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Sclence ueparLmenL
hyslcs Culz 8 1hermal hyslcs
Page 1 of 2

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1. 8adlaLlon Lransfers heaL ln Lhe form of _elecLromagneLlc_ waves whlch do nC1 need a medlum.

2. Cood radlaLors and absorbers of heaL have __dull__, _black_and _rough surfaces whlle poor
radlaLors and absorbers of heaL have __shlny_, _sllvery_ and _smooLh surfaces.
(use Lhese words : !"#$%& ()**& +*,-.& !#*/01%& !2334"& 13)5") (3)

3. PeaL can be LransmlLLed by conducLlon (solld), convecLlon_ (fluld) and _radlaLlon_.

4. lnLernal energy ls Lhe sum of Lhe _klneLlc___ and _poLenLlal___ energles ln Lhe
subsLance. 1he rlse ln LemperaLure ls due Lo an lncrease ln Lhe average _klneLlc_ energy of Lhe
molecules alone. (3)

3. 1he flgure below shows a solar panel used Lo heaL waLer.

(a) SLaLe Lhe name of Lhe process by whlch energy ls Lransferred
(l) from Lhe Sun Lo Lhe ouLslde of Lhe plpe ln Lhe solar panel, (1)

(ll) from Lhe ouLslde of Lhe plpe Lo Lhe waLer lnslde lL. (1)

(b) lf you are deslgnlng Lhe panel, sLaLe your cholce of
(l) colour for Lhe plpe (1)

(ll) maLerlal of Lhe plpe (1)

(lll) Lhlckness of Lhe plpe (1)

1he color of Lhe plpe musL be black and dull. !"#$% #'( ()"" $*"*)+,( -)+.#$,- #+, /**( $*'()$0*+- *.
1,#0 23# +#(3#03*'4 5,'$, 6*+, ,',+/7 $#' 8, #8-*+8,( .+*6 01, -)'4
Copper/sLalnless sLeel. 91, 6#0,+3#" 6)-0 8, 6,0#" 8,$#)-, 6,0#"- #+, ,:$,"",'0 $*'()$0*+- *. 1,#04
9+7 '*0 0* -0#0, 3+*';-0,," #- 01,7 <3"" +)-0 =>??"3,( @$3,'$,A4
1he Lhlckness musL be as Lhln as posslble so LhaL more Lhermal energy (heaL) can be absorbed by Lhe
waLer. B*0 0** 013' *+ 2,+7 013' #- 01, ?3?, 63/10 8, 6*+, -)-$,?038", 0* 01, ,",6,'0- #'( ?+,--)+,4
!"#$% '()**" +$,- '.-//*

Sclence ueparLmenL
hyslcs Culz 8 1hermal hyslcs
Page 2 of 2
(c) (l) Lxplaln why no ,((#4#3$,* pump ls needed Lo clrculaLe Lhe waLer Lhrough Lhe plpe. (1)

(ll) Would you poslLlon Lhe waLer sLorage Lank above, below or aL Lhe same level as Lhe solar
panel ? Lxplaln. (2)

1he waLer sLorage musL be placed above Lhe solar panel. As Lhe waLer ls heaLed up by Lhe
solar panel, lL wlll expand, become less dense and rlse up Lo Lhe Lank, hence Lhe Lank sLores
waLer hoLLer Lhan Lhose ln Lhe panel. Should Lhe waLer ln Lhe Lank be cooler Lhan Lhose ln
Lhe panel, cooler denser waLer wlll flow down Lo Lhe panel Lo be heaLed up.

6. name Lhe processes

Solld ===========> Llquld ============> Cas

_melLlng___ (1) __bolllng (preferred answer) / evaporaLlon___ (1)

Solld <=========== Llquld <============ Cas

_freezlng___ (1) _condensaLlon___ (1)

7. uraw arrows ln Lhe dlagrams below Lo show Lhe convecLlon currenLs whlch are seL up when Lhe
waLer ln each conLalner ls heaLed as shown.

noLe : PeaL Laken ln.

noLe : PeaL glven ouL
1he waLer ln Lhe plpe can flow vla convecLlon. When waLer ls heaLed up, lL expands and
become less dense, hence Lhe hoL waLer rlses and flows ouL Lo Lhe Lop, allowlng more lnflow
of cold waLer aL Lhe boLLom. Pence no addlLlonal pump ls acLually needed.
B*0, C )-)#""7 <1,' 01, .*)+ ?+*$,--,- #+, 3'2*"2,(D 01,7 <*)"( 8, 6,"03'/D 8*3"3'/D .+,,E3'/ #'(
$*'(,'-#03*'4 91,7 #+, ?+*$,--,- <13$1 1,#0 3- /#3',( *+ "*-0 #0 # 6)$1 .#-0,+ +#0, #- $*6?#+,(
0* ,2#?*+#03*'4

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