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ACUTE RENAL FAILURE The obstruction must be distal to the bladder or bilateral

Background: to cause ARF unless only a single kidney is functioning

Acute renal failure (ARF) is defined as an abrupt or rapid properly.
decline in renal function. A rise in serum blood urea -Renal ultrasound is a quick and noninvasive study that
nitrogen (BUN) or serum creatinine concentrations, with can help detect obstruction
or without a decrement in urine output, is usually In prerenal failure, restoration of circulating blood
evidence of ARF. The condition is often transient and volume is usually sufficient.
completely reversible. Rapid relief of urinary obstruction in postrenal failure
Pathophysiology results in a prompt decrease of vasoconstriction.
Causes: The causes of ARF traditionally are divided into With intrinsic renal failure, removal of tubular toxins and
3 main categories: prerenal, intrarenal, and postrenal. initiation of therapy for glomerular diseases decreases
In prerenal ARF renal afferent vasoconstriction. Mortality
Perfusion of the kidneys is compromised by the Mortality/Morbidity
following: -Most cases of community-acquired ARF are secondary
a)Hypotension to volume depletion, as many as 90% of cases are
b) CHF. estimated to have a potentially reversible cause.
c) Hypovolemia -Renal loss (e.g due to Addison disease -Hospital-acquired ARF often is commonly the end result
or diabetic ketoacidosis) or extrarenal loss (e.g. Due to of multiorgan failure or due to drugs.
vomiting, diarrhea, pancreatitis, burns, or sweating) may -The most common causes of death associated with ARF
be present. are sepsis, cardiac failure, and pulmonary failure.
d)Intense vasoconstriction due to -Mortality rates are generally lower for nonoliguric ARF
 Hypercalcemia (>400 mL/day) than for oliguric (<400 mL/day) ARF,
 Prostaglandin inhibition [NSAIDs]) reflecting the fact that nonoliguric ARF is usually caused
 Cyclosporine by drug-induced nephrotoxicity and interstitial nephritis,
 ACE inhibition which have few other systemic complications.
 Amphotericin B Sex: Males and females are affected equally.
Age: The patient's age has significant implications for the
 Cocaine use
differential diagnosis of ARF.
 Hepatorenal syndrome also results in intense Newborns and Infants
vasoconstriction leading to functional failure The most common cause of ARF is prerenal etiologies.
 Renal artery stenosis  Perinatal hemorrhage - Twin-twin transfusion,
-Depressed perfusion eventually leads to ischemia and complications of amniocentesis, abruptio
cell death. placenta, birth trauma
-This initial ischemic insult triggers production of oxygen  Neonatal hemorrhage - Severe intraventricular
free radicals and enzymes that continue to cause cell hemorrhage, adrenal hemorrhage
injury even after restoration of perfusion.  Perinatal asphyxia and hyaline membrane
-Tubular cellular damage results in disruption of tight disease (newborn respiratory distress
junctions between cells, allowing back leak of glomerular syndrome) both may result in preferential blood
filtrate and further depressing effective GFR. In addition, shunting away from kidneys (ie, prerenal) to
dying cells slough off into the tubules, forming central circulation.
obstructing casts, which further decrease GFR and lead to Intrinsic ARF
oliguria.  Acute tubular necrosis (ATN) can occur in the
Intrarenal ARF setting of perinatal asphyxia. (aminoglycosides,
Can be grouped into vascular, interstitial, and glomerular NSAIDs) given to the mother perinatally.
factors, as follows:  ACE inhibitors can traverse placenta, resulting
a)Vascular causes in a hemodynamically mediated form of ARF.
 Vasculitis involving the small vessels  Acute GN is result of maternal-fetal transfer of
 Scleroderma antibodies against the neonate's glomeruli or
 Atheroembolic renal disease transfer of chronic infections (syphilis,
 Malignant hypertension
Postrenal ARF: Congenital malformations of urinary
 Thrombotic angiopathy. collecting systems should be suspected.
Although many of these causes can also be grouped Children
under prerenal ARF, more frequently they cause ischemic The most common cause of ARF is prerenal etiologies.
tubular necrosis. Prerenal ARF
b)Interstitial nephritis  hypovolemia in children is gastroenteritis.
 Drugs commonly implicated include penicillins  Congenital and acquired heart diseases
and other antibiotics, NSAIDs, diuretics, Intrinsic ARF
cimetidine, and allopurinol ,aminoglycosides,  HUS common cause of ARF in children.
or radiologic contrast agents Commonly associated with a diarrheal
c)Glomerular prodrome caused by Escherichia coli.Present
 Crescentic glomerulonephritis microangiopathic anemia, thrombocytopenia,
 Post infective glomerulonephritis colitis, mental status changes, and renal failure.
 Lupus nephritis,  Acute poststreptococcal GN considered in any
 Vasculitis-associated glomerulonephritides. child who presents with HTN, edema,
Postrenal ARF hematuria, and renal failure.
-The most common cause of postrenal failure is
secondary to bladder outlet obstruction due to prostatic
- Physical:
-Facial puffiness, respiratory distress
Adults -BP-Hypotension and tachycardia are obvious clues to
History-below decreased renal perfusion.
Clinical presentation Evaluation for hypovolemia should include evaluations
ARF has such a long differential diagnosis, obtain a for orthostatic hypotension, mucosal membrane moisture,

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