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Physiology Lectures Second semester, 2010 Blood and Immune system - Functions of the blood.

. Composition and physico-chemical properties of blood (colour, density, viscosity, osmotic pressure, etc). Blood volume; circulating and stagnant blood. The hematocrit. - rythrocytes. Function of respiratory gases transportation. - Function of specific defense. !hysiology of "mmune #ystem. $ymphocytes.Function of nonspecific (cellular) defense. $eu%ocytes - Function of maintaining the fluid- coagulant balance. &emostasis. Fibrinolysis. Therapeutic uses of blood. Transfusions. Blood groups.

Battinelli, E., S. R. Willoughby, T. Foxall, C. R. Valeri, and J. Loscal o. !""#. $nduction o% &lalelet %or'ation %ro' 'ega(aryocytoid cells by nitric oxide. )roceedings o% the *ational +cade'y o% Science ,S+ -./ #001.2 #0034. Bischo%%, S. C. !""5. Role o% 'ast cells in allergic and non2allergic i''une res&ones/ co'&arison o% hu'an and 'urine data. *ature Re6ie7s $''unology 5/ -42#"0. 8ordon, S. !""4. 9i%%erentiation, distribution and acti6ation o% 'acro&hages in 6i6o. *ature Re6ie7s $''unology 4/ !4241. :atsura, ;. !""!. Rede%inition o% ly'&hoid &rogenitors. *ature Re6ie7s $''unology !/ #!52#4!. Rothenberg, <. E., and S. ). =ogan. !""3. The eosino&hil. +nnual Re6ie7 o% $''unology !0/ #052#50.
Tiru'alai, R. S., K. C. Chan, D. A. Prieto, H. J. Issaq, T. P. Conrads and T. D. Veenstra. 2003. Characteri ation o% the Lo7 <olecular Weight =u'an Seru' )roteo'e. <olecular > Cellular )roteo'ics !/#"-32##"4.

;ouse%i, S., J. + 8old, *. +ndina, J. J. Lee, +. <. :elly, E. :o lo7s(i, $. Sch'id, +. Strau'ann, J. Reichenbach, 8. J. 8leich, and =.2,. Si'on. !"".. Cata&ult2li(e release o% 'itochondrial 9*+ by eosino&hils contributes to antibacterial de%ense. *ature <edicine, &ublished online ?#" +ugust !"".@.

Renal excretion and acid-base e uilibrium - Functions of the %idneys. 'echanisms of urine formation. (lomerular filtration. )enal clearance. Tubuloglomerular feed- bac% - !hysiology of the nephron. )eabsorbtion. #ecretion. - )enal clearing mechanisms.. *cretion of metabolic end products. The mechanism of dilution and concentration - +iuresis. )egulation of renal function. 'icturition - ,cid -base balance. !hysical and chemical mechanisms. Biological mechanisms - ,cid-base disorders. ,cidosis and al%alosis. )egulation of intracellular p&. ,cid-base e.uilibrium parameters. The anion gap. Physiology o! the ner"ous system and sensory organs - !hysiology of the e*citable cell. !hysiology of neurons and glial cells - Transmitting and processing the signal /ithin the nervous system. 0eurotransmitters - #ense of touch. !ain - !hysiology of taste and smell - !hysiology of sight - !hysiology of hearing. !hysiology of balance and posture #uscular system - #%eletal muscle. The muscle t/itch. Tetani1ation of s%eletal muscle. $ength-force relation. 'uscle force - shortening velocity relation. 'uscle heat. "sometric and isotonic contraction. 'uscle fatigue and poste*ercise muscle ache. The motor unit of the s%eletal muscle. 'otor end-plate transmission )ecommended bibliography2 (uyton, Boron, Berne 3 $evy +r. ,na-'aria 4agrean $ecturer, +ept. of !hysiology "" Coordinator, !hysiology 5nd 6ear, nglish 'odule

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