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Training modules for an advanced interactive course on optical design

Brian Blandford1, Leo Chen1, Alison Fairhurst1 and Heidi Malaka2


Ancient and Modern Optics, 5 Kingsway Mansions, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4SE !rian !"and#ord$p%ysics org

'ni(ersity o# App"ied Sciences, Car")*eiss)+ro,enade &, -..45 /ena, 0er,any

A stract! 1%ere is a"ready a p"et%ora o# 2nternet optica" teac%ing ,ateria"s, inc"uding /a(a and 3"as% app"ets w%ic% de,onstrate t%e !asics o# re#raction, re#"ections, t%in "ens t%eory, di##raction, inter#erence etc 4owe(er, ,ost o# t%ese are designed #or sc%oo" or undergraduate use, and t%ere is (ery "itt"e at postgraduate "e(e" 3urt%er,ore, t%ere is a potentia" s%ortage o# optica" design s5i""s in t%e #uture AMO is co,,itted to de(e"oping ,u"ti),edia ,u"ti)"ingua" courses in optica" design, ,a5ing use o# t%e !est a(ai"a!"e tec%no"ogies, #or wor"dwide use One e6a,p"e is a training aid to de,onstrate t%e e##ect upon sp%erica" a!erration and co,a o# !ending a sing"e e"e,ent "ens 1%is s%ows t%e ad(antages o# t%e 2nternet o(er ordinary print Anot%er e6a,p"e is an on"ine presentation i""ustrating t%e processes in(o"(ed in t%e ,anu#acture and asse,!"y o# "enses !y traditiona" ,et%ods

1! "ntroduction 1%is is an update on t%e pre"i,inary ideas presented at +%oton-& on t%e su!7ect o# re,ote teac%ing o# optica" design Since t%en a great dea" o# tutoria" ,ateria" %as !een prepared #or con(entiona" training ,et%ods, so,e o# w%ic% is now a(ai"a!"e on"ine 2! The learning process 3irst, it is wort% "oo5ing at w%at a pro#essiona" psyc%o"ogist %as to say a!out t%e "earning process 4oward 0ardner 819 assures us t%at we "earn 1-: o# w%at we read, &-: o# w%at we %ear, ;-: o# w%at we see, 5-: o# w%at we see and %ear, .-: o# w%at we say and <-: o# w%at we do 1%is underscores t%e i,portance o# interacti(ity in t%e on"ine "earning process O# course, not%ing can supersede t%e qua"ity o# a #irst)rate educator wit% a stic5 o# c%a"5 and a !"ac5!oard Anyone w%o %eard 4 4 4op5ins "ecture wou"d agree t%at %e was unsurpassed as an educator in t%is #ie"d 2t is interesting t%at /o%n Macdona"d, w%o continues %is tradition o# teac%ing optica" design at Reading 'ni(ersity =w%ere t%e #irst t%ree aut%ors o# t%is paper a"so studied>, %as recent"y gi(en a (a"ua!"e con#erence paper on t%e su!7ect o# re,ote "earning 8&9 #! Comparison of traditional teaching and internet methods ; 1 1raditiona" ,ateria" #ro, a te6t !oo5 Consider #irst so,e o# t%e equations on Seide" a!erration t%eory w%ic% 4 4 4op5ins pu!"is%ed in %is te6t!oo5 8;9 1%e intention is to see %ow t%ese equations and t%e diagra,

w%ic% i""ustrates t%e, can !e ,ade ,ore co,pre%ensi!"e, using t%e !ene#its w%ic% on"y t%e internet can pro(ide 1%e equation #or t%e pri,ary sp%erica" a!erration o# a t%in sing"e e"e,ent "ens is?
4 S1 = y K3

+2 4( + 1) 2 3 + 2 2 2 X XY + + Y 2 2 ( 1) ( 1) ( 1)

Figure 1 The primar$ spherical a erration of a thin single element as a function of ending factor %&'c1(c2)*'c1+c2) and magnification factor ,&'u2-(u1)*'u2-+u1), taken from reference .#/!

1%e corresponding equation #or t%e centra" co,a =t%at is, pri,ary co,a w%en t%e "ens is "ocated at t%e stop> o# a t%in sing"e e"e,ent, is "inear in !ot% @ and A
S2 = +1 1 2 +1 Hy 2 K 2 X Y 2 ( 1)

; & 1%e internet (ersion o# t%e sa,e ,ateria" Materia" presented on t%e internet %as ad(antages o# t%e possi!i"ity o# t%e use o# un"i,ited co"our at no e6tra cost 2t gi(es t%e opportunity #or t%e user to #"ic5 t%roug% i,ages su##icient"y #ast to gi(e t%e i,pression o# ,otion, t%ere!y in e##ect adding t%e #ourt% di,ension, ti,e, as an e6tra para,eter in t%e in#or,ation presented to t%e user 2n t%e #irst e6a,p"e presented %ere, t%e (ertica" a6is =sp%erica" a!erration> is rep"aced wit% a co"our)coded contouring, and t%is re"eases t%e second di,ension to !e used #or t%e ,agni#ication #actor A sequence o# i,ages was produced wit% great ease using t%e OSLO B progra, si,p"y as a co,pi"er p"at#or, #or t%e C)"i5e ,acro "anguage CCL 1%is was underta5en !y p"acing t%e 4op5ins #or,u"ae into t%e 5erne" o# t%e sa,p"e code in t%e co,,and fill_contour_sample, pro(ided wit% t%e progra, in a #i"e na,ed public/graph_plot_ex.ccl 1%e resu"ts #or t%e case o# pri,ary sp%erica" a!erration are s%own in #igure & Cote t%at t%e on"y areas w%ere t%e sp%erica" a!erration #a""s to Dero are in t%e upper rig%t and "ower "e#t corners o# t%e grap% 1%ese correspond to t%e two c"assica" Eap"anats,F wit% one sur#ace at w%ic% t%e incident and re#racted ,argina" ray ang"es are proportiona" to t%e re#racti(e indices, and wit% t%e ot%er at w%ic% t%e ,argina" ray is incident nor,a""y
Figure 2 The primar$ spherical a erration of a thin single element as a function of ending factor '%) and magnification factor ',), for refractive indices 1!0 and 1!1!

2n a si,i"ar ,anner t%e grap%s #or t%e centra" co,a =t%at is, t%e co,a w%ere t%e stop is at t%e "ens> can !e p"otted as a #unction o# @ and A 1wo o# t%e #ra,es o# t%e sequence corresponding to di##erent re#racti(e indices are s%own in #igure ; 1%e "ig%t green co"our corresponds to t%e "ine o# Dero co,a

Figure # The primar$ coma of a thin single element, also for refractive indices 1!0 and 1!1!

2! The use of the time dimension to illustrate the optimisation process 1%e paper presented !y one o# t%e aut%ors at t%e S+2E con#erence on Optica" Gesign and Engineering %e"d "ast year in /ena 849, addressed t%e issue o# ,a5ing t%e process o# optica" design accessi!"e to a wider audience 1%e centra" #eature was a de,onstration o# t%e use o# nu,erica" opti,isation in "ens design, using OSLO to #ind a pat% t%roug% para,eter space to "ocate t%e g"o!a" ,ini,u, o# a we"" 5nown optica" design pro!"e, 1%is is t%e EMonoc%ro,atic HuartetF 859 1%e two sequences o# i""ustrations presented %ere s%ow at inter(a"s o# &4 cyc"es in t%e opti,isation process, t%e c%anges in t%e s%ape o# t%e "ens itse"#, and t%e corresponding a!erration cur(es

Figure 2 3ome of the frames from the video sho4ing the progress of a solution to the pro lem of the 5Monochromatic 6uartet7, from a remote starting point to a final design, near the glo al minimum!

Figure 0 Corresponding frames from the video 4hich sho4s the a erration curves for each of the lenses, in 4hich the a erration 4hich has the largest contri ution to the figure of merit is in each case marked 4ith the red dot!

0! The current state of pla$ 5 1 Lens Manu#acturing and Asse,!"y 1%e presentation on "ens ,anu#acturing and asse,!"y was pro(ided particu"ar"y to de#ine t%e ter,s used in Eng"is% #or t%e ,anu#acture o# "enses 9A, :"A;9AM !y traditiona" ,et%ods 2t uses as a case study t%e e6a,p"e o# a %ypot%etica" dou!"e 0auss o!7ecti(e to de,onstrate t%e ,anu#acturing processes o# one o# t%e positi(e "enses, as we"" as t%e asse,!"y procedures #or t%e entire o!7ecti(e 2t a"so i""ustrates a nu,!er o# a"ternati(e asse,!"y ,et%ods 2t is a(ai"a!"e on t%e Ancient and Modern Optics we! site on www. in t%e section on resources 5 & 3unda,enta" Optica" Gesign 1%e course on t%e #unda,enta" optica" design consists o# &1. interacti(e #ra,es, and is a(ai"a!"e on"ine e6c"usi(e"y to participants in t%e OSLO training courses pro(ided !y Lig%t 1ec Since ,ost o# t%ese courses ta5e p"ace on t%e continent o# Europe, it is necessary #or t%is ,ateria" to !e gi(en in ot%er "anguages, and at present 3renc%, 0er,an and 2ta"ian are a(ai"a!"e 3or ten days preceding eac% course, t%is ,ateria" is a(ai"a!"e to introduce t%e !asic concepts o# optica" design, suc% as t%e nature o# "ig%t, de#initions o# stops and pupi"s, and t%e Seide" a!errations 2t %as a"ready p"ayed a (a"ua!"e ro"e in !ringing "ess e6perienced participants in t%e OSLO courses up to a "e(e" w%ere t%ey #ind t%e intensi(e #our)day training "ess inti,idating 8! Ackno4ledgements Ia"ua!"e contri!utions were ,ade to t%is presentation !y 0erry Ga"e, Sa, Ga"e, /ean Marc Gennery, A"an Reddis%, 2saac Sey,our, 1ony Sey,our, Andrew West"a5e and +au"a Wi""ia,s 1%e aut%ors are a"so grate#u" to C%ristine 4op5ins #or pro(iding t%e p%otograp%s o# 4aro"d OSLO is a registered trade ,ar5 o# La,!da Researc% Corporation, Litt"eton, Mass , 'SA, and t%e aut%ors are grate#u" #or t%e encourage,ent t%at t%ey recei(e #ro, t%e,, and #ro, a"" t%ose at Lig%t 1ec at 4yJres in 3rance 9eferences 819 4oward 0ardner, E3ra,es o# Mind ) t%e 1%eory o# Mu"tip"e 2nte""igencesF 4arper Co""ins 1<K; 8&9 /o%n Macdona"d &--5 EGistance)"earning postgraduate education in optics and optica" designF +roceedings o# t%e con#erence on Optica" Gesign and 1esting 22, Lei7ing S+2E Io"u,e 5M;K 8;9 4 4 4op5ins 1<5- EWa(e t%eory o# a!errationsF, O6#ord &--5 849 Lrian L"and#ord &--5 EO+2C, a 5it #or rapid ,erit #unction construction #or use wit% a"" (ersions o# OSLO, inc"uding OSLO EG'F, +roceedings o# t%e con#erence on Optica" Gesign and Engineering 22, /ena 1;)1M Septe,!er &--5 S+2E Io"u,e 5<M& 859 Gona"d C ONS%ea 1<<- E1%e ,onoc%ro,atic quartet? A searc% #or t%e g"o!a" opti,u,F, +roceedings o# t%e 2nternationa" Lens Gesign Con#erence 1<<-, S+2E Io"u,e 1;54

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