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Man: Id like a ticket to ondon! please. Railway Station Clerk: "hich station# Man: iverpool $treet $tation. Railway Station Clerk: % one-way ticket or a return ticket# Man: % return ticket. Railway Station Clerk: "hen do you want to return# Man: I& not sure. I would pre'er an open-return ticket. Railway Station Clerk: %ll right! 'irst or second class# Man: (irst class. )ow &uch is it# Railway Station Clerk: (irst class is *+,. Man: "here does the train leave 'ro&# Railway Station Clerk: (ro& plat'or& -. Man: . and when e/actly# Railway Station Clerk: %t 0,.15 a&. Man: 2/cuse &e! just one &ore 3uestion. "hen does it arrive in ondon# Railway Station Clerk: %t 01.14 p&.

Some people prefer staying at home, they rarely leave their home town. But other people are different, they are interested in e otic places and different cultures, so they travel abroad whenever they can. !f you are young, travel is a good opportunity to learn about the world. "eople in their thirties, forties and fifties travel often travel on business, and on vacation, too. #fter retiring, people like travelling because they don$t have a %ob to worry about. !n &ungary pensions are very low, so &ungarian pensioners don$t travel a lot. !f you want to travel abroad, you need personal documents, like an !' card, or a passport. !f you travel in the (), an !' is enough to identify yourself, but if you go to the )nited *ingdom or !reland, you have to carry your passport, too. !f you go abroad, you need to arrange travel and accommodation. +ou can book everything online, or you can go to a travel agency where an agent will do it for you.,_travelling_by_air_-

5eservations clerk: 6aci'ic %irways! good &orning. )ow can I help you# $a&antha: I7d like so&e in'or&ation on 'lights to 8udapest! please. 5eservations clerk: 9ertainly! :ada&. "hen would you like to leave#

$a&antha: ;e/t (riday! the <<nd. 5eservations clerk: "ell! let &e check it... yes! we have a 01:5, 'light on that day. $a&antha: =ood. I need a one way ticket. 5eservations clerk: >ourist or 'irst class# $a&antha: >ourist class. 5eservations clerk: ?41+ 'or a one way ticket! :ada&. $a&antha: Is there a stop-over# 5eservations clerk: @es! you should trans'er at the (rank'urt airport. $a&antha: %ll right. 6lease book &e on the 'light. :y na&eAs $a&antha 9ollins. 5eservations clerk: )ow would you like to pay# $a&antha: 9an I pay by credit card# 5eservations clerk: 9ertainly. :ay I have the card nu&ber! e/piry date and your na&e as printed on the card# $a&antha: >he card nu&ber is 51+- <B,, ,,,C 5,04! the e/piry date is (ebruary <,0,! and the na&e is $a&antha 9ollins. 5eservations clerk: Dust a second! please... %ll right! :s 9ollins. IAve reserved one seat in your na&e on (light ;"% 1B< bound 'or 8udapest on :ay <<nd. $a&antha: >hank you. "hat ti&e do you start checking-in# 5eservations clerk: >wo hours be'ore departure ti&e. $a&antha: >hanks a lot.

IE IF2 >G 529G;(I5: :@ ( I=)> 5eservations clerk: 6aci'ic %irlines. 9an I help you# Dessica: )ello. I7d like to recon'ir& &y 'light! please. 5eservations clerk: 9an I have your na&e and 'light nu&ber! please# Dessica: :y na&e is Dessica $tewart-%da&s and &y 'light nu&ber is 41B. 5eservations clerk: "hen are you leaving# Dessica: Gn Dune 00th. 5eservations clerk: %nd your destination# Dessica: 5o&e. 5eservations clerk: )old the line! please. H...I %ll right. @our seat is con'ir&ed. @ou7ll be arriving in 5o&e at 1 o7clock p.&. local ti&e. Dessica: >hank you. 9an I pick up &y ticket when I check in# 5eservations clerk: @es! and re&e&ber to check in at least one hour be'ore departure ti&e. 9%;92 I;= @GJ5 52$25K%>IG;

5eservations clerk: )ello. 6aci'ic %irways. :ay I help you# :an: @es. :y na&e7s :ark $ilver&an and I reserved two seats on (light +5< on the <1rd! and I7d like to cancel the reservation. 5eservations clerk: 6lease hold on. H...I >hat7s 'light ;"% +5< 'ro& >oronto to "ashington# :an: @es! that7s right. 5eservations clerk: GF. @our reservation has been canceled! :r. $ilver&an. :an: >hanks.,

Woman: 'oes this bus go to /ubery 0reat "ark1 Bus driver: +es, it does. Step up. Woman: 2hat3s the fare1 Bus driver: 4-.56. 'eposit the fare in the slot, please. Woman: 7an you change a ten pound note1 Bus driver: 8f course, ! have plenty of change. Woman: 9hanks: 7an ! leave my bag in the luggage rack1 Bus driver: +es, of course but be sure to keep an eye on it, there are thieves about. Woman: 7ould you tell me when to get off1 Bus driver: 8kay. !3ll call it out for you, ma3am. ;ove to the rear, please. Woman: ( cuse me. &ow many more stops is it to the park1 Bus driver: !t$s the fifth stop from here, but ! will give you a shout. Woman: 9hank you for your help. IMPORTANT PHRASES Does this bus go to ! < Ez a busz megy -ba/-be? Ste" u"# < Szlljon fel! What$s the %are! < Mennyibe kerl a jegy? De"osit the %are in the s&ot# < Helyezze a vitel !jat a ny!lsba! 'an (ou )hange a note! < "el tu vltani egy -os/-#s bankjegyet? O% )ourse* < $erm%szetesen& +ee" an e(e on # < $artsa a szem%t a -on/-en/-#n! There are thieves about* < $olvajok vannak a k#rny%ken& 'ou&d (ou te&& me ,hen to get o%%! < Meg tu n mon ani mikor szlljak le? I$&& )a&& it out %or (ou* < Sz'l!tani fogom& Move to the rear* < "ra jon (tra! Ho, man( more sto"s to ! < Hny megll' van m%g a -(oz/-(ez/-(#z?,_travelling_by_air_5

:ark: 2/cuse &e! can I check in here# %ttendant: 9ertainly. 9an I see your ticket# :ark: @es! o' course. (light 8% ,+B+ to 8udapest. %ttendant: )ave you got any bags# :ark: @es! just one. %ttendant: "ould you like a window or an aisle seat# :ark: I pre'er a window seat. %ttendant: Eid you pack your bag yoursel'# :ark: $orry# %ttendant: Eid you put all the things in your bag# :ark: @es! I did. %ttendant: "as your bag with you at all ti&es# :ark: @es! it was. %ttendant: %ll right. >hank you. =ate seventeen at 'ive oclock. :ark: >hank you. 6%$$6G5> 9G;>5G 9usto&s G''icer: =ood &orningL 9an I see your passport# :rs von Kentolin: )ere you are. 9usto&s G''icer: %re you a tourist or on business# :rs von Kentolin: I& on business. I& going back ne/t week.

9usto&s G''icer: :r von Kentolin! do you have anything to declare# :rs von Kentolin: ;o! I dont have anything to declare. 9usto&s G''icer: %ll right. 9ould you open your suitcase! please# :rs von Kentolin: 9ertainly. 9usto&s G''icer: >hats 'ine. )ave a pleasant stay. :rs von Kentolin: >hank you.

Woman: Hey, taxi! Taxi driver: Good morning Madam! Where to? Woman: Well, I'm going to the British Museum. Taxi driver: Sure. Hop in. No pro lem. Woman: !x"use me. Ho# long does it ta$e to get there? Taxi driver: Well, it depends on the tra%%i", ut it shouldn't ta$e more than t#enty minutes, ut I $no# a short&"ut, so #e should e a le to get there in less than t#el'e minutes. Woman: (ll right. Sorry %or as$ing, ut do you ha'e any idea ho# mu"h the %are #ill e? Taxi driver: )h, it shouldn't e more than * +,. Woman: -o you $no# #hat time the museum "loses? Taxi driver: I guess around ./00 o'"lo"$. Woman: ... and #hat time is it no#? Taxi driver: It's hal% past %our. Woman: 1 and e%ore I %orget, "an you re"ommend any good restaurant do#nto#n that o%%ers meals at a reasona le pri"e? Taxi driver: Well, the Italian restaurant, -a Mario is 2uite good, and it's not as expensi'e at all. Woman: Sounds great! Where is it? Taxi driver: It3s in !ndell Street. 4ou "an ta$e the underground and get o%% at 5o'ent Garden. Woman: )$ay. 6han$s. IMPORTANT PHRASES

Where to?7 Hov lesz? Im going to . & -ba/-be megyek. S re.7 Termszetesen. Ho! in. 7 Szlljon be. Ho" #ong doe$ it ta%e to get &to' ? 7 Mennyi ideig tart -ba/-be rni? It de!end$ on the tra((i). 7 A orgalomt!l "gg. It $ho #dnt ta%e more than . 7 #em kellene$ %ogy tovbb tartson -nl/-nl. I %no" a $hort*) t. 7 T&dok egy r'vid &tat. We $ho #d +e a+#e to get there . 7 (da kellene rn"nk . Sorr, (or a$%ing . 7 )lnzst a krdsrt . -o ,o have an, idea ? & *an valami 'tlete ? Ho" m )h "i## the (are +e? 7 Mennyi less a viteld+j? -o ,o %no" "hat time the m $e m )#o$e$? 7 T&dja$ %ogy %nykor zr a m&se&m? I g e$$ . 7 ,gy gondolom . /Azt %iszem . What time i$ it no"? 7 Hny !ra van most? .an ,o re)ommend a/an ? 7 T&dna ajnlani egy ? 0o )an ta%e the ndergro nd. 7 Me%et metr!val.

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