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This mateiial is fiom AB#:3.-C,#(3.,/0#=D:&<, a web site containing
seimon outlines anu Bible stuuies by Naik A. Copelanu. visit the web
site to biowse oi uownloau auuitional mateiial foi chuich oi peisonal

The outlines weie uevelopeu in the couise of my ministiy as a
pieachei of the gospel. Feel fiee to use them as they aie, oi auapt
them to suit youi own peisonal style.

!& 6&4 %# !"# 6,&95E

AB#:3.-C,# (3.,/0#=> ;&F59/G". H I-9' 1D ;&F#,-04> JKLM


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This stuuy guiue was uesigneu foi auult Bible classes, though it might be suitable foi junioi
anu senioi high classes as well. Some have useu it foi peisonal uevotions, anu otheis in
small stuuy gioups.
N&/0.= .& F&04#9 foi each chaptei aie things I emphasize uuiing the class.
O#.-/,#4 &3.,/0#= foi each chaptei might be useful foi seimon oi class piepaiation.
*#+/#? P3#=./&0= aie intenueu to ieinfoice key thoughts in each chaptei. Theie is
a "teachei's euition" available with answeis incluueu.


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So begins the book of Revelation, one of the most challenging books in the Bible. It is the
fiist book that many new to the Bible want to stuuy, while it is often neglecteu by matuie
Chiistians. It has been useu by false teacheis anu piophets to leau people into uoomsuay
cults. Yet when piopeily hanuleu, it can be a wonueiful blessing to those who ieau anu
meuitate upon it.
Who wiote this book. Bow is it unique. Bow shoulu we inteipiet it. Why shoulu we
stuuy it. These aie questions we will seek to answei in this intiouuction.
90/:7$ ;-.75$ () "#$ %&&'
Revelation is ceitainly uiffeient fiom othei books of the New Testament. It is also veiy
uiffeient fiom any kinu of wiiting that is familiai to most people touay. 0nfoitunately, this
has causeu some people to shy away fiom the book; oi on the othei hanu, to misuse it in
piopagating wilu anu fanciful theoiies. Nost people concluue it is just too mysteiious to
unueistanu. But it was actually wiitten to make things cleaiei! The woiu "ievelation" in
the uieek is -F&'-,3F=/=, which means "an uncoveiing" oi "unveiling." It is theiefoie a
book uesigneu to uncovei oi unveil, not conceal.
Pait of the challenge in unueistanuing the book is that it is wiitten in a style not familiai to
mouein man. It is an example of what is calleu Q-F&:-,5F./: ,/.#9-.39#R which was quite
populai fiom 2uu B.C. to 2uu A.B. As such, it was a type of liteiatuie well known to the }ews
anu Chiistians of the fiist centuiy chuich. Featuies of apocalyptic liteiatuie incluue the use
of highly symbolic oi figuiative language (cf. "signifieu", *# LSL). It was noimally wiitten in
times of peisecution, usually uepicting the conflict between goou anu evil.
Theie aie othei examples of apocalyptic liteiatuie in the Bible. In the 0lu Testament, foi
example, the books of AT#'/#,, O-0/#,, anu U#:"-9/-" each contain elements of this style of
wiiting. In the New Testament, I-.."#? JV contains apocalyptic elements.
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The eaily chuich likely uiu not have the pioblem unueistanuing the book as we uo touay.
They weie well acquainteu with the style of apocalyptic liteiatuie. They weie living at a
time when the symbols of the book weie likely familiai to them (similai to how a pictuie of
a uonkey fighting an elephant woulu be unueistoou by us as uepicting conflict between the
Bemociatic anu Republican paities). In fact, I believe the book was oiiginally intenueu to be
unueistoou by a casual heaiing, as implieu by the opening beatituue:
!D($00$8 +0 #$ 5#, 3$)80 )-8 *#,0$ 5#, #$)3 *#$ 5,380 ,. *#+0 ?3,?#$6=4 )-8 >$$? *#,0$ *#+-90
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This veise suggests a setting in which one is ieauing while otheis listen. The listeneis weie
expecteu to unueistanu enough to be blesseu by what they heaiu.


0ui uifficulty with this book is uue to oui unfamiliaiity with apocalyptic liteiatuie as a
methou of communicating a message. We aie also fai iemoveu fiom the histoiical anu
cultuial context of the times which woulu make the symbolism easiei to unueistanu. To
piopeily inteipiet the book, we must tiy to unueistanu the histoiical context in which it
was wiitten. We must also inteipiet it in a mannei that woulu have been meaningful to
those to whom it was fiist auuiesseu. It also behooves us to pay close attention to those
passages oi statements which aie cleai anu easy to unueistanu.
=$.#&63 () 40.$5>5$.-./&0
Biffeient methous of inteipieting the book geneially fall into foui views:
!"# QF9#.#9/=.R +/#? - The book iefeis to events that weie fulfilleu in the fiist centuiy A.B.,
oi shoitly theieaftei. It was wiitten piimaiily to encouiage the oiiginal ieaueis. Its value
foi touay woulu theiefoie be uiuactic (teaching the value of faithfulness to uou).
!"# Q"/=.&9/:/=.R +/#? - The book pioviues a panoiamic view of the expeiience of the
chuich as it pioceeus thioughout histoiy. This view finus in the book such events as the
iise of Catholicism, Islam, the Piotestant iefoimation, woilu wais, etc., enuing with the
ietuin of Chiist. As such it woulu encouiage Chiistians no mattei when they liveu.
!"# Q)3.39/=.R +/#? - Apait fiom the fiist few chapteis, the book uepicts events which
immeuiately pieceue the seconu coming of Chiist. Theiefoie most of the book has yet to be
fulfilleu (oi is being fulfilleu now), anu its value is piimaiily foi Chiistians who will be living
at the time }esus ietuins.
!"# Q/4#-,/=.R +/#? - The book uoes not ueal with any specific histoiical situation. Insteau,
it is simply enfoicing the piinciple that goou will ultimately tiiumph ovei evil. As such the
book is applicable to any age.
?5$)$55$6 =$.#&6 () 40.$5>5$.-./&0
I believe a piopei inteipietation of the book incoipoiates some of all these views. In my
estimation, the "pieteiist" view has the most meiit foi the following ieasons:
The book was wiitten specifically to seven chuiches in Asia (mouein Tuikey) - *#
Its puipose was to uncovei oi ieveal "things which must shoitly come to pass" - *#
}ohn was tolu, "Bo not seal the woius of the piophecy of this book, foi the time is at
hanu" - *# JJSLK
Compaie the last two points with O-0/#, YSJX, wheie Baniel was tolu to "seal up" his vision,
"foi it iefeis to many uays in the futuie". We know that his vision was fulfilleu within
seveial hunuieu yeais. }ohn, howevei, was tolu "uo not seal" what he hau seen, "foi the
time is at hanu". Bow coulu this be, if the bulk of Revelation iefeis to what has yet to occui
almost two thousanus latei. This is a pioblem I see with the "futuiist" view, which places
piimaiy fulfillment of the book thousanus of yeais aftei its composition.
Place youiself in the position of those Chiistians in the chuiches of Asia in the fiist centuiy.
They weie tolu that the things uesciibeu in the Revelation woulu "shoitly come to pass",
which shoulu comfoit them. But accoiuing to the "futuiist" view, it has been neaily 2uuu
yeais anu much of the book has yet to be fulfilleu! That woulu be like someone touay
wiiting that something is soon coming to pass, when in ieality it will be 4uuu A.B. befoie it


uoes! Bow woulu a book uepicting events to occui thousanus of yeais in the futuie
comfoit those who weie suffeiing in the fiist centuiy A.B..
This is not to say theie aie no "futuiist" elements in the book. I unueistanu :"-F.#9= JKZJJ
to ueal with the ultimate uestiny of the ieueemeu, which woulu have been of gieat inteiest
anu comfoit to the Chiistians suffeiing in the fiist centuiy.
Ny appioach to the book, theiefoie, will be piimaiily fiom the F9#.#9/=. viewpoint, with
occasional elements fiom othei viewpoints.
"#$ @7.#&5
[&"0, iuentifieu as one "who boie witness to the woiu of uou, anu to the testimony of }esus
Chiist" (*# LSLZJ). While uebateu by some, he was most likely ."# -F&=.,# [&"0, biothei of
}ames, anu authoi of the gospel of }ohn anu thiee epistles. Bis authoiship of this book is
suppoiteu by the testimony of }ustin Naityi (16S A.B.), Clement of Alexanuiia (22u A.B.),
Bippolytus (2S6 A.B.), anu 0iigen (2S4 A.B.).
A-.$ () "#$ %&&'
Bating when the book was wiitten is not without contioveisy. When one uates the book
will ceitainly have a beaiing upon one's inteipietation of the book, especially if one follows
the "pieteiist" view. Two uates aie usually pioposeu:
An "eaily uate", aiounu XVZXY 1DOD, uuiing the ieign of the Roman empeioi, Neio
A "late uate", aiounu \]Z\X 1DOD, uuiing the ieign of empeioi Bomitian
The exteinal eviuence (eviuence outsiue the book itself) is inconclusive. In suppoit foi the
late uate, appeal is often maue to a statement of Iianeaus who liveu in the late 2nu centuiy
A.B. Bis statement is iathei ambiguous, howevei, anu can be unueistoou in seveial ways
(see &$8)*+-9 "#$ F$5 "$0*);$-*, by }ohn A. T. Robinson, foi a uetaileu examination of
Iianeaus' quotation).
In suppoit foi the eaily uate, the Syiiac veision of the New Testament (uating back to the
2nu centuiy A.B.) says the book was wiitten uuiing the ieign of Neio. The Nuiatoiian
Fiagment (17u-19u A.B.) anu the Nonaichian Piologues (2Su-SSu A.B.) claim that Paul
wiote to seven chuiches following the pattein of }ohn's example in Revelation, placing the
book of Revelation even befoie some of the Pauline epistles (GH?,0+*,3I0 D+J($ 2,;;$-*)3=,
vol. 12; p. 4u6).
Because of the contiauictoiy natuie of the exteinal eviuence, I place moie weight on the
inteinal eviuence (eviuence fiom within the book itself). I believe the book itself suppoits a
uate of 7u A.B., befoie the uestiuction of }eiusalem anu uuiing the ieign of vespasian.
This inteinal eviuence incluues the following:
In *# LLSLZLV the temple, which was uemolisheu in August of 7u A.B., is still
stanuing. Auvocates of the "late uate" natuially unueistanu this passage in a stiictly
figuiative sense. While somewhat figuiative, the allusion to the ciucifixion of oui
Loiu (*# LLSY) compel us to think of the histoiical }eiusalem (Philip Schaff).
In *# L^S\ZLL, we finu mention of EIuBT "kings". If these "kings" aie empeiois of
Rome, then staiting with Augustus the fiist FIvE weie: Augustus, Tibeiius, Caligula,
Clauuius anu Neio (who uieu }une 9, 68 A.B.). Neio's ueath left the empiie in an
upioai. This may be the "ueauly wounu" in *# LMSM>LJ>LV. Thiee men (ualba, 0tho,


anu vitellius) tiieu vainly to consoliuate powei ovei the empiie, but it was
vespasian who iestoieu oiuei in 7u A.B. Thus, the "ueauly wounu" was healeu, anu
vespasian woulu be the SIXTB "king" (oi the "one is" in *# L^SLK). This woulu
make Titus the SEvENTB empeioi anu Bomitian the EIuBTB.
Notice caiefully, that in *# L^SY>LL }ohn was tolu that the beast '() *+,-. It './)-,
anu '() /0+1, ,+ 2+3"- (ASv), but at the time the Revelation was being given, the
beast '45 678-! If we unueistanu (as I uo) that the "beast" iepiesents impeiial
Rome as peisonifieu in its empeiois Neio anu Bomitian, then Revelation coulu N0T
have been wiitten uuiing the ieigns of eithei Neio oi Bomitian!
The conuition of peisecution that hau been expeiienceu alieauy by those in the
book aie similai to that mentioneu by Petei. Be wiote to the Chiistians in Asia
Ninoi also, just a few yeais befoie (cf. LN# LSL). They weie unueigoing peisecution
similai to that uesciibeu in *# J _ M (cf. LN# LSXW VSLJW ]S\); i.e., peisecution by the
}ews with the help of Roman authoiities, something that hau been going on since the
uays of Paul's fiist missionaiy jouiney.
Theiefoie I suggest the inteinal eviuence inuicates that the Revelation was given uuiing the
ieign of vESPASIAN, the SIXTB empeioi, while the '0"/), () *+,-. This woulu place the uate
of the book aiounu ."# =F9/0G &) ^K 1DOD (as suggesteu by Philip Schaff, :+0*,3= K. "#$
2#136#, vol. I). A uate between the ueath of Neio in 68 A.B. anu the fall of }eiusalem in 7u
A.B. was also favoieu by F. }. A. Boit, }. B. Lightfoot, anu B. F. Westcott (}ohn A. T. Robinson,
&$8)*+-9 "#$ F$5 "$0*);$-*, p. 224). Anothei auvocate of an eaily uate is F. F. Biuce.
Refeiiing to Philip Schaff, who at one time helu the "late uate", I finu his following quotation
to be of inteiest:
Q!"# #-9,5 4-.# /= C#=. =3/.#4 )&9 ."# 0-.39# -04 &C`#:. &) ."# 1F&:-,5F=#> -04
)-:/,/.-.#= /.= "/=.&9/:-, 304#9=.-04/0GD ;"9/=. F&/0.#4 /0 "/= #=:"-.&,&G/:-,
4/=:&39=#= .& ."# 4#=.93:./&0 &) [#93=-,#< -04 ."# F9#:#4/0G .9/C3,-./&0 -=
."# G9#-. :9/=/= /0 ."# "/=.&95 &) ."# ."#&:9-:5 -04 ."# .5F# &) ."# `34G<#0. &)
."# ?&9,4D 104 ."#9# 0#+#9 ?-= - <&9# -,-9</0G =.-.# &) =&:/#.5DR
Q!"# "&99&9= &) ."# a9#0:" *#+&,3./&0 ?#9# :&0)/0#4 .& &0# :&30.95> C3. ."#
.9/C3,-./&0 &) ."# =/B 5#-9= F9#:#4/0G ."# 4#=.93:./&0 &) [#93=-,#< #B.#04#4
&+#9 ."# ?"&,# *&<-0 #<F/9# -04 #<C9-:#4 ?-9= -04 9#C#,,/&0=> )9#P3#0.
-04 303=3-, :&0),-G9-./&0=> #-9."P3-'#= -04 )-</0#= -04 F,-G3#=> -04 -,,
=&9.= &) F3C,/: :-,-</./#= -04 </=#9/#= 30.&,4D 8. =##<#4> /04##4> ."-. ."#
?&9,4> ="-'#0 .& /.= +#95 :#0.#9> ?-= :&</0G .& - :,&=#> -04 #+#95 ;"9/=./-0
<3=. "-+# )#,. ."-. ."# F9&F"#:/#= &) ;"9/=. ?#9# C#/0G )3,)/,,#4 C#)&9# "/=
Q8. ?-= -. ."/= 30/P3# `30:.39# /0 ."# "/=.&95 &) <-0'/04 ."-. 2.D [&"0> ?/." ."#
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F#9=#:3./&0 C#"/04 "/<> ."# .#99&9= &) ."# [#?/=" ?-9 -04 ."# *&<-0
/0.#99#G03< -9&304 "/<> -04 ."# :-.-=.9&F"# &) [#93=-,#< -04 ."# [#?/="
."#&:9-:5 C#)&9# "/<> 9#:#/+#4 ."&=# ?&04#9)3, +/=/&0= &) ."# /<F#04/0G
:&0),/:.= -04 )/0-, .9/3<F"= &) ."# ;"9/=./-0 :"39:"D c/= ?-= .93,5 - C&&' &)
."# ./<#= -04 )&9 ."# ./<#=> -04 -4</0/=.#9#4 .& ."# F#9=#:3.#4 C9#."9#0 ."#
&0# C3. -,,Z=3))/:/#0. :&0=&,-./&0S I-9-0-."-E I-9-0-."-ER (:+0*,3= ,. "#$
2#3+0*+)- 2#136#, vol. I, pp. 8S6-8S7)


"#$ ?75>&3$ () "#$ %&&'
Its puipose is cleaily stateu at the beginning anu enu of the book (cf. *# LSL>MW JJSX>LK):
8+ 9":"/; ',<(*=) .<(2< 31), )<+9,;> 2+3" ,+ ?/))-
In paiticulai, it is a ievelation fiom Chiist Bimself of the juugment to come upon those who
weie peisecuting Bis people (cf. *# XS\ZLLW LXS]Z^). This juugment was uiiecteu especially
towaiu those who hau been ueceiveu by Satan to attack the Chuich of Chiist. As stateu by
Philip Schaff:
Qd04&3C.#4,5 "# "-4 /0 +/#? F9/<-9/,5 ."# &+#9."9&? &) [#93=-,#< -04
"#-."#0 *&<#> ."# .?& G9#-. )&#= &) ;"9/=./-0/.5 -. ."-. ./<#DR
Again, I woulu suggest that the puipose of the book is to ieveal how Chiist was going to
biing juugment on }eiusalem anu Rome foi iejecting uou anu peisecuting Bis people. This
juugment occuiieu with the uestiuction of }eiusalem in the fall of 7u A.B., anu with the final
cessation of peisecution by Rome in S1S A.B. when Constantine became an empeioi
suppoitive of Chiistianity.
In fulfilling this puipose, the book is uesigneu to wain anu comfoit. Foi eiiing uisciples, it
is - C&&' &) ?-90/0G ("iepent" oi else, cf. *# JS]>LX). Foi faithful uisciples, it is - C&&' &)
:&<)&9. ("blesseu" aie those who "oveicome", cf. *# LSMW JS^W MSJLW LVSLMW JJSLV).
B$C D$53$
If theie is one veise that summaiizes the ."#<# of the book of Revelation, it is this one:
!"#$0$ 5+(( ;)>$ 5)3 5+*# *#$ L);J4 )-8 *#$ L);J 5+(( ,'$36,;$ *#$;4 .,3 :$ +0 L,38 ,. (,380
)-8 M+-9 ,. >+-90E )-8 *#,0$ 5#, )3$ 5+*# :+; )3$ 6)(($84 6#,0$-4 )-8 .)+*#.1(@A B!" $@%$AC
8b!*(Od;!(*e I1!A*81f g*# LSLZMSJJh
1. Intiouuction (Re 1:1-2u)
a. Piologue anu blessings (Re 1:1-S)
b. uieetings anu uoxology (Re 1:4-6)
c. Piophecy anu pioclamation (Re 1:7-8)
c. vision of Chiist among the lampstanus (Re 1:9-2u)
2. Letteis to the seven chuiches of Asia (Re 2:1-S:22)
a. The chuich at Ephesus (Re 2:1-7)
b. The chuich at Smyina (Re 2:8-11)
c. The chuich at Peigamos (Re 2:12-17)
u. The chuich at Thyatiia (Re 2:18-29)
e. The chuich at Saiuis (Re S:1-6)
f. The chuich at Philauelphia (Re S:7-1S)
g. The chuich at Laouicea (Re S:14-22)

8D i828(b2 (a [dO6IAb! 1618b2! [A*d21fAI g*# VSLZLLSL\h

1D !cA !c*(bA 2;AbA g*# VSLZ]SLVh
1. uou on the thione (Re 4:1-11)
2. The Lamb woithy to open the scioll (Re S:1-14)


%D !cA (NAb8b6 (a 2AiAb 2A1f2 g*# XSLZYSLh
1. Fiist seal: The white hoise anu its iiuei (Re 6:1-2)
2. Seconu seal: The ieu hoise anu its iiuei (Re 6:S-4)
S. Thiiu seal: The black hoise anu its iiuei (Re 6:S-6)
4. Fouith seal: The pale hoise anu its iiueis (Re 6:7-8)
S. Fifth seal: The maityis unuei the altai (Re 6:9-11)
6. Sixth seal: Cataclysmic uistuibances (Re 6:12-17)
7. Inteiluue (Re 7:1-17)
a. Sealing of the 144,uuu on eaith (Re 7:1-8)
b. The gieat multituue in heaven (Re 7:9-17)
8. Seventh seal: Silence in heaven (Re 8:1)

;D !cA 2(dbO8b6 (a 2AiAb !*dINA!2 g*# YSJZLLSL\h
1. Seven angels piepaie to sounu theii tiumpets (Re 8:2-6)
2. Fiist tiumpet: Thiiu of vegetation uestioyeu (Re 8:7)
S. Seconu tiumpet: Thiiu of sea cieatuies anu ships uestioyeu (Re 8:8-9)
4. Thiiu tiumpet: Thiiu of iiveis anu spiings become bittei, many uie (Re 8:
S. Fouith tiumpet: Thiiu of sun, moon, anu stais stiuck, affecting uay anu night
(Re 8:12)
6. Thiee-folu woe announceu (Re 8:1S)
7. Fifth tiumpet (fiist woe): Locusts fiom the bottomless pit, sent to toiment men
(Re 9:1-12)
8. Sixth tiumpet (seconu woe): Foui angels with an aimy of two hunuieu million,
killing a thiiu of mankinu (Re 9:1S-21)
9. Inteiluue (Re 1u:1-11:14)
a. The angel with the little book (Re 1u:1-11)
b. The two witnesses anu uestiuction of }eiusalem (Re 11:1-1S)
1u. Seventh tiumpet (thiiu woe): The victoiy of Chiist anu Bis kinguom pioclaimeu
(Re 11:14-19)

88D i828(b2 (a [dO6IAb! 1618b2! *(IA g*# LJSLZL\SJLh

1D !cA 6*A1! ;(baf8;! g*# LJSLZLVSJKh
1. The Woman, Chilu, Biagon, anu iest of the Woman's offspiing (Re 12:1-17)
2. The beast fiom the sea (Re 1S:1-1u)
S. The beast fiom the lanu (Re 1S:11-18)
4. The Lamb anu the 144,uuu on Nount Zion (Re 14:1-S)
S. Pioclamations of thiee angels (Re 14:6-1S)
6. Reaping the eaith's haivest, anu the giapes of wiath (Re 14:14-2u)

%D !cA 2AiAb %(7f2 (a 7*1!c g*# L]SLZLXSJLh
1. Pieluue to pouiing out the seven bowls of wiath (Re 1S:1-8)
2. Fiist bowl: Soies on those who woishippeu the beast anu his image (Re 16:1-2)
S. Seconu bowl: Sea tuins to bloou, all sea cieatuies uie (Re 16:S)
4. Thiiu bowl: Riveis anu spiings tuin to bloou (Re 16:4-7)
S. Fouith bowl: Nen aie scoicheu by the sun (Re 16:8-9)
6. Fifth bowl: Pain anu uaikness upon the beast anu his kinguom (Re 16:1u-11)
7. Sixth bowl: Euphiates uiieu up, thiee unclean spiiits gathei the kinguoms of the
eaith foi the battle at Aimageuuon (Re 16:12-16)


8. Seventh bowl: uieat eaithquake, gieat city uiviueu, Babylon is iemembeieu,
cataclysmic events (Re 16:17-21)

;D !cA a1ff (a %1%ef(b> !cA c1*f(! g*# L^SLZL\SLKh
1. The scailet woman anu the scailet beast (Re 17:1-6)
2. The mysteiy of the woman anu beast explaineu (Re 17:7-18)
S. The fall of Babylon the gieat pioclaimeu anu mouineu (Re 18:1-24)
4. The exaltation in heaven ovei the fall of the gieat hailot (Re 19:1-S)
S. The announcement of the maiiiage suppei of the Lamb (Re 19:6-1u)

OD !cA OAaA1! (a !cA %A12! 1bO a1f2A N*(cA! gL\SLLZJLh
1. Chiist the victoiious waiiioi anu King of kings (Re 19:11-16)
2. The beast, his aimies anu false piophet (lanu beast) aie uefeateu (Re 19:17-21)

888D i828(b2 (a !cA ad!d*A 1bO %Ae(bO g*# JKSLZJJS]h

1D !cA *A86b (a ;c*82! 1bO c82 218b!2 g*# JKSLZXh
1. Satan bounu foi a thousanu yeais, unable to ueceive nations (Re 2u:1-S)
2. Saints (maityis anu faithful) ieign with Chiist (Re 2u:4-6)

%D !cA *AfA12A 1bO OAaA1! (a 21!1b g*# JKS^ZLKh
1. Satan ieleaseu to ueceive the nations once moie (Re 2u:7-8)
2. Nakes one last effoit, but uefeateu once foi all (Re 2u:9-1u)

;D !cA a8b1f [dO6IAb! g*# JKSLLZL]h
1. uieat white thione juugment, with eaith anu heaven no moie (Re 2u:11-1S)
2. Beath anu Baues cast into the lake of fiie, along with those whose names weie
not in the Book of Life (Re 2u:14-1S)

OD A!A*b1f OA2!8be (a !cA *AOAAIAO g*# JLSLZJJS]h
1. The new heaven anu new eaith, uou uwelling with Bis people in the New
}eiusalem coming uown out of heaven(Re 21:1-8)
2. The New }eiusalem uesciibeu (Re 21:9-27)
S. The watei of life, tiee of life, thione of uou anu the Lamb (Re 22:1-S)

;(b;fdO8b6 I1!A*81f g*# JJSXZJLh
1. The time is neai, uo not seal up the book (Re 22:6-11)
2. The testimony of }esus, the Spiiit, anu the biiue (Re 22:12-17)
S. Waining not to tampei with the book, anu closing piayeis (Re 22:18-21)
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. /= ."/= C&&' :-,,#4j gLSLh

Jh 7"-. /= ."# <#-0/0G &) ."# 69##' ?&94 g-F&'-,3F=/=h .9-0=,-.#4 Q9#+#,-./&0Rj

Mh 7"-. =.5,# &) ,/.#9-.39# /= ."# C&&' &) *#+#,-./&0j


Vh 7"-. -9# =&<# &) ."# .5F/:-, )#-.39#= &) =3:" ,/.#9-.39#j

]h 7"-. /= /<F&9.-0. .& '0&? .& F9&F#9,5 /0.#9F9#. ."# C&&'j

Xh 7"-. -9# ."# )&39 <-`&9 +/#?= &) /0.#9F9#./0G ."# C&&'j

^h 7"/:" +/#? /= =3GG#=.#4 /0 ."/= /0.9&43:./&0j

Yh 7"& /= ."# -3."&9 &) ."/= C&&'j gLSLZJh

\h 7"-. 4-.#= -9# 3=3-,,5 =3GG#=.#4 )&9 ."# C&&'j

LKh 7"/:" 4-.# /= =3GG#=.#4 /0 ."/= =.345j g-04 C5 2:"-))> I:63/GG-0> -04 &."#9=h

LLh 7"-. /= ."# F39F&=# &) ."# C&&'j gLSLMW JJSLK>LXh

LJh 7"& 4& 8 F9&F&=# .& C# ."# .?& <-`&9 #0#</#= 3=#4 C5 2-.-0j

LMh 7"-. /= ."# '#5 +#9=# ."-. =3<<-9/T#= ."# C&&'j

LVh a9&< ."# &3.,/0# -C&+#> ?"-. -9# ."# ."9## <-/0 4/+/=/&0= &) ."# C&&'j

D)6> ", "#$ N1*13$O P 0*18= +- *#$ J,,> ,. &$'$()*+,-, R. E. Bass (Living Bope Piess, 2uu4)
"#$ D,,> K. &$'$()*+,-, }im Ncuuiggan (Nontex, 1976)
"#$ D,,> K. &$'$()*+,-, Foy E. Wallace, }i. (Wallace Publications, 1966)
N,13 Q+$50 K- "#$ D,,> K. &$'$()*+,-4 S.N. uunuiy & C.N. Pate, Eus. (Zonueivan, 1998)
:+0*,3= K. "#$ 2#3+0*+)- 2#136#, vol. I, Philip Schaff (Eeiumans, 191u, 198S)
"#$ L);J P-8 :+0 G-$;+$0, Rubel Shelly (2uth Centuiy, 198S)
R,3$ "#)- 2,-S1$3,30, William Benuiicksen (Bakei Book Bouse, 1971)
F$5 T-*$3-)*+,-)( D+J($ 6,;;$-*)3=, F. F. Biuce (Zonueivan Publishing Bouse, 1979)
&$8)*+-9 "#$ F$5 "$0*);$-*, }ohn A. T. Robeitson (Westminstei Piess, 1976)
&$'$()*+,-, Robeit Baikiiuei (Tiuth Commentaiies, uuaiuian 0f Tiuth, 1997)
&$'$()*+,-O P- T-*3,816*+,- P-8 2,;;$-*)3=, Bomei Bailey (Bakei, 1979)
"#$ "+;$ T0 P* :)-84 }ay Euwaiu Auams (Timeless Texts, 2uu4)
U,3*#= T0 "#$ L);J, Ray Summeis (Bioauman Piess, 19S1)


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 (0$
The Revelation of }esus Chiist begins with a cleai statement of oiigin anu puipose. uiven to
}esus by uou to show Bis seivants things which must soon take place, it is uesigneu to bless
those who ieau, heai anu keep the woius of the piophecy (LZM). }ohn then auuiesses the
seven chuiches in Asia (westein Tuikey), offeiing giace anu peace fiom each membei of the
uouheau with uesciiptive teims which become moie significant latei in the epistle (VZX).
Bis gieeting is followeu with a ueclaiation conceining the Loiu's coming, anu a self-
uesignation as expiesseu by the Loiu Bimself (^ZY).
At this point }ohn explains how he was commissioneu to iecoiu the Revelation. While on
the islanu of Patmos (likely in exile foi pieaching the woiu of uou), he was in the Spiiit on
the Loiu's uay when he heaiu a louu voice behinu him. The voice iuentifieu itself as "the
Alpha anu 0mega, the Fiist anu the Last", anu then chaigeu him to wiite what he saw to
seven chuiches in Asia (\ZLL). Tuining to see the voice, }ohn saw seven goluen lampstanus
anu in theii miust the Son of Nan. Besciibing the awesome appeaiance of the Son of Nan
anu his own ieaction, }ohn then iecoius how }esus comfoiteu anu then chaigeu him to wiite
what he has seen anu will see (LJZL\). The chaptei enus with the Loiu's explanation that
the seven stais in Bis iight hanu iepiesent the angels (messengeis.) of the seven chuiches,
anu the seven lampstanus signify the seven chuiches themselves (JK).
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
That the book was wiitten to specific chuiches of things that woulu soon take place
The implications of what is saiu about }esus, in the gieeting by }ohn anu in the
woius of }esus Bimself
8D 8b!*(Od;!8(b gLZYh

1D 8b!*(Od;!8(b 1bO %AbAO8;!8(b gLZMh
1. Intiouucing the Revelation of }esus Chiist (LZJ)
a. Which uou gave Bim to show Bis seivants
b. Regaiuing things which much shoitly take place
c. Sent anu signifieu by Bis angel
u. To Bis seivant }ohn, who boie witness...
1) To the woiu of uou
2) To the testimony of }esus Chiist
S) To all things that he saw
2. The beneuiction (M)
a. Blesseu is he who ieaus anu those who heai this piophecy
b. Blesseu aie those who keep those things wiitten in it, foi the time is neai

%D 6*AA!8b62 !( !cA 2AiAb ;cd*;cA2 gVZXh
1. Fiom }ohn, to the seven chuiches in Asia (V-)


2. With giace anu peace (VCZX)
a. Fiom Bim who is anu who was anu who is to come
b. Fiom the seven Spiiits who aie befoie Bis thione
c. Fiom }esus Chiist
1) The faithful witness
2) The fiistboin fiom the ueau
S) The iulei ovei the kings of the eaith
4) Who loveu us anu washeu us fiom oui sins in Bis own bloou
S) Who maue us kings anu piiests to Bis uou anu Fathei
-- To Whom be gloiy anu uominion foievei anu evei!

;D 1bb(db;AIAb! (a ;c*82!k2 ;(I8b6 g^h
1. Be is coming with clouus
2. Eveiy eye will see Bim, anu they also who pieiceu Bim
S. All the tiibes of the eaith will mouin because of Bim
-- Even so, Amen (so be it)

OD !cA 2AfaZOA286b1!8(b gYh
1. "I am the Alpha anu the 0mega, the Beginning anu the Enu"
2. "Who is anu who was anu who is to come, the Almighty"

88D !cA i828(b (a !cA 2(b (a I1b g\ZJKh

1D [(cbk2 ;8*;dI2!1b;A2 fA1O8b6 dN !( !cA i828(b g\ZLK-h
1. Theii biothei anu companion (\-)
a. In tiibulation
b. In the kinguom anu patience of }esus Chiist
2. 0n the islanu calleu Patmos (\C)
a. Foi the woiu of uou
b. Foi the testimony of }esus Chiist
S. In the Spiiit on the Loiu's Bay (LK-)

%D 7c1! cA cA1*O %Ac8bO c8I gLKCZLLh
1. A louu voice, as of a tiumpet (LKC)
2. Saying to him... (LL)
a. "I am the Alpha anu the 0mega, the Fiist anu the Last"
b. "What you see, wiite in a book"
c. "Senu it to the seven chuiches which aie in Asia..."

;D 7c1! cA 217> 1bO c82 *A1;!8(b gLJZL^-h
1. Tuining to see the voice, he saw... (LJZLX)
a. Seven goluen lampstanus
b. In the miust of the seven lampstanus, 0ne like the Son of Nan
1) Clotheu with a gaiment uown to the feet, giiueu about the chest with a
goluen banu
2) Bis heau anu haii white as wool, white as snow
S) Bis eyes like a flame of fiie
4) Bis feet like fine biass, as if iefineu in a fuinace
S) Bis voice as the sounu of many wateis
6) In Bis iight hanu, seven stais


7) 0ut of Bis mouth, a shaip two-eugeu swoiu
8) Bis countenance like the sun shining in its stiength
2. Seeing Bim, }ohn fell at Bis feet as ueau (L^)

OD !cA f(*Ok2 7(*O2 !( [(cb gL^CZJKh
1. "Bo not be afiaiu" (L^CZLY)
a. "I am the Fiist anu the Last"
b. "I am Be who lives, anu was ueau, anu beholu, I am alive foieveimoie.
c. "I have the keys of Baues anu of Beath."
2. "Wiite..." (L\)
a. "The things which you have seen"
b. "The things which aie"
c. "The things which will take place aftei this"
S. "The mysteiy of the seven stais...anu the seven goluen lampstanus" (JK)
a. "The seven stais aie the angels of the seven chuiches"
b. "The seven lampstanus...aie the seven chuiches"
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"-. ?-= [#=3= /0.#04/0G .& ="&? c/= =#9+-0.=j gLh

Mh c&? /= [&"0 4#=:9/C#4 /0 +#9=# Jj

Vh 7"& /= ."/= C&&' 4#=/G0#4 .& C,#==j 7"5j gMh

]h !& ?"&< ?-= ."# C&&' -449#==#4j gV>LLh

Xh c&? /= 6&4 4#=:9/C#4 /0 ."# G9##./0G )9&< [&"0j !"# c&,5 2F/9/.j gVh

^h c&? /= [#=3= ;"9/=. 4#=:9/C#4 C5 [&"0 /0 ."/= G9##./0Gj g]ZXh

Yh 7"-. /= =-/4 -C&3. ."# :&</0G &) ;"9/=.j g^h


\h c&? 4&#= ."# f&94 4#=/G0-.# c/<=#,)j gYh

LKh c&? 4&#= [&"0 /4#0./)5 "/<=#,) .& c/= 9#-4#9=j g\-h

LLh 7"#9# -04 ?"#0 4/4 [&"0 9#:#/+# ."# *#+#,-./&0j g\CZLKh

LJh 7"-. 4/4 "# "#-9 - ,&34 +&/:# =-5j gLLh

LMh 7"#0 "# .390#4 .& =## ."# +&/:#> ?"-. 4/4 "# =##j gLJZLMh

LVh c&? 4&#= [&"0 4#=:9/C# ."# 2&0 &) I-0j gLMZLXh

L]h 7"-. ?-= [&"0k= 9#-:./&0 ?"#0 "# =-? c/<j 7"-. ?-= "# )/9=. .&,4j gL^h

LXh c&? 4&#= ."# 2&0 &) I-0 /4#0./)5 c/<=#,)j gL^ZLYh

L^h 7"-. ?-= [&"0 .&,4 .& ?9/.#j gL\h

LYh 7"-. /= ."# #BF,-0-./&0 &) ."# =#+#0 =.-9= -04 =#+#0 G&,4#0 ,-<F=.-04=j gJKh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 "E&
In this chaptei }ohn is instiucteu to wiite to foui chuiches in Asia: AF"#=3=, 2<590-,
N#9G-<&=, anu !"5-./9-. The Loiu geneially follows the same foimat: Bis self-
uesignation, commenuation, conuemnation anu ielateu waining, exhoitation anu piomise.
Each lettei closes with the aumonition, 'B" .<+ </) /* "/9C ;", <(3 <"/9 .</, ,<" 5?(9(,
)/>) ,+ ,<" 2<192<")D- This suggests the letteis weie not just foi the peisonal benefit of the
chuiches auuiesseu.
The chuich at AF"#=3= is commenueu foi its steaufastness, especially against false apostles.
But while stanuing foi the tiuth, they hau lost theii fiist love. Exhoiteu to iepent anu be
iestoieu by uoing the "fiist woiks", they aie waineu that theii "lampstanu" woulu be
iemoveu if they uiu not iepent (LZ^).
The chuich at 2<590- is commenueu foi being "iich" uespite theii tiibulation anu poveity.
0nlike most chuiches, theie aie no woius of conuemnation uiiecteu towaiu it. While they
woulu expeiience a little peisecution, they aie exhoiteu to iemain faithful to ueath (YZLL).
The chuich at N#9G-<&= is also piaiseu foi its steaufastness, but faulteu foi allowing false
teacheis in theii miust. The Loiu thieatens to come anu fight with the swoiu of Bis mouth if
theie is no iepentance (LJZL^).
The chuich at !"5-./9- is also commenueu, foi theii last woiks aie moie than theii fiist.
But they too have a false teachei anu followeis which jeopaiuize the conuition of the
chuich. Bespite giving this "}ezebel" time to iepent, she has not anu so the Loiu intenus to
make hei anu hei followeis an example befoie the othei chuiches (LYZJ\).
I finu notewoithy the connection between these letteis with what was seen in chaptei one,
anu what will be seen in succeeuing chapteis. In most cases the Loiu's self-uesignation
boiiows something fiom the vision of the Son of Nan in chaptei one, which ielates
somehow with the paiticulai message in which it is founu. Also, we will see how most of
the piomises to those who oveicome will be fulfilleu in the unfoluing of the visions that
begin in chaptei foui.
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The conuition of each chuich: theii stiengths anu weaknesses, the wainings anu
piomises given
Bow the fulfillment of most piomises is uesciibeu latei in the visions to come
8D fA!!A* !( !cA ;cd*;c 8b ANcA2d2 gLZ^h

1D !cA f(*Ok2 2AfaZOA286b1!8(b gLh
1. "Be who holus the seven stais in Bis iight hanu"
2. "Who walks in the miust of the seven goluen lampstanus"

%D ;(IIAbO1!8(b gJZM>Xh


1. Foi theii woiks, laboi anu patience
a. They cannot beai those who aie evil, having testeu those who say they aie
apostles but weie liais
b. Theii peiseveiance, patience anu laboi foi Bis name's sake, not giowing
2. They hate the ueeus of the Nicolaitans, as uoes the Loiu

;D ;(bOAIb1!8(b 1bO 71*b8b6 gVZ]h
1. Conuemnation
a. The Loiu has something against them
b. They have left theii fiist love
2. Waining
a. Remembei fiom wheie they have fallen
b. Repent anu uo the fiist woiks
c. 0i the Loiu will come quickly anu iemove theii lampstanu fiom its place

OD Alc(*!1!8(b 1bO N*(I82A g^h
1. Beai what the Spiiit says to the chuiches
2. To him who oveicomes, Be will give to eat fiom the tiee of life in the miust of
the Paiauise of uou

88D fA!!A* !( !cA ;cd*;c 8b 2Ie*b1 gYZLLh

1D !cA f(*Ok2 2AfaZOA286b1!8(b gYh
1. "The Fiist anu the Last"
2. "Who was ueau, anu came to life"

%D ;(IIAbO1!8(b g\-h
1. Foi the woiks, tiibulation, anu poveity
2. But they aie iich

;D Alc(*!1!8(b 1bO N*(I82A g\CZLLh
1. The Loiu knows those who claim to be }ews but aie a synagogue of Satan
2. Bo not feai what they aie about to suffei
a. The uevil is about thiow some into piison, that they may be testeu
b. They will have tiibulation ten uays
S. Be faithful unto ueath, anu Be will give them a ciown of life
4. Beai what the Spiiit says to the chuiches
S. Be who oveicomes shall not be huit by the seconu ueath

888D fA!!A* !( !cA ;cd*;c 8b NA*61I(2 gLJZL^h

1D !cA f(*Ok2 2AfaZOA286b1!8(b gLJh
1. "Who has the shaip two-eugeu swoiu"

%D ;(IIAbO1!8(b gLMh
1. Be knows theii woiks, anu wheie they uwell, wheie Satan's thione is
2. Foi holuing fast to Bis name
S. Foi not uenying Bis faith even when Antipas was killeu among them


;D ;(bOAIb1!8(b 1bO 71*b8b6 gLVZLXh
1. Conuemnation
a. They have those who holu the uoctiine of Balaam
1) Who taught Balak to put a stumbling block befoie Isiael
2) To eat things saciificeu to iuols, anu to commit sexual immoiality
b. They have those who holu the uoctiine of the Nicolaitans, which Be hates
2. Waining
a. Repent oi Be will come to them quickly
b. Be will fight against them with the swoiu of Bis mouth

OD Alc(*!1!8(b 1bO N*(I82A gL^h
1. Beai what the Spiiit says to the chuiches
2. To him who oveicomes, Be will give...
a. Some of the hiuuen manna to eat
b. A white stone with a new name wiitten on it which no one knows except he
who ieceives it

8iD fA!!A* !( !cA ;cd*;c 8b !ce1!8*1 gLYZJ\h

1D !cA f(*Ok2 2AfaZOA286b1!8(b gLYh
1. "The Son of uou"
2. "Who has eyes like a flame of fiie, anu Bis feet like fine biass"

%D ;(IIAbO1!8(b gL\h
1. Foi theii woiks, love, seivice, faith, anu patience
2. Theii last woiks aie moie than the fiist

;D ;(bOAIb1!8(b 1bO 71*b8b6 gJKZJVh
1. Conuemnation
a. They allow that woman }ezebel
1) Who calls heiself a piophetess
2) To teach anu beguile Bis seivants to commit sexual immoiality anu eat
things saciificeu to iuols
b. Whom the Loiu hau given time to iepent of hei sexual immoiality, but she
uiu not
2. Waining
a. Be will cast hei into a sickbeu
b. Those who commit auulteiy with hei will have gieat tiibulation, unless they
c. Be will kill hei chiluien with ueath; anu the chuiches will know that Be
seaiches the minus anu heaits
u. Be will give to each one accoiuing to theii woiks
e. Foi those in Thyatiia who uo not follow hei uoctiine, oi have not known the
uepths of Satan, as they call it, Be places on them no othei buiuen

AD Alc(*!1!8(b 1bO N*(I82A gJ]ZJ\h
1. Bolu fast what they have till Be come
2. To him who oveicomes anu keeps Bis woiks until the enu...
a. Be will give powei ovei the nations, just as Be ieceiveu fiom the Fathei
b. Be will give the moining stai


S. Beai what the Spiiit says to the chuiches
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"-. F-..#90 /= G#0#9-,,5 )&,,&?#4 /0 ."#=# ,#..#9= .& ."# :"39:"#=j

Mh 7"-. /= &).#0 ."# C-=/= )&9 ."# f&94k= =#,)Z4#=/G0-./&0 /0 ."# ,#..#9=j gL>Y>LJ>LYh

Vh a&9 ?"-. 4&#= ."# f&94 :&<<#04 ."# :"39:" /0 AF"#=3=j gJZMh

]h a&9 ?"-. 4&#= ."# f&94 :&04#<0 ."#<j gVh

Xh 7"-. =&,3./&0 4&#= [#=3= G/+# )&9 9#=.&9/0G ."#/9 )/9=. ,&+#j g]h

^h 7"-. ?-90/0G 4&#= [#=3= G/+# ."# :"39:" /0 AF"#=3=j g]h

Yh a&9 ?"-. #,=# 4&#= [#=3= :&<<#04 ."#<j gXh

\h a&9 ?"-. 4&#= ."# f&94 :&<<#04 ."# :"39:" /0 2<590-j g\h

LKh 7"& ?-= G3/,.5 &) C,-=F"#<5 /0 2<590-j g\h

LLh 7"5 ?#9# ."#5 0&. .& )#-9 ?"-. ."#5 ?#9# -C&3. .& =3))#9j gLKh

LJh a&9 ?"-. 4&#= ."# f&94 :&<<#04 ."# :"39:" /0 N#9G-<&=j gLMh

LMh 7"-. /= =-/4 -C&3. ?"#9# ."#5 4?#,,j gLMh


LVh a&9 ?"-. 4&#= ."# f&94 :&04#<0 ."#<j gLVZL]h

L]h 7"-. ?-90/0G 4&#= [#=3= G/+# ."# :"39:" /0 N#9G-<&=j gLXh

LXh a&9 ?"-. 4&#= ."# f&94 :&<<#04 ."# :"39:" /0 !"5-./9-j gL\h

L^h a&9 ?"-. 4&#= ."# f&94 :&04#<0 ."#<j gJKh

LYh 7"-. 4&#= ."# f&94 =-5 -C&3. ."# ?&<-0 ?"& :-,,= "#9=#,) - F9&F"#.#==j gJLZJMh

L\h 7"-. #B"&9.-./&0 4&#= c# G/+# ."# :"39:" -. !"5-./9-j gJ]h

JKh 7"-. #B"&9.-./&0 /= G/+#0 -. ."# #04 &) #-:" ,#..#9j g^>LL>L^>J\h

JLh f/=. ."# F9&</=#= G/+#0 /0 ."/= :"-F.#9 .& ."&=# ?"& &+#9:&<# g^>LL>L^>JXZJYh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 "#5$$
The Loiu continues Bis letteis to the chuiches in Asia, with this chaptei containing those
wiitten to Saiuis, Philauelphia, anu Laouicea. The chuich in 2-94/= is iebukeu foi having a
name that they aie alive, when in ieality they aie ueau. With theii woiks not peifecteu
befoie uou, they aie exhoiteu to be watchful anu to stiengthen the things which iemain.
They aie also tolu to iemembei how they hau ieceiveu anu heaiu in the past, to holu fast
anu iepent. 0theiwise, the Loiu will come upon them as a thief in the night. Notice is taken,
howevei, of a few in Saiuis who hau not uefileu theii gaiments anu aie still woithy, who aie
piomiseu to walk with the Loiu in white (LZX).
The chuich in N"/,-4#,F"/- is piomiseu an open uooi that none can shut because they hau
kept the Loiu's woiu anu not uenieu Bis name. Theii enemies, those who claim to be }ews
but aie not, will be maue to woiship befoie them, anu the chuich will be kept fiom the tiial
that was about to test those on the eaith. With an announcement of Bis quick coming, they
aie exhoiteu to holu fast what they have that none take theii ciown (^ZLM).
The chuich of f-&4/:#- is then uesciibeu as lukewaim, foi which the Loiu thieatens to
spew them out of Bis mouth. While claiming to be iich, they aie blinu to theii tiue
conuition. Theiefoie the Loiu counsels them to buy fiom Bim those things they tiuly neeu.
Bis stiong woius aie inuicative of Bis love foi them, anu the fact that Be stanus ieauy to ie-
entei theii heaits if they will open to Bim (LVZJJ).
As befoie, each lettei enus with wonueiful piomises to those who oveicome. In most cases,
the mannei in which the piomises aie to be fulfilleu is illustiateu in the visions to come.
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
To examine the last thiee of seven letteis to the chuiches in Asia
To glean what we can about the conuition of each chuich: theii stiengths anu
weaknesses, the wainings anu piomises given
8D fA!!A* !( !cA ;cd*;c 8b 21*O82 gLZXh

1D !cA f(*Ok2 2AfaZOA286b1!8(b gL-h
1. "Be who has the seven Spiiits of uou" - cf. 8=- LLSLZJW U#:" VSLZLKW *# LSVW VS]
2. "...anu the seven stais"

%D ;(bOAIb1!8(b 1bO 71*b8b6 gLCZMh
1. Conuemnation
a. They have a name that they aie alive, but they aie ueau
b. Theii woiks have not been founu peifect befoie uou
2. Waining
a. Be watchful anu stiengthen the things which iemain anu aie ieauy to uie
b. Remembei how they hau ieceiveu anu heaiu


c. Bolu fast anu iepent
u. If they uon't watch, the Loiu will come upon them as a thief

;D ;(IIAbO1!8(b gVh
1. Theie aie few names in Saiuis who have not uefileu theii gaiments
2. They shall walk with Bim in white, foi they aie woithy

OD N*(I82A 1bO Alc(*!1!8(b g]ZXh
1. Be who oveicomes...
a. Shall be clotheu in white gaiments
b. The Loiu will not blot his name fiom the Book of Life
c. The Loiu will confess his name befoie Ny Fathei anu Bis angels
2. Beai what the Spiiit says to the chuiches

88D fA!!A* !( !cA ;cd*;c 8b Nc8f1OAfNc81 g^ZLMh

1D !cA f(*Ok2 2AfaZOA286b1!8(b g^h
1. "Be who is holy, Be who is Tiue"
2. "Be who has key of Baviu, Be who opens anu no one shuts, anu shuts anu no one
opens" - cf. 8=- JJSJJ

%D ;(IIAbO1!8(b gYh
1. The Loiu has set an open uooi befoie them anu none can shut it
2. Foi they have a little stiength, have kept Bis woiu, anu not uenieu Bis name

;D N*(I82A 1bO Alc(*!1!8(b g\CZLLh
1. Conceining the "synagogue of Satan" (who claim to be }ews, but aie not)...
a. Be will make them come anu woiship befoie theii feet
b. Be will make them know that Be has loveu those in Philauelphia
2. Because the chuich has kept Bis commanu to peiseveie...
a. Be will keep them fiom the houi of tiial
b. Which is coming to test those who uwell on the eaith
S. Beholu, Be is coming quickly!
a. Bolu fast what they have
b. That no one may take theii ciown
4. Be who oveicomes, the Loiu will...
a. Nake him a pillai in the temple of Bis uou, anu he shall go out no moie
b. Wiite on him:
1) The name of Bis uou
2) The name of the city of Bis uou, the New }eiusalem which comes uown
out of heaven fiom Bis uou
S) Bis new name
S. Beai what the Spiiit says to the chuiches

888D fA!!A* !( !cA ;cd*;c 8b f1(O8;A1 gLVZJJh

1D !cA f(*Ok2 2AfaZOA286b1!8(b gLVh
1. "The Amen, the Faithful anu Tiue Witness"
2. "The Beginning of the cieation of uou"


%D ;(bOAIb1!8(b 1bO 71*b8b6 gL]ZJKh
1. Conuemnation
a. They aie neithei colu oi hot
1) Be wisheu they weie colu oi hot
2) But because they aie lukewaim, Be will spew them out of Bis mouth
b. They aie wietcheu, miseiable, pooi, blinu, anu nakeu
1) Though they say they aie iich, wealthy, anu in neeu of nothing
2) Theiefoie Be counsels them...
a) To buy fiom Bim:
1 uolu iefineu in the fiie, that they may be iich
2 White gaiments, that theii nakeuness be not ievealeu
b) To anoint theii eyes with eye salve, that they might see
2. Waining
a. As many as Be loves, Be iebukes anu chastens; theiefoie be zealous anu
b. Be stanus at the uooi anu knocks; if any will heai Bim anu open the uooi, Be
will come in anu uine with him

;D N*(I82A 1bO Alc(*!1!8(b gJLZJJh
1. To him who oveicomes...
a. The Loiu will giant to sit with Bim on Bis thione
b. }ust as Be oveicame anu sat uown with Bis Fathei on Bis thione
2. Beai what the Spiiit says to the chuiches
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh a&9 ?"-. 4&#= ."# f&94 :&04#<0 ."# :"39:" /0 2-94/=j gLZJh

Mh 7"-. 4&#= ."# f&94 #B"&9. ."&=# -. 2-94/= .& 4&j gJZMh

Vh 7"-. ?-90/0G /= G/+#0 .& ."#<j gMh

]h 7"-. 4/4 ."# f&94 )/04 :&<<#04-C,# -. 2-94/=j 7"-. 4/4 c# F9&</=# ."#<j gVh

Xh 7"-. 4/4 ."# f&94 F9&</=# .& ."&=# ?"& &+#9:&<#j g]h


^h 7"-. "-4 ."# f&94 4&0# )&9 ."&=# /0 N"/,-4#,F"/-j 7"5j gYh

Yh 7"-. ?-= ."# f&94 G&/0G .& 4& .& ."&=# ?"& :,-/<#4 .& C# [#?= C3. ?#9# -:.3-,,5
."# =50-G&G3# &) 2-.-0j g\h

\h 7"-. 4/4 ."# f&94 =-5 c# ?&3,4 4& )&9 ."&=# /0 N"/,-4#,F"/-j 7"5j gLKh

LKh 7"-. ?-90/0G -04 #B"&9.-./&0 4&#= c# ."#0 G/+#j gLLh

LLh 7"-. F9&</=# 4&#= ."# f&94 G/+# .& "/< ?"& &+#9:&<#=j gLJh

LJh a&9 ?"-. 4&#= ."# f&94 :&04#<0 ."&=# -. f-&4/:#-j gL]ZLXh

LMh 7"-. 4&#= ."# f&94 =-5 c# ?&3,4 4& C#:-3=# &) ."#/9 ,3'#?-9<0#==j gLXh

LVh 7"-. "-4 ."#5 :,-/<#4j 7"-. ?-= ."#/9 .93# :&04/./&0j gL^h

L]h 7"-. 4&#= ."# f&94 :&30=#, ."#< .& 4&j gLYh

LXh 7"-. `3=./)/:-./&0 4&#= ."# f&94 G/+# )&9 =3:" - =.9&0G 9#C3'#j gL\h

L^h 7"-. 4&#= c# =-5 .& =3:" ;"9/=./-0=j gL\>JKh

LYh 7"-. ?/,, C# G9-0.#4 .& "/< ?"& &+#9:&<#=j gJLh


L\h 7"-. #B"&9.-./&0 /= G/+#0 -. ."# #04 &) #-:" ,#..#9 /0 ."/= :"-F.#9j gX>LM>JJh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 G&75
The visions of Revelation now begin in eainest. 0pon seeing a uooi stanuing open in
heaven anu heaiing a tiumpet-like voice piomising to show him of things which must take
place, }ohn is tianspoiteu to ."# ."9&0# 9&&< &) 6&4. Be uesciibes what he heais anu sees
with viviu anu coloiful imageiy. The 0ne on the thione iauiates like jaspei anu saiuius
stones, suiiounueu by an emeialu iainbow. The colois may ieflect the chaiacteiistics of
uou, such as holiness, iighteousness, justice, anu meicy, oi they may simply signify Bis
splenuoi anu majesty. (LZM).
}ohn takes special note of .?#0.5Z)&39 #,4#9= clotheu with white iobes anu ciowns of golu,
sitting on thiones aiounu the thione of uou. Summeis anu Bailey suggest that they uepict
the twelve patiiaichs of Isiael anu the twelve apostles, who iepiesent the ieueemeu of both
covenants now uniteu in Chiist. Note that in *#+ ]SYZ\ they uo seem to speak in behalf of
the ieueemeu (V).
Fiom the thione pioceeueu lightning, thunuei, anu voices, which may illustiate uivine
powei anu juugments coming fiom uou. Befoie the thione aie =#+#0 ,-<F= of fiie,
explaineu as the seven Spiiits of uou. This likely symbolizes the Boly Spiiit in Bis woik of
illumination anu ievelation of uou's woiu to man (Summeis). A =#- &) G,-== like ciystal is
also befoie the thione, peihaps symbolizing the tianscenuence of uou that piesently
sepaiates uou anu Bis people (]ZX-).
Theie aie )&39 ,/+/0G :9#-.39#=, similai in some iespects anu yet uiffeient in otheis, uniteu
in theii constant piaise of uou foi Bis eteinal holiness. Though not exactly like the
cheiubim seen by Ezekiel (cf. AT#' L> LK), they appeai to seive similai functions. Bailey
suggests they may be a special oiuei of heavenly beings, peihaps the highest anu closest to
the thione, who seive uou's majestic will (XCZY). As the foui living cieatuies piaise Bim
who sits on the thione, the twenty-foui elueis join in by falling uown, casting theii ciowns
befoie the thione, anu piaising uou as the Eteinal Cieatoi (\ZLL).
This scene, along with that in chaptei five, appeais uesigneu to set the stage foi what
follows. At the outset, we aie shown the fiist guaiantee of ultimate victoiy: 6&4 /= &0 c/=
."9&0#E (Summeis) The piaise offeieu by the foui living cieatuies anu the twenty-foui
elueis ieinfoice the tiuth that the 0ne on the thione (anu in ultimate contiol) is none othei
than the Loiu uou Almighty, Eteinal anu Boly, the Cieatoi who holus all things togethei. Be
is theiefoie woithy of gloiy, honoi anu powei! Be is the one to ieveie, not some man!
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The implication of the vision of uou on Bis thione
Bow this vision along with the one in chaptei five sets the stage foi what follows
8D !cA !c*(bA 2;AbA gLZYh

1D [(cb !1mAb !( cA1iAb gLh


1. Aftei seeing the Loiu anu heaiing the letteis auuiesseu to the seven chuiches
2. 0pon seeing a uooi stanuing open in heaven, anu heaiing a tiumpet-like voice
a. Being tolu "Come up heie"
b. In which he will see "things which must take place aftei this"

%D cA OA2;*8%A2 !cA !c*(bA 2;AbA gJZYh
1. The 0ne on the thione
a. Like a jaspei (spaikling white)
b. Anu a saiuius stone (fieiy ieu) in appeaiance
c. With an emeialu iainbow (vaiious shaues of gieen) aiounu the thione
2. The twenty-foui elueis
a. Sitting on twenty-foui thiones aiounu the thione
b. Clotheu in white iobes
c. With ciowns of golu on theii heaus
S. 0thei elements aiounu the thione
a. Lightnings, thunueiings, anu voices pioceeuing fiom the thione
b. Seven lamps (the Seven Spiiits of uou) buining befoie the thione
c. A sea of glass, like ciystal, befoie the thione
u. Foui living cieatuies in the miust anu aiounu the thione
4. The foui living cieatuies
a. 0nique chaiacteiistics
1) The fiist was like a lion
2) The seconu was like a calf
S) The thiiu hau a face like a man
4) The fouith was like a flying eagle
b. Similai chaiacteiistics
1) Each hau six wings
2) Full of eyes in fiont anu back, aiounu anu within
S) Bo not iest uay oi night, piaising the holiness of the Eteinal uou

88D 6(O N*182AO 12 !cA ;*A1!(* g\ZLLh

1D N*(IN!AO %e !cA f8i8b6 ;*A1!d*A2 g\h
1. Whenevei they give gloiy, honoi, anu thanks
2. To Bim who sits on the thione, the Eteinal 0ne

%D (aaA*AO %e !cA !7Ab!eZa(d* AfOA*2 gLKZLLh
1. Who fall uown befoie Bim who sits on the thione
2. Who woiship Bim who lives foievei
S. Who cast theii ciowns befoie the thione
4. Who pioclaim uou woithy to ieceive gloiy, honoi, anu powei
a. Foi Be cieateu all things
b. Anu by Bis will they exist anu weie cieateu
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"#0 ."# f&94 )/0/="#4 ?/." c/= ,#..#9= .& ."# :"39:"#=> ?"-. 4/4 [&"0 =##j gLh


Mh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 "#-9j 7"-. ?-= "# .&,4 "# ?/,, =##j gLh

Vh 7"-. ?-= ."# )/9=. ."/0G "# 0&./:#4j gJh

]h c&? 4&#= [&"0 4#=:9/C# ."# -FF#-9-0:# &) ."# (0# &0 ."# ."9&0#j gMh

Xh 7"-. /= ."# :&,&9 &) ."# 9-/0C&? -9&304 ."# ."9&0#j gMh

^h 7"-. /= -9&304 ."# ."9&0#j gVh

Yh 7"-. F9&:##4= )9&< ."# ."9&0#j g]h

\h 7"-. =.-04= C#)&9# ."# ."9&0#j g]h

LKh 7"-. ,/#= C#)&9# ."# ."9&0#j gXh

LLh 7"-. /= =##0 /0 ."# </4=. -04 -9&304 ."# ."9&0#j c&? -9# ."#5 4#=:9/C#4j gXZYh

LJh 7"-. 4& ."#5 F9&:,-/< ?/."&3. 9#=.> 4-5 -04 0/G".j gYh

LMh 7"#0 ."# :9#-.39#= &))#9 G,&95> "&0&9> -04 ."-0'= .& 6&4> ?"-. "-FF#0=j g\ZLKh

LVh 7"5 4& ."# .?#0.5Z)&39 #,4#9= 4##< 6&4 ?&9."5 &) G,&95> "&0&9> -04 F&?#9j gLLh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 G/+$
The scene that began in chaptei foui continues. Wheieas the theme of chaptei foui can be
stateu as Q6&4 /= &0 c/= ."9&0#ER, the theme of this chaptei may be calleu Q7&9."5 /= ."#
}ohn's attention is uiawn to a =:9&,, in the iight hanu of uou. Wiitten on the insiue anu on
the back, it is sealeu with seven seals. A stiong angel pioclaims !U#, +0 5,3*#= *, ,?$- *#$
063,(( )-8 *, (,,0$ +*0 0$)(0VA At fiist theie seems to be none in heaven anu on eaith ueemeu
woithy to open the scioll oi look at it. This piompteu }ohn to weep (LZV).
But one of the twenty-foui elueis tells him not to weep, foi 0ne uesciibeu as !*#$ L+,- ,. *#$
*3+J$ ,. /18)#4 *#$ &,,* ,. W)'+8A (cf. 6#0 V\S\ZLKW 8=- LLSLK) has pievaileu so to be able to
open the scioll anu loose its seals. In the miust of the thione anu of the living cieatuies anu
the elueis, }ohn sees - f-<C stanuing as though slain (i.e., }esus - cf. [0 LSJ\), with =#+#0
"&90= anu =#+#0 #5#=. The seven eyes aie explaineu as the seven Spiiits of uou sent out
into all the eaith (cf. U#:" VSLK). As suggesteu befoie (cf. *# LSVW MSLW VS\) they iepiesent
the Boly Spiiit, while the seven hoins aie inuicative of gieat stiength (cf. O#3 MMSL^W L2-
JSLK). The Lamb is then seen as taking the scioll out of uou's iight hanu (]Z^).
Taking the scioll piompts the foui living cieatuies anu twenty-foui elueis to fall uown
befoie the Lamb. Each possessing a "-9F (peihaps symbolizing piaise, Bailey) anu G&,4#0
C&?,= &) /0:#0=# which uepict the piayeis of the saints, they sing a new song piaising the
Lamb as woithy to take the scioll. They pioclaim Bis woithiness on the basis of being slain
anu ieueeming by Bis bloou those fiom eveiy nation who aie maue kings anu piiests to uou
who shall ieign on the eaith (cf. *# LS]ZXW JSJXZJ^W LN# JS\). The voices of ."&3=-04= &)
-0G#,= aiounu the thione then join in with theii piaise of the Lamb who was slain as
woithy to ieceive powei, iiches, wisuom, stiength, honoi, gloiy, anu blessing. Finally,
#+#95 :9#-.39# in heaven, eaith, anu sea join in with piaise foi both Bim who sits on the
thione (uou) anu the Lamb (}esus). To which the foui living cieatuies say !P;$-XA anu the
twenty-foui elueis fall uown anu woiship (YZLV).
This awesome scene shoulu ceitainly encouiage the faithful Chiistian. As stateu by Ray
!Y16# ) 06$-$ 5)0 6)(61()*$8 *, J3+-9 -$5 6,13)9$ )-8 -$5 #,?$ *, *#$ #$)3*0 ,. /,#-I0 .+30*
3$)8$304 *#$ ?$30$61*$8 2#3+0*+)-0 ,. P0+)E +* J3+-90 *#$ 0);$ 6#$$3 *, 2#3+0*+)- #$)3*0 +- )-=
)9$@ D$(+$'+-9 +- *#$ ?,5$3 ,. 7,8 B2#@ ZC )-8 *#$ 3$8$$;+-9 (,'$ ,. 7,8 B2#@ [C4 *#$3$ +0 -,
$-$;= ,3 .,36$ ,. $'+( 5#+6# 2#3+0*+)-0 -$$8 *, .$)3@ "#$= 6)- $-*$3 *#$ 6,-.(+6* ,3 $-813$ *#$
$'+( >-,5+-9 *#)* 7,8 +0 0*+(( ,- #+0 *#3,-$E #$ #)0 -,* ()+8 )0+8$ #+0 06$?*$3E #$ #)0 -,*
)J)-8,-$8 #+0 *#3,-$ *, )-= ,*#$3@A
What will the scioll ieveal. I believe it uivulges uou's iighteous inuignation upon those
who iejecteu Bis Chiist anu peisecuteu Bis people. Also, how Bis suffeiing saints woulu
eventually oveicome. As long as the scioll was sealeu, the woikings of uou was still a
mysteiy. But as the seals aie bioken (*# XSLZYSL), we have: !*#$ &$'$()*+,- ,. /$010 2#3+0*4
5#+6# 7,8 9)'$ :+; *, 0#,5 :+0 0$3')-*0 \\ *#+-90 5#+6# ;10* 0#,3*(= *)>$ ?()6$@A (*# LSL)


?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
What is ievealeu about the Lamb (}esus), anu what Bis ueath accomplisheu
The impact this scene woulu have hau on the peisecuteu Chiistians in Asia
8D !cA 2;*(ff 1bO !cA f1I% gLZ^h

1D !cA 2;*(ff 8b 6(Ok2 *86c! c1bO gLZVh
1. Wiitten on the insiue anu on the back, sealeu with seven seals
2. The pioclamation by the stiong angel
a. "Who is woithy."
b. "To open anu the scioll anu to loose its seals."
S. The initial iesponse
a. No one, in heaven, on the eaith, unuei the eaith!
b. No one, able to open the scioll, oi to look at it!
4. }ohn's ieaction: "So I wept much, because no one was founu woithy..."

%D !cA (bA 7(*!ce !( (NAb !cA 2;*(ff g]Z^h
1. Comfoiting woius of the eluei to }ohn
a. "Bo not weep"
b. "Beholu, the Lion of the tiibe of }uuah, the ioot of Baviu"
c. Be "has pievaileu"
1) "To open the scioll"
2) "To loose its seven seals"
2. }ohn's uesciiption of the Lamb
a. Stanuing in the miust of the thione, the foui living cieatuies, anu the elueis
b. A Lamb as though it hau been slain
1) Baving seven hoins
2) With seven eyes, which aie the seven Spiiits of uou sent into all the
c. Who takes the scioll out of uou's iight hanu

88D !cA f1I% 82 N*182AO gYZLVh

1D %e !cA a(d* f8i8b6 ;*A1!d*A2 1bO !7Ab!eZa(d* AfOA*2 gYZLKh
1. Each having:
a. A haip
b. uoluen bowls full of incense, which aie the piayeis of the saints
2. They sang a new song...
a. The Lamb is woithy!
1) To take the scioll
2) To open its seals
b. Because:
1) Be was slain
2) Be has ieueemeu them to uou by Bis bloou out of eveiy tiibe, tongue,
people anu nation
S) Be has maue them kings anu piiests to uou, to ieign on the eaith


%D %e !c(d21bO2 dN(b !c(d21bO2 (a 1b6Af2 gLLZLJh
1. Theii voices heaiu aiounu the thione, along with the living cieatuies anu the
2. Saying with a louu voice:
a. Woithy is the Lamb who was slain
b. To ieceive powei, iiches, wisuom, stiength, honoi, gloiy, anu blessing

;D !(6A!cA* 78!c c8I 7c( 28!2 (b !cA !c*(bA gLMZLVh
1. }ohn now heais those in heaven, on eaith, unuei the eaith, anu in the sea saying:
a. "Blessing anu honoi anu gloiy anu powei..."
b. "Be to Bim who sits on thione, anu to the Lamb, foievei anu evei!"
2. 0pon which:
a. The foui living cieatuies saiu "Amen!"
b. The twenty-foui elueis fell uown anu woishippeu Bim who lives foievei anu
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 =## /0 ."# 9/G". "-04 &) c/< ?"& =-. &0 ."# ."9&0#j gLh

Mh 7"-. 4/4 - =.9&0G -0G#, F9&:,-/< ?/." - ,&34 +&/:#j gJh

Vh c&? 4/4 [&"0 9#-:. ?"#0 /. =##<#4 0&0# ?-= ?&9."5 .& &F#0 ."# =:9&,,j gMZVh

]h 7"-. 4/4 &0# &) ."# .?#0.5Z)&39 #,4#9= ."#0 =-5 .& [&"0j g]h

Xh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 =##j gXh

^h 7"#9# ?-= ."# f-<Cj 7"-. 4/4 c# 4&j gXZ^h

Yh 7"-. "-FF#0#4 ?"#0 ."# f-<C "-4 .-'#0 ."# =:9&,,j gYZ\-h

\h 7"-. 4/4 ."#5 F9&:,-/< /0 ."/= Q0#? =&0GRj g\h

LKh 7"5 4/4 ."#5 4##< ."# f-<C ?&9."5j g\ZLKh


LLh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 ."#0 =## -04 "#-9j gLLh

LJh 7"-. ?#9# ."#5 =-5/0Gj gLJh

LMh 7"-. 4&#= [&"0 "#-9 0#B.j gLMh

LVh 7"-. "-FF#0= ."#0j gLVh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 H/I
In this chaptei the Lamb looses six of the seven seals on the scioll. !"# )/9=. )&39 =#-,=
ieveal foui hoises anu theii iiueis (cf. U#: XSLZY), commonly iefeiieu touay as "The Foui
Boisemen 0f The Apocalypse". Notice what is saiu about the uiffeient iiueis:
'DDD/ 29+.* ./) =(:"* ,+ <(3DDD- (the iiuei on the white hoise)
'DDD(, ./) =9/*,"E ,+ ,<" +*"DDD,<"9" ./) =(:"* ,+ <(3DDD- (the iiuei on the ieu hoise)
'DDD/ :+(2" (* ,<" 3(E), +F ,<" F+19 ;(:(*= 29"/,19") )/>(*=- (the iiuei on the black hoise)
'DDD?+."9 ./) =(:"* ,+ ,<"3DDD- (iiueis on the pale hoise - Beath anu Baues)
Who hau the powei to give a ciown, to giant such authoiity. Who in the miust of the foui
living cieatuies might have spoken. Who hau powei to give to Beath anu Baues. When we
consiuei that }esus is the iulei of the kings of the eaith (*# LS]), that Be has the keys of
Baues anu of Beath (*# LSLY), anu that Be was in the miust of the foui living cieatuies (*#
]SX), it seems cleai that the answei is Chiist! In othei woius, the hoises anu theii iiueis
weie acting upon the authoiity anu powei given them by Chiist. Theiefoie I suggest the
following explanations foi ."# )/9=. )&39 =#-,= (LZY):
The white hoise anu its iiuei - Repiesents ;+(+*)3= 6,-S1$0*, such as uou useu to biing
juugment upon Assyiia (8=- LKS]Z^>LJZLM>L]ZLX) anu Babylon (8=- LMSL^ZJK).
The ieu hoise anu its iiuei - Repiesents 6+'+( 5)3, in which people woulu kill one anothei,
such as uou useu in Bis juugment against Egypt (8=- L\SLZV).
The black hoise anu its iiuei - Repiesents .);+-$, wheie necessities (wheat anu bailey)
woulu be scaice, while luxuiies (oil anu wine) might be in abunuance but of little inteiest to
the hungiy. uou hau useu famine in Bis juugment upon Isiael ([#9 LVSLLZLJ).
The pale hoise anu its iiueis (Beath anu Baues) - Repiesents 8$)*# biought about by the
swoiu, hungei, ueath (pestilence), anu beasts of the eaith. Such seveie juugments uou hau
biought upon }eiusalem in the past (AT# ]SL^W XSLJW LVSJL).
Some see the fulfillment of these things in the Roman auvance on }eiusalem uuiing A.B. 67-
7u, as uesciibeu by Flavius }osephus in his book, The Wais 0f The }ews (Bass, uentiy).
With ."# )/)." =#-, (\ZLL) we aie tolu 5#= uou woulu biing such juugment. Souls have been
slain foi the woiu of uou anu theii testimony, anu when the time is iight the wickeu will be
avengeu (cf. f' LYS^ZY). Neanwhile, souls of the slain aie comfoiteu with white iobes anu
iest. Who weie these souls. Peihaps Chiistians who hau alieauy paiu the supieme piice
foi following }esus, such as Stephen (1: ^S]VZYSJ), }ames (1: LJSLZJ), Antipas (*# JSLM).
!"# =/B." =#-, (LJZL^) uesciibes cosmic uistuibances anu the uespaii of those tiying to
hiue fiom uou's wiath. Is this scene uepicting the enu of time (cf. JN# MS^ZLJ). The
language is ieminiscent of that uesciibing uou's juugment upon Babylon (8=- LMSLZJJ) anu
Samaiia (c&= LKS^ZY). }esus useu similai language to wain people of the impenuing
uestiuction of }eiusalem (f' JMSJYZMK). Theiefoie I believe it iefeis to juugment upon
1-J$(+$'+-9 T03)$( foi peisecuting uou's people in the 1
centuiy. The guilty woulu not
escape the Lamb's wiath! Who woulu stanu in that uay. The answei is in the next chaptei.


?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The meaning of the foui hoises anu theii iiueis
The ieason foi the juugment anu wiath uesciibeu in this chaptei
8D !cA a(d* c(*2A2 1bO !cA8* *8OA*2 gLZYh

1D a8*2! 2A1f Z *8OA* (b !cA 7c8!A c(*2A gLZJh
1. The Lamb opens the fiist seal
2. 0ne of the foui living cieatuies says "Come"
S. }ohn sees a white hoise anu its iiuei
a. The man hau a bow
b. A ciown was given to him
c. The man went out conqueiing anu to conquei

%D 2A;(bO 2A1f Z *8OA* (b !cA *AO c(*2A gMZVh
1. The Lamb opens the seconu seal
2. The seconu living cieatuie says "Come"
S. }ohn sees a fieiy ieu hoise anu its iiuei
a. The iiuei was gianteu to take peace fiom the eaith, anu foi people to kill
one anothei
b. A gieat swoiu was given to him

;D !c8*O 2A1f Z *8OA* (b !cA %f1;m c(*2A g]ZXh
1. The Lamb opens the thiiu seal
2. The thiiu living cieatuie says "Come"
S. }ohn sees a black hoise anu its iiuei
a. A paii of scales is in the hanu of the iiuei
b. A voice in the miust of the foui living cieatuies says "A quait of wheat foi a
uenaiius, anu thiee quaits of bailey foi a uenaiius; anu uo not haim the oil
anu the wine."

OD a(d*!c 2A1f Z *8OA* (b !cA N1fA c(*2A g^ZYh
1. The Lamb opens the fouith seal
2. The fouith living cieatuie says "Come"
S. }ohn sees a pale hoise anu its iiuei
a. 0n the hoise sits Beath, anu Baues followeu with him
b. Powei was given to them ovei a fouith of the eaith
c. Powei to kill with the swoiu, with ueath, anu by beasts

88D !cA 2(df2 dbOA* !cA 1f!1* g\ZLLh

1D !cA a8a!c 2A1f Z 2(df2 dbOA* !cA 1f!1* g\ZLKh
1. The Lamb opens the fifth seal
2. }ohn sees unuei the altai those who hau been slain
a. Foi the woiu of uou
b. Foi the testimony they helu
S. They ciieu with a louu voice:


a. "Bow long, 0 Loiu, holy anu tiue"
b. "0ntil you juuge anu avenge oui bloou on those who uwell on the eaith."

%D !cA8* ;(b2(f1!8(b gLLh
1. A white iobe was given to each of them
2. They weie tolu to iest a little while longei, until both theii fellow seivants anu
biethien woulu be killeu

888D ;(2I8; O82*dN!8(b2 8b !cA O1e (a !cA f1I%k2 7*1!c gLJZL^h

1D !cA 28l!c 2A1f Z ;(2I8; O82*dN!8(b2 gLJZLVh
1. The Lamb opens the sixth seal
2. Cataclysmic events occui:
a. A gieat eaithquake
b. Sun becomes black as sackcloth of haii
c. Noon became like bloou
u. Stais fall to the eaith, like iipe figs shaken fiom a tiee by a mighty winu
e. Sky ieceueu as a scioll when iolleu up
f. Eveiy mountain anu islanu moveu out of its place

%D !cA *A1;!8(b (a I1bm8bO gL]ZL^h
1. uieat anu small, slave anu fiee, hiu themselves in the caves anu iocks of the
2. They ciy out to the mountains anu iocks:
a. "Fall on us anu hiue us fiom the face of Bim who sits on the thione anu fiom
the wiath of the Lamb!"
b. "Foi the gieat uay of Bis wiath has come, anu who is able to stanu."
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"& &F#0= #-:" &) ."# =#-,= /0 ."/= :"-F.#9j gL>M>]>^>\>LJh

Mh 7"-. /= =##0 ?"#0 ."# )/9=. =#-, /= &F#0#4j 7"-. ?-= G/+#0 .& "/<j gLZJh

Vh 7"-. /= =##0 ?"#0 ."# =#:&04 =#-, /= &F#0#4j 7"-. ?-= G/+#0 .& "/<j gMZVh

]h 7"-. /= =##0 ?"#0 ."# ."/94 =#-, /= &F#0#4j 7"-. /= "#-94j g]ZXh

Xh 7"-. /= =##0 ?"#0 ."# )&39." =#-, /= &F#0#4j 7"-. ?-= G/+#0 .& ."#<j g^ZYh


^h 7"-. /= =##0 ?"#0 ."# )/)." =#-, /= &F#0#4j 7"-. -9# ."#5 =-5/0Gj g\ZLKh

Yh c&? -9# ."#5 :&0=&,#4j gLLh

\h 7"-. /= =##0 ?"#0 ."# =/B." =#-, /= :&<F,#.#4j gLJZLVh

LKh 7"-. 4& ."# F#&F,# &0 #-9." .95 .& 4&j 7"-. 4& ."#5 =-5j gL]ZL^h


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 H$+$0
Between the sixth anu seventh seals, theie is an inteiluue in which }ohn sees two visions.
They may be uesigneu to answei the question iaiseu at the enu of the pievious chaptei:
!N,3 *#$ 93$)* 8)= ,. :+0 53)*# #)0 6,;$4 )-8 5#, +0 )J($ *, 0*)-8VA (*# XSL^)
In ."# )/9=. +/=/&0 }ohn sees foui angels stanuing at the foui coineis of the eaith, holuing
back the winus fiom blowing on the eaith, sea, oi on any tiee. An angel aiises fiom the east
having the seal of the living uou, who ciies out to the othei foui angels not to haim the
eaith, etc., until the seivants of uou have been sealeu on theii foieheaus. }ohn then heais
the numbei of those who aie sealeu. They aie 144,uuu of all the tiibes of the chiluien of
Isiael, with 12,uuu fiom each tiibe. 0f inteiest is the fact that Ephiaim anu Ban aie not
mentioneu, while Levi anu }oseph aie counteu as tiibes. This suggests to many that the
144,uuu of Isiael is symbolic (LZY).
!"# =#:&04 +/=/&0 ieveals a laige innumeiable multituue of all nations stanuing befoie the
thione anu the Lamb. Clotheu with white iobes anu palm bianches in theii hanus, they ciy
out !Y)(')*+,- J$(,-90 *, ,13 7,8 5#, 0+*0 ,- *#$ *#3,-$4 )-8 *, *#$ L);JXA They aie joineu
in theii piaise by angels, the elueis, anu foui living cieatuies. }ohn is then tolu by one of the
elueis that those aiiayeu in white iobes have come out of the gieat tiibulation, with theii
iobes washeu anu maue white in the bloou of the Lamb. Befoie the thione of uou, they
seive Bim uay anu night in Bis temple. Futuie blessings aie then uesciibeu: uou will uwell
among them, they shall be fiee fiom hungei, thiist, anu the heat of the sun. The Lamb will
shepheiu them anu leau them to fountains of living wateis, anu uou will wipe all teais fiom
theii eyes (\ZL^).
What uo the two visions mean. The 144,uuu of Isiael sealeu on eaith may iepiesent
faithful }ewish Chiistians in Palestine leauing up to the uestiuction of }eiusalem in AB 7u.
They aie sealeu anu theieby spaieu fiom uou's wiath (cf. AT# \SLZLL). Eusebius says that
}ewish Chiistians weie able to flee to Pella befoie the Romans oveiwhelmeu }eiusalem, just
as }esus uigeu Bis uisciples to uo in f' JLSJKZJVD
The seconu vision pioviues hope foi any who must pass thiough "the gieat tiibulation" (not
just Isiael, but !,. )(( -)*+,-04 *3+J$04 ?$,?($04 )-8 *,-91$0A), foi it woulu not be limiteu to
Palestine, but woulu spieau thioughout the Roman empiie. Pioviueu they have washeu
theii iobes in the bloou of the Lamb, they aie assuieu that they will seive uou in Bis temple
in "the inteimeuiate state" (between ueath anu the iesuiiection). They aie also piomiseu
futuie blessings in "the eteinal state" (aftei the iesuiiection anu juugment, cf. *# ^SLXZL^
with *# JLSLZV).
Thus it woulu be }ewish Chiistians in Palestine, anu Chiistians among all nations willing to
iemain faithful, who woulu be able to stanu in the uay of uou's wiath!
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The iuentity of the two gioups in the two visions seen in this chaptei
The comfoit piomiseu those who woulu pass thiough the gieat tiibulation


8D !cA LVV>KKK 2A1fAO (b A1*!c gLZYh

1D !cA 1b6Af2 *A2!*18bAO gLZMh
1. }ohn saw foui angels at the foui coineis of the eaith
a. Boluing the foui winus of the eaith
b. That the winus woulu not blow on the eaith, sea, oi any tiee
2. }ohn saw anothei angel ascenuing fiom the east
a. Ciying with a louu voice to the foui angels gianteu to haim the eaith anu sea
b. Instiucting them not to haim the eaith, sea, oi tiees until the seivants of
uou weie sealeu on theii foieheaus

1. }ohn "heaiu" the numbei of those sealeu
2. Those sealeu weie 12,uuu each of the tiibes of Isiael:
a. }uuah g. Simeon
b. Reuben h. Levi
c. uau i. Issachai
u. Ashei j. Zebulun
e. Naphtali k. }oseph
f. Nanasseh l. Benjamin

88D !cA 6*A1! Idf!8!dOA 8b cA1iAb g\ZL^h

1D [(cb 2AA2 1 6*A1! Idf!8!dOA g\ZLJh
1. Which none coulu numbei, fiom all nations, tiibes, peoples anu tongues
2. Stanuing befoie the thione anu befoie the Lamb
a. Clotheu with white iobes
b. With palm bianches in theii hanus
S. Ciying with louu voices: "Salvation belongs to oui uou who sits on the thione,
anu to the Lamb!"
4. Angels, the elueis, anu the foui living cieatuies also join in with piaise
a. Falling on theii faces befoie the thione anu woishipping uou
b. Asciibing blessing, gloiy, wisuom, thanksgiving, honoi, powei, anu might to

%D !cA 6*A1! Idf!8!dOA 8OAb!8a8AO gLMZL^h
1. Askeu by one of the elueis, }ohn puts the question back to him
2. The eluei iuentifies the gieat multituue:
a. Those who come out of the gieat tiibulation
b. Who have washeu theii iobes anu maue them white in the bloou of the
c. Who aie befoie the thione of uou anu seive Bim uay anu night in Bis temple
S. The eluei uesciibes theii futuie blesseuness:
a. The 0ne on the thione will uwell with them
b. They shall not hungei noi thiist anymoie; the sun noi any heat shall stiike
c. The Lamb will shepheiu them anu leau them to living fountains of watei
u. uou will wipe away eveiy teai fiom theii eyes


*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"-. 4&#= [&"0 =## 0#B.j gLh

Mh 7"-. 4/4 -0 -0G#, -=:#04/0G )9&< ."# #-=. :95 &3.j gJZMh

Vh 7"& -04 "&? <-05 ?#9# =#-,#4j gVh

]h 80 ."# ,/=. &) ."&=# =#-,#4> ?"-. .?& .9/C#= &) 8=9-#, -9# </==/0Gj g]ZYh

Xh 7"-. .?& 0-<#= -9# 3=#4 )&9 .9/C#= ?"/:" ?#9# 0&. 0&9<-,,5 ,/=.#4 -<&0G ."#
.?#,+# .9/C#= &) 8=9-#,j g]ZYh

^h 1).#9 ."# LVV>KKK -9# =#-,#4> ?"-. 4&#= [&"0 =## 0#B.j g\ZLKh

Yh 7"& #,=# `&/0= /0 ?/." F9-/=# .& 6&4j gLLZLJh

\h 7"& 4&#= ."# #,4#9 /4#0./)5 -= ."# G9#-. <3,./.34#j gLMZLVh

LKh 7"-. )3.39# C,#==/0G= -9# ."#5 F9&</=#4 .& 9#:#/+#j gL]ZL^h


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 J/<#.
Following the "inteiluue" of the pievious chaptei, in which ieassuiing anu comfoiting
scenes conceining the saints weie seen, ."# =#+#0." =#-, is now openeu. Foi about a half
houi, theie is silence in heaven (L).
In contiast to all that happeneu befoie, the silence must have been stiiking! Possibly it
signifies awe in heaven foi what has alieauy been ievealeu, oi foi what is about to be
ievealeu. When uou acts, those on eaith shoulu be in awe (cf. c-C JSJKW U#: JSLM). Shoulu
we not expect a similai ieaction fiom Bis cieatuies in heaven (U#F LS^).
2#+#0 -0G#,= aie seen stanuing befoie uou to whom aie given =#+#0 .93<F#.=. Befoie
they sounu the tiumpets, -0&."#9 -0G#, ?/." - G&,4#0 :#0=#9 comes anu stanus befoie
the altai. To this angel is given much incense to offei along with ."# F9-5#9= &) ."# =-/0.=
upon the goluen altai befoie the thione. The smoke of the incense anu the piayeis of the
saints ascenu befoie uou fiom the angel's hanu. Then the angel takes the censei, fills it with
fiie fiom the altai, anu thiew it to the eaith. Noises, thunueiings, lightnings anu an
eaithquake follow, anu the seven angels with the seven tiumpets piepaie to sounu (JZX).
The scene appeais to suggest that the sounuing of the seven tiumpets anu the things to
follow is uou's iesponse to the piayeis of the saints. It is ieminiscent of what }esus taught
in Bis paiable of the peisistent wiuow: !P-8 0#)(( 7,8 -,* )'$-9$ :+0 ,5- $($6* 5#, 63= ,1*
8)= )-8 -+9#* *, :+;4 *#,19# :$ J$)30 (,-9 5+*# *#$;VA (f' LYS^W cf. also *# XS\ZLK).
As the fiist foui angels sounu theii tiumpets in tuin, the #0+/9&0<#0. in paiticulai is
The fiist tiumpet - Bail anu fiie, mingleu with bloou, aie thiown to eaith; a thiiu of
the tiees anu all the gieen giass weie buineu up (^).
The seconu tiumpet - Something like a gieat buining mountain is thiown into the
sea, tuining a thiiu of it into bloou; a thiiu of the sea cieatuies uieu, anu a thiiu of
the ships weie uestioyeu (YZ\).
The thiiu tiumpet - A gieat buining stai nameu Woimwoou falls on a thiiu of the
iiveis anu spiings of watei; a thiiu of the wateis became woimwoou (a bittei
woou) anu many men uieu fiom the bittei watei (LKZLL).
The fouith tiumpet - A thiiu of the sun, moon, anu stais aie stiuck, so that a thiiu of
them weie uaikeneu; thus a thiiu of the uay anu night uiu not shine (LJ).
The fiist foui tiumpets may signify 0-.39-, :-,-</./#= that uou woulu use in Bis juugment
-G-/0=. -F&=.-.# 8=9-#, who oppiesseu Bis people. They aie ieminiscent of the Egyptian
plagues (cf. AB& \ZLK), biought now against heiself that is latei calleu "Egypt" (*# LLSY).
That only a thiiu is affecteu, along with the symbolism of tiumpets, suggests that the
puipose of these juugments woulu be to wain, giving many oppoitunity to iepent.
Befoie the final thiee tiumpets sounu, an angel (oi eagle, in some mss) flies thiough the
miust of heaven with louu voice pioclaiming a ."9##Z)&,4 ?&# on the inhabitants of the
eaith (LM). While the fiist foui tiumpets weie bau enough, the woist was yet to come!


?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The opening of the seventh seal, the angel with the goluen censoi, anu the sounuing
of the fiist foui tiumpets
The possible significance of the silence in heaven anu the fiist foui tiumpets
8D !cA 2AiAb!c 2A1f Z 28fAb;A 8b cA1iAb gLh

1D !cA f1I% (NAb2 !cA 2AiAb 2A1f gL-h

%D 28fAb;A 8b cA1iAb a(* 1%(d! c1fa 1b c(d* gLCh

88D N*AN1*1!8(b a(* !cA 2(dbO8b6 (a !cA 2AiAb !*dINA!2 gJZXh

1D 2AiAb 1b6Af2 N*AN1*AO gJh
1. Seven angels who stanu befoie uou
2. To them weie given seven tiumpets

%D !cA 1b6Af 78!c !cA 6(fOAb ;Ab2A* gMZXh
1. Came anu stoou befoie the altai
2. Was given much incense to offei...
a. With the piayeis of all the saints
b. 0pon the goluen altai befoie the thione
S. The smoke of the incense anu the piayeis of the saints...
a. Ascenueu befoie uou
b. Fiom the angel's hanu
4. The angel took the censei...
a. Filleu it with fiie fiom the altai
b. Thiew it to the eaith
-- Accompanieu by noises, thunueiings, lightnings, anu an eaithquake
S. The seven angels with the seven tiumpets then piepaieu themselves to sounu

888D !cA a8*2! a(d* !*dINA!2 g^ZLJh

1D !cA a8*2! !*dINA!S iA6A!1!8(b 2!*d;m g^h
1. Bail anu fiie, mingleu with bloou, thiown to the eaith
2. A thiiu of the tiees buineu up, anu all gieen giass buineu up

%D !cA 2A;(bO !*dINA!S 2A12 2!*d;m gYZ\h
1. Something like a gieat buining mountain thiown into the sea
2. A thiiu of the sea became bloou; a thiiu of the cieatuies in the sea uieu; a thiiu
of the ships uestioyeu

;D !cA !c8*O !*dINA!S *8iA*2 1bO 2N*8b62 2!*d;m gLKZLLh
1. A gieat buining stai fell on a thiiu of the iiveis anu spiings of watei
2. Nameu Woimwoou, a thiiu of the wateis became woimwoou; many men uieu
fiom the bittei watei


OD !cA a(d*!c !*dINA!S cA1iAb2 2!*d;m gLJh
1. A thiiu of the sun, moon, anu stais stiuck
2. A thiiu of them weie uaikeneu, so that thiiu of the uay anu night uiu not shine

8iD !c*AAZa(fO 7(A 1bb(db;AO gLMh

1D 1b 1b6Af gA16fAjh afe8b6 !c*(d6c cA1iAb gLM-h

%D N*(b(db;8b6 1 !c*AAZa(fO 7(A gLMCh
1. "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the eaith"
2. "Because of the iemaining blasts of the tiumpet of the thiee angels who aie
about to sounu!"
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"-. "-FF#0#4 ?"#0 ."# f-<C &F#0#4 ."# =#+#0." =#-,j gLh

Mh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 =## 0#B.j gJh

Vh 7"-. 4/4 -0&."#9 -0G#, 4&j 7"-. ?-= G/+#0 "/<j 7"5j gMZVh

]h 7"-. 4/4 ."# -0G#, ."#0 4& ?/." ."# :#0=#9j 7"-. ."#0 "-FF#0#4j g]ZXh

Xh O#=:9/C# ?"-. "-FF#0#4 ?"#0 ."# )/9=. -0G#, =&304#4 g^h

^h O#=:9/C# ?"-. "-FF#0#4 ?"#0 ."# =#:&04 -0G#, =&304#4 gYZ\h

Yh O#=:9/C# ?"-. "-FF#0#4 ?"#0 ."# ."/94 -0G#, =&304#4 gLKZLLh

\h O#=:9/C# ?"-. "-FF#0#4 ?"#0 ."# )&39." -0G#, =&304#4 gLJh


LKh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 0#B. =## -04 "#-9j gLMh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 ;/0$
Following the ominous waining of the angel (eagle) in the pievious chaptei, the fifth angel
sounus his tiumpet. }ohn sees a stai fallen fiom heaven, to whom is given the key to the
bottomless pit. As the pit is openeu, smoke iises that uaikens the sun anu aii. Then ,&:3=.=
?/." F&?#9 ,/'# =:&9F/&0= came out of the smoke, to whom was given powei to haim only
those who uiu not have the seal of uou on theii foieheau. Theii powei was limiteu only to
toiment, not kill, anu only foi five months. Even so, men wisheu they coulu uie. }ohn
uesciibes the appeaiance of the locusts, anu iuentifies theii king as the angel of the
bottomless pit whose name in Bebiew is Abauuon anu in uieek is Apollyon, both meaning
"uestiuction". Thus enus the fiist "woe", with two moie to come (LZLJ).
When the sixth angel sounus his tiumpet, }ohn heais a voice fiom the foui hoins of the
goluen altai befoie uou. It tells the sixth angel to ielease foui angels who have been bounu
at the iivei Euphiates. These angels hau been piepaieu foi the houi, uay, month anu yeai,
to kill a thiiu of mankinu. At this point }ohn heais the numbei of an -9<5 &) .?& "3049#4
</,,/&0 "&9=#<#0. Besciibing the coloiful bieastplates of those on the hoises, he also
ielates how the lion-like heaus of the hoises blew fiie, smoke anu biimstone which killeu a
thiiu of mankinu. They also uiu much haim with seipent-like tails. Bespite these two
"woes", the iest of mankinu uiu not iepent of theii iuolatiy, muiueis, soiceiies, sexual
immoialities anu thefts (LMZJL).
As one can imagine, attempts to inteipiet these visions have been many anu some quite
fanciful. Togethei with the fiist foui tiumpets, I suggest the fifth anu sixth tiumpets signify
.&&,= -. 6&4k= 4/=F&=-, .& C9/0G ?9-." upon the peisecutois of Bis people. Though
alloweu to go only so fai, Satan's influence can have the effect of weakening a nation fiom
within. Theie is also the thieat of exteinal invasion by enemy foices. Theiefoie I concui
with otheis that the vision of locusts fiom the bottomless pit symbolizes the "#,,/="
9&..#00#== -04 /0.#90-, 4#:-4#0:# that woulu weaken the enemies of uou's people fiom
within. The two hunuieu million hoisemen symbolize #B.#90-, /0+-=/&0 as anothei
instiument uou woulu use. Togethei with natuial calamities, (uepicteu in the fiist foui
tiumpets), these combineu to biing uown apostate Isiael (cf. I. LJSVMZV]W f' JLSJKZJV).
As Chiistians in }ohn's uay weie oppiesseu by what seemeu to be invincible opponents,
visions like these woulu ieminu them that those !5#, 8, -,* #)'$ *#$ 0$)( ,. 7,8 ,- *#$+3
.,3$#$)8A (*# \SVW ^SM) woulu be susceptible to uou's wiath.
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The sounuing of the fifth anu sixth tiumpets
The significance of the visions when the two tiumpets sounueu
8D !cA a8a!c !*dINA!S f(;d2!2 a*(I !cA %(!!(IfA22 N8! gLZLJh

1D !cA Q2!1*R a1ffAb a*(I cA1iAb gLZJh


1. With the sounuing of the fifth tiumpet...
a. }ohn saw a stai fallen fiom heaven to the eaith
b. To whom was given the key to the bottomless pit
2. When the bottomless pit was openeu...
a. Smoke like that of a gieat fuinace aiose out of the pit
b. The sun anu the aii weie uaikeneu because of the smoke

%D !cA Qf(;d2!2R 1bO !cA8* N(7A* gMZLKh
1. 0ut of the smoke locusts with gieat powei came upon the eaith
a. Powei like scoipions
b. Commanueu not to haim the giass, any gieen thing, oi any tiee
2. The extent anu natuie of theii powei
a. Coulu haim only those who uo not have the seal of uou on theii foieheaus
b. Coulu not kill, but only toiment them foi five months
c. Nen will seek ueath, but ueath will flee fiom them
S. The locusts uesciibeu
a. Theii shape like hoises piepaieu foi battle
b. 0n theii heaus weie ciowns of something like golu
c. Theii faces weie like those of men
u. Theii haii was like women's haii
e. Theii teeth was like lions' teeth
f. With bieastplates like those of iion
g. The sounu of theii wings like chaiiots with many iunning hoises
h. With tails like scoipions, anu stings in theii tails (though limiteu in powei)

;D !cA Qm8b6R (iA* !cAI gLLZLJh
1. The angel of the bottomless pit
2. Whose name in Bebiew is Abauuon, anu in uieek, Apollyon
-- The fiist of thiee woes is past; two moie to come

88D !cA 28l!c !*dINA!S !cA !7( cdbO*AO I8ff8(b 1*Ie gLMZJLh

1D !cA a(d* 1b6Af2 %(dbO 1! !cA AdNc*1!A2 gLMZL]h
1. With the sounuing of the sixth tiumpet...
a. }ohn heaiu a voice fiom the foui hoins of the goluen altai befoie uou
b. Speaking to the sixth angel who hau the tiumpet
c. Telling him to ielease the foui angels bounu at the iivei Euphiates
2. The foui angels ieleaseu...
a. Who hau been piepaieu foi the houi, uay, month, anu yeai
b. Who weie to kill a thiiu of mankinu

%D !cA 1*Ie (a !7( cdbO*AO I8ff8(b c(*2AIAb gLXZL\h
1. }ohn heaiu the numbei of them
2. What he saw in the vision...
a. Those on the hoises hau bieastplates of fieiy ieu, hyacinth blue, sulfui
b. The hoises hau heaus like those of lions
c. 0ut of theii mouths came fiie, smoke, anu biimstone
S. The powei of this gieat aimy...
a. A thiiu of mankinu killeu by the fiie, smoke, anu biimstone


b. The powei to haim is in theii mouth anu tails like seipents' heaus

;D !cA a18fd*A (a !cA 2d*i8i(*2 !( *ANAb! gJKZJLh
1. Those not killeu uiu not iepent of theii iuolatiy
2. Noi uiu they iepent of theii muiueis, soiceiies, sexual immoialities, oi thefts
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"#0 ."# )/)." -0G#, =&304#4 "/= .93<F#.> ?"-. 4/4 [&"0 =##j gLh

Mh 7"-. :-<# &3. &) ."# F/. ?"#0 /. ?-= &F#0#4j gJZMh

Vh 7"-. ?#9# ."# ,&:3=.= -,,&?#4 .& "-9<j gVh

]h 7"-. &."#9 ,/</.-./&0= ?-= F,-:#4 3F&0 ."#/9 F&?#9 g]ZXh

Xh c&? -9# ."# ,&:3=.= 4#=:9/C#4j g^ZLKh

^h 7"& ?-= ."#/9 '/0Gj 7"-. ?-= "/= 0-<# /0 c#C9#? -04 69##'j gLLh

Yh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 "#-9 ?"#0 ."# =/B." .93<F#. =&304#4 gLMZLVh

\h 7"-. ?#9# ."# )&39 -0G#,= 9#,#-=#4 .& 4&j gL]h

LKh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 "#-9 0#B.j gLXh

LLh 7"-. ?#9# ."# :&,&9= &) ."# C9#-=.F,-.#= &) ."&=# &0 ."# "&9=#=j gL^h

LJh 7"-. ?#9# ."# "#-4= &) ."# "&9=#= ,/'#j 7"-. :-<# &3. &) ."#/9 <&3."=j gL^h


LMh 7"& ?-= '/,,#4 C5 ."# =<&'#> )/9#> -04 C9/<=.&0#j gLYh

LVh 7"#9# ?-= ."# F&?#9 .& 4& "-9< /0 ."# "&9=#=j gL\h

L]h () ?"-. 4/4 ."&=# ?"& ?#9# 0&. '/,,#4 0&. 9#F#0.j gJKZJLh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 "$0
}ust as theie was an inteiluue between the sixth anu seventh =#-,= that incluueu two visions
uesigneu to comfoit the saints, so we finu an inteiluue between the sixth anu seventh
.93<F#.= with thiee visions that woulu have similai effect.
Chaptei ten contains the fiist vision in this seconu inteiluue, in which }ohn uesciibes a
mighty angel coming uown fiom heaven anu stanuing with his iight foot on the sea anu his
left on the lanu. 0f paiticulai note is - ,/..,# C&&' in the angel's hanu. When the angel ciieu
out with lion-like voice, =#+#0 ."304#9= utteieu theii voices, but }ohn is foibiuuen by a
voice fiom heaven to wiite the things which the thunueis utteieu. At this point the mighty
angel sweais by uou that theie will be uelay no longei, foi when the seventh angel sounus
his tiumpet the mysteiy of uou will be finisheu, as uou ueclaieu to Bis seivants the
piophets (LZ^).
Then the voice fiom heaven tells }ohn to take the book fiom the angel. As he uoes so, the
angel tells him to eat the book, with a waining that while it will be sweet as honey in his
mouth, it will make his stomach bittei. When }ohn eats the book, he is tolu that he must
again piophesy about many peoples, nations, tongues anu kings (YZLL).
The significance of #-./0G ."# ,/..,# C&&' is cleai enough, foi it symbolizes }ohn masteiing
the contents of the message (cf. AT# JSLZMSLL). As to its contents, it may peitain to the
piophecies of :"-F.#9= LJZJJ, which ceitainly contains piophecies of peoples, nations,
kings, etc. While the sounuing of the seventh tiumpet woulu inuicate the mysteiy of uou
was finisheu iegaiuing the juugment of 8=9-#,, }ohn woulu be shown moie things to
pioclaim iegaiuing the juugment of *&<# staiting in :"-F.#9 LJ.
The significance of the =#+#0 ."304#9= may foievei iemain an enigma. Summeis believes
that }ohn was foibiuuen to iecoiu theii utteiances because theie woulu be uelay no longei
anu the time foi waining was ovei. Bailey suggests that it may inuicate that uou has many
unievealeu weapons in Bis aisenal of juugments to be useu at Bis uiscietion, anu that man
cannot know all of uou's ways.
This vision appeais uesigneu to impiess upon }ohn that with the sounuing of the seventh
tiumpet his woik will not be ovei. Inueeu, in :"-F.#9= LJZJJ we shall see the ievelation of
uou's juugment against pagan Rome anu ultimately the woilu.
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The fiist vision of the inteiluue between the sounuing of the sixth anu seven
The significance of the little book given to }ohn to eat
8D !cA I86c!e 1b6Af 78!c !cA f8!!fA %((m gLZ^h

1D !cA 1b6Af> !cA %((m> 1bO !cA 2AiAb !cdbOA*2 gLZVh
1. }ohn uesciibes anothei mighty angel coming uown fiom heaven


a. Clotheu with a clouu
b. A iainbow on his heau
c. Bis face like the sun
u. Bis feet like pillais of fiie
e. A little book in his hanu
f. Bis iight foot on the sea, his left foot on the lanu
g. Who ciieu out with a louu voice, as when a lion ioais
2. When the angel ciieu out, seven thunueis utteieu theii voices
a. }ohn piepaieu to wiite what he heaiu
b. But a voice fiom heaven instiucts him to seal up the things utteieu by the
seven thunueis, anu not wiite them

%D !cA 1b6Af 1bO c82 (1!c g]Z^h
1. }ohn sees the angel lift his hanu to heaven
2. The angel sweais by uou that theie will be uelay no longei
a. Foi in the uays of the sounuing of the seventh angel, the mysteiy of uou
woulu be finisheu
b. As uou ueclaieu to Bis seivants the piophets

88D [(cb A1!2 !cA f8!!fA %((m gYZLLh

1D [(cb 82 8b2!*d;!AO !( A1! !cA %((m gYZ\h
1. The same voice fiom heaven instiucts him to take the book fiom the angel's
2. Be is tolu to eat the book, which will be sweet as honey in his mouth, but will
make his stomach bittei

%D [(cb A1!2 !cA %((m gLKZLLh
1. Taking it fiom the angel's hanu, he ate it
2. It was sweet as honey in his mouth, but his stomach became bittei
S. Be is tolu: "You must piophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues, anu
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh c&? 4&#= [&"0 4#=:9/C# ."# -0G#, ?"/:" :&<#= 4&?0 )9&< "#-+#0j gLZJh

Mh 7"#0 ."# -0G#, :9/#4 &3.> ?"-. "-FF#0#4j gMh


Vh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 =.-9. .& 4&j 7"-. ?-= "# .&,4j gVh

]h 7"-. 4/4 ."# </G".5 -0G#, =?#-9 C5 6&4j g]Z^h

Xh 7"-. /= [&"0 ."#0 .&,4 .& 4&j gYh

^h 7"-. /= "# .&,4 .& 4& ?/." ."# C&&'j 7"-. 4/4 "# 4& ?/." ."# C&&'j g\ZLKh

Yh 7"-. ?-= "# ."#0 .&,4j gLLh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 J,$+$0
As the inteiluue between the sixth anu seventh tiumpets continues, two moie visions aie
seen. The fiist involves }ohn himself as he is given a ieeu anu tolu to <#-=39# ."# .#<F,#
&) 6&4> ."# -,.-9> -04 ."&=# ?&9="/FF/0G ."#9#. Be is instiucteu, howevei, not to
measuie the couit outsiue the temple, foi it has been given to the uentiles who will tieau
unueifoot the holy city foi foity-two months (LZJ). This vision may illustiate that while the
city of }eiusalem will unueigo gieat peisecution uuiing the }ewish Wai, which lasteu about
S V yeais (42 months), the tiue temple of uou will not be uestioyeu (the chuich, cf. L;&
Then theie is the vision of ."# .?& ?/.0#==#=, which falls into thiee sections. With powei
they piophesy 1,26u uays (42 months), clotheu in sackcloth. Iuentifieu as the two olive
tiees anu the two lampstanus stanuing befoie the thione of uou, they have the powei to
uevoui with fiie fiom theii mouths those who wish to haim them. They also have powei to
stop the iain uuiing the uays of theii piophesying, to tuin watei to bloou, anu to stiike the
eaith with plagues (MZX). But when theii testimony is completeu, the beast fiom the
bottomless pit makes wai with them anu kills them. Foi thiee anu half uays theii bouies
lies in the stieet of the gieat city that is spiiitually calleu Souom anu Egypt (wheie }esus was
ciucifieu, i.e., }eiusalem). Those who hau been toimenteu by the two piophets iejoice,
make meiiy anu exchange gifts (^ZLK). Bowevei, aftei thiee anu a half uays they aie iaiseu
to life anu ascenu into heaven, biinging gieat feai on those who saw them. In the same houi
a gieat eaithquake occuis in which a tenth of the city fell anu 7uuu men weie killeu. The
iest weie afiaiu anu gave gloiy to uou (LLZLM).
The two witnesses aie ieminiscent of Noses anu Elijah, also }oshua anu Zeiubbabel (cf. U#:
MZV) peihaps even }ohn the Baptist anu }esus, but I uo not believe they poitenu two liteial
peisons. Rathei, they iepiesent the witness of the chuich, with the numbei two signifying
the stiength of theii witness (e.g., "two oi moie witnesses"). When theii testimony is
completeu, theie will be a time of peisecution by "the beast" (latei iuentifieu as Rome, *#
L^S^ZL^) anu those of "the gieat city" (alieauy iuentifieu as }eiusalem, *# LLSY). Bowevei,
the witnesses (i.e., the chuich) will be victoiious, symbolizeu by theii iesuiiection anu
ascension to heaven.
The inteiluue enueu, it is time foi the thiiu woe anu final tiumpet. As ."# =#+#0." -0G#,
=&304#4, louu voices in heaven pioclaimeu !"#$ >+-98,;0 ,. *#+0 5,3(8 #)'$ J$6,;$ *#$
>+-98,;0 ,. ,13 L,38 )-8 ,. :+0 2#3+0*4 )-8 :$ 0#)(( 3$+9- .,3$'$3 )-8 $'$3XA The twenty-foui
elueis then fell on theii faces anu woishipeu uou, giving thanks to Bim foi having taken Bis
gieat powei anu ieigneu. While the nations weie angiy, Bis wiath has come. So also has the
time come foi the ueau to be juugeu (which may iefei to the maityis, who weie now
vinuicateu, cf. *# XS\ZLL), Bis seivants the piophets anu the saints to be iewaiueu, anu foi
the uestiuction of those who uestioy the eaith. Then the temple of uou was openeu in
heaven, with the aik of the covenant in the temple, accompanieu by lightnings, noises,
thunueiings, an eaithquake anu hail (L]ZL\).
The physical temple in }eiusalem, which along with the aik (that hau uisappeaieu long
befoie) was once the focal point of uou's woiship anu ieign, is no moie. Now the temple
anu the aik aie seen in heaven, peihaps symbolizing that the woiship anu ieign of uou has


become univeisal iathei than localizeu in a physical city anu nation (cf. [0 VSJKZJV).
We have ieacheu ."# :,/<-B &) ."# )/9=. "-,) &) ."# *#+#,-./&0, in which we have been
shown juugment against unbelieving Isiael, especially the city of }eiusalem. Thiough the
visions of the seven seals anu seven tiumpets we leain of the aisenal at uou's uisposal:
conquest, wai, famine, pestilence, natuial calamities, moial uecay, exteinal invasion. }ust as
uou useu such instiuments in Bis uealings with the nations in the 0lu Testament, so Bis Son
woulu use Bis powei to ieign ovei the nations with a iou of iion (cf. *# LS]W JSJ^W MSJL).
Tiuly, !"#$ >+-98,;0 ,. *#+0 5,3(8 #)'$ J$6,;$ *#$ >+-98,;0 ,. ,13 L,38 )-8 ,. :+0 2#3+0*4
)-8 :$ 0#)(( 3$+9- .,3$'$3 )-8 $'$3XA (*# LLSL]). The uestiuction of }eiusalem in A.B. 7u, as
foietolu by }esus in I-.."#? JV> I-9' LM> anu f3'# JL, exemplifieu the powei of Bis ieign
ovei the nations. Bis victoiy ovei Rome uesciibeu latei in Revelation will confiim Bis
powei anu uominion as King of kings anu Loiu of loius (cf. *# L^SLV).
We have also seen visions uesigneu to comfoit the saints being oppiesseu by theii enemies,
especially maityis. uou has taken notice of theii suffeiing, anu while peisecution may
tempoiaiily be theii lot, victoiy will ultimately be theiis! Those who suffei ueath at the
hanus of theii enemies aie piomiseu salvation anu the blessing of being in the piesence anu
caie of the Loiu. Nothing can totally stop theii witness, anu nothing can keep uou fiom
iemaining tiue to Bis covenant with them!
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The iemaining visions in the inteiluue between the sounuing of the sixth anu
seventh tiumpets, anu what happens when the seven tiumpet sounus
The significance of these visions, anu possible explanations of what they mean as we
summaiize what we have seen in the fiist half of the book of Revelation
8D IA12d*8b6 !cA !AINfA (a 6(O gLZJh

1D !cA ;(II1bO !( IA12d*A !cA !AINfA 1bO 8!2 (;;dN1b!2 gLh
1. }ohn is given a ieeu like a measuiing iou
2. Tolu to measuie the temple of uou, the altai, anu those who woiship theie

%D !cA ;(II1bO b(! !( IA12d*A !cA (d!A* ;(d*! gJh
1. Tolu not to measuie the couit outsiue the temple
2. Foi it has been given to the uentiles, who will tieau the holy city unuei foot
foity-two months

88D !cA !7( 78!bA22A2 gMZLVh

1D N*(NcA2e8b6 a(* LJXK O1e2 gMZXh
1. Two witnesses given powei to piophesy, clotheu in sackcloth
2. Iuentifieu as the two olive tiees anu two lampstanus stanuing befoie uou
S. Those tiying to haim them aie uevouieu by fiie fiom theii mouths
4. Baving powei:
a. To shut heaven so no iain falls uuiing theii piophesying
b. To tuin watei to bloou
c. To stiike the eaith with plagues as they uesiie


%D m8ffAO 1bO OA1O a(* !c*AA 1bO 1 c1fa O1e2 g^ZLKh
1. Theii testimony finisheu, the beast will kill them
a. The beast that ascenus fiom the bottomless pit
b. Who will make wai against them anu oveicome them
2. Theii ueau bouies will lie in the stieet of the gieat city
a. Spiiitually calleu Souom anu Egypt
b. Wheie oui Loiu was ciucifieu
S. The peoples, tiibes, tongues, anu nation who uwell on the eaith
a. Will see theii bouies thiee anu a half uays
b. Will not allow them to be put into giaves
c. Will iejoice ovei them, make meiiy, anu exchange gifts, because the two
piophets hau toimenteu those who uwell on the eaith

;D *182AO 1bO 12;AbOAO !( cA1iAb gLLZLVh
1. Aftei thiee anu a half uays, the bieath of life fiom uou enteieu them
2. They stoou, anu gieat feai fell on those who saw them
S. A louu voice fiom heaven tells them to "Come up heie"
4. They ascenu to heaven in a clouu as theii enemies saw them
S. In that same houi theie was an eaithquake
a. A tenth of the city fell
b. Seven thousanu men weie killeu
c. The iest weie afiaiu anu gave gloiy to the uou of heaven
6. The seconu woe is past; the thiiu woe is coming quickly

888D !cA 2AiAb!c !*dINA!S !cA m8b6O(I N*(;f18IAO gL]ZL\h

1D i8;!(*e N*(;f18IAO gL]h
1. The seventh angel sounueu his tiumpet anu theie weie louu voices in heaven
2. Saying, "The kinguoms of this woilu have become the kinguoms of oui Loiu anu
of Bis Chiist, anu Be shall ieign foievei anu evei!"

%D !cA !7Ab!eZa(d* AfOA*2 7(*2c8N 6(O gLXZLYh
1. The elueis fell on theii faces anu woishipeu uou
2. uiving thanks to the Loiu uou Almighty, the 0ne who is anu who was anu who is
to come
S. Because Be has taken Bis gieat powei anu ieigneu
4. The nations weie angiy, anu Bis wiath has come
S. The time has come
a. That the ueau shoulu be juugeu
b. That Bis seivants the piophets, the saints, anu those who feai Bis name,
shoulu be iewaiueu
c. That Be shoulu uestioy those who uestioy the eaith

;D !cA !AINfA (a 6(O (NAbAO 8b cA1iAb gL\h
1. The temple of uou was openeu in heaven, anu the aik of Bis covenant was seen
in Bis temple
2. Theie weie lightnings, noises, thunueiings, an eaithquake, anu gieat hail
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j


Jh 7"-. ?-= [&"0 G/+#0 -04 .&,4 .& <#-=39#j gLh

Mh 7"-. ?-= "# .&,4 .& ,#-+# &3.j 7"5j gJh

Vh 7"-. ?#9# ."# .?& ?/.0#==#= .& 4&j gMh

]h c&? -9# ."#5 /4#0./)/#4j gVh

Xh 7"-. "-FF#0= .& ."&=# ?"& .95 .& "-9< ."#< 439/0G ."/= ./<# &) F9&F"#=5/0Gj g]h

^h 7"-. F&?#9 4& ."#=# .?& ?/.0#==#= "-+#j gXh

Yh 7"-. ?/,, "-FF#0 ?"#0 ."#5 )/0/=" ."#/9 .#=./<&05j g^h

\h 7"#9# ?/,, ."#/9 4#-4 C&4/#= ,/#j gYh

LKh c&? ,&0G ?/,, F#&F,# =## ."#/9 4#-4 C&4/#=j g\h

LLh c&? ?/,, ."&=# &0 ."# #-9." 9#-:. .& ."#/9 4#-."=j 7"5j gLKh

LJh 7"-. "-FF#0#4 .& ."# .?& ?/.0#==#= -).#9 ."9## -04 - "-,) 4-5=j gLLZLJh

LMh 7"-. "-FF#0#4 /0 ."-. =-<# "&39j gLMh


LVh 7"-. ?-= "#-94 ?"#0 ."# =#+#0." -0G#, =&304#4 "/= .93<F#.j gL]h

L]h 7"-. 4/4 ."# .?#0.5Z)&39 #,4#9= 4&j gLXh

LXh a&9 ?"-. 4/4 ."#5 G/+# ."-0'=j gL^h

L^h 1= #BF9#==#4 /0 ."#/9 F9-/=#> ?"-. "-4 :&<#j gLYh

LYh 7"-. ?-= ."#0 &F#0#4 /0 "#-+#0> -04 ?"-. ?-= =##0 /0 /.j gL\h

L\h 7"-. ."#0 )&,,&?#4j gL\h


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 "E$,+$
With this chaptei the tiansition is maue fiom Chiist's juugment on }eiusalem (:"=D XZLL) to
Bis juugment on Rome (:"=D LMZL\). To expeuite the tiansition, we aie tolu of Satan's effoit
to uestioy the woik of Chiist anu Bis chuich.
We ieau of his faileu attempt to pievent ."# <-,# ;"/,4 fiom being boin anu assuming Bis
iightful place of authoiity as iulei of the nations (LZX).
An effoit to usuip that authoiity by waging wai in heaven is thwaiteu, iesulting in ."# 4#+/,
anu his angels being cast to eaith. That piompts a louu voice in heaven to pioclaim that
salvation, stiength, the kinguom of uou anu the powei of Bis Chiist has come. Because the
accusei (i.e., the uevil) has been cast uown, those in heaven who oveicame by the bloou of
}esus anu theii testimony, anu who uiu not love theii lives to the ueath, coulu iejoice. But
woe is pioclaimeu to those on the eaith, because now the uevil has come uown to them anu
he knows his time is shoit (^ZLJ).
At fiist the uiagon's effoits aie uiiecteu towaiu ."# ?&<-0 who gave biith to the chilu.
Bowevei, she is given wings to fly to hei place in the wilueiness wheie she is nouiisheu foi
a time, times, anu half a time (1,26u uays, cf. +DX). Even the eaith helpeu the woman, so
eniaging the uiagon that he went to make wai with the iest of "#9 &))=F9/0G, iuentifieu as
those who keep the commanuments of uou anu have the testimony of }esus Chiist (LMZL^).
While the iuentities of the male chilu anu the uiagon aie iathei eviuent, who is the woman
anu the iest of hei offspiing. I suggest the woman iepiesents the spiiit of faithfulness in
uou's messianic community (peihaps best exemplifieu by Naiy) who kept covenant with
uou. Calleu "the uaughtei of Zion" in piophecy (cf. I/: VSLKW ]SJ))W 8=- XXS^))), she
piouuceu not only Chiist, but Bis fiist uisciples as well, beginning with the faithful }ewish
Chiistian community that escapeu the fall of }eiusalem by fleeing into the wilueiness (cf. *#
LJSLMZLX). Satan theiefoie changeu his attention fiom }ewish Chiistians in Palestine to
Chiistians in Roman lanus, i.e., the woman's offspiing (cf. *# LJSL^).
Thus the chaptei ieveals why a peiiou of gieat tiibulation was about to come upon
Chiistians, especially /0 1=/- I/0&9 (cf. *# JSLK). Satan was fiustiateu by being thwaiteu
at eveiy tuin. Cast uown to the eaith, he woulu make eveiy attempt to uestioy the uisciples
of }esus. Foices he woulu use aie intiouuceu in chaptei thiiteen.
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The piimaiy foice behinu the peisecution coming upon the eaily Chiistians
Why the peisecution of the eaily chuich was so intense
8D !cA 7(I1b> !cA ;c8fO> 1bO !cA O*16(b gLZXh

1D !cA 7(I1b 78!c ;c8fO gLZJh
1. A gieat sign appeaieu in heaven, in which woman is clotheu:
a. With the sun


b. With the moon unuei hei feet
c. A gailanu of twelve stais on hei heau
2. Being with chilu, she ciieu out in laboi anu pain to give biith

%D !cA O*16(b *A1Oe !( OAi(d* !cA ;c8fO gMZVh
1. Anothei gieat sign appeaieu in heaven: a gieat, fieiy ieu uiagon
a. With seven heaus, ten hoins, seven uiauems on the heaus
b. With a tail which thiew a thiiu of the stais of heaven to the eaith
2. Stanuing befoie the woman, ieauy to uevoui the chilu as soon as it is boin

;D !cA (d!;(IA (a !cA ;c8fO 1bO !cA 7(I1b g]ZXh
1. The male chilu is boin
a. Who was to iule all nations with a iou of iion
b. Who was caught up to uou anu Bis thione
2. The woman fleu into the wilueiness
a. Wheie she has a place piepaieu by uou
b. Wheie she is feu foi 1,26u uays

88D 21!1b !c*(7b (d! (a cA1iAb g^ZLJh

1D 1 71* 8b cA1iAb g^Z\h
1. Between Nichael anu his angels, anu the uiagon anu his angels
2. The uiagon anu his angels uiu not pievail
a. No place was founu foi them in heaven any longei
b. The uiagon anu his angels weie cast to the eaith
c. The uiagon iuentifieu
1) That seipent of olu, calleu the Bevil anu Satan
2) Who ueceives the whole woilu

%D 1 f(dO i(8;A 8b cA1iAb gLKZLJh
1. Pioclaiming victoiy foi Chiist anu Bis biethien
a. Salvation, stiength, the kinguom of uou, anu the powei of Chiist have come
1) Foi the accusei of the biethien has been cast uown
2) Who hau accuseu them befoie uou uay anu night
b. Bow the biethien oveicame the accusei:
1) By the bloou of the Lamb
2) By the woiu of theii testimony
S) They uiu not love theii lives to the ueath
2. A call to iejoice, along with a waining
a. Foi those in heaven, iejoice!
b. Foi the inhabitants of the eaith anu sea, woe!
1) Foi the uevil has come uown to them having gieat wiath
2) Knowing that he has only a shoit time

888D !cA a18fAO 1!!AIN! !( NA*2A;d!A !cA 7(I1b gLMZL^h

1D !cA O*16(bk2 1!!AIN! !( NA*2A;d!A !cA 7(I1b gLMZLXh
1. Cast to the eaith, he peisecuteu the woman who gave biith to the male chilu
2. But the woman was given two wings of a gieat eagle
a. That she might fly into the wilueiness to hei place


b. Wheie she is nouiisheu foi a time, times, anu half a time
c. Safe fiom the piesence of the seipent
S. The seipent speweu watei out of his mouth like a floou aftei the woman
a. Boping to cause hei to be caiiieu away
b. But the eaith helpeu the woman by opening its mouth anu swallowing up
the floou

%D !cA O*16(bk2 8b!Ab! !( NA*2A;d!A cA* (aa2N*8b6 gL^h
1. Eniageu with the woman he cannot ieach, the uiagon goes to make wai with the
iest of hei offspiing
2. The iest of hei offspiing iuentifieu:
a. Those who keep the commanuments of uou
b. Those who have the testimony of }esus Chiist
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"-. G9#-. =/G0 -FF#-9#4 /0 "#-+#0j gLZJh

Mh 7"-. &."#9 =/G0 ."#0 -FF#-9#4 /0 "#-+#0 gMZVh

Vh 7"-. :"/,4 ?-= C&90j 7"-. "-FF#0#4 .& ."# :"/,4j g]h

]h 7"-. "-FF#0#4 .& ."# ?&<-0j gXh

Xh 7"-. "-FF#0#4 /0 "#-+#0j 7"& 4/4 0&. F9#+-/,j g^ZYh

^h 7"& ?-= ."/= 49-G&0j 7"-. ?-= 4&0# ?/." "/< -04 "/= -0G#,=j g\h

Yh 7"-. 4/4 - ,&34 +&/:# F9&:,-/< /0 "#-+#0 -C&3. ;"9/=. -04 ."# 49-G&0j gLKh


\h c&? "-4 ."# C9#."9#0 &+#9:&<# ."# 49-G&0j gLLh

LKh 7"-. -9# ."&=# ?"& 4?#,, /0 "#-+#0 .&,4j gLJh

LLh 7"5 ?-= ?&# F9&:,-/<#4 .& ."# /0"-C/.-0.= &) ."# #-9." -04 =#-j gLJh

LJh ;-=. 4&?0 .& ."# #-9."> ?"& 4/4 ."# 49-G&0 F#9=#:3.# 0#B.j gLMh

LMh 7"-. ?-= G/+#0 ."# ?&<-0j 7"5j gLVh

LVh c&? ,&0G ?-= ="# 0&39/="#4j gLVh

L]h c&? 4/4 ."# =#9F#0. .95 .& F#9=#:3.# ."# ?&<-0j 7"& "#,F#4 "#9j gL]ZLXh

LXh A09-G#4 C5 "/= /0-C/,/.5 .& F#9=#:3.# ."# ?&<-0> ?"& 4/4 ."# 49-G&0 G& .& <-'#
?-9 ?/." 0#B.j gL^h


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 "#/5.$$0
This chaptei ieveals two agents the uiagon (Satan) woulu use in caiiying out his wai
against the people of uou.
The fiist is ."# C#-=. )9&< ."# =#-. Besciibeu by }ohn as having seven heaus anu ten hoins,
theie weie ten ciowns on his hoins anu on his heaus a blasphemous name. The beast was
like a leopaiu, with feet like a beai anu a mouth like a lion. 0ne of the heaus of the beast
appeaieu moitally wounueu, but was healeu. To this beast the uiagon gave his powei, his
thione, anu gieat authoiity, anu all the woilu maiveleu anu woishipeu the beast. uiven a
mouth speaking gieat things anu blasphemies against uou, Bis name, Bis tabeinacle, anu
those uwelling in heaven, the beast was also gianteu to make wai against the saints foi
foity-two months. All on the eaith woishipeu him, except those whose names weie in the
Lamb's Book of Life. With this uesciiption of the beast anu his activities, }ohn gives a woiu
of caution to the saints (LZLK).
}ohn then saw ."# C#-=. )9&< ."# ,-04, having two hoins like a lamb anu speaking like a
uiagon. With the same authoiity as the fiist beast, this seconu beast causes all to woiship
the fiist by ueceiving them with gieat signs. Telling them to make an image to the fiist
beast, he was given powei to make the image speak anu put to ueath those who woulu not
woiship it. This seconu beast also causes all to ieceive a maik on theii iight hanus oi on
theii foieheau, without which they cannot buy oi sell. }ohn then auus a woiu of wisuom, in
which he tells those with unueistanuing to calculate the numbei of the beast, which is the
numbei of a man: XXX (LLZLY).
The iuentity of the fiist beast fiom the sea becomes cleaiei when we get to chaptei
seventeen. I agiee with those who say this beast fiom the sea is the Roman Empiie,
peisonifieu in its peisecuting empeiois. The beast fiom the eaith oi lanu may iepiesent
the Roman Concilia, a committee set up in Asia Ninoi wheie the seven chuiches weie
locateu to enfoice empeioi woiship at the time the Revelation was given (Summeis). This
they uiu by iequiiing a ceitificate that pioveu the beaiei hau been seen saciificing to the
iuol of the empeioi, without which one coulu not buy oi sell in the maiketplace.
The significance of 666 shoulu not be unueiestimateu, as }ohn encouiages those with
unueistanuing to calculate the numbei. 0nfoitunately, thiough many ingenuous anu
fanciful ways people have come up with the numbei to iepiesent just about anyone (e.g.,
the Pope, Bitlei, Ronalu Reagan). Keeping the context of Revelation anu its time in view, the
numbei 666 may be a ciyptogiam iefeiiing to "Lateinos" (which in uieek can be calculateu
to 666); anu in tuin points to the iulei of the Latin oi Roman empiie (Schaff, :+0*,3= K. "#$
2#3+0*+)- 2#136#, vol. 1, p. 177). In Bebiew the numbei can be calculateu to mean "Neio
Caesai" (Auams). Taken moie symbolically, the numbei may simply signify evil iaiseu to its
highest powei (Bailey, Summeis) as was the case in empeiois like Neio anu Bomitian.
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The two "beasts" that Satan woulu use in making wai against the saints
The numbei of the beast anu its maik consistent with the context of Revelation


8D !cA %A12! a*(I !cA 2A1 gLZLKh

1D !cA %A12! OA2;*8%AO gLZM-h
1. Seen by }ohn as iising up out of the sea
2. Baving seven heaus, ten hoins, with ten ciowns on his hoins, anu on his heaus a
blasphemous name
S. Like a leopaiu with feet like those of a beai anu a mouth like that of a lion
4. Bis powei, thione, anu gieat authoiity given him by the uiagon
S. 0ne of his heaus was moitally wounueu, but healeu

%D !cA 1;!8i8!e 8bi(fi8b6 !cA %A12! gMCZYh
1. All the woilu maiveleu anu followeu the beast
a. Woishipping the uiagon who gave authoiity to the beast
b. Woishipping the beast because of his appaient invincibility
2. What the beast was given
a. A mouth speaking gieat things anu blasphemies
b. Authoiity to continue (make wai) foi foity-two months
S. With this authoiity:
a. Be blasphemeu uou, Bis name, Bis tabeinacle, anu those uwelling in heaven
b. Be was gianteu to make wai with the saints anu oveicome them
c. Be was given authoiity ovei eveiy tiibe, tongue, anu nation
u. All who uwell on eaith woulu woiship him, unless theii names aie in the
Book of Life of the Lamb

;D 1 b(!A (a ;1d!8(b g\ZLKh
1. If anyone has an eai, let him heai
2. Be who leaus into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the swoiu
must be killeu with the swoiu
S. Beie is the patience anu the faith of the saints

88D !cA %A12! a*(I !cA f1bO gLLZLYh

1D !c82 %A12! OA2;*8%AO gLLh
1. Seen by }ohn as coming up out of the eaith
2. With two hoins like a lamb, but speaking like a uiagon

%D !cA 1;!8i8!e (a !c82 %A12! gLJZL^h
1. Be exeicises all the authoiity of the fiist beast in his piesence
2. Be causes the eaith anu those who uwell in it to woiship the fiist beast
a. Peifoiming gieat signs, making even fiie come uown fiom heaven
b. Beceiving the woilu by the signs
S. Be tells the woilu to make an image to the fiist beast
a. To which he is gianteu powei to give bieath
b. So the image coulu both speak anu cause those who uo not woiship it to be
4. Be causes all to ieceive a maik on the iight hanu oi on theii foieheaus
a. Without which none can buy oi sell
b. Which is the name of the beast, oi the numbei of his name


;D 1 b(!A (a 782O(I gLYh
1. Let those with unueistanuing calculate the numbei of the beast
2. Foi it is the numbei of a man: Bis numbei is 666
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"-. F"5=/:-, :"-9-:.#9/=./:= &) ."# C#-=. )9&< ."# =#- -9# <#0./&0#4j gLZMh

Mh 7"-. 4/4 ."# 49-G&0 G/+# ."# C#-=. )9&< ."# =#-j gJh

Vh c&? 4/4 ."# ?&9,4 9#=F&04 .& ."# C#-=. )9&< ."# =#-j gMZVh

]h 7"-. #,=# ?-= G/+#0 .& ."# C#-=. )9&< ."# =#-j g]h

Xh 7"#0 "# &F#0#4 "/= <&3."> ?"-. 4/4 ."# C#-=. C,-=F"#<#j gXh

^h 7"-. ?-= G9-0.#4 .& ."# C#-=. )9&< ."# =#-j g^h

Yh 7"& ?&3,4 ?&9="/F ."/= C#-=. )9&< ."# =#-j gYh

\h 7"-. 0&.# &) :-3./&0 /= G/+#0 -. ."/= F&/0.j g\ZLKh

LKh 7"-. ?#9# ."# F"5=/:-, :"-9-:.#9/=./:= &) ."# C#-=. )9&< ."# ,-04j gLLh

LLh 7"-. 4/4 ."# C#-=. )9&< ."# ,-04 4&j gLJZLVh


LJh 7"-. ?-= G9-0.#4 .& ."# C#-=. )9&< ."# ,-04j gL]h

LMh 7"-. 4/4 ."# C#-=. )9&< ."# ,-04 9#P3/9# -,, .& 9#:#/+#j 7"5j gLXZL^h

LVh 7"-. 0&.# &) ?/=4&< /= G/+#0 -. ."/= F&/0.j gLYh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 G&75.$$0
Following the tioubling uesciiption of the beasts in the pievious chaptei, this chaptei
pioviues scenes which appeai uesigneu to ieassuie the saints to iemain faithful to uou.
Fiist theie is ."# f-<C -04 LVV>KKK having the Fathei's name wiitten on theii foieheaus,
stanuing on Nount Zion. Singing a new song befoie the thione, the foui living cieatuies,
anu the elueis, the gieat company is uesciibeu as male viigins, ieueemeu fiom the eaith as
fiistfiuits to uou anu to the Lamb. They follow the Lamb wheievei Be goes, anu aie without
fault befoie the thione of uou (LZ]). I suggest this is a pictuie of the saints tiiumphant in
heaven (peihaps the blesseuness of faithful }ewish Chiistians fiist uepicteu in *# ^SLZYW cf.
also c# LJSJJZJV). Both the numbei anu uesciiptive teims aie symbolic, illustiating the
blesseuness piomiseu foi those who will peiseveie in theii faithfulness to uou.
Next comes ."9## -0G#,= -04 ."#/9 F9&:,-<-./&0=. The fiist angel anu his pioclamation
may inuicate that the gospel will continue to be spieau (uespite the effoits of the uiagon
anu the beasts). People shoulu theiefoie feai uou anu woiship Bim (not Caesai), foi the
houi of uou's juugment has come (XZ^). The pioclamation of the seconu angel announces
the fall of Babylon, uesciibeu latei in gieat uetail (Y). The thiiu angel pioclaims the teiiible
juugment anu eteinal toiment to befall those who woiship the beast anu his image, anu
ieceive his maik (\ZLL). The thiee pioclamations aie then followeu by an explanation that
the patience of the saints consists of keeping the commanuments of uou anu the faith of
}esus, with a voice fiom heaven telling }ohn to wiite of the blesseuness of those who uie in
the Loiu (LJZLM).
The chaptei concluues with a uepiction of .?& "-9+#=.=. The fiist shows the Son of Nan on
a white clouu ieaping the haivest of the eaith (LVZLX). The seconu uepicts an angel ieaping
the giapes of the vine of the eaith, which aie then thiown into the gieat winepiess of the
wiath of uou, piouucing a iivei of bloou almost two hunuieu miles long (L^ZJK). These
two haivests may be uiffeient ways of uesciibing the same juugment about to come upon
those who follow the beast, oi the fiist may uepict that }esus will safely haivest Bis own
while uou's wiath is being pouieu out on Bis enemies. I uo not believe eithei iepiesents
that which will occui when }esus comes at the enu of time (though they may ceitainly
foieshauow that gieat event). Insteau, like the angelic pioclamations they ieassuieu the
Chiistians of }ohn's uay that uou's houi of juugment was soon to come upon theii enemies
(e.g., the Roman empiie).
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The seiies of scenes uepicteu in this chaptei
Bow they may have pioviueu comfoit to the Chiistians of }ohn's uay
8D !cA LVV>KKK (b I(db! U8(b gLZ]h

1D 2!1bO8b6 78!c !cA f1I% gLh


1. 144,uuu togethei with the Lamb on Nount Zion
2. With the Fathei's name wiitten on theii foieheaus

%D 28b68b6 1 bA7 2(b6 gJZMh
1. }ohn heaiu a voice fiom heaven
a. Like the voice of many wateis
b. Like the voice of louu thunuei
2. }ohn heaiu the sounu of haipists playing theii haips
S. The 144,uuu sang a new song
a. Befoie the thione, the foui living cieatuies anu the elueis
b. Which none coulu leain except the 144,uuu ieueemeu fiom the eaith

;D OA2;*8%AO I(*A adffe gVZ]h
1. They aie viigins, who hau not uefileu themselves with women
2. They follow the Lamb wheievei Be goes
S. They weie ieueemeu fiom among men, the fiistfiuits to uou anu to the Lamb
4. They aie without fault befoie the thione of uou, with no guile in theii mouths

88D !c*AA 1b6Af8; N*(;f1I1!8(b2 gXZLMh

1D !cA a8*2! N*(;f1I1!8(b gXZ^h
1. By an angel flying in the miust of heaven, having the eveilasting gospel
a. To pieach to those who uwell on the eaith
b. To eveiy nation, tiibe, tongue, anu people
2. Saying with a louu voice...
a. "Feai uou anu give gloiy to Bim, foi the houi of Bis juugment has come"
b. "Woiship Bim who maue heaven anu eaith, the sea anu spiings of watei"

%D !cA 2A;(bO N*(;f1I1!8(b gYh
1. By anothei angel which followeu the fiist
2. Saying...
a. "Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that gieat city"
b. "Because she has maue all nations uiink of the wine of the wiath of hei

;D !cA !c8*O N*(;f1I1!8(b g\ZLLh
1. By a thiiu angel which followeu the fiist two
2. Saying with a louu voice...
a. "If anyone woiships the beast anu his image, anu ieceives his maik on his
foieheau oi on his hanu..."
b. "Be himself shall also uiink of the of wine of the wiath of uou, which is
pouieu out full stiength into the cup of Bis inuignation"
c. "Be shall be toimenteu with fiie anu biimstone..."
1) "In the piesence of the holy angels anu in the piesence of the Lamb"
2) "The smoke of theii toiment ascenus foievei anu evei"
S) "They have no iest uay oi night"
-- "Who woiship the beast anu his image, anu whoevei ieceives the maik
of his name"

OD 1 7(*O (a 782O(I 1bO 1 %A1!8!dOA gLJZLMh


1. Beie is the patience of the saints: those who keep...
a. The commanuments of uou
b. The faith of }esus
2. A voice fiom heaven saying...
a. "Wiite: 'Blesseu aie the ueau who uie in the Loiu fiom now on."
b. "Yes," says the Spiiit, "that they may iest fiom theii labois, anu theii woiks
follow them."

888D !cA !7( c1*iA2!2 gLVZJKh

1D *A1N8b6 !cA A1*!ck2 c1*iA2! gLVZLXh
1. The Son of Nan sitting on a white clouu
a. With a goluen ciown on Bis heau
b. With a shaip sickle in Bis hanu
2. An angel came out of the temple, ciying with a louu voice...
a. "Thiust in Youi sickle anu ieap"
b. "Foi the time has come foi You to ieap, foi the haivest of the eaith is iipe"
S. Be who sat on a clouu thiust in Bis sickle on the eaith, anu it was ieapeu

%D *A1N8b6 !cA 6*1NA2 (a 7*1!c gL^ZJKh
1. An angel came out of the temple in heaven, also having a shaip sickle
2. Anothei angel, having powei ovei fiie, ciieu with a louu voice to the angel with
the sickle...
a. "Thiust in youi shaip sickle anu gathei the clusteis of the vine of the eaith"
b. "Foi hei giapes aie fully iipe"
S. So the angel...
a. Thiust his sickle into the eaith
b. uatheieu the vine of the eaith
c. Thiew it into the gieat winepiess of the wiath of uou
4. The winepiess was tiampleu outsiue the city
a. Bloou came out of the winepiess
b. 0p to the hoises' biiules, foi 16uu fuilongs
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"-. 4&#= [&"0 =## =.-04/0G &0 I&30. U/&0j gLh

Mh 7"-. 4&#= [&"0 "#-9j gJh

Vh 7"-. ?#9# ."# LVV>KKK =/0G/0G> -04 ?"#9#j gMh

]h 7"& :&3,4 ,#-90 ."# =&0Gj gMh


Xh c&? -9# ."# LVV>KKK 4#=:9/C#4j gVZ]h

^h 7"-. 4/4 ."# )/9=. &) ."9## -0G#,= "-+#j 7"-. 4/4 /. =-5j gXZ^h

Yh 7"-. 4/4 ."# =#:&04 -0G#, =-5j gYh

\h 7"-. 4/4 ."# ."/94 -0G#, =-5j g\ZLLh

LKh 7"-. 4&#= [&"0 =-5 /= ."# F-./#0:# &) ."# =-/0.=j gLJh

LLh 7"-. 4/4 - +&/:# )9&< "#-+#0 =-5j 7"-. 4/4 ."# 2F/9/. =-5j gLMh

LJh 80 ."# )/9=. &) .?& "-9+#=.=> ?"& 4/4 ."# "-9+#=./0G -04 ?"-. ?-= 9#-F#4j gLVZLXh

LMh 80 ."# =#:&04 "-9+#=.> ?"& 4/4 ."# "-9+#=./0G -04 ?"-. ?-= 9#-F#4j gL^ZLYh

LVh 7"-. ?-= 4&0# ?/." ."# G9-F#=j 7"-. ?-= F9&43:#4j gL\ZJKh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 G/).$$0
With the main auveisaiies iuentifieu (the uiagon, the sea beast, the lanu beast, anu
Babylon) anu the people of uou ieassuieu of ultimate victoiy (chs. LJZLV), the full out-
pouiing of uou's wiath is about to be shown. Chaptei fifteen is a "pieluue" to the seven
bowls of wiath uesciibeu in the next chaptei.
We aie intiouuceu to =#+#0 -0G#,= ?"& "-+# ."# =#+#0 ,-=. F,-G3#= in which the wiath of
uou is complete (L). Befoie the seven angels aie given theii bowls, howevei, }ohn sees
those victoiious ovei the beast stanuing on a fieiy sea of glass having haips of uou. Singing
the song of Noses anu the song of the Lamb, they piaise uou foi Bis iighteous juugments (JZ
V). This scene is ieminiscent of the Isiaelites piaising uou foi theii victoiy ovei the
Egyptians aftei ciossing the Reu Sea (cf. AB& LVSMKZL]SJL).
The seven angels with the seven plagues then pioceeueu out of the temple of the tabeinacle
of the testimony in heaven, clotheu in biight linen anu chests giiueu with golu banus. 0ne
of the foui living cieatuies gave them seven goluen bowls full of the wiath of uou. At that
point the temple was filleu with smoke fiom the gloiy of uou anu Bis powei, pieventing
anyone fiom enteiing the temple until the seven plagues weie completeu (]ZY). Peihaps
this scene was uesigneu to convey that the time of uou's longsuffeiing was ovei, anu the
outpouiing of Bis wiath was the iesult of fulfilling the covenant Be hau with Bis people.
uou is about to avenge Bis saints!
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
Bow the stage is set foi the final outpouiing of uou's wiath on the beast anu those
who follow him
The comfoiting scene of those victoiious ovei the beast as they piaise Bis iighteous
8D N*AfdOA !( !cA 2AiAb %(7f2 (a 7*1!c gLZVh

1D 1 6*A1! 1bO I1*iAf(d2 286b 8b cA1iAb gLZJh
1. }ohn sees seven angels
a. Baving the seven last plagues
b. In which the wiath of uou is complete
2. }ohn sees a sea of glass mingleu with fiie, anu a gieat multituue
a. It is those who have the victoiy ovei the beast, his image, his maik, anu the
numbei of his name
b. They aie stanuing on the sea of glass, with haips of uou

%D 28b68b6 !cA 2(b6 (a I(2A2 1bO (a !cA f1I% gMZVh
1. The multituue is singing the song of Noses, anu the song of the Lamb
2. A song which piaises the Loiu uou Almighty, King of the saints
a. Foi Bis gieat anu maivelous woiks


b. Foi the tiuth anu justice of Bis ways
c. Foi Be is woithy of ieveience anu gloiy
u. Anu all nations shall come anu woiship befoie Bim, foi the manifestations of
Bis juugments

88D 2AiAb 1b6Af2 1bO 2AiAb %(7f2 (a 7*1!c g]ZYh

1D !cA 2AiAb 1b6Af2 g]ZXh
1. The temple of the tabeinacle of the testimony in heaven is openeu
2. 0ut come the seven angels having the seven plagues
a. Clotheu in puie biight linen
b. Baving theii chests giiueu with goluen banus

%D !cA 2AiAb 6(fOAb %(7f2 g^ZYh
1. 0ne of the foui living cieatuies gave to the seven angels:
a. Seven goluen bowls
b. Full of the wiath of uou who lives foievei
2. The temple was filleu with smoke
a. Fiom the gloiy of uou anu fiom Bis powei
b. No one was able to entei the temple until the seven plagues weie completeu
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"-. G9#-. -04 <-9+#,&3= =/G0 4/4 [&"0 =## /0 "#-+#0j gLh

Mh 7"& ?-= =.-04/0G &0 - =#- &) G,-== </0G,#4 ?/." )/9#j gJh

Vh 7"-. ?#9# ."#5 4&/0Gj gMh

]h a&9 ?"-. ?#9# ."#5 F9-/=/0G ."# f&94 6&4 1,</G".5j gMZVh

Xh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 =## -).#9 ."#=# ."/0G=j g]ZXh

^h 7"-. 4/4 &0# &) ."# )&39 ,/+/0G :9#-.39#= G/+# .& ."# =#+#0 -0G#,=j g^h

Yh 7"-. "-FF#0#4 .& ."# .#<F,# -. ."-. F&/0.j gYh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 H/I.$$0
In this chaptei the full outpouiing of wiath upon the enemies of uou is uepicteu. The seven
angels with the seven bowls poui out "the seven last plagues" (*#+ L]SL). Notice that these
aie not paitial juugments, as with the seven tiumpets uesciibeu eailiei (chs. YZLL). In the
pouiing out of these plagues "the wiath of uou is complete" (*#+ L]SL).
In the )/9=. )&39 C&?,=, uou's wiath is pouieu out on the eaith, the sea, the iiveis anu
spiings, anu the sun. Affecteu by these plagues aie those who hau the maik of the beast anu
who woishipeu his image.
uou's juugment upon them is pioclaimeu iighteous anu just, because they hau been guilty of
sheuuing the bloou of saints anu piophets. Amazingly, theii iesponse is to blaspheme uou,
anu iefuse to iepent anu give Bim gloiy (LZ\).
The )/)." C&?, is pouieu out on the thione of the beast anu his kinguom, iesulting in
uaikness. The painful suffeiing of the wickeu continue, as uoes theii blasphemy anu iefusal
to iepent of theii ueeus (LKZLL). The =/B." C&?, is pouieu out on the iivei Euphiates,
piepaiing the way foi the kings fiom the east. }ohn then saw thiee unclean spiiits like fiogs
come out of the mouth of the uiagon, the beast, anu the false piophet. Besciibeu as the
spiiits of uemons, they peifoim signs anu gathei the kings of the eaith to the place calleu
19<-G#44&0, foi the battle of the gieat uay of uou. At this point }esus speaks both a
waining anu blessing, foi those who watch anu keep theii gaiments will be blesseu, as Be is
coming as a thief (LJZLX).
The =#+#0." C&?, is pouieu out anu a louu voice fiom the temple in heaven ciies out, "It is
uone!" The ueclaiation is followeu by thunueiings, lightnings, anu a gieat eaithquake. The
gieat city was uiviueu into thiee paits, anu cities of the nations fell. uieat Babylon was
iemembeieu by uou, to give hei the cup of the wine of Bis wiath. Eveiy islanu fleu away,
the mountains weie not founu, anu gieat hail fiom heaven fell upon men. The lattei causeu
men to blaspheme uou, unwilling to iepent of theii evil ueeus (L^ZJL).
The seven bowls of wiath uepict a juugment upon F-G-0 *&<# that is moie final than the
juugment uepicteu eailiei with the seven seals anu seven tiumpets against 30C#,/#+/0G
[#93=-,#< (*# XZLL). While uou woulu not uestioy unbelieving }eiusalem completely, the
juugment against pagan Rome as a woilu empiie woulu be total.
;"-F.#9= L^ZL\ will elaboiate upon the juugments upon the beast, the false piophet, anu
Babylon, iuentifying them in moie uetail, anu uesciibing theii ultimate uownfall.
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
What happens when the seven bowls of wiath aie pouieu out
0pon whom the seven bowls aie pouieu, anu why
8D !cA N*(b(db;AIAb! gLh


1D %e 1 f(dO i(8;A a*(I !cA !AINfA gL-h

%D !( !cA 2AiAb 1b6Af2 !( N(d* (d! !cA %(7f2 (a 7*1!c gLCh

88D !cA 2AiAb %(7f2 (a 7*1!c gJZJLh

1D a8*2! %(7fS !A**8%fA 2(*A2 gJh
1. The bowl is pouieu out upon the eaith
2. Loathsome anu foul soies came upon those who hau the maik of the beast anu
who woishippeu his image

%D 2A;(bO %(7fS 2A1 (a %f((O gMh
1. The bowl is pouieu out on the sea, tuining it to the bloou of a ueau man
2. Eveiy living cieatuie in the sea uieu

;D !c8*O %(7fS *8iA*2 1bO 2N*8b62 (a %f((O gVZ^h
1. The bowl is pouieu out on the iiveis anu spiings, tuining them to bloou
2. The angel of the wateis ueclaies uou's justice
a. Bis juugments aie iighteous
b. Foi it is just uue upon those who sheu the bloou of saints anu piophets
S. Anothei voice fiom the altai also pioclaims uou's juugments as tiue anu

OD a(d*!c %(7fS IAb 2;(*;cAO gYZ\h
1. The bowl is pouieu out on the sun, giving the fouith angel powei to scoich men
with fiie
2. Nen weie scoicheu with gieat heat
a. They blasphemeu the name of uou who hau powei ovei these plagues
b. They uiu not iepent oi give gloiy to Bim

AD a8a!c %(7fS N18b 1bO O1*mbA22 gLKZLLh
1. The bowl is pouieu out on the thione of the beast, his kinguom became full of
2. Nen gnaweu theii tongues because of the pain
a. They blasphemeu uou
b. They uiu not iepent

aD 28l!c %(7fS m8b6O(I2 61!cA*AO 1! 1*I16AOO(b gLJZLXh
1. The bowl is pouieu out on the gieat iivei Euphiates
a. Its watei was uiieu up
b. Piepaiing the way foi the kings of the east
2. Thiee unclean spiiits like fiogs appeai
a. 0ut of the mouths of the uiagon, the beast, anu the false piophet
b. Which aie spiiits of uemons, peifoiming signs
c. Who gathei the kings of the eaith to the battle of that gieat uay of uou
S. }esus offeis both a waining anu a blessing
a. Be is coming as a thief
b. Blesseu is he who watches anu keeps his gaiments, lest he walks nakeu anu
otheis see his shame


4. The unclean spiiits gathei the kings of the eaith to the place calleu

6D 2AiAb!c %(7fS 6*A1! A1*!c@d1mAW !cA 6*A1! ;8!e O8i8OAO 1bO
%1%ef(b *AIAI%A*AOW ;1!1;fe2I8; AiAb!2 gL^ZJLh
1. The bowl is pouieu out on the aii
a. Followeu by a louu voice out of the temple of heaven, fiom the thione,
ueclaiing, "It is uone!"
b. Theie weie noises, thunueiings, lightnings, anu a mighty eaithquake unlike
any befoie
2. The gieat city was uiviueu into thiee paits, anu the cities of the nations fell
S. uieat Babylon was iemembeieu, to ieceive the cup of the wine of the fieiceness
of uou's wiath
4. uieat cataclysmic events occui
a. Eveiy islanu fleu away anu the mountains weie not founu
b. uieat hail fell upon men, anu they blasphemeu uou because of the hail
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"-. 4/4 - ,&34 +&/:# )9&< ."# .#<F,# =-5 .& =#+#0 -0G#,=j gLh

Mh dF&0 ?"-. ?-= ."# )/9=. C&?, F&39#4 &3.j 7"-. "-FF#0#4j gJh

Vh dF&0 ?"-. ?-= ."# =#:&04 C&?, F&39#4 &3.j 7"-. "-FF#0#4j gMh

]h dF&0 ?"-. ?-= ."# ."/94 C&?, F&39#4 &3.j 7"-. "-FF#0#4j gVh

Xh 7"5 4/4 ."# -0G#, &) ."# ?-.#9= F9&:,-/< 6&4k= `34G<#0.= -= `3=.j g]ZXh

^h dF&0 ?"-. ?-= ."# )&39." C&?, F&39#4 &3.j 7"-. "-FF#0#4j gYZ\h

Yh O#=F/.# ."#=# `34G<#0.=> "&? 4/4 <#0 9#=F&04j g\h

\h dF&0 ?"-. ?-= ."# )/)." C&?, F&39#4 &3.j 7"-. "-FF#0#4j gLKh

LKh 7"-. -G-/0 /= =-/4 -C&3. ."# 9#=F&0=# .& ."#=# `34G<#0.=j gLLh


LLh dF&0 ?"-. ?-= ."# =/B." C&?, F&39#4 &3.j 7"-. "-FF#0#4j gLJh

LJh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 =## 0#B.j gLMh

LMh 7"-. ?#9# ."#=#> -04 ?"-. ?-= ."#/9 </==/&0j gLVh

LVh 7"-. ?-90/0G -04 C#-./.34# 4/4 [#=3= G/+# -. ."/= F&/0.j gL]h

L]h 7"#9# ?#9# ."# '/0G= &) ."# #-9." G-."#9#4j gLXh

LXh dF&0 ?"-. ?-= ."# =#+#0." C&?, F&39#4 &3.j 7"-. "-FF#0#4j gL^h

L^h 7"-. ."#0 &::399#4j gLYZJLh

LYh c&? 4/4 F#&F,# 9#=F&04 .& ."# F,-G3# &) ."# "-/,j gJLh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 H$+$0.$$0
This is a key chaptei, foi the mysteiy of the gieat hailot anu the beast is explaineu, anu
one's unueistanuing of this chaptei will affect theii inteipietation of the iest of the book.
}ohn is caiiieu away into the wilueiness wheie he is shown ."# G9#-. "-9,&. Q%-C5,&0R,
with whom the kings of the eaith have committeu foinication anu the inhabitants of the
eaith weie uiunk with the wine of hei foinication. She is seen sitting on - =:-9,#. C#-=.
with seven heaus anu ten hoins. She is uiesseu in puiple anu scailet, auoineu with golu,
piecious stones anu peails. In hei hanu is a golu cup full of abominations anu the filthiness
of hei foinication. 0n hei foieheau is wiitten:
%1%ef(b !cA 6*A1!>
!cA I(!cA* (a c1*f(!2
1bO (a !cA 1%(I8b1!8(b2 (a !cA A1*!c
Seeing the woman uiunk with the bloou of the saints (0lu Testament saints.) anu with the
bloou of the maityis of }esus, }ohn maivels with gieat amazement (LZX).
The angel then pioceeus to tell }ohn the mysteiy of the woman anu the beast that caiiies
hei. Be begins with the beast fiist, uesciibeu as one who './)C () *+,C /*E () ,+ 2+3"-
(ESv). This beast will ascenu out of the bottomless pit (cf. *# LLS^) anu go to peiuition (cf.
*# L\SJK). The =#+#0 "#-4= of the beast iepiesent seven mountains upon which the
woman sits. Theie aie =#+#0 '/0G=, five of whom have fallen, one is, anu the othei has yet
to come. The beast is then uesciibeu as the #/G"." '/0G, though of the seven. The .#0
"&90= iepiesent ten kings who give theii powei anu authoiity to the beast, make wai
against the Lamb, anu eventually tuin on the hailot heiself. !"# "-9,&. is finally uesciibeu
as that "gieat city" (cf. *# LVSYW LXSL\) which ieigns ovei the kings of the eaith (^ZLY).
As inuicateu in the intiouuctoiy mateiial, my unueistanuing of this book focuses on the fact
that }ohn is given this ievelation at a time when the beast '() *+,- (*# L^SY>LL). Whatevei
explanation one gives foi the beast, it uiu not exist at the time of the Revelation! It hau
existeu, anu was to come, but at the time }ohn was shown the vision, it "() *+,-.
0ne plausible explanation is that the seven (actually eight) kings iepiesent Roman
empeiois, staiting with Augustus. This woulu make Neio the fifth king, whose ueath in 68
A.B. left the empiie in an upioai anu may be the "ueauly wounu" iefeiieu to *# LMSM>LJ>LV.
Biscounting ualba, 0tho, anu vitellius whose insignificant ieigns weie shoit-liveu uuiing
the tuimoil, the sixth king ('+*" ()-) woulu be vespasian who iestoieu oiuei to the empiie.
This woulu make Titus the seventh empeioi anu Bomitian the eighth. The beast that './)C
/*E () *+,C /*E .(;; /)2"*E- (NK}v) theiefoie uepicts the peisecuting Roman empeioi,
seen fiist in the peison of Neio (the beast who Q?-=R) anu latei in the peison of Bomitian
(the beast who '.(;; /)2"*E-). The .#0 '/0G= who gave theii powei anu authoiity to the
beast appeai to be vassal kings that suppoiteu the empeioi in times of peisecution.
The iuentity of the hailot is still an open question in my own minu. I useu to lean towaiu
the view that the hailot iepiesents [#93=-,#<, often suppoiteu in hei peisecution of the
chuich by the Roman empiie but then uestioyeu heiself by Rome in A.B. 7u. It is inteiesting


to compaie such veises as *# L^SXW LYSJK>JVW L\SJ with }esus' statements in I. JMSMLZ
M\. As foietolu by }esus in both Natthew anu Revelation, uou was about to avenge Bis
apostles anu piophets on this city !5#, >+((0 *#$ ?3,?#$*0 )-8 0*,-$0 *#,0$ 5#, )3$ 0$-* *,
#$3A (*# LYSJKW I. JMSM^). I still believe that }eiusalem is the focus of :"-F.#9= XZLL.
Nany unueistanu the hailot to iepiesent the commeicial anu immoial spiiit of *&<# (not
the liteial city itself, foi she was nevei uestioyeu as uesciibeu in latei chapteis) which was
instiumental in opposing the people of uou. Theie is much to be saiu foi this view. *#
L^SJ>LYW LYSM>\>LL ceitainly seem to fit Rome. I now lean towaiu this view in keeping with
the main iuea of Rome as the focus of :"-F.#9= LMZL\.
While the iuentity of the beast, the kings, anu the hailot might be uncleai in the minus of
some, the outcome of the conflict uesciibeu in this chaptei is ceitain. In what may be
uesciibeu as the theme of this book, we aie tolu that:
'8<")" .(;; 3/G" ./9 .(,< H/30C /*E ,<" H/30 .(;; +:"92+3" ,<"3C F+9 B" ()
H+9E +F ;+9E) /*E I(*= +F G(*=)J /*E ,<+)" .<+ /9" .(,< B(3 /9" 2/;;"EC 2<+)"*C
/*E F/(,<F1;D- K!" $@%$AL
Comfoiting woius inueeu to those eaily Chiistians who weie peisecuteu by both the Roman
empeioi anu unbelieving }eiusalem!
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The impoitance of this chaptei in inteipieting the book of Revelation
That the beast "is not" when the Revelation was given to }ohn
The iuentity of the gieat hailot anu the scailet beast
8D !cA 2;1*fA! 7(I1b 1bO !cA 2;1*fA! %A12! gLZXh

1D [(cb 82 1NN*(1;cAO %e 1b 1b6Af gLZJh
1. 0ne of the seven angels who hau the seven bowls
2. Who offeis to show him the juugment of the gieat hailot
a. Which sits on many wateis
b. With whom kings of the eaith have committeu foinication
c. With whom inhabitants of the eaith weie maue uiunk with the wine of hei

%D [(cb 82 2c(7b !cA 2;1*fA! 7(I1b (b !cA 2;1*fA! %A12! gMZXh
1. Be is caiiieu away by the angel in the Spiiit into the wilueiness
2. Theie he sees a woman sitting on a scailet beast
a. The scailet beast
1) Full of names of blasphemy
2) Baving seven heaus anu ten hoins
b. The woman
1) Aiiayeu in puiple anu scailet
2) Auoineu with golu, piecious stones, anu peails
S) In hei hanu a goluen cup full of abominations anu the filthiness of hei
4) 0n hei foieheau the name wiitten:


S) Biunk with:
a) The bloou of the saints
b) The bloou of the maityis of }esus
S. Be maiveleu with gieat amazement when he saw hei

88D !cA Ie2!A*e (a !cA 7(I1b 1bO %A12! AlNf18bAO g^ZLYh

1D !cA 1b6Af (aaA*2 !( AlNf18b !cA Ie2!A*e g^h
1. Asking }ohn why he maiveleu
2. Saying that he will tell him the mysteiy
a. 0f the woman
b. 0f the beast with seven heaus anu ten hoins that caiiies hei

%D !cA %A12! AlNf18bAO gYZLVh
1. The beast that }ohn saw:
a. Was, is not, anu will ascenu out of the bottomless pit anu go to peiuition
b. Will be maiveleu by those by those whose names aie not wiitten in the Book
of Life fiom the founuation of the woilu when they see it
2. The minu which has wisuom:
a. The seven heaus aie seven mountains upon which the woman sits
b. Theie aie also seven kings
1) Five have fallen, one is, the othei has yet to come
2) When the seventh comes, he must continue a shoit time
c. The beast that was, anu is not, is himself the eighth
1) Be is of the seven
2) Be is going to peiuition (uestiuction)
u. The ten hoins aie ten kings
1) Who have ieceiveu no kinguom as yet
2) But ieceive authoiity foi one houi with the beast
S) Who aie of one minu, anu give theii powei anu authoiity to the beast
e. These will make wai with the Lamb, anu the Lamb will oveicome them
1) Foi Be is Loiu of loius anu King of kings
2) Those with Bim aie calleu, chosen, anu faithful

;D !cA 7(I1b AlNf18bAO gL]ZLYh
1. The wateis upon which she sits aie peoples, multituues, nations anu tongues
2. The ten hoins (ten kings) on the beast
a. Will hate the hailot
1) Nake hei uesolate
2) Eat hei flesh anu buin hei with fiie
b. Foi uou has put it into theii heaits to fulfill Bis puipose
1) Foi them to be of one minu
2) To give theii kinguom to the beast
-- 0ntil the woius of uou aie fulfilleu
S. The woman }ohn saw is that gieat city which ieigns ovei the kings of the eaith


*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"-. 4/4 ."# -0G#, .#,, [&"0 "# ?&3,4 C# ="&?0j gLh

Mh c&? 4&#= ."# -0G#, 4#=:9/C# ."/= ?&<-0j gJh

Vh f/=. ."# 4#=:9/F./&0 &) ."# ?&<-0 -= =##0 C5 [&"0 gMZXh

]h 7"-. ?-= [&"0k= 9#-:./&0 .& =##/0G ."# ?&<-0j gXh

Xh 7"-. 4&#= ."# -0G#, &))#9 .& .#,, [&"0j g^h

^h c&? /= ."# C#-=. 4#=:9/C#4j gYh

Yh 7"-. 4&#= ."# =#+#0 "#-4= &) ."# C#-=. 9#F9#=#0.j g\ZLKh

\h 7"-. /= =-/4 &) ."# =#+#0 '/0G=j gLKh

LKh 7"-. /= =-/4 &) ."# C#-=. ."-. ?-= -04 /= 0&.j gLLh

LLh 7"-. 4& ."# .#0 "&90= 9#F9#=#0.j gLJh

LJh 7"-. #,=# /= =-/4 &) ."# .#0 '/0G= -04 ."# C#-=.j gLMZLVh


LMh 7"5 ?/,, ."# f-<C &+#9:&<# ."# C#-=. -04 ."# .#0 '/0G=j gLVh

LVh 7"-. 4& ."# ?-.#9= 3F&0 ?"/:" ."# "-9,&. =/.= 9#F9#=#0.j gL]h

L]h 7"-. ?/,, ."# .#0 "&90= g'/0G=h 4& .& ."# "-9,&.j gLXh

LXh 7"5 ?/,, ."#5 4& ."/=j gL^h

L^h c&? /= ."# ?&<-0 )/0-,,5 4#=:9/C#4j gLYh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 J/<#.$$0
In this chaptei we finu the fall of "Babylon the gieat" pioclaimeu, anu the gieat mouining
ovei hei by those in the woilu. !"# )-,, &) %-C5,&0 /= F9&:,-/<#4 by an angel with gieat
authoiity, who illuminateu the eaith with his gloiy. The ieasons foi hei fall incluue how the
nations anu kings of the eaith have committeu foinication with hei, anu how the meichants
have become iich thiough hei abunuance. Neanwhile, a voice fiom heaven calls foi the
people of uou to come out of hei lest they ieceive the plagues to come upon hei. Bei
juugment will involve ueath, mouining, famine, anu uttei uestiuction by fiie, foi it is the
Loiu uou who juuges hei (LZY).
!"# )-,, &) %-C5,&0 /= <&390#4 by the kings of the eaith who committeu foinication with
hei, anu the meichants anu sea-tiaueis who hau become iich by hei. They all ciy out !P()04
)()04 *#)* 93$)* 6+*=@@@A as they obseive hei juugment. They bemoan that in just one houi hei
iiches came to nothing anu she has become uesolate. 0n the othei hanu, heaven itself, along
with the apostles anu piophets, aie calleu to iejoice, because uou has avengeu them on hei
Finally, a mighty angel thiows a laige stone into sea to uepict with what gieat violence
Babylon will be thiown uown. The sounus anu sights of music, ciafts, even weuuings will be
gone. !"# )-,, &) %-C5,&0 /= `3=./)/#4, foi hei meichants weie gieat, by hei soiceiy the
nations weie ueceiveu, anu in hei was founu the bloou of piophets, saints, anu all those
slain on the eaith (JLZJV).
What is this chaptei uesciibing. If the uate of the book suggesteu in the intiouuction is
coiiect (spiing, 7u A.B.) , anu [#93=-,#< is inueeu the "hailot", then this chaptei likely
iefeis to its uestiuction by the Romans in August, 7u A.B. This woulu be in haimony with
*# L^SLX, wheie those who fiist suppoiteu the hailot eventually tuineu on hei. So it was
with }eiusalem, who uepenueu upon the appioval of the Roman authoiities to peisecute the
chuich, anu latei became the object of Roman peisecution heiself. veiy fitting is the
uepiction of }eiusalem as a hailot, foi she who shoulu have been a gieat spiiitual city hau
become a gieat commeicial centei by viitue of the ioaus that passeu thiough hei between
Euiope, Asia anu Afiica. Bei spiiitual auulteiy was also manifesteu by iejecting the many
piophets anu apostles sent to hei (cf. I. JMSMLZM\ with *# L^SXW LYSJK>JVW L\SJ).
But if *&<# (in paiticulai hei commeicial anu immoial spiiit) is the "hailot", then this
chaptei may uesciibe the fall of Rome in 476 A.B. The statements in *# LYSM>\ZL\ ("all the
nations..." anu "the meichants of the eaith...") seem to fit Rome bettei than }eiusalem. The
fall of "Babylon, the hailot" was uue to hei tieatment of apostles, piophets, anu saints (*#
LYSJK>JV). When Revelation was wiitten, Rome hau alieauy killeu Petei anu Paul, anu by
the time of Rome's fall, theie hau been at least ten peiious of peisecutions by Rome against
the chuich. Rome, like }eiusalem, ceitainly qualifies as "Babylon, the hailot!"
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The pionouncement anu uepiction of the fall of "Babylon the gieat"
The ieasons why Babylon woulu ieceive such teiiible juugment


The iuentity of "that gieat city Babylon, that mighty city"
8D !cA a1ff (a %1%ef(b N*(;f18IAO gLZYh

1D %e 1b 1b6Af a*(I cA1iAb gLZMh
1. }ohn sees an angel coming uown fiom heaven
a. Baving gieat authoiity
b. Illuminating the eaith with his gloiy
2. The angel ciies mightily with a louu voice
a. Babylon the gieat is fallen, is fallen
b. She has become...
1) A uwelling place of uemons
2) A piison foi eveiy foul spiiit
S) A cage foi eveiy unclean anu hateu biiu
c. With hei...
1) The nations have uiunk of the wine of hei foinication
2) The kings of the eaith have committeu foinication
S) The meichants of the eaith have become iich

%D %e 1 i(8;A a*(I cA1iAb gVZYh
1. Calling uou's people to come out of hei
a. Lest they shaie in hei sins anu hei plagues
b. Foi hei sins have ieacheu to heaven anu uou has iemembeieu hei iniquities
2. Calling foi juugment to be ienueieu hei
a. Renuei hei just as she ienueieu them
b. Repay hei uouble accoiuing to hei woiks
c. In the cup she has mixeu, mix uouble foi hei
u. To the uegiee she gloiifieu heiself anu liveu luxuiiously...
1) uive hei toiment anu soiiow
2) Foi she says in heait that she is a queen anu will not see soiiow as a
e. Bei plagues will come in one uay...
1) Beath, mouining, anu famine
2) 0tteily buineu with fiie
-- Foi gieat is the Loiu uou who juuges hei

88D !cA a1ff (a %1%ef(b I(d*bAO g\ZJKh

1D %e !cA m8b62 (a !cA A1*!c g\ZLKh
1. Those who committeu foinication anu liveu luxuiiously with hei
2. They shall weep anu lament when they see the smoke of hei buining
S. They shall stanu afai off foi feai of hei toiment, saying...
a. "Alas, alas, that gieat city Babylon, that mighty city!"
b. "Foi in one houi youi juugment has come."

%D %e !cA IA*;c1b!2 (a !cA A1*!c gLLZL^-h
1. They shall weep anu mouin ovei hei
2. Foi no one buys theii meichanuise anymoie
S. All that they longeu foi, both iich anu splenuiu, they shall finu no moie


4. The meichants shall stanu at a uistance foi feai of hei toiment, weeping anu
a. "Alas, alas, that gieat city that was clotheu in fine linen, puiple, anu scailet,
anu auoineu with golu anu piecious stones anu peails!"
b. "Foi in one houi such gieat iiches came to nothing."

;D %e !cA !*1OA*2 1bO !*1iAfA*2 (b !cA 2A1 gL^CZL\h
1. They stoou at a uistance, ciying when they saw the smoke of hei buining, "What
is like this gieat city."
2. Thiowing uust on theii heaus, they ciieu out, weeping anu wailing...
a. "Alas, alas, that gieat city, in which all who hau ships on the sea became iich
by hei wealth!"
b. "Foi in one houi she is maue uesolate."

OD %d! b(! %e !cA c(fe 1N(2!fA2 1bO N*(NcA!2 gJKh
1. They aie to iejoice ovei hei
2. Foi uou has avengeu them on hei

888D !cA a1ff (a %1%ef(b [d2!8a8AO gJLZJVh

1D !cA Al!Ab! (a cA* a1ff 8ffd2!*1!AO gJLZJM-h
1. By a mighty angel...
a. Who took a stone like a gieat millstone anu cast it into the sea
b. Who then pioclaims "Thus with violence the gieat city Babylon shall be
thiown uown, anu shall not be founu anymoie."
2. Neithei shall be heaiu oi seen in hei...
a. The sounu of haipists, musicians, flutists, anu tiumpeteis
b. A ciaftsman of any ciaft
c. The sounu of a millstone
u. The light of a lamp
e. The voice of biiuegioom anu biiue

%D !cA Al!Ab! (a cA* a1ff [d2!8a8AO gJMCZJVh
1. Foi hei meichants weie the gieat men of the eaith
2. Foi by hei soiceiy all the nations weie ueceiveu
S. Foi in hei was founu the bloou of piophets anu saints, anu of all who slain on the
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"& F9&:,-/<= ."# )-,, &) %-C5,&0j gLZJh

Mh 7"-. /= =-/4 :&0:#90/0G 0-./&0=> '/0G= -04 <#9:"-0.= /0 9#G-94= .& %-C5,&0j gMh


Vh 7"-. 4&#= - +&/:# )9&< "#-+#0 /<F,&9# ."# F#&F,# &) 6&4j 7"5j gVZ]h

]h !& ?"-. 4#G9## ?/,, %-C5,&0 C# `34G#4j gXZ^h

Xh 7"-. F,-G3#= ?/,, :&<# .& "#9 /0 &0# 4-5j c#9 3,./<-.# #04j gYh

^h 7"-. )/9=. G9&3F /= 4#=:9/C#4 -= <&390/0G ."# )-,, &) %-C5,&0j g\h

Yh 7"-. ?/,, ."#5 =-5 -= ."#5 =## ."# =<&'# &) "#9 C390/0G )9&< - 4/=.-0:#j gLKh

\h 7"-. =#:&04 G9&3F /= 4#=:9/C#4 -= <&390/0G ."# )-,, &) %-C5,&0j 7"5j gLLh

LKh 7"-. ?/,, ."#5 =-5 -= ."#5 =.-04 -)-9 &))> ?##F/0G -04 ?-/,/0Gj gLXZL^-h

LLh 7"-. ."/94 G9&3F /= 4#=:9/C#4 -= <&390/0G ."# )-,, &) %-C5,&0j gL^Ch

LJh 7"-. 4& ."#5 =-5 -= ."#5 =## ."# =<&'# &) "#9 C390/0Gj gLYZL\h

LMh 7"& /= .&,4 .& 9#`&/:# &+#9 ."# )-,, &) %-C5,&0j 7"5j gJKh

LVh 7"-. 4/4 - </G".5 -0G#, 4& -04 =-5j gJLh

L]h 7"-. 4/4 ."# -0G#, =-5 ?&3,4 0&. C# =##0 &9 "#-94 /0 %-C5,&0 -05<&9#j gJJZJM-h


LXh 7"-. .?& 9#-=&0= -9# G/+#0 )&9 "#9 4&?0)-,,j gJM-ZJVh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 ;/0$.$$0
This chaptei illustiates the ultimate uefeat of the enemies of uou's people. }ohn heais a
gieat multituue in "#-+#0 9#`&/:/0G &+#9 ."# )-,, &) %-C5,&0. The multituue is joineu by
the twenty-foui elueis anu foui living cieatuies, anu a voice fiom the thione calling upon all
uou's seivants to piaise Bim (LZ]).
}ohn then heais "#-+#0 9#`&/:/0G /0 F9#F-9-./&0 )&9 ."# <-99/-G# &) ."# f-<C. Bis wife
has maue heiself ieauy, anu she is auoineu in fine linen, signifying the iighteous acts of the
saints. }ohn is then tolu to wiite that those inviteu to the maiiiage suppei of the Lamb aie
tiuly blesseu. }ohn falls uown to woiship the one speaking to him, but is immeuiately
iebukeu anu tolu to woiship uou (XZLK).
The scene quickly changes as }ohn sees heaven openeu anu ;"9/=. ."# ?-99/&9 '/0G &0 -
?"/.# "&9=#, followeu by the aimies in heaven on white hoises. Besciibeu in teims
ieminiscent of Bis appeaiance in the fiist thiee chapteis, Be is ieauy to stiike the nations
anu iule them with a iou of iion, even as Be tieaus the winepiess of the fieice wiath of
Almighty uou. As insciibeu on Bis iobe anu Bis thigh, }esus is tiuly !M+-9 ,. >+-90 )-8 L,38
,. L,380A (LLZLX).
With an angel stanuing in the sun anu inviting the biius to gathei foi the suppei of the gieat
uou, }ohn then sees the beast anu his foices gatheieu to make wai against Chiist anu Bis
aimy. But immeuiately ."# C#-=. -04 ."# )-,=# F9&F"#. (the eaith beast of *# LMSLLZLY)
-9# :-F.39#4 -04 :-=. -,/+# /0.& ."# ,-'# &) )/9#. Theii aimies aie killeu with the swoiu
pioceeuing fiom the mouth of Chiist, anu all the biius weie filleu with theii flesh (L^ZJL).
This chaptei appeais uesigneu to ieinfoice the iuea that ;"9/=. /0 c/= '/0G,5 93,# ?/,,
4#)#-. ."&=# ?"& "-+# C##0 F#9=#:3./0G c/= F#&F,#. }ust as Babylon the hailot woulu be
uestioyeu, so the beast anu false piophet woulu be oveicome. If the lattei two iepiesent
the Roman empiie in its peisecution against the chuich, this section with its viviu imageiy
woulu have been fulfilleu by S1S A.B. when Constantine biought an enu to Roman
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The gieat joy in heaven ovei the fall of Babylon
The excitement ovei the piepaiation foi the maiiiage of the Lamb anu Bis wife
The victoiy Chiist woulu have ovei the beast, the false piophet anu theii aimies
8D cA1iAb *A[(8;A2 (iA* !cA a1ff (a %1%ef(b gLZ]h

1D 1 6*A1! Idf!8!dOA 8b cA1iAb gLZMh
1. Piaising uou, attiibuting salvation, gloiy, honoi, anu powei to Bim
2. Beclaiing Bis juugments on the gieat hailot as tiue anu iighteous
a. Foi she coiiupteu the eaith with hei foinication
b. Be has avengeu the bloou of Bis seivants which she sheu


S. Piaising uou, foi hei smoke iises up foievei anu evei

%D !cA !7Ab!eZa(d* AfOA*2 1bO a(d* f8i8b6 ;*A1!d*A2 gVh
1. Falling uown anu woishipping uou who sits on the thione
2. Saying "Amen, Alleluia!"

;D 1 i(8;A a*(I !cA !c*(bA g]h
1. Calling upon all uou's seivants anu those who feai Bim
2. Calling upon both small anu gieat to piaise uou

88D N*AN1*1!8(b a(* !cA I1**816A (a !cA f1I% gXZLKh

1D 1 6*A1! Idf!8!dOA 8b cA1iAb gXZYh
1. Sounuing like many wateis anu mighty thunueiings
a. Piaising the Loiu uou 0mnipotent foi Bis ieign
b. Calling to be glau anu iejoice anu give uou gloiy
2. Foi the maiiiage of the Lamb has come
a. Bis wife has maue heiself ieauy
b. She was aiiayeu in fine linen, which is the iighteous acts of the saints

%D 1 aAff(7 2A*i1b! g\ZLKh
1. Telling }ohn to wiite: "Blesseu aie those who aie calleu to the maiiiage suppei
of the Lamb!"
2. Pioclaiming: "These aie the tiue sayings of uou."
S. When }ohn fell at his feet to woiship him, he is iebukeu
a. "See that you uo not uo that!"
b. "I am youi fellow seivant, anu of youi biethien who have the testimony of
c. "Woiship uou! Foi the testimony of }esus is the spiiit of piophecy."

888D ;c*82! !cA 71**8(* m8b6 (b 1 7c8!A c(*2A gLLZLXh

1D c82 17A2(IA OA2;*8N!8(b gLLZLMh
1. As heaven openeu, }ohn sees Bim sitting on a white hoise
a. Be is calleu Faithful anu Tiue
b. In iighteousness Be juuges anu makes wai
2. As seen by }ohn:
a. Bis eyes weie like a flame of fiie
b. 0n Bis heau weie many ciowns
c. Be hau a name wiitten that no one knew but Bimself
u. Clotheu with a iobe uippeu in bloou
e. Bis name is calleu The Woiu of uou

%D c82 6*A1! *dfA 1bO *A86b gLVZLXh
1. Followeu by the aimies of heaven
a. Clotheu in fine linen, white anu clean
b. Sitting on white hoises
2. Fiom Bis mouth, a shaip swoiu to stiike the nations
a. Be Bimself will iule the nations with a iou of iion
b. Be Bimself tieaus the winepiess of Almighty uou's fieiceness anu wiath


S. 0n Bis iobe anu thigh a name wiitten: "King of kings, anu Loiu of loius"

8iD !cA a1ff (a !cA %A12!> !cA a1f2A N*(NcA!> 1bO !cA8* a(*;A2 gL^ZJLh

1D !cA OA;f1*1!8(b (a 1b 1b6Af gL^ZLYh
1. }ohn sees an angel stanuing in the sun, ciying with a louu voice
2. Speaking to all the biius that fly in the miust of heaven:
a. "Come anu gathei togethei foi the suppei of the gieat uou."
b. " the flesh of kings...captains...mighty men...hoises...all people, fiee anu
slave, both small anu gieat"

%D !cA AbO (a !cA %A12! 1bO a1f2A N*(NcA! gL\ZJLh
1. }ohn saw the beast, the kings of the eaith anu theii aimies, gatheieu to make
wai against Bim who sat on the hoise anu Bis aimy
2. }ohn saw the beast anu false piophet captuieu
a. The false piophet who woikeu signs in the piesence of the beast
b. By which he ueceiveu those who ieceiveu the maik of the beast anu
woishipeu his image
-- Both weie cast alive into the lake of fiie buining with biimstone
S. The iest of theii foices weie killeu
a. With the swoiu which pioceeueu fiom the mouth of Bim who sat on the
b. All the biius weie filleu with theii flesh
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 "#-9 - G9#-. <3,./.34# /0 "#-+/0G =-5/0Gj gLh

Mh 7"5 -9# 6&4k= `34G<#0.= &0 ."# "-9,&. F9&:,-/<#4 -= .93# -04 9/G".#&3=j gJh

Vh 7"-. #,=# 4&#= ."/= G9#-. <3,./.34# /0 "#-+#0 =-5j gMh

]h 7"& #,=# `&/0= #04 ?/." - :95 &) Q1<#0E 1,,#,3/-ERj gVh

Xh 7"-. 4&#= - +&/:# )9&< ."9&0# F9&:,-/<j g]h

^h 7"-. 4/4 ."# +&/:# &) - G9#-. <3,./.34# :95 &3. 0#B.j gXZ^h


Yh 80 ?"-. ?-= ."# f-<Ck= C9/4# -4&90#4j gYh

\h 7"-. ?-= [&"0 ."#0 .&,4j g\h

LKh 1= [&"0 )#,, 4&?0 .& ?&9="/F ."# &0# ?"& =F&'# .& "/<> ?"-. ?-= "# .&,4j gLKh

LLh f/=. ."# 4#=:9/F./+# )#-.39#= &) ."# (0# =/../0G &0 - ?"/.# "&9=# gLLZLXh

LJh 7"-. 4/4 -0 -0G#, =.-04/0G /0 ."# =30 =-5 .& ."# C/94=j gL^ZLYh

LMh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 =## 0#B.j gL\h

LVh 7"-. "-FF#0#4 .& ."# C#-=. -04 ."# )-,=# F9&F"#.j gJKh

L]h 7"-. "-FF#0#4 .& ."# 9#=. &) ."#/9 -9</#=j gJLh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 "E$0.C
Pievious chapteis have illustiateu the uefeat of agents useu by Satan to peisecute uou's
people. 0ne by one we have seen the fall of Babylon, the beast, the false piophet, anu the
aimies they hau gatheieu. What about Satan, the uiagon who gave authoiity to the beast in
his effoits to wage wai against the saints (*# LJSL^ZLMS^). Anu what of those killeu by the
agents of Satan.
This chaptei ieveals ."# C/04/0G &) 2-.-0 foi !) ]^^^ =$)30A. It most likely uepicts a long
peiiou of time in which Satan is no longei able to ueceive the nations as he uiu uuiing the
time of the Roman empiie (cf. *# LMSLVW JKSM). It began following the enu of Roman
peisecution anu woulu continue foi some time in the futuie. Buiing this peiiou, }ohn sees
=&3,= 9#/G0/0G ?/." ;"9/=., who weie beheaueu foi theii faithfulness to }esus anu the woiu
of uou. No mention is maue of ieigning on the eaith, so my conclusion is that they ieign
with Chiist in heaven uuiing this peiiou (cf. *# JSJXZJ^W MSJL). This !.+30* 3$0133$6*+,-A
may be a special blessing foi the maityis of Chiist uuiing the inteimeuiate state (between
ueath anu the bouily iesuiiection at the enu of time), while *# ^S\ZL^ may uesciibe the
inteimeuiate state foi the aveiage Chiistian. Tiuly those who hau been beheaueu foi the
witness of Chiist aie !J($00$8 )-8 #,(=A (LZX)!
Aftei the !]^^^ =$)30" aie ovei, 2-.-0 /= 9#,#-=#4 foi a shoit time wheie he once again
seeks to !8$6$+'$ *#$ -)*+,-0A to peisecute the people of uou (cf. *# LMSLVW JKSM>Y>LK). The
mention of !7,9 )-8 R)9,9" is likely an apocalyptic iefeience to foices of evil at Satan's
uisposal uuiing this time, not any paiticulai nation oi nations. But ."# )/0-, -..#<F. &)
2-.-0 is quickly thwaiteu by the Loiu, anu the uevil is cast into the lake of fiie, wheie the
beast anu false piophet weie (cf. *# L\SJK). If any section of Revelation peitains to the
time just piioi to the Loiu's final coming, I believe it to be this one. The uesciiption is biief,
foi the book was wiitten foi the benefit of Chiistians in Asia Ninoi about things to shoitly
come to pass (cf. *# LSLZVW JJSX>LK). Those Chiistians woulu not expeiience this last
attempt of Satan. But to assuie them (anu us!) that Satan woulu ultimately be uefeateu, we
have the uesciiption founu in these few veises (^ZLK).
The chaptei closes with a uesciiption of ."# )/0-, `34G<#0.. Befoie the gieat white thione
anu Bim who sat on it, all the ueau aie juugeu. Books aie openeu, incluuing the Book of Life,
anu juugment is baseu upon theii woiks. None escape the juugment, foi the sea, Beath, anu
Baues give up all the ueau that aie in them. Beath anu Baues aie cast into the lake anu fiie,
uesciibeu as the !0$6,-8 8$)*#A. The same enu is given to those whose names weie not
wiitten in the Book of Life (LLZL]).
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The binuing, futuie ielease, anu ultimate uefeat of Satan
The "thousanu yeai" ieign uesciibeu in this chaptei, anu who will ieign with Chiist
The ciiteiia useu in the final juugment, anu the impoitance of the Book of Life


8D !cA !c(d21bO eA1* *A86b gLZXh

1D 21!1b %(dbO a(* LKKK eA1*2 gLZMh
1. }ohn sees an angel come uown fiom heaven
a. Baving the key to the bottomless pit
b. With a gieat chain in his hanu
2. The angel binus Satan foi a thousanu yeais
a. Casting him into the bottomless pit, shutting him up anu setting a seal on
b. So that he shoulu ueceive the nations no moie foi a thousanu yeais
-- But afteiwaiu he will be ieleaseu foi a little while

%D 218b!2 *A86b 78!c ;c*82! a(* LKKK eA1*2 gVZXh
1. }ohn sees souls upon thiones, to whom juugment was committeu
a. Who hau been beheaueu foi theii witness to }esus anu the woiu of uou
b. Who hau not woishipeu the beast oi his image
c. Who hau not ieceiveu his maik on theii foieheaus oi on theii hanus
2. These souls liveu anu ieigneu with Chiist a thousanu yeais
a. The iest of the ueau not live again until the thousanu yeais weie finisheu
b. This is the fiist iesuiiection
1) Blesseu anu holy aie those who have a pait in the fiist iesuiiection
2) 0vei such the seconu ueath has no powei
S) They shall be piiests of uou anu of Chiist
4) They shall ieign with Chiist a thousanu yeais

88D 21!1bn2 a8b1f 1!!AIN! 1bO OAaA1! g^ZLKh

1D c82 *AfA12A a*(I N*82(b g^ZYh
1. Aftei the thousanu yeais weie completeu
2. Be will go out to ueceive the nations
a. Those in the foui coineis of the eaith, uog anu Nagog
b. To gathei them to battle

%D c82 a8b1f 1!!AIN! 1bO OAaA1! g\h
1. To have the nations suiiounu the camp of the saints anu the beloveu city
2. But fiie fiom uou out of heaven uevouieu those Satan hau ueceiveu

;D c82 A!A*b1f !(*IAb! gLKh
1. The uevil who ueceiveu the nations was cast into the lake of fiie anu biimstone
2. The same place wheie the beast anu the false piophet aie
S. They will be toimenteu uay anu night foievei anu evei

888D !cA a8b1f [dO6IAb! gLLZL]h

1D !cA (bA (b !cA 6*A1! 7c8!A !c*(bA gLLh
1. }ohn sees a gieat white thione anu Bim who sat on it
2. Befoie Whose face the eaith anu heaven fleu away so no place was founu foi


%D !cA [dO6IAb! (a !cA OA1O gLJZLMh
1. }ohn sees the ueau, small anu gieat, stanuing befoie uou
2. Books weie openeu, incluuing the Book of Life
a. The ueau weie juugeu accoiuing to theii woiks
b. The ueau weie juugeu by the things wiitten in the books
S. All the ueau weie juugeu, each accoiuing to his woiks
a. Foi the sea gave the ueau who weie in it
b. Foi Beau anu Baues ueliveieu up the ueau who weie in them

;D !cA f1mA (a a8*A gLVZL]h
1. Beath anu Baues weie cast into the lake of fiie (which is the seconu ueath)
2. Anyone not founu wiitten in the Book of Life weie cast into the lake of fiie
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 =## :&</0G 4&?0 )9&< "#-+#0j gLh

Mh 7"-. 4/4 ."# -0G#, 4& .& 2-.-0j gJZMh

Vh 7"5 4/4 ."# -0G#, 4& ."/= .& 2-.-0j gMh

]h 7"-. =&3,= 4/4 [&"0 =## =/../0G &0 ."9&0#=j gVh

Xh c&? ,&0G 4/4 ."#5 ,/+#j 7/." ?"&< 4/4 ."#5 9#/G0j gVh

^h 7"-. /= ."/= 9#/G0/0G ?/." ;"9/=. :-,,#4j 7"5 -9# ."&=# ?"& "-+# - F-9.
:&0=/4#9#4 C,#==#4 -04 "&,5j g]ZXh

Yh 7"-. "-FF#0= ?"#0 ."# ."&3=-04 5#-9= "-+# #BF/9#4j g^h

\h 7"-. ?/,, "# 4&j gYZ\h


LKh 7"-. ?/,, "-FF#0 C#)&9# ."#5 =3::##4j g\h

LLh 7"-. ?/,, "-FF#0 .& ."# 4#+/,j gLKh

LJh 7"-. 4&#= [&"0 =## 0#B.j 7"-. -C&3. ."# #-9." -04 ."# "#-+#0j gLLh

LMh 7"& 4&#= [&"0 =## =.-04/0G C#)&9# ."# ."9&0#j 7"-. ?-= &F#0#4 gLJh

LVh c&? ?#9# ."# 4#-4 `34G#4j gLJh

L]h 7"& "-4 G/+#0 3F ."# 4#-4j gLMh

LXh 7"-. /= ."# ,-'# &) )/9# :-,,#4j 7"& ?-= :-=. /0.& /.j gLVZL]h


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 "E$0.CK(0$
Following the }uugment scene at the enu of the pievious chaptei, ."# #.#90-, 4#=./05 &)
."# 9#4##<#4 /= 0&? 9#+#-,#4. The motif of a new heaven anu new eaith, along with the
New }eiusalem, is useu to pioviue gieat hope anu comfoit to Chiistians. This is ceitainly
nothing new, foi both the 0lu anu New Testaments pioviueu similai pictuies to inciease
anticipation of the futuie (cf. 8=- X]SL^ZJ]W XXSJJZJVW c# LLSLK>LMZLXW LMSLVW JN# MSLM).
In each case, the eteinal uestiny of uou's faithful is uesciibeu in teims that pioviueu the
gieatest meaning anu encouiagement to the people of that uispensation. Beie we see the
uestiny of the ieueemeu in teims uepicting fellowship with uou anu piotection by uou.
}ohn fiist sees -,, ."/0G= <-4# 0#?. Theie is - 0#? "#-+#0 -04 - 0#? #-9.", foi the fiist
heaven anu fiist eaith aie no moie (cf. *# JKSLL). Be sees ."# "&,5 :/.5> b#? [#93=-,#<,
!6,;+-9 8,5- ,1* ,. #$)'$- .3,; 7,8@A A louu voice fiom heaven ueclaies that uou will
uwell with Bis people anu be theii uou. uou, who is the Alpha anu the 0mega, the
Beginning anu the Enu, will comfoit Bis people by iemoving all that causes pain, anu
pioviue the fountain of the watei of life fieely to him that thiists. While those who
oveicome inheiit all things anu enjoy the blessings of being uou's chiluien, the wickeu anu
unfaithful have theii pait in the lake of fiie anu biimstone (cf. *# L\SJKW JKSLK>LVZL])
which is uefineu as the seconu ueath (LZY).
0ne of the seven angels who hau the seven bowls (cf. *# L]S^W LXSL) then caiiies }ohn to a
gieat anu high mountain, to show him !*#$ J3+8$4 *#$ L);JI0 5+.$". This is none othei than
the gieat city, ."# b#? [#93=-,#<, which is seen !8$06$-8+-9 ,1* ,. #$)'$- .3,; 7,8@A It is a
city having the gloiy of uou, anu the bulk of the chaptei uesciibes its piominent featuies. A
gieat anu high wall suiiounus the city. Stanuing about 216 feet high anu maue of jaspei, the
wall has twelve peaily gates upon which aie the names of the twelve tiibes of Isiael, with an
angel at each gate. The wall has twelve founuations, each maue of piecious stones of
vaiious colois, upon which aie the names of the twelve apostles. The city itself, maue of
puie golu like cleai glass, is 1Suu miles long in its length, bieauth, anu height. The stieet of
the city is also puie golu, like tianspaient glass (\ZJL).
!"# G,&95 &) ."# "&,5 :/.5 is uesciibeu fuithei by noting that theie is no temple, foi uou
Almighty anu the Lamb aie its temple. Theie is no neeu foi the sun oi moon, foi the gloiy of
uou anu the Lamb illuminate the city. Its gates aie nevei shut, theie is no night theie, anu
the nations of the saveu along with the kings of the eaith biing theii honoi anu gloiy into it.
0nly those wiitten in the Lamb's book of life entei this gloiious city, ensuiing that it
iemains fiee fiom any abomination anu uefilement (JJZJ^).
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The eteinal uestiny of the ieueemeu, in teims uepicting fellowship with uou anu
piotection by uou
The new heaven anu new eaith (cf. JN# MSLM), along with the holy city, New
}eiusalem "coming uown out of heaven fiom uou" (cf. *# MSLJW JLSJ>LK)
The uetaileu imageiy useu to uesciibe the heavenly city, the New }eiusalem


8D 1ff !c8b62 I1OA bA7 gLZYh

1D !cA bA7 cA1iAb 1bO bA7 A1*!c gLh
1. }ohn sees a new heaven anu a new eaith
2. The fiist heaven anu eaith hau passeu away, anu theie was no sea

%D !cA bA7 [A*d21fAI gJh
1. }ohn saw the holy city coming uown out of heaven
2. It was piepaieu as a biiue auoineu foi hei husbanu

;D !cA N*(;f1I1!8(b a*(I cA1iAb gMZVh
1. "The tabeinacle of uou is with men"
a. "Be will uwell with them, anu they shall be Bis people"
b. "uou Bimself will be with them anu be theii uou"
2. "uou will wipe away eveiy teai fiom theii eyes"
a. "Theie shall be no moie ueath, noi soiiow, noi ciying"
b. "Theie shall be no moie pain, foi the foimei things have passeu away"

OD !cA N*(;f1I1!8(b a*(I !cA (bA 7c( 21! (b !cA !c*(bA g]ZYh
1. "Beholu, I make all things new"
a. "Wiite, foi these woius aie tiue anu faithful"
b. "It is uone!"
2. "I am the Alpha anu the 0mega, the Beginning anu the Enu"
a. "I will give of the fountain of the watei of life fieely to him who thiists"
b. "Be who oveicomes shall inheiit all things"
1) "I will be his uou"
2) "Be shall be Ny son"
S. "But the cowaiuly, unbelieving, abominable, muiueieis, sexually immoial,
soiceieis, iuolateis, anu all liais..."
a. "Shall have theii pait in the lake which buins with fiie anu biimstone"
b. "Which is the seconu ueath"

88D !cA bA7 [A*d21fAI g\ZJLh

1D [(cb 82 2c(7b !cA c(fe ;8!e g\ZLLh
1. By one of the seven angels who hau the seven bowls filleu with the last plagues
a. Who offeieu to show }ohn "the biiue, the Lamb's wife"
b. Who caiiieu him away in the Spiiit to a gieat anu high mountain
2. Be sees the gieat city, the holy }eiusalem
a. Bescenuing out of heaven fiom uou
b. Baving the gloiy of uou
c. With light like a jaspei stone, cleai as ciystal

%D !cA ;(b2!*d;!8(b (a !cA ;8!e 1bO 8!2 71ff gLJZJLh
1. It hau a gieat anu high wall with twelve gates
a. With twelve angels at the gates
b. With the names of the twelve tiibes of Isiael
c. With thiee gates each on the east, noith, south, anu west


u. With twelve founuations, on which weie the names of the twelve apostles
of the Lamb
2. The measuiement of the city, the gates, anu the wall
a. The angel hau a goluen ieeu to measuie them
b. The city is laiu out as a cube, its length, bieauth, anu height aie each 12,uuu
fuilongs (1Suu miles)
c. The wall is one hunuieu anu foity-foui cubits (216 feet)
S. The constiuction of the city, the wall, its founuations, anu the gates
a. The wall was of jaspei; the city was puie golu, like cleai glass
b. The twelve founuations of the wall weie auoineu with piecious stones:
1) }aspei S) Saiuonyx 9) Topaz
2) Sapphiie 6) Saiuius 1u) Chiysopiase
S) Chalceuony 7) Chiysolite 11) }acinth
4) Emeialu 8) Beiyl 12) Amethyst
c. The twelve gates weie twelve peails, each gate one peail
u. The stieet of the city was puie golu, like tianspaient glass

888D !cA 6f(*e (a !cA c(fe ;8!e gJJZJ^h

1D 8ffdI8b1!AO %e !cA N*A2Ab;A (a 6(O 1bO !cA f1I% gJJZJMh
1. Its temple aie the Loiu uou Almighty anu the Lamb
2. It is illuminateu by the gloiy of uou anu the Lamb

%D Abc1b;AO %e !c(2A 7c( Ab!A* 8! gJVZJ^h
1. The nations of the saveu shall walk in its light
2. The kings of the eaith biing theii gloiy anu honoi into it
S. Its gates shall not be shut at all by uay, anu theie is no night theie
4. The nations shall biing theii gloiy anu honoi into it
a. Nothing that uefiles, causes an abomination oi a lie, shall entei it
b. 0nly those wiitten in the Lamb's book of Life entei it
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 =##j gLh

Mh 7"-. "-FF#0#4 .& ."# )/9=. "#-+#0 -04 )/9=. #-9."j 7"-. &) ."# =#-j gLh

Vh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 =## :&</0G 4&?0 &3. &) "#-+#0 )9&< 6&4j gJh

]h 7"-. /= =-/4 -C&3. ."# 4?#,,/0G &) 6&4j gMh


Xh 7"-. ?/,, 6&4 4&j 7"-. ="-,, C# 0& <&9#j gVh

^h 7"-. 4/4 ."# (0# &0 ."# ."9&0# =-5 .& [&"0 /0 +#9=# ]j

Yh 7"-. 4/4 c# =-5 /0 +#9=# Xj

\h 7"-. /= F9&</=#4 .& ."&=# ?"& &+#9:&<#j g^h

LKh 7"& ="-,, "-+# ."#/9 F-9. /0 ."# ,-'# ?"/:" C390= ?/." )/9# -04 C9/<=.&0#j 7"-.
/= ."/= :-,,#4j gYh

LLh 7"& &))#9#4 .& ="&? [&"0 ."# C9/4#> ."# f-<Cn= ?/)#j g\h

LJh 7"#9# /= [&"0 .-'#0> -04 ?"-. 4&#= "# =##j gLKh

LMh 7"-. ?-= ."# G#0#9-, 4#=:9/F./&0 &) ."# :/.5j gLLh

LVh 7"-. =399&304#4 ."# :/.5j gLJh

L]h 7"-. =.&&4 -. #-:" &) ."# G-.#=j 7"-. ?-= ?9/..#0 &0 ."# G-.#=j gLJh

LXh c&? <-05 )&304-./&0= 4/4 ."# ?-,, "-+#j 7"-. ?-= ?9/..#0 &0 ."# )&304-./&0=j

L^h 7"-. ?-= ."# ,#0G."> C9#-4."> -04 "#/G". &) ."# :/.5j gLXh

LYh c&? .-,, ?-= ."# ?-,,j gL^h


L\h 7"-. ?-= ."# :&0=.93:./&0 &) ."# ?-,,j () ."# :/.5j gLYh

JKh 7"-. ?#9# ."# )&304-./&0= &) ."# :/.5 -4&90#4 ?/."j gL\h

JLh 7"-. ?#9# ."# .?#,+# G-.#=j 7"-. ?-= ."# =.9##. &) ."# :/.5j gJLh

JJh 7"5 ?-= ."#9# 0& .#<F,# /0 ."# :/.5j gJJh

JMh 7"5 ?-= ."#9# 0& 0##4 )&9 ."# =30 &9 <&&0 .& ="/0# /0 /.j gJMh

JVh 7"& ="-,, ?-,' /0 /.= ,/G".j 7"& ="-,, C9/0G ."#/9 G,&95 -04 "&0&9 /0.& /.j gJVh

J]h 7"-. ="-,, 0&. C# ="3. -. -,, 4-5j 7"-. -C&3. -. 0/G".j gJ]h

JXh 7"& ?/,, C5 0& <#-0= #0.#9 ."# :/.5j 7"& ?/,, #0.#9 ."# :/.5j gJ^h


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2#->.$5 "E$0.CK"E&
In the pievious chaptei }ohn uesciibeu the gloiy of the New }eiusalem as the eteinal uestiny
of the ieueemeu was ievealeu. In the fiist six veises of this chaptei, }ohn's vision of the
gloiious futuie foi the people of uou is completeu with a biief uesciiption of ."# 9/+#9 &)
,/)#> ."# .9##g=h &) ,/)#> -04 ."# ."9&0# &) 6&4 -04 &) ."# f-<C. With the iivei of life
pioceeuing fiom the thione, anu the tiee (the uefinite aiticle is not in the uieek , so peihaps
two tiees on eithei siue of the iivei) of life beaiing fiuit eveiy month along with its healing
leaves, the pictuie is one of piovision fiom uou. Eteinal fellowship with uou, stiesseu in the
pievious chaptei (cf. *# JLSMZV>^), is emphasizeu again with the piomise of seeing Bis face
anu having Bis name on one's foieheau. With no moie cuise (cf. 6#0 MSL^ZL\), the
ieueemeu shall seive uou anu the Lamb on the thione. Theie is no night noi neeu foi the
sun, foi the Loiu uou gives them light (cf. *# JLSJM). The ieueemeu will also ieign foievei
anu evei (LZ]).
The iemainuei of this chaptei contains ."# G9-04 :&0:,3=/&0 of this wonueiful book. The
angel who showeu }ohn the holy city stiesseu that the events uesciibeu in this book weie
soon to take place, such that }ohn is not to seal the book (cf. *# JJSX>LK; contiast this with
O-0 YSJX). }esus Bimself states thiee times that Be is coming quickly (cf. *# JJS^>LJ>JK),
which I take to iefei to Bis coming in juugment as uesciibeu thioughout this book (cf. *#
MSLKZLL). With a ieminuei of the blesseuness of those who uo Bis commanuments, }esus,
who is the Alpha anu the 0mega, the Beginning anu the Enu, the Fiist anu the Last, the Root
anu 0ffspiing of Baviu, the Biight anu Noining Stai, ueclaies that Be sent Bis angel to
testify of these things to the chuiches. The Spiiit anu the biiue join in with an invitation to
let those who thiist come to uiink of the watei of life fieely. The book enus with a feaiful
waining not to auu to oi take away fiom the book, a final piomise of the Loiu's coming, anu
a two-folu piayei calling foi the Loiu }esus to come, anu foi Bis giace to be with all the
biethien (XZJJ).
?&/0.3 "& ?&06$5
The eteinal uestiny of the ieueemeu, in teims uepicting piovision fiom uou
Bow things ievealeu in this book weie soon to take place
The piomises anu wainings given as the book concluues
8D !cA *8iA*> !cA !*AA> 1bO !cA !c*(bA gLZ]h

1D !cA *8iA* (a f8aA gLh
1. }ohn sees a puie iivei of watei of life, cleai as ciystal
2. It pioceeus fiom the thione of uou anu of the Lamb

%D !cA !*AA (a f8aA gJh
1. 0n eithei siue of the iivei was a tiee of life
2. The tiee(s) boie twelve fiuits, yieluing fiuit eveiy month


S. The leaves weie foi the healing of the nations

;D !cA !c*(bA (a 6(O 1bO (a !cA f1I% gMZ]h
1. Theie shall be no moie cuise, but the thione of uou anu the Lamb shall be in it
2. Bis seivants shall seive Bim
a. They shall see Bis face
b. Bis name shall be on theii foieheaus
S. Theie shall be no night theie
a. They neeu no lamp noi light of the sun
b. Foi the Loiu uou gives them light
4. They shall ieign foievei anu evei

88D !cA 6*1bO ;(b;fd28(b gXZJLh

1D !cA !8IA 82 bA1*> O( b(! 2A1f !cA %((m gXZLLh
1. }ohn is tolu by the angel that these woius aie faithful anu tiue
a. The Loiu uou has sent Bis angel to show Bis seivants the things which must
shoitly take place
b. The Lamb pioclaims: "Beholu, I am coming quickly! Blesseu is he who
keeps the woius of the piophecy of this book."
2. }ohn attempts to woiship the angel
a. Be falls uown at the feet of the angel who showeu him these things
b. The angel foibius him
1) The angel is his fellow seivant, anu of his biethien the piophets anu of
those who keep the woius of this book
2) }ohn is to woiship uou
S. }ohn is tolu not to seal the woius of the piophecy of this book
a. Foi the time is at hanu
b. Let he who is unjust be unjust still, the filthy be filthy still
c. Let he who is iighteous be iighteous still, the holy be holy still

%D !cA !A2!8I(be (a [A2d2 gLJZL^h
1. Bis fiist ueclaiation:
a. "Beholu, I am coming quickly"
b. "Ny iewaiu is with Ne, to give to eveiy one accoiuing to his woik"
c. "I am the Alpha anu the 0mega"
u. "The Beginning anu the Enu, the Fiist anu the Last"
2. The piomise:
a. Blesseu aie those who uo Bis commanuments (oi wash theii iobes)
1) That they may have the iight to the tiee of life
2) That they may entei thiough the gates into the city
b. Those outsiue the city
1) Aie uogs, soiceieis, sexually immoial, muiueieis, anu iuolateis
2) Whoevei loves anu piactices a lie
S. Bis seconu ueclaiation:
a. "I, }esus, have sent Ny angel to testify to you these things in the chuiches"
b. "I am the Root anu the 0ffspiing of Baviu, the Biight anu Noining Stai."
4. The invitation:
a. The Spiiit anu the biiue say "Come!"
b. Let him who heais say "Come!"


-- Whoevei uesiies, let him take the watei of life fieely

;D 1 7(*O (a 71*b8b6 gLYZL\h
1. Bo not auu to the woius of this book, oi uou will auu to him the plagues wiitten
in it
2. Bo not take away fiom the woius of this book, oi uou will take away his pait
a. The Book (oi Tiee) of Life
b. The holy city
c. The things wiitten in this book

OD ;f(28b6 N*(I82A> a8b1f N*1eA*2 gJKZJLh
1. The piomise of Bim who testifies to these things: "Suiely I am coming quickly."
2. }ohn's two piayeis:
a. Conceining his Loiu: "Amen. Even so, come, Loiu }esus!"
b. Conceining his biethien: "The giace of oui Loiu }esus Chiist be with you all.
*$+/$E F7$3./&03
Lh 7"-. -9# ."# <-/0 F&/0.= &) ."/= :"-F.#9j

Jh 7"-. 4&#= [&"0 =## F9&:##4/0G )9&< ."# ."9&0# &) 6&4 -04 &) ."# f-<Cj gLh

Mh 7"-. /= &0 #/."#9 =/4# &) ."# 9/+#9j gJh

Vh c&? <-05 )93/.= 4/4 ."# .9## C#-9 -04 ?"#0j 7"-. ?#9# ."# ,#-+#= )&9j gJh

]h 7"-. 0& ,&0G#9 #B/=.#4j 7"-. ?-= /0 ."# :/.5 /0=.#-4j gMh

Xh 7"-. /= =-/4 :&0:#90/0G ."# =#9+-0.= &) 6&4 -04 &) ."# f-<Cj gMZ]h

^h 7"-. /= =-/4 &) 0/G". -04 ."# ,/G". &) ."# =30j g]h

Yh 7"-. /= [&"0 .&,4 -C&3. ."# ."/0G= ?"/:" "# "-= =##0j gXh


\h 7"-. F9&</=# -04 -==39-0:# /= G/+#0 /0 +#9=# ^j

LKh 7"-. 4/4 [&"0 .95 .& 4& ?"#0 "# "#-94 -04 =-? ."#=# ."/0G=j gYh

LLh 7"-. 4/4 ."# -0G#, .#,, [&"0j g\h

LJh 7"-. /= [&"0 .&,4 9#G-94/0G ."# F9&F"#:5 &) ."/= C&&'j 7"5j gLKh

LMh 7"-. /= =-/4 &) ."# 30`3=. -04 )/,."5j !"# 9/G".#&3= -04 "&,5j gLLh

LVh 7"-. F9&</=# -04 -==39-0:# /= G/+#0 /0 +#9=# LJj

L]h c&? 4&#= [#=3= 4#=:9/C# c/<=#,)j gLMh

LXh 7"-. C,#==#40#== /= F9&</=#4 .& ."&=# ?"& 4& c/= :&<<-04<#0.= g=&<#
<-03=:9/F.= =-5 Q?-=" ."#/9 9&C#=Rhj gLVh

L^h 7"-. /= &3.=/4# ."# :/.5j gL]h

LYh 7"5 "-4 [#=3= =#0. c/= -0G#,j gLXh

L\h c&? 4&#= [#=3= 4#=:9/C# c/<=#,)j gLXh

JKh 7"& #B.#04= ."# /0+/.-./&0 .& Q;&<#ERj 7"& #,=# /= .& #B.#04 ."/= /0+/.-./&0j gL^h

JLh !& ?"&< /= ."/= /0+/.-./&0 #B.#04#4j 7"-. /= &))#9#4j gL^h


JJh 7"-. ?-90/0G /= G/+#0 .& ."&=# ?"& "#-9= ."# ?&94= &) ."# F9&F"#:5 &) ."/=
C&&'j gLYZL\h

JMh 7"-. F9&</=# /= G/+#0 C5 c/< ?"& .#=./)/#= &) ."#=# ."/0G=j gJKh

JVh 7"-. .?& F9-5#9= 4&#= [&"0 #BF9#== -= "# :,&=#= ."# C&&'j gJKZJLh


"#$ %&&' () *$+$,-./&0
2&08,76/0< "#&7<#.3
As stateu in the intiouuction to this stuuy, the book of Revelation is unique in that it
contains apocalyptic liteiatuie. Filleu with figuiative anu symbolic language, it has been
subjecteu to much abuse by many who have pioposeu to inteipiet it, especially by those
who take the )3.39/=./: appioach to the book.
I am peisuaueu ."# '#5 to hanuling anu unueistanuing Revelation piopeily is to let ."#
)/9=. ."9## :"-F.#9= set the context in which the book shoulu be inteipieteu. In those
chapteis we leain that the book:
Was intenueu to be unueistoou (a ievelation = an unveiling) - *# LSL
Was about things that woulu soon take place, not thousanus of yeais latei Z *#
Coulu be unueistoou even by an inuiviuual ieauing to a public auuience - *# LSL
Is filleu with signs anu symbols ("signifieu"), likely unueistoou by the oiiginal
ieaueis - *# LSL
Was auuiesseu to seven specific chuiches in Asia, so any inteipietation must fiist be
applicable to those chuiches anu theii times - *# LSV>LLW JSLZMSJJ
Was wiitten to chuiches who hau alieauy expeiienceu peisecution fiom
unbelieving }eiusalem anu pagan Rome, with moie to come - *# JS\ZLK>LM
Contains piomises to those in the seven chuiches who oveicome by iemaining
faithful, even to ueath, which piomises aie mostly uepicteu in theii fulfillment by
visions latei in the book Z *# JS^ (cf. *# JJSJ>LV); *# JSLL (cf. *# JKSX>LVW JLSY);
*# JSJXZJ^ (cf. *# JKSVZX); *# MS] (cf. *# ^SLVZL^W JKSLJ>L]W JLSJ^); *# MSLJ (cf.
The ."#<# of the book is cleai: [#=3= /= :&</0G .& `34G#E Be now ieigns as King of kings
anu Loiu of loius! (*# LS]>^W LLSL]W L^SLV). Bis coming juugment(s) as uepicteu in
Revelation involve juuging chuiches (*# LZM), unbelieving }eiusalem (*#+ VZLL), pagan
Rome (*#+ LJZL\), Satan anu the woilu (*#+ JKZJJ).
Effoits to inteipiet the book shoulu give special attention to claiifying statements founu
thioughout the book like these:
!@@@5#$3$ )(0, ,13 L,38 5)0 6316+.+$8A (*# LLSY) - iuentifies the city being juugeu in
the fiist half of the book as }eiusalem.
!:$3$ +0 5+08,;@ L$* #+; 5#, #)0 1-8$30*)-8+-9 6)(61()*$ *#$ -1;J$3 ,. *#$ J$)0*4 .,3
+* +0 *#$ -1;J$3 ,. ) ;)-O :+0 -1;J$3 +0 ___@A (*# LMSLY) - makes cleai that the
iuentity of the beast coulu be known by the oiiginal iecipients (likely "Neio Caesai",
oi the "Latin 0ne").
!:$3$ +0 *#$ ;+-8 5#+6# #)0 5+08,;O "#$ 0$'$- #$)80 )3$ 0$'$- ;,1-*)+-0 ,- 5#+6#
*#$ 5,;)- 0+*0@ "#$3$ )3$ )(0, 0$'$- >+-90@ N+'$ #)'$ .)(($-4 ,-$ +04 )-8 *#$ ,*#$3 #)0
-,* =$* 6,;$@ P-8 5#$- #$ 6,;$04 #$ ;10* 6,-*+-1$ ) 0#,3* *+;$@ "#$ J$)0* *#)* 5)04


)-8 () *+,4 +0 #+;0$(. )(0, *#$ $+9#*#4 )-8 +0 ,. *#$ 0$'$-4 )-8 +0 9,+-9 *, ?$38+*+,-@A
(*# L^S\ZLL) - Iuentifies the hailot as being suppoiteu by Rome. Also, that
whatevei the beast iepiesenteu, it !() *+,- at the time of the wiiting of Revelation.
That suggests to me that the book was not wiitten uuiing the time of Neio oi
Bomitian, but moie likely uuiing the ieign of vespasian. Similaily, that "kings" coulu
not symbolize woilu empiies, foi that woulu iule out the Roman empiie as having
anything to uo with the iuentity of the beast (since the Roman empiie was in
existence at that time).
!"#$0$ 5,380 )3$ *31$ )-8 .)+*#.1(A (*# JLS]W JJSX) - This expiession piefaces anu
concluues the uesciiption of the new heavens anu new eaith, along with the New
}eiusalem, the holy city which uescenus out of heaven fiom uou. !"31$A means "ieal,
genuine" anu !.)+*#.1(A means "tiustwoithy". This suggests to me the possibility that
the uesciiption of the eteinal state of the ieueemeu in *# JLZJJ aie moie iealistic
anu ieflective of that which is to come than weie the visions seen eailiei thioughout
the book (which weie cleaily symbolic). It ceitainly coinciues with othei sciiptuies
that aie not figuiative in theii context (cf. c# LLSLXW LMSLVW JN# MSLMZLV).
Bespite its challenges, I finu the book of Revelation fascinating anu filleu with much benefit
foi the Chiistian touay. Stuuying Revelation, we leain of Chiist's powei anu soveieignty
ovei the kinguoms of this woilu. Like othei books of the New Testament that may have
been wiitten to auuiess specific situations affecting chuiches in the fiist centuiy, we can
make application to oui own lives shoulu we finu ouiselves facing situations similai to
those enuuieu by the Chiistians of the fiist centuiy.
Anu iemembei, at some point Satan will be ieleaseu once moie to ueceive the nations in a
last attempt to uestioy the chuich (*# JKS^ZLK). Shoulu we finu ouiselves living at that
time, let us nevei foiget the key passage in this book:
These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them,
for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him
are called, chosen, and faithful. (Re 17:14)
So with the aiu of Chiist anu the iest of the New Testament to guiue us, let us heeu these
woius of the apostle Petei...
Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a
new earth in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, looking
forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without
spot and blameless; (2Pe 3:13-14)
Anu may oui attituue always be that as expiesseu by the apostle }ohn at the enu of
M:"* )+C 2+3"C H+9E N")1)O K!" PP%PQL

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