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Course: Operations Management Semester: MBA II (IInd Shift) Instructor: Ms. Amanpreet Kaur

Subject Code: MS -110 Batch: 2012-2014

Q1. Explain the process o !roduct de"elopment and discuss "arious approaches# tools and techni$ues used in product de"elopment. ANSW !: "rod#$t de%e&opment: %he creation o products &ith ne& or di erent characteristics that o er ne& or additional bene its to the customer. It ma' in"ol"e modi ication o an existin( product or its presentation# or ormulation o an entirel' ne& product that satis ies a ne&l' de ined customer &ant or mar)et niche %he process or product de"elopment is stated belo& and the sta(es the' comprise o : 1. %he 1st sta(e is idea generation that is the search or ne& products. Companies pa' a particular ocus on customer needs and demands to decide on the ne& product. Idea (eneration can also be done b' stud'in( competitor*s product. Companies tr' to learn &h' competitor*s product tic)s &ith consumer or &hat more customers &ant rom that product. Companies also loo) at top mana(ement or idea (eneration. +or example# Ste"e ,obs o Apple is )no&n to participate acti"el' in an idea (eneration. -esearch (roups comprisin( o scientist# patent holders# colle(es and uni"ersities also ser"e as the base or idea (eneration.

.. %he .nd sta(e is idea s$reening. /ot all ne& ideas proposed can be con"erted into products. Companies list ideas into three cate(ories promisin( ideas# mar(inal ideas and rejects. !romisin( ideas are urther process b' screenin( committee to be read' or the next sta(e. Screenin( should a"oid the error &here (ood ideas are dropped due to bias to&ards the idea (enerator. Another commonl' occurrin( error is encoura(ement to a commerciall' un"iable idea. %here ore# extra precautions are necessar' durin( the screenin( process. 0. %he 0rd sta(e be(ins &hen ideas mo"e into the de%e&opment pro$ess. 1ere a product idea is con"erted into se"eral product concepts. 2ut o se"eral product concepts# the one &hich loo)s it is then placed a(ainst competitors to inali3e mar)etin( and positionin( strate('. !roduct concept is introduced to a ocus (roup o customer in a orm o proto4 t'pe to understand their reaction. 5. %he 5th sta(e in"ol"es de%e&oping of mar'eting strateg( for ne) prod#$t. %he mar)etin( strate(' in"ol"es e"aluation o mar)et si3e# product demand# (ro&th potential# pro it estimate in irst e& 'ears. +urther mar)etin( strate(' plan is de"eloped &ith the launch o product# selection o distribution channel and bud(etar' re$uirements or the 1st 'ear. 6. %he 6th sta(e in"ol"es the de%e&opment of the *#siness mode& aro#nd the ne) prod#$t. Business models start &ith estimation o sales# re$uenc' o purchase# and nature o business. /ext estimation o cost and expense in"ol"e in production and distribution o ne& product. In that basis pro it estimations are reached. 7iscounted cash lo& and other methods are used to understand easibilit' o ne& product. 8. %he 8th sta(e in"ol"es the actual prod#$tion of ne) prod#$t. 1ere more than one possible product are created# rom proto4t'pe to inali3ed products are produced. 7ecisions are ta)en rom operation point o "ie& &hether is technicall' and commerciall' easible to continue production. I anal'sis is sho&in( cost not &ithin the estimate then project is abandoned. 9. %he 9th sta(e in"ol"es mar'et testing of ne) prod#$t. %he ne& product is read' &ith brand name# pac)a(in(# price to capture space in consumer*s mind.

:. %he :th sta(e in"ol"es launchin( o product across tar(et mar)et bac)ed b' a proper mar)etin( and strate(' plan. %his sta(e is called $ommer$ia&i+ation phase. Introduction o ne& product is part o sur"i"al techni$ue or an' irm. And &ith "er' hi(h ailure rate companies ha"e to ollo& a scienti ic process to create ne& mar)et o erin(s.

A simp&isti$ map of the "rod#$t ,e%e&opment pro$ess:

Step 14 Identi ' the ;Bri(ht Idea;

Step . 4 7e ine the -e$uirements Step 0 4 In ormation < !lannin( =!atent Search# Mar)et -esearch> Step 5 4 %he 7esi(n !hase


Step 6 4 4 !rotot'pin( 7esi(n !rotot'pin(

Step 8 4 4 !roduction !roduction

More information:

!rocess /otes 4 %ime# Costs# Considerations. ?hen to !atent 4 ?hen and ?h'.

-he %ario#s approa$hes. too&s and te$hni/#es #sed in prod#$t de%e&opment : %he selection o a method is dependent on the rele"ant re$uirements o the current product de"elopment phase. Methods that are used are:

Intuiti"e creati"it' techni$ues or idea (eneration o Approaches# acts or opinions Anal'tical methods or the tas) and re$uirement de inition Selection and e"aluation methods to limit the number o solutions %est methods or dra&in( conclusions about the $ualit' o the unctionalit' and usabilit'

%estin( e.(. o concepts# moc)4ups# protot'pes and products

0#a&itati%e Methods
Qualitati"e methods used to inte(rate the users are &or)shops includin( search ield anal'sis and loo) < eel tests o existin( solutions on the mar)et# as &ell as ocus (roup discussions and open inter"ie&s &ith experts in the di erent business ields.

0#antitati%e Methods
Besides $ualitati"e methods# $uantitati"e methods are used to inte(rate the di erent user (roups the project is ocusin( on. %here ore# online $uestionnaires are created or the three di erent editions o the product. %hese methods enable to (et a better e"aluation o the project as &ell as an o"er"ie& about the di erent speci ic re$uirements o the hetero(eneous tar(et (roup. In the Business and 1ome Edition section an online $uestionnaire &as made a"ailable or around .5#@@@ institutions in Austria# Aerman'# Ital'# S&it3erland and the /etherlands. In the !ri"ate Edition section acti"e and mobile seniors are tried to be reached b' an online $uestionnaire.

Q.. =a>?hat do 'ou understand b' Socio4technical approach to job desi(nerB Explain the principles applied or job desi(n under such approach.

So$io-te$hni$a& s(stems (S-S) in or(ani3ational de"elopment is an approach to complex or(ani3ational &or) desi(n that reco(ni3es the interaction bet&een people and technolo(' in &or)places. %he term also re ers to the interaction bet&een societ'Cs complex in rastructures and human beha"iour. In this sense# societ' itsel # and most o its substructures# are complex socio4 technical s'stems. %he term socio4technical s'stems &as coined in the 1D8@s b' Eric %rist# Ken Bam orth and +red Emer'# &ho &ere &or)in( as consultants at the %a"istoc) Institute in Eondon. Socio4technical s'stems pertains to theor' re(ardin( the social aspects o people and societ' and technical aspects o or(ani3ational structure and processes. 1ere# technical does not necessaril' impl' material technolo('. %he ocus is on procedures and related )no&led(e# i.e. it re ers to the ancient Aree) term lo(os. ;%echnical; is a term used to re er to structure and a broader sense o technicalities. Socio4technical re ers to the interrelatedness o social and technical aspects o an or(ani3ation or the societ' as a &hole.F1G Socio4technical theor' there ore is about joint optimi3ation# &ith a shared emphasis on achie"ement o both excellence in technical per ormance and $ualit' in peopleCs &or) li"es. Socio4technical theor'# as distinct rom socio4 technical s'stems# proposes a number o di erent &a's o achie"in( joint optimisation. %he' are usuall' based on desi(nin( di erent )inds o or(anisation# ones in &hich the relationships bet&een socio and technical elements lead to the emer(ence o producti"it' and &ellbein(.

1p&ain the prin$ip&es app&ied for 2o* design #nder s#$h approa$h:

So$io-te$hni$a& s(stem
A socio4technical s'stem is the term usuall' (i"en to an' instantiation o socio and technical elements en(a(ed in (oal directed beha"iour. Socio4technical s'stems are a particular expression o socio4technical theor'# althou(h the' are not necessaril' one and the same thin(. Socio4 technical s'stems theor' is a mixture o socio4technical theor'# joint optimisation and so orth and (eneral s'stems theor'. %he term socio4technical s'stem reco(nises that or(anisations ha"e boundaries and that transactions occur &ithin the s'stem =and its sub4s'stems> and bet&een the &ider context and d'namics o the en"ironment. It is an extension o Socio4technical %heor' &hich pro"ides a richer descripti"e and conceptual lan(ua(e or describin(# anal'sin( and desi(nin( or(anisations. A Socio4technical S'stem# there ore# o ten describes a Cthin(C =an interlin)ed# s'stems based mixture o people# technolo(' and their en"ironment> .

So$io-te$hni$a& s(stems approa$h

In or(ani3ational de"elopment# the term socio4technical s'stems describe an approach to complex or(ani3ational &or) desi(n that reco(ni3es the interaction bet&een people and technolo(' in &or)places. %he term also re ers to the interaction bet&een societ'Cs complex in rastructures and human beha"ior. In this sense# societ' itsel # and most o its sub4structures# are complex socio4technical s'stems.

3o* enri$hment
,ob enrichment in or(ani3ational de"elopment# human resources mana(ement# and or(ani3ational beha"ior# is the process o (i"in( the emplo'ee a &ider and hi(her le"el scope o responsibilit' &ith increased decision ma)in( authorit'. %his is the opposite o job enlar(ement# &hich simpl' &ould not in"ol"e (reater authorit'. Instead# it &ill onl' ha"e an increased number o duties.

3o* en&argement
,ob enlar(ement means increasin( the scope o a job throu(h extendin( the ran(e o its job duties and responsibilities. %his contradicts the principles o specialisation and the di"ision o labour &hereb' &or) is di"ided into small units# each o &hich is per ormed repetiti"el' b' an indi"idual &or)er. Some moti"ational theories su((est that the boredom and alienation caused b' the di"ision o labour can actuall' cause e icienc' to all.

3o* rotation
,ob rotation is an approach to mana(ement de"elopment# &here an indi"idual is mo"ed throu(h a schedule o assi(nments desi(ned to (i"e him or her a breadth o exposure to the entire operation. ,ob rotation is also practiced to allo& $uali ied emplo'ees to (ain more insi(hts into the processes o a compan' and to increase job satis action throu(h job "ariation. %he term job rotation can also mean the scheduled exchan(e o persons in o ices# especiall' in public o ices# prior to the end o incumbenc' or the le(islati"e period. %his has been practiced b' the Aerman (reen part' or some time but has been discontinued

Moti"ation in ps'cholo(' re ers to the initiation# direction# intensit' and persistence o beha"iour. Moti"ation is a temporal and d'namic state that should not be con used &ith personalit' or emotion. Moti"ation is ha"in( the desire and &illin(ness to do somethin(. A moti"ated person can be reachin( or a lon(4term (oal such as becomin( a pro essional &riter or a more short4term (oal li)e learnin( ho& to spell a particular &ord. !ersonalit' in"ariabl' re ers to more or less permanent characteristics o an indi"idualCs state o bein( =e.(.# sh'# extro"ert# conscientious>. As opposed to moti"ation# emotion re ers to temporal states that do not immediatel' lin) to beha"ior =e.(.# an(er# (rie # happiness>.

"ro$ess impro%ement
!rocess impro"ement in or(ani3ational de"elopment is a series o actions ta)en to identi '# anal'3e and impro"e existin( processes &ithin an or(ani3ation to meet ne& (oals and objecti"es. %hese actions o ten ollo& a speci ic methodolo(' or strate(' to create success ul results.

-as' ana&(sis
%as) anal'sis is the anal'sis o ho& a tas) is accomplished# includin( a detailed description o both manual and mental acti"ities# tas) and element durations# tas) re$uenc'# tas) allocation# tas) complexit'# en"ironmental conditions# necessar' clothin( and e$uipment# and an' other uni$ue actors in"ol"ed in or re$uired or one or more people to per orm a (i"en tas). %his in ormation can then be used or man' purposes# such as personnel selection and trainin(# tool or e$uipment desi(n# procedure desi(n =e.(.# desi(n o chec)lists or decision support s'stems> and automation.

Wor' design
?or) desi(n or job desi(n in or(ani3ational de"elopment is the application o sociotechnical s'stems principles and techni$ues to the humani3ation o &or). %he aims o &or) desi(n to impro"ed job satis action# to impro"ed throu(h4put# to impro"ed $ualit' and to reduced emplo'ee problems# e.(.# (rie"ances# absenteeism.

=b>Explain Aroup %echnolo(' la'out and discuss its relati"e merits. 4ro#p -e$hno&og( or 4- is a manu acturin( s'stem in manu acturin( that or(ani3es the production s'stem in to manu acturin( Fnot assembl'G cells in &hich the parts ha"in( similarities in Aeometr'# or manu acturin( process and &hich are completed be ore mo"in( in to the assembl' s'stem. A% is based on a (eneral principle that some components can be made to(ether because o some o their ph'sical similarities or because the' re$uire similar toolin( or machiner' to ma)e them# thus sa"in( time and e ort. %he (roup o similar parts is )no&n as a ;component4part amil'; %he (roup o machines that manu acture Fcompletel'Gthis amil' is )no&n as ma$hine $e&&5. It is not necessary for each part of a part family to be processed by every machine of corresponding machine cell. This type of manufacturing in which a part family is produced by a machine cell is known as cellular manufacturing or group technology and the first world`s first GT-conference was at ILO in Turin, Italy under the organization of author John L. ur!idge. %he manu acturin( e iciencies are (enerall' increased b' emplo'in( A% because the re$uired operations ma' be con ined to onl' a small cell and thus a"oidin( the need or transportation o in4process parts

Some o the ad"anta(es o Group Technology layout include:

6ost: Cellular manu acturin( pro"ides or aster processin( time# less material handlin(# less &or)4in4process in"entor'# and reduced setup time# all o &hich reduce costs.

7&e1i*i&it(: Cellular manu acturin( allo&s or the production o small batches# &hich pro"ides some de(ree o increased lexibilit'. %his aspect is (reatl' enhanced &ith +MSs. Moti%ation: Since &or)ers are cross4trained to run e"er' machine in the cell# boredom is less o a actor. Also# since &or)ers are responsible or their cellsC output# more autonom' and job o&nership is present.
The Group Technology Layout has some more important advantages and they are such as like, average time on every setup, limited distance per move, gives the proper count of no of products completed per year, machine utilization, forming queue, invention on work in process, average flow time, limited longest queue length and average waiting time. *********

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