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NAME: _______________________________ Class Period: ___________________________ Non-Fiction Reading: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass An A erican !

lave Author: Frederick Douglass Cha"ter and Page # &ntroduction Page vii $uote 'this an( this Douglass( this for er slave( this Negro )eaten to his knees* Rhetorical Device Ana"hora E%"lanation +hese ,titles- are used to na e Frederick Douglass a an( a Douglass( a slave( a Negro. +he/ are ore detailed 0ith each that is na ed. Ana"hora is used )/ re"eating the 0ord 'this* to e "hasi1e all that Douglass 0as( to get the author-s "oint across that Douglass 0as a slave( )ut ore than that( a an. Douglass- thesis is a""arent '+he Negro is a an*. 8e goes on to sa/ that all hu ans constitute one s"ecies( to su""ort his clai 0ith concrete details. +he 0riter not onl/ gives su""orting argu ents( )ut also through refutation gives an o""osing argu ent that 'the African is inferior.* 8e ust sa/ this in order to accuratel/ detail the argumentation )rought a)out )/ the social status of ethnic cultures. 8e ust "resent the reader 0ith )oth relevant su""orting and o""osing argu ents to let the audience vie0 the racial clai s that African A ericans e%"erience on a dail/ )asis. +his "assage is "art of a homily( or s"eech )/ Douglass( that e%"resses oral advice. A state ent is given to "rovide e otional a""eal to uster "ersonal e%"erience. A suggestion for a odel of corrected thinking follo0s. +he author 0ants to change the audience-s orals to gro0 0ith the advance ent of technolog/ and kno0ledge.

&ntroduction Page %iv

Douglass then sets out to esta)lish( Refutation first( that 'the Negro is a Man*2 second( that hu an )eings of all sorts and sha"es constitute one s"ecies( a unified hu an co unit/2 third( that the ancient Eg/"tians3' the grandest of all nations of anti4uit/( the )uilders of the "/ra ids(* as Douglass "uts it( underscoring his 0ords3)ear 'a direct relationshi"* to 'the Negro race*2 and finall/( that 'the "eo"le of Africa are( "ro)a)l/( one "eo"le.*5as he "uts it( that 'the African 6is7 not onl/ an inferior race( )ut a distinct s"ecies( naturall/ and originall/ different fro the rest of ankind* 'A ortif/ing "roof is here given( Didactic that the oral gro0th of nation( or an age( does not al0a/s kee" "ace 0ith the increase of kno0ledge( and suggests the necessit/ of eans to increase hu an love 0ith hu an learning.*

&ntroduction Page %v

Cha"ter 9 Page :9

+he fre4uenc/ of this had the effect to esta)lish a ong the slaves the a%i ( that a still tongue akes a 0ise head.


Cha"ter ; Page :<

8e 0as =ust the an for such a "lace( and it 0as =ust the "lace for such a an.

Co "ound !entence

+he a"horis in this sentence is 'a still tongue akes a 0ise head.* &t is al ost the sa e as ,Don-t sa/ so ething if /ou don-t have an/thing nice to sa/in this case( or a slave 0ill get )eat. &t is s arter to not sa/ an/thing at all and kno0 that /ou 0ill not )e "unished for sa/ing so ething negative a)out a aster or overseer. +he sentence contains t0o inde"endent clauses >? 8e 0as =ust the an for such a =o). and :? &t 0as =ust he "lace for such a an. +he co "ound sentence lets the author link t0o relevant ideas into one( so that the/ can )e co "ared( 0ith also a sense of re"etition of the ideas.

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