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DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER / ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7A SYLLABUS FOR DPE-701: GENERAL Due to the general nature of this paper, the syllabus and sample paper are the same as for DPE-801: General 1 Voca !"a#$ %10& The vo abulary part tests the ability of a andidate!s depth of language-"ord-ban#, meanings of "ords, proper use of similar sounding "ords$ ' Co()#*+*,-.o, %10& %eading omprehension tests the ability of a andidate to analy&e ' evaluate information in the onte(t$ ) passage of te(t is given for the andidate to read and then ans"er the *uestions that follo" the passage$ / G#a((a# %10& The grammar part tests the ability of a andidate to use proper synta( of language$ 01 G*,*#a" 2,o3"*45* a,4 C!##*,6 A77a.#- %10& +no"ledge of geographi ally important pla es, histori al events, important personalities ,histori al and present-, s ientifi dis overies$ %e ent events of importan e$ 81 I-"a(.c a,4 Pa9.-6a, S6!4.*- %10& .slami history, /asi tenets, 0uran and 1adith$ 1istory, geography, resour es, ultures and politi s of Pa#istan$ :1 PAEC 2,o3"*45* %10& %ules and %egulations, )dministrative stru ture, Establishments, 2a ilities, 3areers$ 71 Ba-.c Co()!6*# 2,o3"*45* %10& /asi soft"are and hard"are available, 2eatures of 45 6indo"s, 6ord and E( el$ ;1 I< %10& 3omparison of "ords and numbers, relationships bet"een geometri figures =1 Ba-.c N!c"*a# E,*#5$ %'0& 3on ept of nu leus and its onstituents, )tomi and 4ass numbers, .sotopes, %adioa tivity, )lpha, /eta, Gamma rays, 1alf life, Einstein!s mass-energy e*uation, 4ass defe t and binding energy, 2ission pro ess, 3hain rea tion, 3riti al mass, 7u lear rea tors$ .ntera tion of radiation "ith matter, %adiation dete tors, %adiation e(posure, /iologi al effe ts of radiation, /iologi al and medi al uses of radiation, )llo"able radiation doses Boo9"Who Is Who And What Is What 3urrent Edition, Dogar Publishers$ Dr$ 4 Daud )"an and 4ussarat-ul-)in, "A text book of Computer Science". 4$5$ )n"ar, 8 a!or Aptitude Test9, )"ami +itab Ghar Ghulam :ilani )sghar, ; Ripon co""e#e composition; ;Intermediate $h%sics;, 2ederal te(tboo# /oard



S*c6.o, I Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* MC< 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* a,-3*# -+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 (.,!01'8 (a#9-1 Voca !"a#$: 6hi h of the follo"ing is losest in meaning to the numbered "ord$ 01Promise )3ontra t 3Paper 6or# %eason )E(planation 3%eality %e all )To Ta#e /a # 3To .nvite


5tatement Tra # :udgement %efusal To )pply To %esume



R*a4.,5 Co()#*+*,-.o, A,-3*# 6+* >!*-6.o,- 6+a6 7o""o3 6+* Pa--a5* o, 6+* a-.- o7 3+a6 .- -6a6*4 o# .()".*4 ., 6+* )a--a5*1 "T&' ()AS&)I*&T+ The% In,ented It When-" $ub"ished in .isco,er/ 0o,ember 1223. /urdened "ith ineffi ient arbon-filament bulbs and "ea# batteries, early flashlights lasted only a fe" se onds "hen user held do"n a tab or ring$ The first of these portable lights "as patented in 18>8 by )meri an inventor David 4isell, "ho intended it as a bi y le lamp$ 4isell assigned his patents to his employer, 3onard 1ubert, "ho founded )meri an Ever-%eady 3ompany$ 1ubert previously had e(perimented "ith light-up tie ta #s and illuminated flo"erpots --an idea passed along to him by :oshua ?ionel 3o"en, "ho "ent on to reate ?ionel Toy Trains$ 6ith 4isell@s help, 1ubert developed the first tubular flashlight, and olle ted testimonials by handing out earlier versions to poli emen in 7e" Aor# 3ity$ 5oon several other ompanies introdu ed similar devi es$ Ta#ing advantage of improved batteries and more effi ient tungsten bulb filaments, Eveready released flashlights "ith on'off s"it hes in 1>11$ 5ome flashlights began using fluores ent bulbs in 1>B8 and halogen bulbs in 1>8C$ 5uper-effi ient "hite ?EDs allo" the ne"est flashlights to shine =D hours on one set of batteries$ 0C$ 6ho registered the first ylindri al flashlightE )4isell /1ubert 33o"en D)meri an Ever-%eady 3ompany Tubular flashlights "ere developed for F )general use$




poli emen of 7e" Aor# 3ity$ streets in the Gnited 5tates that did not have publi lighting$ bi y les$

HPara-<I The phrase, J5uper effi ient, means F )lo" po"er onsuming /bright light 3lo" pri ed Dhigh pri ed

G#a((a# / F.""-.,-6+*-B"a,90K$ The height of a dam LLLLLLLL the potential energy in the form of stored "ater$ )relates to /means for 3is a sour e about Dimportan e for To mu h TM and omputer "ea#ens the learning ability of a LLLLLLLL$ )hild /hildren 3s hool going boy Dhome"or# T"o and t"o ma#es four, but life is LLLLLLLLLLLLL than this$ )more omple( /onfusing 3ru ial Da most important matter



G*,*#a" 2,o3"*45* a,4 C!##*,6 a77a.#010$ The %iver )ma&on is in )7orth )meri a 3)sia /D5outh )meri a )fri a 1>=> to 1>CD 1>K1 to 1>K= 4r$ )bul +alam 7one of these


The 5e ond 6orld 6ar lasted from )1>1C to 1>18 /31>=D to 1>DD DThe name of the President of .ndia is )4r$ 4anmohan 5ingh /34r$ %aNiv Gandhi D-


I-"a(.c a,4 Pa9.-6a, S6!4.*01=$ The angel "ho "ill belo" the trumpet on the day of :udgment is: )1a&rat 4a#ail /1a&rat Gibrail 31a&rat .srafil D7one of these The first Governor General of Pa#istan "as: )+ha"aNa 7a&im-ud-din /4ali# Ghulam 4uhammad 30uaid-e-)&am 4uhammad )li :innah D?ia*uat )li +han The Devastating earth*ua#e in Pa#istan "as happened on: )10th O t$ <00D /8th O t$ <00D rd 3= O t <00D DBth O t, <00B




PAEC 2,o3"*45* 01B$ P.75TE31 is an abbreviation for: )Pa#istan .nstitute of Te hnology P 3hemistry$ /Pa#istan .nstitute of Te hni al Edu ation$ 3Pa#istan .nstitute of 7u lear 5 ien e P Te hnology$ DPa#istan .nstitute of 5 ien e P Te hnology$ .n P)E3, a 5enior 5 ientist is in group: )K /3> D8 7one of these



The type of "or# being done in 7./GE is: )7u lear fuel y le related /7u lear rea tor design 3/iology and geneti engineering D3omputer soft"are and hard"are development

Ba-.c Co()!6*# 2,o3"*45* 01>$ ?aser beam te hnology is used in: )4onitor 3+eyboard /DOpti al dis#s 4agneti dis#


6hi h of the follo"ing does not use magneti media for storing data: )3D %O4 drive /1ard dis# 3Tape Drive D2loppy dis# drive 6hi h of the follo"ing is not an appli ation pa #age: )- Po"er point /- 6ord Pad 3- E( el D- Gni(


I< 0<<$ 6hi h is the ne(t number on the follo"ing series: )= /81 3<C= D1 The ratio of =<m and 80m is: )1:D 3=m : Dm /D=:D <:D 1 = > <K



.f the area of a s*uare is Q, then the area of the largest ir le that an Nust fit inside this s*uare "ill be: )Q /Q'< 3Q'C DQ'<

Ba-.c N!c"*a# E,*#5$ 0<D$ The element <B2eDB has: )<B neutrons 3DB neutron /D<B protons DB protons



.f the half life of an isotope is = hours, ho" mu h of the original sour e "ill remain after > hours )1'C /1'B 31'8 Dnone of these ) ording to Einstein!s mass-energy e*uation, the energy e*uivalent of 1 gram matter is )>=1 4eM /1 amu 3>=1 /eM D7one of these )ssume that in a hain rea tion, ea h fission produ es t"o neutrons, and both neutrons produ e further fission$ .f there "as one fission initially, ho" many neutrons "ill there be after D fissions )=< /B< 3D D10 )?)%) stands for ))s ?o" )s %adiation )llo"ed /)s ?o" )s reasonably ) hievable 3)ll )vailable %adiations D)ll ?ittle )s %adiation )bsorbed .n the fissions rea tion: n R G ) R / R Energy, "hi h one of the follo"ing statements is true )The mass on the left hand side ,?15- S the mass on the right hand side ,%15/The #ineti energy on the ?15 S the #ineti energy on the %15 3The 4ass R Energy on the ?15 S the 4ass R Energy on the %15 D4ass on ?15 is less then the mass on the %15





S*c6.o, II Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* 6#!* / 7a"-* 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* A,-3*# S+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 (.,!- 018 (a#9-1 0=1$ 0=<$ 0==$ 0=C$ 0=D$ 0=B$ 0=K$ 0=8$ 0=>$ 0C0$ )lpha parti les penetrate more deeper into the body than beta rays "hen e(posed e(ternally The mass of proton and neutrons are almost similar .5P is stand for .nternet servi e provider$ ) omputer virus an also effe t omputer user$ There are =0= members in the 7ational )ssembly of Pa#istan$ The .slami month that omes after 4uharram is 5afar )tomi number of hydrogen is one$ 4ole ular "eight of "ater is <D$ Einstein E*uation is E S m <$ The %iver Tigris is in .ran$


DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER / ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7A SYLLABUS FOR DPE-70' BASIC TECHNICAL BASIC MATHEMATICS ? SCIENCES Ma6+*(a6.c)lgebra of matri es, addition and multipli ation of matri es$ Definition of sets, Menn diagrams, s alar and ve tor, s alar and ve tor produ ts, resolution of ve tors, rules of differentiation, derivatives of "ell-#no"n fun tions$ 5e ond order derivatives, Order, degree and linearity of differential e*uation, basi integration te hni*ues, arithmeti and geometri series, mean, mode and standard deviation P+$-.cElasti ityT modulus of elasti ity, e*uilibrium, onditions of e*uilibrium of a parti le, for es, moments, momentum, la" of onservation of momentum, ollision of bodies in one dimension$ 7ature of light, /ohr@s theory of atomi stru ture$ G*,*#a" C+*(.-6#$ 5tates of matter, ompounds and mi(ture, atomi "eight and numbers, mole ular formula and "eight, mole, gram mole, e*uivalent "eight, symbol, formula and e*uation, orbital, ele troni onfiguration of ele trons in orbitals, periodi table, ele tro negativity, ele tron affinity, o(idation numbers$ .deal gas la"s and general gas e*uation, #ineti mole ular theory of gases$ Psy hometry, bat h distillation, distillation in pa #ed olumns BASIC TECHNOLOGY E"*" 3ondu tors, insulators and semi ondu tors, ele tri urrent, ele tromotive for e ,Moltage-, resistan e, onventional urrent, D3 and )3, Ohm@s la", "or#, energy and po"er, ondu tan e, effi ien y, real and ideal sour es, series ir uits, parallel ir uits, series parallel ir uits, voltage and urrent sour es, on ept of short ir uit and open ir uit, +ir hoff@s voltage and urrent la"s 3apa itor types and ratings, apa itor dimensions and diele tri s, energy stored in a apa itor, ele tromagneti indu tion, ?en&@s la", 2araday@s la", transformer, self .ndu tan e, )3 "ave form, period and fre*uen y, pea# and instantaneous values, average and effe tive values, )3 voltage and urrent in apa itors and indu tors$ E"*c6#o,.c)tomi theory and semi ondu tor prin iples$ ele tron orbit and energy, types of semi ondu tor, P7-Nun tion diode, /iasing of a diode, diode urve, for"ard and reverse region, types of transistor, ommon emitter, ommon base, ommon olle tor$ M*c+a,.ca" Thermodynami terms and types of systems, e*uilibrium states, nature of heat and "or#$ sign onvention and units of "or# and J*!$ .nternal energy hange, la"s of thermodynami s, enthalpy, heat apa ity, thermal ondu tivity, fri tion, enter of gravity and enter of mass for a system, radius of gyration of an area, normal shearing and bending stress, dire t and shearing strains, elasti onstants, Poissons@ %atio, resolution of stresses, prin ipal planes, prin ipal stresses and strains, graphi al representation of


stresses and strains, 4ohr@s ir le, parallel a(is theorem, moment of inertia, bending moment and shearing for e in simply supported and antilever beams, density, spe ifi "eight, ompressibility, vapor pressure, absolute and gauge pressures, measurement of pressure, pressure on plane areas, vis osity, surfa e tension, properties of fluids, enter of pressure, buoyan y, e*uation of ontinuity, energy e*uation, laminar and turbulent flo", /ernoulli@s theorem C.@." Prin iples of stati s, la"s of triangles, e*uilibrium, for e analysis, methods of Noints and se tions, shear for e and bending moment, types of buildings, bridges, dams, soil materials$ ?ines in spa e and in planes, tra es and true in lination to planes of proNe tionT isometri vie", prin iple of surveying, errors and degree of a ura y, surveying instruments Co()!6*# 5tru ture of omputers and omputer systemsT omputer hard"are, types of omputers, input, output and storage devi es, soft"are languages, "ord pro essing, spreadsheet, database, omputer viruses and anti viruses, introdu tion to net"or#ing environment, net"or# resour es, servers and lients, lan, "an, and man, ommuni ation medium, oa(ial able, t"isted pair able, net"or#ing devi es, hub, s"it h, router, introdu tion to information systems, and the internet$ M*6a""!#5$ 3lassifi ation of engineering materials and their properties, metals and alloys, stress, strain, du tility, toughness and hardness, prin iples of orrosion, me hanism of o(idation, prote tion against orrosion, "elding te hni*ues, defe ts in "elding M.,.,5 .ntrodu tion to minerals, types of ro #s, introdu tion to mining methods, in-situ lea h mining$



S*c6.o, I Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* MC< 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* a,-3*# -+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 01'8 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01$ The formula of a etate radi al is )- 3O=< /- 5OC< 3- 31=3OO1 D- 13O=1 The e'm ratio of athode is e*ual to that of: )- Ele tron /- Proton 3- 7eutron D- 1elium nu leus 6hi h mole ule is ioni in natureE )- 4gO 3- 1< The valen y of al ium is )- 1 3- = The study of plant fossils is alled: )- Palaeontology 3- Palaeo&oology 3hromosomes are present in the )- 3ytoplasm 3- 7u leus /- 1<O D- 13l /- < D- C /- Palaeobotany D- Embryology /- 4ito hondria D- 3ytoplasm and nu leus







%ound-shaled ba teria are alled as: )- /a illi /- 3o i 3- 5pirilla D- Mibrios 2unaria is an e(ample of : )- 4oss 3- ?iver"ort 1 mm S )- 10= m 3- 10= m /- 2ern D- 1orn"ort /- 10< m D- 10B m




Produ t of density and volume is e*ual to )- vis osity /- velo ity 3- mass D- gravity The se ond e*uation of motion represents the relation bet"een velo ity, a eleration and )- distan e /- time



3- mass

D- a- and b-


+gm< is e*ual to )- 1 Noule 3- 1 ne"ton

/- 1 mole D- 1 "att


6hat "ill be the value of (, if ,(-<, 1- S ,=, 1)- D /- 1 3- D D- 1 , <-D S LLLLLLL )- <D 3- D< /- <D D- 7one of these



2or "hat value of m, Q< R C( R m "ill be a omplete a*uareE )- 8 /- 8 3- RC D- B

S*c6.o, II Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* 6#!* / 7a"-* 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* A,-3*# S+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 018 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01B$ 01K$ 018$ 01>$ 0<0$ 2irst ioni&ation energy is greater than se ond ioni&ation energy$ -rays travel "ith the speed of light 5ome yanoba teria are epiphytes$ 4otion along a straight line is #no"n as random motion$ The multipli ative inverse of 0 does not e(ist$

A,-3*#1 a, K b, 1= d, 1B 2,

< a, 8 a, 1C b, 1K 2

= a, >a$ 1D$ 18 T,

C b, 10 1> 2

D b, 11 d, <0 T

B , 1< ,



S*c6.o, I Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* MC< 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* a,-3*# -+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 01'8 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01$ ) fluid means:)- ?i*uid only 3- 5olid only 8U9 stands for the fluid:)- Density 3- Mis osity p1 of "ater is:)- K$> 3- C$> 6hi h p1 orresponds to a id:)- 1C 3- K O(idation o urs at:)- 3athode 3- /oth a and b /- Gas only D- /oth a and b /- Melo ity D- 7one of above /- 1= D- K /- > D- = /- )node D- 7one at a and b






Temperature at "hi h a solid hange into a li*uid is alled:)- /oiling point /- 4elting point 3- 2ree&ing point D- 7one of above 1ydro arbons are ompounds formed form:)- 1PO /- OP3 3- 3P1 D- 3P)g 4O?)%.TA is:)- .t is the no of moles of the solute dissolved per litre of the solution /- .t is the no of atoms of the solute dissolved per litre of the "ater 3- .t is the no of moles of the "ater dissolved per litre of the solution D- 7one of above 6hat is the orre t formula of heavy "ater:)- 1<O< /- 1<O 3- D<O D- D=O 6hat happens in the nu lear rea tor )- 2usion /- 2ission 3- 3hemi al rea tion D- 7one of above 6hi h radioisotope is used in medi al diagnosti s:)- 3s /- 5r








3- Th

D- 7one of the above


6hi h is not a pro ess variable:)- Temperature 3- Mis osity 4ain onstituent of natural gas is:)- Propane 3- 4ethane

/- Pressure D- 2lo" /- /utane D- O tane



6hi h formula represents density of li*uid:)- m'v /- v'm 3- p'v D- 7one of above %a" material for the produ tion of hemi al fertili&er is:)- )mmonia /- 7atural gas 3- 5ulphur D- 3al ium


S*c6.o, II Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* 6#!* / 7a"-* 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* A,-3*# S+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 018 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01B$ 01K$ 018$ 01>$ 0<0$ )bsolute pressure S guage pressure R atmospheri e pressure 3hemi al rea tion ta#e pla e in boiler$ 1ard "ater and heavy "ater are the same thing$ 1eat e( hagers are used for transfering heat$ /rine solution "hi h is used in i e fa tories is a solution of +3?




S*c6.o, I Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* MC< 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* a,-3*# -+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 01'8 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01$ 5tone masonry made from uniformly si&ed oursed stones interlo #ed "ith mortar is alled: )- %ubble masonry /- )shlar masonry 3- %andom rubble masonry D- 7one of above ) bri # pla ed "ith its length parallel to the fa e of the "all is alled: )- 5tret her /- 1eader 3- 3loser D- 7one of the above$ 6hen loads are applied proportionately to a frame stru ture ontaining members in one plane, the stru ture is alled: )- Grid frame$ /- Plane frame$ 3- 5pa e frame$ D- Truss frame$ .n a antilever beam loaded "ith a point load JP! at its free end, the ma(imum rea tion at support shall be: )- P'< /- <P 3- P D- P'C PM3 stands for: )- Plasti vinyl hloride 3- Polythene vinyl arbon /- Poly vinyl hloride D- Polythene vanadium hloride






The surfa e "here t"o su essive pla ements of on rete meet, is #no"n as: )- 3onstru tion Noint /- E(pansion Noint 3- 3ontra tion Noint D- /oth ,a- and ,b) relatively fi(ed point of #no"n elevation, is alled: )- /en h mar# /- Datum point 3- %edu ed level D- %eferen e point The gradient of se"ers depends upon: )- minimum and ma(imum velo ity of flo" /- Diameter of the se"er 3- The dis harge D- )ll the above Open hannels supported above ground over tresles are generally #no"n as: )- %aised anals /- ) *uedu t 3- 5yphon D- 2lumes 3- /elo" the "ater table D- )ll the above The "ater ontent in a soil sample "hen it ontinues to loose "eight "ithout loosing the volume, is alled:







)- 5hrin#age limit 3- ?i*uid limit 011$

/- Plasti limit D- 5emi-solid limit

The members "hi h support the overing material of a sloping roof are: )- %afters /- Purlins 3- /attens D- 3aves The slump re ommended for on rete "or# in foundation is: )- 1; to <; /- =; to D; 3- <; to C; D- 4ore than D; The foundation in "hi h a antilever beam is provided to Noin the t"o footings is #no"n as: )- 5trip footing /- 5trap footing 3- 3ombined footing D- %aft footing Density of stru tural steel is appro(imately e*ual to: )- 1D0 lb'ft= /- D00 lb'ft= = 3- 100 lb'ft D- 7one of all The <8 days ube ompressive strength of on rete of mi( 1:<:C shall not be less than: )- <000 Psi /- =000 Psi 3- =KD0 Psi D- CD00 Psi





S*c6.o, II Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* 6#!* / 7a"-* 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* A,-3*# S+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 018 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01B$ 01K$ 018$ 01>$ 0<0$ The la" "hi h states that "ithin elasti limits strain produ ed is proportional to stress produ ing it, is #no"n as 1oo#e!s la": The amount of reinfor ement for main bars in a slab, is based upon ma(imum bending moment$ /a # bearing of a line is e*ual to 2ore bearing R >0V 2or "ater retaining stru tures, the mi( of on rete usually used is 1:<:C$ Design of %33 antilever beams is based on the resultant moment'for e at 2ree end$



DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER / ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7A SYLLABUS FOR DPE-71/: COMPUTER SCIENCE / TECHNOLOGY 11 I,6#o4!c6.o, 6o Co()!6*#1istory and development of omputers$ Types of omputers ,analogue, digital, hybrid-$ 3lassifi ation of digital omputers ,mi ro, mini, mainframe and super omputer-$ .mpa t of omputers and the internet on so iety$ .ntrodu tion to programming languages ,high level, medium level and lo" level- on epts of ompiler, interpreter and assembler$ '1 Co()!6*# Co()o,*,63entral Pro essing Gnit ,3PG-, 3ontrol Gnit ,3G-, )rithmeti and ?ogi Gnit ,)?G- $ /usses: Data bus, )ddress bus, 3ontrol bus$ Primary'4ain memory ,%)4, %O45e ondary memory$ .nput'output devi es, Ports: serial and parallel ports$ 4otherboard /1 I,)!6/O!6)!6 D*@.c*.nput devi es: +ey board, mouse, Noysti #, s anner, tra #ball, light pen, voi e mi rophone, digital video amera, dis# drive$ Output devi es: 4onitors, printers and their #inds ,daisy "heel, line, ele trostati , in#Net, ele tro thermal and laser-, plotters, 3D "riter, dis# drive , on ept of soft opy and hard opy01 S6o#a5* D*@.c*4ain memory: %)4, %O4, 5.44, D.44, Types of memory$ 4emory units: /its, byte ,+ bytes, 4 bytes, G bytes and T bytes-$ 5e ondary memoryT 2loppy dis#, hard dis#, ompa t dis#, magneti tape, Opti al Dis#s$ 81 Da6a R*)#*-*,6a6.o, Data definition: 7umeri , alphabeti and alphanumeri $ 7umber systems: De imal, /inary, O tal P 1e(ade imal, 7umber system onversion, %epresentation of numbers using ,1!s- and ,<!s- omplements, /inary arithmeti : )ddition, subtra tion, multipli ation and division, 2i(ed and floating point number representation, 3ode: 3oding s heme ,/inary 3oded De imal, )53..-$ :1 Boo"*a, A"5* #a /oolean onstant, variable, logi al operators, /oolean e(pressions, /oolean fun tions, ?a"s and theorems of /oolean algebra Truth tables, 5implifi ation of /oolean fun tions, la"s and +arnaugh maps$ 71 Co()!6*# So763a#* Types of soft"are: 5ystem soft"are ,operating system, programming language translator, servi e soft"are and e(amples-$ )ppli ation soft"are, DO5 3ommands: E(e utable 2iles, EQE, 3O4 and /)T, D.% "ith 5"it hes, 3?5, D)TE, T.4E, 3OPA, ME%, DE?, TAPE, 2O%4)T, 3OPA P%.7T, 5A5, 31+D5+, ED.T, Q3OPA, DE?T%EE, P%O4PT, %E4, 3reate or ma#e dire tory, %emove'Delete ommand, and other ommonly used ommands, Pa6+-1 ;1 I,6#o4!c6.o, 6o AINDOAS 5tartup pro ess of 6.7DO65, 3omponents of 6.7DO65: Title bar, 5tatus bar, 5 roll bars, 4enu bar, Dialog bo(es, 2amiliari&ation "ith 6.7DO65 i ons: 4y 3omputer, %e y le /in, 5tart /utton, 3ontrol Panel, Other sub menus,



3li #ing the start button, beginning "ith tas#bar, 5hut do"n pro ess, Demonstration of installation pro edure for 6.7DO65, =1 101 V.#!-*- a,4 a,6.-@.#!-*-1 I,6#o4!c6.o, 6o BASIC P#o5#a((.,5 La,5!a5*

111 P#o "*( So"@.,5 Defining the problem, )nalysis of the problem, illustrated "ith e(amples, )lgorithms, 2lo" harts: 2lo" harts symbols, e(amples of flo" harts using daily life appli ations 3omputer programming: 3onversion of flo" hart, algorithm into omputer language instru tions, %unning and debugging programs, .mplementation, Do umentation$ 1'1 Da6a T$)*- A--.5,(*,6 %INPUT/OUTPUT& 3hara ter sets, reserved "ords, ommands and statements, 7umeri and strings, 3onstants and variables, Operators: arithmeti , relational and logi al, 1ierar hy of operators, e(pressions, )rithmeti , relational and logi al, )ssignment statements, .nput, %E)D-D)T), P%.7T, P%.7T G5.7G$ 1/1 Co,6#o" S6a6*(*,6Go to, O7 W GO TO, .f W Then W Else, on Error W Go toF 2or F 7e(t statement, 6hile and 6end statement, ?oops and nested loops$ 101 A##a$One and t"o Wdimensional arrays, %eading, "riting and manipulation of arrays$ 181 S! -)#o5#a( a,4 F."* Ha,4".,5 2un tions: /uilt-in fun tions ,)/5, .7T, %7D, 50%, ?OG, EQP, 5.7, 3O5, T)7, .7T, .7T, 5G7, 2.Q, 1EQX, ?E2TX, 4.DX, 31%X, 5T%X, T.4EX, .7+EAX, 5P)3EX- and ser defined fun tions, 5ubroutines, %eading and "riting into files$ 1:1 G#a)+.c5#et hing and dra"ing of graphi s using utilities su h as D%)6 and 3O?O%, Generating lines, re tangles, ir les et $ 171 Co()!6*# A))".ca6.o, %Ao#4 P#oc*--o#& .ntrodu tion to "ord pro essing, ?oading a "ord pro essing program ,45 6O%D-: Typing, saving, e(iting, Te(t formatting, Do ument formatting, /lo #ing, moving blo #s of te(t, .ndenting, 2onts, page layout, printing$ 4A Textbook of Computer Science" 7ational /oo# 2oundation, .slamabad$ Peter 7orton, Glen oe 4 Gra", 8Introduction to Computers9, =rd Edition, -1ill, 1>>>$



DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER / ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7A MODEL PAPER FOR DPE-71/: COMPUTER SCIENCE / TECHNOLOGY S*c6.o, I Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* MC< 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* a,-3*# -+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 01'8 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01$ 0<$ The memory, "hi h is generally programmed by the omputer manufa turer, is: )- %O4 /- D.44 3- 5.44 D- %)4 The default in rement for a 2or-7e(t loop is: )- -1 /- 1 3- 0 D- < .5P stands for: )- .nternet side programming 3- .nternet servi e provider /- .nternet 5ide proNe t D- .nternational server programmer



The e(pression 2S mYa "ould be pla ed inside symbol: )/3D-


To onvert )ssembly language to 4a hine ode "e use )- 3onverter /- ?anguage 3- )ssembler D- 3ompiler
Input C , D

C=C+1 X=(C+D/2)/D

Print C Print X


The output if 3S= P DSC )- 3S = , QS < 3- 3S C , QS <

/- 3S C , QS 1 D- 3S C , QS C


.n the ontent of memory units, 1 #ilo S )- 1000 /- 10<C 3- D1< D- <0C8 2O%T%)7 language "as used for )- /usiness al ulations 3- Data Pro essing The bus is a group of )- "ires /- 5 ientifi 3omputations D- 3ommuni ation /- data bits





3- vehi les 010$

D- 5ignals

The fun tion #ey that is used to find help on some topi is )- 21 /- 2< 3- 2= D- 2C ) nibble has )- one bit 3- 5even bits ,101011-< S )- ,)=-1B 3- ,C-1B 5implifying )/ R )/ results in )- ) 3- )R/ /- four bits D- Eight bits /- ,D=-1BD- ,</-1B /- )/ D- )-/





The DO5 ommand dir is used to )- find dire tion of a file /- find files "hi h have dir in their name 3- ?ist urrent dire tory files and subdire tories D- 7one of the above 45 6ord is used as )- +eeping database 3- 3ompressing file /- "ord pro essor D- Emailing files


S*c6.o, II Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* 6#!* / 7a"-* 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* A,-3*# S+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 018 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01B$ 01K$ 018$ 01>$ 0<0 :oysti # is an output devi e$ 2lash dis# is an input devi e only DMD %O4 stores more data as 3D %O4$ )53.. is an 8-bit oding s heme$ ) register inside 3PG is a permanent storage devi e even "hen po"er is off$

So"!6.o, 2*$ S*c6.o, A: 1- A K- / 1=- A S*c6.o, B: 1B- F 1K- 2 18- T 1>- F <0- F <- / 8- / 1C- C =- 3 >- ) 1D& B C- ) 10- A D- C 11- B B- / 1<- D



DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER / ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7A SYLLABUS FOR DPE-710: ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY 11 Ba-.c o7 E"*c6#.c.6$ 5. Gnits, harge, 3olombo!s ?a", Ele tri field, Ele tri 2ield .ntensity, voltage, urrent, resistan e, ohms la", +ir hoff!s la"s and their appli ation, +3?, ?M?$ '1 A1C1 F!,4a(*,6a"Generation of a voltage and urrent, e*uations of urrent and voltage, r$m$s value, ve tor representation of alternating *uantities, a through resistan e, indu tan e and apa itan e, generation of poly phase voltages, phase se*uen e, star and delta onne tions, mathemati al representation of ve tors, the N operator, different forms of ve tor representation$ /1 E"*c6#o(a5,*6.c I,4!c6.o, Produ tion of indu ed emf and urrent, faradays la"s of ele tromagneti indu tion, len&!s la", dire tion of indu ed emf and urrent, self and mutual indu tion$ 01 A,a"$-.- o7 RLB RC a,4 RL C.#c!.6 )nalysis of series and parallel r , rl and rl ir uit, resonan e, time onstants$ 81 I,6#o4!c6.o, 6o T#a,-7o#(*#6or#ing prin iple of transformer, types and basi appli ations, transformer onstru tion, magneti properties of ore, e( itation urrent, transformer on load, emf e*uation, Transformer "ith resistan e and rea tan e, transformer e*uivalent ir uit, refereeing se ondary to primary, losses in transformer, effi ien y of transformer$ :1 I,4!c6.o, Mo6o# Ele trome hani al energy onversion, basi la"s, indu tion motor general prin iple, onstru tion, stator, types of rotor, revolving field theory, syn hronous speed and slip, generated voltage, urrent and fre*uen y in rotor, po"er flo" in indu tion motor, starting and running tor*ue, ondition for ma(imum tor*ue, tor*ue slip hara teristi s, different types of single phase indu tion motor$ 71 S$,c+#o,o!- Mo6o# Operation of syn hronous motor, onstru tion, starting syn hronous motor, motor under load, d e( itation, loading of syn hronous motor, po"er fa tor adNustment of syn hronous motor, syn hronous ondenser$ ;1 S$,c+#o,o!- G*,*#a6o# 3ommer ial syn hronous generator, main features of the stator and rotor, field e( itation and e( iters, fa tors affe ting the si&e of syn hronous generators, the internal generated voltage of a syn hronous generator, the e*uivalent ir uit of a syn hronous generator, alternator regulation, the phasor diagram of a syn hronous generator$ =1 D.#*c6 C!##*,6 G*,*#a6o#Generation of dire t urrent, d generator, lassifi ation of generator, armature rea tion in d generator, types of d generators and their hara teristi s$



101 C.#c!.6 B#*a9*#Thermal ir uit brea#ers, magneti ir uit brea#ers, thermal magneti ir uit brea#ers, ambient- ompensated ir uit brea#ers, re*uirement of a ir uit brea#er, operation of ir uit brea#er, phenomenon of ar , ir uit brea#er rating, types of ir uit brea#ers 111 I,6#o4!c6.o, 6o E"*c6#o,.c- ? Po3*# E"*c6#o,.c5emi ondu tor devi es, intrinsi and e(trinsi semi ondu tor, diode, transistor, thyristor, dia , tria , half-"ave re tifier, full-"ave re tifier, speed ontrol of D3, )3 and servo motors, )M%, measurement of non-ele tri al *uantities su h as temperature, displa ement, pressure, time and fre*uen y$ 1'1 Ba-.c D.5.6a" E"*c6#o,.c/inary members, o tal numbers, 1e(ade imal 7umbers, inter onversion of numbers, ?ogi gates, )ppli ation of logi gates, /oolean algebra$ 1/1 I,6#o4!c6.o, 6o Ba66*#.*2un tion of a battery, general features of batteries, primary and se ondary ells, ele tromotive series voltai ell, arbon-&in dry ell, al#aline ell, lead a id "et ell, grouping of batteries, general ele tri al hara teristi $ 101 AC T#a,-(.--.o, a,4 D.-6#. !6.o, General lay-out of the system, Po"er systems and system net"or#s, systems of )3 distribution, 5ingle phase <-"ire system, single phase =-"ire system, t"o phase =-"ire system, t"o phase C-"ire system, three phase =-"ire system, three phase C-"ire system, Distribution, effe t of voltage on transmission effi ien y, 3omparison of ondu tor materials re*uired for various overhead systems, onstants of transmission line, %ea tan e of an isolated single-phase transmission line, rea tan e of a =-phase transmission line, apa itan e of a single-phase transmission line, apa itan e of a =-phase transmission line$ A Text 5ook of '"ectrica" Techno"o#% 5.). Thera!a+ Char"es S. Siskind+ AC





S*c6.o, I Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* MC< 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* a,-3*# -+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 01'8 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01$ 6hi h of the four bulbs .- <00 M, B0 6 ... 11D M, B0 6 )- . 3- ... E- 7ot enough data to tell "ith data ..-<<0M, /- .. D- .M has least resistan eE 100 6 .M 11D M, 100 6 the


) volt meter onne ted a ross the terminals of a dry ell reads 1$C0 M "hen the ell is open ir uited, and reads 1$0<M "hen the ell delivers a urrent of =)$ The internal resistan e of the ell is )- 0$001<K ohm /- 0$1<K ohm 3- 0$CBK ohm D- 0$=C ohm E- 0$80K ohm ) )3Eir uit omponent that opposes the hange in the ir uit voltage is %esistan e /- .ndu tan e 3apa itan e D- %elu tan e 3ondu tan e



The po"er fa tor of an ele tri ir uit is noted to be 1$00 "ith a <00 M, D0 1& po"er supply, after onne ting a D0 mi ro farad apa itor in series "ith the ir uit$ 6hat "as the po"er fa tor of the ir uit before onne ting the apa itorE )- 1$00 3- 0$01D leading E- 7ot enough data to tell /- 0$01D lagging D- 0$8D


) "ire <$D m long is bent into a s*uare$ ) urrent of 100) flo"ing through the "ire "ill produ e a magneti&ing for e at the entre of the s*uare, e*ual to )- K< )T'm /- 1CC )T'm 3- 1>B )T'm D- <<< )T'm E- <88 )T'm The hysteresis loop for a material m S 0$1 6b'm< and 1 m S 100 "ill be )- 10000 3- 100 E- 1 has an area of 100 m <$ The s ales are 1 )T'm$ The hysteresis loss in :oule'm=' y le /- 1000 D- 10



6hi h one of the follo"ing losses has the least proportion in a d ma hineE )- )rmature opper losses /- 2ield opper losses 3- 4agneti losses D- 4e hani al losses E- .t depends upon the load of the ma hine




) d series motor develops a tor*ue of <0 7 m at = ) of load urrent$ .f the urrent is in reased to B ), the tor*ue "ill be )- 10 7 m /- <0 7 m 3- C0 7 m D- 80 7 m E- 1B0 7 m ) urrent is represented by the graph in the given figure$ 6hat is its %45 valueE )- <0 ) /- 1C$1C ) 3- 11$DB ) D- 10 ) 20 E- K$0K )


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 20

010$ ) ir uit has impedan e of ,= R NC- ohm$ .f a voltage of ,100 R ND0- volt is applied, the po"er in the ir uit "ill be )- <D0 6 /- D00 6 3- BB0 6 D- 1D00 6 E- 7one of the above .n an alternator, the voltage drop o urs in )- )rmature resistan e only /- )rmature resistan e and lea#age rea tan e only 3- )rmature resistan e, lea#age rea tan e and armature rea tan e D- )rmature resistan e, lea#age rea tan e, armature rea tan e and earth onne tion E- There is no voltage drop in an alternator )n alternator has full load regulation of CZ "hen the po"er fa tor of the load is 0$8 lagging, and the alternator runs at 1D00 rpm$ .f the same alternator is onne ted to a prime mover of 1C00 rpm, "hat "ill be its full load regulationE )- CZ /- 1D'1C CZ 3- 1C'1D CZ D- ,1C'1D-< CZ E- .t depends on other fa tors also .n a syn hronous motor, "hi h of the follo"ing losses does not vary "ith loadE )- 3opper loss /- 1ysteresis loss 3- 6indage loss D- )ll of the above hange "ith load E- 7one of the above hange "ith load ) three phase CC0 M, D0 1& indu tion motor has a speed of >D0 rpm$ .f the ma hine has B poles, the per ent slip "ould be )- <0Z /- 10Z 3- DZ D- 1Z E- 0$DZ ) s*uirrel age indu tion motor designed to run at B0 1& is onne ted C00M, D0 1&, =-phase supply$ The rotor "ill )- /urn out /- 7ot start 3- %un at D'B of the rated speed D- %un at B'D of the rated speed E- %un normally








S*c6.o, II Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* 6#!* / 7a"-* 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* A,-3*# S+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 018 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01B$ ) sinusoidal voltage "ith e*uation 6mSsin D<= t is applied a ross a load and the urrent lags behind the voltage by <= degrees$ 7o po"er "ill be onsumed in the ir uit$ Oil in the transformer also helps in indu tive oupling bet"een the oils$ 7o e( itation urrent is re*uired in indu tion motors$ Over voltage transient may o ur in a transmission be ause of s"it hing Po"er fa tor of a pure apa itive ir uit is more than one$

01K$ 018$ 01>$ 0<0$



DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER / ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7A SYLLABUS FOR DPE-718: ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY 11 <!a,6.6.*- a,4 U,.6-, 5 ientifi and Engineering 7otation, Gnits and 4etri Prefi(es, 4etri Gnit 3onversions, 4easured 7umbers, Ele tri al 5afety$ '1 Vo"6a5*B C!##*,6B a,4 R*-.-6a,c* )toms, Ele tri al 3harge, Moltage, 3urrent, %esistan e, The Ele tri 3ir uit, /asi 3ir uit 4easurements$ /1 O+(C- La3B E,*#5$B a,4 Po3*# Ohm!s ?a", )ppli ation of Ohm!s ?a", Energy and Po"er, Po"er in an Ele tri 3ir uit, The Po"er %ating of %esistors, Energy 3onversion and Moltage Drop in a %esistan e, Po"er 5upplies$ 01 S*#.*- C.#c!.6%esistors in 5eries, Total 5eries %esistan e, 3urrent in a 5eries 3ir uit, )ppli ation of Ohm!s ?a", Moltage 5our es in 5eries, +ir hhoff!s Moltage ?a", Moltage Dividers Po"er in 5eries 3ir uits, Moltage 4easurements$ 81 Pa#a""*" C.#c!.6%esistors in Parallel, Total Parallel %esistan e, Moltage in a Parallel 3ir uit, )ppli ation of Ohm!s ?a", +ir hhoff!s 3urrent ?a", 3urrent Dividers, Po"er in Parallel 3ir uits$ 71 S*#.*--Pa#a""*" C.#c!.6.dentifying 5eries-Parallel %elationships, )nalysis of 5eries-Parallel %esistive 3ir uits, Moltage Dividers "ith %esistive ?oads, ?oading Effe t of a Moltmeter, The 6heatstone /ridge, Thevenin!s Theorem, The 4a(imum Po"er Transfer Theorem, The 5uperposition Theorem$ ;1 Ma5,*6.-( a,4 E"*c6#o(a5,*6.-( The 4agneti 2ield, Ele tromagnetism, Ele tromagneti Devi es, 4agneti 1ysteresis, Ele tromagneti .ndu tion$ =1 A"6*#,a6.,5 C!##*,6 a,4 Vo"6a5* The 5inusoidal 6aveform, 5inusoidal Moltage 5our es, Moltage and 3urrent Malues of 5ine 6aves, )ngular 4easurement of a 5ine 6ave, The 5ine 6ave 2ormula, )nalysis of )3 3ir uits, 5uperimposed D3 and )3 Moltages, 7onsinusoidal 6aveforms, The Os illos ope$ 101 Ca)ac.6o#The /asi 3apa itor, Types of 3apa itors, 5eries 3apa itors, Parallel 3apa itors, 3apa itors in D3 3ir uits, 3apa itors in )3 3ir uits, 3apa itor )ppli ations1 111 RC C.#c!.65inusoidal %esponse of %3 3ir uits, .mpedan e and Phase )ngle of 5eries %3 3ir uits, )nalysis of 5eries %3 3ir uits, .mpedan e and Phase )ngle of Parallel %3 3ir uits, )nalysis of Parallel %3 3ir uits, )nalysis of 5eries-Parallel %3 3ir uits, Po"er in %3 3ir uits1



1'1 I,4!c6o#The /asi .ndu tor, Types of .ndu tors, 5eries and Parallel .ndu tors, .ndu tors in D3 3ir uits, .ndu tors in )3 3ir uits 1/1 RL C.#c!.65inusoidal %esponse of %? 3ir uits, .mpedan e and Phase )ngle of 5eries %? 3ir uits, )nalysis of 5eries %? 3ir uits, .mpedan e and Phase )ngle of Parallel %? 3ir uits, )nalysis of Parallel %? 3ir uits, )nalysis of 5eries-Parallel %? 3ir uits, Po"er in %? 3ir uits 101 RLC C.#c!.6- a,4 R*-o,a,c* .mpedan e and Phase )ngle of 5eries %?3 3ir uits, )nalysis of 5eries %?3 3ir uits, 5eries %esonan e, 5eries %esonant 2ilters, Parallel %?3 3ir uits, Parallel %esonan e, Parallel %esonant 2ilters 181 T.(* R*-)o,-* o7 R*ac6.@* C.#c!.6The %3 .ntegrator, %esponse of %3 .ntegrators to a 5ingle Pulse, %esponse of %3 .ntegrators to %epetitive Pulses, %esponse of %3 Differentiators to a 5ingle Pulse, %esponse of %3 Differentiators to %epetitive Pulses, %esponse of %? .ntegrators to Pulse .nputs, %esponse of %? Differentiators to Pulse .nputs 1:1 T#a,-7o#(*#4utual .ndu tan e, The /asi Transformer, 5tep-Gp and 5tep-Do"n Transformers, ?oading the 5e ondary, %efle ted ?oad, .mpedan e 4at hing, 7onideal Transformer 3hara teristi s, Tapped and 4ultiple-6inding Transformers 171 D.o4*- a,4 A))".ca6.o,.ntrodu tion to 5emi ondu tors, The P7 :un tion Diode, Diode 3hara teristi s, Diode %e tifiers, Po"er 5upplies, 5pe ial-Purpose Diodes 1;1 T#a,-.-6o#- a,4 A))".ca6.o,D3 Operation of /ipolar :un tion Transistors ,/:Ts-, /:T 3lass ) )mplifiers, /:T 3lass / )mplifiers, The /:T as a 5"it h, D3 Operations of 2ield-Effe t Transistors ,2ETs-, 2ET )mplifiers, 2eedba # Os illators 1=1 T+* O)*#a6.o,a" A()".7.*# .ntrodu tion to the Operational )mplifier, The Differential )mplifier, Op-)mp Parameters, 7egative 2eedba #, Op-)mp 3onfigurations "ith 7egative 2eedba #, Op-)mp .mpedan es '01 Ba-.c O)-A() C.#c!.63omparators, 5umming )mplifiers, .ntegrators and Differentiators, Os illators, ) tive 2ilters, Moltage %egulators '11 S)*c.a"-P!#)o-* O)-A() C.#c!.6.nstrumentation )mplifiers, .solation )mplifiers, Operational Trans ondu tan e )mplifiers ,OT)s-, ) tive Diode 3ir uits, Other Op-)mp 3ir uits ''1 M*a-!#*(*,6B Co,@*#-.o,B a,4 Co,6#o" Temperature 4easurement, 5train, Pressure, and 2lo"-%ate 4easurements, 4otion 4easurement, 5ample-and-1old 3ir uits, )nalog-to-Digital 3onversion, Po"er-3ontrol 3ir uits



'/1 D.5.6a" Co,c*)6Digital and )nalog 0uantities$ /inary Digits, ?ogi ?evels, and Digital 6aveforms$ .ntrodu tion to ?ogi Operations$ /asi Overvie" of ?ogi 2un tions$ 2i(ed-2un tion .ntegrated 3ir uits$ Programmable ?ogi : .ntrodu tion$ P?Ds versus 2i(ed-2un tion ?ogi $ Programming$ M1D? Overvie"$ .ntrodu tion to Test .nstruments$ '01 N!( *# S$-6*(-B O)*#a6.o,-B a,4 Co4*De imal 7umbers$ /inary 7umbers$ De imal-to-/inary 3onversion$ /inary )rithmeti $ 1s and <s 3omplements of /inary 7umbers$ 5igned 7umbers$ )rithmeti Operations "ith 5igned 7umbers$ 1e(ade imal 7umbers$ O tal 7umbers$ /inary 3oded De imal ,/3D-$ Digital 3odes and Parity$ 7umeri Malues in M1D?$ '81 Lo5.c Ga6*The .nverter$ The )7D Gate$ The O% Gate$ The 7)7D Gate$ The 7O% Gate$ The E( lusive-O% and E( lusive-7O% Gates$ 2i(ed-2un tion ?ogi : .3 Gates$ Troubleshooting$ Programmable ?ogi : /asi 3on epts$ M1D?$ ':1 Boo"*a, a"5* #a a,4 Lo5.c S.()".7.ca6.o, /oolean Operations and E(pressions$ ?a"s and %ules of /oolean )lgebra$ De4organ@s Theorems$ /oolean )nalysis of ?ogi 3ir uits$ 5implifi ation Gsing /oolean )lgebra$ 5tandard 2orms of /oolean E(pressions$ /oolean E(pressions and Truth Tables$ The +arnaugh 4ap$ +arnaugh 4ap 5OP 4inimi&ation$ +arnaugh 4ap PO5 4inimi&ation$ 2ive-Mariable +arnaugh 4aps$ Programmable ?ogi : P)?s and G)?s$ /oolean E(pressions "ith M1D?$ Digital 5ystem )ppli ation$ '71 La6c+*-B F".)-F"o)-B a,4 T.(*#?at hes$ Edge-Triggered 2lip-2lops$ 4aster-5lave 2lip-2lips$ 2lip-2lop Operating 3hara teristi s$ 2lip-2lop )ppli ations$ One-5hots$ The DDD Timer$ Troubleshooting$ Programmable ?ogi : %egistered Operation$ ?at hes and 2lip-2lops Gsing M1D?$ Digital 5ystem )ppli ation$ Thomas ?$ 2loyd, 8'"ectronics (undamenta"s+ Circuits/ .e,ices/ and App"ications9, Prenti e 1all, :uly <00=$ Thomas ?$ 2loyd, 8.i#ita" (undamenta"s9, Editions >, Prenti e 1all, )ugust <00D$ Thomas ?$ 2loyd, 8'"ectronic .e,ices9, Pearson, Prenti e 1all, :uly <00C$ M$+$ 4ehta, 8 Prin iples of Ele troni s9, 5$ 3hand P 3o$ %oger ?$ To#heim! 8Digital Ele troni s: Pri iples and )ppli ations9, 4 Gra"-1illT Bth edition ,)ugust <00=-$



DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER / ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7A SYLLABUS FOR DPE-717: MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY 11 S6*a( E,5.,*-B S6*a( A,4 Ga- T!# .,* 5team y les, Preheaters, )ir ompressors, lubri ation and governing systems of steam turbines$ '1 I,6*#,a" Co( !-6.o, E,5.,* 1eat engine y les, effi ien y, 2uel inNe tion and ignition, testing and heat balan e sheet of internal ombustion engine$ /1 H*a6 A,4 Ma-- T#a,-7*# 4odes of heat transfer and their appli ations in: slabs, ompound "alls, ylinders, fins, fluids, pipes, tube bundles, 1eat transfer involving phase hange, types of heat e( hangers$ 01 Ba-.c F"!.4 M*c+a,.c1ydro #inemati s, 2lo" measuring devi es, 2lo" through: orifi es, mouthpie es, not hes, "eirs, .n ompressible flo", Properties of fluids, manometry, hydrauli s and its basi prin iples, hydrauli ma hines$ 81 V.-co-.6$ A,4 L!,61ydrostati lubri ation, 1ydrodynami lubri ation, types of bearings, bearing materials, 2ri tion in bearings$ :1 S6#*,56+ o7 Ma6*#.a"5hearing and bending in beams, 5tress and 5train, Torsion, 5prings, Po"er transmitted by 5hafts, %iveted Noints, ?ap and /utt Noints$ 71 T+*o#$ o7 Mac+.,*5 re"s, rane, Nigs, lut hes, belt drive, springs, displa ement, velo ity and a eleration time urves$ ams, gears, governors, vibration,

;1 Mac+.,* D*-.5, 3oupling, Pipe 2langes, Pressure Messel, 5haft #eys, %iveted Noints, 6elded Noints, /eams, 5hafts, 5prings 3lut hes, Gears, 5 re"s, 3ams, /earings, /elts, %opes, Pulleys, 2ly "heels$ =1 H*a6 EDc+a,5*#The overall heat transfer oeffi ient, 2ouling fa tors, 1eat e( hangers types, ?og mean temperature differen e, Effe tiveness-7TG method, 3ompa t heat e( hangers, 1eat e( hanger design onsiderations$ 101 P!()Types of pumps, 3lassifi ation of entrifugal pumps, 3lassifi ation of re ipro ating pumps, 5i&e and rating of pumps, 1ead delivered, 3hara teristi s of pumps, Pump operation, Effi ien y of pumps, 5lip of pumps, )ir vessels$ 111 Bo."*#2ossil fuel boilers, Type of boilers, 4aNor steam-"ater boiler omponents, 2lo" ir ulation methods, 3riti al heat flu($



1'1 Ao#9-+o) 6oo"Toleran es, 2its and their lassifi ation, Gauging, Grinding, ?athe, 5haper, Planer, Drilling, /oring, 4illing, 5urfa e finishing$ Boo9:hon )$ 5 hey: 6$)$: 3hapman: 6$:$ Patton: M$4$ 2airs: T$D$ Eastop P )$ 4 3on#ey: 4$:$ 4oran P 1$7$ 5hapiro: :$P$ 1olman %obert$ ?$ Daugherty :oseph$ /$ 2rau&im E$ :ohn 2innemore %$5$ +hurmi 5adi# +a#a .ntrodu tion to 4anufa turing Pro ess 6or#shop Te hnology 4odern 4anufa turing Pro ess Thermodynami s )pplied Thermodynami s 2undamentals of Engineering Thermodynami s 1eat Transfer 2luid 4e hani s "ith Engineering )ppli ations 1ydrauli s, 2luid 4e hani s and 1ydrauli 4a hines /oilers Evaporators P 3ondensers




S*c6.o, I Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* MC< 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* a,-3*# -+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 01'8 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01$ 2or pumping highly vis ous fluid, the type of pump generally used is )- 3entrifugal /- 4ultistage entrifugal 3- 5liding vane type D- Gear pump E- 5 re" pump 6hi h of the follo"ing is more a urateE )- 4i rometer /- Mernier aliper 3- 5teel rule D- 4eter tape E- )ll of the above ) gas "hi h obeys #ineti theory perfe tly is #no"n as )- 4onoatomi gas /- Diatomi gas 3- %eal gas D- Pure gas E- Perfe t gas The mole ules move in a solid )- )t random /- .n ir ular motion 3- /a # and froth li#e tiny pendulum D- .n irregular motion E- 7one of above 3entrifugal blo"ers an supply )- ?arge volumes of air at lo" pressure /- ?arge volumes of air at high pressure 3- 5mall volumes of air at high pressure D- 5mall volumes of air at lo" pressure E- 7one of the above During regenerative feed heating )- Part of the steam is generated in turbine /- 3ondenser is supplied "ith dry and saturated steam 3- Part of the steam is bled from turbine for feed heating D- 1igh pressure steam is used to heat lo" pressure steam oming out of the turbine after e(pansion E- 7one of the above 6hen air temperature rea hes the point "here relative humidity is 100 Z, the air is saturated be ause it annot hold anymore moisture$ This temperature is alled )- 2ree&ing point /- Partial free&ing point 3- De" point D- De" point of "ater vapor E- De" point of air %ivets are made of )- /rittle material 3- 5oft material /- Du tile material D- 1ard material










E- 7one of the above 0>$ The amount of energy re*uired up to fra ture is #no"n as )- Damping effe t /- Toughness 3- 3reep strength D- 2atigue strength E- 7one of the above 6hi h tool is used to remove a small amount of metalE )- 1a # sa" /- 5 re"driver 3- 1ole pun h D- 2ile E- )ll of the above 7e #ing is )- 4a hining a groove around a ylindri al shaft /- Drilling a hole in a plate 3- 1ole drilled for riveting D- Preparation of surfa e for bra&ing E- .nitial spot "elding to position Nobs 6hi h of the follo"ing pro ess annot be arried out on lathe ma hineE )- 7ot hing /- %iveting 3- Pun hing D- /lan#ing E- )ll of the above 4etals are good ondu tors of heat be ause )- They ontain free ele trons /- Their atoms are relatively far apart 3- Their atoms ollide fre*uently D- They have refle ting surfa es E- 7one of the above 6hite smo#e from a diesel engine ould be e(pe ted during )- 5tartup or idling /- 1igh load operation 3- 1igh speed operation D- )ll of the above E- 7one of the above 4ultistage entrifugal pumps are used )- To produ e high heads /- To give high dis harge 3- ) and / above together D- To pump vis ous li*uids E- 7one of the above$







S*c6.o, II Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* 6#!* / 7a"-* 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* A,-3*# S+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 018 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01B$ 1ole pun h is a tool "hi h is used to ma#e hole in a gas#et sheet$ dryness

01K$ %eheating of steam for steam turbine y le is done primarily to %edu e fra tion of e(haust steam 018$ 01>$ 0<0$

.n a me hani al refrigeration system the highest temperature of refrigerant o urs /et"een ompressor and ondenser /uffing is overing a metal part "ith soft materials to prevent damage Dar#, bla # smo#e from diesel engines usually results "hen engine is %unning at full load and full speed



DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER / ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7A SYLLABUS FOR DPE-71;: METALLURGICAL TECHNOLOGY 11 Fo!,4#$ E,5.,**#.,5 ,/rief introdu tion2urna es, Ele tri 2urna e ,va uum P "ith out Ma uum-, .ndu tion 2urna e ,va uum P "ith out Ma uum-, 3ru ible 2urna e, 3upola 2urna e, /last 2urna e, 4uffle 2urna e, Differen e bet"een heating and melting furna es, Differen e bet"een furna es used for forging and heat treatment$ 3ontinuous and bat h type furna es used in rolling mills, 4oulding and 3ore ma#ing pro esses: 4aterial used for 4oulding and ore ma#ing, Tools used for moulding and ore ma#ing, 2un tion of Pattern and 3ores, 5and moulding, Permanent moulding, Pit moulding, 1and moulding, 4a hine moulding, 2ettling$ 4elting pro esses, 5teel melting, 3ast iron melting, 7on-ferrous melting, 3asting pro esses, Die asting, Permanent mould asting, 5and asting, 3ontinuous 3asting, Pre ision 3asting, 3ommon asting defe ts: Types of defe ts, %epair of defe ts, 4easures to minimi&e defe ts, 1eat treatment of astings$ %eason for heat treatment, Pro esses used during heat treatment, )dvantages and disadvantages of asting over formed ,rolled, forged and press formed- produ t, )ppli ations of 3astings$ '1 M*6a""!#5$ o7 M*c+a,.ca" 3o#9.,5 ,introdu tion)dvantages over asting, 5tru tural behavior of metal and alloys, Effe t of old "or#ing on properties, Effe t of hot "or#ing, 5train hardening, Pre ipitation hardening, 2orging, Type of forging, )dvantages and disadvantages of forging, 2orging defe ts, 1ot rolling, Type of rolling pro esses ,in respe t of produ ts-, Plate P sheet rolling mills, /illet rolling mills, 1eavy se tion rolling mills ,rails, beam P other heavy se tions-, %e-rolling mills ,rods, bars, deformed bars and light se tions-, Tube mill, Defe ts in hot rolling, 3old %olling, Type of old rolling pro esses ,in respe t of produ ts-, 3old rolled thin sheets, /right annealing of old rolled sheets, Temper rolling of old rolled sheets, Defe ts during 3old rolling, temper rolling and bright annealing, E(trusion, )ppli ations, .ntrodu tion about pro ess, Type of defe ts, 2orming pro esses, )ppli ation, 2ormation of light se tion from old rolled sheets, Type of defe ts /1 C#$-6a" S6#!c6!#* .ntrodu tion to rystal stru ture of metals, Definition of metal, non-metal, metalloid, alloy, allotropy, metalli ompound P solid solutions, 2a tor ontrolling me hani al properties, Properties of alloys 01 I#o,-I#o, Ca# .4* E>!.". #.!( 4.a5#a( .ntrodu tion to iron-iron arbide e*uilibration diagram, Definition of "rought iron, Pearlite, )ustenite, 2errite and 3ementite$ 81 M*c+a,.ca" a,4 P+$" )#o)*#6.*- o7 (*6a".ntrodu tion to me hani al properties li#e fatigue, reep, tensile strength, bending test, hardness, not h test, elongation, yield strength et , 5tress strain urve and effe t of over heating before hot "or#ing, Definition of plasti ity, elasti ity, 4odulus of elasti ity, toughness, 5tiffness, ompressive strength, aging, strain aging and du tility,



3alibration of e*uipment$ .ts importan e, .ntrodu tion to the e*uipment'instruments used for measuring me hani al and physi al properties of 4etal and alloys$ :1 A*"4.,5 Type of "elding pro esses and their brief des riptions, Thermal treatment of "elds, .mportan e of Nigs and fi(ture during "elding, Type of "elding defe ts, %epair of "elding defe ts, .mportan e of pre-*ualifi ation of "elders, 6elding odes'standards and spe ifi ations, .nspe tion and testing of "elds, 7on-destru tive testing, Gltra soni testing, 4agneti %adiographi inspe tion, parti le inspe tion, 2luores ent Penetrent inspe tion,

71 H*a6 6#*a6(*,6 Definition, Purpose of heat treatment, 2un tion of grain si&e in heat treatment, 3riti al temperature on heating and ooling, )ppli ations, Type of heat treatment pro esses, )nnealing, normali&ing, *uen hing, tempering, et -, 3ase hardening and surfa e treatment, Purpose of ase hardening, 3arburi&ing, 7itriding, 3yaniding, flame hardening et , Type of materials used for ase hardening ;1 M*6a"- a,4 a""o$7on-ferrous metal and alloys, +no"ledge about 3opper, )luminum, Tungsten, 3obalt, Manadium, 7i #el, 4anganese, /oron, Granium, Graphite, ?ead and [ir onium, Their )ppli ations, +no"ledge about their properties, 2errous metals and alloys, 3arbon steel, lo" alloy steel, stainless steel, 3orrosion and s ale resistan e steels et , 3ast iron, Pig iron, malleable iron, 7odular iron, Gray ast iron, Properties and appli ations of ferrous metals and alloys, Tool steel, Type of tool steel, )ppli ations and properties, 1eat treatment of tool steel, 1igh-5trength 1igh-%esistant alloys, .ron base alloys, 7i #el base alloys, 3obalt-base alloys, %efra tory metals and alloys, Effe t of alloying elements on properties of both ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys, The effe t of 5ili on, Phosphorous, 5ulphar on properties of both ferrous and nonferrous metals and alloys =1 I,6#o4!c6.o, 6o Po34*# M*6a""!#5$ .ntrodu tion, )ppli ations, Pro esses, 3ompa ting, 5intering and hot pressing, 5upplemental operation , oining P repressing-, 3orrosion ,introdu tion to ea h step-, .ntrodu tion, 2a tors influen ing orrosion, Types of orrosionB Pitting orrosion, 3avitation 3orrosion, 3revi e orrosion, 2retting 3orrosion, 5tress orrosion, .ntergranular 3orrosion, 4ethods for 3ombating 3orrosion 101 Fa."!#* a,a"$-..ntrodu tion, )nalysis pro edures ,parameters re*uired to be analy&ed-, .ntrodu tion to type of failures, 3lassifi ation of failure auses Boo91$ )vner 4 Gra" 1ill <$ %$)$1iggins =$ Prof$A$?a#htin C$ Donald$ 5 3lar# P 6ilbur %$ edition D$ %$E$5mallman B$ George 2 Dieter :r edition

.ntrodu tion to Physi al 4etallurgy, <nd edition 4aterials for Engineers P te hni ians <nd edition Physi al metallurgy Physi al metallurgy for Engineer, Marnery <nd 4odern Physi al, =rd edition 4e hani al 4etallurgy, .nternational 5tudent




S*c6.o, I Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* MC< 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* a,-3*# -+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 01'8 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01$ 3ase hardening pro ess is used to )- .n rease the hardness in the ore of the materials /- .n rease the "ear resistan e of the materials 3- .n rease the du tility of the materials D- De rease the brittleness of the materials The steel used to ma#e a hain "ould ordinarily be )- ?o"- arbon steel /- 4edium- arbon steel 3- 1igh- arbon steel D- )lloy steel 2or old dra"ing of "ires and strip, the most suitable steel is )- 1igh alloy steel /- %immed steel 3- +illed steel D- 5tainless steel 6elding is not generally re ommended for )- 6hite ast iron /- Gray ast iron 3- 4alleable ast iron D- 7odular iron 6hi h metal is the most suitable against radiation shieldingE )- 3opper /- .ron 3- ?ead D- Gold )fter normali&ing, the Nob is ooled in )- 1ot 6ater /- Oil 3- Oil R 6ater mi(ture D- )ir /rass is an alloy of )- 3opper and Tin 3- 3opper and )ntimony /- 3opper and [in D- 3opper, Tin and ?ead








4ost suitable material for automobile radiator is )- )luminum /- Plasti 3- 3opper D- 5ilver 18-8 5tain less steel has follo"ing main elements, other than iron$ )- 3obalt and 4anganese /- 7i #el and Manadium 3- 3hromium and 7i #el D- Tungsten and 4olybdenum 6hat is differen e bet"een 55 =1B and 55 =1B?E )- 1aving lo" amount of alloying elements$ /- 1aving lo" impurities 3- 1aving lo" sulphar and lo" phosphorous D- 1aving lo" arbon







6rought iron is more superior to lo" arbon steel "here the primary onsideration is )- 1igh strength /- Du tility 3- %esistan e to orrosion D- 4a hinability Thermal treatment to "elded parts is done to: )- .mproving me hani al strength of "eld /- 1omogeni&e the internal stru ture of "eld 3- %elieve the internal stresses D- .mprove finishing of "eld surfa e 5uper alloys are: )- ?o" temperature appli ation alloys /- 1igh temperature appli ation alloys 3- /oth lo" and high temperature appli ation alloys D- 7one of the above$ 6hi h form of ast iron has the me hani al properties similar to 5teelE )- 6hite ast iron /- Pig iron 3- 5pheroid gray iron D- 7one of the above 6elding pro ess used for "elding rails ,rail"ay lines- is )- .nert gas "elding /- Ele tri )r "elding 3- Gas "elding D- Thermit "elding




S*c6.o, II Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* 6#!* / 7a"-* 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* A,-3*# S+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 018 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01B$ 01K$ 018$ 01>$ 0<0$ 3asting is a more e onomi al than forging, rolling and "elding pro ess for produ ing heavy parts 4ild steel an be hardened by hot rolling pro ess$ 4etallographi is used to measure the reep strength of a metal 3opper is better ele tri al ondu tor than )luminum Temper rolling is a heat treatment pro ess



DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER / ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7A SYLLABUS FOR DPE-7'0: POAER TECHNOLOGY 11 H*a6 E,5.,* C$c"*The arnot y le, onstant pressure y le, air standard y le, otto y le, diesel y le, duel- ombustion y le, stirling and eri sson y les$ '1 A,a"$-.- o7 S6*a( C$c"*%an#ine y le, arnot y le, ran#ine y le "ith superheat, reheat y le, onsideration of steam plant effi ien y$ y le, regenerative

/1 Ga- T!# .,* C$c"* 5imple gas turbine y le and modifi ations, the ideal brayton y le, ombustion in gas turbine$ 01 NoEE"*7o&&le shape, determination of riti al pressure ration and ma(imum mass flo", no&&les off design pressure ratio, no&&le effi ien y, steam no&&les$ 81 T!# .,* P*#7o#(a,c* Melo ity diagrams of impulse and rea tion turbine, Effi ien y, 4ultistage turbine, /lade Designing, Turbine losses, 5tage effi ien y and reheat fa tor in a steam turbine$ :1 Co()#*--o#Melo ity diagram and estimation of effi ien y of a(ial flo" and radial flo" ompressors$ 71 I,6*#,a" Co( !-6.o, E,5.,*2our stro#e and t"o y les, .ndi ator and timing diagram, riteria of performan e estimation of ihp and bhp, .$3 engine output and effi ien y, performan e hara teristi s, 5$. and 3$. engines, 2uel properties, 2uel systems arburetion, 2uel inNe tion, 4easurement of air and fuel flo" rates, super harging$ ;1 Ao#9-+o) Too"Toleran es, 2its and their lassifi ation, Gauging, Grinding, ?athe, 5haper, Planer, Drilling, /oring, 4illing, 5urfa e finishing$ =1 H*a6 EDc+a,5*#The overall heat transfer oeffi ient, 2ouling fa tors, 1eat e( hangers types, ?og mean temperature differen e, Effe tiveness-7TG method, 3ompa t heat e( hangers, 1eat e( hanger design onsiderations$ 101 P!()Types of pumps, 3lassifi ation of entrifugal pumps, 3lassifi ation of re ipro ating pumps, 5i&e and rating of pumps, 1ead delivered, 3hara teristi s of pumps, Pump operation, Effi ien y of pumps, 5lip of pumps, )ir vessels$ 111 Bo."*#2ossil fuel boilers, Type of boilers, 4aNor steam-"ater boiler omponents, 2lo" ir ulation methods, 3riti al heat flu($



1'1 Mac+.,* D*-.5, Ba-.c3oupling, Pipe 2langes, Pressure Messel, 5haft #eys, %iveted Noints, 6elded Noints, /eams, 5hafts, 5prings 3lut hes, Gears, 5 re"s, 3ams, /earings, /elts, %opes, Pulleys, 2ly "heels$ Boo9T$D$ Eastop and )$4 3on#ey: 4$4$ El-6a#il: E$1$ ?"eitt: P$+$ 7ag: Tata 4 Gra" 1ill 5$P$ 3handola :$P$ 1olman %obert$ ?$ Daugherty :oseph$ /$ 2rau&im E$ :ohn 2innemore %$5$ +hurmi 5adi# +a#a 5higle 4ish#y )pplied Thermodynami s for Engineering for Te hnologists$ ,7ational /oo# 2oundationPo"er Plant Te hnology 4 Gra" 1ill Thermodynami s )pplied to 1eat Engines ,7ational /oo# 2oundationPo"er Plant Engineering 5team and 7u lear 6or#shop Te hnology ,Mol-.1eat Transfer 2luid 4e hani s "ith Engineering )ppli ations 1ydrauli s, 2luid 4e hani s and 1ydrauli 4a hines /oilers Evaporators P 3ondensers 4a hine Design



DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER / ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7A SYLLABUS FOR DPE-7'1: REFRIGERATION AND AIR-CONDITIONING TECHNOLOGY 11 F!,4a(*,6a"- %R*@.*3 o7 Ba-.c P#.,c.)"*-& 2undamental and derived units, 3onversion of 2$P$5$ ,Engineering- units to 5$.$ ,4etri units, Temperature, 2ahrenheit and 3elsius s ales, )bsolute s ales of temperature, Pressure, )tmospheri , gauge and absolute pressure, Perfe t va uum, Pas al!s la", Gnits of heat, "or#, for e, energy, po"er, density, spe ifi gravity and spe ifi volume$ '1 H*a6 E,*#5$ a,4 c+a,5* o7 -6a6* 1eat energy, heat energy al ulations, me hani al e*uivalent of heat, ?a"s of thermodynami s, 5pe ifi heat, 5ensible heat, ?atent heat, ?atent heat of fusion, ?atent heat of vapori&ation, total heat, Pressure W temperature and hange of state, Mapor pressure and boiling point ,relationship-, 5aturated li*uid, /oiling point of li*uids, Mapori&ation and evaporation, 3ondensation$ 5ublimation, 5aturation temperature,

/1 H*a6 T#a,-7*# %M*6+o4-& 4ethods ,mods- of heat transfer, Thermal ondu tivity, Thermal ondu tan e and thermal resistan e of materials, Overall o-effi ient of heat transmission JG!, 3al ulation of JG! fa tor, flo" of heat through "alls, )ppli ation of heat transfer pro esses in aironditioning$ 01 Va)o!# co()#*--.o, #*7#.5*#a6.o, -$-6*(-1 5imple vapour ompression y le, .ntrodu tion of P-1 hart, 5imple saturated y le on pressure enthalpy diagram, )nalysis of simple saturated y le on pressure enthalpy hart ,P-1 diagram- for %-1< and %-<<, Effe t of super heat on the su tion vapor, Effe t of sub ooling li*uid, 3hange in refrigerating effe t due to temperature'pressure, 1eat pump$ hange in evaporator and ondensing

81 Va)o!# A -o#)6.o, #*7#.5*#a6.o, -$-6*(2undamentals of absorption y le, 3onstru tion, maNor parts and "or#ing prin iple of absorption ma hines, Types of absorption ma hine a ording to onstru tion, effe t and firing, 3auses of rystalli&ation and its remedies, 3ooling "ater ontrol in absorption ma hine$ :1 R*7#.5*#a,63ommon refrigerants, 3lassifi ation of refrigerants, 5tudy of group ., .., ... refrigerants, 3olour ode for refrigerant ylinders, Gse of pressure temperature urves and tables, sele tion of refrigerants, .ntrodu tion of 1323!s refrigerants$ 71 R*7#.5*#a6.o, -$-6*( co()o,*,6 Purpose of ompressor, Types of ompressors, 6or#ing prin iples of various ompressors, 3apa ity ontrols of re ipro ating P entrifugal ompressors, Performan e omparison of re ipro ating P entrifugal ompressors$ Types of ondensers, 3al ulation of ondenser apa ity, %ating and sele tion of air and "ater- ooled ondensers$ Types of evaporators, 2looded and dry e(pansion evaporators, 7on-frosting and frosting tube evaporators$



Purpose of refrigerant ontrol, Types of e(pansion valve, )utomati P thermostati e(pansion valve onstru tion'"or#ing prin iples, 3apillary tube refrigerant ontrol, lo" P high side pressure float value, 1and e(pansion valve$ ;1 Coo".,5 To3*#Types of ooling to"ers, 3ooling to"er design, %ating and sele tion of ooling to"ers$ =1 Foo4 P#*-*#@a6.o, ?Co"4 S6o#a5* )dvantages P methods of food preservation , 3ause of food spoilage, 2a tors ontributing to food spoilage, %efrigerated storage, 2ree&ing methods, 2ood produ ts P produ t load, 4is ellaneous load, 2a tors determining the load P load al ulations$ 101 P-$c+#o(*6#$ ? P-$c+o(*6#.c P#oc*--*The omposition of air, 6ater vapor in the air, Properties of air-"ater vapour mi(ture, Gse of steam table, ?a"s of gases, the general gas la", Dalton!s la" of partial pressure, Dry bulb temperature ,D/T-, 6et bulb temperature ,6/T-, De" point temperature ,DPT-, 5pe ifi humidity ,5 p$ 1 or 6-, %elative humidity ,%1-, 5pe ifi volume ,5p$ Mol-, Enthalpy ,h-$ 3ooling, 1eating, 1umidifying, Dehumidifying, 3ooling and dehumidifying, 1eating and humidifying, 1eating and dehumidifying, )ir mi(ing pro esses, 5ensible heat ratio ,51%-, /y pass fa tor ,/2-, )pparatus de" point ,)DP-, 5tandard design onditions ,5%D3-$ 111 S!#@*$B A,a"$-.- ? Ca"c!"a6.o,- o7 A.#-co,4.6.o,.,5 Loa4 /uilding survey and load estimation, Design onditions, 1eat storage, diversity and stratifi ation, 5olar heat gain through glass, 1eat and "ater vapor flo" through stru tures, .nfiltration and ventilation, .nternal and system heat gains$ 1'1 F!,4a(*,6a"- o7 Fa,Purpose of fans, 3lassifi ation of fans, 2an la"s, 2an Effi ien y, 3entrifugal and a(ial fan performan e, 2an velo ity and pressure, 2an 1P and effi ien y, 2an total pressure, 2an stati pressure, 5ele tion of fan$ 1/1 A.# 4.-6#. !6.o, a,4 Aa6*# %H$4#o,.c& P.).,5 D*-.5, )ir handling apparatus, 2undamental and methods of du t designing, )ir distribution devi es, )ir leaning methods and filter media, 1ydroni piping systems P system design, Malves and strainers$ 101 Sco)* a,4 !-* o7 A.# co,4.6.o,.,5 S$-6*(1 2undamentals of air- onditioning, 3lassifi ation of air- onditioning systems, )ll "ater ,1ydroni - air onditioning system, )ll air type air- onditioning system, 5ummer, "inter and year round air- onditioning system, Gnitary and entral air- onditioning system, Planning, installing, ommissioning and operating the 1M)3 system$ 181 A.#-co,4.6.o,.,5 7o# )#oc*-- a,4 )#o4!c6-$ ?aboratories, 3omputer room'Telephone E( hange ' TM 5tation, Printing plant, 3lean spa es, %esiden es, ?ibraries, Te(tile and other industries, 1ospitals and 1otels$ 1:1 Co,6#o"-B C.#c!.6- a,4 I,-6#!(*,6-: Types of air onditioning ontrols, %efrigeration system ontrols, Pressure s"it hes, Thermostats, types of thermostats, 1eat anti ipators, %elays, ?imit ontrol, 5e*uen e ontrol, Du t ontrol, )irflo" ontrols, 2an ontrol, 1umidity ontrol systems, 1umidistat, %e ording instruments, Draft ontrol instruments$



R*co((*,4*4 Boo9-: T$D$ Eastop, )$4 $ 3on#ey, 8)pplied Thermodynami s9, ,2ifth Edition)lthouse ' Turnouist ' /ra iano, 84odern %efrigeration and )ir- onditioning9, ,Goodheart 6ill o( 3o$ .73$ 3opyright 1>><1and /oo# of )ir- onditioning 5ystem Design, 3arrier )ir- onditioning 3ompany$ %$ 5$ +hurmi, :$ +$ Gupta, 8) Te(t /oo# Of %efrigeration and )ir- onditioning9, ,2ourth Edition7orman 3$ 1arris, 84odern )ir onditioning Pra ti e9, Third Edition




S*c6.o, I Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* MC< 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* a,-3*# -+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 01'8 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01$ 5tandard atmospheri Pressure at sea level is e*ual to )- =0$>< in of 1g$ /- 1C$K P5. 3- =< 2t of 6g$ D- 7on of these .n a vapour ompression refrigeration system the lo"est temperature during \ the y le o urs after )- E(pansion /- Evaporation 3- 3ondensation$ D- 3ompression 6ater as refrigerant is designated )- %-118 3- %-D0< /- %-K<> D- 7on of these




The refrigerant "idely used in domesti refrigerators is )- )mmonia /- %-11 3- %-1< D- %-<< )n evaporator is also #no"n as )- 2ree&ing oil 3- 3hilling oil /- 3ooling oil D- )ll of these$



Thermostati e(pansion valve is also alled )- 3onstant pressure valve /- 3onstant temperature valve 3- 3onstant superheat valve$ D- 3onstant entropy valve ) mi(ture of dry air and "ater vapour, "hen the air has diffused the ma(imum amount of "ater vapour into it, is alled )- Dry air /- 4oist air 3- 5aturated air D- 5pe ifi humidity$ The degree of "armth or old felt by a human body depends mainly on )- Dry bulb temperature /- %elative humidity 3- )ir velo ity D- )ll of these$ .n "inter air onditioning, the air is )- 3ooled and humidified 3- 1eated and humidified /- 3ooled and dehumidified D- 1eated and dehumidified





The alignment ir le is mar#ed on the psy hrometri hart at )- <0V3 D/T and D0Z %1 /- <B V3 D/T and D0Z %1 3- <0 V3 D/T and B0Z %1 D- <B V3 D/T and B0Z %1 6hen the outside air is introdu ed for ventilation purpose, there is a )- 5easible heat gain /- ?atent hear gain




3- 5ensible heat gain as "ell as latent heat gain D- 7one of these$ 01<$ The du t is made of )- Galvanised iron 3- 2ibre glass /- )luminium D- )ny one of these


.f 7 is the fan speed, then po"er of a fan is dire tly proportional to )- 7 /- 7] 3- 7 ^ D- 7C .n a*ua-ammonia and ?i-/r "ater absorption refrigeration systems, the refrigerant are respe tively )- 6ater and "ater /- 6ater and ?i-/r 3- )mmonia and ?i-/r D- )mmonia and "ater$ The entrifugal )- 5mall displa /- ?arge displa 3- 5mall displa D- ?arge displa ompressors are generally used for refrigerants that re*uire ements and lo" ondensing pressures$ ements and high ondensing pressures$ ements and high ondensing pressures$ ements and lo" ondensing pressures$



S*c6.o, II Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* 6#!* / 7a"-* 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* A,-3*# S+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 018 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01B$ 01K$ 018$ 01>$ 0<0$ )t absolute &ero temperature, volume of a gas be omes &ero$ %an#in is absolute s ale of 3elsius temperature$ Density of 5tandard )ir is 0$0BD ?bs ' 3u$ 2t$ 3$O$P$ of refrigerating ma hines is al"ays e*ual to one$ Pressure on su tion side of fan is positive$



DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER / ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7A SYLLABUS FOR DPE-7'': AELDING TECHNOLOGY 11 A*"4.,51 )ppli ations, Marious "elding positions, +no"ledge of different "elding terms, +no"ledge of Noining different metals, +no"ledge about different materials 'alloys '1 A*"4.,5 M*6+o45oldering, /ra&ing, Differen e bet"een soldering and bra&ing, Differen e bet"een soldering, bra&ing and other "elding pro esses, 6elding, Gas "elding, )ir-) etylene, O(y-) etylene, O(y-1ydrogen, Thermit "elding, Pressure Thermit, 7on-pressure Thermit "elding, %esistan e "elding, )r "elding, 3arbon ele trode, 5hielded, Gnshielded, 4etal Ele trode, 5hielded, Gnshielded, 2orge "elding, .ndu tion "elding, Gases used in "elding, 6elding gases, .nert gases, E*uipment and tools used for deferent "elding pro esses, 6elding materials re*uired for "elding, 5torage of "elding materials, 2un tion of flu(es, 5afety pre autions during "elding, .ntrodu tion to 6eldability, 6elding stru ture, Properties of metal and alloys /1 A*"4.,5 Co4*- a,4 S)*c.7.ca6.o,+no"ledge of "elding odes and spe ifi ations, +no"ledge of spe ifi ation of ele trodes, .mportan e of pre-*ualifi ation of "elders, Pre-*ualifi ation of "elding pro edures, Pre*ualifi ation of "elders, 3alibration of "elding e*uipments and instruments, .mportan e of alibration, .dentifi ation of "elding materials and metals P alloys to be "elded 01 A*"4.,5 D*-.5, Gnderstanding of dra"ings, 6elding symbols, 3lassifi ation of Noints, Designing of "elding Noints, Preparation of "elding Noints, 3lassifi ation of "elds, Purpose of Nigs and fi(ture during "elding, Estimation'3al ulation of "elding material re*uirement 81 T+*#(a" 6#*a6(*,6 o7 3*"4*4 )a#6+no"ledge about thermal stresses, Pre-heating, Post-heating, 5tress relieving, 2ull )nnealing :1 A*"4.,5 D*7*c6Types of "elding defe ts, Dimensional defe ts, 5tru tural defe ts, Property defi ien ies, %epair of "elding defe ts, 3auses of "elding defe ts, +no"ledge about ho" to eliminate 'minimi&e "elding defe ts 71 I,-)*c6.o, o7 A*"4Misual inspe tion, 7on-destru tive testing, Gltra soni inspe tion, 4agneti inspe tion, 2luores ent Penetrent inspe tion, %adiographi inspe tion Boo9-: )$3 Davies Dave 5mith Dr$ %$5 Parmar %udy 4ohler Donald 5 3lar# P 6ilbur % Marney 6elding, 10th Edition 6elding 5#ills and Te hnology 6elding Engineering P Te hnology Pra ti al 6elding te hnology Physi al 4etallurgy, <nd Edition parti le




S*c6.o, I Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* MC< 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* a,-3*# -+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 01'8 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01$ The 4ost readily "elded steel is )- ?o"- arbon steel 3- 1igh- arbon steel /- 4edium- arbon steel 3- Mery high- arbon steel


Pro ess of Noining t"o dissimilar metals is alled )- Gas "elding pro ess /- Ele tri ar "elding pro ess$ 3- /ra&ing D- 5oldering Presen e of porosity in "elds is due to )- Gaseous produ ed by hemi al rea tion /- Due to in omplete fusion 3- Due to thermal stresses D- Due to .mproper urrent The angle bet"een bevels in butt "elds should be appro(imately )- >00 /- 800 0 D- =0 The ost of the ar "elding is in reased by )- Gse of smaller dia ele trode /- 3areful fit-up 3- Gse of positioning fi(ture D- Gse of set up fi(ture ) respirator "ould most li#ely be "orn "hen "elding )- 3ast .ron /- Galvani&ed .ron 3- ?o"- arbon steel D- )luminum .n omplete penetration of a groove "eld is most usually due to )- 6elding speed too slo" /- Gap at the base of "eld is too narro" 3- Ele trode diameter too small D- 6elding urrent to large The main reason for the use of flu( is )- %emove o(ides /- 1elp the filler metal to adhere to the base metal 3- Prevent over heating of the base metal D- %epla e arbon lost from the metal during the "elding pro ess One of the diffi ulties en ountered in the o(ya etylene "elding of aluminum is that aluminum )- Does not readily form an o(ide oating /- 4elts "ith out hanging olour 3- 6elding re*uires large tor h tip than those re*uired for other metals D- 4ust be pre-heated before it an be properly "elded The metal that is most diffi ult to "eld is 3- B00











)- 7i #el 3- /ron&e

/- 4agnesium D- 3opper

011$ The spe ifi arbon-steel "elding ele trode is designed by a four digit number, the position in "hi h this ele trode an be used is indi ated by the )- .st digit /- <nd digit rd 3- = digit D- Cth digit 01<$ 5lag in lusion are most ommon in "elds made in the )- 2lat position /- 1ori&ontal position 3- Merti al position D- Overhead position Grooving of ast iron prior to ar "elding is best done by )- 5a"ing /- 2lame utting 3- )r utting D- Grinding


01C$ The prin ipal advantage of using o(yhydrogen flame instead of o(ya etylene flame for the "elding of aluminum is )- The lo"er temperature of o(yhydrogen flame permits better ontrol of the molten metal /- ?ess flu( is re*uired as the flame is not o(idi&ing 3- %e*uired less filler rod due to better heat transfer D- Provide better shielding to the molten metal 01D$ .t is most important to ta#e pre aution to avoid residualT stresses "hen "elding )- 6rought iron /- 4ild steel 3- 3ast iron D- ?o" arbon steel S*c6.o, II Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* 6#!* / 7a"-* 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* A,-3*# S+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 018 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01B$ 01K$ 018$ 01>$ 0<0$ 4ethane is an e( ellent inert gas for spe ial alloy "elding 7eutral flame has more a etylene by volume 3ase hardening did not affe t the properties of the ore of any material 7on-destru tive testing is not suitable for dete ting defe ts in "eld 2lu( is used to speed up the "elding pro ess



DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER / ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7A SYLLABUS FOR DPE-7/1: BIOLOGY 11 T+* 2.,54o( P#o9a#$o6a* %Mo,*#a&: /a teria, 3ynoba teria$ '1 T+* 2.,54o( P#o6.-6a %P#o6oc6.-6a& a,4 F!,5. /1 T+* 2.,54o( P"a,6a* /ryophytes, Tra heophytes 01 T+* 2.,54o( A,.(a".a .ntrodu tion, Porifera, 3nidaria ,3oelenterata-, Platyhelminthes, 7ematoda ,)s helminthes-, )nnelida, )rthropoda, 4ollus a, E hinodermata, 3hordata, Pis es, )mphibia, %eptilia, )ves, 4ammalia$ 81 F!,c6.o,a" B.o"o5$ /ioenergeti s, .ntrodu tion, Photosynthesis, 3ellular %espiration, Energy flo" through the E osystem$ :1 N!6#.6.o,: I,6#o4!c6.o, )utotrophi 7utrition, 4ineral 7utrition in Plants, 1eterotrophi and 5pe ial mode of 7utrition in plants, 1eterotrophi nutrition in )nimals, 1olo&oi 7utrition, Digestion and absorption, 1uman Digestive 5ystem, Parasiti 7utrition$ 71 Ga-*o!- EDc+a,5* .ntrodu tion, Gaseous E( hange in plants, Gaseous E( hange in animals, %espiratory 5ystem of man, /reathing in man, Transport of gases in man, ;1 T#a,-)o#6 I,6#o4!c6.o, Transport in Plants .ntrodu tion, Gpta#e and transport of "ater and minerals, 6ater and mineral upta#e by the roots, )s ent of sap, Transpiration, Translo ation of organi solutes, Transport in )nimals, 3ir ulatory system, Transport in 4an /lood ir ulatory system, /lood, 1uman 1eart, /lood Messels, ?ymphati system, 3ardiovas ular disorders, The .mmune 5ystem =1 Ho(*o-6a-.Osmoregulation, E( retion, E( retion in plants, E( retion in animals, E( retion in man, +idney Problems, Thermoregulation, Thermoregulation in 4ammals 101 S!))o#6 a,4 Mo@*(*,6.ntrodu tion, 5upport and 4ovement in Plants, 5upport and movements in animals, 5#eletal 5ystem, 4us le system, ?o omotion in .nvertebrates, ?o omotion and 5#eleton in Mertebrates$ 111 Co-o#4.,a6.o, a,4 co,6#o" .ntrodu tion, 3ontrol in Plants, Plant gro"th 5ubstan es, 3oordination and ontrol in animals, 7ervous 3oordination, 3hemi al 3oordination, )nimal behavior, 1'1 R*)#o4!c6.o, .ntrodu tion, %eprodu tion in Plants )se(ual %eprodu tion, 5e(ual %eprodu tion, %eprodu tion in )nimals )se(ual %eprodu tion, %eprodu tion in man$



1/1 G#o36+ a,4 D*@*"o)(*,6 .ntrodu tion, Gro"th and Development in plants, Gro"th and Development in animals 101 Co,6.,!.6$ o7 L.7* 3hromosomes and D7), 3ell 3y le, .ntrodu tion, 4itosis, 4eiosis, Mariations and Geneti s, Geneti 2rontiers, /iote hnology : .ntrodu tion, Geneti Engineering , Tissue ulture 181 L.7* 6+#o!5+ A5*.ntrodu tion to evolution, Theories of Evolution, Eviden es, 4e hanism 1:1 E,@.#o,(*,6a" B.o"o5$ .ntrodu tion to E osystem, E osystem, 5ome maNor e osystems, 4an and his Environment, %esour es, 4an!s .mpa t on Environment /oo#s for %O'TO Paper .. 1$ /iology, Part . P .., PunNab te(t boo# /oard, ?ahore, <nd Edition, ,<00C P <00D<$ /iology 5)T-.. by 4auti s /leifeld, 1< th Edition, /arron!s Edu ational 5eries, .n $, 7e" Aor#, G5) ,<000-$




S*c6.o, I Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* MC< 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* a,-3*# -+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 01'8 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01$ 5eed produ ing plants are alled: )- /ryophytes 3- Tra heophytes 6hi h one is not an annelidE )- Earth"orm 3- 7eries The larva of frog is #no"n as: )- Pupa 3- 7ymph /- Pteridophytes D- 5permatophytes /- ?ee h D- )s aris /- [ygote D- Tadpole




6hat is the total number of ma ro-nutrients in plantsE )- K /- 8 3- > D- 11 6hi h organism respires through anaerobi respirationE )- 4ouse /- )moeba 3- Aeast D- )lgae The per entage of "ater in protoplasm is: )- KD W 80 Z /- 80 W 8D Z 3- 8D W >0 Z D- >0 W >D Z The outer dar# red region of human #idney is alled: )- 3orte( /- 4edulla 3- Pyramids D- %enal pelvis 6hi h organismmoves by means of flagellaE )- )moeba /- Molvo( 3- Euglena D- 7one of the above The fun tional unit of nervous system is onsidered as: )- 7erve ell /- 7euron 3- %efle( ar D- )(on /ryophyllum vegetative o ures by: )- %unners /- 5u #ers 3- ?eaf D- 3utting 6hi h triplet in D7) odes for valineE )- 3TT /- )GG 3- 3)T D- ))T ?amar # believed that a *uired hara ters are:







011$ 01<$



)- .nheretiable 3- 5ilent 01=$

/- 1eritable D- 7one of these

The most important produ ers in land e osystem are: )- )lgae /- Plants 3- 2ungi D- /a teria .t is an e(ample of herbivore )- ?ion 3- /a teria /- 4an D- 3o"



One of the proteins formed by the pro ess of geneti engineering is: )- Glu agon /- )lbumin 3- Globulin D- .nsulin

S*c6.o, II Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* 6#!* / 7a"-* 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* A,-3*# S+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 018 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01B$ 01K$ 018$ 01>$ 0<0$ )ir bladder is present in all #inds of fishes Gnsaturated fats are good for human health$ 3ytoplasm normally onstitutes 8D->0 per ent of the protoplasm$ 3ytosine al"ays pairs "ith guanine Miruses and fungi are alled de omposers$



DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER / ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7A SYLLABUS FOR DPE-7/': CHEMISTRY 11 C+*(.ca" Bo,4.,5 Energeti of bond formation, .oni&ation energy, ele tron affinity P ele tro-negativity, 3ovalent bond, /ond energy, bond length and Dipole moment, .oni and 3ovalent radii Effe t of bonding on physi al P hemi al hanges, Malan e bond and 4ole ular Orbital theories and their omparison, 1ydrogen bonding$ '1 T+*#(o C+*(.-6#$ 5pontaneous and 7on-spontaneous rea tions, 5ystem, surrounding and state fun tion, .nternal energy and first la" of thermodynami s, Enthalpy, 1ess!s ?a"$ /1 C+*(.ca" E>!.". #.!( %eversible rea tion P phenomenon of dynami e*uilibrium, )ppli ations of e*uilibrium e(pression, ?e-3hatelier!s Prin iple, ) id-base e*uilibrium, )ppli ation of hemi al e*uilibrium in industry, 5olubility of sparingly soluble salts$ 01 E"*c6#o C+*(.-6#$ Ele trolyti ondu tan e, Ele tro hemi al ells, Ele trode potential, Ele tro hemi al series, O(idation state and balan ing of e*uations, %edo( rea tions, 3lassi al and ele troni on epts of o(idation and redu tion, 4odern batteries and fuel ells$ 81 R*ac6.o, 2.,*6.c%ate of rea tion, Determination of rate of rea tion, ) tivation energy, 2inding the order of rea tion, Effe t of on entration and temperature on the rates of rea tion, 3atalysis$ :1 T+* P*#.o4.c Ta "* Periodi lassifi ation of elements, Periodi table, Periodi ity in physi al properties, Periodi ity in hemi al properties, Position of hydrogen 71 S-B"oc9 E"*(*,6.ntrodu tion, Physi al and hemi al properties, Preparation of sodium arbonate and sodium hydro(ide, Gypsum and ?ime ;1 G#o!)--III a,4 IV E"*(*,6.ntrodu tion, 3ompounds of /oron, %ea tions of )luminum, 3ompounds of 3arbon and 5ili on and their uses =1 G#o!)--V a,4 VI E"*(*,6.ntrodu tion, 3ompounds of 7itrogen and Phosphorus, 3omparison of o(ygen and sulphur$ 3ompounds of o(ygen and sulphur, 101 T+* Ha"o5*,- a,4 No "* Ga-*.ntrodu tion, O(idi&ing properties, 3ompounds of halogens, Gses, 3ompounds of noble gases 111 T+* T#a,-.6.o, E"*(*,6.ntrodu tion and General hara teristi s, Ele troni onfiguration and physi al properties, 4anufa ture of "rought iron and steel, 3orrosion P its prevention, O(oions of hromium and manganese, 3omple( ompounds$ 1'1 F!,4a(*,6a" P#.,c.)"*- o7 O#5a,.c C+*(.-6#$



5pe ial features of organi hemistry, 5our es of Organi 3ompounds, 3lassifi ation of Organi 3ompounds, 2un tional Groups, .somerism ,stru tural and is-trans isomerism-, 1ybridi&ation of Orbitals, 1/1 A".)+a6.c a,4 A#o(a6.c H$4#oca# o,7omen lature, )l#anes, )l#enes, )l#ynes, 3omparison of rea tivities, /en&ene: 7omen lature properties and its rea tions$ 101 A"9$" Ha".4*7omen lature and lassifi ation, Preparation, %ea tivity of 3-Q bond, %ea tions, Grignard!s %eagent$ 181 A"co+o"-B P+*,o"- a,4 E6+*#7omen lature of )l ohols, .ndustrial preparation of methanol and ethanol, %ea tivity of W O1 group, Physi al properties of al ohols P their uses, %ea tions of al ohols, Preparation of phenol, ) idi behaviour, %ea tions, Ethers P their, nomen lature, Preparations, Physi al P hemi al properties$ 1:1 A"4*+$4*- a,4 2*6o,*7omen lature, Preparation, %ea tivity of arbonyl group, %ea tions "ith me hanism, .dentifi ation of arbonyl ompounds, Gses$ 171 Ca# oD$".c Ac.4- a,4 6+*.# D*#.@a6.@*7omen lature, Preparation, %ea tivity of 3arbo(yl Group, Physi al properties, %ea tion "ith me hanism, )mino a ids$ 1;1 Mac#o(o"*c!"*.ntrodu tion, 5yntheti polymers, ?ife mole ules$ 1=1 Co((o, c+*(.ca" I,4!-6#.*2ertili&ers, 3ement, Paper, 3austi soda, 7itri a id, 5ulphuri a id '01 E,@.#o,(*,6a" C+*(.-6#$ Our Environment, )ir pollution-5ome air pollutants, The effe ts of polluted air on the environment, 6ater Pollution, The auses of "ater pollution, 6ater *uality, 7ature and sour es of "ater impurities, 1ard P 5oft "aters, Types of hardness, Determination of different onstituents of "ater, 1eavy "ater, 6aste 4anagement$ R*co((*,4*4 Boo9-: 1$ Te(tboo# of 3hemistry for lass Q. P Q.., PunNab te(t /oo# /oard, ?ahore )pproved by the 2ederal 4inistry of edu ation, Govt$ of Pa#istan, .slamabad, ,<00C-$ <$ ) te(t boo# of 8Physi al 3hemistry9, for /$ 5 $ P /$ 5 $ ,1ons$- by Prof$ Ghulam %asool 3haudhary, .mtia& /oo# Depot, +halid Pla&a, Grdu /a&ar, ?ahore$ =$ ) te(t boo# of 8.norgani 3hemistry9, for /$ 5 $ P /$ 5 $ ,1ons$- by Prof$ Ghulam %asool 3haudhary, )&eem Publishers, 2aisalabad$ C$ ) te(t boo# of 8.norgani 3hemistry9, for /$ 5 $ by Prof$ 4uhammad [afar .*bal, .lmi +itab +hana, Grdu /a&ar, ?ahore$ D$ ) te(t boo# of 8Organi 3hemistry9, for /$ 5 $ by Prof$ +hairat 4$ .bne-%asa and 4$ )$ %ehman, , .lmi +itab +hana, Grdu /a&ar, ?ahore$ B$ )dvan ed 3hemistry by Philip 4atthe"s, 3ambridge Gniversity press, G+ ,1>>B-$ K$ 3hemistry 5)T-.. by :oseph )$ 4as etta, B th Edition, /arron!s Edu ational 5eries, .n $, 7e" Aor#, G5) ,<000-$




S*c6.o, I Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* MC< 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* a,-3*# -+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 01'8 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01$ The substan e mi(ed in lesser amount in a binary solution is alled: )- 5olution /- 5olute 3- 5olvent D- ?i*uid C0 g of sodium hloride ontains D g of sodium hloride$ 6hat "ill be its per entage by massE )- D Z /- 1<$D Z 3- <1 Z D- 10 Z ) hemi al rea tion in "hi h hydrogen is removed is alled: )- %edo( /- %edu tion 3- O(idation D- 7eutrali&ation .n [in -3arbon dry ell, athode is made of: )- [in /- 3arbon 3- Graphite D- ?ead 6hi h one of the follo"ing behaves as ?o"ry-/ronsted a idE )- 13l /- 3l 3- 31=3OO1 D- 1=OR 6hi h one of the follo"ing "ill onvert 2e=R to 2e<R )- H1I /- +4nOC 3- 1<O< D- +<3r<OKR 1ydrogen burns "ith )- Golden yello" flame 3- Green flame 5ili on is not present in )- 5and 3- 0uart& /- /lue flame D- %ed flame /- 5ili ates D- ?imestoneR









The atmosphere around the earth is divided into )- T"o layers /- 2our layers 3- Three layers D- 2ive layers The boiling point of sulphur is: )- C10 3 3- CCC$B 3 3olor of silver iodide is )- 6hite /- C1D 3 D- CD0 3 /- /right yello"





3- Pale yello"

D- /la #


6hi h one is not a metal )- 3opper 3- 3hromium

/- 3arbon D- 3al ium


6hi h of the follo"ing gives addition rea tions )- 4ethane /- Ethane 3- Ethyne D- 7one of these 3hemi al formula of "ashing soda: )- 7a<3O= /- 7a<3O=1<O 3- 7a<3O=$10 1<O D- 7a13O= 3hemi al formula of Olei a id is )- 31K1==3OO1 3- 31D1<<>3OO1 /- 31K1=D3OO1 D- 31D1=13OO1



S*c6.o, II Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* 6#!* / 7a"-* 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* A,-3*# S+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 018 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01B$ 01K$ 018$ 01>$ 0<0$ solids are easily soluble in polar solvent lpy of a substan eis also alled its heat ontent mono(ide is slightly lighter than air$ al name of blea hing po"der is al ium hloride$ m arbonate is also alled ba#ing soda$



DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER / ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7A SYLLABUS FOR DPE-7/0: MATHEMATICS 11 S$-6*( o7 R*a" N!( *#Properties of rational numbers, .rrational 7umbers, Properties of real numbers, 5urds, Po"er of real numbers "ith e(ponents '1 Lo5a#.6+(5 ientifi 7otation, 3on ept and importan e of logarithms, 3ommon ?ogarithms, ?a"s of ?ogarithms, /1 A"5* #a.c ED)#*--.o,)lgebrai e(pression, #inds of algebrai e(pression: polynomial and its #inds: evaluation of algebrai e(pressions: fundamental operations on algebrai e(pressions, division by binomials: %emainder Theorem, )lgebrai 2ormulas 01 Fac6o#.Ea6.o,B H1C1FB L1C1MB S.()".7.ca6.o, a,4 ->!a#* #oo62a tori&ation of algebrai e(pressions, 2inding the 1 3 2 and ? 3 4, 5implifi ation, 2inding 5*uare %oot of e(pressions, /asi operations on algebrai fra tions$ 81 Ma6#.c*- a,4 D*6*#(.,a,64atri es and its #inds, /asi operations of )ddition, 5ubtra tion and 4ultipli ation of matri es, Determinant of a matri(, .nverse of a matri(, 5olution of e*uations in t"o variables using matri es, 3ramer!s %ule :1 F!,4a(*,6a" Co,c*)6- o7 G*o(*6#$ 2undamentals on epts of geometry, ,Point, line segment, ray, line, plane, half plane, ollinear and non- ollinear points, angle and its measure, #inds of angles, parallel and interse ting lines, perpendi ular lines, ongruen e and one-to-one orresponden e$ Triangle, its #inds and its elements, similar triangles, *uadrilateral, its #inds and its elements: ir le and its elements, verti al angles: adNa ent angles: alternate angles and orresponding angles: e(terior and interior angles of a triangle-$ Postulates, Theorems of Geometry$ 71 D*(o,-6#a6.@* G*o(*6#$ Theorems and their Proofs ,e$g$ .f t"o lines interse t ea h other the verti ally opposite angles ,verti al angles- of ea h pair so formed are ongruent-, 3orollaries$ ;1" G*o(*6#$ 3ases of Gni*ue Triangle, )mbiguous ases of Triangles, %ight /ise tors of the sides of a Triangle, /ise tors of )ngles of a Triangle, 4edians of a triangle, )ltitudes of a triangle$ =1 A"5* #a.c S*,6*,c*solution of simple linear e*uations in one or t"o variables, Graphi al solution of t"o simultaneous ?inear E*uations, E*uations %edu ible to 5imple ?inear E*uations, 0uadrati E*uations and their solutions$

101 E".(.,a6.o, Elimination of One Mariable from T"o E*uations by substitution or ross multipli ation$ 111 Va#.a6.o,-



3on epts of ratio, proportions, variations, Theorems on proportions, Gse of +-method in proving onditional e*ualities involving proportions, 1'1 I,7o#(a6.o, Ha,4".,5 Data, its olle tion, ungrouped and grouped data, lassifi ation of data, lass intervals, fre*uen y, fre*uen y distribution, dra"ing bar graph histogram, measure of entral tenden y, al ulation of simple ases of mean, mode and median, 3on ept of dispersion and its measures: al ulation of range, varian e and standard deviation$ 1/1 F!,4a(*,6a" Co,c*)6- o7 G*o(*6#$ Tangents to ir les, on epts of a minor ar , a maNor ar , a semi ir le, the entral angle of an ar $ ) ir um ir le, an ins ribed ir le and an ens ribed ir le of a triangle$ Theorems on triangles, theorems on 3ir les$ 101 T#.5o,o(*6#$ Trigonometri %atios, Trigonometri .dentities, Malues of Trigonometri %atios of )ngles, 3on epts of angles of elevation and depression: solving simple problems of heights and distan es$ BOO2S 1$ 4athemati s =, Editor: ?ee Peng Aee, O(ford EGniversity Press, <001 <$ 83al ulus and )nalyti Geometry9, 10th Edition, by Thomas and 2enny, )ddison and 6esley Publishing 3ompany, <000$ =$ ) Te(tboo# of 4athemati s for lass .Q W Q, 7ational /oo# 2oundation, .slamabad$




S*c6.o, I Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* MC< 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* a,-3*# -+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 01'8 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01$ .f a is a negative number and n is an even number then: )- ,a-n _ 0 /- ,a-n S 0 3- ,a-n ` 0 D- an 0 .f ( S log<BC then ( S )- B D- < /- > D- 8 order of



.f the order of matri( P is = ( 1 and the order of matri( 0 is 1 ( = then matri( P0 is: )- 1 ( 1 /- = ( 1 3- = ( = D- 1 ( = 0C$ Ca< W < R

1 S 4a 2
1 2 /- 2a 2a 1 D- a + 2a

1 2 )- 2a + 2a 1 2 3- a 2a 0D$ .n the given figure A P" respe tively$

'' !" , point J)! and J/! are the mid points of



.f !" S <8 m then A )- 1C m 3- DB m 0B$

S /- K m D- 1< m

Ea h angle of an e*uilateral triangle is )- =0o /- B0o



3- CDo 0K$ Eliminate (, "hen ( S )- Cs S t 3- s S <t 08$ 1 1 ,(S 2t s

D- >0o

/- Ct S s D- st S C-

The orresponding elements of e*ual matri es are )- E*ual /- not e*ual 3- inverse D- transpose The solution set of simultaneous linear e*uations sho"n in the graph is:


)- aB, 0b 3- a0, -Bb 010$

/- a b D- a1, 0$Db

6hi h of these is an open senten eE )- D _ <R= /- ( R < S= 3- K ` D D- 1R= ` <R1 One of the solution of e*uation ,(R1-< S C is )- 1 /- -13- < D- = The median in series: D , >, =, C, B is )- D /- > 3- C D- B T"o lines an interest at






)- One point 3- Three points 01C$

/- T"o points D- 2our points

) ir le tou hing the three sides of a triangle is alled )- ir umferen e /- es ribed ir le 3- ins ribed ir le D- ir um ir le The minimum number of non- ollinear points in a plane are )- T"o /- Three 3- 2our D- 2ive


S*c6.o, II Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* 6#!* / 7a"-* 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* A,-3*# S+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 018 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01B$ 01K$ 018$ 01>$ 01D$ )(< R b( R S0 is a linear e*uation$

The number of road a idents is dis rete variables$ .n mathemati s stands for ombination summation .n any triangle sum of measures of its any t"o sides is al"ays greater than its third side .n s*uare matri(, the number of ro"s is not e*ual to the number of olumns

So"!6.o, 2*$ 5e tion ): 1- C K- C 1=- A 5e tion /: 1B- F 1K- T 18- T 1>- T <- A 8- A 1C- D =- C >- B 1D- B C- B 10- A D- C 11- A B- B 1<- A



DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER / ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7A SYLLABUS FOR DPE-7/8: PHYSICS 11 P+$-.c--A, .,6#o4!c6.o, .ntrodu tion to Physi s, Different bran hes of Physi s, .mportan e of Physi s in daily life, 5 ientifi method, Tea hing of .slam and s ien e, the ontribution to s ien e by 4uslim and Pa#istani s ientists '1 M*a-!#*(*,6Physi al *uantities, 7eed of a standard for measuring physi al *uantities, .nternational system of units, Prefi(es, 5 ientifi notation and their uses, Gse of measuring instruments, Differen e in error and un ertainty in a measurement, 5ignifi ant figures and their use, The relationship bet"een physi al *uantities, Proportionality onstant /1 2.,*(a6.cDifferen e bet"een +inemati s and dynami s, Differen e bet"een rest and motion, Different types of motion, Differen e bet"een distan e and displa ement, Differen e bet"een speed and velo ity, %elative velo ity, ) eleration, E*uations of motion, 4otion of freely falling bodies 01 Fo#c* a,4 Mo6.o, 7e"ton!s ?a"s of motion, Differen e bet"een mass and "eight, Tension in the string and motion of bodies onne ted "ith a string, 4omentum and la" of onservation of momentum, )ppli ations of la" of onservation of momentum, 2ri tion and various methods for redu ing fri tion 81 V*c6o#Me tor representation, 7egative ve tor, )ddition of ve tors, 5ubtra tion of ve tors, 4ultipli ation of ve tors, Trigonometri rations, %esolution of ve tor :1 E>!.". #.!( Parallel for es, )(is of rotation, Tor*ue, 3entre of gravity, 3ouple and motion due to ouple, E*uilibrium, 3onditions of e*uilibrium, Different states of e*uilibrium 71 C.#c!"a# (o6.o, a,4 G#a@.6a6.o, 3ir ular motion, 3entripetal for e and entripetal a eleration, )ppli ations of entripetal for e, ?a" of gravitation and value of gravitational onstant, Determination of the mass of earth by using la" of gravitation, Mariation in gravitational a eleration "ith the hange in altitude, 4otion of artifi ial satellites around the earth ;1 Ao#9B Po3*# a,4 E,*#5$ 3on ept of "or# in Physi s, Po"er, Energy and its #inds, Potential energy and its #inds, +ineti energy, .nter onversion of #ineti and potential energy, ?a" of onservation of energy =1 S.()"* Mac+.,*Definition of simple ma hine, Terms asso iated "ith ma hines, Types of simple ma hines, Pulley, .n lined plane, 5 re" Na #, 6heel and a(le


P#o)*#6.*- o7 (a66*#



Elasti ity, 5tress, 5train and 1oo#e!s la", Aoung!s modulus, Properties of fluids at rest, Pressure of li*uids and Pas al!s la", )ppli ations of Pas al!s la", )r himedes prin iple and its appli ations, Pressure of gases, +ineti theory of gases, 5urfa e tension, Mis osity 111 H*a6 Thermometry, 1eat, Thermal e(pansion, E(pansion of solids, E(pansion of li*uids, )nomalous e(pansion of "ater, E(pansion of gas, /oyle!s la" and 3harles! la", 5pe ifi heat of solids and li*uids, ?atent heat, Transmission of heat by ondu tion, 3onve tion and radiation, 3onse*uen e and appli ations of ondu tion, 3onve tion and radiation 1'1 Aa@* (o6.o, 6ave motion, 3hara teristi s of a "ave, Types of "aves, /ehavior of "aves, Periodi motion, 5imple harmoni motion, 5imple pendulum, ?ongitudinal and transverse "aves, 3on ept of time period, 2re*uen y, )mplitude, 6avelength, 4otion of mass atta hed to spring 1/1 So!,4 5ound, Propagation of sound, %ange of audible fre*uen ies, 5ho # "aves, ?oudness, Pit h, 0uality, .ntensity of sound "aves, %esonan e 101 O)6.c%efle tion of light, %egular and irregular refle tion, 3on ave and onve( mirrors, %eal and virtual image, 2o al length, 4irror formula, %efra tion of light, %efra tive inde(, 3on ave and onve( lenses, Total internal refle tion, 3ompound mi ros ope, 3amera, Teles ope, 5tru ture of eye, Prism, 6ave and parti le nature of light, 5peed of light, Photon, 6hite and mono hromati light, Dispersion of light, %ainbo", Pure and impure spe trum of light, .nterferen e of light "aves, Diffra tion of light 181 E"*c6#o -6a6.-6.c3oulomb!s la", Gnit of harge, Ele tri field, Ele tri potential, Gnits of ele tri potential, 3apa itor, 3apa itan e, Gnit of apa itan e 1:1 C!##*,6 E"*c6#.c.6$ Ele tri urrent, Gnit of ele tri urrent, 3ondu tor, 3onventional urrent, Ohm!s la", Gnit of resistan e, Ele tri resistan e of a ondu tor, 5eries and parallel ombination of resistors, Ele tri ir uit, Dire t urrent and alternating urrent, :oule!s la", Ele tri po"er, Gnits of ele tri po"er 171 E"*c6#o(a5,*6.-( 4agnet, 4agneti field, Dire tion of magneti field, Orested relation bet"een urrent and magneti field, 4agneti lines of for e, %ight hand rule for dire tion of magneti lines of for e, 5olenoid, 2leming!s left hand rule, Ele tromagnet, Galvanometer, Moltmeter, )mmeter, Transformer 1;1 A6o(.c a,4 N!c"*a# P+$-.c3on ept of atom, Ele tron, Proton, 7eutron, 4ass number, )tomi number, .sotopes, .sotopes of hydrogen, %adioa tivity, )lpha, /eta , Gamma rays, 1alf life, %adiation ha&ards, Einstein!s mass-energy e*uation, 2ission pro ess, Gses of fission rea tion, 3hain rea tion, 3riti al mass, 2usion pro ess, Differen e bet"een fission and fusion pro esses, Origin of solar energy, 7u lear rea tor 1=1 E"*c6#o,.c.ntrodu tion, n-type and p-type substan es, p-n Nun tion, Transistor, Tele ommuni ation, 3ommuni ation via satellite



Boo9-: %$ %esni #, D$ 1alliday, +$5$ +rane, J P+$-.c-!, Cth Edition, Mol$ . P .., :ohn 6iley P 5ons, 1>>< %aymond )$ 5er"ay, JP+$-.c- 7o# -c.*,6.-6- a,4 *,5.,**#- 3.6+ (o4*#, )+$-.c- !, 5aunders 3ollege Publishing, 7e" Aor#, 1>8= )rthur /eiser, JP+$-.c-!, )ddison-6esley Publishing 3ompany, 1>>1 George /$ )rf#en and David 2$ Griffing, J U,.@*#-.6$ P+$-.c-!, ) ademi press, 2lorida, 1>8C 1alliday David, JF!,4a(*,6a"- o7 P+$-.c-!, Dth Edition, :ohn 6iley P sons, 7e" Aor#, 1>>K %aymond )$ 5er"ay, JP#.,c.)"*- o7 P+$-.c-!, <nd Edition, 5aunders 3ollege Publishing, 7e" Aor#, 1>>8 2ou&ia 5aleemi et$ al$,FP+$-.c- = ? 10 %*4.6.o, 1 -6&GB PunNab Te(t /oo# /oard, ?ahore, approved by the 2ederal 4inistry of Edu ation, Government of Pa#istan, .slamabad, vide letter 7o$ D<='<00<-DE),/5-$




S*c6.o, I Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* MC< 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* a,-3*# -+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 01'8 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01$ The radius of a sphere is 1$11 m$ /y #eeping in mind the on ept of signifi ant figures, the volume of the sphere is LLLLLLLLLL$ )- D$K= m= /- D$K=10<D m= 3- D$K=1 m= D- D$K=10= m= ) body at rest is of mass = #g$ The for e "hi h ma#es the body to over a distan e of <00 m in 10 se onds is LLLLLLLLLL$ )- B 7 /- >$8 7 3- = 7 D- 1< 7 )n obNe t of mass C #g is moving in a ir le of radius <$0 m$ .f the speed of obNe t is C0 m's, the entripetal a eleration is LLLLLLLLLL$ )- =<00 ms-< /- 800 ms-< -< 3- BC00 ms D- 1B00 ms-< The length of a steel "ire is in reased by C$K mm by applying a tensile stress of C$K 108 7m-<$ The Aoung!s modulus of steel is <$0 1011 7m-<$ The original length of the "ire "asLLLLLLLLLL$ )- C m /- < m 3- C$K m D- 7one of these The density of "ater is 10= #g'm=$ The "ater pressure on a submarine is <$0c10 K 7'm<$ The depth of the submarine belo" the surfa e of the "ater, in meters, is appro(imately LLLLLLLLLL$ )- <00 /- 1000 3- <000 D- 8000 The time period of a simple pendulum of length =>$< m is LLLLLLLLLL$ )- 2 se /- 2 se 3- 4 se D- 8 se On providing harge of C<0 d3 to a apa itor, its potential differen e rises to K0 M$ The apa itan e of this apa itor isLLLLLLLLLL$ )- 1CK d2 /- B d2 3- <$>C 2 D- 1'B e2 .f three resistors 100 f, <00 f and D00 f are e*uivalent resistan e is LLLLLLLLLL$ )- D8$8 f /- 800 f 3- 0$01K f D- 0$001= f ) radio a tive isotope "ithLLLLLLLLLL$








onne ted in parallel, their


3oB0 is produ ed by bombarding






)- g-parti les 3- 7eutrons 010$

/- -parti les D- -rays

)dding of impurity in a semi ondu tor in order to in rease its ondu tivity is alled LLLLLLLLLL$ )- )bsorption /- Doping 3- )dsorption D- 7one of these .f a man moves, "ith a speed e*ual to o$D that of sound, a"ay from a stationary organ produ ing a sound of fre*uen y f, he "ould probably hear a sound of fre*uen y LLLLLLLLLL$ )- less than f /- f 3- 1$D f D- < f .n an e(periment, an obNe t "as pla ed on the prin ipal a(is of a onve( lens <D m a"ay from the lens$ ) real image C times the si&e of the obNe t "as obtained$ The fo al length of the lens is LLLLLLLLLL$ )- D0 m /- <D m 3- <0 m D- 100 m .f N p and N s are respe tively, the number of turns in the primary and se ondary oil of a transformer, then the ondition for step up transformer isLLLLLLLLLL$ )- N s > N p /- N s < N p 3- N s = N p D- 7one of these





T"o point harges repel ea h other "ith a for e of Cc10 -D 7 at a distan e of 1 m$ .f the distan e bet"een them is doubled, the for e of repulsion "ill beLLLLLLLLLL$ )- 1c10-D 7 /- <c10-D 7 -D 3- Cc10 7 D- 8c10-D 7 .f the mass of proton, neutron and 1elium nu leus are respe tively 1$BK<Bc10 -<K #g, 1$BKC>c10-<K #g, and C$00<81 u, "here unified mass unit u is e*ual to 1$BBc 10-<K #g, then the binding energy of 1elium nu leus is LLLLLLLLLL$ )- 0$<8= 4eM /- >=1 4eM 3- <8$= 4eM D- 7one of these


S*c6.o, II Fo""o3.,5 >!*-6.o,- a#* 6#!* / 7a"-* 6$)*1 Ma#9 $o!# a,-3*# o, 6+* A,-3*# S+**61 Eac+ co##*c6 a,-3*# .- o7 o,* (a#9 a,4 (.,!- 018 7o# *ac+ .,co##*c6 a,-3*#1 01B$ 01K$ .f < al of heat are added to D0C grams of "ater at 100 03 and standard pressure, the temperature of the "ater "ill not hange$ The neutral atom of helium has a negative harge of magnitude Ce asso iated "ith its ele trons and a positive harge of the same magnitude asso iated "ith its nu leus$ Moltmeter is onne ted in parallel a ross the resistor to measure the potential differen e a ross it$ The 5. unit for the strength of magneti field is Tesla$

018$ 01>$




.f the fre*uen y of emitted radiation from an atom lies "ithin the range from C$=c101C 1& to K$Dc101C 1& appro(imately, then "e have visible light of "avelength in the range C00 nm to K00 nm$



DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION TO THE POST OF TECHNICAL OFFICER / RESEARCH OFFICER / SPS-7B SYLLABUS AND SAMPLE PAPER FOR DPE-780 S2ILL TEST Due to the nature of this e(am, the syllabi and sample paper are ombined together$ 2urthermore, the s#ill test for the andidates of 5P5-K) and K/ are similar, and are both overed here$ The s#ill test "ill be ondu ted by a panel of three e(aminers "ho are "ell a *uainted "ith the field of the andidate of "hom the test is to be ondu ted$ The panel "ill be formed by the on erned 4ember, and may omprise of personnel from the same or other Divisions of the Establishment or even from other Establishments$ The e(amination may be of t"o parts, depending on the nature of "or# of the andidate: )) detailed oral e(amination in "hi h the follo"ing "ill be evaluated, in addition to other things depending on the andidate!s field: 1$ The ba #ground #no"ledge of the andidate in the relevant field <$ Gnderstanding of the theory of the pro esses in "hi h the andidate is an e(pert =$ Gnderstanding of safety on erns of the relevant pro esses C$ +no"ledge of re ent developments in the field, ne" e*uipments oming in the mar#et et $ / Detailed pra ti al demonstration of the profi ien y of the andidate in his sele ted field$ This may involve use of ma hines, programming, operation of e*uipment et $ During this demonstration, the e(aminers "ould note, among other things : 1$ .s the andidate follo"ing the orre t pro edures <$ Does he follo" safety rules =$ Does he prevents undue "astage of material, energy or time C$ Does he omplete the tas# in a onfident, smooth manner D$ The *uality of the final produ t or result$ B$ The state in "hi h the ma hine and surroundings are after the "or# is done$ The entire e(amination ,oral plus pra ti al- should ta#e about three hours ,same as for the "ritten e(ams of the other andidates-, and the mar#s be given out of 100$ The division of the mar#s bet"een oral and pra ti al, and bet"een the different aspe ts of ea h of these parts, is entirely at the dis retion of the e(aminers, depending on the nature of the andidate!s field$ 1o"ever, for the andidates aspiring for 5P5-K), the pra ti al aspe ts may be given more importan e as ompared to that for the andidates "ho are applying for 5P5-K/$


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