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Iron Man 2 delivers what you would expect from a typical summertime

blockbuster movie. The sequel to the hit 2008 film, Iron Man 2 stars Robert Dowey !r.
as the billioaire techolo"y tycoo, Toy #tark. $ the film, #tark is uder scrutiy from
the %ited #tates "overmet to tur over the techolo"y of his $ro &a suit for
"overmet use. #tark refuses by claimi" that he has helped bri" peace i the world by
hidi" the secrets of his property. 'hile this public debate "oes o, #tark is privately
deali" with his faili" health ad the emer"ece of $va (ako.
(ako uses the techolo"y that was desi"ed by his father ad )oward #tark,
Toy*s father, to create his ow power suit with electric whips. $va also creates a army
of robots with the help of a rival of #tark $dustries, !usti )ammer +played by #am
Rockwell,. Toy will eed all the help of his frieds to be able to overcome these
isurmoutable odds.
$f you have see the first $ro &a film, you will kow what to expect with the
special effects ad ciemato"raphy. -omputer "eerated flyi" suits of armor, blasts of
eer"y ad explosios are imbedded throu"hout the film. The "raphics are*t mid
blowi" like Avatar, but they do look polished ad fit seamlessly with the scees with
actors e"a"ed i dialo"ue. .e will ever mistake a feeli" of cheapess with this
movie as audieces will "et their moey*s worth of typical blockbuster actio.
Despite all the actio ad chaos "oi" o, the visuals are very clear throu"hout
the film. $ ca always tell what $ro &a is doi" as he flies aroud, eve whe there is a
swarm of robots chasi" after him. The oly scee that $ felt was a bit cofusi" was the
oe with Toy walki" out of the #tark /xpo ad deali" with the swarmi" crowd. This
first perso viewpoit was a excellet shot to illustrate the hectic lifestyle of Toy #tark
ad was a subtle hi"hli"ht of the film for me.
-otiuity issues rattle the believability of Iron Man 2 ad threw me out of the
film at several poits. 0or istace, !ames Rhodes +played by Do -headle, puts o the
'ar &achie suit for the first time i this film, yet he ever has ay issues piloti" it.
'hile there are plety of experts with electroics out there, $ do*t see how aybody
could step ito such a uique techolo"y weapo as these suits of armor ad istatly
kow how to pilot them. 1t aother poit,
Toy #tark is a belli"eret druk that ca*t
eve stad up strai"ht i his $ro &a suit.
.ce he "ets ito a fi"ht with Rhodes
thou"h, #tark suddely has o problems
with coordiatio ad is able to operate all
the suit*s weapos with precisio. These
type of errors may be small, but they
separate the lau"hable absurd actio films
from the well developed too.
#ome deviatios from the storylies
of the comics may frustrate lo"time fas
of $ro &a. &ickey Rourke*s character, $va (ako, is ot eve a actual villai from
the comic book series. $va is a combiatio of the characters 'hiplash ad -rimso
Dyamo, which resulted i a adversary that seemed icosistet ad ubalaced. 1
sympathetic villai would have bee much easier to "eerate usi" the ori"ial 'hiplash
storylie of a 2ealous techicia of #tark idustries that ever received credit for his work
from Toy #tark. The character ori"i of havi" $va*s father attempti" to sell #tark
$dustry secrets to the Russia "overmet failed to create a emotioal coectio
betwee Toy #tark ad $va (ako, which made the tesio betwee the two
ubelievable. This ori"i also screamed stereotypical bad actio film that you would
expect to see i the 3480s.
Iron Man 2 lacked character developmet at times, mostly because of rapid pace
of the film. 'hile obody expects to see the level of developmet i a superhero film to
equal The Shawshank Redemption, characters should always have clear motivatios,
flaws, stre"ths ad "eeral persoality traits you ca idetify them by. #ecodary
characters, such as 5ick 0ury ad 5atasha Romaoff, stood out i particular as bei"
rather flat because the film ever divul"es ito back"rouds of these characters or
establishes why they would be cocered other tha their occupatio. $f the writers of
the film had cocetrated more o the relatioship betwee the characters ad less o
throwi" i as much actio ad tie6is to other &arvel movies as possible, we mi"ht have
had a story that felt huma ad relatable.
.verall, Iron Man 2 is 2ust aother blockbuster superhero film. 7ou "et plety of
osese actio, but you leave wati" to kow the characters ad world more. $f you
wat a simple movie with plety of thrills to keep the kids etertaied, this may be the
movie for you. Die hard $ro &a fas ad movie cooisseurs, o the other had,
should probably skip out o this oe.

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