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1. You cannot not communicate: Everything around us is communicating to us. Every form of mater that exists around us wants to say something to us. The matter can be of human form, material, air, walls anything & everything. Treat everything around the way you wish to be treated. In reverse psychology the way you treat yourself, you will treat others the same way(This is something I have learned after analyzing you). 2. People respond to their experience not to reality itself : Reality overall has a bigger purview, a much expanded cause effect scenario. We being limited with our thoughts only consider a limited scope of judging the world through our experiences. Humans always consider or understand the world in limited terms of what has occurred with them. The analysis of their experiences is the definition of their world. So expand the horizon of your reality, experiment to experience. 3. Having a choice is better than not having a choice : Options always keep things clearer. You are never stuck. Motion is the real truth. 4. People make the best choice they can at the time : At any instance of time, people always choose the best option available to them, the subconscious mind reflects all pros and cons (Depending on Individuals judgment based on his experience) 5. People work perfectly : We try to deliver the most suitable shape to our work. The thought is just for everyone whatever he does is supposed to shape his life perfectly. We always do what we want & everyone will always want to do good to himself. 6. All actions have a purpose : Every action has a reason behind it. Every action has a consequence, the consequence will always be to subtle the reason 7. Everyone has a unique model of the world: We all perceive the world in ways we have learned. The learning can come from your experiences, your learnings through books, conversations etc.


8. Respect other peoples models of the world : We all have a right to have the purview of a world we live in. The world is crafted out of our experiences that we have lived with. 9. The map is not the territory: Property, wealth & Money are all means to end they are not life, just ways society has found balance in economic terms to make living easier. 10. People are not their behavior:

Though we judge humans of their behaviors but still 11. All meaning is context dependent: 12. All behavior has a positive intention: 13. The most important information about a person is how that person is behaving: 14. Everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have available: 15. There are no un-resourceful people, only un-resourceful states: 16. Everyone has all the resources they need to succeed and to achieve their desired outcomes: 17. The person with the most flexibility of behavior has the greatest influence on others: 18. There is no failure, only feedback: 19. Everyone is in charge of their mind, and therefore their results: 20. The meaning of communication is the response you get: 21. Resistance in a client or audience is a sign of a lack of rapport: We face a lot of issues and situations on regular basis on matters of personal & professional cadre!!! Life is nothing more than individuals & assignments that we


have chosen to work around. Whenever you face resistance in getting anything done, its the absence of rapport or trust between the two elements interacting. If any work from a human is causing hindrance, he does not trust you or you dont have trust on him. If its nature the element interacting with nature is your body, the body doesnt trust itself to deliver. How to make your body & Mind stronger through regular exercises?

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