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Materials (materiais): cardboard

O anel da noiva sumiu. Eu falei com todos os suspeitos. Todos eles descreveram a caixa onde ele estava mas ... todos eles disseram coisas diferentes. Eu fiz uma lista de todos os tamanhos diferentes, cores e materiais possveis para a caixa. No entanto, a lista est desordenada. Voc poderia escrever as palavras do quadro ao lado, nos trs outros quadros? De acordo com tamanho: material ou cor.

cardboard papelo china porcelana gold ouro/dourado large grande long comprida metal metal plastic plstico short curto silver prata/prateado small pequena wooden de madeira

Colours (cores): gold Sizes (tamanhos): small

A ordem das palavras: descrevendo as coisa Em ingls, as palavras para descrever coisas normalmente seguem esta ordem antes do substantivo: tamanho cor material Exemplo: A long white, silk dress. Um vestido longo de seda, branco. long (tamanho) white (cor) silk (material)

Minha secretria digitou as anotaces do caso de hoje, mas depois ela derramou caf em cima, desastrada. Voc poderia preencher as lacunas? Use as anotaes de gramtica. Eu acho que as palavras que faltam so: gold, blue, plastic, large e box.


I asked the mother of the bride when she last saw the brides gold ring. She said it was in a small red box. Then I asked the groom. He said he saw the ring in a small red plastic box. She , plastic box. I asked the bride. She said she saw the ring in a

said the best man had it in his pocket. Does this mean the best man stole the ring? Finally, I asked the best man himself. He said the ring was in a small red wooden He said he showed it to the groom, but then it disappeared. Where did it go? And whose description of the box is correct? .

Inspector Stone The Case of the Missing Ring (Page 1 of 2) BBC Learning English 2011

Eu encontrei um caderno com a caligrafia da me da noiva. Eu acho que ela estava fazendo uma lista de coisas para o casamento. Isto pode ser til, ou talvez no. Em todo caso, eu preciso de voc para escrever a lista novamente com as palavras na ordem correta. muito difcil para a incapaz da minha secretria. Use as anotaes de gramtica e vocabulrio para ajud-lo. 1. chairs wooden, brown, big (20) 2. plates small, china, white (20) 3. spoons silver, small (30) 4. plants green, large, plastic (2) 5. napkins paper, small, red (40)

1. Twenty big brown wooden chairs. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Materials (materiais): cardboard papelo china porcelana metal metal plastic plstico silver prata wooden de madeira gold ouro Colours (cores): gold ouro silver prata Sizes (tamanhos): small pequena large grande long comprida short curto


I asked the mother of the bride when she last saw the brides gold ring. She said it was in a small red plastic box. Then I asked the groom. He said he saw the ring in a small blue plastic box. I asked the bride. She said she saw the ring in a large red plastic box. She said the best man had it in his pocket. Does this mean the best man stole the ring? Finally, I asked the best man himself. He said the ring was in a small red wooden box He said he showed it to the groom, but then it disappeared. Where did it go? And whose description of the box is correct? .

1. Twenty big brown wooden chairs. 2. Twenty small white china plates. 3. Thirty small silver spoons. 4. Two large green plastic plants. 5. Forty small red paper napkins.

Inspector Stone The Case of the Missing Ring (Page 2 of 2) BBC Learning English 2011

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