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The Sour Sop or the fruit from the graviola tree is a miraculous natural cancer cell killer 10,000 times stronger than Chemo. Why are we not aware of this !ts "ecause some "ig corporation want to make "ack their money spent on years of research "y trying to make a synthetic #ersion of it for sale. So, since you know it now you can help a friend in need "y letting him know or $ust drink some sour sop $uice yourself as pre#ention from time to time. The taste is not "ad after all. !t%s completely natural and definitely has no side effects. !f you ha#e the space, plant one in your garden. The other parts of the tree are also useful. The ne&t time you ha#e a fruit $uice, ask for a sour sop. 'ow many people died in #ain while this "illion(dollar drug maker concealed the secret of the miraculous )ra#iola tree This tree is low and is called gra#iola ! in

*ra+il, guana"ana in Spanish and has the uninspiring name ,soursop- in .nglish. The fruit is #ery large and the su"acid sweet white pulp is eaten out of hand or, more commonly, used to make fruit drinks, sher"ets and such. The principal interest in this plant is "ecause of its strong anti( cancer effects. /lthough it is effecti#e for a num"er of medical conditions, it is its anti tumor effect that is of most interest. This plant is a pro#en cancer remedy for cancers of all types. *esides "eing a cancer remedy, gra#iola is a "road spectrum antimicro"ial agent for "oth "acterial and fungal infections, is effecti#e against internal parasites and worms, lowers high "lood pressure and is used for depression, stress and ner#ous disorders. !f there e#er was a single e&ample that makes it dramatically clear why the e&istence of 'ealth Sciences !nstitute is so #ital to /mericans like you, it%s the incredi"le story "ehind the )ra#iola tree.. The truth is stunningly simple0 1eep within the /ma+on 2ainforest grows a tree that could literally re#olutioni+e what you, your doctor, and the rest of the world thinks a"out cancer treatment and chances of sur#i#al. The future has ne#er looked more promising. 2esearch shows that with e&tracts from this miraculous tree it now may "e possi"le to0 /ttack cancer safely and effecti#ely with an all(natural therapy that does not cause e&treme nausea, weight loss and hair loss 3rotect your immune system and a#oid deadly infections. 4eel stronger and healthier throughout the course of the treatment *oost your energy and impro#e your outlook on life The source of this information is $ust as stunning0 !t comes from one of /merica 5s largest drug manufacturers, th! e fruit of o#er 60 la"oratory tests conducted since the 17809s! What those tests re#ealed was nothing short of mind num"ing .&tracts from the tree were shown to0 .ffecti#ely target and kill malignant cells in 16 types of cancer, including colon, "reast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.. The tree compounds pro#ed to "e up to 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells than /driamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug! What%s more, unlike chemotherapy, the compound e&tracted from the )ra#iola tree selecti#elyhunts down and kills only cancer cells.. !t does not harm healthy cells! The ama+ing anti( cancer properties of the )ra#iola tree ha#e "een e&tensi#ely researched:so why ha#en%t you heard anything a"out it !f )ra#iola e&tract is ;ne of /merica 5s "iggest "illion(dollar drug makers "egan a search for a cancer cure and their research centered on )ra#iola, a

legendary healing tree from the /ma+on 2ainforest. <arious parts of the )ra#iola tree:including the "ark, lea#es, roots, fruit and fruit(seeds:ha#e "een used for centuries "y medicine men and nati#e !ndians in South /merica to treat heart disease, asthma, li#er pro"lems and arthritis. )oing on #ery little documented scientific e#idence, the company poured money and resources into testing the tree%s anti(cancerous properties: and were shocked "y the results. )ra#iola pro#ed itself to "e a cancer( killing dynamo. *ut that%s where the )ra#iola story nearly ended. The company had one huge pro"lem with the )ra#iola tree:it%s completely natural, and so, under federal law, not patenta"le. There%s no way to make serious profits from it. !t turns out the drug company in#ested nearly se#en years trying to synthesi+e two of the )ra#iola tree%s most powerful anti(cancer ingredients. !f they could isolate and produce man( made clones of what makes the )ra#iola so potent, they%d "e a"le to patent it and make their money "ack. /las, they hit a "rick wall. The original simply could not "e replicated. There was no way the company could protect its profits:or e#en make "ack the millions it poured into research. /s the dream of huge profits e#aporated, their testing on )ra#iola came to a screeching halt. .#en worse, the company shel#ed the entire pro$ect and chose not to pu"lish the findings of its research! =uckily, howe#er, there was one scientist from the )ra#iola research team whose conscience wouldn%t let him see such atrocity committed. 2isking his career, he contacted a company that%s dedicated to har#esting medical plants from the /ma+on 2ainforest and "lew the whistle. >iracle unleashed When researchers at the 'ealth Sciences !nstitute were alerted to the news of )ra#iola,! they "e gan tracking the research done on the cancer(killing tree. .#idence of the astounding effecti#eness of )ra#iola:and its shocking co#er(up:came in fast and furious. The ?ational Cancer !nstitute performed the first scientific research in 178@. The results showed that )ra#iola%s ,lea#es and stems were found effecti#e in attacking and destroying malignant cells.!ne&plica"ly, the results were pu"lished in an internal report and ne#er released to the pu"lic Since 178@, )ra#iola has pro#en to "e an immensely potent cancer killer in 60 independent la"oratory tests, yet no dou"le("lind clinical trials:the typical "enchmark mainstream doctors and $ournals use to $udge a treatment%s #alue:were e#er initiated. / study pu"lished in the Aournal of ?atural 3roducts, following a recent

study conducted at Catholic Bni#ersity of South Corea stated that one chemical in )ra#iola was found to selecti#ely kill colon cancer cells at ,10,000 times the potency of Dthe commonly used chemotherapy drugE /driamycin- The most significant part of the Catholic Bni#ersity of South Corea report is that )ra#iola was shown to selecti#ely target the cancer cells, lea#ing healthy cells untouched. Bnlike chemotherapy, which indiscriminately targets all acti#ely reproducing cells Dsuch as stomach and hair cellsE, causing the often de#astating side effects of nausea and hair loss in cancer patients. / study at 3urdue Bni#ersity recently found that lea#es from the )ra#iola tree killed cancer cells among si& human cell lines and were especially effecti#e against prostate, pancreatic and lung cancers Se#en years of silence "roken. F with Sai 3rakash )upta and 6 others.

What is soursop tree, properties and its health benefits?

Posted Date: 04-Dec-2012 Author: Saraswathi Category: Health Member Level: Gold

Poi ts: !"

Soursop scientific name is annona muricata. Soursop tree is a evergreen tree that is available in Venezuela, central America, Peru, Columbia, Mexico, brazil and Cuba. This tree is gro n in the rainforest of amazon and it is a gift of miracle for patients and doctors, ho thought that there is no treatment for cancers. More details about its common names, properties, and health benefits !ou read in this article.

Common names for soursop

In Spanish it is called as guanabana, in Portuguese graviola, pawpaw in Brazilian, in telugu it is called as lakshmana phalam or rama phalam or hanuman phal, in tamil mullu chitta and it is also called as seemai seethapazham, mullaatha in Malayalam. Literally it means custard apple which is thorny. he soursop !ruits are big in size and the taste is subacid sweet like the !lavor o! sour citrus. Soursop !ruit contains white pulp inside that can be consumed in raw with the help o! your hand or it is used !or the purpose o! preparing sherbats or "uices. Soursop !ruit has been shown miraculous properties o! anti#cancer and it is more than $,%%,%%% times strong than chemotherapy. It is the !ruit that kills the cells cancer and natural e!!ects o! anti


Properties of soursop fruit

he soursop !ruit is used !or several medicinal conditions and the chie! property is strong e!!ect o! anti#cancer. he soursop !ruit is very use!ul !or all cancer types. he !ruit shows that it is broad range o! properties o! anti#microbial and very e!!ective against !ungal and bacterial in!ections.

his !ruit is more e!!ective !or several parasites and intestinal worms. his !ruit is used !or hypertension, depression, stress, constipation and nervous disorders.

&e do not know about its natural properties o! anti#cancer as the companies are making synthetic products since they have spent more money !or the purpose o! researching !or several years and they need to make huge returns !or this purpose. &e now came to know about the properties o! soursop !ruit, and we can use this soursop !ruit "uice !or the purpose o! preventing cancer. here will not be any e!!ects a!ter consuming this "uice, since it is the !ruit "uice which we are getting naturally. 'ou can plant this soursop tree in your garden like other trees which is use!ul !or you and !or everyone.

Some other properties has been shown after conducting research on soursop tree

he soursop !ruit e(tract attacks the cancerous cells e!!ectively and sa!ely such as natural therapy. he soursop !ruit will not cause any side e!!ects whereas with chemotherapy there will be e(treme nausea, hair loss and weight loss.

he !ruit e(tract protects immune system. It also prevents poisonous in!ections. he whole time during the course o! this !ruit e(tract treatment) it will make you !eel very stronger as well as healthier.

his !ruit is the natural treatment that boosts your energy as well as improves your good outlook on the li!e.

he stems and leaves o! soursop tree are !ound to be very e!!ective in destroying and attacking malignant cancerous cells.

Some more properties of the extract of soursop tree

he e(tract o! soursop tree e!!ectively kills malignance cells in various cancer types such as lung cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, bladder cancer, brain cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, anal cancer, adrenal cancer, etc. his e(tract is more than $%,%%% times better than that is commonly used !or chemotherapy medicine adriamycin that is slowing down cancerous cells growth.

his e(tract kills only cancerous cells and it will not harm any other cells that are healthy in condition.

Other medical uses of the tree soursop

*ll the parts o! soursop tree such as !ruit seeds, !ruits, bark, leaves and roots are used !or several centuries !or medical people as well as natives o! South *merica and Indians !or treating diseases such as !or arthritis, asthma, lever problems and heart diseases.

Benefits for the health from soursop tree

Soursop !ruit has good amount o! vitamin B$, vitamin +, vitamin B, and very rich in !ructose. hese are present in soursop !ruits) it has several medicinal uses with soursop !ruits, leaves and seeds.

Graviola Fruit[ Lakshmana phala]medicine for cancer ]available at subramanya, karnataka

for details contact- mr ganesh prasad-9448723259 mr ananda gowda- 9591965972 read report in udayavani !annada daily dated- 25-5-2"11
#es it is availa$le in %angalore&&please try in 'engeri or in (o)town as * got 3 nos yesterday from a ayurvedic shop in (o) +own&&* need it $adly for my relative who is suffering from cancer&,rom yesterday we the relatives of the patient started giving her not in the form of -uice $ut we removed the seeds and served her&&she feels $etter now&+hough the taste of it is little sour $ut somewhat tastier as * myself tasted it&&$etter to eat when it riperned&.ery gummy fruit&&+han! you /r&/uraleedhara 0padhyaya for the information a$out this 1a!shmana phala& * am 2imon 1asrado %angalore

4rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It has been suggested that Annona muricata be merged into this article. (Discuss) Proposed since July 2013. This article relies on references to primary sources. Please add references to secondary or tertiary sources. (September 2013)
For the herbaceous plant, see Oxalis pes-caprae.

Annona muricata var. subonica

Soursop fruit, whole and in longitudinal section

Soursop, raw
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)


!" #$ ("" #cal)


%".&' g

$ Sugars

%(.)' g

$ %ietary fi!er

(.( g


*.( g



Thiamine (vit. +%)

*.*! mg (",)

-iboflavin (vit. + )

*.*) mg (',)

.iacin (vit. +()

*./ mg (",)

Pantothenic acid (+))

*. )( mg (),)

0itamin +"

*.*)/ mg (),)

1olate (vit. +/)

%' 2g (',)


!." mg ( ,)

0itamin 3

*." mg ( ),)


%' mg (%,)


*." mg (),)


% mg (",)


! mg (',)


!& mg (",)


%' mg (%,)


*.% mg (%,)

6in# to 7SD8 Database entry Percentages are roughly appro9imated using 7S recommendations for adults. Source: 7SD8 .utrient Database

A. muricata flower

2oursop is the fruit of Annona muricata, a "roadleaf, flowering, e#ergreen tree nati#e to >e&ico, Cu"a, Central /merica, the Cari""ean, and northernSouth /merica, primarily Colom"ia, *ra+il, 3eru, .cuador, and <ene+uela. Soursop is also produced in some parts of /frica, Southeast /sia and the 3acific. !t is in the same genus as the chirimoya and the same family as the pawpaw. The soursop is adapted to areas of high humidity and relati#ely warm wintersG temperatures "elow H IC DJ1 I4E will cause damage to lea#es and small "ranches, and temperatures "elow K IC DK8 I4E can "e fatal. The fruit "ecomes dry and is no longer good for concentrate. ;ther common names include0 LCoraMNo de *oiL >o+am"iOue, Evo D.we, <olta 2egion, )hanaE,L.kitafeeliL, Bganda, LStafeliL Swahili, AluguntuguiD)a, )reater /ccra 2egion, )hanaE guanbana DSpanishE, graviola D*ra+ilian 3ortuguese, pronounced0 Pg#ilQE, anona D.uropean 3ortugueseE,corossol D4renchE, DSinhaleseE, sorsaka D3apiamentoE, adunu D/choliE, *ra+ilian pawpaw, guyabano, guanavana, toge-banreisi, durian benggala, durian belanda, nangka blanda, [turi !en te k" DThaiE, sirsak, #uur#ak D1utchE, tomoko DCiswahiliE and nangka londa.P1Q !n>alayalam, it is called DmullaathaE, literally thorny custard apple. The other lesser(known !ndian names

are shul-ram-$al and %akshmana &hala. and in 'arar D.thiopiaE in 'arari language known for centuries as /m"a Shoukh DThorny >ango or Thorny 4ruitE. The fla#our has "een descri"ed as a com"ination of straw"erry and pineapple, with sour citrus fla#our notes contrasting with an underlying creamy fla#our reminiscent of coconut or "anana.

1 Culti#ation and uses 6 3roperties K Cancer treatment J See also H 2eferences @ .&ternal links

Cultivation and uses[edit]

The plant is grown as a commercial her" crop for its 60:K0 cm D8.7:16 inE long, prickly, green fruit, which can ha#e a mass of up to 1H l" D@.R kgE,P6Qmaking it pro"a"ly the second "iggest annona after the $unglesop.

4ruit and lea#es of Annona muricata

/way from its nati#e area, some limited production occurs as far north as southern 4lorida within BS1/ Sone 10G howe#er, these are mostly garden plantings for local consumption. !t is also grown in parts

ofSoutheast /sia and a"undant on the !sland of >auritius. The soursop will reportedly fruit as a container specimen, e#en in temperate climates, if protected from cool temperatures. Pcitation neededQ The flesh of the fruit consists of an edi"le, white pulp, some fi"er, and a core of indigesti"le, "lack seeds. The species is the only mem"er of its genus suita"le for processing and preser#ation. Pcitation neededQ The sweet pulp is used to make $uice, as well as candies, sor"ets, and ice cream fla#orings. !n >e&ico, Colom"ia, <ene+uela, and 'arar D.thiopiaE, it is a common fruit, often used for dessert as the only ingredient, or as an agua $resca "e#erageG in Colom"ia and <ene+uela, it is a fruit for $uices, mi&ed with milk. !ce cream and fruit "ars made of soursop are also #ery popular. The seeds are normally left in the preparation, and remo#ed while consuming, unless a "lender is used for processing. !n !ndonesia, dodol sirsak, a sweetmeat, is made "y "oiling soursop pulp in water and adding sugar until the mi&ture hardens. Soursop is also a common ingredient for making fresh fruit $uices that are sold "y street food #endors. !n the 3hilippines, it is called guyabano, deri#ed from the Spanish guanabana, and is eaten ripe, or used to make $uices, smoothies, or ice cream. Sometimes, they use the leaf in tenderi+ing meat. !n <ietnam, this fruit is called m'ng c(u )i*m in the south, or m'ng c(u in the north, and is used to make smoothies, or eaten as is. !n Cam"odia, this fruit is called tearb barung, literally Lwestern custard( apple fruit.L !n >alaysia, it is known in >alay as durian belanda and in .ast >alaysia, specifically among the 1usun people of Sa"ah, it is locally known as lampun. 3opularly, it is eaten raw when it ripens, or used as one of the ingredients in Ais +acang or Ais ,atu -ampur. Bsually the fruits are taken from the tree when they mature and left to ripen in a dark corner, where"y they will "e eaten when they are fully ripe. !t has a white flower with a #ery pleasing scent, especially in the morning. While for people in *runei 1arussalam this fruit is popularly known as L1urian SalatL, widely a#aila"le and easily planted.!t was most likely "rought from >e&ico to the3hilippines "y way of the >anila(/capulco )alleon trade.Pcitation neededQ !n the Bnited States, soursop has "een used "y the ?ew *elgium *rewing Company in their 2olle *olle summer seasonal "eer.PKQ


/nnonacin is a neuroto&in found in soursop seeds

The fruit contains significant amounts of #itamin C, #itamin *1 and #itamin *6.PJQ

=a"oratory and field research suggests that soursop may ha#e potential for #arious applications. PHQ The compound annonacin, which is contained in the seeds of soursop, is a neuroto&in associated with neurodegenerati#e disease,P@Q and research has suggested a connection "etween consumption of soursop and atypical forms of 3arkinsonTs disease due to high concentrations of annonacin.P8Q!n 6010 the /gence franMaise de sUcuritU sanitaire des aliments called for further study on the risks of annonacin e&posure for human health.PRQ

Cancer treatment[edit]
/ccording to Cancer 2esearch BC, L>any sites on the internet ad#ertise and promote gra#iola capsules as a cancer cure, "ut none of them are supported "y any reputa"le scientific cancer organisationsL and Lthere is no e#idence to show that gra#iola works as a cure for cancerL and conseOuently they do not support its use as a treatment for cancer.P7Q !n 600R a court case relating to the sale in the BC of Triama+on, a soursop product, resulted in the criminal con#iction of a man under the terms of the BC Cancer /ct for offering to treat people for cancer. / spokesman for the council that instigated the action stated, Lit is as important now as it e#er was that people are protected from those peddling unpro#en products with spurious claims as to their effects.L P10Q The 4ederal Trade Commission in the Bnited States determined that there was Lno credi"le scientific e#idenceL that the e&tract of soursop sold "y *ioOue Technologies Lcan pre#ent, cure, or treat cancer of any kind.LP11Q

See also[edit]

What Is Graviola Tree Used For?

The Graviola tree (Annona muricata), while not being confirmed as such by the FDA, is regarded amongst those in the alternative medical community as a miracle cure for conditions ranging from high blood pressure to cancer. The plant is one of many discovered in the Ama onian rain forest. !ave a "uestion# Get an answer from a $edical %rofessional now&


Check with your Physician

Before using Graviola tree extract, or any herbal supplements for that matter, Always consult with your physician. Pregnant or nursing women, or people on certain types of medications, need to avoid this extract altogether. Only you and your physician can determine whether Graviola tree extract is right for you.

Stronger than Adriamycin?


According to, Graviola tree extract is said to be stronger than adriamycin, one of the world's strongest chemotherapy agents, yet does no damage to healthy cells. he active ingredient is Annonaceous acetogenins.

Side effects

Based upon independent research at!graviola.html, there does appear to be a possible lin" between long#term Graviola tree extract consumption and a condition similar to Par"inson's disease. $re%uent brea"s in the supplement's consumption are recommended.

Pain Relief

Graviola tree extract is also showing some promise in treating the pain of arthritis and rheumatism. Oil derived from the seeds was applied to the area in pain and relief was said to have been found.

Uses in South America


&ome native &outh Americans would use the leaves as a sedative or a 'heart tonic.' he seeds are used for elimination of parasites. A tea made from the leaves is used by Bra'ilians to detoxify the liver. (ases of fever, and even diarrhea, are said to be relieved by consuming the fruit.

How to Treat With Graviola

1# o

Bring ) cups of water to boil in a medium#si'ed pot. *educe heat to low and wait until the water stops boiling.

Add + tsp. of dried graviola leaf to the water, cover and let simmer for +, to -, minutes. .f you have graviola powder, use / tsp. 0ou can find graviola at vitamin and health food stores and from many online retailers.

&tir occasionally. 1o not let the water boil, as that may destroy some of the potent compounds in the graviola.

&train the graviola leaf out of the hot water. 1rin" one to three cups of graviola tea a day.

(ontinue drin"ing graviola tea on a daily basis. 1iscontinue use or reduce dosage if adverse effects develop.

Tips & Warnings

Accordi g to the $loa %etteri g Memorial Ca cer Ce ter& com'ou ds i graviola ca cause eurological sym'toms similar to Par(i so )s disease# *raviola has bee sho+ to have blood-'ressure-

lo+eri g 'ro'erties a d should ot be used by 'eo'le +ith lo+ blood 'ressure# *raviola also ca stimulate uteri e activity a d should ot be used by 'reg a t +ome #

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