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Chapter 2 CODE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN TWO ORAL LANGUAGES This chapter and the next review iterat!

re c"ncernin# three phen"$ena "cc!rrin# in an#!a#e c"ntact sit!ati"ns% speci&ica '( c"de) chan#in# within the speech "& a *i in#!a ( the din in the head phen"$en"n which "cc!rs when a sec"nd "r &"rei#n an#!a#e is earned( and the s"cia sit!ati"n "& di# "ssia+ Chapter Tw" &"c!ses "n the iterat!re dea in# with tw" "ra an#!a#es+ Chapter Three c"ncentrates "n these sa$e phen"$ena when "ne "& the an#!a#es is si#ned+ The three phen"$ena disc!ssed in these chapters are th"se an#!a#e c"ntact phen"$ena $"st c "se ' re ated t" *i$"da c"$$!nicati"n+ One "& the #"a s "& this dissertati"n is t" c"$pare and c"ntrast BC with these phen"$ena+ Chapter Tw" *e#ins with an extensive disc!ssi"n "& c"de)switchin# and *"rr"win#( which is &" "wed *' a *rie& secti"n "n an#!a#e ac,!isiti"n phen"$ena s!ch as the din in the head phen"$en"n+ The chapter c"nc !des with a ver' *rie& disc!ssi"n "& di# "ssia+ 2+- C"de)Switchin# and B"rr"win# The iterat!re "n c"de)switchin# and *"rr"win# presents $an' c"n& ictin# de&initi"ns and c"ntradict"r' st!dies+ Secti"n 2+-+disc!sses the previ"!s ' pr"p"sed de&initi"ns "& these and re ated ter$s+ The ter$in" "#' !sed in the re$ainder "& this dissertati"n is presented at the end "& this secti"n+ ." "win# the de&initi"ns are disc!ssi"ns "n the $a/"r areas "& interest in the c"de)switchin# iterat!re% speci&ica '( the n!$*er "& #ra$$ars inv" ved 0secti"n 2+-+21( the s'ntactic c"nstraints "n c"de)switchin# 0secti"n 2+-+21( and the &!ncti"na !ses "& c"de) switchin# and *"rr"win# 0secti"n 2+-+31+ 2+-+- De&initi"ns There are $an' di&&erent de&initi"ns "& c"de) switchin#+ R"*ert Di 4ietr" 0-566721 #ives a ver' inc !sive de&initi"n "& this phen"$en"n7 89C:"de)switchin# is the !se "& $"re than "ne an#!a#e *' c"$$!nicants in the exec!ti"n "& a speech act+8 4"p ac; 0-5<67561( h"wever( has a $"re restrictive de&initi"n "& c"de)switchin#+ She de&ines c"de)switches as( 8$! ti)w"rd se,!ences( which re$ain exica '( s'ntactica '( and $"rph" "#ica ' !nadapted t" recipient an#!a#e patterns+8 B "$ and G!$per= 0-56-1 descri*e three di&&erent t'pes "& c"de) switches+ I& there are tw" an#!a#es !sed in a c"$$!nit'( each "& which is t'pica ' !sed in a speci&ica ' de&ined sit!ati"n( then a sit!ati"na c"de)switch is "ne in which a chan#e in sit!ati"ns res! ts in a chan#e in the c"de !sed+ A $etaph"rica c"de)switch "cc!rs when7 a1 the sit!ati"n sta's the sa$e( *1 the t"pic chan#es t" "ne $"re t'pica ' &"!nd in the "ther sit!ati"n( and c1 the c"de is switched t" c"rresp"nd with the c"de !sed in the "ther sit!ati"n+ An exa$p e "& s!ch a c"de)switch w"! d *e the !se "& a ch!rch) an#!a#e t" disc!ss a ch!rch)re ated t"pic when "ne is n"t ph'sica ' in a ch!rch+ .ina '( c"nversati"na c"de)switchin# $a'

"cc!r with"!t a chan#e in either the t"pic "r the sit!ati"n+ C"nversati"na c"de)switches $a' *e intra)sententia + G!$per= 0-5<27>51 de&ines c"de)switchin# itse & as 8the /!xtap"siti"n within the sa$e speech exchan#e "& passa#es "& speech *e "n#in# t" tw" di&&erent #ra$$atica s'ste$s "r s!*) s'ste$s+8 Other c assi&icati"ns "& c"de)switchin# exist+ ."r exa$p e( 4"p ac; 0-5<21 di&&erentiates inti$ate and e$* e$atic c"de)switchin#+ Inti$ate c"de)switchin# "cc!rs &re,!ent '( and is "&ten intra)sententia + The phrase "& inti$ate c"de)switchin# re&ers t" the &"r$ "& the c"de)switch( n"t t" the re ati"nship *etween the c"nversants+ An En# ish)Spanish exa$p e "& this t'pe "& c"de)switchin#( ta;en &r"$ San;"&& and 4"p ac; 0-5<-7 >1( is 8S" '"! t"dava haven?t decided " ,!e vas a hacer next wee;+8 E$* e$atic c"de)switchin#( which s"$e in#!ists c"nsider t" *e *"rr"win#( rather than tr!e c"de)switchin#( "cc!rs "n ' "ccasi"na '+ It inv" ves $"st ' ta# ,!esti"ns and sin# e n"!ns+ A Spanish)En# ish exa$p e "& e$* e$atic c"de)switchin#( ta;en &r"$ San;"&& and 4"p ac; 0-5<-7 221 is( 8@" esta*a a*!rrecid"( $!rind"$e( '"! ;n"wA8 Sc"tt"n?s 0-5<61 "ri#ina de&initi"n "& c"de)switchin# is ver' di&&erent &r"$ $"st+ She re ies !p"n &re,!enc' "& "cc!rrence "& a #iven ite$ in a passa#e t" deter$ine whether it is an instance "& *"rr"win# "r c"de)switchin#+ Ber de&initi"n "& c"de)switchin# is th!s ver' *r"ad( and inc !des $an' thin#s which "thers w"! d a*e as *"rr"win#+ In a ater st!d'( 0Sc"tt"n( -5<<7->61( she !ses a di&&erent criteri"n( and de&ined c"de)switchin# as the !se "& tw" "r $"re in#!istic varieties in the sa$e c"nversati"n( with"!t pr"$inent ph"n" "#ica assi$i ati"n "& "ne variet' t" the "ther+++switchin# $a' *e either intra) "r extra) sententia and "&ten 0*!t n"t necessari '1 inv" ves stretches "& $"re than "ne w"rd+ 4h"n" "#ica assi$i ati"n is the pri$ar' criteri"n acc"rdin# t" this de&initi"n+ B"wever( Sc"tt"n ca!ti"ns that the distin#!ishin# "& c"de) switchin# &r"$ *"rr"win# s" e ' *' str!ct!ra criteria p"ses $an' pr"* e$s+ ."r exa$p e( she p"ints "!t that there are inter$ediate de#rees "& ph"n" "#ica assi$i ati"n% she states that assi$i ati"n is "n a c"ntin!!$+ C"nse,!ent '( acc"rdin# t" her( c"de)switchin# $!st *e distin#!ished &r"$ *"rr"win# *' $eans "& s"cia c"ntext+ She asserts that i& a w"rd 0"r w"rds1 &r"$ "ne an#!a#e is 0are1 inc"rp"rated int" an"ther an#!a#e in a wa' which carries s"cia si#ni&icance( a c"de)switch has "cc!rred+ I& there is n" s"cia si#ni&icance( a *"rr"win# has "cc!rred+ .ina '( Cessin# 0-55D73E21 de&ines c"de)switchin# as a se,!entia transiti"n &r"$ "ne an#!a#e t" an"ther within a Fspeech? act+ 0Speech is in ,!"tes t" e$phasi=e that si#nin# $a' c"nstit!te a Fspeech? act( even th"!#h n" speech is inv" ved+1 The w"rd se,!entia is inc !ded in this de&initi"n t" di&&erentiate c"de) switchin# &r"$ *i$"da and si$! tane"!s c"$$!nicati"n( in *"th "& which an individ!a si#ns and spea;s si$! tane"!s '+ The ch"ice "& ter$in" "#' is &!rther c"$p icated when "n ' "ne w"rd is !sed &r"$ "ne "& the an#!a#es( and the rest "& the sentence is in

the "ther 0$atrix1 an#!a#e+ As we have seen( s"$e individ!a s w"! d c"nsider this an exa$p e "& c"de)switchin#+ Others !se specia ter$in" "#' t" descri*e the individ!a w"rd+ The w"rd is c"nsidered t" *e *"rr"wed &r"$ the s"!rce an#!a#e+ The ter$s ca ,!e "r "an trans ati"n( and re exi&icati"n are "&ten !sed+ Ca ,!es preserve the $"rph" "#ica str!ct!re "& "ne an#!a#e whi e the' *"rr"w exe$es &r"$ an"ther an#!a#e+ B"rr"win#s and ite$s which have *een re exi&ied have s"$eti$es *een c"ntrasted *' sa'in# that re exi&ied ite$s are $"re per$anent% *"rr"win#s $a' *e n"nce "cc!rrences+ Tw" &act"rs are "&ten !sed t" di&&erentiate *"rr"win#s and c"de)switches+ .irst( "n ' a *"rr"win# $a' *e ph"netica ' inte#rated int" the $atrix an#!a#e+ Sec"nd( $"n" in#!a s are capa* e "& !sin# *"rr"win#s( *!t the' are n"t a* e t" c"de)switch+ In "rder t" av"id the di&&ic! t' "& distin#!ishin# *etween the tw" ter$s( 4&a&& 0-5<21 intr"d!ced the ter$ $ixin# t" re&er t" c"de)switchin# and *"rr"win# c" ective '+ CcC !re and CcC !re 0-56>1 !se c"de)$ixin# t" re&er t" a sin# e w"rd in "ne an#!a#e inte#rated int" an !tterance "& an"ther an#!a#e *eca!se the "ther an#!a#e?s w"rd is n"t readi ' avai a* e at the ti$e "& the !tterance+ This ac; "& avai a*i it' can *e d!e either t" the spea;er?s n"t ;n"win# the w"rd in "ne "& the an#!a#es( "r *eca!se "& an ina*i it' t" retrieve the w"rd &r"$ $e$"r' rapid ' en"!#h+ C"de)chan#in#( acc"rdin# t" the$( is a switch &r"$ "ne an#!a#e t" an"ther which "cc!rs at c"nstit!ent *"!ndaries+ C"de)chan#es are !sed st' istica ' t" indicate a chan#e in a&&ect( addressee( $"de( etc+ The' !se the ter$ c"de)switchin# t" re&er t" *"th c"de)$ixin# and c"de)chan#in#+ The a*"ve disc!ssi"n revea s the c!rrent ter$in" "#ica c"n&!si"n in the existin# iterat!re+ It is there&"re especia ' i$p"rtant that a writin# which !ses these ter$s inc !de de&initi"ns "& the$ in "rder t" $a;e c ear t" the reader the writer?s intended !se "& the ter$s+ The c!rrent st!d' ass!$es the &" "win# de&initi"ns &"r these w"rds7 -+ C"de)shi&tin# "cc!rs when a spea;er chan#es an#!a#es *etween !tterances+ An !tterance is a stretch "& speech preceded and &" "wed *' si ence "r a chan#e "& spea;er+ Sc"tt"n 0-5<61 pr"vides an exa$p e "& a c"de)shi&t *etween Swahi i and L!'ia+ A&ter a sec!rit' #!ard has as;ed a visit"r in Swahi i wh"$ she wishes t" see( and a&ter she resp"nds in Swahi i that she wishes t" see S" "$"n In'a$a( the &" "win# dia "#!e "cc!rs7 G!ard 0Swahi i17 Una$/!a ;we iA T!na'e S" "$"n A$!ha'a))nadhani ndi" '! e+ 0Trans ati"n7D" '"! rea ' ;n"w hi$A We have a S" "$"n A$!ha'a))I thin; that?s the "ne '"! $ean+1 Gisit"r 0Swahi i17 @! e ana'et";a Tiri;i))'aani C !'ia+ 0Trans ati"n7 This "ne c"$es &r"$ tiri;i))that is( a L!'ia pers"n+1 G!ard 0switches t" L!'ian17 S" "$"n $wen!'! wa;h!$an'a v! ahiA 0Trans ati"n7 Wi S" "$"n ;n"w '"!A1 2+ C"de)switchin# "cc!rs when tw" an#!a#es are !sed within an !tterance s!ch that the !tterance c"ntains #ra$$atica e e$ents &r"$ *"th an#!a#es+ Even i& "n ' "ne w"rd "& "ne "& the an#!a#es is present( it is en"!#h t" have a c"de)switch i& that w"rd c"ntains #ra$$atica e e$ents( s!ch as in& ecti"na endin#s which a#ree with "ther e e$ents in the

sentence+ C"de)switches can *e intra)sententia "r inter)sententia + An exa$p e "& a c"de)switch *etween En# ish and Spanish( ta;en &r"$ San;"&& and 4"p ac; 0-5<-7 >1( is 8S" '"! t"dava haven?t decided " ,!e vas a hacer next wee;+8 C"de)switches can *e either se,!entia "r si$! tane"!s+ C"de)switches *etween tw" "ra an#!a#es wi a wa's *e se,!entia + Si$! tane"!s c"de)switches w"! d *e instances "& either *i$"da c"$$!nicati"n "r si$! tane"!s c"$$!nicati"n+ 2+ B"rr"win# "cc!rs when a w"rd "r w"rds &r"$ "ne 0s"!rce1 an#!a#e is intr"d!ced int" an !tterance which is "therwise in an"ther 0$atrix1 an#!a#e in s!ch a wa' that the !tterance c"ntains n" #ra$$atica e e$ents !ni,!e t" the s"!rce an#!a#e+ Beca!se the an#!a#es inv" ved in this st!d' are artic! ated in di&&erent $"des si$! tane"!s '( a criteri"n "& ph"n" "#ica inte#rati"n t" distin#!ish *"rr"win#s &r"$ c"de) switches is irre evant+ There&"re( s'ntactic and $"rph" "#ica criteria are *ein# !sed+ The ter$ *"rr"win# wi inc !de *"th what have *een ca ed ca ,!es and what have *een re&erred t" as instances "& re exi&icati"n+ An exa$p e "& a *"rr"win# &r"$ En# ish int" Spanish( ta;en &r"$ San;"&& and 4"p ac; 0-5<-7 -<1 is 8L e# 'esterda' a $a$a $a+8 B"rr"win#s can *e either se,!entia "r si$! tane"!s+ B"rr"win#s *etween tw" "ra an#!a#es wi a wa's *e se,!entia + In a se,!entia *"rr"win#( "n ' "ne an#!a#e at a ti$e is artic! ated+ Cr"ss)$"da *"rr"win# can *e either si$! tane"!s "r se,!entia + The ter$ c"de)chan#in# is a new ter$ which wi *e e$p "'ed in this dissertati"n t" re&er t" c"de)shi&tin#( se,!entia c"de) switchin#( and se,!entia *"rr"win# c" ective '+ This ter$ wi inc !de "n ' se,!entia chan#es in c"des% hence( it wi exc !de *i$"da c"$$!nicati"n+


N"te that with these de&initi"ns( a w"rd "r phrase which d"es n"t c"ntain #ra$$atica e e$ents !ni,!e t" "ne "& the an#!a#es in ,!esti"n wi *e c assi&ied as a *"rr"win#( rather than a c"de)switch+ A .rench) En# ish exa$p e "& this ta;en &r"$ 4"p ac; 0-5<675E1 is( 8i ' avait !ne #r"sse *each+8 2+-+2 The N!$*er "& Gra$$ars There are a &ew iss!es which are disc!ssed( either i$p icit ' "r exp icit '( in a $"st ever' paper c"ncernin# the s'ntax "& c"de)switchin#+ The &irst c"ncerns the n!$*er "& #ra$$ars inv" ved+ There is ass!$ed t" *e a separate #ra$$ar &"r each "& the an#!a#es c"ncerned 0Leder*er# and C"ra es( -5<>( 4etersen( -5<<( 4"p ac;( -5651+ B"wever( there is de*ate "ver whether "r n"t there is a s" an entire additi"na #ra$$ar &"r c"de) switchin#+ S!ch a third #ra$$ar w"! d c"ntain se ected e e$ents &r"$ each "& the &irst tw" #ra$$ars+ 4"p ac; 0-5651 cites as evidence &"r a third #ra$$ar the ac; "& disr!pti"n "& speech rh'th$( and the ac; "& repetiti"ns( hesitati"ns( "r c"rrecti"ns at the p"int "& the c"de)switch+ The a*i it' "& spea;ers t" #ive /!d#$ents( and *asica ' t" a#ree with each "ther "n these /!d#$ents( "n the we &"r$edness "& sentences c"ntainin# c"de) switches has a s" *een cited as evidence &"r a third

#ra$$ar+ Leder*er# and C"ra es 0-5<>1 and 4etersen 0-5<<1 #ive as evidence a#ainst a third #ra$$ar the &act that pe"p e d" n"t need extensive exp"s!re t" sa$p es "& c"de)switchin# in "rder t" $a;e #ra$$atica it' /!d#$ents which are si$i ar t" th"se $ade *' pe"p e wh" have *een c"de) switchin# &"r 'ears+ A re ated iss!e c"ncerns whether "r n"t there is a sin# e $atrix an#!a#e &"r each sentence( and h"w t" deter$ine which an#!a#e is the $atrix "ne &"r a #iven sentence+ 4etersen 0-5<<1 c"nsiders an as'$$etr' in the a*i it' "& her s!*/ect t" c"de)switch &r"$ "ne an#!a#e t" an"ther in a #iven s'ntactic str!ct!re t" *e evidence in &av"r "& the existence "& a $atrix an#!a#e &"r her s!*/ect+ B"wever( evidence &"r s!ch an as'$$etr' in "ther *i in#!a s is at *est $ixed+ .!rther$"re( the as'$$etr' $a' *e d!e t" n"n)s'ntactic &act"rs "r t" s'ntactic c"nstraints "n c"de)switchin# with"!t it *ein# the res! t "& the existence "& a $atrix an#!a#e+ 4e"p e wh" ass!$e the existence "& a $atrix an#!a#e have di&&erent wa's "& deter$inin# which an#!a#e is the $atrix "ne( and which is the e$*edded+ H avans 0-5<>1( &"r exa$p e( pr"vides evidence &r"$ Spanish)En# ish c"de)switchin# that the $atrix an#!a#e is the "ne which c"ntains IN.L+ N"t ever' p"tentia ' p"ssi* e c"$*inati"n "& e e$ents &r"$ tw" an#!a#es is per$issi* e+ 4r"&icient *i in#!a s wi dee$ certain the"retica ' p"ssi* e c"de)switches t" *e !n#ra$$atica + These /!d#$ents $i#ht *e d!e t" a third #ra$$ar which the *i in#!a s have( "r the' $i#ht *e d!e t" speci&ic c"nstraints which exist "n the interacti"ns "& the tw" an#!a#es+ The atter p"ssi*i it' is disc!ssed in the next secti"n+ 2+-+2 S'ntactic C"nstraints "n C"de)switchin# C"st "& the iterat!re c"ncernin# s'ntactic c"nstraints "n c"de)switchin# have exa$ined c"de)switchin# *etween Spanish and En# ish+ C"nse,!ent '( "ne $!st ta;e $"st statistica "*servati"ns "n c"de) switchin# with a #rain "& sa t+ Can' "& the tendencies n"ted *e "w $a' *e d!e t" the speci&ic an#!a#es inv" ved+ With this caveat( et !s pr"ceed t" a descripti"n "& s"$e "& the statistica tendencies+ C"st switches "cc!r at sentence *"!ndaries+ There are $"re extra)sententia switches than there are intra)sententia "nes+ Extra)sententia switches inc !de( a$"n# "ther thin#s( switches inv" vin# wh" e sentences( ta# ,!esti"ns( exc a$ati"ns( and &i ers+ Within a sentence( sin# e n"!ns are the $"st &re,!ent ' switched cate#"r'+ S!*/ect n"!n phrases are $"re i;e ' t" "cc!r in the sa$e an#!a#e as the ver* than "*/ect n"!n phrases are+ Ti$$ 0-56>1 n"tes $an' c"nstr!cti"n speci&ic tendencies( s!ch as the i$p"ssi*i it' "& a switch *etween an a!xi iar' and a ver* in Spanish+ There has *een an e&&"rt t" $"ve awa' &r"$ c"nstr!cti"n speci&ic tendencies t" $"re #enera c"nstraints+ Lance?s 0-56>1 pr"p"sa that there are n" s'ntactic c"nstraints "n c"de)switchin# is c!rrent ' in dis&av"r+ Severa ( "&ten c"n& ictin#( c"nstraints have *een pr"p"sed+ 4erhaps the tw" $"st we ;n"wn c"nstraints are San;"&& and 4"p ac;?s 0-5<-1 &ree $"rphe$e and e,!iva ence c"nstraints+ The &ree $"rphe$e c"nstraint states that 8a switch $a' n"t "cc!r *etween a *"!nd $"rphe$e and a exica &"r$ !n ess the atter has *een ph"n" "#ica ' inte#rated

int" the an#!a#e "& the *"!nd $"rphe$e+8 0San;"&& and 4"p ac;( -5<-7>1+ The e,!iva ence c"nstraint indicates that the "rder "& sentence c"nstit!ents i$$ediate ' ad/acent t" and "n *"th sides "& the switch p"int $!st *e #ra$$atica with respect t" *"th an#!a#es inv" ved si$! tane"!s '+++9T:he "ca c") #ra$$atica it' "r e,!iva ence "& the tw" an#!a#es in the vicinit' "& the switch h" ds as "n# as the "rder "& an' tw" sentence e e$ents( "ne *e&"re and "ne a&ter the switch p"int( is n"t exc !ded in either an#!a#e+ 0San;"&& and 4"p ac;( -5<-7>)E1 4"p ac; 0-5<-7-<21 ar#!es that 9t:he e,!iva ence c"nstraint s!##ests that the c"de)switchin# $"de pr"ceeds &r"$ that area "& the *i in#!a ?s #ra$$ar where the s!r&ace str!ct!res "& L- and L2 "ver ap( whereas the "!ter areas where there is n" e,!iva ence wi tend t" *e reserved &"r $"n" in#!a se#$ents "& disc"!rse+ W"" &"rd 0-5<21 a#rees with this assess$ent+ She a s" a#rees that the #ra$$ars &"r the tw" an#!a#es are n"t dis/"int% instead( the' "ver ap+ C"de)switchin# "cc!rs within this "ver appin# area+ It w"! d *e "#ica t" ass!$e that *i$"da c"$$!nicati"n 0BC1 w"! d a s" arise within this intersecti"n+ I& this is s"( then the #reater the area "& "ver ap( the $"re "pp"rt!nities there w"! d *e &"r BC t" *e $ani&ested+ C"nse,!ent '( the $"re En# ish)*ased a pers"n?s si#nin# is( the $"re BC that pers"n wi !se+ This is the sixth h'p"thesis presented in Chapter One+ These tw" h'p"thesi=ed c"nstraints have received $ixed e$pirica s!pp"rt+ 4"p ac; 0-5<21 veri&ies that even n"n)& !ent Spanish)En# ish *i in#!a s "*e' *"th c"nstraints+ On the "ther hand( Sc"tt"n 0-5<<1 pr"vides evidence that East A&rican *i in#!a s vi" ate the &ree $"rphe$e c"nstraint in their c"de)switchin# *etween Swahi i and En# ish+ 4"p ac; 0-5<<1 exa$ines tw" *i in#!a c"$$!nities+ She &inds that the c"de) switchin# *etween Spanish and En# ish d"ne *' 4!ert" Ricans in New @"r; Cit' is !sed as an identit' $ar;er+ It "*e's the &ree $"rphe$e and the e,!iva ence c"nstraints+ In c"ntrast t" this( Canadians in the Ottawa)B! c"de)switch *etween .rench and En# ish &"r st' istic p!rp"ses+ Their c"de) switchin# "&ten vi" ates *"th c"nstraints+ 4"p ac; c"nc !ded that di&&erent c"de)switchin# c"nstraints can "perate in di&&erent speech c"$$!nities+ Narte' 0-5<21 n"tes that Ghanians d" n"t !se the &ree) $"rphe$e c"nstraint when the' c"de)switch *etween Ghanian an#!a#es and En# ish+ Be pr"p"ses that( a th"!#h 4"p ac;?s c"nstraints $i#ht n"t *e !niversa ( the' $a' neverthe ess h" d !niversa ' within a #iven s"ci") c! t!ra envir"n$ent+ Be &ee s that "ther c"nstraints $i#ht h" d within "ther s"ci")c! t!ra envir"n$ents+ Henda 0-5<D1 exa$ines the c"de) switchin# d"ne *' .rench spea;ers earnin# Ba$*ara 0a p"stp"siti"na an#!a#e1+ These spea;ers "ri#ina ' switched c"des within prep"siti"na I p"stp"siti"na phrases 0441( th!s vi" atin# the e,!iva ence c"nstraint+ As the' earned $"re Ba$*ara( h"wever( the' ceased t" switch within the 44+ There&"re( Henda c"nc !des that $"re pr"&icient *i in#!a s wi !se $"re c"nstrained c"de)switchin#+ A "& these st!dies s!pp"rt the h'p"thesis that a pr"&icient *i in#!a s within a speech c"$$!nit' wi &" "w certain

c"nstraints "n c"de)switchin#+ The speci&ic c"nstraints $a' var' acr"ss c"$$!nities( and n"n)pr"&icient *i in#!a s wi n"t necessari ' &" "w the c"nstraints+ Leder*er# and C"ra es 0-5<>1 a s" pr"vide experi$enta evidence in s!pp"rt "& the &ree $"rphe$e c"nstraint and the e,!iva ence c"nstraint &"r Spanish)En# ish *i in#!a s+ The' as;ed ad! ts and chi dren t" #ive accepta*i it' /!d#$ents "n sa$p e c"de)switches( s"$e "& which vi" ated "ne "& these c"nstraints+ Ad! ts had *"th c"nstraints+ Chi dren had "n ' the e,!iva ence c"nstraint+ The researchers &ee that this is d!e t" the chi dren?s sta#e "& #enera c"#nitive deve "p$ent( rather than t" a ac; "& ;n"w ed#e c"ncernin# c"de) switchin# per se+ The' a s" n"te a tendenc' &"r switches "& c"ntent w"rds t" *e dee$ed $"re accepta* e than switches "& &!ncti"n w"rds+ 4&a&& 0-5<21 pr"p"ses a c"nstraint si$i ar t" the e,!iva ence c"nstraint( and a tenseIaspect c"nstraint+ The atter c"nstraint re,!ires tenseIaspect t" *e "vert ' $ar;ed s"$ewhere in each sentence( s!ch as *' an a&&ix indicatin# tense 0e+#+( En# ish )ed1+ A &ina !nres" ved iss!e c"ncerns whether c"nstraints are a*s" !te "r pr"*a*i istic+ A vi" ati"n "& an a*s" !te c"nstraint w"! d res! t in a c"$p ete ' !n#ra$$atica c"nstr!cti"n+ A vi" ati"n "& a pr"*a*i istic c"nstraint $a' "n ' res! t in a c"nstr!cti"n which is n"t heard &re,!ent '( "r which s"!nds aw;ward( *!t is n"t i$p"ssi* e+ Leder*er# and C"ra es 0-5<>7-221 p"sit pr"*a*i istic c"nstraints s!ch as( 8It is $"re accepta* e t" c"de)switch a c"ntent w"rd than a &!ncti"n w"rd+8 San;"&& and 4"p ac; 0-5<-72D1 a s" s!##est intr"d!cin# a pr"*a*i istic e e$ent int" a #ra$$ar in "rder t"( 8acc"!nt &"r the $an' stri;in# ,!antitative patterns evident in the disc"!rse+8 The st!d' "& *i$"da c"$$!nicati"n $i#ht shed s"$e i#ht "n the n!$*er "& #ra$$ars and the in#!istic c"nstraints inv" ved in c"de) chan#in#+ B' st!d'in# BC( we can deter$ine which "& the c"de)chan#in# c"nstraints heret"&"re disc"vered are d!e s" e ' t" the se,!entia it' i$p"sed *' !ni$"da "ra c"$$!nicati"n+ 2+-+3 .!ncti"na Uses "& C"de)chan#in# Can' di&&erent !ses "& c"de)chan#in# in vari"!s s"cieties have *een descri*ed *' a ar#e n!$*er "& researchers+ The six $"st c"$$"n ' $enti"ned &!ncti"ns( a "n# with a &ew "& the researchers wh" descri*ed the$( are isted *e "w+ Strate#ic Ne#"tiati"n7 C"de)chan#in# can *e !sed strate#ica ' in ne#"tiatin# "ne?s re ati"nship with "ne?s c"nversati"na partner+ 0Di 4ietr"( -566( Da*ene and Bi ie=( -5<E( Gr"s/ean( -5<2( Be er( -5<<( CcC !re( -5<-( Sc"tt"n( -5<6( Ga des( -5<-1+ Identit' Car;er7 C"de)chan#in# can *e !sed as an identit' $ar;er( t" indicate s!ch thin#s as "ne?s ethnicit'( "r a$"!nt "& ed!cati"n+ 0Di 4ietr"( -56E( Gr"s/ean( -5<2( CcC !re( -5<-( 4"p ac;( -5<2( -5<<( Sc"tt"n( -5<6( Ta' "r and R"'er( -5<D( Tit"ne( -5<61+ D"$ain Car;er7 I& each "& the an#!a#es is t'pica ' !sed in a certain p ace( "r disc!ssin# certain t"pics 0i+e+( in a certain d"$ain1( c"de)chan#in# can *e !sed when the d"$ain chan#es "r when $"re than "ne d"$ain is inv" ved+ 0B "$ and

G!$per=( -56-( Gi**"ns( -5<6( Jac"*s"n( -5<2( Ce "ni( -5<2( Tit"ne( -5<61+ C"$pensati"n7 C"de)chan#in# can *e !sed when the spea;er in the c"nversati"n either d"es n"t have the a*i it' t" disc!ss a t"pic in "ne "& the an#!a#es( "r si$p ' can n"t access the necessar' v"ca*! ar' rapid ' en"!#h "n a #iven "ccasi"n+ 0A!er( -5<3( Gr"s/ean( -5<2( Jac"*s"n( -5<2( Ce "ni( -5<2( Tit"ne( -5<61+ Acc"$$"dati"n7 C"de)chan#in# can *e !sed *' spea;ers t" acc"$$"date c"nversati"na partners wh"$ the' *e ieve d" n"t have the a*i it' t" c"nverse c"$&"rta* ' in at east "ne "& the an#!a#es+ This *ec"$es especia ' i;e ' i& there is n" "ne an#!a#e in which a "& the c"nversants are & !ent+ 0A!er( -5<3( Genishi( -5<-( CcC !re( -5<-( 4 att( -5<D( Ta' "r and R"'er( -5<D( Tit"ne( -5<61+ St' istic E&&ect7 .ina '( c"de)chan#in# can *e !sed &"r st' istic e&&ect( either t" e$p "' the $"t /!ste( "r as e$phasis+ 0A!er( -5<3( Gr"s/ean( -5<2( Jac"*s"n( -5<2( CcC !re( -5<-( Ce "ni( -5<2( Tit"ne( -5<61+ It see$s reas"na* e t" h'p"thesi=e that BC( a phen"$en"n which di&&ers &r"$ c"de)chan#in# "n ' *' the si$! taneit' "& the artic! ati"n "& the an#!a#es inv" ved( serves "ne "r $"re "& these &!ncti"ns+ Chapter Six inc !des an exa$inati"n "& the c"rp!s "& data c" ected in the c!rrent research in an atte$pt t" ascertain the &!ncti"n0s1 "& BC+ 2+2 Lan#!a#e Ac,!isiti"n 4hen"$ena Can' an#!a#e ac,!isiti"n phen"$ena( when p "tted a#ainst an#!a#e pr"&icienc'( 'ie d an inverse)U #raph+ Tw" exa$p es "& s!ch phen"$ena wi *e disc!ssed in this secti"n+ The &irst an#!a#e ac,!isiti"n phen"$en"n is the n!$*er "& envir"n$ents in which c"de)switchin# can "cc!r+ As previ"!s ' $enti"ned( Henda 0-5<D1 &"!nd that as .rench spea;ers *eca$e pr"&icient in Ba$*ara( the' ceased t" c"de)switch within 44s% i+e+( the' *e#an t" "*e' the e,!iva ence c"nstraint+ C"n" in#!a .rench spea;ers c"! d n"t c"de)switch at a + C"$p ete ' & !ent .rench)Ba$*ara *i in#!a s w"! d "*e' the e,!iva ence c"nstraint+ There&"re( n"n)pr"&icient .rench spea;ers "& Ba$*ara( wh" vi" ate the e,!iva ence c"nstraint( c"de)switch in $"re envir"n$ents than either $"n" in#!a s "r pr"&icient *i in#!a s+ Th!s( a p "t "& the n!$*er "& s'ntactic envir"n$ents in which spea;ers c"de)switch( p "tted a#ainst the sec"nd an#!a#e pr"&icienc' "& the spea;ers( wi *e an inverse)U+ The din in the head is an"ther an#!a#e ac,!isiti"n phen"$en"n which has an inverse)U #raph+ Bar*er 0-5<D72D1 c"ined the ter$ din in the head t" descri*e an experience she had had d!rin# her sta' in R!ssia+ As she exp ained( 9*:' the third da' the in#!ist in $e was n"ticin# a risin# din "& R!ssian in $' head7 w"rds( s"!nds( int"nati"ns( phrases( a

swi$$in# a*"!t in the v"ices "& the pe"p e I ta ;ed with+++The s"!nds in $' head *eca$e s" intense a&ter &ive da's that I &"!nd $'se & $ind ess ' chewin# "n the$( i;e s" $!ch in#!istic c!d+++The c"nstant rehearsa "& these phrases "& c"!rse was $a;in# it easier and easier t" spea; ,!ic; ' and & !ent '% thin#s p"pped "!t as pre&a*ricated ch!n;s+ B!t I had n" c"ntr" "ver what $' s!*c"nsci"!s &ed int" $' 8chewer8 each da'+ Hrashen 0-5<21 read her descripti"n and at "nce identi&ied her experience with the din in the head as *ein# si$i ar t" his "wn+ In his artic e( he h'p"thesi=es that this is a c"$$"n "cc!rrence which res! ts when the Lan#!a#e Ac,!isiti"n Device 0LAD1 is sti$! ated+ The LAD is pr"p"sed t" *e an innate set "& an#!a#e c"nstraints( r! es( and an#!a#e ac,!isiti"n princip es+ Hrashen sa's that it is the LAD which per$its chi dren t" ac,!ire a an#!a#e "r an#!a#es in an apparent ' eas'( nat!ra ( &ashi"n+ The LAD is tri##ered *' c"$prehensi* e inp!t which c"ntains s!&&icient ,!antities "& the earner?s i K - str!ct!res+ This $eans that pe"p e nat!ra ' ac,!ire a an#!a#e when the' are exp"sed t" sa$p es "& the an#!a#e which the' can !nderstand( *!t which c"ntain s"$e str!ct!res which the' have n"t 'et $astered+ Hrashen 0-5<21 states that a #raph "& sec"nd an#!a#e a*i it' vs+ &re,!enc' "& experiencin# the din in the head wi *e in the shape "& an inverse)U+ This re ati"nship w"! d *e d!e t" the *rain pr"cessin# a an#!a#e which was n"t &! ' ac,!ired+ I& a #raph "& BC as a &!ncti"n "& si#nin# a*i it' is a s" in the shape "& an inverse)U( then BC $i#ht a s" *e a *'pr"d!ct "& the an#!a#e ac,!isiti"n pr"cess+ This is the third part "& the sec"nd h'p"thesis descri*ed in Chapter One+ 2+2 Di# "ssia .er#!s"n 0-5>57 22>1 de&ines di# "ssia as a an#!a#e sit!ati"n in which spea;ers in a speech c"$$!nit' !se 8tw" "r $"re varieties "& the sa$e an#!a#e+++!nder di&&erent c"nditi"ns+8 One "& the varieties( ca ed the hi#h c"de( is t'pica ' a standardi=ed c"de !sed in &"r$a settin#s+ The hi#h c"de $i#ht *e !sed( &"r exa$p e( in re i#i"!s c"ntexts( and in c"nd!ctin# *!siness+ The "ther varieties are ca ed "w c"des+ The' are t'pica ' re#i"na dia ects !sed in in&"r$a settin#s+ L"w c"des $i#ht *e !sed( &"r exa$p e( in c"nversati"ns with &a$i ' and &riends+ Whi e the hi#h c"de is t'pica ' the $"st presti#i"!s c"de( the "w c"des are the "nes !sed t" pr"$"te s" idarit' a$"n# spea;ers+ .er#!s"n 0-5>51 cites the &" "win# exa$p es "& di# "ssia7 -+ 2+ 2+ Baiti !ses .rench as a hi#h c"de( and Baitian Cre" e as a "w c"de+ Ara*ic spea;ers !se C assica Ara*ic as a hi#h c"de and E#'ptian as a "w c"de+ Swiss Ger$an spea;ers !se standard Ger$an as a a "w c"de+ hi#h c"de and Swiss as

There is a *r"ader !sa#e "& the ter$ di# "ssia which is a s" extensive ' e$p "'ed+ .ish$an?s 0-56-1 de&initi"n "& di# "ssia per$its an' tw" t'pes "& c"des t" *e in a di# "ssic re ati"nship+

This #enera disc!ssi"n "n di# "ssia pr"vides the *ac;#r"!nd necessar' t" !nderstand the secti"n "n si#n an#!a#e di# "ssia in the next chapter( which a s" c"ntains a $"re extensive disc!ssi"n "n this t"pic+ It is i$p"rtant t" !nderstand the re ati"nships a$"n# si#ned and sp";en an#!a#es in "rder t" !nderstand the s"cia $i ie! in which BC "cc!rs+ 2+3 S!$$ar' Bi in#!a individ!a s can inte#rate e e$ents &r"$ *"th "& their an#!a#es int" a sin# e c"nversati"n+ The' can d" this *' c"de)shi&tin# *etween !tterances( *' c"de)switchin# within an !tterance( "r *' *"rr"win# a w"rd "r phrase &r"$ "ne an#!a#e int" the "ther "ne+ This dissertati"n re&ers t" c"de)shi&tin#( se,!entia c"de)switchin#( and se,!entia *"rr"win# c" ective ' as c"de)chan#in#+ The di&&erent c"de)chan#in# phen"$ena have *een "& interest t" in#!ists &"r the i#ht the' $a' shed *"th "n the st"ra#e and retrieva "& an#!a#es in the $ind "& the ;n"wer "& a an#!a#e( and "n the s"cia !ses "& an#!a#e+ This chapter has disc!ssed research "n c"de)chan#in# *etween tw" "ra an#!a#es+ The next chapter wi disc!ss c"de)chan#in# and "ther phen"$ena which "cc!r *etween an "ra and a si#ned an#!a#e+ Tw" an#!a#e ac,!isiti"n phen"$ena were disc!ssed in "rder t" sh"w that a p "t "& s!ch phen"$ena a#ainst sec"nd an#!a#e pr"&icienc' res! ts in an inverse)U+ I& BC has s!ch a p "t( it $a' a s" *e a an#!a#e ac,!isiti"n phen"$en"n+ The *rie& descripti"n "& di# "ssia inc !ded in this chapter was pr"vided as a *ac;#r"!nd &"r the next chapter?s disc!ssi"n "& the di&&erent t'pes "& si#nin#+


Chapter 27 C"de Interacti"ns Inv" vin# Si#n

Bac; t" $' dissertati"n pa#e

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