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Podcast: Can a leopard change its spots?

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He-, ever-bod-. /&at0s up1 #&is is 2na 3ui%a, 4it& a ne4 episode of t&e inglesonline podcast. #o do4nload or just listen to ot&er episodes and do4nload transcripts, go to and clic5 Podcast Inglesonline. 67, t&in5 about t&is8 -ou just graduated from &ig& sc&ool and -ou0re tr-ing to get into college 9:;. :ou 4ant college 9:; because it0s t&e college -our parents 4ent to and -ou t&in5 it0s t&e best college in t&e 4orld. <o -ou0re not appl-ing to an- ot&er sc&ools. #&e onl- sc&ool, t&e onl- college -ou are interested in is college 9:;. :ou0re not even gonna tr- ot&er sc&ools. #&at0s ris5-, rig&t1 #&at0s a ris5- t&ing to do. If college 9:; doesn0t accept -ou, -ou 4ill &ave to 4ait a 4&ole -ear in order to be able to appl- for college again. #&at 4ould be similar in (ra%il to ta5ing t&e Vestibular e)am to onl- one college or =niversit-. If -ou pass, great> if -ou don0t, -ou0ll &ave to 4ait until t&e ne)t round of Vestibular e)ams to tr- again. <o man- people 4ould consider t&at a ris5- t&ing to do. <o... -ou 5no4 4&at -ou0re doing, 4&en -ou do t&is1 :ou0re putting all -our eggs in one bas5et. <omeone mig&t tell -ou ?2re -ou cra%-1 +on0t put all -our eggs in one bas5et. I 5no4 college 9:; is -our favorite, but -ou s&ould also trcollege 2(@ and college ,AH.? +on0t put all -our eggs in one bas5et. 2not&er e)ample... 3et0s sa- -ou &ired someone to organi%e t&e @&ristmas part- at -our office. :ou0ve never &eard of t&is person before but -ou spo5e to &er on t&e p&one and s&e seemed nice. <&e is going to ta5e care of t&e food, t&e decoration and t&e music. Bver-t&ing. <o -ou tell -our boss t&at -ou &ired t&is person to do ever-t&ing, and &e sa-s ?2re -ou sure -ou 4anna &ave all -our eggs in one bas5et li5e t&at1 /&- don0t -ou &ire someone else to ta5e care of t&e decoration, and anot&er person to &andle t&e music1 I mean, -ou don0t even 5no4 t&is person, and s&e0s responsible for ever-t&ing. It0s too ris5-?. <o -ou t&in5 about it, and -ou reali%e t&at it0s true, -ou reall- are putting all -our eggs in one bas5et b- &iring onl- one person to &andle all aspects of t&e @&ristmas part-. 2nd 4&at0s 4orse, s&e &asn0t been recommended b- an-one... -ou got &er number off t&e -ello4 pages. 2nd &ere0s a sa-ing I &eard t&e ot&er da-8 a leopard canCt c&ange its spots. 3oo5 at t&e picture8 do -ou see t&e leopard1 3eopards &ave blac5 spots all over t&eir bodies. #&e-0re covered in spots. <o, t&e sa-ing goes ?2 leopard can0t c&ange its spots?. /&at does t&at mean1 (asicall-, t&at means t&at people don0t c&ange, or people can0t c&ange. <o it0s ver- common to &ear t&at sa-ing 4&en, for e)ample, -ou 4ere e)pecting someone to be&ave differentl- from t&e 4a- t&e- usuall- do. ,or e)ample, sometimes a 4oman complains t&at &er bo-friend or &usband &as c&eated on &er for t&e t&ird time, and t&en someone 4ill sa- ?He-, 4&at did -ou e)pect1 2 leopard can0t c&ange its spots?. <o, if t&e gu- c&eated before,
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Ingls Online

Podcast: Can a leopard change its spots?

of course &e0s going to c&eat again. 2 leopard can0t c&ange its spots. /&at do -ou t&in51 Dot necessaril- in regards to c&eating, but in general8 do -ou t&in5 it is true t&at people can0t c&ange1 +o -ou agree 4it& t&is sa-ing ?2 leopard can0t c&ange its spots?1 E- opinion is, it depends. I certainl- t&in5 it is possible to c&ange. It is possible for people to c&ange, to modift&eir be&avior for various reasons. <o I t&in5 t&at a leopard can c&ange its spots. 2 figurative leopard, of course. Dot t&e animal. <ure, sometimes people e)&ibit t&e same be&avior all t&eir lives... t&e- do t&e same t&ing over and over again. (ut t&at0s not al4a-s t&e case. <o, t&is sa-ing... 2 leopard can0t c&ange its spots1 I t&in5 sometimes it applies, but most of t&e time, to be &onest, I don0t t&in5 it does. /&at is -our opinion1 +o -ou agree t&at a leopard can0t c&ange its spots, or do -ou &ave an interesting stor- to tell us about &o4 someone reall- c&anged t&eir be&avior1 3et us 5no4 in t&e comments. #al5 to -ou ne)t time.

Key expressions
all -our eggs in one bas5et a leopard can0t c&ange its spots

4&at0s 4orse F o que pior off t&e -ello4 pages F a partir das p!ginas amarelas a sa-ing F um ditado

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