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Dear Professional Colleagues, AACEI-AGS is pleased to announce the commencement of the next session of the Cost Certification Refresher

Course in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia from 25th October to 10th January 2008. Classes will be held on Mondays (5pm 7pm) and Thursdays 2pm 6pm) at CARLTON Al-MOAIBED HOTEL Al- khobar. Courses are also conducted in other parts of Middle East like ubail! "ahrain! #ubai! $bu%#habi and &atar' The Course Fee will be US$ 670 (equivalent to R !"## Onl$%.

AACEI-AGS, is the Arabian Gulf section of Association for the Ad!ancement of Cost En"ineerin", an international body #ith head$uarter s in ( ) $ and widely spread and well reco*ni+ed across the world! in the field of &Total Co't Mana(e)ent*+ &,lannin( .he/ulin(*+ &Earne/ 0alue Mana(e)ent* et.. Cost %ana"ement, the ultimate baseline for the success of any industry ri"ht from &ro'ect sta"e, has !ery hi"h under-tapped potential across the %iddle East #ith the hea!y in!estment happenin" in !arious sectors li(e, )il * Gas, Infrastructure etc+ There is a noticeable shorta"e of trained and certified professionals in this re"ion and AACEI-AGS is #or(in" to#ards fillin" the "ap bet#een the a!ailability and re$uirement+ The Arabian Gulf section #hich ba""ed the best chapter a#ard many times is supported #ith an excellent team of professional expertise for "roomin" the potential candidates for the CCE (Certified Cost Engineer) / CCC (Certified Cost Consultant) and !CC (!nteri" Cost Consultant) #ertifi#ations! which are the most widely reco*ni+ed professional certification in this field' ,e conduct two e-enin* courses e-ery year! and the response and passin* rate ha-e been o-erwhelmin*' .f you are in the /ro0ect Mana*ement 1 /ro0ect Controls 1 Estimation 1 Costin* 1 Manufacturin* or any related mana*ement areas and are still not formally and professionally certified! this could be a *reat opportunity to accelerate your career *rowth and contribute better to the industrial community worldwide' $$CE%$2) board will be more than happy to assist you with further details! if re3uired for decidin* on 0oinin* the pro*ram' 4urthermore we in-ite you to -isit our websites + www.geo#ities.#o"/aa#e$ags for an in%depth understandin* of the association and its worldwide and re*ional acti-ities' Course "rochure and 5e*istration 4orm are attached herewith' A#aitin" your earliest positi!e response,

For %%CE!&%'S (oard Arshad Waseem Khan, CCE ,irector - Certification, Education * Trainin" Contacts: 03-8585236 or 056 9091847, E-mail: awkhan2@se com sa, arsha!wkhan@"ahoo com

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