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1 Project Boiler Plant Doc. No. SZ-STACK-100 2 Client ****** Sheet No. 1 of 1 3 Contractor ****** Date 2006. 7. 5. 4 Boiler Capa. ****** Revision 0 5 Item No. 6 Service Stack 7 Size ID 1600 mm Height 23 m 8 DESIGN CONDITION 9 Flue Gas Estimation of Flue Gas Flowrate : 10 Flowrate * Inputed 38360 Nm3/h Evaporation kg/h 11 Temperature 100 Oper. Pressure 12 Composition : * Typical FG of Fuel LNG Feedwater Temperature 13 Component volume% weight% Fuel Type 14 H2O 15.47 #VALUE! Fuel LCV 15 CO2 8.43 #VALUE! Boiler Efficiency % 16 N2 72.87 #VALUE! Excess Air % 17 O2 3.23 #VALUE! Heat Output kcal/h 18 SO2 0.00 #VALUE! Fuel Consumption 19 Total 100 #VALUE! FG Production 20 Ambient Air FG Flowrate, Estimated Nm3/h 21 Temperature 45 22 Relative Humidity 80 % 23 CALCULATION 24 Flue Gas Molecular Weight #VALUE! kg/kmole Flue Gas Viscosity #VALUE! kg/m.h 25 Flue Gas Density #VALUE! kg/Nm3 " " Prandtl No. #VALUE! 26 " " " at atm. #VALUE! kg/m3 Pressure Balance 27 Flue Gas Flowrate #VALUE! m3/h Friction Loss #VALUE! mmH2O 28 Stack Loss at Inlet #VALUE! mmH2O Duct 29 Entering Mean Exit Exit Loss at Top #VALUE! mmH2O 30 F. Area, m2 2.000 2.011 2.011 2.011 Stack Effect #VALUE! mmH2O 31 FG Vel, m/s #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! Pressure at Inlet of Stack #VALUE! mmH2O 32 Recomm.Vel. 10~18 10~25 " , Recommended < 0 33 SCHEMATIC ARRANGEMENT 34 35 36 ID 1600 mm 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 23 m 44 45 46 47 Flue Gas 48 #VALUE! m3/h 49 100 ID 1600 mm 50 51 Duct Rectangular 52 Width / ID 1000 mm 53 Height 2000 mm 54 55 56 Remarks 57 58 59 60 NTES Narai Thermal Engineering Services

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