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15611 Mews Court Laurel, Maryland (301)-742-4930 ramongo ngs!gma l"#om

$ro%ess onal w t& more t&an % 'e years o% e()er en#e n edu#at on" *)e# al +ed e()er en#e tea#& ng and mentor ng students n t&e *,-M d s# )l ne" .emonstrated a/ l ty to mot 'ate students and sta%% to ad'an#e student a#adem # a#& e'ement" *0 lled n edu#at onal resear#&, a#adem # ad' s ng, strateg # )lann ng, e'ent )lann ng, s)e# al edu#at on )edagogy, and #ultural res)ons 'e )edagogy" 1e#ogn +ed /y #olleagues as an e()ert n edu#at onal te#&nology n#lud ng2 3ur+we l 3000, 4la#0/oard, and Moodle learn ng systems"

M51678 *,7,- 98:;-1*:,< = Baltimore, MD

Expected 2015 Doctoral Student, Urban Educational Leadership Dissertation Title: An Exploration of the Academic and Social Experiences of High Achieving lac! "ales Attending a H #U

$5*, 98:;-1*:,< = Waterbury, CT

"aster of Science in Human Services #linical #ounseling Speciali$ation


L<8C>4916 C5LL-6- = Lynchburg, VA

achelor of Arts in "usic Education #um Laude, Highest Honors in "usic Honors Thesis: The #ontribution of %isher Tull to the Trumpet &epertoire




$5*, 98:;-1*:,< = Waterbury, CT

Associate %acult', John P. Burke School o Public Ser!ice Sociology an" #uman Ser!ice De$artment%


ROFESSIONAL E# ERIENCE 98:;-1*:,< 5? M71<L78. 47L,:M51- C598,<- Baltimore, MD 201"!p$e%e&t (rogram #oordinator)Sherman STE" Teacher Scholars (rogram Mentor and )ro' de )ro%ess onal de'elo)ment %or undergraduate and graduate *# en#e, ,e#&nology, -ng neer ng and Mat&emat #s (*,-M) ma@ors w&o are #om)let ng a tea#&er )re)arat on )rogram" $ro' de su))ort %or *&erman $rogram alumn tea#& ng n t&e 4alt more area" *u))orted new and 'eteran tea#&ers /y m)lement ng s#&ool w de /e&a' or mod % #at on strateg es a med at m)ro' ng #lassroom /e&a' or"

9"*" .-$71,M-8, 5? -.9C7,:58& Wa%hington, DC S'((e$ 201" *ntern, +hite House *nitiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans Coord nator o% t&e :n t at 'eAs ?at&er&ood and Mentor ng *trateg # $lann ng meet ng, w& #& #olle#ted t&e nat onAs lead ng e()erts on %at&er&ood and mentor ng to #reate a un % ed e%%ort to m)a#t t&e l 'es o% 7%r #an 7mer #an #& ldren" Com)ose )ol #y re#ommendat ons to su))ort t&e :n t at 'eBs master )lan to m)ro'e edu#at onal and wor0%or#e su##ess %or 7%r #an 7mer #ans" .e'elo)er o% t&e :n t at 'eBs nat onw de tea#&er test mon al #am)a gn to re#ru t 7%r #an-7mer #an tea#&ers"

E# ERIENCE 3-88-.< 31:-6-1 :8*,:,9,- & Baltimore, MD 2012 ! 201" Special Education Teacher **, "ontebello Elementar' and ,unior Academ' ,aug&t m ddle s#&ool s)e# al edu#at on students n 1ead ng, Mat&, *# en#e and *o# al *tud es" $ro' ded su)er' s on and o'ers g&t to a tea#&er ass stant and )ara)ro%ess onal" :m)lemented nd ' dual +ed nstru#t on and ada)tat ons to t&e general edu#at on #urr #ulum to address t&e

2 needs o% d %%erent learn ng styles" ,>- C>-L*-7 *C>55L & Silver Spring, MD 2010 ! 2012 "usic Technolog' Teacher .e'elo)ed and taug&t a mus # and tele' s on )rodu#t on #urr #ulum to & g& s#&ool students w t& learn ng d sa/ l t es" .o#ument manager to ensure %ul% llment o% *)e# al -du#at on legal )a)erwor0 n a##ordan#e to *tate o% Maryland, . str #t o% Colum/ a and %ederal regulat ons" 41:.6-$51, $94L:C *C>55L* & Bridgeport, CT 2010 -eneral "usic Teacher ,aug&t general mus # #ourses %or students n grades 3-C" . %%erent ated nstru#t on to meet t&e needs o% a 'ar ous learn ng styles" 200* !

RESENTATIONS D-()lor ng 7%r #an-7mer #an Male 1a# al :dent ty2 1e#ommendat ons %or -du#atorsE, 'ational A%%ociation o (n"e$en"ent School%, Peo$le o Color Con erence at ,&e 6aylord 8at onal >ar/or 1esort and Con'ent on Center (Fas& ngton .C), .e#em/er, 5 2013

7n 7nalys s o% t&e ?a#tors t&at :n%luen#e 4la#0 Males to *u##eed n *#&ool, )ra"uate *e%earch Con erence +()*C, at Colum/us *tate 9n 'ers ty (Colum/us, 67), 5#to/er 24, 2013 D*& %t ng ?rom ?a lure to 1es l en#y2 1a#e, Culture and > g& 7#& e' ng 7%r #an 7mer #an *tudentsE, Criti-uing Culture Con erence at 6eorge Mason 9n 'ers ty (?a r%a(, ;7), *e)tem/er 21, 2013

)ONORS AND A+ARDS 7mer Cor)s *#&olar 1e# ) ent, 200C ; rg n a 4erger Mus # *#&olars& ), Lynchburg College, 200C Lyn#&/urg College .eanBs L st, 2004-200C

ROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS 6old 3ey Mem/er, Morgan *tate 9n 'ers ty C&a)ter 5m #ron .elta 3a))a, 8at onal Leaders& ) >onors *o# ety

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