Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

Explanation of Waits:

SQL> desc v$system_event;



This view displays the count (total_waits) of all wait events since startup of the
instance.If timed_statistics is set to true, the sum of the wait times for all events are
also displayed in the column time_waited. The unit of time_waited is one hundreth of
a second.

Since 10g, an additional column (time_waited_micro) measures wait times in

millionth of a second.

total_waits where event='buffer busy waits' is equal the sum of count in


v$enqueue_stat can be used to break down waits on the enqueue wait event. While
this view totals all events in an instance, v$session

select event, total_waits, time_waited from v$system_event where event

like '%file%'
Order by total_waits desc;

column c1 heading 'Event|Name' format a30

column c2 heading 'Total|Waits' format 999,999,999
column c3 heading 'Seconds|Waiting' format 999,999
column c4 heading 'Total|Timeouts' format 999,999,999
column c5 heading 'Average|Wait|(in secs)' format 99.999
ttitle 'System-wide Wait Analysis|for current wait events'
select event c1, total_waits c2, time_waited / 100 c3, total_timeouts c4, average_wait
/100 c5
from sys.v_$system_event where event not in (
'dispatcher timer',
'lock element cleanup',
'Null event',
'parallel query dequeue wait',
'parallel query idle wait - Slaves',
'pipe get',
'PL/SQL lock timer',
'pmon timer',
'rdbms ipc message',
'slave wait',
'smon timer',
'SQL*Net break/reset to client',
'SQL*Net message from client',
'SQL*Net message to client',
'SQL*Net more data to client',
'virtual circuit status',
'WMON goes to sleep'
event not like 'DFS%' and
event not like '%done%'and
event not like '%Idle%' AND
event not like 'KXFX%' order by c2 desc;

Create table beg_system_event as select * from v$system_event

Run workload through system or user task

Create table end_system_event as select * from v$system_event

Issue SQL to determine true wait events

drop table beg_system_event;

drop table end_system_event;

SELECT b.event,
(e.total_waits - b.total_waits) total_waits,
(e.total_timeouts - b.total_timeouts) total_timeouts,
(e.time_waited - b.time_waited) time_waited
FROM beg_system_event b,
end_system_event e
WHERE b.event = e.event;

Cumulative info, after startup:


SELECT * FROM v$system_event WHERE event = 'enqueue';

SELECT * FROM v$sysstat WHERE class=4;


from v$latch a, v$latchholder b, v$latchname c
where a.addr = b.laddr(+) and a.latch# = c.latch#
order by a.latch#;

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