagement System0


@hen planning product reali4ation processes- are the &ollowing "eing considered and determined:


#uality o":ectives- and re/uirements &or the product- including: 1* Product and personnel sa&ety0

'* %elia"ility- maintaina"ility- and availa"ility0

(* Produci"ility and inspecta"ility0

+* Suita"ility o& parts and materials used in the product0

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Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

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Date: Program P AS Code:


=a<Con3t?* #uality o":ectives- and re/uirements &or the product- including: ,* Selection and development o& em"edded so&tware0


7* %ecycling or &inal disposal o& the product at the end o& it3s li&e0


;he need to esta"lish processes- documentsand provide resources 2speci&ic2 to the product re/uirements0


%e/uired veri&ication- validation- monitoringinspection- and test activities- 2speci&ic to the product2- and criteria &or product acceptance0


%ecords that are needed- to provide evidence that the reali4ation processes and resulting product- satis&y customer re/uirements0


Con&iguration management appropriate to the product0


%esources to support the use and maintenance o& the product0

1s the planning output in a &orm- appropriate &or the contractor3s methods o& operation0

5.1.1 'r"*ect Management:

)as the contractor esta"lished an ade/uate system- with associated processes- to plan and manage product reali4ation in a structured and controlled manner- to meet customer re/uirements at an accepta"le risk- within resource and schedule constraints0

5.1.2 Risk Management:

)as the contractor esta"lished- implemented- and maintained processes- to manage 2risk2 and achieve applica"le customer re/uirements- including:


Assignment o& responsi"ilities &or risk management0


De&initions o& risk criteria =e?g? likelihoodconse/uences- risk acceptance*0


1denti&ication- assessment- and communication o& risks throughout product reali4ation0

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Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Process$Procedure %e&erence

Date: Program P AS Code:


1denti&ication- implementation- and management o& actions- to mitigate risks that e6ceed the de&ined risk acceptance criteria0


Acceptance o& risks remaining- a&ter implementation o& mitigating actions0

5.1.# C"n$igurati"n Management:

)as the contractor esta"lished- implemented- and maintained a con&iguration management process that includes:


Con&iguration management planning0


Con&iguration identi&ication0


Change control processes0


.aintaining records o& con&iguration status0


Con&iguration audits0

5.1.4 C"ntr"l "$ 3"rk 2rans$ers:

)as the contractor esta"lished- implemented- and maintained a process- to plan and control the temporary or permanent trans&er o& work =e?g? &rom one contractor &acility to another- &rom the contractor to a supplier- or &rom one supplier to another supplier*- and to veri&y con&ormity o& the work to the contract$customer re/uirements0

5.2 Cust"mer Related 'r"cesses:

5.2.1 !eterminati"n "$ Re uirements Related t" the 'r"duct: 9
)as the contractor3s organi4ation determined:


%e/uirements speci&ied "y the customerincluding the re/uirements &or delivery and post<delivery activities0


%e/uirements not stated "y the customer- "ut necessary &or speci&ied or intended use- when known0


Statutory and regulatory re/uirements related to the product0


Any additional product re/uirementsmandated "y the contractor3s Policies and$or Procedures0

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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er #uestion 5.2.2 Re+ie0 "$ Re uirements Related t" the 'r"duct:
Prior to commitment to the customer =eg> su"mission o& Proposals- acceptance o& Contracts or Brders- or acceptance o& Change Brders or Contract .odi&ications*are re/uirements reviewed to ensure that:

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


Product re/uirements are de&ined0


Contract or Brder re/uirements- di&&erent &rom those previously e6pressed- are resolved0


;he contractor has the a"ility to comply with the de&ined re/uirements0


Any special re/uirements o& the product are determined0


Areas o& risk have "een identi&ied =e?g? new technology- short delivery time &rame- etc*0


Are the results o& %eviews- and actions arising &rom these %eviews- recorded and maintained as records0


@here the customer has not provided a documented statement o& re/uirements- are customer re/uirements con&irmed "y the contractor- prior to acceptance0


@here product re/uirements are changed- does the contractor3s organi4ation ensure that applica"le documentation is amended- and relevant personnel are made aware o& the changed re/uirements0

5.2.# Cust"mer C"mmunicati"n:

)as the contractor3s organi4ation determined and implemented- an e&&ective process &or communicating with customers- relating to:



Product in&ormation and re/uirements0


1n/uiries- Contracts- Amendments- or Brder handling0


Customer &eed"ack- including customer complaints0

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Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

!um"er #uestion

AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Process$Procedure %e&erence

Date: Program P AS Code:


5.# !esign and !e+el",ment:

5.#.1 !esign and !e+el",ment 'lanning: 1+
Are product design and development activities planned and controlled0


During design and development planning- has the contractor determined and documented:


;he various stages o& design and development0


%eview- veri&ication- and validation stepsappropriate to each design and development stage0


%esponsi"ilities and authorities &or design and development0


)as the contractor esta"lished the necessary processes to allow &or the division o& the design and development e&&orts into distinct activities- and &or each activityde&ined the tasks- necessary resources- responsi"ilitiesdesign content- input and output data- and planning constraints0


Are the di&&erent design and development tasks to "e accomplished- "ased on the sa&ety and &unctional o":ectives o& the product- in accordance with the customer3s re/uirements- statutory- and regulatory re/uirements0


Does the contractor3s process &or design and development planning- take into consideration the capa"ility to produce- inspect- test- and maintain the product0


Are inter&aces managed- "etween the di&&erent groups that are involved in the design and development processes- to ensure e&&ective communication- and clear assignment o& responsi"ilities0


1s planning output updated- as design and development progresses0

5.#.2 !esign and !e+el",ment .n,uts: '1

Are inputs- related to product re/uirements- de&ineddocumented- and maintained0


Does design and development include:


Aunctional and per&ormance re/uirements0


Applica"le statutory and regulatory re/uirements0

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Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

!um"er "* '' c* #uestion
Applica"le statutory and regulatory re/uirements0

AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Process$Procedure %e&erence

Date: Program P AS Code:


Applica"le in&ormation derived &rom previous similar designs0


Bther re/uirements that are essential &or designs and development0


Are design and development inputs reviewed &or ade/uacy0


Are incomplete- am"iguous- con&using- or con&licting re/uirements resolved0

5.#.# !esign and !e+el",ment (ut,uts:

Are outputs o& the design and development- provided in a &orm that ena"les veri&ication against the design and development inputs0



Are design outputs approved- prior to release0


Does the design and development output:


.eet the design and development input re/uirements0


Provide appropriate in&ormation &or purchasing- production- and &or a repair$service provision0


Contain or re&erence product acceptance critieria0


Speci&y the product characteristics that are essential to it3s sa&e and proper use0


Speci&y any critical items- i& applica"leincluding any key characteristics- and speci&ic actions to "e accomplished &or these items0


Does the contractor have esta"lished processes to de&ine the data re/uired to allow the product to "e identi&iedmanu&actured- inspected- tested- used- and maintainedincluding:


Drawings- parts lists- and speci&ications necessary to de&ine the con&iguration and the design &eatures o& the product0


.aterial- process- manu&acturing- and assem"ly data- re/uired to ensure con&ormity o& the product0

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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er #uestion 5.#.4 !esign and !e+el",ment Re+ie0:
Are systematic 2%eviews2 =audits* per&ormed in accordance with planned arrangements- at applica"le stages in the design and development process0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments



Do design and development 2%eviews2 =audits*:


5valuate the capa"ility o& the design and development e&&orts- to comply with customer re/uirements0


1denti&y pro"lems- and propose necessary corrective actions0


Authori4e progression to the ne6t stage0


Do 2%eview2 participants include representatives o& &unctions- involved with the design and development stage=s* "eing reviewed0


Are results o& %eviews- and any corrective actions necessary- maintained as records0

5.#.% !esign and !e+el",ment 7eri$icati"n:

1s design and development veri&ication per&ormed in accordance with the contractor3s plan- to ensure that the design outputs- con&orm to the design and development input re/uirements0



Are the results o& veri&ications and corrective actions documented- and maintained as records0

5.#./ !esign and !e+el",ment 7alidati"n: (,

1s design and development validation per&ormed in accordance with planned arrangements0


1s design and development validation per&ormed- to con&irm that the product is capa"le o& meeting the re/uirements o& the speci&ied application- and it3s intended purpose0


1s validation completed prior to delivery- or implementation o& the product- wherever applica"le0


Are the results o& validation- and associated actionsmaintained as records0

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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er #uestion
5.#./.1 !esign and !e+el",ment 7eri$icati"n and 7alidati"n 2esting: @hen testing is necessary &or veri&ication and validationare these tests planned- reviewed- controlled- and documented- to ensure and prove the &ollowing:

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments



Do the test plans or speci&ications identi&y the product "eing tested and the resources that are to "e used0 1* Do they de&ine the test o":ectives and conditions0

'* Do they identi&y the test parameters that are to "e recorded0

(* Do they speci&y the relevant acceptance criteria0


Do the test procedures descri"e the methods o& operation- the per&ormance o& the test- and the recording o& the test results0


Are re/uirements speci&ied to veri&y that the correct con&iguration o& the product is "eing su"mitted &or the test0


Are there provisions speci&ied to ensure that the re/uirements o& the test plan and the test procedures are complied with0


Are there provisions speci&ied to ensure that acceptance criteria are met0

5.#./.2 !esign and !e+el",ment 7eri$icati"n and 7alidati"n !"cumentati"n: At the completion o& design and$or development- does the contractor3s documentation and records ensure that reports- calculations- test data- inspection results- etcdemonstrate that the product meets the speci&ication re/uirements &or all operational conditions0


5.#.5 C"ntr"l "$ !esign and !e+el",ment Changes:


Are design and$or development changes identi&ieddocumented- and maintained as records0


Do reviews o& design and development changes includeevaluation o& the e&&ect o& the changes on associated parts- and product already delivered0

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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er #uestion
Are design and development changes reviewed- veri&iedand validated- as appropriate- and are the changes approved- prior to implementation0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments



Are results o& the review o& changes and re/uired corrective actions- maintained as records0

5.4 'urchasing:
5.4.1 'urchasing C"ntr"l:
Do the Su"contracting$Purchasing processes have ade/uate controls in<place- to ensure that purchased products and$or services con&orm to the Purchase Brder re/uirements0



Are the types o& controls- and to what e6tent they applied to the suppliers and purchased products- evaluated and dependent upon the e&&ect o& the purchased product on su"se/uent product processing- or the &inal product0


Does the contractor have ade/uate controls =e?g? policiesprocedures- processes- etc* in<place- to accept responsi"ility &or the con&ormity o& all products purchased &rom suppliers- including product &rom suppliers mandated "y the customer0


Are su"contractors$suppliers evaluated and selected"ased on their a"ility to supply product- in accordance with the contractor3s re/uirements0


)as the contractor3s organi4ation esta"lished procedures and criteria &or selection- evaluation- and re<evaluation o& suppliers0


Are results o& the evaluations- and any necessary actions taken- maintained as records0


)as the contractor esta"lished a process in the #uality .anagement System to:


.aintain a register o& it3s suppliers that includes approval status =e?g? approvedconditional- disapproved*- and the scope o& the approval =e?g? product type- process &amily- etc*0


Periodically review supplier per&ormanceutili4ing the results o& the reviews as a "asis &or esta"lishing the level o& controls to "e implemented0


De&ine the necessary actions to take- when dealing with suppliers that do not meet re/uirements0

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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er d* #uestion
5nsure that when re/uired- "oth the contractor and all suppliers use customer< approved special process sources0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments



De&ine the process- responsi"ilities- and authority &or the approval status decisionchanges o& the approval status- and conditions &or a controlled use o& suppliersdepending on the suppliers approval status0


Determine and manage the risk- when selecting and using suppliers0

5.4.2 'urchasing .n$"rmati"n: ,'

Does the purchasing in&ormation descri"e the product to "e purchased0


Do the Purchase Brders =purchasing in&ormation* to su"contractors and suppliers include:


%e/uirements &or approval o& productprocedures- processes- and$or e/uipment0


%e/uirements &or /uali&ication o& personnel0


#uality .anagement System re/uirements0


;he identi&ication and revision status o& speci&ications- drawings- process re/uirements- inspection$veri&ication instructions- and other technical data0


%e/uirements &or design- test- inspectionveri&ication =including production process veri&ication*- use o& statistical techni/ues &or product acceptance and related instructions &or acceptance "y the contractor- and i& applica"le- critical items- including key characteristics0



%e/uirements &or test specimens =e?g? production method- num"er- storage conditions- etc* &or design approvalinspection$veri&ication- investigation- or auditing0


%e/uirements regarding the need &or the supplier$su"contractor to: 1* !oti&y the prime contractor o& noncon&orming product0

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AS 9100C: 2009 Quality Management System Audit Checklist

Process$Procedure %e&erence

Date: Program P AS Code:


%e/uirements regarding the need &or the supplier$su"contractor to: '* B"tain prime contractor approval &or noncon&orming product disposition0

(* !oti&y the contractor o& changes to the product and$or process- changes o& supplierschanges o& manu&acturing &acility locationand when re/uired- o"tain prime contractor approval0

+* Alow<down in the supply chain- applica"le re/uirements- including customer re/uirements0


%etention o& records0


2%ight o& access2 "y the contractor- the customer- and regulatory authorities- to applica"le areas o& 2all &acilities2- at any level in the supply chain involved with the order- and access to 2all applica"le records20


Are speci&ied purchasing re/uirements evaluated &or ade/uacy- prior to "eing issued to suppliers0

5.4.# 7eri$icati"n "$ 'urchased 'r"duct:

)as an inspection process- or other activities- "een esta"lished and implemented- which are necessary &or ensuring that purchased product complies with speci&ied purchase re/uirements0



)as the contractor implemented an ade/uate process- to ensure that when purchased product is released &or production use- pending completion o& all re/uired veri&ication activities- that it is identi&ied and recorded- to allow &or recall and replacement- i& it is su"se/uently &ound that the product does not meet re/uirements0


Does the contractor have procedures which de&ine re/uirements &or delegations- and re/uire maintaining a register o& delegations- &or instances when the contractor chooses to delegate veri&ication activities to the supplier0


Are veri&ication arrangements- and$or methods o& product release- speci&ied in the purchasing in&ormation- where the contractor3s organi4ation- or it3s customer- intends to per&orm veri&ication at the supplier3s premises0

5.% 'r"ducti"n and Ser+ice 'r"+isi"n:

5.%.1 C"ntr"l "$ 'r"ducti"n and Ser+ice 'r"+isi"n:

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5.%.1 C"ntr"l "$ 'r"ducti"n and Ser+ice 'r"+isi"n:


Are the production and service provisions planned and carried out under controlled conditions- including:


Availa"ility o& in&ormation that descri"es the product characteristics0


Availa"ility o& work instructions =e?g? travelers- routers- manu&acturing plansinspection documents- etc*0


Cse o& suita"le e/uipment =e?g? :igs- &i6turesmolds- etc*0


Availa"ility and use o& measuring and monitoring devices0


1mplementation o& monitoring and measurement0


1mplementation o& release- delivery- and post<delivery activities0


Accounta"ility &or all product during production =e?g? parts lists- parts /uantitiessplit orders- noncon&orming product- etc*0


5vidence that all production and inspection$veri&ication operations have "een completed as planned- or as otherwise documented and authori4ed0


Provisions &or the prevention- detection- and removal o& &oreign o":ects0


.onitoring and control o& utilities and supplies =e?g? water- compressed airelectricity- chemical products- etc*0


Cnderstanda"le- clear criteria &or workmanship =e?g? written standardsrepresentative samples- illustrations- etc*0


@hen planning controls &or production- has the contractor considered- esta"lished- implemented- and maintained processes &or:


.anaging critical items- including process controls when key characteristics have "een identi&ied0


Designing- manu&acturing- and using tooling to measure varia"le data0

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!um"er c* 70 #uestion
1denti&ying in<process inspection and veri&ication points- when ade/uate veri&ication o& con&ormance cannot "e per&ormed at later stages o& production$reali4ation0

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Special processes0

5.%.1.1 'r"ducti"n 'r"cess 7eri$icati"n:


)as the contractor esta"lished and implemented a mandatory 2Airst Article 1nspection2 process:


Csing a representative item &rom the &irst production run o& a new part or assem"ly- to veri&y that the production processesproduction documentation- and tooling- are capa"le o& producing parts and assem"lies that meet re/uirements0


1ncorporating provisions that the process shall "e repeated- when changes occur that invalidate the original 2Airst Article 1nspection2 results =e?g? engineering changesmanu&acturing process changes- tooling changes- etc*0

5.%.1.2 C"ntr"l "$ 'r"ducti"n 'r"cess Changes:


)as the contractor esta"lished a method- process- and$or procedure &or identi&ication o& personnel- authori4ed to approve changes to production processes0


)as the contractor implemented a process- to control and document changes a&&ecting processes- production e/uipment- tools- or so&tware programs0


)as the contractor developed and implemented a processto evaluate the results o& changes to production processes- assessing them to con&irm that the desired e&&ect has "een accomplished- without adversely a&&ecting product con&ormity0

5.%.1.# C"ntr"l "$ 'r"ducti"n 4 ui,ment- 2""ls- and S"$t0are 'r"grams: )as the contractor implemented a process to ensure that production e/uipment- tools- and so&tware programsused to automate and control- or monitor product reali4ation processes- are validated prior to release &or production- and are maintained0



)as the contractor initiated a process- de&ining storage re/uirements- including periodic preservation and condition checks- &or production e/uipment and$or tooling in storage0

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5.%.1.4 '"st8!eli+ery Su,,"rt:

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)as the contractor esta"lished a post<delivery support process- which provides &or the:


Collection and analysis o& in<service data0


Actions to "e taken- including investigation and reporting- when pro"lems are detected a&ter delivery0


Control and updating o& technical data0


Approval- control- and use o& repair methods0


Controls re/uired &or o&&<site work =e?g? contractor3s work accomplished at customer3s &acilities*0

5.%.2 7alidati"n "$ 'r"cesses $"r 'r"ducti"n and Ser+ice 'r"+isi"n:

)ave processes- where de&iciencies may "ecome apparent only a&ter the product is in use- or the service has "een delivered- "een validated0



Do the results o& validation- demonstrate the a"ility o& the processes to achieve the contractor3s planned results0


)as the contractor esta"lished a system and processes &or:


De&ining the criteria- &or the review and approval o& the processes0


Approval o& e/uipment- and /uali&ication o& personnel0


Cse o& speci&ic methods- and$or procedures0


%e/uirements &or records0


%e<validation- i& re/uired0

5.%.# .denti$icati"n and 2racea)ility: 81

1s the product ade/uately identi&ia"le- throughout the product reali4ation processes0


Does the contractor have a process- to maintain con&iguration identi&ication o& the product- in order to identi&y any di&&erences "etween the actual con&igurationand the agreed<to con&iguration0

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!um"er 8( #uestion
1s the product status identi&ia"le- with respect to monitoring and measurement re/uirements0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


)as the contractor esta"lished a process- &or control o& 2Acceptance Authority2 media =e?g? stamps- electronic signatures- passwords- etc*0


@hen tracea"ility is a re/uirement- is the product uni/uely identi&ied and controlled- and:


1s there a process to ensure that identi&ication is maintained throughout the product li&e0


Does the contractor have a process esta"lished- providing the a"ility to trace all products- manu&actured &rom the same "atch o& raw material- or &rom the same manu&acturing "atch- to the destination =e?g? delivery- scrap- etc*0


Aor an assem"ly- does the contractor have a process esta"lished- providing the a"ility to trace components to an assem"ly- and then to the ne6t higher level assem"ly0


Aor a product- does the contractor have a process esta"lished- providing the a"ility to retrieve a se/uential record o& its production =manu&acture- assem"ly- inspection- testetc*0


1s the product3s uni/ue identi&ication maintained as a record0

5.%.4 Cust"mer 'r",erty:

Does the contractor e6ercise ade/uate care with customer property- while it is under the organi4ation3s control- or is "eing used "y the contractor0



1s customer property identi&ied- veri&ied- protected- and sa&eguarded0


1& lost- damaged- or otherwise &ound to "e unsuita"le &or use- is the condition documented- reported to the customer- and maintained as a record0

5.%.% 'reser+ati"n "$ 'r"duct:

1s con&ormity o& product preserved during internal processing- and delivery to the intended destination0


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Do the contractor3s preservation activities include:

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Are preservation activities applied to associated component parts o& a product0


1n accordance with product speci&ications- and applica"le statutory and regulatory re/uirements- does the contractor3s preservation processes include provisions &or:




Prevention- detection- and removal o& &oreign o":ects0


Special handling &or sensitive products0


.arking and la"eling- including sa&ety warnings0


Shel& li&e control and stock rotation0


Special handling &or ha4ardous materials0

5./ C"ntr"l "$ Measuring and M"nit"ring !e+ices:

)as the contractor3s organi4ation determined the monitoring and measurement to take place-and the types o& monitoring and measurement devices that are re/uiredto provide evidence o& con&ormity to re/uirements0



)as the contractor esta"lished and maintained a register$record o& monitoring and measurement e/uipment that is utili4ed0


)as the contractor esta"lished and de&ined the processemployed &or the cali"ration and veri&ication o& monitoring and measurement e/uipment- including details o&:


5/uipment type0

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Cni/ue identi&ication0


Are/uency o& checks0


Deri&ication$check method0


Acceptance criteria0


)as the contractor identi&ied monitoring and measurement e/uipment- which is used to produce inspection data to provide evidence o& product con&ormity- as including- "ut not limited to:


;est hardware0


;est so&tware0


Automated ;est 5/uipment =A;5*0




Personally owned e/uipment0


Customer supplied e/uipment0


)ave processes "een esta"lished- to ensure that monitoring and measurement can "e carried out- in a manner consistent with the monitoring and measurement re/uirements0


)as the contractor arranged &or- and ensured that e6isting environmental conditions are suita"le &or:










@hen necessary to ensure valid results- are measuring e/uipment:


Cali"rated or veri&ied at speci&ic intervals- or prior to use- against measurement standards that are tracea"le to international or national measurement standards> where no standard e6ists- is the &oundation used &or cali"ration or veri&ication recorded0

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Ad:usted- or re<ad:usted as necessary0

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1denti&ied to ena"le the cali"ration status to "e determined0


Sa&eguarded &rom ad:ustments that would invalidate the measurement results0


Protected &rom damage and deterioration during handling- maintenance- and storage0


)as the contractor esta"lished- implemented- and maintained a process- &or the recall o& monitoring and measurement e/uipment re/uiring cali"ration or veri&ication0


)as the contractor evaluated and recorded the validity o& previous measuring results- when the e/uipment is &ound not to con&orm to the re/uirements- and have they taken the appropriate corrective action on the e/uipment- and any a&&ected product0


Are records o& cali"ration and veri&ication results maintained0


@hen computer so&tware is used in the monitoring and measurement o& speci&ied re/uirements- is the a"ility o& the computer so&tware to satis&y the intended purpose con&irmed- prior to use0


Does the contractor3s process- &or con&irmation o& computer so&tware to satis&y it3s intended purposeinclude veri&ication and con&iguration management to maintain it3s suita"ility &or use0


1s the a"ility o& computer so&tware- to satis&y the intended application- reconfirmed as needed0

8. Measurement, nalysis, and !mpro"ement

9.1 General:
)ave the monitoring- measurement- analysis- and improvement processes "een planned- documented- and implemented to:


Demonstrate con&ormity o& the product0


5nsure con&ormity o& the #uality .anagement System0

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!um"er 1 c* #uestion
Continually improve the e&&ectiveness o& the #uality .anagement System0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


)ave applica"le process methods- including statistical techni/ues- and their e6tent o& use- "een determined0

Does the contractor use statistical techni/ues to support:


Design veri&ication =e?g? relia"ilitymantaina"ility- sa&ety- etc*0


Process controls- including: 1* Selection and inspection o& key characteristics0


Process capa"ility measurements0


Statistical process control0


Design o& e6periments0




Aailure mode- e&&ect- and criticality analysis0

9.2 M"nit"ring and Measurement:

9.2.1 Cust"mer Satis$acti"n:
1s in&ormation and data- relating to customer perceptionmonitored "y the contractor- as to whether customer re/uirements have "een met0

)ave the methodologies &or o"taining and using in&ormation and data- related to customer perception"een determined0

1s the in&ormation that the contractor monitors and uses &or evaluation o& customer satis&action include- "ut not limited to:


Product con&ormity0


Bn<time delivery per&ormance0


Customer complaints0


Corrective action re/uests0

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)as the contractor developed and implemented plans &or customer satis&action improvement- addressing de&iciencies identi&ied "y these evaluations- and assessing the e&&ectiveness o& the results0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments

9.2.2 .nternal Audits:

Are internal audits conducted at planned intervals- to determine whether the #uality .anagement System:


Con&orms to planned arrangementsre/uirements o& 1SB 9001- customer contractual re/uirements- and the #uality .anagement System0


1s e&&ectively implemented and maintained0

@hen planning audits- does the contractor take into consideration the status and importance o& the processes and areas to "e audited- as well as the results o& previous audits0


Are audit criteria- scope- &re/uency- and methods de&ined0


1s auditor selection considered "y the contractor- to ensure o":ectivity and impartiality o& the audit process0


Do controls e6ist to ensure that auditors do not audit their own work0


)as a documented procedure "een esta"lished to de&ine the responsi"ilities- re/uirements &or planning and conducting audits- reporting results- and maintaining records0


)as management- which is responsi"le &or the area=s* "eing audited- ensured that corrective actions have "een initiated without delay- to eliminate detected noncon&ormities- and their root causes0


Do &ollow<up activities include veri&ication o& the corrective actions taken- and the reporting o& the veri&ication results0

9.2.# M"nit"ring and Measurement "$ 'r"cesses:


Are appropriate methods applied &or monitoring- and where applica"le- measurement o& the #uality .anagement System processes- that are re/uired to meet customer re/uirements0

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!um"er 18 #uestion
Do these methods demonstrate the a"ility o& the processes to achieve the planned results0

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Are corrective actions implemented- when planned results are not achieved0


1n the event o& process noncon&ormity- has the contractor esta"lished and implemented a process and controls to:


;ake appropriate action to correct the noncon&orming process0


5valuate whether the process noncon&ormity has resulted in product noncon&ormities0


Determine i& the process noncon&ormity is limited to a speci&ic case- or whether it could have a&&ected other processes or products0


1denti&y and control any noncon&orming product0

9.2.4 M"nit"ring and Measurement "$ 'r"duct:


Are product characteristics monitored and measured- to veri&y that product re/uirements are met0


1s monitoring and measurement o& product characteristics- implemented at appropriate stages o& the product reali4ation process- in accordance with the contractor3s plans0


1s evidence o& con&ormity with the acceptance criteriadocumented and maintained0


)as the contractor esta"lished the process- and documented measurement re/uirements &or product acceptance- including:


Criteria &or acceptance and$or re:ection0


@here in the manu&acturing se/uencemeasurement and testing are to "e per&ormed0


%e/uired records o& the measurement results =e?g? at a minimum- indication o& acceptance or re:ection*0


Any uni/ue or speci&ic measurement instruments re/uired- and any speci&ic instructions associated with their use0

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@hen critical items- including any key characteristics have "een identi&ied- does the contractor ensure they are controlled and monitored- in accordance with esta"lished processes0


@hen the contractor has decided to use 2Sampling 1nspection2 as a means o& product acceptance- has the sampling plan "een :usti&ied on the "asis o& recogni4ed statistical principles- and is it appropriate &or use =e?g? matching the sampling plan to the criticality o& the product- and to process capa"ility*0


Does the contractor have a documented process esta"lished- so that when product is released &or &urther processing and production use- pending completion o& all re/uired measurement- inspection- testing- and monitoring activities- is it ade/uately identi&ied and recorded to allow &or recall and replacement- i& it is su"se/uently &ound that the product does not meet re/uirements0


Are records maintained that indicate the person=s* authori4ing release o& product0


@hen re/uired to demonstrate product qualificationdoes the contractor have an esta"lished process- to ensure that records provide evidence that the product meets the de&ined re/uirements0


Cnless otherwise approved "y a relevant authority- or where applica"le- the customer- are all planned processes satis&actorily completed- prior to proceeding with release o& the product0


Does the contractor have an esta"lished process- to ensure that all documents that are re/uired to accompany the product- are present at delivery0

9.# C"ntr"l "$ :"nc"n$"rming 'r"duct:

1s noncon&orming product identi&ied and controlled- to prevent unintended use or delivery0


)as a documented procedure "een esta"lished to de&ine process controls- identi&y authorities and their related responsi"ilities- &or dealing with noncon&orming product0


Do the contractor3s procedures de&ine noncon&orming product- as including noncon&orming product returned "y the customer0


Does the contractor3s documented procedure=s* de&ine the responsi"ility- and authority- &or the review and disposition o& noncon&orming product- and e6plain the process &or approving personnel making these decisions0

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1s the process &or dealing with noncon&orming productone or more o& the &ollowing ways:


1s action taken to eliminate the detected noncon&ormity0


!oncon&orming product is authori4ed &or userelease- or acceptance- "y approval o& a relevant authority- and when applica"le- "y the customer0


1s ade/uate action taken- to prevent using the noncon&orming product &or it3s original intended use or application0


@hen noncon&orming product is detected a&ter delivery- or use has started- is appropriate evaluation and corrective action taken "y the contractor- to analy4e the e&&ector potential e&&ect- the noncon&ormity may have on other component parts- and$or Systems0


Does the contractor take the necessary actions- to contain and$or limit the potential e&&ects o& the noncon&ormity- on other processes or products0


Does the contractor3s process &or control o& noncon&orming product- provide &or timely reporting o& delivered noncon&orming product0


Does the contractor have a process esta"lished- &or noti&ication o& parties concerning noncon&orming product- including noti&ication to applica"le suppliersinternal organi4ations- customers- distri"utors- and regulatory authorities0


Does the contractor3s process procedures &or control o& noncon&orming material- speci&y that dispositions o& 2use<as<is2 or 2repair2- shall only "e used- after approval "y an authori4ed representative- or personnel having delegated authority- &rom the organi4ation responsi"le &or design0


1& the noncon&ormity results in a departure &rom the contract re/uirements- does the contractor have provisions in their control o& noncon&orming material process- to prevent the use o& 2use<as<is2 and 2repair2 dispositions- unless speci&ically authori4ed "y the customer0


Does the contractor3s control o& noncon&orming material process procedure=s*- speci&y that product dispositioned &or 2scrap"- shall "e conspicuously and permanently marked- or positively controlled- until physically rendered unusa"le0

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!um"er #uestion
Are ade/uate records maintained- identi&ying the nature o& noncon&ormities- and any su"se/uent corrective actions taken- including any waivers- deviations- or authori4ed concessions0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments



@hen noncon&orming product is corrected- is it su":ect to re<veri&ication- to demonstrate con&ormity to the re/uirements0

9.4 Analysis "$ !ata:

1s appropriate data determined- collected- and analy4edto demonstrate the suita"ility and e&&ectiveness o& the #uality .anagement System- and to evaluate where continuous improvement o& the e&&ectiveness o& the #uality .anagement System can "e made0



Does this data include data generated &rom monitoring measurement- and other relevant sources0


Does the contractor3s analysis o& data- provide in&ormation related to:


Customer satis&action0


Con&ormance to product re/uirements0


Characteristics and trends- o& products and processes- including opportunities &or preventive action0


Ade/uacy o& suppliers$su"contractors0

9.% 'r"cess .m,r"+ement:

9.%.1 C"ntinual .m,r"+ement:
Does the contractor have procedure=s* and a process esta"lished- to promote continual improvement o& the e&&ectiveness o& the #uality .anagement System0



Are the results o& audits- analysis o& data- corrective and preventive actions- .anagement %eviews- #uality Policy- and #uality B":ectives- used &or continual improvement0


Does the contractor have a process esta"lished- to monitor the implementation o& improvement activitiesresulting &rom activities such as 2lessons learned22pro"lem resolutions2- and the 2"enchmarking o& "est practices2- and evaluate the e&&ectiveness o& the results0

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!um"er #uestion 9.%.2 C"rrecti+e Acti"n:

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Are corrective actions taken to eliminate the root cause=s* o& noncon&ormities- and to prevent recurrence0


Are corrective actions appropriate to eliminate the e&&ects o& the noncon&ormities encountered0


)as a documented procedure "een esta"lished- to de&ine the re/uirements &or:


%eviewing noncon&ormities- including customer complaints0


Determining the root cause=s* o& noncon&ormities0


5valuating the need &or corrective action=s*to ensure that noncon&ormities do not recur0


Determining and implementing ade/uate corrective action=s*0


%ecording and maintaining the results o& corrective actions taken0


%eviewing corrective actions0


Alowing down corrective action re/uirements to a supplier- when it is determined that the supplier is responsi"le &or the noncon&ormity0


Speci&ic actions- when timely and$or e&&ective corrective actions are not achieved0


Determining i& additional noncon&orming product e6ists- "ased on the causes o& the noncon&ormities- and taking &urther actionwhen re/uired0

9.%.# 're+enti+e Acti"n:

)as the contractor3s organi4ation initiated ade/uate corrective actions- to eliminate the root causes o& potential noncon&ormities- in order to prevent reoccurrence0



Are preventive action opportunities- such as 2risk management2- 2error proo&ing2- 2 &ailure mode and e&&ect analysis =A.5A*2- and 2in&ormation on product pro"lems reported "y e6ternal sources2- utili4ed appropriately to control and$or eliminate e&&ects o& potential pro"lems0

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!um"er ,+ #uestion
)as a documented procedure "een esta"lished- to de&ine the re/uirements &or:

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


Determining potential noncon&ormities and their root causes0


5valuating the need &or preventive action- to preclude reoccurrence o& noncon&ormities0


Determining and implementing corrective and preventive actions that are needed0


%ecording and maintaining the results o& preventive actions taken0


%eview o& preventive actions taken0

#otes $ %omments

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter + < Eeneral %e/uirements
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4. Quality Management System

4.1 General Re uirements:
)as the contractor esta"lished- documentedimplemented- and maintained a #uality .anagement System- in accordance with the re/uirements o& AS 91000


1s an e&&ective 2Continuous 1mprovement2 program- an active part o& the contractor3s #uality .anagement System0

)as the contractor:


1denti&ied the processes needed &or the #uality .anagement System- including their applications throughout the contractor3s organi4ation0


Determined the se/uence and interaction o& these processes0


Determined the criteria and methods neededto ensure that "oth the operation and control o& these processes are e&&ective0


5nsured the availa"ility o& resources and in&ormation necessary- to support the operation and monitoring o& these processes0


.easured- monitored- and analy4ed these processes0


1mplemented the actions necessary to achieve their planned results- including continuous improvement o& the processes0

Does the contractor manage these processes- in accordance with AS 9100 re/uirements0

Do ade/uate controls e6ist- and are they identi&ied within the contractor3s #uality .anagement System- &or process re/uirements that are outsourced and a&&ect product con&ormity0

4.2 !"cumentati"n Re uirements:

4.2.1 General: 7
Does the #uality .anagement System documentation include:


Documented statements o& a #uality policyand #uality o":ectives0


A #uality manual0

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!um"er c* 7 #uestion

AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter + < Eeneral %e/uirements
Process$Procedure %e&erence

Date: Program P AS Code:


Documented procedures re/uired "y AS 91000


Procedures needed "y the contractor to ensure the e&&ective planning- operation- and control o& the processes0


%ecords re/uired "y AS 91000

Does an ade/uate communication process e6ist to ensure that personnel have access to- and are aware o&- relevant #uality .anagement System documentation and changes0

4.2.2 Quality Manual: 9

)as a #uality manual "een esta"lished and maintainedthat includes:


;he scope o& the #uality .anagement System- including details o&- and :usti&ication &or any e6clusions or e6ceptions0


Documented procedures esta"lished &or the #uality .anagement System- or re&erence to them0


A description o& the interaction "etween the processes o& the #uality .anagement System0

4.2.# C"ntr"l "$ !"cuments:

Are the documents that are re/uired &or the #uality .anagement System ade/uately controlled0


)as a documented procedure "een esta"lishedidenti&ying the &ollowing controls:


Approval o& documents &or ade/uacy 2prior2 to issue0


%eview and update as necessary- including re<approval o& documents0


5nsures that changes- and the current revision status o& documents are identi&ied0


5nsure that latest revisions- or relevant versions o& applica"le documents- are availa"le at points o& use0


5nsures that documents remain legi"le- and are readily identi&ia"le0

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Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

!um"er &* 10 #uestion

AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter + < Eeneral %e/uirements
Process$Procedure %e&erence

Date: Program P AS Code:


5nsure that documents o& e6ternal origin are identi&ied- and their distri"ution is controlled0


Preventing the unintended use o& o"solete documents- and to apply suita"le identi&ication to them i& they are retained0

4.2.4 C"ntr"l "$ Rec"rds:

)ave records "een esta"lished and maintained to provide evidence o& con&ormity to re/uirements- and o& the e&&ective operation o& the #uality .anagement system0



)as a documented procedure "een esta"lished to de&ine the &ollowing re/uired controls0










%etention ;ime0




Does a documented procedure e6ist- de&ining the method &or controlling records that are created "yand$or retained "y- suppliers0

#otes $ %omments

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter + < Eeneral %e/uirements

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

Date: Program P AS Code:

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter , < .anagement Systems
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er #uestion Process$Procedure %e&erence

Date: Program P AS Code:


5. Management Responsibility
%.1 Management C"mmitment:
)as top management provided evidence o& its commitment to the development and implementation o& the #uality .anagement System- and &or continuous improvement o& its e&&ectiveness, "y:


Communicating to the organi4ation the importance o& meeting customer- as well as regulatory and legal re/uirements0


5sta"lishing the #uality policy0


5nsuring that #uality o":ectives are esta"lished0


Conducting .anagement %eviews0


5nsuring the availa"ility o& ade/uate resources0

%.2 Cust"mer &"cus:

)as top management ensured that customer re/uirements are determined and met- with the aim o& enhancing customer satis&action0


)as top management esta"lished and implemented a process- to ensure that product con&ormity and on<time delivery are measured- and that appropriate action is taken i& planned results are not- or will not- "e achieved0

%.# Quality '"licy:

)as top management ensured that the #uality Policy:


1s appropriate &or the purpose o& the contractor3s organi4ation0


1ncludes a commitment to comply with re/uirements- and to continually improve the e&&ectivness o& the #uality .anagement System0


Provides a &ramework &or esta"lishing and reviewing #uality o":ectives0


1s communicated and understood within the contractor3s organi4ation0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter , < .anagement Systems
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er + e* #uestion
1s reviewed &or continual appropriateness0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments

%.4 'lanning:
%.4.1 Quality ()*ecti+es:
)as top management ensured that #uality o":ectives are esta"lished &or relevant &unctions- and at appropriate levels within the organi4ation0

)ave #uality o":ectives- needed to meet the re/uirements o& the product- "een esta"lished0

Are #uality o":ectives measura"le- and consistant with the contractor3s documented #uality Policy0

%.4.2 Quality Management System 'lanning:

)as top management ensured that the resources needed to achieve the #uality o":ectives are planned &or- and identi&ied0

1s the output o& the contractor3s planning documented0 =ie> /uality manual- procedures- work instructions- /uality plans- etc?*


@hen changes to the #uality .anagement System are planned and implemented- does top management ensure that the integrity o& the #uality System is maintained0

%.% Res,"nsi)ility- Auth"rity- and C"mmunicati"n:

%.%.1 Res,"nsi)ility and Auth"rity:
)as top management ensured that responsi"ilities and authorities &or the #uality .anagement System are de&ined- and communicated throughout the contractor3s organi4ation0


%.%.2 Management Re,resentati+e:

)as top management designated and appointed mem"er=s* o& management- who have reponsi"ility and authority that includes:



5nsuring that #uality processes are esta"lished- implemented- and maintained0


%eporting to top management on the per&ormance o& the #uality .anagement System- including any needs &or improvement0

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Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er c* 1' #uestion
Promoting awareness o& customer re/uirements throughout the contractor3s organi4ation0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


;he organi4ational &reedom- and unrestricted access to top management- to resolve #uality .anagement issues0

%.%.# .nternal C"mmunicati"ns:

)as top management ensured that appropriate communication processes have "een esta"lished throughout the organi4ation0



Does communication- regarding the e&&ectiveness o& the #uality .anagement System- take place0

%./ Management Re+ie0:

%./.1 General:
Does top management accomplish 2%eviews2 o& the #uality .anagement System at planned intervals- to ensure it3s continuing suita"ility- ade/uacy- and e&&ectiveness0



Are opportunities &or improvement- and the need &or changes to the #uality .anagement System- including the contractor3s #uality Policy and #uality B":ectivesevaluated during 2.anagement %eviews20


Are records o& 2.anagement %eviews2 documented and maintained as #uality records0

%./.2 Re+ie0 .n,ut: 19

Do the inputs to 2.anagement %eviews2 include in&ormation on:


%esults o& audits0


Customer Aeed"ack0


Process per&ormance and product con&ormity0


Status o& preventive and corrective actions0


Aollow<up actions &rom previous .anagement %eviews0


Planned changes that could a&&ect the #uality .anagement System0

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Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er 19 g* #uestion
%ecommendations &or improvement0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments

%./.# Re+ie0 (ut,ut: 19

Do the outputs &rom the 2.anagement %eviews2 include the decisions and actions related to:


1mprovement o& the e&&ectiveness o& the #uality .anagement System- and its processes0


1mprovement o& the product- related to customer re/uirements0


%esources that are re/uired0

#otes $ %omments

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter , < .anagement Systems

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

Date: Program P AS Code:

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 7 < %esource .anagement

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

!um"er #uestion Process$Procedure %e&erence

Date: Program P AS Code:


6. Resource Management
/.1 'r"+isi"n "$ Res"urces:
)ave the resources "een determined and made availa"le &or:


1mplementing and maintaining a #uality .anagement System- including continuous improvement o& it3s e&&ectiveness0


5nhancing customer satis&action- "y meeting customer re/uirements0

/.2 1uman Res"urces:

/.2.1 General:
Aor personnel who per&orm work a&&ecting product /uality- is competency "ased on appropriate educationtraining- skills- and e6perience0


/.2.2 C"m,etency- A0areness- and 2raining:

)as the contractor3s organi4ation:


Determined the appropriate skills and competencies- &or personnel per&orming work a&&ecting /uality0


Provided training- or taken other actions to satis&y competency needs0


5valuated the e&&ectiveness o& any actions taken0


5nsured that employees are aware o& the signi&icance and importance o& their activities- and how they contri"ute to the achievement o& the #uality o":ectives0


.aintained appropriate personnel records o& education- training- skills- and e6perience0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 7 < %esource .anagement
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er #uestion Process$Procedure %e&erence

Date: Program P AS Code:


/.# .n$rastructure:
;o achieve con&ormity o& the product- does the contractor3s organi4ation identi&y- provide- and maintain appropriate &acilities- including:


Buildings- workspace- and associated utilities0


Process e/uipment- including hardware- and so&tware0


Supporting Services0

/.4 3"rk 4n+ir"nment:

)as the environment- needed to attain con&ormity o& product re/uirements- "een determined and managed ade/uately =noise- temperature- lighting- humidity- etc*0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 7 < %esource .anagement

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

Date: Program P AS Code:

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

!um"er #uestion Process$Procedure %e&erence

Date: Program P AS Code:


7. Product Realization
5.1 'lanning "$ Reali6ati"n 'r"cess:
1s planning o& the contractor3s product reali4ationconsistent with the re/uirements o& the other processes o& the #uality .anagement System0


@hen planning product reali4ation processes- are the &ollowing "eing considered and determined:


#uality o":ectives- and re/uirements &or the product- including: 1* Product and personnel sa&ety0

'* %elia"ility- maintaina"ility- and availa"ility0

(* Produci"ility and inspecta"ility0

+* Suita"ility o& parts and materials used in the product0

,* Selection and development o& em"edded so&tware0

7* %ecycling or &inal disposal o& the product at the end o& it3s li&e0


;he need to esta"lish processes- documentsand provide resources 2speci&ic2 to the product re/uirements0


%e/uired veri&ication- validation- monitoringinspection- and test activities- 2speci&ic to the product2- and criteria &or product acceptance0


%ecords that are needed- to provide evidence that the reali4ation processes and resulting product- satis&y customer re/uirements0


Con&iguration management appropriate to the product0


%esources to support the use and maintenance o& the product0

1s the planning output in a &orm- appropriate &or the contractor3s methods o& operation0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

!um"er #uestion 5.1.1 'r"*ect Management:
)as the contractor esta"lished an ade/uate system- with associated processes- to plan and manage product reali4ation in a structured and controlled manner- to meet customer re/uirements at an accepta"le risk- within resource and schedule constraints0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments

5.1.2 Risk Management:

)as the contractor esta"lished- implemented- and maintained processes- to manage 2risk2 and achieve applica"le customer re/uirements- including:


Assignment o& responsi"ilities &or risk management0


De&initions o& risk criteria =e?g? likelihoodconse/uences- risk acceptance*0


1denti&ication- assessment- and communication o& risks throughout product reali4ation0


1denti&ication- implementation- and management o& actions- to mitigate risks that e6ceed the de&ined risk acceptance criteria0


Acceptance o& risks remaining- a&ter implementation o& mitigating actions0

5.1.# C"n$igurati"n Management:

)as the contractor esta"lished- implemented- and maintained a con&iguration management process that includes:


Con&iguration management planning0


Con&iguration identi&ication0


Change control processes0


.aintaining records o& con&iguration status0


Con&iguration audits0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er #uestion 5.1.4 C"ntr"l "$ 3"rk 2rans$ers:
)as the contractor esta"lished- implemented- and maintained a process- to plan and control the temporary or permanent trans&er o& work =e?g? &rom one contractor &acility to another- &rom the contractor to a supplier- or &rom one supplier to another supplier*- and to veri&y con&ormity o& the work to the contract$customer re/uirements0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments

5.2 Cust"mer Related 'r"cesses:

5.2.1 !eterminati"n "$ Re uirements Related t" the 'r"duct: 9
)as the contractor3s organi4ation determined:


%e/uirements speci&ied "y the customerincluding the re/uirements &or delivery and post<delivery activities0


%e/uirements not stated "y the customer- "ut necessary &or speci&ied or intended use- when known0


Statutory and regulatory re/uirements related to the product0


Any additional product re/uirementsmandated "y the contractor3s Policies and$or Procedures0

5.2.2 Re+ie0 "$ Re uirements Related t" the 'r"duct:

Prior to commitment to the customer =eg> su"mission o& Proposals- acceptance o& Contracts or Brders- or acceptance o& Change Brders or Contract .odi&ications*are re/uirements reviewed to ensure that:


Product re/uirements are de&ined0


Contract or Brder re/uirements- di&&erent &rom those previously e6pressed- are resolved0


;he contractor has the a"ility to comply with the de&ined re/uirements0


Any special re/uirements o& the product are determined0


Areas o& risk have "een identi&ied =e?g? new technology- short delivery time &rame- etc*0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er #uestion
Are the results o& %eviews- and actions arising &rom these %eviews- recorded and maintained as records0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments



@here the customer has not provided a documented statement o& re/uirements- are customer re/uirements con&irmed "y the contractor- prior to acceptance0


@here product re/uirements are changed- does the contractor3s organi4ation ensure that appropriate documentation is amended- and relevant personnel are made aware o& the changed re/uirements0

5.2.# Cust"mer C"mmunicati"n:

)as the contractor3s organi4ation determined and implemented- an e&&ective process &or communicating with customers- relating to:



Product in&ormation and re/uirements0


1n/uiries- Contracts- Amendments- or Brder handling0


Customer &eed"ack- including customer complaints0

5.# !esign and !e+el",ment:

5.#.1 !esign and !e+el",ment 'lanning: 1+
Are product design and development activities planned and controlled0


During design and development planning- has the contractor determined and documented:


;he various stages o& design and development0


%eview- veri&ication- and validation stepsappropriate to each design and development stage0


%esponsi"ilities and authorities &or design and development0


)as the contractor esta"lished the necessary processes to allow &or the division o& the design and development e&&orts into distinct activities- and &or each activityde&ined the tasks- necessary resources- responsi"ilitiesdesign content- input and output data- and planning constraints0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

!um"er #uestion
Are the di&&erent design and development tasks to "e accomplished- "ased on the sa&ety and &unctional o":ectives o& the product- in accordance with the customer3s re/uirements- statutory- and regulatory re/uirements0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments



Does the contractor3s process &or design and development planning- take into consideration the capa"ility to produce- inspect- test- and maintain the product0


Are inter&aces managed- "etween the di&&erent groups that are involved in the design and development processes- to ensure e&&ective communication- and clear assignment o& responsi"ilities0


1s planning output updated- as design and development progresses0

5.#.2 !esign and !e+el",ment .n,uts: '1

Are inputs- related to product re/uirements- de&ineddocumented- and maintained0


Does design and development include:


Aunctional and per&ormance re/uirements0


Applica"le statutory and regulatory re/uirements0


Applica"le in&ormation derived &rom previous similar designs0


Bther re/uirements that are essential &or designs and development0


Are design and development inputs reviewed &or ade/uacy0


Are incomplete- am"iguous- con&using- or con&licting re/uirements resolved0

5.#.# !esign and !e+el",ment (ut,uts:

Are outputs o& the design and development- provided in a &orm that ena"les veri&ication against the design and development inputs0



Are design outputs approved- prior to release0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er '8 #uestion
Does the design and development output:

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


.eet the design and development input re/uirements0


Provide appropriate in&ormation &or purchasing- production- and &or a repair$service provision0


Contain or re&erence product acceptance critieria0


Speci&y the product characteristics that are essential to it3s sa&e and proper use0


Speci&y any critical items- i& applica"leincluding any key characteristics- and speci&ic actions to "e accomplished &or these items0


Does the contractor have esta"lished processes to de&ine the data re/uired to allow the product to "e identi&iedmanu&actured- inspected- tested- used- and maintainedincluding:


Drawings- parts lists- and speci&ications necessary to de&ine the con&iguration and the design &eatures o& the product0


.aterial- process- manu&acturing- and assem"ly data- re/uired to ensure con&ormity o& the product0

5.#.4 !esign and !e+el",ment Re+ie0:

Are systematic 2%eviews2 =audits* per&ormed in accordance with planned arrangements- at applica"le stages in the design and development process0



Do design and development 2%eviews2 =audits*:


5valuate the capa"ility o& the design and development e&&orts- to comply with customer re/uirements0


1denti&y pro"lems- and propose necessary corrective actions0


Authori4e progression to the ne6t stage0


Do 2%eview2 participants include representatives o& &unctions- involved with the design and development stage=s* "eing reviewed0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er (' #uestion
Are results o& 2%eviews2- and any corrective actions necessary- maintained as records0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments

5.#.% !esign and !e+el",ment 7eri$icati"n:

1s design and development veri&ication per&ormed in accordance with the contractor3s plan- to ensure that the design outputs- con&orm to the design and development input re/uirements0



Are the results o& veri&ications and corrective actions documented- and maintained as records0

5.#./ !esign and !e+el",ment 7alidati"n: (,

1s design and development validation per&ormed in accordance with planned arrangements0


1s design and development validation per&ormed- to con&irm that the product is capa"le o& meeting the re/uirements o& the speci&ied application- and it3s intended purpose0


1s validation completed prior to delivery- or implementation o& the product- wherever applica"le0


Are the results o& validation- and associated actionsmaintained as records0

5.#./.1 !esign and !e+el",ment 7eri$icati"n and 7alidati"n 2esting: @hen testing is necessary &or veri&ication and validationare these tests planned- reviewed- controlled- and documented- to ensure and prove the &ollowing:



Do the test plans or speci&ications identi&y the product "eing tested and the resources that are to "e used0 1* Do they de&ine the test o":ectives and conditions0

'* Do they identi&y the test parameters that are to "e recorded0

(* Do they speci&y the relevant acceptance criteria0


Do the test procedures descri"e the methods o& operation- the per&ormance o& the test- and the recording o& the test results0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er c* (9 #uestion
Are re/uirements speci&ied to veri&y that the correct con&iguration o& the product is "eing su"mitted &or the test0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


Are there provisions speci&ied to ensure that the re/uirements o& the test plan and the test procedures are complied with0


Are there provisions speci&ied to ensure that acceptance criteria are met0

5.#./.2 !esign and !e+el",ment 7eri$icati"n and 7alidati"n !"cumentati"n: At the completion o& design and$or development- does the contractor3s documentation and records ensure that reports- calculations- test data- inspection results- etcdemonstrate that the product meets the speci&ication re/uirements &or all operational conditions0


5.#.5 C"ntr"l "$ !esign and !e+el",ment Changes:


Are design and$or development changes identi&ieddocumented- and maintained as records0


Do reviews o& design and development changes includeevaluation o& the e&&ect o& the changes on associated parts- and product already delivered0


Are design and development changes reviewed- veri&iedand validated- as appropriate- and are the changes approved- prior to implementation0


Are results o& the review o& changes- and any re/uired corrective actions- maintained as records0

5.4 'urchasing:
5.4.1 'urchasing C"ntr"l:
Do the Su"contracting$Purchasing processes have ade/uate controls in<place- to ensure that purchased products- and$or services- con&orm to the Purchase Brder re/uirements0



Are the types o& controls- and to what e6tent they applied to the suppliers and purchased products- evaluated and dependent upon the e&&ect o& the purchased product on su"se/uent product processing- or the &inal product0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er #uestion
Does the contractor have ade/uate controls =e?g? policiesprocedures- processes- etc* in<place- to accept responsi"ility &or the con&ormity o& all products purchased &rom suppliers- including product &rom suppliers mandated "y the customer0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments



Are su"contractors$suppliers selected and evaluated"ased on their a"ility to supply product- in accordance with the contractor3s re/uirements0


)as the contractor3s organi4ation esta"lished procedures and criteria &or selection- evaluation- and re<evaluation o& suppliers0


Are results o& the evaluations- and any necessary actions taken- maintained as records0


)as the contractor esta"lished a process in the #uality .anagement System to:


.aintain a register o& it3s suppliers that includes approval status =e?g? approvedconditional- disapproved*- and the scope o& the approval =e?g? product type- process &amily- etc*0


Periodically review supplier per&ormanceutili4ing the results o& the reviews as a "asis &or esta"lishing the level o& controls to "e implemented0


De&ine the necessary actions to take- when dealing with suppliers that do not meet re/uirements0


5nsure that when re/uired- "oth the contractor and all suppliers use customer< approved special process sources0


De&ine the process- responsi"ilities- and authority &or the approval status decisionchanges o& the approval status- and conditions &or a controlled use o& suppliersdepending on the suppliers approval status0


Determine and manage the risk- when selecting and using suppliers0

5.4.2 'urchasing .n$"rmati"n: ,'

Does the purchasing in&ormation descri"e the product to "e purchased0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

!um"er ,( #uestion
Do the Purchase Brders =purchasing in&ormation* to su"contractors and suppliers include:

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


%e/uirements &or approval o& productprocedures- processes- and$or e/uipment0


%e/uirements &or /uali&ication o& personnel0


#uality .anagement System re/uirements0


;he identi&ication and revision status o& speci&ications- drawings- process re/uirements- inspection$veri&ication instructions- and other technical data0


%e/uirements &or design- test- inspectionveri&ication =including production process veri&ication*- use o& statistical techni/ues &or product acceptance and related instructions &or acceptance "y the contractor- and i& applica"le- critical items- including key characteristics0


%e/uirements &or test specimens =e?g? production method- num"er- storage conditions- etc* &or design approvalinspection$veri&ication- investigation- or auditing0

g* ,(

%e/uirements regarding the need &or the supplier$su"contractor to: 1* !oti&y the prime contractor o& noncon&orming product0

'* B"tain prime contractor approval &or noncon&orming product disposition0

(* !oti&y the contractor o& changes to the product and$or process- changes o& supplierschanges o& manu&acturing &acility locationand when re/uired- o"tain prime contractor approval0

+* Alow<down in the supply chain- applica"le re/uirements- including customer re/uirements0


%etention o& records0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er i* ,( #uestion
2%ight o& access2 "y the contractor- the customer- and regulatory authorities- to applica"le areas o& 2all &acilities2- at any level in the supply chain involved with the order- and access to 2all applica"le records20

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


Are speci&ied purchasing re/uirements evaluated &or ade/uacy- prior to "eing issued to suppliers0

5.4.# 7eri$icati"n "$ 'urchased 'r"duct:

)as an inspection process- or other activities- "een esta"lished and implemented- which are necessary &or ensuring that purchased product complies with speci&ied purchase re/uirements0



)as the contractor implemented an ade/uate process- to ensure that when purchased product is released &or production use- pending completion o& all re/uired veri&ication activities- that it is identi&ied and recorded- to allow &or recall and replacement- i& it is su"se/uently &ound that the product does not meet re/uirements0


Does the contractor have procedures which de&ine re/uirements &or delegations- and re/uire maintaining a register o& delegations- &or instances when the contractor chooses to delegate veri&ication activities to the supplier0


Are veri&ication arrangements- and$or methods o& product release- speci&ied in the purchasing in&ormation- where the contractor3s organi4ation- or it3s customer- intends to per&orm veri&ication at the supplier3s premises0

5.% 'r"ducti"n and Ser+ice 'r"+isi"n:

5.%.1 C"ntr"l "$ 'r"ducti"n and Ser+ice 'r"+isi"n:


Are the production and service provisions planned and carried out under controlled conditions- including:


Availa"ility o& in&ormation that descri"es the product characteristics0


Availa"ility o& work instructions =e?g? travelers- routers- manu&acturing plansinspection documents- etc*0


Cse o& suita"le e/uipment =e?g? :igs- &i6turesmolds- etc*0


Availa"ility and use o& measuring and monitoring devices0

Developed By: Art Baldwin

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er e* ,9 &* #uestion
1mplementation o& monitoring and measurement0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments

1mplementation o& release- delivery- and post<delivery activities0


Accounta"ility &or all product during production =e?g? parts lists- parts /uantitiessplit orders- noncon&orming product- etc*0


5vidence that all production and inspection$veri&ication operations have "een completed as planned- or as otherwise documented and authori4ed0


Provisions &or the prevention- detection- and removal o& &oreign o":ects0


.onitoring and control o& utilities and supplies =e?g? water- compressed airelectricity- chemical products- etc*0


Cnderstanda"le- clear criteria &or workmanship =e?g? written standardsrepresentative samples- illustrations- etc*0


@hen planning controls &or production- has the contractor considered- esta"lished- implemented- and maintain processes &or:


.anaging critical items- including process controls when key characteristics have "een identi&ied0


Designing- manu&acturing- and using tooling to measure varia"le data0


1denti&ying in<process inspection and veri&ication points- when ade/uate veri&ication o& con&ormance cannot "e per&ormed at later stages o& production$reali4ation0


Special processes0

5.%.1.1 'r"ducti"n 'r"cess 7eri$icati"n:


)as the contractor esta"lished and implemented a mandatory 2Airst Article 1nspection2 process:


Csing a representative item &rom the &irst production run o& a new part or assem"ly- to veri&y that the production processesproduction documentation- and tooling- are capa"le o& producing parts and assem"lies that meet re/uirements0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er "* 71 #uestion
1ncorporating provisions that the process shall "e repeated- when changes occur that invalidate the original 2Airst Article 1nspection2 results =e?g? engineering changesmanu&acturing process changes- tooling changes- etc*0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments

5.%.1.2 C"ntr"l "$ 'r"ducti"n 'r"cess Changes:


)as the contractor esta"lished a method- process- and$or procedure &or identi&ication o& personnel- authori4ed to approve changes to production processes0


)as the contractor implemented a process- to control and document changes a&&ecting processes- production e/uipment- tools- or so&tware programs0


)as the contractor developed and implemented a processto evaluate the results o& changes to production processes- assessing them to con&irm that the desired e&&ect has "een accomplished- without adversely a&&ecting product con&ormity0

5.%.1.# C"ntr"l "$ 'r"ducti"n 4 ui,ment- 2""ls- and S"$t0are 'r"grams: )as the contractor implemented a process to ensure that production e/uipment- tools- and so&tware programsused to automate and control- or monitor product reali4ation processes- are validated prior to release &or production- and are maintained0



)as the contractor initiated a process- de&ining storage re/uirements- including periodic preservation and condition checks- &or production e/uipment and$or tooling in storage0

5.%.1.4 '"st8!eli+ery Su,,"rt:


)as the contractor esta"lished a post<delivery support process- which provides &or the:


Collection and analysis o& in<service data0


Actions to "e taken- including investigation and reporting- when pro"lems are detected a&ter delivery0


Control and updating o& technical data0


Approval- control- and use o& repair methods0

Developed By: Art Baldwin

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er 78 e* #uestion
Controls re/uired &or o&&<site work =e?g? contractor3s work accomplished at customer3s &acilities*0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments

5.%.2 7alidati"n "$ 'r"cesses $"r 'r"ducti"n and Ser+ice 'r"+isi"n:

)ave processes- where de&iciencies may "ecome apparent only a&ter the product is in use- or the service has "een delivered- "een validated0



Do the results o& validation- demonstrate the a"ility o& the processes to achieve the contractor3s planned results0


)as the contractor esta"lished a system and processes &or:


De&ining the criteria- &or the review and approval o& the processes0


Approval o& e/uipment- and /uali&ication o& personnel0


Cse o& speci&ic methods- and$or procedures0


%e/uirements &or records0


%e<validation- i& re/uired0

5.%.# .denti$icati"n and 2racea)ility: 81

1s the product ade/uately identi&ia"le- throughout the product reali4ation processes0


Does the contractor have a process- to maintain con&iguration identi&ication o& the product- in order to identi&y any di&&erences "etween the actual con&igurationand the agreed<to con&iguration0


1s the product status identi&ia"le- with respect to monitoring and measurement re/uirements0


)as the contractor esta"lished a process- &or control o& 2Acceptance Authority2 media =e?g? stamps- electronic signatures- passwords- etc*0


@hen tracea"ility is a re/uirement- is the product uni/uely identi&ied and controlled0


1s there a process to ensure that identi&ication is maintained throughout the product li&e0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er "* #uestion
Does the contractor have a process esta"lished- providing the a"ility to trace all products- manu&actured &rom the same "atch o& raw material- or &rom the same manu&acturing "atch- to the destination =e?g? delivery- scrap- etc*0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments



Aor an assem"ly- does the contractor have a process esta"lished- providing the a"ility to trace components to an assem"ly- and then to the ne6t higher level assem"ly0


Aor a product- does the contractor have a process esta"lished- providing the a"ility to retrieve a se/uential record o& its production =manu&acture- assem"ly- inspection- testetc*0


1s the product3s uni/ue identi&ication maintained as a record0

5.%.4 Cust"mer 'r",erty:

Does the contractor e6ercise ade/uate care with customer property- while it is under the organi4ation3s control- or is "eing used "y the contractor0



1s customer property identi&ied- veri&ied- protected- and sa&eguarded0


1& lost- damaged- or otherwise &ound to "e unsuita"le &or use- is the condition documented- reported to the customer- and maintained as a record0

5.%.% 'reser+ati"n "$ 'r"duct:

1s con&ormity o& the product preserved during internal processing- and delivery to the intended destination0



Do the contractor3s preservation activities include:











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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er 9' #uestion
Are preservation activities applied to associated component parts o& a product0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


1n accordance with product speci&ications- and applica"le statutory and regulatory re/uirements- does the contractor3s preservation processes include provisions &or:




Prevention- detection- and removal o& &oreign o":ects0


Special handling &or sensitive products0


.arking and la"eling- including sa&ety warnings0


Shel& li&e control and stock rotation0


Special handling &or ha4ardous materials0

5./ C"ntr"l "$ Measuring and M"nit"ring !e+ices:

)as the contractor3s organi4ation determined the monitoring and measurement to take place-and the types o& monitoring and measurement devices that are re/uiredto provide evidence o& con&ormity to re/uirements0



)as the contractor esta"lished and maintained a register$record o& monitoring and measurement e/uipment that is utili4ed0


)as the contractor esta"lished and de&ined the processemployed &or the cali"ration and veri&ication o& monitoring and measurement e/uipment- including details o&:


5/uipment type0


Cni/ue identi&ication0




Are/uency o& checks0


Deri&ication$check method0


Acceptance criteria0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er #uestion
)as the contractor identi&ied monitoring and measurement e/uipment- which is used to produce inspection data to provide evidence o& product con&ormity- as including- "ut not limited to:

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments



;est hardware0


;est so&tware0


Automated ;est 5/uipment =A;5*0




Personally owned e/uipment0


Customer supplied e/uipment0


)ave processes "een esta"lished- to ensure that monitoring and measurement can "e carried out- in a manner consistent with the monitoring and measurement re/uirements0


)as the contractor arranged &or- and ensured that e6isting environmental conditions are suita"le &or:










@hen necessary to ensure valid results- are measuring e/uipment:


Cali"rated or veri&ied at speci&ic intervals- or prior to use- against measurement standards that are tracea"le to international or national measurement standards> where no standard e6ists- is the &oundation used &or cali"ration or veri&ication recorded0


Ad:usted- or re<ad:usted as necessary0


1denti&ied to ena"le the cali"ration status to "e determined0


Sa&eguarded &rom ad:ustments that would invalidate the measurement results0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er e* 90 #uestion
Protected &rom damage and deterioration during handling- maintenance- and storage0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


)as the contractor esta"lished- implemented- and maintained a process- &or the recall o& monitoring and measurement e/uipment re/uiring cali"ration or veri&ication0


)as the contractor evaluated and recorded the validity o& previous measuring results- when the e/uipment is &ound not to con&orm to the re/uirements- and have they taken the appropriate corrective action on the e/uipment- and any a&&ected product0


Are records o& cali"ration and veri&ication results maintained0


@hen computer so&tware is used in the monitoring and measurement o& speci&ied re/uirements- is the a"ility o& the computer so&tware to satis&y the intended purpose con&irmed- prior to use0


Does the contractor3s process- &or con&irmation o& computer so&tware to satis&y it3s intended purposeinclude veri&ication and con&iguration management to maintain it3s suita"ility &or use0


1s the a"ility o& computer so&tware- to satis&y the intended application- reconfirmed as needed0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 8 < %isk- Design- Production- and Supplier Processes

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

Date: Program P AS Code:

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 9 < .easurement $ 1nternal Audits $ Corrective Action
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er #uestion Process$Procedure %e&erence

Date: Program P AS Code:


8. Measurement, nalysis, and !mpro"ement

9.1 General:
)ave the monitoring- measurement- analysis- and improvement processes "een planned- documented- and implemented to:


Demonstrate con&ormity o& the product0


5nsure con&ormity o& the #uality .anagement System0


Continually improve the e&&ectiveness o& the #uality .anagement System0


)ave applica"le process methods- including statistical techni/ues- and their e6tent o& use- "een determined0

Does the contractor use statistical techni/ues to support:


Design veri&ication =e?g? relia"ilitymantaina"ility- sa&ety- etc*0


Process controls- including: 1* Selection and inspection o& key characteristics0


Process capa"ility measurements0


Statistical process control0


Design o& e6periments0




Aailure mode- e&&ect- and criticality analysis0

9.2 M"nit"ring and Measurement:

9.2.1 Cust"mer Satis$acti"n:
1s in&ormation and data- relating to customer perceptionmonitored "y the contractor- as to whether customer re/uirements have "een met0

)ave the methodologies &or o"taining and using in&ormation and data- related to customer perception"een determined0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 9 < .easurement $ 1nternal Audits $ Corrective Action

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

!um"er #uestion
1s the in&ormation that the contractor monitors and uses &or evaluation o& customer satis&action include- "ut not limited to:

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


Product con&ormity0


Bn<time delivery per&ormance0


Customer complaints0


Corrective action re/uests0

)as the contractor developed and implemented plans &or customer satis&action improvement- addressing de&iciencies identi&ied "y these evaluations- and assessing the e&&ectiveness o& the results0

9.2.2 .nternal Audits:

Are internal audits conducted at planned intervals- to determine whether the #uality .anagement System:


Con&orms to planned arrangementsre/uirements o& 1SB 9001- customer contractual re/uirements- and the #uality .anagement System0


1s e&&ectively implemented and maintained0

@hen planning audits- does the contractor take into consideration the status and importance o& the processesand areas to "e audited- as well as the results o& previous audits0


Are audit criteria- scope- methods- and &re/uency de&ined0


1s auditor selection considered "y the contractor- to ensure o":ectivity and impartiality o& the audit process0


Do controls e6ist to ensure that auditors do not audit their own work0


)as a documented procedure "een esta"lished to de&ine the responsi"ilities- re/uirements &or planning and conducting audits- reporting results- and maintaining records0

Developed By: Art Baldwin

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 9 < .easurement $ 1nternal Audits $ Corrective Action

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

!um"er #uestion
)as management- which is responsi"le &or the area=s* "eing audited- ensured that corrective actions have "een initiated without delay- to eliminate detected noncon&ormities- and their root causes0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments



Do &ollow<up activities include veri&ication o& the corrective actions taken- and the reporting o& the veri&ication results0

9.2.# M"nit"ring and Measurement "$ 'r"cesses:


Are appropriate methods applied &or monitoring- and where applica"le- measurement o& the #uality .anagement System processes- that are re/uired to meet customer re/uirements0


Do these methods demonstrate the a"ility o& the processes to achieve the planned results0


Are corrective actions implemented- when planned results are not achieved0


1n the event o& process noncon&ormity- has the contractor esta"lished and implemented a process and controls to:


;ake appropriate action to correct the noncon&orming process0


5valuate whether the process noncon&ormity has resulted in product noncon&ormities0


Determine i& the process noncon&ormity is limited to a speci&ic case- or whether it could have a&&ected other processes or products0


1denti&y and control any noncon&orming product0

9.2.4 M"nit"ring and Measurement "$ 'r"duct:


Are product characteristics monitored and measured- to veri&y that product re/uirements are met0


1s monitoring and measurement o& product characteristics- implemented at appropriate stages o& the product reali4ation process- in accordance with the contractor3s plans0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 9 < .easurement $ 1nternal Audits $ Corrective Action
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er '' #uestion
1s evidence o& con&ormity with the acceptance criteriadocumented and maintained0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


)as the contractor esta"lished the process- and documented measurement re/uirements &or product acceptance- including:


Criteria &or acceptance and$or re:ection0


@here in the manu&acturing se/uencemeasurement and testing are to "e per&ormed0


%e/uired records o& the measurement results =e?g? at a minimum- indication o& acceptance or re:ection*0


Any uni/ue or speci&ic measurement instruments re/uired- and any speci&ic instructions associated with their use0


@hen critical items- including any key characteristics have "een identi&ied- does the contractor ensure they are controlled and monitored- in accordance with esta"lished processes0


@hen the contractor has decided to use 2Sampling 1nspection2 as a means o& product acceptance- has the sampling plan "een :usti&ied on the "asis o& recogni4ed statistical principles- and is it appropriate &or use =e?g? matching the sampling plan to the criticality o& the product- and to process capa"ility*0


Does the contractor have a documented process esta"lished- so that when product is released &or &urther processing and production use- pending completion o& all re/uired measurement- inspection- testing- and monitoring activities- is it ade/uately identi&ied and recorded to allow &or recall and replacement- i& it is su"se/uently &ound that the product does not meet re/uirements0


Are records maintained that indicate the person=s* authori4ing release o& product0


@hen re/uired to demonstrate product qualificationdoes the contractor have an esta"lished process- to ensure that records provide evidence that the product meets the de&ined re/uirements0


Cnless otherwise approved "y a relevant authority- or where applica"le- the customer- are all planned processes satis&actorily completed- prior to proceeding with release o& the product0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 9 < .easurement $ 1nternal Audits $ Corrective Action
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er #uestion
Does the contractor have an esta"lished process- to ensure that all documents that are re/uired to accompany the product- are present at delivery0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


9.# C"ntr"l "$ :"nc"n$"rming 'r"duct:

1s noncon&orming product identi&ied and controlled- to prevent unintended use or delivery0


)as a documented procedure "een esta"lished to de&ine process controls- identi&y authorities- and their related responsi"ilities- &or dealing with noncon&orming product0


Do the contractor3s procedures de&ine noncon&orming product- as including noncon&orming product returned "y the customer0


Does the contractor3s documented procedure=s* de&ine the responsi"ility- and authority- &or the review and disposition o& noncon&orming product- and e6plain the process &or approving personnel making these decisions0


1s the process &or dealing with noncon&orming productone or more o& the &ollowing ways:


1s action taken to eliminate the detected noncon&ormity0


!oncon&orming product is authori4ed &or userelease- or acceptance- "y approval o& a relevant authority- and when applica"le- "y the customer0


1s ade/uate action taken- to prevent using the noncon&orming product &or it3s original intended use or application0


@hen noncon&orming product is detected a&ter delivery- or use has started- is appropriate evaluation and corrective action taken "y the contractor- to analy4e the e&&ector potential e&&ect- the noncon&ormity may have on other component parts- and$or Systems0


Does the contractor take the necessary actions- to contain and$or limit the potential e&&ects o& the noncon&ormity- on other processes or products0


Does the contractor3s process &or control o& noncon&orming product- provide &or timely reporting o& delivered noncon&orming product0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 9 < .easurement $ 1nternal Audits $ Corrective Action

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

!um"er #uestion
Does the contractor have a process esta"lished- &or noti&ication o& parties concerning noncon&orming product- including noti&ication to applica"le suppliersinternal organi4ations- customers- distri"utors- and regulatory authorities0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments



Does the contractor3s process procedures &or control o& noncon&orming material- speci&y that dispositions o& 2use<as<is2 or 2repair2- shall only "e used- after approval "y an authori4ed representative- or personnel having delegated authority- &rom the organi4ation responsi"le &or design0


1& the noncon&ormity results in a departure &rom the contract re/uirements- does the contractor have provisions in their control o& noncon&orming material process- to prevent the use o& 2use<as<is2 and 2repair2 dispositions- unless speci&ically authori4ed "y the customer0


Does the contractor3s control o& noncon&orming material process procedure=s*- speci&y that product dispositioned &or 2scrap"- shall "e conspicuously and permanently marked- or positively controlled- until physically rendered unusa"le0


Are ade/uate records maintained- identi&ying the nature o& noncon&ormities- and any su"se/uent corrective actions taken- including any waivers- deviations- or authori4ed concessions0


@hen noncon&orming product is corrected- is it su":ect to re<veri&ication- to demonstrate con&ormity to the re/uirements0

9.4 Analysis "$ !ata:

1s appropriate data determined- collected- and analy4edto demonstrate the suita"ility and e&&ectiveness o& the #uality .anagement System- and to evaluate where continuous improvement o& the e&&ectiveness o& the #uality .anagement System can "e made0



Does this data include data generated &rom monitoring measurement- and other relevant sources0


Does the contractor3s analysis o& data- provide in&ormation related to:

a* "*

Customer satis&action0

Con&ormance to product re/uirements0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 9 < .easurement $ 1nternal Audits $ Corrective Action
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er c* +, #uestion
Characteristics and trends- o& products and processes- including opportunities &or preventive action0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


Ade/uacy o& suppliers$su"contractors0

9.% 'r"cess .m,r"+ement:

9.%.1 C"ntinual .m,r"+ement:
Does the contractor have procedure=s* and a process esta"lished- to promote continual improvement o& the e&&ectiveness o& the #uality .anagement System0



Are the results o& audits- analysis o& data- corrective and preventive actions- .anagement %eviews- #uality Policy- and #uality B":ectives- used &or continual improvement0


Does the contractor have a process esta"lished- to monitor the implementation o& improvement activitiesresulting &rom activities such as 2lessons learned22pro"lem resolutions2- and the 2"enchmarking o& "est practices2- and evaluate the e&&ectiveness o& the results0

9.%.2 C"rrecti+e Acti"n:

Are corrective actions taken to eliminate the root cause=s* o& noncon&ormities- and to prevent recurrence0



Are corrective actions appropriate to eliminate the e&&ects o& the noncon&ormities encountered0


)as a documented procedure "een esta"lished- to de&ine the re/uirements &or:


%eviewing noncon&ormities- including customer complaints0


Determining the root cause=s* o& noncon&ormities0


5valuating the need &or corrective action=s*to ensure that noncon&ormities do not recur0


Determining and implementing ade/uate corrective action=s*0


%ecording and maintaining the results o& corrective actions taken0


%eviewing corrective actions0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 9 < .easurement $ 1nternal Audits $ Corrective Action
Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist
!um"er g* ,1 #uestion
Alowing down corrective action re/uirements to a supplier- when it is determined that the supplier is responsi"le &or the noncon&ormity0

Date: Program P AS Code:

Process$Procedure %e&erence Comments


Speci&ic actions- when timely and$or e&&ective corrective actions are not achieved0


Determining i& additional noncon&orming product e6ists- "ased on the causes o& the noncon&ormities- and taking &urther actionwhen re/uired0

9.%.# 're+enti+e Acti"n:

)as the contractor3s organi4ation initiated ade/uate corrective actions- to eliminate the root causes o& potential noncon&ormities- in order to prevent reoccurrence0



Are preventive action opportunities- such as 2risk management2- 2error proo&ing2- 2 &ailure mode and e&&ect analysis =A.5A*2- and 2in&ormation on product pro"lems reported "y e6ternal sources2- utili4ed appropriately to control and$or eliminate e&&ects o& potential pro"lems0


)as a documented procedure "een esta"lished- to de&ine the re/uirements &or:


Determining potential noncon&ormities and their root causes0


5valuating the need &or preventive action- to preclude reoccurrence o& noncon&ormities0


Determining and implementing corrective and preventive actions that are needed0


%ecording and maintaining the results o& preventive actions taken0


%eview o& preventive actions taken0

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AS 9100C: '009 Audit Checklist < #uality .anagement System Chapter 9 < .easurement $ 1nternal Audits $ Corrective Action

Contractor: AS9100C Audit Checklist

Date: Program P AS Code:

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