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True Fellowship will be Characterized by Mercy

Romans 12:68 Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith; 7 if service, in his serving; or he who teaches, in his teaching; 8 or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness. The last of the gifts God has given to His church that Paul mentions in this passage is that of showing mercy. It means to be moved in heart (to the point of actually feeling it) and to show kindness and concern for someone who is in serious need. It is closely akin in this sense to "love." For example, the Good Samaritan is described as having had mercy toward the Jew who was attacked by bandits. This mercy is, of course, firstly a wonderful attribute of God, and was clearly seen in our Savior. Remember how, deeply moved in spirit and troubled over the devastation wrought by sin, He wept at the tomb of Lazarus. We ought to expect, then, that every child of God, being increasingly conformed to the image of Jesus by the work of the Spirit, will show this same trait to one degree or another. It seems from the passage, though, that some are specifically and specially gifted to be able to show mercy to those who are in serious need in the church. They are blessed with hearts of compassion and kindness. They cannot be content to wish someone well in general terms, hoping that they will be fed or will keep warm - they have to show practical love and mercy themselves. They are truly touched with concern for all their brothers and sisters who come into serious difficulties. They are the first to weep with those who weep, and to rejoice with those who rejoice. Is this your gift? Is this something you can contribute in your fellowship? Note, though, that Paul also gives guidance on how mercy is to be shown in the church. It is to be done with cheerfulness (the Greek word is the one from which our modern word, "hilarity" comes). This gift is to be exercised with gladness, happiness, cheerfulness. We are not talking here about that trite and shallow sentiment that we hear about in the songs: "put on a happy face" (if we have to put this on, we are nothing more than hypocrites). Rather this is something genuine, that wells up from a heart that is full of love and that is the abundant dwelling place of the Spirit of God. For such a person, caring for those in need is not a drudge or a burden - something to be undertaken with sighs, moans, and a long face. Instead, it is a privilege. They know that in serving their brothers and sisters in this way, they are actually serving Jesus Himself. Therefore it is a matter of great joy to them and they do it gladly. What a blessing it is to be in a fellowship where some are gifted to show mercy and are doing so with great cheerfulness! How much we lose if we choose to stay away from a place where God's Spirit is richly and abundantly present and all these gifts are being used for the good of the whole body!

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