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| The Megamerge Dissolution Solution to the U.S.-Mexico Border Problem |

| (c) Copyright by T.L. Winslow. All Rights Reserved. |
| Original publication date: Apr. 28, 2009 |
| Last update: Sept. 21, 2009 |

The age-old pesky U.S.-Mexico border problem has taxed the resources of both
countries, led to long lists of injustices, and appears to be heading only for
worse troubles in the future. Guess what? The border problem can never be
solved. Why? Because the border IS the problem! It's time for a paradigm

Never fear, a satisfying, comprehensive solution is within reach: the Megamerge

Dissolution Solution. Simply dissolve the border along with the failed Mexican
government, and megamerge the two countries under U.S. law, with mass free
2-way migration eventually equalizing the development and opportunities
permanently, with justice and without racism, and without threatening U.S.
sovereignty or basic principles.

T.L. Winslow (TLW) (b. 1953), a 99-44/100% pure gringo was born in and grew up
in Denver, Colorado (a town named after a gringo, and a state named by the
Spanish, meaning colorful as in red, the land not the people, who are still
mainly uncolorfully white), and after the official general amnesty in 1986
watched illegal immigration bloom in the 1990s and 2000s, along with more than
one new general amnesty fight in Congress, turning his childhood all-white
neighborhoods in the northern suburb of Thornton and southwest Denver into
all-Hispanic neighborhoods (not counting the all-Hispanic neighborhood in west
Denver he lived in during the Who Killed Kennedy Year). He also watched the
rise of xenophobic anti-immigration leaders such as Colorado's Tom Tancredo,
who really really fear Hispanic immigrants for various xenophobic knee-jerk
reasons (usually with the phony coverstory that they will take jobs away from
real Irish, er, Italian Americans like him, even though at the same time
Mexicans are inferior vermin, yada yada), and usually promote the final
solution of stopping up the border with walls, guards, the Army, the Navy, the
Marines, anything that can pack a gun.

The logical end of this thinking is robot Terminator armies along the border to
kill everything that moves 24/7/365, always look on the bright side of life,
just autozap them, like vermin in the kitchen at night. Imagine, no weak
humans to feel sorry for them, and no need to pay salaries or worry about
bribes, just the installation and maintenance costs, the prices are beyond
competitive plus next-day installation, and imagine the boom to wolves, coyotes
and other wildlife that feed on human carrion, creating a Mexican-free Back to
Nature Zone girdling the good ole Mexican-free U.S.A. from sea to shining sea,
complete with more American bald eagles and California condors, maybe grizzly
bears, that oughta please the John Birch Society, Audubon Society and Sierra
Club at the same time. And it's all-American due process of law, your actions
got you there, trespasser, and now it's the National Make My Day Law in my
house, pass the ammo to Robojudge Robodread. And why stop there? Let's send
the excess produce to Soylent Green factories to feed the world's hungry,
Lockandloadheed Co. and other military contractors are going green. Shut up,
you're sick :)
But TLW, you're a gringo, why are you letting them get to you, let's be
truthful now that they're not here in the bar with us to overhear, Mexicans are
an inferior race, nothing but shit, we just can't say that in public anymore,
they're unlike us white real Americans who came from approved European
countries like Ireland and made it to president, they're always after me lucky
charms, or Italy, we already got enough mafias, and their culture is totally
incompatible with ours, they're all banditos who make that ahaha cry like the
Three Amigos, I don't care if they were gringo actors, and should stick to
their miserable dusty starving villages with the picturesque white pajamas,
sombreros, and long-dressed Mexican senioritas, you know the Shell No-Pest
Strip jokes, why, ain't my tourist dollars good enough, I been there twice in
thirty years and only got diarrhea three times and gonorrhea twice, going three
times a night, I'm used to it? We already allowed the blacks to gain their
rights, at least most of them are an ocean away in Africa and we're fresh out
of slave ships, send them more AIDS pills, and we elected a black president,
half-black anyway, so why give browns an idea, we already got them believing
they're criminals just for wanting to wave a U.S. flag on the Fourth of July
like we do, let's just keep them down and have the pigs hassle them on Cinco de
Mayo and call them the racists when we catch them waving that red-green-white
flag, chuckle.

Not that any of this applies to the Canadian border, buddy, they're clean and
white like us, and all the illegal alien BS can be skipped with them as long as
they drop that Frog Talk or funny Swedish accent, we tried to conquer Canada
once and they whipped us, and they are still in love with the Brits and their
superior Parliamentary system and British Commonwealth, so they don't have to
megamerge with us if they don't want to, boo hoo.

Sorry, but TLW has long lived among Mexican immigrants, legal and illegal, and
has concluded that they are okay people, that he wouldn't mind if they lived
next door to him, they already have, so what if they always had a barrel filled
with empty beer cans out back, I could use a shot of Tequila once in awhile to
clear my sinuses and knew where to get it for free. I'm very sure that
English-speaking gringos white, black and yellow can live in harmony with them
and fight in the same military units with them in Afghanistan, and that
xenophobia is stupid for people who are already living peacefully with us
anyway, look, we know what ages our skin, free radicals, try healthy skin
rejuvenator, we don't have or want thousands of years of religious hate and
grudges to build up like the Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East or
the Christians and Muslims in the Balkans, are you okay with that, what would
we do without Santana and Journey music anyway, start healthy stay healthy.

But what about all them Mexican criminals and gangbangers, TLW, Gov. Terminator
just arrested ten zillion of them two days ago? Hey, all peoples have their
criminal element, but last time I heard they are prosecuted according to law,
and have their rights, even non-citizens. Maybe it was their childhood
upbringing and lack of opportunities, who cares, only small minds try to use
them as straw men to knock down, we're not talking about small minds getting
hung up on little people but big ideas from big minds, I'm not a political
commentator, I check my facts. The great majority of Mexicans have always been
law-abiding citizens, imagine that, rated PG, and I'm talking about a permanent
solution, the extension not the abolishment of law, a megasolution that will
help future generations grow up straight, what's the border been known for all
along but anarchy, does the process feel endless or a 10-minute express, my
family is so much more lovable when they're not hungry.

Get off your high gringo horses and take off your masks, Mexicans as a group
don't need to be dissolved or exterminated, but allowed to prosper and thrive
under law, just like gringos, a world is better cause you're sharing, and their
unapologetic cool unique Mexican culture preserved and protected for posterity
without having to visit it in a museum like the Aztecs and Mayans, we gringos
already got enough dirty laundry, so we can show the Old World that the New
World is the best, we learned our historical lessons, don't hate me because I'm
beautiful. Rather, it's the whole U.S.-Mexico border thang that is stupid and
getting in the way of solving the underlying problems, a dumb line drawn on a
map, and it's the #1 problem that needs to be dissolved, plop plop fizz fizz,
oh what a relief it is, pass some more spicy Mexican food along with a plate of

But hold all them arguments for legalizing illegal Mexican immigrants, or
attempting a word warp by calling them undocumented workers, you still don't
get it. It's not the Mexican people, it's not the U.S. people, it's not the
U.S. government, it's the cruddy corrupt asqueroso corrompido corrupto fatcat
and cartel-controlled Mexican government that's the problem, and the reason
that the Mexican people go through Hell to get away from it and live and work
in the wonderful U.S. with us gringos, never mind the racism, loving to pay
their own way if they can. Ergo, the solution is not to stop up, tighten up,
set up a process at, or regulate and control undocumented workers and illegal
aliens, but to dissolve the border and annex Mexico to the U.S., not like we
were talking about doing with Puerto Rico, but far more thorough, replacing the
Mexican government with the U.S. government completely, allowing Americans (all
of us) to travel and move freely in both directions, resulting in
underdeveloped Mexico finally getting developed like what recently happened to
East Germany when the Berlin Wall came down, after which gringos born there
will consider themselves just as much Americans as gringos born in Kansas, like
Barack Obama. And ditto, Mexicans born in Veracruz will consider themselves
Americans, and want to join the U.S. military and kick ass for the Stars and
Stripes and join the fight against terrorism, which, by the way, will be a lot
easier to stop at the new ocean-to-ocean-to-ocean-to-ocean borders, listen,
it's our problem now. In this day and age, a border is something that should
require somebody to have to cross an ocean via ship or plane, not just scale a
fence or swim a river, and only after that's true can we even talk about
protecting our border from anything, so Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall.

Did I mention the Berlin Wall? Whose side were you rooting for back then, and
what happened to you since? It's more like a guillotine, or a tourniquet. You
don't cut off your nose to spite your face, and you don't cut off blood flow to
a body part because you don't like God for giving it to you, unless we're
talking about dicks, and let's not go there, stupid prejudice ain't PC anymore.
Face it, Americans and Mexicans are all-but one people already, more similar
than different, and in the same boat vis a vis the bigger world picture,
especially with regard to global economic competition, world terrorism, or a
potential world war with Asia or Europe. Mexican should be a style or
subculture, not necessarily its own country. Either we unite and learn to get
along, or we have a real problem that can only end in unimaginable horror, do I
have to bring up ancient Rome and them pesky illegal alien Germans and Goths,
and how Rome fell? It's the government they swear allegiance to, not their
ethnicity or religion that should matter to us in this day and age, get over
that racism crap and see how much better you'll feel and how many weights
disappear from your shoulders, Mr. Charles Atlas.

Unite under the U.S. banner, duh, too simple? A gringo plot to revive Manifest
Destiny so we can move in along with our slaves, er, scratch that, we're way
past that White is Right era, and our nation is less than 80% white now and
heading down by our own choices, why, because we finally woke up and decided
that we want our children to live on a peaceful planet with equal justice for
all, and all grudges healed. A 19th century solution in a 21st century world,
er, scratch that, it's the 21st century solution with no name, like lesbianism
used to be, you gotta keep it in the closet or go on Ellen first? Those pesky
Mexicans will foist the Spanish language and the Roman Catholic Church on
WASPs, er, scratch that, a lot of them already are bilingual, and make us look
sick since we are only unilingual, and a lot of them are no more religious than
my cunnilingual lesbian aunt. The Mexican government would never just dissolve
away under some Pancho Yeltins since they're way more powerful than the Soviet
Union, duh, scratch that and pass the Margaritas, who ever heard of a Mexican
Tiger Tank? The whole idea might end Sacred Yankee Capitalism and replace it
with a horrible Socialist state, er, like President Barack Obama has already
given us with mucho help from Congress, scratch that too, we can elect a
Republican like Sarah Palin or Newt Gingrich next time if we want.

And you Jews who run Jew York and Hollyweird should get on board too, the
Spanish Inquisition is way too far back, and the pope already apologized in
2000, at least they started the millennium out right, now it's your turn to
open up to the Megamerge View.

Ah, but I figured out the real objection, it's a step toward the apocalyptic
One World Government run by Great Santana, with Journey music banned as too
unsatanic, er, such a government would try to destroy U.S. sovereignty, and
you're talking about extending it along with the rule of U.S. law, must be a
trick, gimme some time and I'll come up with a good reason that your idea is
nuts, TLW, and see ya in Gringo Hell. Mellow out, brother, there's plenty of
room in Heaven and it's here on Earth after you use your brain and get over
your hangups like I did. It's a great thing for the U.S., I ain't no
politician, no political party is putting me up to it, I'm just a lone wolf
prophet who wants credit and will accept any prize carrying a cash award, pick
up the phone and call the Swedish Academy and forget what I said about Swedish
accents, like Thomas Jefferson and John Adams I'm a genius, and now that you
put your foot in your mouth too fast I don't need to share it with you, for the
whitest whites and most vivid colors use detergent plus Megamerge Dissolution
Solution Bleach.

But enough joking. I'm serious. More than serious. I'm weeping already, Cry
for Me Argentina. It's the only serious way to go, indeed the only lasting
solution, one that can last forever. Not just something that would be nice,
but the inevitable solution that should be taken on and aced by the best minds
to insure our future. If it can be done it should be done. It would be evil
not to. Shut up, you might start something? I can't, my little voice won't
let me, people are dying. Will you bear with me long enough to study my crap
and at least reserve judgment until you've finished it, then check back with me
and see if you don't agree that I've got it, everything is simple, everything
is authentic, like Herdez Salsa, like a miracle happened, David TLWerfield, the
most awarded mental musician in history, sign me up for an Emmy award as the
mental magician of the Millennium, awesome, love the show, wanna see it again
and again and again. Become a Dissolver, join the Dissolution Solution Team,
and prepare for the coming Megamerge. Spaz headed to the Tumble Tubes, a new
obstacle, release the sandbags, why do they call him Spaz?

But everybody is talking about the great problem the U.S.-Mexico border is?
Humor me, and let's say that the border is indeed the problemo not the
solution, ergo, dissolving the border is the solution, and will end the
problemo. Am I full of it and if not what are my facts? What are the
eagle-eye parameters of the landscape?
First, population. U.S.: 304 million, Mexico: 110 million, a megamerged U.S.:
414 million. Area: U.S.: 3.79 million square miles, Mexico: 762 thousand
square miles, a megamerged U.S: 4.55 million square miles. For comparison:
Russia: 142 million, 6.6 million square miles, Canada: 33.6 million, 3.85
million square miles, China: 1.32 billion, 3.7 million square miles.

Mexico could come into the U.S. as the 51st state, true, but that would make it
the biggest state, and we already have enough 10-gallon hat Texans and
wolf-plunking hockey mom Alaskan governors. I'm thinking that this is a new
beginning, so the new megamerged U.S. could have anywhere from 60 to 75 states.
Why 75? Mexico has 31 states now, it is true, but I'm thinking about the new
megamerged U.S. Congress, and how it would be nicer if the "Extreme South" reps
constituted no more than one-third, 25 of 75, giving them a nice swing vote but
not enough to call all the shots, phased in to give us time to educate them out
of their previous errors so they don't drag us down to their level. One state
only could be dangerous in encouraging a future secession, which would become
harder the more states it's split into. Splitting it into 10 states is fair
since Mexico's only 20% of the size of the upper 50 in area. Maybe it should
be split into 15 states, since that would give them about 25% of the total,
equal to the current population ratio. Either way, small political details,
easily handled during the negotiations, trust me, both sides have room for
maneuver, it will be fun, yee-haw.

Please don't try to frame me. I'm not proposing a lame evil sinister North
American Union a la Robert Alan Pastor, with fuzzy or open borders and three
not-so-sovereign nations trying to work together via some kind of parliament,
and Mexico having an equal vote, using it to drag us down to their level, you
love me, you really love me not, do you wish you had sonic hearing sometimes,
well now you can. I don't want any kind of government running the U.S. other
than the one we have had, because it's the best, and deserves to be #1 forever.
Sorry, it's got problems but it's the worst except for all of the rest, and if
a U.N.-style One World Government is inevitable, then the U.S. needs to
preserve its options as to the size of its chair on the Big Table, and there's
nothing that says it can't grow to include new states, Megamerge brings peace
to my digestive system, and me. With the Megamerge Dissolution Solution,
Mexico won't be dragging us down to their level, we'll be pulling them up to
ours, after we both extend our hands first. Separately the U.S. and Mexico and
their pesky border have no future, but together they have a great future, as
one, uno.

Next, mechanics. The Mexican government doesn't work, and never has. Why?
It's like all former Spanish colonies, the 10% at the top have way too much
power over the other 90%, there is enormous inequality of land ownership and
wealth. Not that the U.S. is perfect, but it is way better, internally that
is, I'm not talking about its sad record in Latin America so far. But going
Commie like Cuba et al. ain't an option, sorry Fidel and Hugo, so, from a
neutral point of view, if both countries had it as good as the U.S. does now,
it would be better for the world, whether or not they united as one country
before, during or after they get their new combo Web site from

So, by mechanics I mean how how how? No, it's not a good idea for the U.S. to
just go down and conquer Mexico, then force them to join, that's a loser's
solution, ask the Soviet Union, they killed my grandmother and I'm going to
fight for it against Osama? Never mind the U.S. Civil War, they already joined
voluntarily and tried to renege. And the Mexicans who sneak around mumbling
about a Reconquista, meaning taking lands back that were stolen by the gringos
in the U.S.-Mexican War of 1846-8 by sheer squatting have another loser's
solution, who wants the cruddy Mexican government to take over California and
run it into the ground too, as do budding Castros and Ches who dream of some
kind of peoples republic being set up by a guerrilla army puffing Cuban cigars,
I already saw Red Dawn starring Patrick Swayze ten times and am proficient in
five types of guerrilla weapons including water pistols.

Rather, we must respect law and order, and keep it peaceful, nobody gets hurt,
no more grudges made, by creating political movements on both sides that want
to work for the same goal, with the new U.S. states petitioning Congress for
statehood and providing constitutions for approval, then electing governors and
congresspeople, I guess they'll have to expand the seating space. This time
the U.S. really is the Master Race, no, not White is Right, but Rainbow
Edition, since its form of government has been field-tested and tuned-up for
over 200 years to get rid of racial and other injustices, is user-supported and
comes with a money-back guarantee, and yes, the petitions will be accepted if
made in good faith, particularly if enough gringos move into the new states
first to help set them up with their Yankee genius, give them that much, you
know who you should talk to, that guy from Phoenix. It can't happen overnight,
but a 5-year period sounds like a winner, no more than 10 or 15 years max, 20
at the outside even if everything goes wrong that can go wrong, humor me, I'm
hoping for a miracle in people's hearts and minds, willkommen on board, welcome
to Megamerge Airlines.

Yes, the transition period might cause some injustices to some little guys here
and there, but think of the end result, a global island that is vastly more
defensible in the event of a world war, Mexico, the soft underbelly of the
U.S., let's hope not, we've been lucky so far, and a vibrant economy that might
be double the combined economies of the separate countries one day, after all
that U.S. capital pours down there along with the gringos, and creates new
cities out of the desert, new Denvers, Dallases, San Diegos and Los Angeleses,
pardon my French. More important, We the People still rule, and work via
constitutional processes to govern ourselves better and better, God Bless
America, including our new immigration policy vis a vis Bangladesh and the rest
of the world.

Is the light going on yet? But you superior gringos are probably groaning,
thinking that the flood would break, and your daughters would start dating
Hispanics and converting to Catholicism and making that ahaha cry and dancing
the Mexican hat dance. Think harder, they already do, who doesn't like to say
salsa? And you superior Mexicans are probably groaning too, thinking that the
flood would break, and your daughters would start dating gringos and converting
to pagans and watching The L Word. Think hard, they already do, who doesn't
have the Internet or cable TV?

The Extreme South would be like the Great American West used to be, sorry, I'm
a historyscoper and love to make historical arguments, a new land of
opportunity for white and all the other rainbow of Americans to find a new
beginning, and instead of a flood going north, which we already have now, there
would more likely be a flood of migration to the south, especially the yummy
5,800-mile coastline, no passports anymore, it's all one country, we're all
fellow citizens, just think think thank and grow rich. Sure, at the outset the
U.S. military and coast guard will have to move in and set up bases and forts
to end the lawlessness, parts of Mexico are still as wild as the Old West, but
after gringo children are born and grow up there, as genuine Americans, and
think of it as their home, the old border that was holding their parents back
will seem like a dead dinosaur of the antiquated dumbass past, I miss you mom,
hello? And no, not all gringos like each other, anymore than all Mexicans like
each other, that's why we have 50 states and they have 31, you already picked
the one of your choice, including the umpteen million who voted with their feet
to crash the U.S.-Mexico border, so after the megamerge there will still be
plenty of pockets in all the states for incorrigible village racists of all
stripes, right ese, who are the Wachowski brothers? But we will all be under
the same federal laws and love our country and flag and want to participate in
its democracy and fight for it, try messing with us now Osama, Dear Leader Kim
Il-sung, and Imadinnajacket, Americans have already figured out that their
village racism fades fast when they're sharing foxholes, who walks around and
says I'm a liberal I'm a liberal I had my first orgasm during the Democratic

Petition for statehood? But won't the current Mexican government object? Yah,
for about a minute. They'll most likely just want immunity for all their
crimes and a chance to be eligible for election to the new U.S. government
positions opening up. Mexicans aren't stupid, the elite included. Their
opportunities will open up too, their horizons will be endless. We'll go from
friends to fellow Romans and countrymen, so lend me your ears. We'll all be
happier, no shit, what was that old U.S.-Mexico border thang, I'm cramming for
my ancient history exam?

The megamerged Extreme South will see all the U.S. government machinery move
in, including the military, legal and health care system, Social Security, Post
Office, telephone, Internet and other communications, FDA, EPA, OSHA and civil
rights agencies, along with U.S. corporations and franchises, ship anywhere in
the U.S. for one price from Oaxaca to Alaska, and the good side of the Force
will overwhelm the dark side in the end, and not really take that long either,
it's the Internet age, things happen at electronic speed now, look at Susan
Boyle and pass the alphabet soup, Simple Simon.

But this would make the U.S. into an empire rather than a republic? Not any
more than when it grew from 13 to the current 50 states. If so, what was the
point at which it became an empire? Duh, it stayed a republic, because it
didn't conquer each new state by force, then send in an occupation army and
keep the old border guarded, so that it was all one-sided and they could kick
the occupied people down with eternal dual-level citizenship. Rather, each new
state became part of the "E Pluribus Unum" (From Many, One) nation, with free
migration sans internal borders, albeit for a long time each state government
set up its own B.S. to either encourage or discourage new migrants, which was
only officially ended in 1875 by the U.S. Supreme Court in Chy Lung v. Freeman,
although it took to well into the 20th century for the federal government to
grow so powerful that they can't get away with it anymore, like I said, the
U.S. has evolved and is ready for Mexico now, where should they build the new
Disney World? Don't tell me that some diehard Mexican nationalists will want
to fight to not be free U.S. citizens, and will hole-up in the mountains hoping
to reinstate a third world hellhole, their reservations at Disney World were a
bargain and there was such a long waiting line, and how will they be able to
keep their kids from applying to Princeton and Stanford and accept them peasant
costumes again? Supersize me, all you can eat all day, is that the biggest
size you got, it's pure gain for the Mexican people, other than a few fatcats
who had it too good, let them eat torta.

And forget about English being the only official language except for maybe the
proceedings of the U.S. Congress, if even that. The Spanish language is here
to stay, as is the English language. The real question is, can we all pioneer
a multicultural society without horrible race wars and all the other mistakes
made in the rest of the world? Nobody can force you to switch from English to
Spanish, we got computers that can translate for us already, and Spanish is
easy to learn, since it's absorbed a zillion American words anyway, and is
simpler and more logical, try it, they got gorgeous blonde babes in South
America for you white dudes to make passes at later if you can't make it with a
brown babe, and all young Spanish-speaking men and women have something to
teach gringos about being laid-back and happy without selling out to the rat
race, pass the Corona and lime, you have a date with a Disney dummy.
Obviously, even after the megamerge the English speakers will far outnumber the
Spanish speakers, and will have the lure of jobs and opportunity to attract
them into learning English, let economics not governments determine who speaks
what, guess who's got the upper mano, so don't get scared, get glad, our
children will all have better computers than we do. Chances are the children
of the Spanish-speaking megamerged citizens will include a much higher
percentage of English speakers, no different than with the old waves of
non-English-speaking immigrants from Europe, or did you think they had to pass
an English test to get out of Ellis Island? So why are you so hepped up on
Mexicans having to learn English before being granted citizenship? Does it
start with r and end with ism?

But you skimmed over the number of new states problem? Okay, I'll add this
observation. If the Extreme South gets too few U.S. Senators and
Representatives to swing any weight, the gringo majority might tend to ignore
them, thinking of the Extreme South as a ghetto for "them people", who are just
being thrown a bone to keep them happy, hurting southward migration and ruining
the whole scheme, so why do it? And if they ask for too many, the existing
Congress isn't likely to go for it, so why go to all the trouble? But if they
get just enough reps to swing some weight but not too much to upset the apple
cart, smart gringo-Americans (notice the new term) will flock south along with
their entire clans hoping to get themselves or their children elected to those
positions if they can, causing the plan to work out beautifully, while
Mexican-Americans will go to sleep with visions of a future Hispanic U.S.
president dancing in their heads, improve your home's energy efficiency, call,
click or visit Megamerged American Energy today.

But what if Mexico megamerges and no gringos move down there, and only Mexicans
move north, as before? Because U.S. statehood is worth far more than can be
put into words, Miracle-Merge Country Food, makes them grow twice as big,
instead of holding them back they'll jump ahead. I guess nobody wanted to move
to Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California either, and no gringos will want
to enjoy that 5,800-mile coastline. Remember when Texas split off from Mexico
and was megamerged into the U.S., how they originally promised to split it into
four states, and the U.S. never made them go through with it, resulting in the
giant ego trip called the Texan, all 269 thousand square miles for one lone
star? So start with 10 states, with an average of 76 thousand square miles
each, a little smaller than Utah (85K), and as they prove they deserve more
votes in Congress and have a high enough gringo population to be trusted, we'll
allow them to split into more if they want, Mexicans are used to probation,
sorry, just kidding, had to say that, just talking about misdemeanors. Since
the U.S. government is not the one that's dissolving, and doesn't have the word
gringo dumbass stamped on its forehead, it has a right to require that Mexico
attain a certain gringo population (of all colors) as a condition for statehood
and seats in the Congress, let's say 50%, one way is just 50 million Mexicans
going north and 50 million gringos going south, get a bean jar and figure it
out, this is a good time to invest in the moving van business. And this isn't
a racist comment, just the reverse. It's the U.S. that has learned how to
create a harmonious multiracial society, and Mexico had a single-party
political system until 2000, a trap that any country with too high a proportion
of one race finds hard to avoid, mea culpa, so its people will have to play
catch-up in politics as well as education when the gringos move in, no
problemo, it's not a housekeeping challenge that will bug them out, they're not
bugs or aliens, they're healthy, they're good, they're fellow Americans. Time
makes ties, it's hilarious.

Still think there's no reason for the U.S. to megamerge with Mexico, or that
gringos wouldn't want to relocate there even if it were part of the Bliss?
First, a little superfreak memory tour for history ignoramuses and geographic
dummies. Mexico started out as a colony of Spain in 1521, mainly so they could
force Indios into slave labor in silver mines then make a getaway with the loot
on their Treasure Ships on the Spanish Main, see any Errol Flynn movie. After
three hundred years of unspeakable horror it broke away in 1821, lamely trying
to follow the U.S. model while the real U.S. was snubbing them, only to see-saw
between the South American model of a ruling elite of Spanish fatcats allied
with the military and Church that kept the poor Indio masses down, and populist
regimes that started out promising permanent change then sold-out and joined
the fatcats after they rushed emissaries laden with gold to the military
commanders, oh boy, an all-new She's Got the Look. At least it hasn't gone
Commie, yet, groan, I'm mercy with a splash of adventure, determined to find an
answer to my acne, I'm supposed to be the hero not the jackass.

Too bad, the sawed-off Mexico should have never been its own country, because
it has three strikes against it geographically. It just plain doesn't have the
natural advantages of El Norte or South America, with only small chunks of land
on the east coast that are useful for more than subsistence agriculture,
separated by deserts and mountains, and it has no useful river transport
system, plus a lot of the land is desert or jungle.

El Norte, on the other hand, is blessed with the world's largest contiguous
mass of arable land in the Midwest, plus the greatest maritime transport system
in the world, with the Mississippi River plus great harbors in New York Bay,
Chesapeake Bay and San Francisco Bay covered in whipped cream, not to mention
the great Intercoastal Waterway on the east coast and going around to Texas.
The result is a giant crop-growing breadbasket no other country on Earth can
match, which always insures that the U.S. economy is more recession-proof than
anywhere else, as everything else builds on top of it, and actually has nothing
to do with whites being superior to anybody, other than superior at stealing
the land from the original Indians because they could pull the trigger faster
than the Indians could shoot an arrow. This applies also to America's main
rivals Russia and China, which are basically doomed to eternal near-starvation
because of the lack of our giant breadbasket from God, and our second poor
sister Canada, which is colder and has too many mountains, which should make
all Americans even after the megamerge want to cut them all some slack with
food shipments when they have bad harvests, we all have to share the world, and
peace beats war.

So historically, to cut Mexico off from El Norte and call it another country
was an eternal injustice, and was driven mainly by racism, not necessarily
against Hispanics (a lot of British monarchs liked to wed Spanish babes, and
what blonde leggy Betty Grable doesn't fall for a Latin lover?) but against the
Indios (aborigines, duh, the original owners of the land), compounded by the
Protestant-Catholic thing plus the language thing, even though I'm sorry to
tell you that English descends from the languages of the wild uncivilized hairy
Germans and Celts that destroyed ancient Rome, while Spanish descends from
Latin, and, er, forget it. Historically, the problem the English had with the
Spanish started with religion, and every English kid was reminded of the
horrible 1588 Spanish Armada that tried to land in England and burn every
Protestant alive until God sent some bad weather that proved He was on their
side, and sent Shakespeare for good measure to prove that the English language
was on their side too, and He even speaks English himself, in the King James
Bible, screw Cervantes and the Latin Vulgate, hurry and return the evil idol to
the burial ground of the ancient kings you pagan nitwits. Funny, but if
English King Henry VIII's Spanish wife Catherine of Aragon had been more fecund
in the early 1500s, or the weather had been good in the English Channel in
1588, all English monarchs might have been half-Spanish, England wouldn't have
broken with the Catholic Church and started a 500-year cultural war with Spain,
and North America might be filled with happy Spanish-speaking
Anglo-Spanish-Africans, with English going the way of Gaelic.

The gringo racism against all Mexicans stems from the grudge experiences of the
gringo Texans in the Remember the Alamo Days (1836), which started when they
wouldn't accede to Mexico's 1829 abolition of slavery, causing them to steal a
giant chunk of Mexico and set up their own country then join the slave-owning
U.S., followed by the easy V the still slave-owning U.S. had over Mexico in the
1846-8 U.S.-Mexico War, where they came to a group decision that all beaners
are inferior vermin until proved otherwise, but at least they allowed the
Spanish in California to grandfather in during the 1850 statehood, with help
from Zorro, which we might consider a model for us now, although back then the
politics were all about whether it would be a free or slave state, as blacks
were n-words back then to everybody.

Don't blame them gringos too much for their anti-Indio racism, look what they
were doing to the Indians on their turf, what few they didn't massacre or
otherwise waste they herded into the worst wastelands and left to starve and
beg, no, they just played the not in my backyard game and let them ahaha
Hispanics in Mexico have them, they can eat chicken feet, pig's ears and tripe
and other parts their Euro lords discard, it's palatable with enough chile, so
what if spicy food causes them all to die at 40, they are parents by age 14
anyway. And what is this brown skin thing with you so-called Spanish, weren't
the original Spanish white mixed with a dash of Moor, and the aborigines red?
I guess green as in Mexican wannabe gringo plus red equals brown, nyuk nyuk,
and the Catholic Church with its infallible pope long before decided that one
drop of white makes a mixed-race person white, while the pope-free Protestants
in El Norte had just the opposite view, that one drop of non-white spoils the
whole person and all their descendants, so the real border was in their minds
and hearts, let's hope them days is over. I bet you didn't know that the word
gringo comes from the days when the white rebel Texans used to sing English
King Henry VIII's hit song "Green Grow the Hollies" around their campfires, and
the Mexican scouts thought they were singing their national anthem, nyuk.

It was the Yankee gringos who have the original sin and basically sealed the
border back in 1848 after stealing the top (best) half of Mexico for themselves
via the grossly one-sided Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, that's 525,000 square
miles for the low low price of $15 million, about $300 million in today's
dollars, enough to buy a major league sports team and a box of trinkets shoved
up their you know whats, all at gunpoint. No, they didn't exactly steal it,
but paid them to leave the territory permanently as an inferior race not good
enough to live in the expanding whites-only homeland, like they had done to
other American Indian tribes under the 1830 Indian Removal Act, with the added
complication that now there were a number of white Spanish they wanted out for
historical reasons mentioned above, and the size of the land grab was colossal,
so the so-called nation of laws had to paper it over with enough B.S. to make
it look good. Of course, it was a dirty deal contract signed under duress, and
if there had been a World Court they could have had it invalidated, maybe U.S.
secretary of state Hillary Clinton should remember that when she recommends the
U.S. join it now. Not that Mexico didn't steal their territory from Spain, who
stole it from the aborigines, although Mexico is full of aborigines so who's
zooming who, but I'm trying to find a way to heal all wounds and grudges, so
why stay up nights trying to justify the actions of long-dead people when we
can just make a new beginning sans racism and white supremacy?

Oh yes, after forcing Mexico to its knees, the Yankee gringos toyed with the
All Mexico Movement, a plan to annex all of Mexico by force, probably without
paying a dime, along with expelling the Spanish, they had the power, but they
soon dumped it because of pure naked white supremacist racism, back in the days
when there were no PC police to worry about. In the words of South Carolina
Sen. John Caldwell Calhoun: "[W]e have never dreamt of incorporating into our
Union any but the Caucasian race — the free white race. To incorporate Mexico
would be the very first instance of the kind of incorporating an Indian race;
for more than half of the Mexicans are Indians, and the other is composed
chiefly of mixed tribes." In other words, too many of them Indios to
exterminate or herd into reservations like in El Norte, plus they weren't naked
pagans anymore but devout Catholics, hence they might end up marrying your
white son or daughter, so Manifest Destiny would have to have a sealed southern
border, pffft. Lucky they hadn't invented gasoline and diesel engines yet and
it was no fun crossing the huge deserts along a lot of the border on foot, and
at least only good swimmers could handle the Rio Grande, and when they arrived
they'd have er, wet backs to give them away, as if they could afford to go to
Berlitz and learn English to blend in, ha ha a double whammy on them bean
breaths. Having won that battle, Calhoun went on to preach white racial purity
and the enslavement of blacks until he got what he wanted, secession of the
Whiter Than Crisco Confederate States of America followed by what he didn't
want, the horrible U.S. Civil War, where whites slaughtered whites while the
blacks and browns watched and stepped up their family sizes, and Irish flooded
into New York so they could act as extras in a Martin Scorsese movie.

Too bad, when the North won the Civil War, and forced the South back into the
U.S. with black slaves set free as U.S. citizens, the gringo-run U.S.
government conveniently forgot to fix the 1848 Apartheid, preferring to invite
Euros like Ronald Reagan, Vito Corleone, Lewis B. Mayer and Ahnuld Strong AKA
Hercules of New York to immigrate over the Pond, the ability to speaka da
English being optional as long as they weren't brown, while treating beaners
like trash that weren't good enough to apply, except for temporary work
permits, I guess they hoped that they'd love eternal subsistence agriculture
and de facto apartheid from the galloping masses of new imports moving into El
Norte via New York, with the Hispanic elite left to lord it over them and live
like royalty, and never dreamed that they would or could breed past 10 million
or so, which they didn't until just before 1900, after which whose fault is it,
theirs or ours, ask all them megafood corporations based in New Jersey who
could relabel their products in Spanish, just seal and forget, leaks and all,
never mind the botulism. Yes, we had a safety valve called the brain drain,
send all your elite educated problem solvers to El Norte so the problems of
Mexico can fester worse than ever, what's up smart, just being smart with, pffft.

Ah yes, the territory the gringos took didn't have that many Mexicans on it at
the time, so that must make it all right, what am I doing, spitting on my
forefathers' graves? But if so, now that gringos gave up breeding like
rabbits, and the Mexican population is zooming, it should be all right for them
to take it back, here's a sports team, now vacate the premises or this means
war, we got a deal with half the world to help us? Come on, there's a way to
share and share alike sans hostilities or inviting outsiders to get involved.
If all of our forefathers could speak from the grave it would be to tell us
that war only makes the problems worse. What is the purpose of government?
Only to make war? Or to help us live in peace? Ask your forefathers.

It's so sad that even though white supremacy is kaput in the U.S., its legacy
is still with us, allowing a loud minority of hardcore white supremacists to
co-opt the debate by shouting the term "illegal aliens" to stifle reasoning
like mine. Talking about the term illegal aliens, it was the white-is-right
racist dinosaur version of the U.S. that invented the very idea with their
infamous 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. Funny, but it wasn't about blacks or even
browns. Nobody was thinking of importing yet more blacks from Africa to the
U.S. as laborers, and even the gringo-run U.S. government knew they couldn't
get away with it with their next-door neighbors down south because of the
1,969-mi. border, so they picked on the Chinese, since that was easy, they were
a whole different color, yellow, easy to spot, why does Yoko have slanted eyes,
from asking John "Suck what?", and were at their total mercy, with only a
trickle of ships coming in and nobody to watch their back, quick, pull them
pigtails. Who was the U.S. president back then, I bet you don't know. Chester
Alan Friggin Arthur, a Republican, like we give a bean fart now. (He was the
subject of the first birther conspiracy, long before Pres. Obama, hehe).
Later, after the advent of giant battleships and destroyers turned the Pacific
into a battefield, the U.S. broke its own white-yellow color line by annexing
Hawaii, by force, in order to maintain a strategic naval base there. I guess
them gringos who broke the color line were spitting on their forefathers'
graves too, when it served their purpose. For a few decades at least they must
have hoped that non-whites there wouldn't want to leave blue lagoon paradise to
migrate to California just to compete with beaners for jobs picking crops,
opportunity, at Amway opportunity is our business, for the Diamond Distributors
that is, see ya at the top suckah and brush them zoobies with our gleaming
white toothpaste.

It's the 21st century, guys and dolls, and TLW hopes you are past all that
racism by now in an era when they're moving in from all 57 million square miles
of the Earth's landmass, at a trickle compared to Mexico, sure, but everybody
is a click away now, in all their native languages, so get used to it. Did I
say that white supremacy is kaput yet, worldwide? Why try to chain the U.S.
and its future to that doomed ship? Borders are about militaries. As long as
their military can't defeat our military here in our homeland and conquer us,
we still have the right to decide who can legally immigrate, that is, if we
have the heart to use it, which in Mexico's case we haven't, even when white
supremacists ran everything, and never will, because we know down deep that we
have been failing to treat them like the family they are, and were just playing
a delaying game and receiving the overflow anyway, pass the clothespins.

So sawed-off Mexico as a separate country is eternally doomed and damned to

near-starvation and dependency on El Norte, and would be a third world country
probably even if it were pure gringos, and this is eternally unjust and unfair.
Mocking their backwardness and poverty is so dishonest, because if they still
had all that territory taken in 1848, including California and its gold and
ports and lush farmland, they might be richer than the gringos. As the World's
Numero Uno Hope and Moral Example (forget GW Bush, he was a fluke) we can't let
this injustice go on anymore, it's time to correct the 1848 mistake, ask not
what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country, America,
the time for change has come. If the U.S. would just get it over with and
invite Mexico to join it as the "51st state" (10+ states), all legal B.S.
pushed aside, and let the populations accept each others' existence and
redistribute naturally, with race, religion, language and culture left to take
care of themselves as too trivial to get worked up over anymore, our
forefathers would rest easier in their graves. Yes, millions of Mexicans will
move into El Norte, they already have, but millions of well-fed gringos would
indubitably (as in just try to stop them) prefer to live in the sunny climes of
Mexico and enjoy desert air and jungle adventures, as long as their food
supplies are secure, nobody's trying to take the gringos' farms away from them
in the Midwest and kill the golden goose are they? Hence in the long run it's
likely that the Extreme South will boom with new cities full of hi-tech people
combined with manufacturing plants using the initially cheaper labor supply,
with the U.S. education system bringing whole new generations of
Mexican-Americans to a competitive level in calculus like Edward James Olmos as
time flies, take the derivative of that equation, insuring the continuing #1
position of the U.S. for the next century or two, until Star Trek comes and we
can join the Space Federation. Imagine a new super-university in the Extreme
South that causes a brain drain and makes Harvard, Yale, Stanford and MIT look
sick, and how you made it possible for your grandchildren to attend at in-state
tuition rates.

I'm so stupid I'd starve in a grocery store? This is the stupidest idea you've
ever heard? Sorry, I'm smarter than you, and got this bad habit called
thinking, and I've done more of it than most, anybody actually. Maybe it's the
smartest idea you've ever heard, now why don't you think for a second? What is
man never able to make more of, no matter the economy? Answer: real estate.
Developing all that 762 thousand square miles of real estate, that the U.S. can
call its own, tell me you don't see the mutual advantage of a megamerge, what
is the recognized abbreviation for a type of degree awarded to graduate
students with pretty huge dumbass stamped on their foreheads. Even if I wasn't
the world's greatest genius, I wouldn't need a J.D. degree to see that all the
legal obstacles can be swept away by the U.S. Congress in one yard-thick
mega-act no thicker than Obama's health care plan, and a few hundred billion or
maybe a trillion borrowed from the Chinese or some other countries to float it,
since they'd know the U.S. GDP would grow and they'd be better able to pay back
all the prior trillions still on account, if you can't afford your medication,
AstraAzteca can help.
The Megamerge Dissolution Solution, by T.L. Winslow

But you're failing to recognize the threat of their invasion, and it's time to
get out the guns and save the country before we're overwhelmed by the invaders,
the only good alien is a dead alien, lock and load? Sorry, you've been
watching too many old movies on TV. The Mexicans are not the Huns. Speaking
of old movies, remember that cool 1956 sci-fi flick Forbidden Planet, starring
cerebral-looking Shakespearean actor Walter Pidgeon, hot blonde Anne Francis,
and young buck Leslie Nielsen? The space rangers had to set up a force field
wall to keep the horrible monster out of their camp, only to find out that Dr.
Morbius had been generating it all along from his own deep-seated hatreds about
some dirty inferior illegal alien space ranger getting his hands on his
virginal and eager lily-white daughter Altaira. Well, welcome to today. The
horrible monster from Mexico keeps attacking the force field, and no matter how
strong we make it they get stronger, coming through time and again. Why?
Because it's a mirror reflection of our own racism, that we started with the
1848 Apartheid, and stubbornly maintained for over 160 years, and now the
chickens are coming home to roost. We started it, and it's up to us to end it,
by first looking in the mirror and seeing the real monster, our racist deep
psyche, and overcoming it, starting by tearing down the force field and
reaching out and inviting the Mexican people to join the U.S. as equal
citizens, while controlling the action as to what's really worth keeping,
namely our wonderful U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and all, but dropping
the Anglophile B.S. and requirements to go gaga at Shakespeare and weak-kneed
at the sight of Queen Elizabeth II. A bilingual nation can work, why shouldn't
we try it? It's not like we have thousands of years of religious hate to
overcome, no, just silly outdated racism and a minor language difference, it's
not Chinese or a click language, no problemo, hasta la vista baby, even Ahnuld
could do it. On their side, do they really need them worthless pesos or their
dull Mexican national anthem? I think they can let them go for Yankee dollars
and the U.S. anthem Jose Can You See.

I bet if you're a diehard white supremacist you'll try calling me a traitor,

some already have. Funny, but treason is defined as aiding our enemies in war,
and one, Mexicans are our allies, and two, we're at peace. Let's say that the
U.S. and Mexico do megamerge, and now I'm a bicultural saint and icon. What
are you diehard you know whats going to do then, try to secede a part of the
northwest and set up your own whites-only English-only
no-illegal-aliens-allowed country? Then you'll be the traitors and illegal
aliens, won't ya? What are you going to do to survive, strike a deal with
Russia to put nukes on your territory aimed at Washington, D.C.? Are you going
to also make it for Christians only, and why stop there, why not only
Protestants, I'm sure Jews especially won't be welcome, and why stop there, no
Irish Micks, Eastern Europeans, Italian Wops, Polish Pollocks, Greeks,
Russians, Indians from India, Lebanese, let's set up a database like al-Qaida?
You're so sick it makes me puke, sorry, even though I'm white myself and my
mother was a Methodist and I can trace my line back to the Mayflower. Now
let's simmer down and get back to calm cool reason.

But why not just leave things the way they are? Why inherit Mexico's problems?
Because we already have, and it's too dirty to continue to do nothing. Face
it, there's so many millions of Mexicans living in the U.S. now that attempting
to sort them into legals and illegals is counterproductive, as is trying to
keep treating Mexico as a separate country. Do you just let a baby shit its
diaper and refuse to change it, thinking that if it shits a second or hundredth
time the overflow can just be handled naturally by rats, cockroaches and
pigeons? If you love your baby you change its diaper every time, and give it
plenty of baths, and feed, clothe and love it, and help it grow up straight.
Whatsa matter, you gringos don't love Mexicans? Sad to say, it's hard to
believe you do. Maybe it's buried deep in your psyches. Do I have to look up
all the dirt for you?

For many generations Mexicans have illegally crossed the border into the U.S.,
are you blind? And why shouldn't they? They're not dumb. Not only is it
close, with no natural geographic borders, like with Scotland and England, read
my lips, no natural geographic borders, Erin Go Bragh, but the difference in
the quality of life is like night and day for all but the elite, crossing from
a third world nation into Numero Uno, Top Model, a well-fed country with
literally millions of empty acres and giant cities eager for their labor. And
the U.S. government played a double game of officially looking the other way as
long as employers needed so-called migrant laborers, non-entities they could
use for sweat labor and pay peanuts to, with the understanding that they were
personae non grata and better return to their familias after the season ends
and not hang around to court their Altairas.

Too bad, the Americans' own propaganda constantly preached the American Dream,
which is not to be a loafer but to get a job, start a business, be somebody,
and have a family that does ditto. Too bad, that dream only apparently applied
to those mainly ethnic whiteys coming in via the Statue of Liberty on a creaky
boat the legal way so they could be deloused and put on the official register
first, with their names spelled the American way by the immigration official,
who can summarily stamp their papers with reject and have them shoved onto the
next boat back. Sorry, but the 1,969-mile U.S.-Mexico border isn't so nice and
neat, and those options aren't available. I prefer to believe the Statue of
Liberty applies to all the shores and even the desert borders, we're the Great
Beacon of Hope if you can get here, thus there is no illegal immigration when
it comes to our next-door neighbors, there's just a dire lack of Ellis Islands,
think of it as the right to sanctuary once you touch down inside Da Border, so
let's forget the formalities and let them come freely to papa, Uncle Sam, I'm
in the lap of luxury.

Talk about dream, they're not asking to move into Beverly Hills and shop on
Rodeo Drive like Julia Roberts. For many Mexicans, just getting a low wage job
in El Norte would boost their standard of living because of all the free
government services they can sign up for, feel good, pay less. So if you
weren't born rich in Mexico, you must have been born stupid not to try it,
beautiful feet, find a border a near you. And guess what? Us stupid gringos
got into a bad habit of actually hiring them for jobs other than seasonal field
work, documented or not. They make good housekeepers, nannies, gardeners,
drivers and warehouse workers, and proved irresistible even if it messed up our
chances for being nominated to high government posts later. And the U.S.
government eagerly accepted their income taxes, even issuing special tax ID
numbers in lieu of Social Security numbers. I guess we're the stupid ones,
cluck cluck? So what if the U.S. was evolving at the same time into a welfare
state, that's a thing we can fine tune at any time, but the 160-year-old 1848
Apartheid is getting to be a bigger monster at the force field every day, so
face up to it by looking, not at the monster at the border, but in your mirrors
while you're washing the nasty brown off your lily-white faces.

But it's only a recent problemo, and you're reaching to try to trace it back
160 years, even if you are a historyscoper and can trace your own line back to
the Mayflower? Yes, the really big immigrant influx began in the Reagan 1980s,
I guessed they watched Gunsmoke, Bonanza, and Little House on the Prairie, and
believed that if an actor could be president anything really is possible here
and that the bad racist gringos always lose in the end, and was not limited to
one specific region, but came from communities throughout Mexico, big cities
such as Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey, as well as the smaller towns
and pueblos, where agriculture and small business is the main employment, try
the fried iguana and the mescal with the worm in it. No, they weren't all
grape and lettuce picking material, lots of them could work at Taco Bells and
really make change, and construction, especially them hot summer roofing jobs,
seems like they're back home, just let them have their siestas and ice cream
trucks with one dollar fruit palettas, and don't get too worked up over the
graffiti, it's amazing art and you should be paying them for it, what's that
green thing sticking out, I think it's a ramp.

And what did the Republican gringo cowboy actor president Ronald Reagan do
about them, order them rounded up and shipped out by the millions like
Eisenhower did in the 1950s? Hell no, he knew they'd just sneak back, and
become dyed-in-the-wool Democrats, so he got them granted amnesty, hoping
they'd all become Republicans, especially since he could speak a little of la
idioma himself and thought everybody adored him for bringing down Soviet
Communism. Too bad, he didn't comprehend that he was fixing the symptoms not
the disease, so 20 years later guess what the George W. Bush administration and
now the Obama administration are talking about doing? Legalizing the millions
of so-called illegal immigrants among us, so they will all become Democrats.

I have to take exception to this whole debate going on now. What does
"illegal" mean anyway when we're talking about our next-door neighbors? I
won't admit it in court without my lawyer present, but I might jaywalk all the
time, in my own neighborhood, and that's illegal too. But it's a victimless
crime, as is so-called illegal immigration. No, it's a victim trying to stop
the crime, by jaywalking to a better country right next door with a
zillion-times better government, so give them a ticket, how much should it be,
ten bucks? If you're a stinking racist you'll use any verbal subterfuge to get
what you want, which is to declare people illegal, no, more than illegal,
criminals, by focusing on their presence rather than just their acts so you can
portray them as devils who committed an unforgivable crime by just coming here
then ultimately deport them at gunpoint even if they're angels, okay, play your
mind games, I might go for it if they're Muslim fundamentalists from Yemen but
you'll never get it past me when it comes to our next-door neighbors. Give all
them alien jaywalkers tickets so some rich man like Steven Spielberg or Bill
Gates can wipe his ass with it, and leave them alone. And why do some
Americans take it personally? Their so-called crime and its punishment are
between them and the government, which can and already has once granted mass
amnesty, and anytime they commit a real felony we got tons of police with all
the tools. Not that I'm here to plug the ACLU, so let's forget the above and
just note that anything the government makes illegal it can make legal. It's
irrelevant to the big picture, namely, that our Mexican neighbors are
solutions, not problems, if we only get rid of the real problem, da *!?!*
border, and let all Mexicans come under U.S. law permanently, certified Grade A

But it's not the illegal thing, it's their undesirability? Oh sure, if you're
a Mexican with a Ph.D. or M.D., you get an automatic free pass, you're almost
as good as a gringo and you probably charge less, it's just the rest of them
uneducated ones that don't have the advantages of our great 9th rate school
system that are undesirable ail-ee-yuns. Okay, the average Mexican wage right
now is about $4.15 an hour, with those in the agricultural industry making even
less, forcing entire families to work to get by, so who has time to go to
school anyway, are you blaming them for wanting to eat? Currently about 40% of
the Mexican population are below the poverty line. Unemployment is officially
about 4%, but it is estimated (I have to say it, by the CIA) that nearly 25% of
the working are really underemployed. Let's not quibble about Mexicans not
being qualified to take the really good jobs from gringos, they don't have the
education, yet, and gringos do, there's no scenario where an Mexican farm
worker is gonna get away with setting up a cancer clinic just so he can afford
a Beemer. Which is just the point. What would gringos do without fresh new
meat to do the manual labor and grunt jobs? We need each other, whadya want to
do, import more Chinese? Er, scratch that, they work quite well in China now
and we owe them half our country, with the other half payable by our kids as

But why not just let illegal aliens send their kids to college or the military
first, plus pay a lot of money to earn their citizenship, along with a ton of
other bureaucratic requirements that hopefully create a gauntlet slowing their
citizenship down? Wouldn't that be great, paying a year's wages they haven't
got to ransom themselves, having to lie that they never committed a crime when
they're supposed to think that crossing the border was crime one, or having to
risk death in Afghanistan to prove they're as good as others who just happened
to be lucky enough to be born here from legal immigrants, whose ancestors might
have been Indian fighters like John Wayne? You know what you're really trying
to do, make these new second class citizens automatically think they're better
than their own relatives back in Mexico, and glad to man the border patrol and
shoot them if they flee La Migra. It's sick. Imagine when there is no
U.S.-Mexico border anymore, because there is no Mexican government, just the
U.S. government, and the interstate highways go north-south not just east-west,
from Alaska to Chiapas, and Baja California to New York. Where's the horrible
problem of the pesky alien invasion now? An alien invasion of non-soldiers who
want to do construction, gardening and other jobs, gimme a break, America is an
auto nation, we love our cars and trucks, it's time we change the way we buy
them. Take a good look in the mirror, it could keep you healthy.

But after they sneak into the U.S. they soak up welfare benefits, shiver me
timbers? Yet another point in favor of the Megamerge Dissolution Solution,
since once Mexico is part of the U.S., not only will the U.S. government get
all former Mexican government lands and resources, including Pemex, the Mexican
oil monopoly, but the Mexican people already pay taxes to the Mexican
government, so now they will be paying to the U.S. government instead, and now
everybody will be legal and documented, nobody will fall through the cracks
anymore, especially the Mexican fatcats, who currently can launder their money
in U.S. banks to avoid taxes, and the debate about welfare can go on in all
60-75 state legislatures plus the U.S. Congress, since welfare is paid by guess
what, taxes. There's nothing stopping Mexican-Americans from becoming
conservative Republicans who want to fight the welfare state, is there? Not to
mention that now at least a lot of illegal aliens steal Social Security numbers
of real U.S. citizens to get a job, and end up paying into their accounts
without getting anything for themselves. So it'll be fair to all, ai

But not so fast. Why don't we just tolerate the undocumented and keep two
separate countries, just increase trade? Didn't we already bend over backwards
to set up more trade with "them", double quotes puleese? The North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of 1994 has brought more U.S. companies into
Mexico, true, but not without grumbling by U.S. unions, and the jobs that have
been created are way too few, and wages are a ripoff based on the ability to
get away with it because there's no U.S. laws to worry about, causing the need
for illegal immigration to continue, and no doubt increasing resentment by
diehard Mexican nationalists that the Yankees only want to exploit them, smell
like a father figure to you?

The giant question is waste. Why leave the giant terrority down there
undeveloped, and think of the border as a unidirectional sieve, with all debate
slanted to loosening or tightening it? Make the border go poof and guess what,
nothing bad will happen! Let the underemployed in the U.S. flock in and turn
it into their new gig. Think of all the recent college grads in the U.S.
having to settle for high school level jobs, I bet I could think of a job for
them in the new Extreme South. Imagine all them eager young minds turning it
into a Gen X-Y-Zed wonderland, maybe a new Silicon Valley somewhere there's
great surfing. As for the blue collar workers, maybe the Extreme South can
ramp up manufacturing and steal some of the action from China, for instance in
automobile manufacturing, imagine a new Detroit Dos down there manned by
genuine U.S. citizens that captures the South American, Asian, African and
maybe European markets, and drives our balance of trade into the black, there'
s plenty of space for parking and condos with jungle views are available on
easy terms. And what gringo still wants to live in freezing polluted Detroit
or Buffalo anyway since Lucy and Desi left New York for Hollyweird? Yes, there
is Sunny California, if you like living on the San Andreas Fault and are as
macho as Ahnuld, I'm the ham you're the cheese. Let's integrate the whole
should-I-say-enchilada into our system and expand the good life down to the tip
of Central America, then go ahead and megamerge them later, and even entertain
South America one day if they want to join up in a real United States of
America, plus Canada anytime they ask, not to mention some Caribbean islands.
A self-sufficient country full of happy prosperous people is one thing, an
ailing failed backward country whose people are ready to go through Hell to
come here is another, and if they're already next-door neighbors, our answer to
megamerge should be si si yes yes yes. Live it big, shoot it out, keep it
real, and set up more Internet coverage so everybody can get all the education
they want even out in the fields, and give them poor people our used iPods if
they can't afford the latest, electronics makes for cheaper home schooling, one
day some of the smartest people you know might be Mexican-American. Too bad,
the U.S. that needs the Mexican workers is now going the wrong way, making it
increasingly difficult to sneak into with hi-tech, walls, and guards, all of
which cost big bucks, and for what purpose? Because we don't need Mexican
workers? Or because they need to apply for guest worker permits first, and ask
real nicely? What's next, putting yellow Stars of Jose Can You See on them all
and forcing them to wear stripey suits and run around the yard regularly to see
if they are fit and don't have to be sent to the Death Camps? Gag me with a
spoon, but the whole idea of "guest workers" stinks. They're okay to stay
permanently, really, Hitler's dead, Americans like us went out and died to stop
him and his Master Race 65 years ago so we could return and act like white
supremacist dumbasses until our kids bitch-slapped us out of it.

Making them have to fit into a degrading guest worker system sucks, and I don't
blame Mexicans for sneaking over the border, who really does? Speaking of
wolves, coyotes and other wildlife at the border that feed on human carrion,
too bad, they used to be able to brave it by foot, but now that the U.S. has
gone xeno and set up a wall and hi-tech equipment with ever-more border guards,
it's getting more impossible not to have to pay for the assistance of a
"coyote" or smuggler, not a saint like in the days of the Underground Railroad,
but a lowlife vermin with insider knowledge about crossing the border who
probably gives payola to the right guards to look the other way. Of course,
the price of the coyote is despicably high, and they mistreat their customers
like mangy cattle, but their price has to include the price to beat the law
enforcement, plus insurance against getting caught and having to do time.
Lucky for them all, Americans are still for sale, keep dreaming that American
Dream, grunt. But how stupid to let these parasite middlemen into the
equation. If they keep it up they will become rich and buy all the law
enforcement and move into your exclusive gringo neighborhoods and buy the
politicians anyway, won't they? To avoid a potentially serious complication,
tell your border doctor if your border immune system is unusual.

And why does anybody have to die? After the desirable crossing areas in
California were concentrated on by border agents, the coyotes have switched to
desert areas, in Arizona particularly, no, not Winslow, Arizona, that's up
north. Too bad, this leads to horror stories of death through dehydration and
sun exposure, see the movie "Babel" and check back with me. What a mean way to
die the gringos have been imposing on Mexicans, what if they suddenly turn on
us and become bitter enemies who set up ammo dumps in the desert and sneak in
at night and blow us up and don't want to play ball and negotiate for
citizenship anymore?

Once a Mexican immigrant successfully crosses the border into the United
States, he generally has two main goals, one, to overthrow the U.S. government
by force, just kidding, one, to send part of their earnings back home to their
family, and two, to bring more family members to be with them in the U.S. A
distant third is to gain permanent legal residency (a green card), and possibly
even U.S. citizenship status, although there are many who just want to save
enough money to buy a house or set up their own business after returning to
Mexico, a process which is far easier, grin. Really, most people want to live
where they were born, and that's just why it's stupid to have a border patrol
in the long run, because it has to look the other way when they return. Now
imagine if millions of gringos were born in the Extreme South, and you tried to
fence them out of Arizona, pass the Arizona Tea.

And despite tens of millions of Mexicans living in the U.S. anywhere they want
pretty much now, did that cause real U.S. law to disappear? It's still a
felony to attempt to steal a gringo's land and home and move in without paying,
or to murder to get what one wants, and last time I checked there's more cops
on duty than ever. Despite a hard core of bad guys, which the law will handle,
in time, especially after their border escape route evaporates, most Mexicans
are good decent law-abiding people, who pretty much pay their way, and would
like their children to grow up to be ditto, hopefully in a world free of
racism, so there, nyaaa.

What's wrong with the current country of Mexico anyway? Let's check a few

Mexico has a free market economy that recently passed the one trillion dollar
mark, while the U.S. economy has a whole 'nother decimal place on it. It
contains a mixture of modern and outmoded industry and agriculture,
increasingly dominated by the private sector as past attempts at socialism are
being abandoned. Recently the government has expanded competition in seaports,
railroads, telecommunications, electricity generation, natural gas
distribution, and airports, but face it, per capita income is 25% that in the
U.S., meaning it takes them a year to make what we make in 3 months, so what if
we have to work 4-5 months to pay our taxes, and income distribution is way
more unequal, with the age-old Spanish vs. Indian thingie still a big problemo,
ask Subcomandante Marcos. Trade with the U.S. and Canada has tripled since the
implementation of NAFTA in 1994, and Mexico has 12 free trade agreements with
over 40 countries, including Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, the European
Free Trade Area, and Japan, putting more than 90% of trade under free trade
agreements. In 2007, during his first year in office, Mexican president Felipe
Calderon was able to pass a pension along with fiscal reform, but he continues
to face mucho economic challenges including the need to upgrade infrastructure,
modernize labor laws, and allow private investment in the energy sector, and he
has stated that his top economic priorities remain reduction of poverty and job
creation, yah, getting more Mexicans into the U.S. who send money back, and
more U.S. companies into Mexico paying wages higher than the drug lords do,
which is imposible, verdad?

Big surprise, since 2009 the U.S. press has been talking about Mexico being a
failed state as the drug lords corrupt every Mexican official below Calderon,
and the 2009 Mexican Flu Outbreak shows the problem of lack of U.S. health
standards and how it not only walks right into the U.S. and kills babies in
Houston, but threatens the health of the world. Gimme a break, Calderon's top
priority should be getting the Megamerge Dissolution Solution into place and
making room for the Porta Potties and earth movers as giant U.S. capital along
with muchos gringos flow in to build new cities out of dirt that will be
teeming with jobs and cool night life, while the new U.S. state governments
raise all the standards, and the megamerged U.S. military finishes off them
pesky Mexican drug lords like Heisenberg and Tortuga, watch that IED-carrying

Tell me how he died, no tell me how he lived, and so the days of the Gringo
Samurai ended? A sudden megamerge would swamp the U.S. in 100 million
dirt-poor peasants, dragging it down? How would that work, they'd all just
abandon their ancestral villages, lands and cemetery plots and jump on the back
of the trains and push each other off after they get to El Norte without
anywhere to live, hoping to line up at a soup kitchen, when they know the
border is gone and tons of gringos are coming down to move in, hiking up land
prices? Remember the Beverly Hillbillies? What was keeping all them other
Appalachian hillbillies from getting in their jalopies and heading for Beverly
Hills with them, I didn't see any border patrol? Duh, no rich gringos had come
in and paid for their dirt-poor land with big bucks yet. And did they call Jed
Clampett an illegal alien at the bank, or yes sir? I'm not kidding around, I
mean business, poor people don't pull up roots and migrate unless they're
totally starving and have no choice, and must brave death, plus have an
expectation of being able to find a way to support themselves where they're
going. Duh, that's why so many Mexicans have come to the U.S. already, and
just why the Megamerge Dissolution Solution is the answer, it's serious and
I've thought it out, I'm kinda smart, it's not just a reaction to some
tear-jerker movie I saw, not that I didn't jerk my own share of tears. The
U.S. is always going to automatically help out starving people inside our
borders, regardless of how they got here, that's a given, read the Bible and
its advice to be kind to sojourners, our nation has a big heart and will not
tolerate bony corpses lying in the street, the Nazis never win here, don't let
Monster find the job for you.

The true problem in Mexico is poverty, therefore, that's where any solution
must start, at the source. And the solution is so obvious, like the nose on
your face. D-E-V-E-L-O-P M-E-X-I-C-O! How, we already tried NAFTA and it
didn't work, we can't give our country away? I've been telling you how. Make
Mexico part of the U.S., and make migration a free 2-way affair, we're both
giving our countries away at the same time, in order to receive them back again
cured of their ills. The Appalachians don't have the size and suitability for
new major cities that Mexico has, Mexico has, Mexico has. Read that again and
again and again, am I so smart and everybody else so dumb, or didn't I push
enough of your hot buttons yet, my heart is saying go with D, a carton of eggs.

But they're breaking the law? If the law don't work then change the law.
Better, use the law, the one already used by all 50 existing states when they
joined, if kinky Hawaii can do it what's Mexico's excuse? Each hopeful new
state would have to petition for statehood and provide a constitution, and
Congress would have to approve it, which would take years, writing and
rewriting, there's a lot of political and legal work to do, during which time
mutual interchange of advisers and population, plus likely infusion of U.S.
capital would prepare for it, no surprises. The best case is for all 31 former
Mexican states to be incorporated at the same time, dissolving the border
overnight like a magic wand, book my reservations for the celebration. There
will be no Oklahama Land Rush to the north, because Uncle Sam won't likely be
giving everybody 100 acres and a mule, but more likely one to the south, as
more developed gringo-Americans head down to the new certified U.S. land of
opportunity with U.S. dollars in their pockets, buying their way in and
building new cities out of the sand that will have plenty of jobs for the less
developed Mexican-Americans, which they will eagerly line up for, even moving
back down south to get in line.

And don't forget about all those Mexican natural resources that they would
bring into the equation, such as their giant sea catch, huge areas suitable for
grazing livestock or harvesting wind power, and the Chiapas-Tabasco Oil Field,
largest in the Western Hemisphere (66 billion proven barrels, and up to 120
billion barrels waiting to prove), you're invited to an exclusive VIP reception
with host Pancho Villa. Or would you rather keep letting greedy Mexican
fatcats like Carlos Slim Helu (1940-) sap the nation's wealth and get richer
than Bill Gates (who is at least planning on giving most of it to charity)
while the rest of the Mexicans grovel in poverty and are zapped at the
Brownsville Wall by robot Terminators, like racist organizations posing as
patriotic American freedom fighters would like? Listen to moi, killing
innocent people sucks eggplant, and has always backfired bigtime throughout
history, why do you always cheer for the freedom fighters in every movie.
Invest in people, it's the best payback in every way.

I know, you're going to tell me that the Berlin Wall was set up by evil Commies
to keep their people from fleeing to freedom, while our Brownsville Wall is
being set up to, er, you're sick, wake up, you're just letting racism get the
better of ya. It wasn't some Commie but President Nixon who once (1970) said
"We share a 2,000-mile common border, one of the longest in the world. That
border we can say today is not a wall that divides us, but a bridge of
friendship which unites us." Er, forget that, his Republican Party of Lincoln
parted ranks with him and turned into the equivalent of white flight to the
suburbs in the Reagan-Bush era, and now has to reach way back to its roots to
remember what it was originally about, doesn't it, wink?

Did I mention Abraham Lincoln? He actually got his start in politics in

Illinois in December, 1847 as a U.S. Congressman spending his term trying to
stop the U.S.-Mexico War, claiming that the U.S. was the aggressor for invading
Mexico, and introducing Spot Resolutions calling on Pres. Polk to name the spot
where American blood had been shed on U.S. soil first, causing him to be called
a traitor by the white supremacist slave-owners who dominated Congress back
then. After failing to stop their giant screwing of their southern neighbors,
you know how he got even after he became president in 1861. And so did Mexico,
on May 5 (Cinco de Mayo), 1862, when Indio leader Benito Juarez and a ragtag
army of farmers with machetes and antiquated rifles defeated a larger French
army working for French-backed Austrian cactus emperor Maximilian I at the
Battle of Puebla, cutting off the Confederate rebels' southern supply lines and
insuring their defeat, so yes, I'd be glad to spit on the graves of them
Confederate ninnies who actually killed other whites so they could keep
enslaving helpless blacks, and whose own stubborn white supremacy caused them
to lose every friend until they were crushed like cockroaches, and now I hope
history has taught Yankee gringos that white supremacy is mental toilet paper,
and we can get to the spotless summit by taking U.S.-Mexico Megamerge rather
than U.S.-Mexico War Dos, gracias, yo hablo Espanol.

But why not just loan them umpteen more billion dollars and let them develop
their own country? Why let gringos move down there and forever change the
ethnic, racial and cultural makeup? Duh, because the Mexicans did it first by
coming to the U.S., and all their great arguments that we have no right to stop
them can be reversed, can't they, what are they gonna do, turn around and say
they don't hold agua? It don't take much to turn a Mexican into an American,
ask all them millions who received amnesty in 1986, and are clamoring for it
now. Hundreds of years of failure to launch should tell them something, they
need us, just like we need them, the world is shrinking fast and we gotta
regroup if we're gonna survive, and giving their existing did I say cruddy
corrupt government big bucks will just make the rich richer as graft and
corruption siphons it off before the little guy sees it. To make sure it's
spent right, and that the concept of private property isn't thrown away at the
same time, we need to move in and watch over it on the spot, not via giant
throwaway foreign aid, but by Americans moving in with their own capital, with
an extended U.S. government that protects everybody's rights, complete with its
massive checks and balances where even getting a free golf trip or a vacation
home causes national publicity and Congressional action, nobody gets away with
squirreling billions unless they're Bernie Madoff, and he got caught too, would
you want to be in his Guccis now, how many Mexican Madoffs are still making off
with it? I'm talking about a permanent solution, not a quick fix that doesn't
fix anything. It's the only way, there is no other. You loosen the
tourniquet, let a little blood flow, then tighten it again, come on, eat your
vegetables, did I mention shaken baby syndrome yet? We all got to get used to
mixing and merging now or later, why not do it now, are you waiting for
doomsday first?

So the Megamerge Dissolution Solution is hardly a doomsday scenario, give me

that much. It's a win-win situation, a permanent, satisfying solution to an
age-old problem that will otherwise never go away, the one that will end the
sad cycle of barrier-building followed by amnesties that is what is really
bleeding the U.S. dry, learn more about plaque buildup at artery tour dot com,
then ask your doctor if it's time for Megamerge. And it will make us not only
friends but fellow citizens, working on the same team vis a vis the rest of the
world, which, as you might have noticed, is shrinking, with our top position
being threatened yearly, you can set your home DVR to record the day's games
right here, logic says you can't pound a nail where you can't swing a hammer,
so much for logic? Destiny is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice,
it's not a thing to be waited for, it's a thing to be achieved, who's that
creepy guy behind me with the low credit score? I wonder what old George
Washington would say if he knew that one of his megadollars could buy a double
megastack, Megamerge Freakonomics, it's way better than fast food? Mr.
President, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed, but I do say no more
than 10 to 20 million killed, tops!

Did I say we will be stronger together than we were separately yet? Get ready
to hold your breath. Let's add the two countries together and see how the
horribly wonderful avalanche of two-way don't say immigration but free free
free migration might affect either or both. I take the following data from the
CIA World Factbook.

Current Mexico vs. U.S. Economic Data (K=thousand, M=million, B=billion,


| Quantity | Mexico | U.S. | Combined |
| Pop. | 110M | 304M | 414M |
| GDP | $1.35T | $14.3T | 15.65T |
| GDP - per capita | $12.5K | $48K | $39K |
| (PPP) | | | |
| GDP - real growth | 3% | 1.3% | 1.75% |
| rate | | | |
| GDP - composition | 3.9%/26.3%/69.9% | 1.2%/19.6%/79.2% | 1.92%/21%/76% |
| by sector | | | |
| (Agr/Ind/Service) | | | |
| Labor force | 45.38M | 155.20M | 200.58M |
| Labor force - by | 18%/24%/58% | 0.6%/22.6%/76.8% | 5.6%/23%/71.8% |
| occupation | | | |
| (Agr/Ind/Service) | | | |
| Unemployment rate | 3.7% (+25%) | 7.2% (+15.6%) | 4.3% (+18%) |
| (+underemployment) | | | |
| Population below | 17.6% | 12.6% | 13.9% |
| poverty line | | | |
| Household income | lowest 10%: 1.6% | lowest 10%: 2% | lowest 10%: |
| or consumption by | highest 10%: | highest 10%: 30% | 1.9% highest |
| share | 39.4% | | 10%: 32% |
| Distribution of | 46.1 (a coverup | 45 (another | 45.3 |
| Family Income - | - should be | coverup, should | |
| Gini index | 86.1?) | be 56.1?) | |
| Inflation rate | 4% | 4% | 4% |
| (consumer prices) | | | |
| Investment (gross | 21.5% of GDP | 15.5% of GDP | 17.1% of GDP |
| fixed) | | | |
| Budget | revenues: | revenues: $2.7T | revenues: |
| | $209.2B | expenditures: | $2.9T |
| | expenditures: | $3.1T | expenditures: |
| | $209.2B | | $3.3T |
| Public debt | 23.1% of GDP | 60.8% of GDP | 50.7% of GDP |
| Industrial | 1.2% | 0.2% | 0.47% |
| production growth | | | |
| rate | | | |
| Electricity - | 222.4B kWh | 4.167T kWh | 4.389T kWh |
| production | | | |
| Electricity - | 183.3B kWh | 3.892T kwH | 4.07T kwH |
| consumption | | | |
| Electricity - | 1.597B kWh | 20.14B kWh | 21.73B kWh |
| exports | | | |
| Electricity - | 470.7M kWh | 51.4B kWh | 522.1B kWh |
| imports | | | |
| Oil - production | 3.784M bbl/day | 8.457M bbl/day | 12.241M |
| | | | bbl/day |
| Oil - consumption | 2.078M bbl/day | 20.68M bbl/day | 22.76M bbl/day |
| Oil - exports | 2.268M bbl/day | 1.165M bbl/day | 3.433M bbl/day |
| Oil - imports | 308,500 bbl/day | 13.71M bbl/day | 14.02M bbl/day |
| Oil - proved | 12.88B bbl | 20.97B bbl | 33.85B bbl |
| reserves | | | |
| Natural gas - | 41.37B cu m | 545.9B cu m | 587.27B cu m |
| production | | | |
| Natural gas - | 47.5B cu m | 652.9B cu m | 700.4B cu m |
| consumption | | | |
| Natural gas - | 282.9M cu m | 23.28B cu m | 23.56B cu m |
| exports | | | |
| Natural gas - | 9.717B cu m | 130.3B cu m | 140.0B cu m |
| imports | | | |
| Natural gas - | 434.1B cu m | 5.977T cu m | 6.411 cu m |
| proved reserves | | | |
| Current account | -$5.414B | -$568.8B | -$574.2B |
| balance | | | |
| Exports | $267.5B f.o.b. | 1.377T f.o.b. | 1.645T f.o.b. |
| Exports - partners | US 84.7%, Canada | Canada 21.4%, | - |
| | 2.1%, Spain 1.3% | Mexico 11.7%, | |
| | | China 5.5%, | |
| | | Japan 5.4%, UK | |
| | | 4.3%, Germany | |
| | | 4.3% | |
| Imports | $279.3B f.o.b. | $2.19T f.o.b. | $2.47T f.o.b. |
| Imports - partners | US 50.9%, China | China 16.9%, | - |
| | 9.5%, Japan 6%, | Canada 15.7%, | |
| | South Korea 4.2% | Mexico 10.6%, | |
| | | Japan 7.4%, | |
| | | Germany 4.8% | |
| Economic aid - | $189.4M | 0 | - |
| recipient | | | |
| Reserves of | $85.11B | $70.57B | $155.68B |
| foreign exchange | | | |
| and gold | | | |
| Debt - external | $182B | $12.25T | $12.43T |
| Stock of direct | $236.2B | $2.22T | $2.46T |
| foreign investment | | | |
| - at home | | | |
| Stock of direct | $30.75B | $2.751T | $3.059T |
| foreign investment | | | |
| - abroad | | | |
| Market value of | $348.3B | $17T | $17.35T |
| publicly traded | | | |
| shares | | | |

Treating the two countries as one is fantastically easy, a blip on the U.S.
side, a giant improvement on the Mexican side, right out of the starting
blocks. Okay, I might have failed to collapse some intertwined figures, but
one thing's obvious. Since 85% of Mexico's exports go to the U.S., yet account
for less than 12% of U.S. imports, erasing those lines in the table doesn't
change diddly, and the rest of the lines don't bother me, how about you? Let's
not mention the $25B-$100B a year of drugs shipped to the U.S. by Mexico, since
that's one of the first things that the megamerged U.S. will clamp down on,
maybe they will finally wake up and decriminalize and tax them and kill two
pajaros (birds) with one tiro (stone).

But the above table is only the initial condition of the megamerge. Now, think
of how the underdeveloped former failed state of Mexico might start taking off
after massive migration from the U.S. into its new U.S. states, and let's try
to imagine its GDP per capita quadrupling to equal the U.S. in 20-40 years,
rising to $5.3T, giving the U.S. a combined $19.6T GNP, I can already see
President Obama spending it. And that's not counting the likely scenario that
the population of Mexico, er, the Extreme Southern U.S. will zoom, let's say to
300M, with maybe 150M-200M gringos (white/black/yellow/whatever) and their
descendants in 20-40 years after they breed like I-have-to-say-rabbits in the
exciting dynamic new sunny frontier, and the combined GNP would double to $28T!
Tom Tancredo can suck my gringo dick, I rest my case. Don't stop believing,
hold onto that feeling, love will find a way, as will sweet reason. The
World's Greatest Genius (tm) is on your side.

Back to the sovereignty thing. If you still think I'm advocating that the U.S.
surrender its sovereignty, you need to read it again, look, nothing up my
sleeves. Quite the opposite, I'm for Mexico surrendering its sovereignty, and
the U.S. extending its sovereignty to a bunch of new U.S. states. The Mexican
government has got to go, it really has to go. After the Megamerge Dissolution
Solution is implemented, the U.S. flag will fly over Mexico City, Guadalajara,
and Veracruz. But one big catch: it will be a new U.S. flag, with more stars,
and all that that implies, meaning that they will have to adopt our system,
complete with all federal laws and Supreme Court decisions, and give up their
crap of an official language and religion, which we don't even have, and their
red-green-white flag, which originally (1821) meant white for the Catholic
religion, green for a green-go style republic partially copying the U.S., and
red for the Castilian Spanish, who loved to lord it over the Indios and kick
them down since 1492, until they fought back and secured their rights, Viva
Father Hidalgo and Benito Juarez, we're all bigger than that now. But it also
means that any foreign country trying to invade Mexico and destroy its Mexican
subculture and make them wear turbans or wave hammers and sickles or the Red
Star of the East will be declaring war on the U.S., which will be sure and kick
its ass. Maybe some state capitals will continue to fly the old Mexican flag
alongside the U.S. flag, like Southern states used to fly the Confederate flag
for decades after they lost the U.S. Civil War, but that's down in the mud as
far as importance. I'm sure there will be legislation introduced into the
megamerged U.S. Congress to make Cinco de Mayo a national holiday, so what, I
wish I had a lowrider too sometimes, send me the free DVD, what color do I have
to wear to show that I'm Mexican, I hope it's green. And you know what I'm
going to say, it should be renamed to U.S.-Mexico Megamerge Day.

With a friendly mutually-beneficial megamerge movement on both sides of the

hopefully-time-limited-border, we can do the right thing without anybody
getting hurt, and not only remain next-door neighbors but real next-door
neighbors as well as fellow countrymen, it's not Fantasy Island starring
Ricardo Montalban but the U.S. Island starring all of us.

The new reality of a bigger, better megamerged U.S. that got over its racist
and ethnocentric past but doesn't give up the best aspects, particularly the
U.S. Constitution, and is more able to compete with other emerging meganations
such as the European Union, Asian Union and African Union can only be good,
especially as none of them will enjoy our superior style of government for the
forseeable future, watch out, you might be arrested for opening your mouth,
keep track of your kids while they're in the park. Okay, you might have your
arguments in favor of some of the European governments in the former Land of
Hitler, or the Canadian government, forget about Quebec, forgive me if I stare,
move there if you like it so much, if they allow you to, but there's no
argument that the Mexican government is irredeemably corrupt, and will always
cause its population to want to brave Hell to come to live under our our our
government, Stars and Stripes included plus three squares a day, we just want
to build our house and raise our family. So let's get rid of it ASAP and show
everybody, thank you very much, Elvis just left the house.

What about the U.N., will it stand by and let the Megamerge Dissolution
Solution happen? Why not? There's no possibility of anarchy where they need
to send in peacekeepers, everything is phased and generally awesome and
visionary, no surprises. The U.S. already has a permanent seat on the U.N.
Security Council, let Russia and China eat cake :) The U.S. practically pays
for the U.N. anyway, they oughta be happy that our GDP is going to zoom, lunch
your tummy right, let them throwup in the bathroom.

And puleese, this has nothing to do with the Bible and the Tower of Babel, yes
I read it from cover to cover 50 times so don't waste my time, if God was going
to blast the U.S. with lightning bolts for merging states he would have done it
50 times since 1776. Neither am I advocating everybody crowding into the U.S.
from around the world until every city is as densely populated as New York, or
that the U.S. have a single official language, culture or religion, just a
single united people of New Worlders forgetting past grudges and living under
the good ole U.S. Constitution and laws, which will include gringo-Americans
and Mexican-Americans living, loving and thriving throughout its 4.55 million
square miles, I used to go to ridiculous lengths to hide my body, but not any
more, haha. To quote the AFL-CIO, keep it made in America.

You still think keeping the border going is the solution? Whadya want to try
instead, another ten amnesties? It's so one-sided now: they sneak in, we
deport a fraction, simmer awhile, then grant the rest amnesty since they found
and kept jobs so they're paying taxes like the rest of us, plus had a bunch of
kids who got automatic citizenship, then turn around and try to stop up new
migration with new ever-more-expensive billion-dollar monumental wastes. So
who's smarter, them or the gringos, arriba andale ahaha? To make the game
fair, you'd think gringos would itch to move south and set up new cities and
hire eager Mexicans on the spot to do the grunt work, plus all the eager
gringos and Mexicans that saw the job ads and moved southward, so that
everybody can enjoy that sunny Mexican vacation weather all the time, not just
retiring Mexicans and vacationing gringos. And they will, after the Megamerge
Dissolution Solution is implemented. God Bless the U.S.A., all wonderful 60-75
states of it, and enjoy the Mega American Experience.

Physician, the first principle is do no harm. Take the tourniquet off or it

might turn into irreversible gangrene. We are one body, the blood is all just
as red. If the Mexicans are so backward that they can't fit into the U.S.
economy, and aren't good enough for citizenship, how come they steal so many
jobs from gringos despite all the odds, and why does every president Democratic
and Republican, including George W. Bush and Barack Obama try to give them
citizenship, haggling only about the timing and the price? Gunsmoke, Little
House on the Prairie, The Waltons, Bonanza, The Megamerge Dissolution Solution,
it fits. Remember the half-empty vs. half-full philosophical test, what was
your score? Why get ugly over a shrinking pie when we can expand the pie, with
all having equal seats at our bigger better God Bless America Table? You have
the right picture in your brain, now put it into your heart and hurry up and do
something. The current Mexican class structure is irrelevant, it would soon
become kaput after the mass 2-way migration, think of what happened to East
Berlin after the Berlin Wall came down, yah I mentioned that thrice already, I
think you should remember it.

It's the idea of equalizing development and opportunities permanently, with

gringo-Americans and Mexican-Americans living wherever they want and can afford
that makes the idea not only attractive but inevitable, no matter how many
temporary and wasteful solutions are tried to keep the stupid border going on
the map, so the longer we wait and the more money and time we waste the more
it's hurting us. Look at Europe, they already have the EU and are making us
look sick. It's never too late, and I don't want to have to tell you I warned
ya, there's nothing wrong with you, you look great. Yes, if Central America
wants to join later, another seven states with another 40 million people and
another 202K square miles shouldn't be a problem but another solution. South
America probably won't want to join anytime soon since they're pretty much
self-sufficient like Canada, but they will always have the temptation and the
invitation, call us their future safety net.

No hurry? So how much time and money, and how many lives will be wasted until
the current weak indefensible bleeding border is finally dissolved and the new
true bigger better healthy seabound border established and fortified? How many
more cycles of border blockages and amnesties? How many more years of Mexican
drug lords and kidnappers using the endless 1,969-mile border as a foil, sure,
getting a job is challenging, but area employers are still hiring thugs with a
diploma in drug trafficking? Let them drug dealers crowd into Belize and
Guatemala and deal from there, if they can.

Still no hurry? So, how long will Mexico remain sadly undeveloped, a sad giant
waste to all, while the grudges build up? Why do most Mexicans try to cross
the border now, to plunder and pillage, or to work and maybe to live
permanently as an American, and watch their children grow up to be good
Americans like Sonia Sotomayor? Enough grudges could reach a point of no
return, you wanna live to see that day? Would a new Mexican Castro who invited
our worst enemies to set up nuclear missiles change your opinion about
megamerging after it's too late? How about a horrible epidemic from Mexico
that kills millions in the U.S., which could have been prevented by U.S. health
standards? How about an invasion from another continent into defenseless
Mexico, using it as a launching pad for an invasion of the upper 48, with a
did I say 1,969-mile soft underbelly bleeding us pardon the expression white?
They could easily justify an invasion by calling our walled-up gunned-up border
a form of Apartheid. And even if we succeeded in driving them out of Mexico,
what would be left of Mexico to stop another invasion? Duh, we were so blind
and arrogant when we were on the top, we should have megamerged long before and
brought it up to the same strength as the other 50 states, hopping its GDP up
by several multiples when we had the chance, so what if we have to call them
sir like they do us, Reagan woulda called it Supply Side Economics, even a
president as dumb as him had the right idea, and he was a gringo. There's
smart, and there's Megamerge Dissolution Solution smart. I never backed down
from a fight in my life, and when something this important's at stake, I take
no prisoners. I have a dream of a nation where people are judged by you know
what not you know what.

Still lying there dreaming of the good old days when the U.S. was 90-plus
percent white and the other races were treated like merde, and knew they were
not wanted, did separate drinking fountains and restrooms give them a hint, how
about a game of shinwhack? Try to think past your knee-jerk racism, please, I
was blind now I see, too bad I had to knock several teeth out when I forgot to
arch my back before the last knee-jerk. So you're white, you have to face
reality, pay at least a little for the crimes of your ancestors, hopefully not
being raked across the coals, I've been a saint to those poor unfortunate
souls, I know a spell that will turn you into a human for three days, and don't
underestimate the power of body language, whoo, I'm the Little Mermaid. Face
it, whitey, there's already umpteen million Mexicans living in the U.S., like
it or not, 10% of their whole population at least, and it's not the end of the
world last time I checked. Despite some crime problems with a minority of them
we mainly seem to be able to get along as long as we are all enjoying being
under U.S. law, would you prefer anarchy or Mexican law? So how can extending
U.S. government and its law south hurt anyone, take a breath and go ahead and
sign the scroll. I'm not asking you to respect them as foreigners, but as
fellow Americans, who salute the same flag you do, and are willing to pay the
same price for freedom, so what if they were born on the wrong side of the
racial tracks, okay you don't have to love them either, just respect them and
their rights like they will respect you and yours, they're allowing you in
their old exclusive preserve too, if you behave yourself and stick to the plan
there won't be any trouble. Don't have a plan? Join a challenge team at
Megamerge dot com.

But the U.S. has no experience with megamerging, and you're proposing a giant
crap shoot? Wrong, we've already done it, with the American South, after we
kicked their rebel butts and devastated their land, then forced them to
reuinite with us, and turned millions of dirt-poor third world white trash
enemies into fellow citizens overnight, allowing anybody who wanted to migrate
to the North if they could find a job, while building U.S. military bases,
including ports and training and logistics centers that became nuclei for
Northerners and boosted the Southern economy. Sure, the rebels didn't like it
at first, and we had to start with an occupation army that perpetrated all
kinds of injustices, but they weren't there that long, and when they were
pulled out the South became a strong and creditable sector of the U.S. And
that was way back before the era of massive federal pork spending, which would
accelerate any megamerge now, how about a Bridge to Somewhere? To make a long
story short, look at the dynamic South now, it even produced presidents Jimmy
Carter and Bill Clinton, not bad, if Mexico does half as well I'll take it, how
about you? And I'm not proposing a military takeover against the will of the
majority, no, I'm requiring them to apply first, after we make them feel
welcome with an official invite, although if the corrupt Mexican government
gets pesky and wants to stop the will of the people, all military options would
be on the table, there isn't enough Mexican military to spare from fighting the
drug lords to defeat a women's soccer team, I already put immunity on the table
for the existing regime, they can deal with them courts in Spain on their own.

But would gringos have to learn Spanish, or Mexicans learn English? It would
start out no different than it is now. People would move where there's a bunch
of people who speak what they speak, and the learning of a second language
would be driven by economics. Thus, when gringos begin migrating south, they
will probably end up in gringo ghettos in Mexican cities, until they build
their own cities, with bilingual speakers used as necessary for hiring and
management and government services, no different than it is now. After a
generation, the children of both Mexican-Americans and gringo-Americans might
very well include a large proportion of bilinguals, and in the meantime, do we
want an eternal war over it or can we just learn to get along together and
learn to appreciate and celebrate our differences? I know we can, taking it on
a day-by-day basis hoping for greater understanding to set in, let's be
pioneers. But just think, at the outset the corrupt Mexican government will
have been dissolved, along with a huge dirty laundry list of festering
problems, and a large list of sparkling solutions implemented, getting better
every day, with the Extreme South getting to be a stronger and more important
section of the U.S. every year, reaching out to the rest of Latin America. And
just imagine, that dark foreboding feeling gringos have about the border will
be gone forever, as will that increasing list of grudges Mexicans have about
the border and the U.S. people and government, I got a gal in Kalamazoo, gonna
take a sentimental journey to the Extreme South End, homes ese, where there is
love I'll be there.
The Megamerge Dissolution Solution, by T.L. Winslow
Not that I'm speaking for Mexicans. My plan hinges on them speaking up for
themselves, organizing and petitioning for U.S. statehood. I'm just asking you
current Americans to make them feel like they wouldn't be wasting their time,
that they would be welcome to try. If they never actually do it, then so much
for my plan, it will become their greatest mistake, until they change their
minds, that is, pick up the phone and call, the offer is still open, we're U.S.
Store It, and we got locations near you in all 50 states, with managers who are
eager to help. An official joint resolution of both houses of the U.S.
Congress would go a long way, as would an official proclamation by the
president of the U.S., a conference of U.S. state governors, and a kind word at
the next White House Easter Egg Roll. Even better, a unilateral stand-down at
the border, tear down them walls Mister Obama, and erect welcome centers
instead, with free lodging, food and recreational facilities like in The Grapes
of Wrath, plus all expenses paid for the move out of Mexico, give us your
tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to pee free in unsegregated
bathrooms, do you think that if women ran the world we would have as many wars,
and do everything to welcome another 10, 20 or 50 percent in and hand them dual
citizenship papers and hope that if they can't find jobs here they will go back
down as our envoys, again with all expenses paid, and organize the megamerge
faster, then officially invite us in after the old Mexican government is
dissolved, for me, your favorite toy, I couldn't. Something great has
happened, here it is.

Maybe you're a Mexican who doesn't trust gringos and still think it's some kind
of trick. Do you honestly believe that Mexicans won't want to give up their
wonderful Mexican government with such a sterling civil rights record and such
honest incorruptible officials, where those of Spanish descent live on top of
those of Indio descent, and a small group of ultra-rich alone really want to
keep the status quo, after all, they will have no problemos making their
getaways to the U.S., Europe or anywhere else? But shouldn't the Mexican
people be permitted to have their own homeland? Sure, it's called the Estados
Unidos de America. Whadya want, a separatist Mexican-only state? If so, then
contact the hardcore white supremacists in El Norte and see if you can arrange
a hostage exchange agreement, you're all sick. Let the entire Mexican people
decide, but after they do, big surprise if they go for joining the U.S., let's
not be shy about telling the existing Mexican government to take a hike. The
mighty Soviet Union already collapsed under a popular pro-U.S. movement clear
across the world where there was far less on the table, Coca-Cola, McDonald's
Golden Arches and MTV with Madonna and Michael Jackson, so we oughta be able to
ace one a hop skip and a jump from Washington D.C. where so much more is on the
table, I can't help but cry ahaha. Die-hard Commies can always take a boat to
Cuba, if they will let them immigrate. That's if Cuba doesn't get megamerge
fever too, ahaha.

What if you're a black living in the U.S.? Amazingly, the black community is
split over giving amnesty to Mexican immigrants. I guess they aren't old
enough to remember Jim Crow, or didn't take their Black History classes
seriously, for instance when they covered the 1857 Dred Scott decision of the
U.S. Supreme Court that declared they aren't people but animals, and the 1850
Fugitive Slave Act that labelled escaped slaves as illegal alien animals
subject to being hunted down, with criminal penalties for even harboring or
aiding them, making all kinds of good whites illegal too. That was all ended,
not by a calm rational debate but a horrible civil war followed by a century of
ugly violent political struggles, so why wouldn't all U.S. blacks be for
megamerging with Mexico now and extending all those U.S. laws there, if only to
increase the size of their victory dance? Duh, petty brown-black racism? What
a way to start the week. Right now there's only 1-2 million Afro-Mexicans,
does that seem right, here's your chance.
You read this far and still wanna tell me it won't work? Then check out the
2008 report of the Pew Research Center that predicts that if we do nothing,
U.S. population will soar to 438 million by 2050, and the Hispanic population
will triple to 29%, with non-Hispanic whites sliding to 47%. You wanna wait
till then to Megamerge, and dig your first spadeful of dirt trying to play
catch up after it might be a little too late, huh, do you, huh? Not to mention
that you will be 40 years older, and probably not in much of a condition
physically or financially to migrate anywhere? Don't look at me. By then I
would be 97 myself, and probably in a condition neither to laugh nor cry.

We're almost through, so the gloves come off, I'm gonna get you where you live.
If you aren't crying with joy by now having seen the light, you're probably
listening to somebody secretly telling you that the net result of the Megamerge
Dissolution Solution will be horrible racial amalgamation, insert your favorite
degrading racial slur here, your devil inside will supply it. Well, so what if
it does? Let me give you a little science lesson, if you don't tune me out:
there are no such things as races, science can't even define them, there's just
inbred groups created by geographic isolation suffering from the effects of
inbreeding, ask Jews about Tay-Sachs, blacks about sickle cell, and the old
white European ruling family about idiocy and hemophilia. Ask Barack Obama's
law school class about hybrid vigor when they elected him president of the
Harvard Law Review on his way to becoming president of your whole blessed

Racism as an ism is intellectually bankrupt, and is just sad to see now. No,
beyond sad. It's the Devil at work, the racist his dupe, his sad dupe.
There's no Devil? Then who's been telling you it's all like a big race, and
you have a number on your back, but we're all pretty much equally matched by
somebody whose name starts with G, so he's just delighted to help you fix the
race and win a big blue ribbon to paste on your dumbass face by killing off the
other contestants, just sign over your non-existent soul first, start a new
career with Dumbass Inc.? Maybe he even told you that God actually awarded the
race to you before it even started, so let's get nuts, the house is burning
down, the kids are sick sick sick, sick sick sick? You know what God really
said? There never was a race, just a test.

A racist is not really picking a fight with his fellow man, he's picking a
fight with God, because God made everyone, and called it good, actually very
good, check your Bibles, and told everybody to be fruitful and multiply, to
love your neighbor as yourself. To be a racist you have to believe that God
only made your kind good, and that he somehow had a bad day and made some
garbage, and later commissioned you to clean up his garbage, by murder, and all
you have to do is control the government to make murder of the garbage a public
good rather than a felony worthy of your own execution by the state, despite
what the Bible says about when you kill your brother your life will become
forfeit in this world, and God will judge you in the next. So what do you have
to do to get around that? Ask Stalin, Mao and Hitler, millions already sadly
did. You deny God and make the state God so that it can tell you what you want
to hear, ultimately leading to subverting the state into Hell on Earth. Well I
got news for you, straight from God: God doesn't make garbage. So get over it,
you can't win, you're doomed to lose the final battle huge, and end up on the
garbage heap of history along with them. Instead, get on the winners team now
and dump the racist crap once and for all, and reboot your inner operating
system so the rest of your precious One Life to Live Starring You will have a
winning future, the key to success, give Him a call and it will really work
out, and that applies even if you're an atheist, since you can't call Big
Banger he blew up a long time ago and left God in charge.
And don't read me your Darwin, even he was talking about evolution of whole
species, like cocka-caca-cockroaches, not devolution of the human species by
racism and mass murder, how sad when people call other people cockroaches, the
real ones would laugh if they could. And current evolutionists teach that
modern humans originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago, and migrated from
there to Europe and Asia about 70,000 years ago, and that the American
aborigines arrived via the Bering Land Bridge about 16,500 years ago, hence
we're all illegal immigrants here in America, listen to the birds sing, I love
that sound. Worse for you racists, scientists have found that there is little
genetic difference between the three main genome groups, African, Eurasian and
East Asian. That's right, they are virtually indistinguishable genetically,
other than minor differences such as skin color, which uses only six of 25K
genes, and is obviously connected to penis size, right, the Hangover, Rated R,
now playing?

What happened with race is that it isn't real, but those six genes stared
people in the face all the time, so it became an unattainable ideal, like
manhood and womanhood. And since the U.S. started out with white people
running everything since day one in Jamestown in 1607, this ideal became an
Impossible Dream of forever keeping the expanding country white no matter what,
causing 400 years of Hell. To quote African-American writer James Baldwin, "As
social and moral and political and sexual entities, white Americans are
probably the sickest and certainly the most dangerous people of any color to be
found in the world today." I think he went a little too far there, since it
was way worse back in the white homelands of Britain and Europe, where white
supremacists had the upper hand on all fronts, including the scientific front,
until slowly but surely science started to figure it out, although too late to
stop the white world from being filled with hatred, injustice and wars in an
impossible dream of deleting most of the human gene pool in the name of
civilization and progress, with no wise U.S. Constitution and Declaration of
Independence with its we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are
created equal to restrain them. At least when white racism assumed its final
form of naked barbaric genocide, the U.S. was finally shocked into waking up
and kicking Hitler's ass, so why not keep on the right path and show the way to
heal all grudges with the American aborigines, of which Mexico contains a large
number? We have much that's worth preserving, but racism must go.

Too bad, now some of the victims are naturally nursing grudges along with their
own impossible dreams of an ideal non-white race of whatever brand, which the
minority of white supremacists still nursing their impossible dream can jump on
to excuse their racism. Even the Hatfields and McCoys eventually kissed and
made up, so why can't we? Yes, racism is evil, so it will always be with us,
and it can not only torpedo and sink my Megamerge Dissolution Solution
proposal, but destroy this entire continent, if we let it. So let's stop stop
stop the racism and reason together. We have the power now, not long-dead
people, and we have a tool to fight evil, called reason. Racism, white, brown,
black, yellow, and red, and pseudo-racism gringo, Indio and Hispanic has never
and will never solve anything, it's a refusal to think and try to find a
solution, just like the stupid U.S.-Mexico border is now, the problem itself,
indeed the border problem is a result of centuries of racism, start early,
develop a good habit, that should have been the key here, how sad. How double
sad, since originally it was even more complicated for our forefathers, with
the Catholic-Protestant-Jewish-pagan thing overlaid over the racial thing, at
least we got over that pretty much with the help of a lot of thinkers, who need
to get their act in gear with the Muslim terrorists by the way, because Islam
isn't a race it's a Borg mind cult, and is using racism as a coverstory to move
into the graveyard-filled gaps and set up shop so they can go into their
terminal mode of killing non-believers like bugs, sorry Mister Obama, I'm going
to keep my guard up when it comes to them, and even if I was a WASP racist I'd
be for uniting with Mexicans, Catholicism and all, to kick their butts if they
try anything over here. There should never be any reason to admit zillions of
Allah Akbars to the U.S. unless we really do want to commit suicide, sorry.

Get over this people are expendable gumballs we only will have to kill so many
to achieve our goals mentality, and start living one day at a time, taking
people as amazing creations and opportunities to go into business with, not
pesky bugs in a shoot-em-up video game to be zapped for a score like at
Colorado's Columbine High School. I'm giving you a triple breakthrough in
social, political and economic technology, every second matters, you're not
getting any younger are ya, what have you done to make people glad you lived,
or did you just care about yourself and didn't care how many you hurt, don't be
surprised if nobody comes to your funeral, you stink.

And don't call the Megamerge Dissolution Solution leftist propaganda in an

attempt to trivialize it. It's not leftist, rightist, or anything else,
because it's about expanding the U.S., with all political parties intact, just
a lot of new fresh fish to sign up, take it from there, you have a lot of
recruiting work to do, maybe you should take some Spanish lessons on the Jungle
Zoo Internet. Nor does it have anything to do with a conspiracy of world
bankers, although I'm sure they will be glad to come along for the ride and
sign everybody up for bigger credit card deals. It's about the U.S., which
goes back to 1776, and has a long history of expansion by hook or crook as it
forged a pathway to the Pacific Ocean, finally doing the right thing with its
poor southern neighbor, call it evolution but hold the Darwin. I thought this
all up, not any world bankers, maybe they are so old they all got Alzheimer's.
I'm not for dissolving all of the borders of the U.S., quite the opposite, I'm
for expanding them and putting us in a better position to tighten them up
later. Mass migrations not bankers make real history, tada. But to make this
happen we all gotta conquer racism as a nation and keep it voluntary and

Did I mention the Berlin Wall? Explain why Germany, home of the original
Blonde Master Race Itself, the #1 country on Earth until it self-destructed in
WWII and was split in half, why why why did East Germany fall so far behind
West Germany economically? Was it that East Germany was full of illegal alien
wetbacks of an inferior race? Keep it simple, stupid. It wasn't about race it
was about their cruddy corrupt government, ask any former female East German
athlete who now has balls. And that happened in just a matter of decades,
while Mexico has been languishing for almost 200 years behind the Brownsville
Wall. So why not give peace a chance, to quote what's his name? Besides,
Mexico is famous for having a revolution every 100 years, starting in 1810,
then 1910, so why not the final Megamerge Revolution in 2010? They can do beer
right, I like my Corona, Dos Equis and Tecate cold and wouldn't trade a bottle
of any of them for a case of Coors, so I know they can do this right too. Do
you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution? Try the Megamerge
Dissolution Solution, you'll like it, and so will your grandkids.

What should the U.S. immigration policy be after the U.S.-Mexico Megamerge?
Hey, we can't let a billion people swamp us out, can we, and if they're not
from neighboring countries and aren't giving us their territory to expand into,
they don't have the same rights to expect neighborly treatment, but the U.S. is
a nation of immigrants and should always be the Emerald City of Oz to any and
all Dorothies who want to come, so how about a nice round 1% per year (based on
U.S. life expectancy), starting with 4 million a year at first when the U.S.
pop. is 400 million, if we can find that many who want to apply that is? If
they come from other continents, it's okay to check them out for strange
diseases and anti-U.S. views and terrorist ties first, hopefully not allowing
too many ahem, fundamentalist Muslims in ever, sorry, I know too much history,
but everybody else is cool with me, if they can join our giant melting pot
without getting Medieval on our asses, how about you? After we finally dump
white supremacy and mellow out and show the world we're Da Real Thing, how can
we be hated anymore? Won't the 21st century be grand?

A last word. Please help TLW spread this idea, he's just a lone voice crying
in the Internet wilderness, and can't implement the plan, that's up to you, on
both sides, there's a ton of work to do and TLW is no politician even if he
does look like Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin put together, just a lone
wolf independent thinker who likes to think up big solutions and take them
public, genius is a 4-letter word that begins with TLW, in my TLW mountain home
life is as peaceful as a baby's sigh. If you have an audience, tell them about
the solution and plug this article. TLW needs 7-9 hours of sleep a night like
most people, and likes to watch a little bit of TV, and doesn't Tweet cause he
doesn't have insomnia. Help me get it to 1 million views to give it a proper
launch into the public arena, after which if it's good it will happen, if it's
not good it won't, the U.S. usually does the right thing in the end, call me
gullible I'm an American and believe in it, why do you think I keep saying God
Bless America, cue the music, how about becoming a gullible American too,
together we can provide loads of hope, this Tums goes to work in seconds. It's
urgent, the crisis is more than I can't fit in my jeans, which may sound
melodramatic as in effeminate, but trust me, I have big cahones, just let a
Muslim terrorist try to hijack my plane, and if I really thought the U.S. were
threatened in its very existence by Mexico I'd work my way up to 5-star general
and make George Washington proud. But brains trump brawn. Mexicans are not
our enemies, yet, despite all we've done to give them a reason, they have
proven very decent about it considering, the wall's in America's court, along
with the malls, now let's show some balls and whip out the ring and pop the
question and arrange the Big M with the girl next door, and make her an honest
woman. How many times has the U.S. waited until a disaster or catastrophe to
give it a reality check and force it to hurriedly close the barn door after the
horse got out? It's a new millennium, things happen faster, we need to be
proactive, don't wait for your annual appointment, email your Megamerge doctor
now. Okay, I'm hosting it on a free Web site now, meaning they make money each
time somebody clicks, not me, but they might shut it down if it gets a million
views, and if we get there I hope somebody will offer to host it on their

Not that 1 million views is anywhere near enough, it should be more like 438
million. Yes, I'm asking for it, millions of initial knee-jerk reaction emails
as people are shocked then go into denial, then begin to let the idea seep in,
and finally embrace it and try to coverup their initial statements as they try
to jockey for position, see if I try to rub it in, it's exciting enough to win
slow, along with the U.S., rather than lose fast with the current lose-lose
border. Eventually the Double-M-D-S has to take over the U.S. popular opinion
and intelligentisa, this is the beginning of something great in North America,
watch the copycat attempts in Europe, Asia and Africa. I just want to keep it
pure and from being perverted to evil racist ends, that's why I need to stay
distant from politics, even if I can galavant all over the Internet at speeds
you can't afford.

Credits: none, sorry. The idea of annexing Mexico has been proposed by a lot
of people for decades, without success, because the entire package as I am
presenting it eluded them, but at least they tried, viva them. The Megamerge
Dissolution Solution is the winning solution, and I owe it to nobody, it's all
mine, the result of a lifetime of gaining knowledge and wisdom, and wanting to
give back. Maybe my WGG trademark throws you or turns you off, don't let it,
I'm hoping to do only good with my crammed cranium and have no personal
ambitions, just hopefully a kind word from future historyscopers for coming up
with the really big ideas that solved the most problems for the most people, if
anybody wants to make me step down then put up your bigger better ideas that
reflect an even broader and deeper knowledge and understanding than mine do, or
shut up and learn from me, I'm da man.

P.S. although I can do it if I try, I got so many other things to do, and
prefer to let snappy writers translate this article into snappy Spanish, French
and other necessary languages for me, voluntarily, without pay, the hardest
part being the finding of equivalents of my all over the map pop culture
references without changing the basic message, something that would take too
much of my time since it requires thousands of hours of immersion in TV, radio
and movies in those languages, sorry if I keep polishing it all the time, my
mental lightning storm never stops. Okay, you can translate it sans all
unnecessary pop culture references, it will make it shorter but less fun to
read, and give them an incentive to take English lessons so they can read TLW
alongside Shakespeare and Martin Luther King. Email when you've done it and
I'll post it, giving you credit, a link, whatever I can, except money.

Before You Go

The Megamerge Dissolution Solution was launched by TLW on Apr. 28, 2009 (ten
years after the Columbine High School Massacre that happened just miles away
from TLW's home in Colo.) like a bolt of lightning out of the sky, and it is
slowly picking up momentum as it diffuses via the Internet. But much remains
to be done, so don't look at TLW, look in the mirror. You know the problems,
you know the solution, now break that mirror and go out and become the hero
that will make it happen. Get thee hence, Sir Knight or Dear Noble Lady, or
whatever you prefer to call yourself, and spread the word, write letters, put
up Web sites, form groups or join, interest politicians in it or become a
politician yourself, and let's make the Megamerge Dissolution Solution a
reality before the end of the Obama administration, who knows who'll follow him
into the White House? The U.S. and Mexico have a great future, together, as
one nation, multicultural and bilingual, a model for the region and the world.
The new paradigm in U.S.-Mexico relations is when and how we will megamerge,
not the tired old no-win paradigm of what police action will be implemented at
the border or what will be done with nasty illegal Mexican aliens, jail,
deport, or groan, legalize. TLW will be here to stand behind you and supply
intellectual ammo as needed, especially to keep politicians from corrupting it
or turning it to racist ends. Don't be afraid to suggest it to politicians of
all stripes, left, right, and middle of the bird, it's got room for everybody
since we're going to work on making the bird itself bigger and better.

T.L. Winslow (TLW), "the World's Greatest Genius" (tm)


Summary of the Seven Steps to Be Taken

* 1. The U.S. Congress officially invites the people of Mexico to dissolve

their govt. and join the U.S. as 10 or more new U.S. states.
* 2. The people of Mexico respond by forming statehood conventions and
petitioning for statehood, providing proposed state constitutions.
Initially there might be more states applying than the Congress is willing
to accept.
* 3. The U.S. Congress accepts the petitions after probably going through a
cycle of rewrites of the constitutions according to its guidelines and
suggestions. It also decides on how many states it will initially accept,
and puts out a plan for additional states to be formed after certain
guidelines are met.
* 4. The current Mexican federal govt. hopefully will work with the U.S. and
facilitate the process, inviting the U.S. military and coast guard to move
in and establish U.S. sovereignty, secure the new borders, and end the
* 5. The new state governments elect state and federal representatives and
send congresspersons to Washington, D.C. to take their seats.
* 6. The old Mexican govt. dissolves, and the U.S.-Mexico border comes down,
allowing all 414 million American citizens to work together to share the
New World peacefully.
* 7. Congress establishes U.S.-Mexico Megamerge Day as a national holiday,
hopefully May 5 (Cinco de Mayo).

To read the article online with links, videos and other goodies:

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