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Over 70 years ago, US President Franklin D Roosevelt warned, The only thing we ha ve to fear is fear itself nameless, unreasoning,

unjustified terror which paralyz es needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. So what can be done inf ace of fear ? Calm. Take a deep breath. Relax. Get collected Focus. Set your sights on something productive. that which you can accomplish. t hat which makes a difference for your people. Take charge. Act on the things you can control, the levers you can pull, the res ources and strengths you possess and partnerships you ve built. Act. Fight the urge to indulge paralysis, inertia, procrastination, worry, blame encourage everyone to rise above petty politics Energize. Look at the possibilities get motivation and inpsiration form all arou nd. . Relish the adventure. Community. Don t go it alone. Reach out and strengthen your network. Say, We will g et through this together stay connected /related and accomplish together. Most true happiness comes from one s inner life Everyone is a leader in some way or the other: A business or corporate leader. Corporate leaders often hold leadership position s in their organizations: president, vice president, director, manager, or super visor. You may even own the company. But you can also serve as a leader in your company even without the fancy title by the way you act and interact. A professional leader. You can be a leader in your profession whether you are a consultant, an entrepreneur, or an independent professional like an attorney, sp eaker, or physician. A community leader . You may have a leadership role in public service, as a nonp rofi t board member, in your church, with the Girl or Boy Scouts, or in your nei ghborhood. A family leader . As a mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, grandpare nt, or cousin, you may take an active part in creating your family environment. An inspirational leader. You may be a leader among your friends, family, and fan s by the way you conduct yourself as refl ected by your character, your choices, a nd your demeanor. A thought leader. You could be leading change with original ideas and new ways o f thinking. An action leader. Maybe you re the one with the energy to make things happen and t he charisma to get others to do the same. The leader of your own life. No matter who you are or what you do, you get to ta ke the lead in your life. No one else will do that for you. No one else can. You may or may not have a fancy suit, a nameplate on the door, and an assistant jus t outside. But every single one of us is leading a life, which may be the most exciting kin d of leadership of all. In what ways are you a leader? Ask yourself : Who are you as a leader? Who do you want to be? What do you want to achieve, why, and how? and how to stay effective? The way you lead helps shape your life. The life you live will help you lead. Whatever is inside us continually flows outward to help form, or deform, the wor ld and whatever is outside us continually fl ows inward to help form, or deform, o ur lives.Your thoughts and feelings (your inner edge) infl uence your effectiven ess as a leader, and your actions and interactions (your outer edge) in turn sha pe your life We live in a time of extraordinary choice and change but We Are Overwhelmed Disc ouraged Disengaged and Needed. since required t otake responsibility for our ow n lives. due to incredible sense of urgency. Frustration. Confusion. Frenzy. Sacrifice Dissatisfaction. Mediocrity. are some of the freebies that come with leadership

Personal leadership is your commitment to take the lead in your own life. You ta ke the opportunity to design, create, and achieve your ideal ways of living and leading. In a positive, unselfi sh way crystallize your thinking and establish a n exact direction and then take determined action to acquire, accomplish, or bec ome whatever you identify your GOALS You should use every ounce of your potential with inspiration instead of perspir ation, synergy instead of sacrifi ce, and wisdom instead of work and should be R espectful. Renewing. Rewarding. Reflective. Raising the Bar., all the time. 1. Get Clarity . Connect clearly and instantly to your long- and shortterm visio ns of success. 2. Find Focus . Focus your attention on top priorities even when the world aroun d you is pulling you away. 3. Take Action . Stop spinning your wheels and start driving with direction easil y, swiftly, and in less time. 4. Tap into Your Brilliance . Identify what s exceptional about you, both positiv e and negative, and use your uniqueness to your advantage. 5. Feel Fulfi llment . Discover what drives you your values, meaning, and purpose. 6. Maximize Your Time . Think differently about time and learn to do more with l ess. 7. Build Your Team . Develop your own private team of supporters not just fans, bu t advocates who will help you succeed. 8. Keep Learning . Keep adapting and improving in this world of unending change. 9. See Possibility . Take advantage of the hidden opportunities all around you the ones most people miss. 10. All . . . All at Once . Align and integrate your life so you can enjoy and e xcel in every moment of being a leader and leading your life. Everyday leaders are doing extraordinary things just like you and if you have prac ticed the above well and properly ingrained them as habits you will definitely b e a better leader personally; by becoming more of who you are; by sustaining the level of excellence longer, doing more than ever before; accelerating achivemen ts and exceeding expectations. You don t become a leader because someone else says you are. You become a leader b ecause you embrace leadership for yourself.; It is not just a label; it is a way of life. To Improve your effectiveness in leading yourself you need to assess : What are you hoping to gain? What will happen if you achieve what you want? What will ha ppen if you don t? You evolve when you think more purposefully about what I am about, what I bring , why I did what I did and how it connected to my work. How to you rate yourself to the following : Strongly Agree / Disagree /Dontknow ?? I am clear on what I want and know how to get the big as well as small things I know where to focus my attention on a daily basis I am able to maintain peak performance at all times - Regularly for longer perio ds I maintain my sense of stability and equilibrium in times of change I have identifi ed my talents, strengths, skills, and weaknesses. I know how to maximize and leverage my unique abilities I am delighted with my quality of life both on and off the job. I am not stressed at life /work I have plenty of time for people, activities, and events that are important to m e. I take regular action toward my most important goals not just on what s most pressin g I have a wide network of people who support me, and whom I support in return I am constantly learning and improving myself. I am often astounded by the way the opportunities I want and the solutions I nee

d present themselves at just the right moment I achieve renewal and restoration regularly I am proud of my ability to maintain my values and the essence of who I am, irre spective of what the work/ life hands me down I have achieved success as I defi ne it. I can say with confi dence that every day I am at my very best. Get Clarity: What Do You Want? A promotion? Time for yourself? Better relations hips We are what we think. With our thoughts, we make the world. People who carefully frame their goals into the meaning and path of their lives are at least twice as likely to achieve their goals Clarity is a process engaged in by you, for you, shaping your thinking and keepi ng you sharp and agile as you constantly revise your ideas about what s possible;o ngoing, intuitive, creative experience. Clarity brings in Strategic. big-picture thinking /frees you from today s trivialiti es and aligns you to tomorrow s potential leading to Smarter Decisions and Faster Action in an Relaxing environment You think clearly when you are relaxed, get to right frame of mind before thinki ng. Let your right brain the creative, intuitive side take charge Spontaneity Allow optimistic, creative, intuitive right brain to play Uncover thoughts and feelings that infl uence your ability to be successful by e xploring your hopes your fears your concerns your questions your needs Identify the Topic What do you needto get clear about? What s the issue, challenge , desire, or goal that s worth exploring now? What is your purpose for seeking cla rity at this time? Ask Open-Ended Questions :walk around in it, allowing your mind to wander around as you fi nd out what there is to know asking What do you want? What do you hop e will happen, and why? repeatedly. Explore the Answers: You don t have to have all the answers. But you do have to as k the questions. Envisioning the future-see yourself in the future -get a visual picture of what you want where you want to be how you want to be ..seeing a more complete pictur e of you when you have arrived. How far into the future do you want to go? Imagine that you ve arrived where you w ant to be, sometime in the future . Notice everything that would happen then an d observe teh differences and feel the experience What had you accomplished that you were proud of? What about you had changed? when you have been where want to be. . what will be true?. Visualize your path, Where am I going? What will it be like to go from here to t here? H ow does where I am now fi t into the bigger picture of my life and goals ? Where does the path lead? What is the destination like? Who are all around ? How does it reflect on my leaders hip / on my growth process ? Analyze : refl ect on the experience and interpret what you saw and see what wou ld there be to learn And remember to update your vision often. Take a break from your work and spend some time exploring, envisioning, and visualizing your future. It will pay off " There are those who work all day, and there are those who dream all day, and th ose who spend an hour daydreaming before setting to work to fulfi ll those dream s. Go to the third category because there s virtually no competition." G etting clarity can move you quickly out of overwhelm, distraction, and confusi on into excitement, confi dence, and peace 57/304 Find Focus: Where Will You Put Your Attention -The main thing is to keep the mai n thing the main thing. Could I be doing better than this? Is this what I wanted for my life? Am I making any difference?

What s wrong is that when you bounce along from task to task, you re not choosing wh ere to put your attention. You re living by chance and not by choice. You may be i gnoring the most valuable parts of your life the parts that are going to help you achieve your vision, possibly in the long term and defi nitely for today What did I accomplish today? All I did was react other people s needs Is tt fulfil ling not to drive my agenda? Learn enough about your goal that you would recognize it if you saw f ew areas that you must prioritize...decide exactly what deserves your time, ener gy, and attention and block out everything else. Focus helps you to move from complex to simple / abstract to concrete / general to specifi c /chaos to control/ finally inaction to action. Getting the vision for your life is like using the wideangle lens. It gives you the opportunity to take in a lot at once. Finding focus, by contrast, is zooming in to take one specifi c picture You need to break your vision into manageable pieces, which you can shape into c oncrete goals and, later, specifi c actions and steps [specific objectives, tact ics]. How many priorities can you gracefully manage and comfortably juggle at a time? career, ob responsibilities, health, family, friends, fi nances, fun etc !! Culling the manageable list of initiatives. involves thinking through and then m aking diffi cult choices and trade-off need to be sure you re doin g,the right thing, for the right reason, in the right way Keep Track of What You re Trying to Achieve . Life gets in the way No matter how c lear you are about what you want, you can still lose sight of your vision day to day and it is your focus that keeps your tethered. Prevent Dangerous Oversights -You get tunnel vision zeroing in on one concerent and shutting out others-need skill for balancing priorities and be on top of via l elements. Be reminded that whatever is most important to you in one area is not the only t hing that s important in your life Keep Pace with Shifting Priorities If your life changes, change your focus too and get into the zone of productivity. Focus areas are a short list of well-chosen priorities that lead to an importan t result, designed to be little snapshots of your ultimate vision. If you don t ha ve priorities you don t have a strategy Ask yourself, If I want what I say I want, what areas will I have to focus on to get it? Write down your ideas. Where Are You Now? Where Would You Like to Be? How Will You Know When You Get Th ere?. ie the NOW THEN and WHEN ? You choose the specifi c commitments you will make for the results you seek .Wha t Will You Do? When Will You Do It? Create a snapshot for one focus area write it down. Be succinct Is anything missing? focusing on one part of your life to the exclusion of other s can lead to disaster, or at least imbalance. Reaching goals is fi ne for a plan. Only reaching one s potential is fine for a li fe As you progress You will stop asking, How can I do everything I need to do in a d ay? and start asking, What are the most effective actions I can take to move towar d my vision, and how can I ensure that I take those actions now? It is not enough to be busy. The question is, what are we busy about? Action wit hout planning is foolish, but planning without action is pointless

In Mind over Mind: The Surprising Power of Expectations, Science journalist Chri s Berdikexplains how crucial a role our expectations play for good and for ill in ma ny areas of life: addiction, criminal activity, athletic feats, the value of mon ey, witness identification, test scores, even the curing of phantom limbs. Simpl y by riding the coattails of our expectations, by being a little less insistent o n separating what we imagine and what s real our minds can take us places where our bodies or even our reality would hesitate to go, and each of us can use that kn owledge to improve ourselves and our performance It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man s tumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat an d blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, bec ause there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great en thusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at t he best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the wor st, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat. The odore Roosevelt, Citizenship in a Republic, Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 2 3, 1910

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