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State BIRTH CERTIFICATES - or a 'certified copy of birth'? CHRISTIAN NAME defined: The bapti !a" na!e a di tinct fro!

the #rna!e$ The na!e %hich i &i'en one after hi birth or at bapti !( or i after%ard a #!ed by hi! in addition to hi fa!i"y na!e$ S#ch na!e !ay con i t of a in&"e "etter$ B"ac)' *a% +ictionary Si,th Edition -pa&e ./01 See: http:22yo#t#$be2Fo-0I0e/.io I it po ib"e to 'oid and cance" a State i #ed 3BIRTH CERTIFICATE3 or 3CERTIFICATE 4F BIRTH3? Yes$ I it po ib"e to obtain a 3certified copy3 of a ho pita" or birthin& center %itne atte tation - to a "i'e birth? Yes$ Fir t"y( there i a 'a t "e&a" difference bet%een a State i #ed 3BIRTH CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE 4F BIRTH3 and a 3Certified copy of a "i'e birth$3 A CERTIFICATE( a # ed today( i not "a%f#""y the a!e a a certified copy$ A BIRTH CERTIFICATE i i #ed by the State to confor! %ith federa" re5#ire!ent #nder the purported nece ity of ''ita" tati tic $' In I""inoi State( the I""inoi +epart!ent of 6ita" Stati tic -a2)2a +6S1( 4ffice of 6ita" Stati tic ( i #e the e tat#tory CERTIFICATES$ The na!e are pe""ed in a"" capita" "etter and confor! to federa" '"a%' re&#"ation $ 7rior to the 089:' ( the on"y certification of a birth ca!e fro! the ch#rch( not the State or &o'ern!ent$ The ch#rch re5#ired t%o Chri tian %itne e to atte t to( by their i&nat#re and ea" ( the birth( be it a "i'e birth or a ti""born birth$ The ch#rch 'ie%ed that "i'in& or dead( the birth %a to be atte ted to #nder affir!ation before ;od$ CERTIFICATE defined: n$ .$ In a !ore partic#"ar en e( the %ritten dec"aration( #nder the hand or ea" or both( of some public officer, to be used as evidence in a court, or to substantiate a fact. A certificate of this kind may be considered as iven under the oath of office. <$ Tria" by certificate( i %here the e'idence of the per on certifyin& i the on"y proper criterion of the point in di p#te( a %hen the i #e i %hether a per on %a ab ent in the ar!y= thi i tried by the certificate of the Mar ha"" of the ar!y( in %ritin& #nder hi ea"$ >eb ter' 08.8 +ictionary CERTIFY defined: '$t$ 0$ To te tify to in %ritin&= to make a declaration in !ritin , under hand, or hand and seal( to !a)e )no%n or e tab"i h a fact$ .$ To &i'e certain infor!ation to= app"ied to per on $ We have sent and certified the king -E"ra #. $$ To &i'e certain infor!ation of= app"ied to thin& $ This is desi ned to certify those thin s that are confirmed of %ods favor$ It i fo""o%ed by of( after the per on( and before the thin& to"d= a ( I certified yo# of the fact$ >eb ter' 08.8 +ictionary Fro! the Merria!->eb ter 0??8 +ictionary( one h#ndred i,ty year "ater: cer@tif@i@cate defined: noun$ Midd"e En&"i h certificat, fro! Midd"e French( fro! Medie'a" *atin certificatum, fro! *ate *atin( ne#ter of certificatus, pa t particip"e of certificare, to certify( 0Ath cent#ry$ & ' a doc#!ent containin& a certified tate!ent e pecia""y a to the tr#th of o!ethin&= specifically ' a document certifyin that one has fulfilled the re(uirements of and may practice in a field$ ) ' o!ethin& er'in& the a!e end a a certificate$ $ ' a doc#!ent evidencin o!nership or debt Ba certificate of depo itC$ Merria!->eb ter 0??8 +ictionary cer*ti*fy defined: transitive verb$ Inf"ected For!- 1: +fied= +fy*in $ Midd"e En&"i h certifien, fro! Midd"e French certifier, fro! *ate *atin certificare, fro! *atin certus certain -- !ore at CERTAIN$ 0/th cent#ry$ & ' to atte t a#thoritati'e"y: a a ' C,-FIR. b ' to pre ent in for!a" co!!#nication c ' to attest as bein true or a repre ented or a !eetin& a tandard d ' to atte t officia""y to the in anity of$ ) ' to infor! %ith certainty ' A//0RE$ $ ' to &#arantee -a per ona" chec)1 a to i&nat#re and a!o#nt by o indicatin& on the face$ Merria!->eb ter 0??8 +ictionary

To 'certify' i to te tify to in %ritin&: to !a)e )no%n or e tab"i h a a fact$ The %ord i not e entia" to a 'certificate'$ - State v$ Sch%in( 9A >i $ .0< -08891$ By "oo)in& at the definition and the cite abo'e( it' c"ear that a certificate i a doc#!ent( i #ed by a p#b"ic officer( i.e.( the &o'ern!ent( to #b tantiate a fact of "e&a" pri'i"e&e$ In contra t( to certify( a in a certified copy( i to atte t a to the tr#th in the !anner of a confir!ation by %itne i&nat#re and ea" before The Creator$ The fo""o%in& i the tran cript -!odified for HTM* for!at1 of an act#a" "etter %ritten to the STATE 4F F*4RI+A pointin& o#t their error in the i #ance of t%o 3Certificate 3 of Birth$ The act#a" na!e of My e"f( My fa!i"y( and the identifyin& n#!ber ha'e been chan&ed and are !ar)ed %ithin Bthe e y!bo" C: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STATE 4F F*4RI+A 4FFICE 4F 6ITA* STATISTICS 7$4$ B4D .0: EACFS4N6I**E( F* <..<0-::/. Reference: Go#r error in Certificate of Birth= abate!ent of aid error ho%n on yo#r record $

;ent"e!en: It ha recent"y co!e to o#r attention that the Chri tian Appe""ation of o#r birth chi"dren are misnomered( or !i -na!ed( on the birth infor!ation %ithin yo#r purported record ( copie of %hich are enc"o ed for yo#r reference$ A recorded by yo#( yo#r 3Certificate 3 do not ref"ect the *a%f#" Chri tian Birth or Bapti ! na!e nor Chri tian Appe""ation at birth of the chi"dren or parent $ A !ar)ed on yo#r purported 3Certificate (3 a"" na!e entered therein are con idered misnomers and personae by *a%( and a #ch n#"" and 'oid aid 3Certificate 3$ Na!e %ritten in a"" capita" "etter are not *a%f#" Chri tian Appe""ation and are not reco&niHed by the *a% of A"!i&hty ;od( %hich are the co!!on and &enera" "a% o fo#nded and in # a&e in thi tate$ Concernin& pecifica""y yo#r CERTIFICATI4N 4F BIRTH Breference n#!berC: A$ The *a%f#" Chri tian Appe""ation &i'en to 4#r chi"d at birth i BMary MarthaC( and her fa!i"y c"an -%hat yo# refer to a a ' #rna!e'1 i BEone C( not BMARG MARTHA E4NESC= B$ The *a%f#" p"ace of birth i B>ayne co#ntyC( not B>AGNE C4INTGC= C$ The Mother' Chri tian Appe""ation at birth i BMary R#thC born of the fa!i"y BH#ntC and no% *a%f#""y Joined by ;od' *a% #nder Co'ert#re ( thro#&h Chri tian !arria&e( to the fa!i"y BEone C( not BMARG RITH HINTC$ +$ The Father' Chri tian Appe""ation at birth i BEohn Ea!e C born of the fa!i"y BEone C( not E4HN EAMES E4NESC$ Concernin& pecifica""y yo#r CERTIFICATI4N 4F BIRTH Breference n#!berC: A$ The *a%f#" Chri tian Appe""ation &i'en to 4#r chi"d at birth i BSarah EaneC( and her fa!i"y c"an -%hat yo# refer to a a ' #rna!e'1 i BEone C( not BSARAH EANE E4NESC= B$ The *a%f#" p"ace of birth i B>ayne co#ntyC( not B>AGNE C4INTGC= C$ The Mother' Chri tian Appe""ation at birth i BMary R#thC born of the fa!i"y BH#ntC and no% *a%f#""y Joined by ;od' *a% #nder Co'ert#re( thro#&h Chr itian !arria&e( to the fa!i"y BEone C( not BMARG RITH HINTC$ +$ The Father' Chri tian Appe""ation at birth i BEohn Ea!e C born of the fa!i"y BEone C( not E4HN EAMES E4NESC$ 7"ea e correct yo#r !i ta)e and error accordin&"y$ If no corrected record are recei'ed by # %ithin thirty day of yo#r receipt of thi notice and abate!ent( it %i"" be pre #!ed that aid 3Certificate 3 are in'a"id( #n"a%f#"( 'oid( and abated for the *a%f#" ca# e herein o tated$ In %itne before A"!i&hty ;od and by a'er!ent before a"" the %or"d( on thi t%enty- econd day of the ninth !onth( nineteen h#ndred ninety-ei&ht( Anno Domini$ I ha'e the honor of bein& a ;ood and *a%f#" Chri tian Man$ 1./$ B i&nat#reC( suae potestate esse, pro filias familias.

I ha'e the honor of bein& a ;ood and *a%f#" Chri tian >ife #nder Co'er$ 1./. B i&nat#reC( feme covert, pro filias familias ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ S#re eno#&h( %ithin <: day ( the STATE 4F F*4RI+A rep"ied %ith thi "etter -#nder"inin& and bold accents added1: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *a%ton Chi"e ;o'ernor Ea!e T$ Ho%e""( M$+$( M$7$H$ Secretary F*4RI+A +E7ARTMENT 4F HEA*TH 4ctober 0.( 0??8 +ear Mr$ BEone C( Thi i in reference to yo#r recent "etter re&ardin& the birth record yo# recei'ed for yo#r t%o da#&hter ( BMary Martha Eone C and BSarah Eane Eone C$ KEditor's note: Notice they pe""ed the na!e in proper En&"i h( not a"" CA7ITA*ILE+M The Certificates yo# recei'ed %ere i #ed off the computer database !hich, as you have properly indicated, lists information in all capital letters $ If yo# %i h to recei'e certified photocopies of the ori inal birth records a they %ere fi"ed by the ho pita" %hich "i t yo#r da#&hter' na!e -Fir t( Midd"e( *a t1 a BMary Marth Eone C not BMARG MARTH E4NESC and BSarah Eane Eone C not BSARAH EANE E4NESC( yo# !ay return the Computer Certificates %ith an additiona" fee of N0:$::$ The e record fro! the ho pita" a" o "i t the parent' na!e a BEohn Ea!e Eone C and BMary R#th H#ntC( !arried na!e BEone C$ A e"f addre ed en'e"ope i enc"o ed for yo#r con'enience in rep"yin&$ 7"ea e do not he itate to contact thi office if I can be of f#rther a i tance$ Cordia""y( B i&nat#reC Fen Eone 6ita" Stati tic Ad!ini trator 4ffice of 6ita" Stati tic -?:/1 <A?-9?.? ------------------------------------------------------------>hat %e recei'ed t%o %ee) after endin& bac) the 3Co!p#ter Certificate 3 %a t%o 3certified copie 3 of the ori&ina" ho pita" 3Record of Birth3 for! ( %ith the birth atte ted to and %itne ed by the pre ence of t%o i&nat#re ( a"on& %ith the i&nat#re and ea" of both My e"f and My >ife$ All the Christian Appellations !ere !ritten correctly$ Notice that the State of F"orida ad!itted the Co!p#ter Certificate and their co!p#ter databa e %a incorrect"y ho%in& the na!e in a"" capita" "etter $ There %a ab o"#te"y no denia" of thi fact and they e'en noted that thi %a 3proper"y indicated3 by !e$ A an a"ternati'e( they %ere 'ery %i""in& to offer 3certified copie 3( not 3Certificate (3 of the 3ori&ina" birth record $3 B#t to do o( they in i ted that the co!p#ter &enerated 3Certificate 3 be ret#rned to the! fir t$ A a te t to ee ho% !y chi"dren %ere no% "i ted in the '4fficia"' State of F"orida record ( I %ent to a "oca" HRS 4ffice a fe% day "ater and re5#e ted co!p#ter Certificate of !y da#&hter' 3Birth Certificate $3 The %o!an "o&&ed onto the co!p#ter the na!e and birth date ( and then a "oo) of conf# ion ca!e o'er her face$ She a )ed !e( 3Are yo#r chi"dren adopted?3 to %hich I rep"ied 3No$3 I near"y %ent into hoc) %hen he then tated to !e( 3I'! orry( ir( b#t the Birth Record for yo#r chi"dren are ea"ed and I'! not a#thoriHed to acce the!$ They are not in the p#b"ic record$ Go#'"" ha'e to %rite a "etter to HRS in Eac) on'i""e in order to &et acce to the record $3 6ictory for the Chri tian co!!on *a%O Not on"y %ere the pre'io# 3co!p#ter &enerated Certificate 3

destroyed %hen I ret#rned the! to the State -thi %a their rea on for in i tin& I ret#rn the! in order to &et the ori&ina" birth record 1( b#t the co!p#ter record %a "itera""y erased - ea"ed #p1 o that it %a no "on&er a p#b"ic record$ >hat thi !ean i that the State of F"orida )ne% that I )ne% %hat they %ere #p to$ The !i no!er and fictiona" per onae for !y chi"dren %ere re!o'ed fro! the '4fficia"' record beca# e I had the *a%f#" Ri&ht to de!and o$ If they %ere to i #e a *a%f#" certified record of birth and )eep the #n"a%f#" Certificate of Birth( there %o#"d be a conf"ict of *a% and 'en#e$ Thi i ab o"#te proof that Chri tian Birth Ri&ht ti"" e,i t in F"orida tate$ Thi i a" o proof that if e'eryone be&an to do the a!e a I ha'e done( the 'pri'i"e&e' of State Birth Certification for birth %o#"d be e"i!inated and 4#r chi"dren %o#"d be 'era ed' fro! the State Co!!erce CitiHen hip record $ No% i the ti!e to STAN+ I7 for yo#r e"f( to be B4*+( be CREATI6E( be RA+ICA* To +rea! BI;( IMA;INE( Fee" the fear b#t +4 ITO Any%ay it ti!e to P#e tion E,pert A#thority( ASF hard 5#e tion ( 7R474SE and +EMAN+ o"#tion $ To 7articipate and A;ITATE$ +IS4BEG if yo# !# t$ To 6ISIA*ISE and 4r&aniHe$ To FI** the fear preadin& Media - E+ICATE and INF4RM yo#r e"f and 4ther $ N4> i the ti!e to in'e t in H47E$ To c#"ti'ate *46E To ;i'e Than) for %hat %e ha'e and to he"p tho e that Ha'en't$ >e M# t +ANCE( 7*AG( ENE4G o#r e"'e $ TRANSF4RM yo#r it#ation no !atter ho% bad it i $ It can be done( EAT >E**( REST( ME+ITATE$ 7R4TECT yo#r e"f$ BEC4ME a S4I* >ARRI4R$ +on't Apo"o&iHe for bein& a +REAMER - %e need M4RE +REAMERS$ 7ERSIST Re i t and i&nore the be &r#d&er ( ho"d fir! to yo#r 'i ion$ +on't !a)e #p e,c# e or &et ca#&ht #p in the B"a!e-;a!e of the! and I RES7ECT E'eryone( e'en if yo# donQt "i)e the!$ Ene!ie are ;reat Teacher $ TRANSCEN+( RISE( and Reach for the STARS$ +on't ta)e yo#r e"f too erio# "y$ *AI;H at yo#r e"f$ *46E G4IRSE*F$ Go# are >4N+ERFI* if yo# "et yo#r e"f BE$ ABAN+4N EI+;EMENT( A&e( Ro"e ( Stereotype $ Ta)e RISFS$ +rop the *EFT RI;HT and RE*I;I4IS +o&!a$ THINF F4R G4IRSE*F$ Ta)e contro" of yo#r +iet( Money( Ho!e( Fa!i"y( >or)$ Spend Ti!e in NATIRE$ *i ten to yo#r ;#t( In tinct( Int#ition( and Heart$ ;o off"ine to &et 4N*INE$ Ta)e PIIET TIME for yo#( to >RITE( +RA>$ ED7ERIMENT$ *earn a S4N;( Ca"" a Meetin&( Start a 7etition$ BII*+ C4MMINITG$ See %hat happen $ SHARE$ Ta)e yo#r ti!e$ S"o% +o%n - S!a"" and S"o% are 74>ERFI* and BEAITIFI*$ >a)e #p to REA*ITG$ It' not that bad$ If it i THEN CHAN;E IT$ +on't %ait for other to do it$ TE** 4THERS$ E4IN the!$ ASF for HE*7$ SIN; IT *4I+$ BE 7ro#d yo#'re not a Lo!bie ca#&ht #p on the har h prod#ction "ine of Co!!#tin&( >or)( Shoppin&( Con #!ption and S*EE7$ Go#'re MICH M4RE A*I6E Thi i not a 7RACTICE RIN( THIS IS G4IR RE64*ITI4N T4 MAFE IT HA77EN$ THERE ARE A*>AGS M4RE 74SSIB*ITIES THAT G4I THINFO >HAT ARE G4I >AITIN; F4R?

http:22%%%$ cribd$co!2doc20?8A:.9?<2State-BIRTH-CERTIFICATES-4r-a-Certified-Copy-of-Birth

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