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The Cornell Note Taking Syst e m

Name: Date: Subj: Pages: Recall Column Record Column

------7 cm- ------- ----------------15 cm ------------------------------------------------Reduce ideas and facts to concise jottings and summaries as cues for Reciting, Review ing, and Re lecting!

Record the lecture as fully and as meaningfully as possible.

The format provides the perfect opportunity for following through with the 5 R's and adds summarizing the page which helps to clarify your understanding of the material. 1. Record! During the lecture record in the main column as many meaningful facts and ideas as you can. !rite legibly. a. !rite headings and "ey words in colored pencil. b. Ta"e notes with selective choosing of words# # D$%&T !R'T( ()(R*T+'%, c. -"ip lines between topics. d. .se bulleted lists and abbreviations. e. /orrectly se0uence information. f. '%/1.D( diagrams or tables for clarification 2. Reduce! /reate 0uestions which elicit critical thin"ing not one word answers. a. !rite 0uestions in the reduce column directly across from the notes you recorded. b. 1eave space or draw a pencil line separating 0uestions. 3. Recite! %ow cover the column using only your jottings in the Recall /olumn as cues or 4flags4 to help you recall say over facts and ideas of the lecture as fully as you can not mechanically but in your own words and with as much appreciation of the meaning as you can. Then uncovering your notes verify what you have said. This procedure helps to transfer the facts and ideas of your long# term memory. 5. Re lect! Reflective students distill their opinions from their notes. They ma"e such opinions the starting point for their own musings upon the subjects they are studying. -uch musings aid them in ma"ing sense out of their courses and academic e6periences by finding relationships among them. Reflective students continually label and inde6 their e6periences and ideas put them into structures outlines summaries and frames of reference. They rearrange and file them. 7est of all they have an eye for the vital for the essential . .nless ideas are placed in categories unless they are ta"en up from time to time for re# e6amination they will become inert and soon forgotten. a. !rite a summary in a 5 cm space at the end of a major section. i8 'n your own words and in complete sentences write a 3#5 sentence summary paragraph ii8 *our summary should cover the main concepts of the notes be accurate and have ade0uate detail. 5. Review ! 'f you will spend 5 # 19 minutes a few times every wee" in a 0uic" review of these notes you will retain most of what you have learned and you will be able to use your "nowledge to greater and greater effectiveness.

Using the Cornell note taking method requires that questions are written to force us to think more clearly and deeply about the material. Because of this we understand the material better, which in turn allows us remember the material more easily and for longer periods of time. :cademic -"ills /enter Dartmouth /ollege 2991

Cornell Notes Grading Rubric

Nam e:

Proper set- up and he a din g. Notes are selectively and accur a t ely par a p h r a s e d . Hierarc h y with symb ols, letter num b e r s with INDENTATION . Can easily see how idea s !it toge t h e r . "se o! logical abbr e vi a tion s . Notes hav e bee n edit e d, highlight e d , and und erlin e d . #ou$ve ACTUALLY used your note s !or review and writing your su m m a r y %ues tion s chec& !or und e r s t a n di n g and re!lect hig h e r lev e l s o! in'uiry. (hould hav e nearly ) 'ue s tion per not e. (um m a r y*R e!lection is +- , sent e n c e s long, shows learnin g by e!!ectiv ely sum m a ri-ing and re!lecting on in!orm a tio n and*or as&ing 'ue s tion s to clari!y or !urth e r the thin&ing.

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