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Duquesne University Spanish Mnica Barrientos

Listening-Oral Evaluation Form Name: _________________________ Course: __________________________________

Criteria Aural Comprehension (1 punto) * Understands the question(s). * Understand questions after being repeated * Did not understand the question even after being repeated. Grammatical structures: (5 puntos) * Student identifies correct grammatical structure to be used and has control of required tense or grammatical structure (present, preterit, imperfect; present perfect; passive voice, present subjunctive, imperfect subjunctive, infinitives, reciprocal and reflexive verbs). He/she conjugates verbs correctly. Very few errors with irregular verbs and gender. * identifies correct grammatical structure to be used, but has not complete control of required tense or grammatical structure; some problems with subject verb agreement; problems with conjugation. Several problems with irregular verbs, and with gender * uses incorrect tense or required grammatical structures. He/she is unaware and has not control of the tense at hand. Too many errors in conjugation, subject/verb agreement and gender Vocabulary (5 puntos) * Broad in range, precise, very few errors. Abundant use of words studied during the semester * Generally adequate for situation * Mostly inaccurate or inadequate Content (5 puntos) * Accurate and abundant information given and well developed, clear to the point. Answers are given in complete sentences; emerging paragraph. Use of connecting words. *Adequate information although not always accurate. Sometimes students does not give answer in complete sentences. Very few connecting words used. * Ideas not well developed; limited or inaccurate information. A series of simple sentences. Sometimes answers in incomplete sentences Fluency/ Pronunciation (4 puntos) * Very conversational, fluent with few natural pauses. Generally accurate pronunciation. Correct stress. * Somehow slow; several pauses. Pronunciation is not always accurate. Some striking non-Spanish sounds. *Very memoristic; unnatural pauses. Use of non Spanish sounds (vowels and consonants) incorrect stress. Totals (20*5) = 100 puntos

Questions grouped by topic/ functions Totals 1 2 3 4 5 1 0.5 0 5 1 0.5 0 5 1 0.5 0 5 1 0.5 0 5 1 0.5 0 5

5 4 2 5

5 4 2 5

5 4 2 5

5 4 2 5

5 4 2 5

4 2

4 2

4 2

4 2

4 2

4 3 2 20

4 3 2 20

4 3 2 20

4 3 2 20

4 3 2 20 100

Total: __________

Preguntas para la entrevista oral

You will have an interview with your instructor. She will ask you a series of questions based on the ones listed here. Your instructor can modify or expand the questions if it is necessary. You should be able to respond to any of them. Rutina diaria y actividades en el fin de semana 1. Qu haces en un da tpico? Y tu madre/padre? (narrating in the present) 2. Cul es tu rutina diaria o de la semana? Por ejemplo, A qu hora te acuestas y a qu hora te duermes, etctera? (reflexive constructions) 3. Describe una cita en la que sales con alguien a cenar a un restaurante elegante. Cul es tu rutina antes de ir a la cena? Qu haces despus? (more reflexive constructions) 4. Qu les gusta hacer a tus padres en su tiempo libre? (indirect objects) 5. Quin te manda mensajes de texto interesantes? Y qu dicen esos mensajes? (indirect object) Descripcin fsica y personalidad 1. Cmo ests hoy y por qu? (present; estar + adjectives) 2. Descrbete a ti mismo. Da varios detalles de tu apariencia fsica y personalidad (present; ser+ adjetives) 3. Describe a un miembro de tu familia que sea muy cercano a ti, incluye descripcin fsica y de personalidad. Por qu es importante para ti? (present; ser + adjectives) El Cine y las pelculas 1. Qu preguntas le haras a tu actor/actriz favorito/a en una entrevista? Usa el qu y cul. (use of qu/cul; present tense) 2. Cuntame cul es tu pelcula favorita y cul es la trama. (preterite/imperfect) 3. Describe la escena favorita de una pelcula que te guste mucho. (preterite/imperfect) Tu niez/ Tu pasado 1. Qu te gustaba hacer cuando eras nio, cuando estabas en la escuela? Qu hacas los veranos cuando eras nio? (imperfect) 2. Cuntame una historia que te sepas de cuando eras nio(a), por ejemplo un cuento de hadas, algo que te pas cuando estabas en la escuela o en tu lugar favorito. (preterite/imperfect) 3. Qu actividades hiciste el verano pasado o la semana pasada? (preterit) 4. Cuntame el ltimo viaje que realizaste. Cmo era el lugar? Con quines fuiste? Qu hiciste? (preterit/imperfect) 5. Qu acontecimiento clave sucedi durante tu vida? Cmo reaccionaste ante este evento? Dnde estabas y qu hacas en ese tiempo? (preterit/ imperfect)

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