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the coverdale translation 09yt= o65] p[

edited byw. s. peterson and valerie macys
This modern-spellin electronic version o! "iles #over- dale$s Psalter was %ploaded to my
&eb site Little Gidding: En- glish Spiritual Traditions' in (eptember )000. *t may o! co%rse be printed or downloaded and %sed !or personal p%rposes+ b%t * re,%est that it not be posted on another site witho%t my per- mission.-&illiam (. Peterson .wsp/wam.%md.ed%0 '.!orm.%md.ed%234562en l!ac2&Peterson2 5*77*452welcome.htm ' *4T897:#T*94 By William S. Peterson "iles #overdale + born in ;or<shire in '=>? or '=>>+ st%d- ied at #ambrid e :niversity .where he became an @% stin- ian Ariar0 and was ordained priest at 4orwich in abo%t '5'=. @side !rom these simple !acts+ little in!ormation s%rvives abo%t his early li!e+ b%t we do <now that he lived in eBcitin times+ and inevitably this ,%iet+ boo<ish yo%n man+ stim%- lated by Protestant ideas then in the air at #ambrid e+ was drawn into the reat theolo ical controversies o! the day. (ometime a!ter '5)0 #overdale attracted the attention o! Thomas #romwell+ 3arl o! 3sseB+ and soon be an to enCoy #romwell$s power!%l !riendship and patrona e. 4everthe- less+ li<e many o! his contemporaries+ #overdale-who was now a convinced 6%theran b%t a mild-mannered+ %na res- sive yo%n man-!o%nd the reli io%s t%rmoil in 3n land so dist%rbin and dan ero%s that in '5)> he !led temporarily to the #ontinent. There he travelled abo%t+ met some o! the leadin Protestant !i %res in 5ermany+ and Dealo%sly st%died the (cript%res. @t abo%t this time he

wrote to #romwell1 E4ow * be in to taste o! holy (cript%resF now+ hono%r be to 5od+ * am set to the most sweet smell o! holy letters+ with the odly savo%r o! holy and ancient doctors+ %nto whose <nowl- ed e * cannot attain witho%t diversity o! boo<s+ as is not %n- <nown to yo%r most eBcellent wisdom. 4othin in the world * desire b%t boo<s as concernin my learnin . They once had+ * do not do%bt b%t almi hty 5od shall per!orm in me which he+ o! his most plenti!%l !avo%r and race+ hath be- %n.G There is ab%ndant testimony by contemporaries o! #overdale$s %nass%min nat%re .Hohn Iale+ !or eBample+ de- scribed him as a Every entle spiritG0+ yet the letter to #rom- well also reveals a ,%iet determination to master biblical scholarship !or some %nspeci!ied p%rpose. &hat #overdale had in mind was nothin less than a !%ll 3n lish translation o! the Iible+ which was d%ly p%blished in '5J5 with this title- pa e1 I*I6*@ The Iible2 thatis+ the holy (cript%re o! the 9lde and 4ew Testament+ !aith- !%lly and tr%ly translated o%t o! 7o%che and 6atynin to 3n lishe. m.d.BBBv. *t was a bold %nderta<in !or an obsc%re 3n lishman in eBile with no conspic%o%s position in the #h%rch and+ eBcept !or #romwell+ no allies at co%rt. Kis boo< was+ in !act+ the !irst complete 3n lish translation o! the Iible .Tyndale$s edi- tion o! a !ew years earlier had not incl%ded most o! the 9ld Testament0+ accompanied by a characteristically sel!-e!!ac- in prolo %e by #overdale which be an1 E#onsiderin how ) eBcellent <nowled e and learnin an interpreter o! script%re o% ht to have in the ton %es+ and ponderin also mine own ins%!!iciency therein+ and how wea< * am to per!orm the o!- !ice o! a translator+ * was the more loath to meddle with this wor<. . . . @nd to help me herein+ * have had s%ndry transla- tions+ not only in 6atin+ b%t also o! the 7%tch [i.e. 5erman] interpreters1 whom .beca%se o! their sin %lar i!ts and spe- cial dili ence in the Iible0 * have been the more lad to !ol- low !or the most part+ accordin as * was re,%ired.G The translation was dedicated to Kenry viii .who the pre- vio%s year had declared himsel! the head o! the 3n lish #h%rch0+ and #romwell presented a copy to the Lin F tho% h the boo< apparently received tacit royal approval+ #overdale$s p%blisher+ Hames 4icolson o! (o%thwar<+ was not allowed to print a !ormal license on the title-pa e. *n his dedication #overdale claimed that he had Eneither wrested nor altered so m%ch as one word !or the maintenance o! any manner o! sectsG1 his '5J5 Iible+ %nli<e many others iss%ed in the siBteenth cent%ry+ was not dis!i %red by polemical notes or introd%ctions+ and #overdale$s translation+ which drew heavily on Tyndale$s 4ew Testament and Pentate%ch+ was traditional+ %ncontroversial+ and attractive !rom a literary viewpoint. The widely !elt need !or a satis!actory vernac%lar Iible in 3n land prod%ced yet another version two years later+ the so-called "atthew Iible+ which attempted to combine the wor< o! Tyndale and #overdale. This is t%rn led to the most ambitio%s 3n lish translation o! the cent%ry+ the 5reat Iible .'5J9+ with siB !%rther editions d%rin '5=0M='0+ commis- sioned by #romwell and prod%ced %nder the s%pervision o! #overdale+ a massive !olio vol%me which was placed by royal

decree in every parish ch%rch. The 5reat Iible !ell into dis- !avor a !ew years later+ and many copies were destroyed d%r- in the rei n o! "ary+ tho% h a!ter the accession o! 3liDa- beth it was a ain reprinted in '56'. The 5reat Iible is+ in e!!ect+ an amal am o! the transla- tions o! Tyndale and #overdale+ directly based %pon the "atthew Iible b%t eBtensively revised by #overdale. &hat is c%rio%s abo%t it is that #overdale+ modest as ever+ is always ea er to ac<nowled e the s%periority o! Tyndale$s e!!orts whenever possible+ and #overdale$s sel!-deprecatin tone may tempt %s to %nderestimate the si ni!icance o! his contri- b%tions to the boo<. The i!ts that he bro% ht to the tas< were considerable1 a s%perb ear+ an eBtraordinary sense o! 3n lish prose rhythms+ and a !l%ency which s<ill!%lly blended disparate elements. Ie!ore the p%blication o! the @%thoriDed Nersion in '6''+ the 5reat Iible was the most pol- ished and in!l%ential version o! the (cript%res in o%r lan%a e. #overdale$s later career was !illed with dan er and %p- heaval. Ke was brie!ly Iishop o! 3Beter .'55'M5J0 b%t was de- posed by "ary+ imprisoned+ and event%ally allowed to leave 3n land a ain. Tho% h he ret%rned a!ter "ary$s death+ he never a ain held a hi h position in the 3n lish #h%rch+ and J he died in comparative obsc%rity at the a e o! ei hty-one in '569. The achievements o! #overdale as a translator have been lar ely overshadowed by those o! his predecessor Tyndale+ who has always been m%ch admired !or the vi or and ori i- nality o! his style. To many modern readers+ #overdale$s 3n lish Iible may seem to possess a merely anti,%arian in- terest+ tho% h its most attractive elements were in !act trans- m%ted into the reatest and most end%rin o! all Iiblical translations+ the @%thoriDed Nersion prod%ced d%rin the rei n o! Hames i. I%t+ almost by an accident o! history+ one very important section o! #overdale$s 9ld Testament+ the Kebrew Psalter .which owed nothin to Tyndale+ who had died be!ore he was able to translate it0+ is still a livin spirit%al and literary !orce in o%r world today. &hen the Book of Common Prayer was !irst introd%ced in '5=9+ the o!!icially prom%l ated ver- sion o! the (cript%res was the 5reat IibleF and the Prayer Ioo<+ !ollowin both Hewish and monastic precedents+ con- tained the emphatic instr%ction that Ethe Psalter shall be read thro% h once every monthG as a normal part o! "attins and 3venson . The Psalter+ which th%s by law was to be re- cited twelve times a year in every parish in the land+ was not initially printed within the covers o! the new lit%r ical vol- %me .tho% h p%blishers almost at once be an to prod%ce editions o! the Psalms in the same siDe and style as the Prayer Ioo<0. ;et when it was later incorporated in the '66) revision o! the Book of Common Prayer+ it was #overdale$s Psalterwhose stately rhythms were by now !amiliar to 3n lish con- re ations and choirs-that was selected+ even tho% h all other biblical passa es were revised to correspond to the @%- thoriDed Nersion. #overdale was an accomplished lin %ist+ with a ood com- mand o! 6atin+ 5ree<+ and 5erman+ b%t he seems to have had very little !amiliarity with Kebrew. The teBt%al so%rces he %sed in

translatin the Psalms are <nown .they incl%de+ amon others+ (t. Herome$s !o%rth-cent%ry N%l ate and 6%ther$s 5erman Iible o! '5)=0+ and when #overdale revised !or the 5reat Iible+ he made considerable %se o! (ebastian "Onster$s 6atin translation .'5J=0 o! the 9ld Testament !rom Kebrew. *n the @%thoriDed Nersion+ by contrast+ the Psalms were translated directly !rom Kebrew1 despite this disadvanta e in scholarly acc%racy+ the #overdale Psalter re- mains %nchallen ed on p%rely literary ro%nds. #overdale is not necessarily the most reliable translator o! his eraF his stren th lies rather in synthesiDin + with %nerrin instinct+ a !l%id+ ele ant teBt !rom the boo<s in several lan %a es that lay be!ore him as he wrote. @s Pro!essor (. 6. 5reenslade has remar<ed+ EKe <new well eno% h that that he co%ld not eBcel as a p%re scholar so that his choice between a%thorities was !re,%ently not determined by er%dition so m%ch as by his sense o! style.G "%ch more than Tyndale+ #overdale is a sel!-conscio%s artist+ !orever see<in those stately rhythms that harmoniDe = so well with #ranmer$s ma isterial prose in the Book of Com- mon Prayer. 6ittle wonder that m%sical settin s o! #over- dale$s Psalms be an to appear as soon as his !irst Iible was p%blished and that composers to this day are drawn to his s%- perb words. There is no do%bt that #overdale$s vocab%lary and syntaB occasionally so%nd archaic to %s nowadays .b%t then so do (ha<espeare$s0+ yet the presence o! the Psalter in the 3n lish Prayer Ioo<-and o! co%rse in other @n lican Prayer Ioo<s thro% ho%t the world-has <ept this brilliant translation alive !or more than !o%r and a hal! cent%ries. @ll this has chan ed within recent years. 4ow+ as we enter the third milleni%m o! the #hristian era+ #overdale$s Psalter seems at last to be in dan er o! slippin into the m%se%m o! celebrated b%t !or otten historic teBts. The lternati!e Ser- !i"e Book .'9>00 o! the #h%rch o! 3n land+ which is rapidly s%pplantin the '66) Prayer Ioo<+ o!!ers worshippers+ in its E6it%r ical Psalter+G an aw<ward rewritin o! #overdale that hesitates wea<ly between old and new lan %a e. The revised @merican Book of Common Prayer .'9??0+ while it s%pplies al- ternative versions o! most services in order to placate those who mi ht mo%rn the loss o! #ranmer$s !elicito%s style+ nev- ertheless contains only one Psalter+ which departs even more dramatically !rom the spirit o! #overdale. @nd this sort o! li- t%r ical ho%se-cleanin contin%es apace thro% ho%t the @n- lican #omm%nion. *t does not re,%ire any special prophetic i!t to see that one o! the most splendid translations in the 3n lish lan %a e+ which has iven aesthetic pleas%re and spirit%al com!ort to every eneration since #overdale$s time+ is li<ely to be p%shed to the mar ins in the twenty-!irst cen- t%ry. &e thin< that o% ht to be a ca%se !or re ret. *n the !ollow- in pa es we have presented to readers-who can probably no lon er !ind it within the service boo<s they hold in their hands on (%nday mornin -"iles #overdale$s s%premely bea%ti!%l rendition o! the most power!%l collection o! reli- io%s verse !rom Hewish anti,%ity. *t is a translation that since the siBteenth cent%ry has occ%pied a central position in both the private devotions and p%blic lit%r ies o! the 3n lish- spea<in people+ and we contin%e to hope+ a ainst all the odds+ that it will s%rvive well into the new milleni%m.

5 @ 49T3 94 (9:8#3( This boo< is intended to be a very conservatively revised edition o! #overdale$s Psalter as it has appeared in the Book of Common Prayer since the seventeenth cent%ry. The chan es that we have made are minor and are intended to eliminate those elements that mi ht con!%se or weary modern readers. 3Bcept in a !ew instances described below+ we have not chan ed #overdale$s words+ b%t we have !elt at liberty to al- ter his spellin and p%nct%ation. The spellin has been made to con!orm to modern Iritish standards+ and we have s%bsti- t%ted the ortho raphy o! Iiblical personal and place names !o%nd in the @%thoriDed Nersion. &e have occasionally re- tained an older spellin .s%ch as for e!er instead o! fore!er0 be- ca%se it seemed to %s to have a sli htly di!!erent pron%ncia- tion or rhythm. The p%nct%ation o! the Psalter represented a more di!!i- c%lt problem+ beca%se it appears very heavy to most readers today+ yet it is clear that the pro!%se %se o! commas and semi- colons in the siBteenth cent%ry was meant as an aid in the p%blic readin o! the Psalms. 9%r sol%tion+ there!ore+ has been to retain as m%ch as possible o! #overdale$s p%nct%a- tion eBcept when it seemed obvio%sly eccentric or mislead- in . &e have+ however+ replaced the colon .introd%ced !or li- t%r ical p%rposes0 which appears in the middle o! each verse in the Book of Common Prayer with more conventional mar<s. *n moderniDin the p%nct%ation+ we !o%nd some %se!%l %idance in the Psalter o! the @merican Book of Common Prayer .'9)>0. (ince both the '5J5 translation and the 5reat Iible divide the Psalms into chapters b%t not into verses+ we have dis- pensed with verse n%mbers and divided the chapters into para raphs instead. The decisions abo%t para raphin are lar ely o%r own+ b%t we have drawn hints !rom #overdale$s !irst Iible and !rom the 8evised (tandard Nersion o! the Ii- ble. &e have retained the traditional 6atin headin s .ta<en !rom the openin words o! each Psalm in the N%l ate0+ beca%se there is considerable wei ht o! precedence behind this practice+ and it is vis%ally %se!%l to have a sharp distinction between Psalms. &e have also <ept the !amiliar division o! Psalm ''9 into twenty-two parts. &henever it seemed possible to moderniDe !orms %nob- tr%sively witho%t dist%rbin sentence rhythms+ we have done so. The speci!ic s%bstit%tions that we have made are as !ol- lows1 al#ay2al#ays+ $egat2$egot+ $rake2$roke+ "la!e2"lo!e+ forgat2 forgot+ gat2got+ lien2lain+ other2others+ she#2sho#+ and sometime2 sometimes. 9n the other hand+ we have retained archaic !orms .e. .+ "ompass2en"ompass+ holpen2helped+ lift2lifted+ minished2di- minished+ sta$lish2esta$lish+ upholden2upheld+ #roth2#rathful0 that co%ld not be altered witho%t chan in the rhythmic pat- tern. There is a consens%s amon scholars that when #overdale revised his own earlier translation !or the 5reat Iible+ the 6 chan es that he introd%ced were sometimes in!erior teBt%- ally or aesthetically. &e have !ollowed

the s% estions o!- !ered by 3rnest #lapton .whose boo< is cited below0 and have reverted to the '5J5 translation in Psalms '?1'J+ J)1'0+ =)1')+ 591''+ 9=1'5+ '061J0+ ''9.'61))+ '='1>+ 6>1J0+ and ''>1>. There is a considerable body o! scholarship on #overdale+ the history o! 3n lish translations o! the Iible+ the Prayer Ioo< .in which #overdale$s Psalter has been most !re,%ently reprinted0+ and the Kebrew Psalms. &e have !o%nd the !ol- lowin boo<s especially %se!%l1 (tella Iroo<+ The Language of the Book of Common Prayer .6ondon1 @ndre 7e%tsch+ '9550F 8. A. Ir%ce+ The English Bi$le: %istory of Translations .4ew ;or<1 9B!ord :niversity Press+ '96'0F 3rnest #lapton+ &ur Prayer Book Psalter' Containing Co!erdale(s )ersion from %is *+,+ Bi$le and the Prayer Book )ersion $y Co!erdale from the Great Bi$le *+,-./* Printed Side $y Side .6ondon1 spc<+ '9J=0F (. 3. 5illin ham+ The Poems and Psalms of the %e$re# Bi$le .9B!ord1 9B!ord :niversity Press+ '99=0F H. @. 6amb+ The Psalms in Christian Worship .6ondon1 Aaith Press+ '95)0F H. A. "oDley+ Co!erdale and %is Bi$les .6ondon1 6%tterworth Press+ '95J0F @. #. Partrid e+ English Bi$li"al Translation .6ondon1 @ndre 7e%tsch+ '9?J0. @ !acsimile o! #overdale$s !irst Iible is available1 The Co!erdale Bi$le *+,++ with an *ntrod%ction by the 8ev. Pro!es- sor (. 6. 5reenslade .Aol<estone1 7awson+ '9?50. ? TK3 P(@6"( ' Beatus !ir 0ui non a$iit Ilessed is the man that hath not wal<ed in the co%nsel o! the %n odly+ nor stood in the way o! sinners+ and hath not sat in the seat o! the scorn!%l. I%t his deli ht is in the law o! the 6ordF and in his law will he eBercise himsel! day and ni ht. @nd he shall be li<e a tree planted by the waterside+ that will brin !orth his !r%it in d%e season. Kis lea! also shall not witherF and loo<+ whatsoever he doeth+ it shall prosper. @s !or the %n odly+ it is not so with themF b%t they are li<e the cha!!+ which the wind scattereth away !rom the !ace o! the earth. There!ore the %n odly shall not be able to stand in the C%d ement+ neither the sinners in the con re ation o! the ri hteo%s. I%t the 6ord <noweth the way o! the ri hteo%sF and the way o! the %n odly shall perish. ) 1uare fremuerunt gentes2 &hy do the heathen so !%rio%sly ra e to etherP and why do the people ima ine a vain thin P The <in s o! the earth stand %p+ and the r%lers ta<e co%nsel to ether a ainst the 6ord+ and a ainst his @nointed. 6et %s brea< their bonds as%nder+ and cast away their cords !rom %s. Ke that dwelleth in heaven shall la% h them to scornF the 6ord shall have them in derision. Then shall he spea< %nto them in his wrath+ and veB them in his sore displeas%re1 ;et have * set my Lin %pon my holy hill o! (ion.

* will preach the law+ whereo! the 6ord hath said %nto me+ Tho% art my (on+ this day have * be otten thee. 7esire o! me+ and * shall ive thee the heathen !or thine inheritance+ and the %tmost parts o! the earth !or thy possession. Tho% shalt br%ise them with a rod o! iron+ and brea< them in pieces li<e a potter$s vessel. Ie wise now there!ore+ 9 ye <in sF be learned+ ye that are C%d es o! the earth. (erve the 6ord in !ear+ and reCoice %nto him with reverence. Liss the (on+ lest he be an ry+ and so ye perish !rom the ri ht way+ i! his wrath be <indled+ yea b%t a little. Ilessed are all they that p%t their tr%st in him. J 3omine' 0uid multipli"ati26ord+ how are they increased that tro%ble meQ "any are they that rise a ainst me. "any one there be that say o! my > so%l+ There is no help !or him in his 5od. I%t tho%+ 9 6ord+ art my de!enderF tho% art my worship+ and the li!ter %p o! my head. * did call %pon the 6ord with my voice+ and he heard me o%t o! his holy hill. * laid me down and slept+ and rose %p a ainF !or the 6ord s%stained me. * will not be a!raid !or ten tho%sands o! the people that have set themselves a ainst me ro%nd abo%t. :p+ 6ord+ and help me+ 9 my 5od+ !or tho% smitest all mine enemies %pon the chee<-boneF tho% hast bro<en the teeth o! the %n odly. (alvation belon eth %nto the 6ordF and thy blessin is %pon thy people. = Cum in!o"arem Kear me when * call+ 9 5od o! my ri hteo%sness. Tho% hast set me at liberty when * was in tro%bleF have mercy %pon me+ and hear<en %nto my prayer. 9 ye sons o! men+ how lon will ye blaspheme mine hono%r+ and have s%ch pleas%re in vanity+ and see< a!ter leasin P Lnow this also+ that the 6ord hath chosen to himsel! the man that is odlyF when * call %pon the 6ord+ he will hear me. (tand in awe+ and sin notF comm%ne with yo%r own heart+ and in yo%r chamber+ and be still. 9!!er the sacri!ice o! ri h- teo%sness+ and p%t yo%r tr%st in the 6ord. There be many that say+ &ho will show %s any oodP 6ord+ li!t tho% %p the li ht o! thy co%ntenance %pon %s. Tho% hast p%t ladness in my heart since the time that their corn and wine and oil in- creased. * will lay me down in peace+ and ta<e my restF !or it is tho%+ 6ord+ only that ma<est me dwell in sa!ety. 5 )er$a mea auri$us Ponder my words+ 9 6ordF consider my meditation. 9 hear<en tho% %nto the voice o! my callin +

my Lin and my 5odF !or %nto thee will * ma<e my prayer. "y voice shalt tho% hear betimes+ 9 6ordF early in the mornin will * direct my prayer %nto thee+ and will loo< %p. Aor tho% art the 5od that hast no pleas%re in wic<ednessF neither shall any evil dwell with thee. (%ch as be !oolish shall not stand in thy si htF !or tho% hatest all them that wor< van- ity. Tho% shalt destroy them that spea< leasin F the 6ord will abhor both the bloodthirsty and deceit!%l man. I%t as !or me+ * will come into thine ho%se+ even %pon the m%ltit%de o! thy mercyF and in thy !ear will * worship toward thy holy temple. 6ead me+ 9 6ord+ in thy ri hteo%sness+ be- ca%se o! mine enemiesF ma<e thy way plain be!ore my !ace. Aor there is no !aith!%lness in his mo%thF their inward parts are very wic<edness. Their throat is an open sep%lchreF they 9 !latter with their ton %e. 7estroy tho% them+ 9 5odF let them perish thro% h their own ima inations. #ast them o%t in the m%ltit%de o! their %n odlinessF !or they have rebelled a ainst thee. @nd let all them that p%t their tr%st in thee reCoice. They shall ever be ivin o! than<s+ beca%se tho% de!endest themF they that love thy 4ame shall be Coy!%l in theeF !or tho%+ 6ord+ wilt ive thy blessin %nto the ri hteo%s+ and with thy !avo%rable <indness wilt tho% de!end him as with a shield. 6 3omine' ne in furore 9 6ord+ reb%<e me not in thine indi nation+ neither chas- ten me in thy displeas%re. Kave mercy %pon me+ 9 6ord+ !or * am wea<F 9 6ord+ heal me+ !or my bones are veBed. "y so%l also is sore tro%bledF b%t+ 6ord+ how lon wilt tho% p%nish meP T%rn thee+ 9 6ord+ and deliver my so%lF 9 save me !or thy mercy$s sa<e. Aor in death no man remembereth theeF and who will ive thee than<s in the pitP * am weary o! my roanin F every ni ht wash * my bed+ and water my co%ch with my tears. "y bea%ty is one !or very tro%ble+ and worn away beca%se o! all mine enemies. @way !rom me+ all ye that wor< vanityF !or the 6ord hath heard the voice o! my weepin . The 6ord hath heard my pe- titionF the 6ord will receive my prayer. @ll mine enemies shall be con!o%nded+ and sore veBedF they shall be t%rned bac<+ and p%t to shame s%ddenly. ? 3omine' 3eus meus 9 6ord my 5od+ in thee have * p%t my tr%stF save me !rom all them that persec%te me+ and deliver me+ lest he devo%r my so%l li<e a lion+ and tear it in pieces+ while there is none to help.

9 6ord my 5od+ i! * have done any s%ch thin + or i! there be any wic<edness in my hands+ i! * have rewarded evil %nto him that dealt !riendly with me .yea+ * have delivered him that witho%t any ca%se is mine enemy0+ then let mine enemy persec%te my so%l+ and ta<e meF yea+ let him tread my li!e down %pon the earth+ and lay mine hono%r in the d%st. (tand %p+ 9 6ord+ in thy wrath+ and li!t %p thysel!+ beca%se o! the indi nation o! mine enemiesF arise %p !or me in the C%d ement that tho% hast commanded. @nd so shall the con- re ation o! the people come abo%t theeF !or their sa<es there!ore li!t %p thysel! a ain. The 6ord shall C%d e the peo- pleF ive sentence with me+ 9 6ord+ accordin to my ri h- teo%sness+ and accordin to the innocency that is in me. 9 let '0 the wic<edness o! the %n odly come to an endF b%t %ide tho% the C%st. Aor the ri hteo%s 5od trieth the very hearts and reins. "y help cometh o! 5od+ who preserveth them that are tr%e o! heart. 5od is a ri hteo%s H%d e+ stron + and patientF and 5od is provo<ed every day. *! a man will not t%rn+ he will whet his swordF he hath bent his bow+ and made it ready. Ke hath prepared !or him the instr%ments o! deathF he or- daineth his arrows a ainst the persec%tors. Iehold+ he travai- leth with ini,%ityF he hath conceived sorrow+ and bro% ht !orth %n odliness. Ke hath raven and d% %p a pit+ and is !allen himsel! into the destr%ction that he made !or others. Aor his travail shall come %pon his own head+ and his wic<ed- ness shall !all on his own pate. * will ive than<s %nto the 6ord+ accordin to his ri h- teo%snessF and * will praise the 4ame o! the 6ord "ost Ki h. > 3omine' 3ominus noster 9 6ord o%r 5overnor+ how eBcellent is thy 4ame in all the worldF tho% that hast set thy lory above the heavensQ 9%t o! the mo%th o! very babes and s%c<lin s hast tho% ordained stren th+ beca%se o! thine enemies+ that tho% mi htest still the enemy and the aven er. Aor * will consider thy heavens+ even the wor<s o! thy !in- ers+ the moon and the stars+ which tho% hast ordained. &hat is man+ that tho% art mind!%l o! himP and the son o! man+ that tho% visitest himP Tho% madest him lower than the an els+ to crown him with lory and worship. Tho% ma<- est him to have dominion o! the wor<s o! thy handsF and tho% hast p%t all thin s in s%bCection %nder his !eet-all sheep and oBen+ yea+ and the beasts o! the !ield+ the !owls o! the air+ and the !ishes o! the sea+ and whatsoever wal<eth thro% h the paths o! the seas. 9 6ord o%r 5overnor+ how eBcellent is thy 4ame in all the worldQ 9 Confite$or ti$i * will ive than<s %nto thee+ 9 6ord+ with my whole heartF * will spea< o! all thy marvello%s

wor<s. * will be lad and re- Coice in theeF yea+ my son s will * ma<e o! thy 4ame+ 9 tho% "ost Ki hest. &hile mine enemies are driven bac<+ they shall !all and perish at thy presence. Aor tho% hast main- tained my ri ht and my ca%seF tho% art set in the throne that C%d est ri ht. Tho% hast reb%<ed the heathen+ and destroyed the %n- odlyF tho% hast p%t o%t their name !or ever and ever. 9 tho% '' enemy+ thy destr%ctions are come to a perpet%al endF even as the cities which tho% hast destroyed+ their memorial is per- ished with them. I%t the 6ord shall end%re !or everF he hath also prepared his seat !or C%d ement. Aor he shall C%d e the world in ri h- teo%sness+ and minister tr%e C%d ement %nto the people. The 6ord also will be a de!ence !or the oppressed+ even a re!% e in d%e time o! tro%ble. @nd they that <now thy 4ame will p%t their tr%st in theeF !or tho%+ 6ord+ hast never !ailed them that see< thee. 9 praise the 6ord which dwelleth in (ionF show the people o! his doin s. Aor when he ma<eth in,%isition !or blood+ he remembereth them+ and !or etteth not the complaint o! the poor. Kave mercy %pon me+ 9 6ordF consider the tro%ble which * s%!!er o! them that hate me+ tho% that li!test me %p !rom the ates o! death. That * may show all thy praises within the ports o! the da% hter o! (ion+ * will reCoice in thy salvation. The heathen are s%n< down in the pit that they madeF in the same net which they hid privily is their !oot ta<en. The 6ord is <nown to eBec%te C%d ementF the %n odly is trapped in the wor< o! his own hands. The wic<ed shall be t%rned into hell+ and all the people that !or et 5od. Aor the poor shall not always be !or ottenF the patient abidin o! the mee< shall not perish !or ever. :p+ 6ord+ and let not man have the %pper handF let the heathen be C%d ed in thy si ht. P%t them in !ear+ 9 6ord+ that the heathen may <now themselves to be b%t men. '0 4t 0uid' 3omine2 &hy standest tho% so !ar o!!+ 9 6ord+ and hidest thy !ace in the need!%l time o! tro%bleP The %n odly !or his own l%st doth persec%te the poorF let them be ta<en in the cra!ty wili- ness that they have ima ined. Aor the %n odly hath made boast o! his own heart$s desire+ and spea<eth ood o! the coveto%s+ whom the 6ord abhor- reth. The %n odly is so pro%d+ that he careth not !or 5odF neither is 5od in all his tho% hts. Kis ways are always riev- o%sF thy C%d ements are !ar above o%t o! his si ht+ and there- !ore de!ieth he all his enemies. Aor he hath said in his heart+ T%sh+ * shall never be cast downF there shall no harm happen %nto me. Kis mo%th is !%ll o! c%rsin + deceit+ and !ra%dF %nder his ton %e is %n odliness and vanity. Ke sitteth l%r<in in the thievish corners o! the streets+ and privily in his l%r<in dens doth he m%rder

the innocentF his eyes are set a ainst the poor. Aor he lieth waitin secretlyF even as a lion l%r<eth he in his den+ that he may ravish the poor. Ke doth ravish the poor+ when he etteth him into his net. Ke !alleth down+ and h%mbleth himsel!+ that the con re ation o! the poor may !all ') into the hands o! his captains. Ke hath said in his heart+ T%sh+ 5od hath !or ottenF he hideth away his !ace+ and he will never see it. @rise+ 9 6ord 5od+ and li!t %p thine handF !or et not the poor. &here!ore sho%ld the wic<ed blaspheme 5od+ while he doth say in his heart+ T%sh+ tho% 5od carest not !or itP (%rely tho% hast seen itF !or tho% beholdest %n odliness and wron + that tho% mayest ta<e the matter into thy hand. The poor committeth himsel! %nto theeF !or tho% art the helper o! the !riendless. Irea< tho% the power o! the %n odly and malicio%sF ta<e away his %n odliness+ and tho% shalt !ind none. The 6ord is Lin !or ever and ever+ and the heathen are perished o%t o! the land. 6ord+ tho% hast heard the desire o! the poorF tho% preparest their heart+ and thine ear hear- <eneth thereto+ to help the !atherless and poor %nto their ri ht+ that the man o! the earth be no more eBalted a ainst them. '' 5n 3omino "onfido *n the 6ord p%t * my tr%stF how say ye then to my so%l+ that she sho%ld !lee as a bird %nto the hillP Aor lo+ the %n odly bend their bow+ and ma<e ready their arrows within the ,%iver+ that they may privily shoot at them which are tr%e o! heart. Aor the !o%ndations will be cast down+ and what hath the ri hteo%s doneP The 6ord is in his holy templeF the 6ord$s seat is in heaven. Kis eyes consider the poor+ and his eyelids try the children o! men. The 6ord alloweth the ri hteo%sF b%t the %n odly+ and him that deli hteth in wic<edness+ doth his so%l abhor. :pon the %n odly he shall rain snares+ !ire and brimstone+ storm and tempestF this shall be their portion to drin<. Aor the ri hteo%s 6ord loveth ri hteo%snessF his co%nte- nance will behold the thin that is C%st. ') Sal!um me fa" Kelp me+ 6ord+ !or there is not one odly man le!tF !or the !aith!%l are minished !rom amon the children o! men. They tal< o! vanity every one with his nei hbo%rF they do b%t !lat- ter with their lips+ and dissemble in their do%ble heart. The 6ord shall root o%t all deceit!%l lips+ and the ton %e that spea<eth pro%d thin s+ which have said+ &ith o%r ton %e will we prevailF we are they that o% ht to spea<F who is 6ord over %sP 4ow+ !or the com!ortless tro%bles$ sa<e o! the needy+ and beca%se o! the deep si hin o! the poor+ * will %p+ saith the 6ord+ and will help every one !rom him that

'J swelleth a ainst him+ and will set him at rest. The words o! the 6ord are p%re words+ even as the silver+ which !rom the earth is tried+ and p%ri!ied seven times in the !ire. Tho% shalt <eep him+ 9 6ordF tho% shalt preserve them !rom this eneration !or ever. The %n odly wal< on every sideF when they are eBalted+ the children o! men are p%t to re- b%<e. 'J 4s0ue 0uo' 3omine2 Kow lon wilt tho% !or et me+ 9 6ordP !or everP Kow lon wilt tho% hide thy !ace !rom meP Kow lon shall * see< co%nsel in my so%l+ and be so veBed in my heartP Kow lon shall mine enemies tri%mph over meP #onsider+ and hear me+ 9 6ord my 5od. 6i hten mine eyes+ that * sleep not in death+ lest mine enemy say+ * have prevailed a ainst himF !or i! * be cast down+ they that tro%ble me will reCoice at it. I%t my tr%st is in thy mercy+ and my heart is Coy!%l in thy salvation. * will sin o! the 6ord+ beca%se he hath dealt so lovin ly with meF yea+ * will praise the 4ame o! the 6ord "ost Ki hest. '= 3i6it insipiens The !ool hath said in his heart+ There is no 5od. They are corr%pt+ and become abominable in their doin sF there is none that doeth ood+ no not one. The 6ord loo<ed down !rom heaven %pon the children o! men+ to see i! there were any that wo%ld %nderstand+ and see< a!ter 5od. I%t they are all one o%t o! the way+ they are alto ether become abomina- bleF there is none that doeth ood+ no not one. Their throat is an open sep%lchre. &ith their ton %es have they deceivedF the poison o! asps is %nder their lips. Their mo%th is !%ll o! c%rsin and bitternessF their !eet are swi!t to shed blood. 7estr%ction and %nhappiness is in their ways+ and the way o! peace have they not <nownF there is no !ear o! 5od be!ore their eyes. Kave they no <nowled e+ that they are all s%ch wor<ers o! mischie!+ eatin %p my people as it were bread+ and call not %pon the 6ordP There were they bro% ht in reat !ear+ even where no !ear wasF !or 5od is in the eneration o! the ri h- teo%s. @s !or yo%+ ye have made a moc< at the co%nsel o! the poor+ beca%se he p%tteth his tr%st in the 6ord. &ho shall ive salvation %nto *srael o%t o! (ionP &hen the 6ord t%rneth the captivity o! his people+ then shall Hacob reCoice+ and *srael shall be lad. '= '5

3omine' 0uis ha$ita$it2 6ord+ who shall dwell in thy tabernacleP or who shall rest %pon thy holy hillP 3ven he that leadeth an %ncorr%pt li!e+ and doeth the thin which is ri ht+ and spea<eth the tr%th !rom his heart. Ke that hath %sed no deceit in his ton %e+ nor done evil to his nei hbo%r+ and hath not slandered his nei h- bo%r. Ke that setteth not by himsel!+ b%t is lowly in his own eyes+ and ma<eth m%ch o! them that !ear the 6ord. Ke that sweareth %nto his nei hbo%r+ and disappointeth him not+ tho% h it were to his own hindrance. Ke that hath not iven his money %pon %s%ry+ nor ta<en reward a ainst the inno- cent. &hoso doeth these thin s shall never !all. '6 Conser!a me' 3omine Preserve me+ 9 5od+ !or in thee have * p%t my tr%st. 9 my so%l+ tho% hast said %nto the 6ord+ Tho% art my 5odF my ods are nothin li<e %nto thee. @ll my deli ht is %pon the saints that are in the earth+ and %pon s%ch as eBcel in virt%e. I%t they that r%n a!ter another od shall have reat tro%ble. Their drin<-o!!erin s o! blood will * not o!!er+ neither ma<e mention o! their names within my lips. The 6ord himsel! is the portion o! mine inheritance+ and o! my c%pF tho% shalt maintain my lot. The lot is !allen %nto me in a !air ro%ndF yea+ * have a oodly herita e. * will than< the 6ord !or ivin me warnin F my reins also chasten me in the ni ht-season. * have set the 6ord always be!ore meF !or he is on my ri ht hand. There!ore * shall not !all. &here!ore my heart is lad+ and my lory reCoicethF my !lesh also shall rest in hope. Aor whyP tho% shalt not leave my so%l in hellF neither shalt tho% s%!!er thy Koly 9ne to see corr%ption. Tho% shalt show me the path o! li!eF in thy presence is the !%lness o! Coy+ and at thy ri ht hand there is pleas%re !or ev- ermore. '? E6audi' 3omine Kear the ri ht+ 9 6ordF consider my complaint+ and hear<en %nto my prayer+ that oeth not o%t o! !ei ned lips. 6et my sentence come !orth !rom thy presenceF and let thine eyes loo< %pon the thin that is e,%al. Tho% hast proved and visited mine heart in the ni ht-sea- sonF tho% hast tried me+ and shalt !ind no wic<edness in me+ '5 !or * am %tterly p%rposed that my mo%th shall not o!!end. Ieca%se o! men$s wor<s that are done a ainst the words o! thy lips+ * have <ept me !rom the ways o! the destroyer. 9 hold tho% %p my

oin s in thy paths+ that my !ootsteps slip not. * have called %pon thee+ 9 5od+ !or tho% shalt hear meF in- cline thine ear to me+ and hear<en %nto my words. (how thy marvello%s lovin -<indness+ tho% that art the (avio%r o! them which p%t their tr%st in thee+ !rom s%ch as resist thy ri ht hand. Leep me as the apple o! an eyeF hide me %nder the shadow o! thy win s+ !rom the %n odly+ that tro%ble me. "ine enemies compass me ro%nd abo%t+ to ta<e away my so%l. They are inclosed in their own !at+ and their mo%th spea<eth pro%d thin s. They lie waitin in o%r way on every side+ watchin to cast %s down to the ro%nd+ li<e as a lion that is reedy o! his prey+ and as it were a lion$s whelp+ l%r<in in secret places. :p+ 6ord+ disappoint him+ and cast him downF deliver my so%l with thy sword !rom the %n odly -!rom the men o! thy hand+ 9 6ord+ !rom the men+ * say+ and !rom the evil world+ which have their portion in this li!e+ whose bellies tho% !illest with thy hid treas%re. They have children at their desire+ and leave the rest o! their s%bstance !or their babes. I%t as !or me+ * shall behold thy presence in ri hteo%snessF and when * awa<e %p a!ter thy li<eness+ * shall be satis!ied with it. '> 3iligam te' 3omine * will love thee+ 9 6ord+ my stren thF the 6ord is my stony roc<+ and my de!ence+ my (avio%r+ my 5od+ and my mi ht+ in whom * will tr%st+ my b%c<ler+ the horn also o! my salvation+ and my re!% e. * will call %pon the 6ord+ which is worthy to be praisedF so shall * be sa!e !rom mine enemies. The sorrows o! death compassed me+ and the over!low- in s o! %n odliness made me a!raid. The pains o! hell came abo%t meF the snares o! death overtoo< me. *n my tro%ble * will call %pon the 6ord+ and complain %nto my 5od. (o he shall hear my voice o%t o! his holy temple+ and my complaint shall come be!ore himF it shall enter even into his ears. The earth trembled and ,%a<edF the very !o%ndations also o! the hills shoo<+ and were removed+ beca%se he was wroth. There went a smo<e o%t in his presence+ and a cons%min !ire o%t o! his mo%th+ so that coals were <indled at it. Ke bowed the heavens also+ and came down+ and it was dar< %n- der his !eet. Ke rode %pon the cher%bims+ and did !lyF he came !lyin %pon the win s o! the wind. Ke made dar<ness his secret place+ his pavilion ro%nd abo%t him with dar< wa- ter+ and thic< clo%ds to cover him. @t the bri htness o! his presence his clo%ds removed hail-stones and coals o! !ire. The 6ord also th%ndered o%t o! heaven+ and the Ki hest '6 ave his th%nder+ hail-stones and coals o! !ire. Ke sent o%t his arrows+ and scattered themF he cast !orth li htnin s+ and de- stroyed them. The sprin s o! waters were seen+ and the !o%n- dations o! the ro%nd world were discovered+ at thy chidin + 9 6ord+ at the blastin o! the breath o! thy displeas%re.

Ke shall send down !rom on hi h to !etch me+ and shall ta<e me o%t o! many waters. Ke shall deliver me !rom my stron est enemy+ and !rom them which hate meF !or they are too mi hty !or me. They prevented me in the day o! my tro%bleF b%t the 6ord was my %pholder. Ke bro% ht me !orth also into a place o! libertyF he bro% ht me !orth+ even be- ca%se he had a !avo%r %nto me. The 6ord shall reward me a!- ter my ri hteo%s dealin F accordin to the cleanness o! my hands shall he recompense me+ beca%se * have <ept the ways o! the 6ord+ and have not !orsa<en my 5od+ as the wic<ed doth. Aor * have an eye %nto all his laws+ and will not cast o%t his commandments !rom me. * was also %ncorr%pt be!ore him+ and eschewed mine own wic<edness. There!ore the 6ord shall reward me a!ter my ri hteo%s dealin + and ac- cordin %nto the cleanness o! my hands in his eyesi ht. &ith the holy tho% shalt be holy+ and with a per!ect man tho% shalt be per!ect. &ith the clean tho% shalt be clean+ and with the !roward tho% shalt learn !rowardness. Aor tho% shalt save the people that are in adversity+ and shalt brin down the hi h loo<s o! the pro%d. Tho% also shalt li ht my candleF the 6ord my 5od shall ma<e my dar<ness to be li ht. Aor in thee * shall discom!it an host o! men+ and with the help o! my 5od * shall leap over the wall. The way o! 5od is an %nde!iled wayF the word o! the 6ord also is tried in the !ire. Ke is the de!ender o! all them that p%t their tr%st in him. Aor who is 5od+ b%t the 6ordP or who hath any stren th+ eBcept o%r 5odP *t is 5od that irdeth me with stren th o! war+ and ma<eth my way per!ect. Ke ma<eth my !eet li<e harts$ !eet+ and set- teth me %p on hi h. Ke teacheth mine hands to !i ht+ and mine arms shall bend even a bow o! steel. Tho% hast iven me the de!ence o! thy salvationF thy ri ht hand also shall hold me %p+ and thy lovin correction shall ma<e me reat. Tho% shalt ma<e room eno% h %nder me !or to o+ that my !oot- steps shall not slide. * will !ollow %pon mine enemies+ and overta<e themF neither will * t%rn a ain till * have destroyed them. * will smite them+ that they shall not be able to stand+ b%t !all %nder my !eet. Tho% hast irded me with stren th %nto the battleF tho% shalt throw down mine enemies %nder me. Tho% hast made mine enemies also to t%rn their bac<s %pon me+ and * shall destroy them that hate me. They shall cry+ b%t there shall be none to help themF yea+ even %nto the 6ord shall they cry+ b%t he shall not hear them. * will beat them as small as the d%st be!ore the windF * will cast them o%t as the clay in the streets. Tho% shalt deliver me !rom the strivin s o! the people+ and tho% shalt ma<e me the head o! the heathen. @ people whom * have not <nown shall serve me. @s soon as they hear o! me+ they shall obey meF b%t the stran e children shall dis'? semble with me. The stran e children shall !ail+ and be a!raid o%t o! their prisons. The 6ord livethF and blessed be my stron helper+ and praised be the 5od o! my salvation+ even the 5od that seeth that * be aven ed+ and s%bd%eth the people %nto me. *t is he that delivereth me !rom my cr%el enemies+ and setteth me %p above mine adversariesF tho% shalt rid me !rom the wic<ed man.

Aor this ca%se will * ive than<s %nto thee+ 9 6ord+ amon the 5entiles+ and sin praises %nto thy 4ame. 5reat pros- perity iveth he %nto his Lin + and showeth lovin -<indness %nto 7avid his @nointed+ and %nto his seed !or evermore. '9 Caeli enarrant The heavens declare the lory o! 5odF and the !irmament showeth his handiwor<. 9ne day telleth another+ and one ni ht certi!ieth another. There is neither speech nor lan- %a e b%t their voices are heard amon them. Their so%nd is one o%t into all lands+ and their words into the ends o! the world. *n them hath he set a tabernacle !or the s%n+ which cometh !orth as a bride room o%t o! his chamber+ and re- Coiceth as a iant to r%n his co%rse. *t oeth !orth !rom the %t- termost part o! the heaven+ and r%nneth abo%t %nto the end o! it a ainF and there is nothin hid !rom the heat thereo!. The law o! the 6ord is an %nde!iled law+ convertin the so%lF the testimony o! the 6ord is s%re+ and iveth wisdom %nto the simple. The stat%tes o! the 6ord are ri ht+ and reCoice the heartF the commandment o! the 6ord is p%re+ and iveth li ht %nto the eyes. The !ear o! the 6ord is clean+ and end%reth !or everF the C%d ements o! the 6ord are tr%e+ and ri hteo%s alto- ether. "ore to be desired are they than old+ yea+ than m%ch !ine oldF sweeter also than honey+ and the honey- comb. "oreover+ by them is thy servant ta% ht+ and in <eep- in o! them there is reat reward. &ho can tell how o!t he o!!endethP 9 cleanse tho% me !rom my secret !a%lts. Leep thy servant also !rom pres%mp- t%o%s sins+ lest they et the dominion over meF so shall * be %nde!iled+ and innocent !rom the reat o!!ence. 6et the words o! my mo%th+ and the meditation o! my heart+ be always acceptable in thy si ht+ 9 6ord+ my stren th and my redeemer. )0 E6audiat te 3ominusThe 6ord hear thee in the day o! tro%ble. The 4ame o! the 5od o! Hacob de!end theeF send thee help !rom the sanct%ary+ '> and stren then thee o%t o! (ionF remember all thy o!!erin s+ and accept thy b%rnt-sacri!iceF rant thee thy heart$s desire+ and !%l!il all thy mind. &e will reCoice in thy salvation+ and tri%mph in the 4ame o! the 6ord o%r 5odF the 6ord per!orm all thy petitions. 4ow <now * that the 6ord helpeth his @nointed+ and will hear him !rom his holy heaven+ even with the wholesome stren th o! his ri ht hand. (ome p%t their tr%st in chariots+ and some in horsesF b%t we will remember the 4ame o! the 6ord o%r 5od. They are bro% ht down+ and !allenF b%t we are risen+ and stand %pri ht.

(ave+ 6ord+ and hear %s+ 9 Lin o! heaven+ when we call %pon thee. )' 3omine' in !irtute tua The Lin shall reCoice in thy stren th+ 9 6ordF eBceedin lad shall he be o! thy salvation. Tho% hast iven him his heart$s desire+ and hast not denied him the re,%est o! his lips. Aor tho% shalt prevent him with the blessin s o! oodness+ and shalt set a crown o! p%re old %pon his head. Ke as<ed li!e o! theeF and tho% avest him a lon li!e+ even !or ever and ever. Kis hono%r is reat in thy salvationF lory and reat worship shalt tho% lay %pon him. Aor tho% shalt ive him everlastin !elicity+ and ma<e him lad with the Coy o! thy co%n- tenance. @nd whyP beca%se the Lin p%tteth his tr%st in the 6ordF and in the mercy o! the "ost Ki hest he shall not mis- carry @ll thine enemies shall !eel thine handF thy ri ht hand shall !ind o%t them that hate thee. Tho% shalt ma<e them li<e a !i- ery oven in time o! thy wrathF the 6ord shall destroy them in his displeas%re+ and the !ire shall cons%me them. Their !r%it shalt tho% root o%t o! the earth+ and their seed !rom amon the children o! men. Aor they intended mischie! a ainst thee+ and ima ined s%ch a device as they are not able to per!orm. There!ore shalt tho% p%t them to !li ht+ and the strin s o! thy bow shalt tho% ma<e ready a ainst the !ace o! them. Ie tho% eBalted+ 6ord+ in thine own stren thF so will we sin + and praise thy power. )) 3eus' 3eus meus "y 5od+ my 5od+ loo< %pon meF why hast tho% !orsa<en me+ and art so !ar !rom my health+ and !rom the words o! my complaintP 9 my 5od+ * cry in the daytime+ b%t tho% hearest notF and in the ni ht-season also * ta<e no rest. @nd tho% contin%est holy+ 9 tho% worship o! *srael. 9%r !athers hoped in theeF they tr%sted in thee+ and tho% didst deliver them. '9 They called %pon thee+ and were holpenF they p%t their tr%st in thee+ and were not con!o%nded. I%t as !or me+ * am a worm+ and no manF a very scorn o! men+ and the o%tcast o! the people. @ll they that see me la% h me to scornF they shoot o%t their lips+ and sha<e their heads+ sayin + Ke tr%sted in the 6ord+ that he wo%ld deliver himF let him deliver him+ i! he will have him. I%t tho% art he that too< me o%t o! my mother$s wombF tho% wast my hope+ when * han ed yet %pon my mother$s breasts. * have been le!t %nto thee ever since * was bornF tho% art my 5od even !rom my mother$s womb. 9 o not !rom me+ !or tro%ble is hard at hand+ and there is none to help me. "any oBen are come abo%t meF !at b%lls o! Iashan close me in on every side. They ape %pon me with their mo%ths+ as it were a rampin and a roarin lion. * am po%red o%t li<e water+ and all my bones are o%t o! CointF my heart also in the midst o! my body is even li<e melt- in waB. "y stren th is dried %p li<e a potsherd+ and my ton %e cleaveth

to my %ms+ and tho% shalt brin me into the d%st o! death. Aor many do s are come abo%t me+ and the co%ncil o! the wic<ed layeth sie e a ainst me. They pierced my hands and my !eetF * may tell all my bones. They stand starin and loo<in %pon me. They part my arments amon them+ and cast lots %pon my vest%re. I%t be not tho% !ar !rom me+ 9 6ordF tho% art my s%cco%r. Kaste thee to help me. 7eliver my so%l !rom the sword+ my darlin !rom the power o! the do . (ave me !rom the lion$s mo%thF tho% hast heard me also !rom amon the horns o! the %nicorns. * will declare thy 4ame %nto my brethrenF in the midst o! the con re ation will * praise thee. 9 praise the 6ord+ ye that !ear himF ma ni!y him+ all ye o! the seed o! Hacob+ and !ear him+ all ye seed o! *srael. Aor he hath not despised nor ab- horred the low estate o! the poorF he hath not hid his !ace !rom him+ b%t when he called %nto him+ he heard him. "y praise is o! thee in the reat con re ationF my vows will * per!orm in the si ht o! them that !ear him. The poor shall eat+ and be satis!iedF they that see< a!ter the 6ord shall praise him. ;o%r heart shall live !or ever. @ll the ends o! the world shall remember themselves+ and be t%rned %nto the 6ordF and all the <indreds o! the people shall worship be!ore him. Aor the <in dom is the 6ord$s+ and he is the 5overnor amon the people. @ll s%ch as be !at %pon earth have eaten and worshipped. @ll they that o down into the d%st shall <neel be!ore himF and no man hath ,%ic<ened his own so%l. "y seed shall serve himF they shall be co%nted %nto the 6ord !or a eneration. They shall come+ and shall declare his ri hteo%sness %nto a people that shall be born+ whom the 6ord hath made. )0 )J 3ominus regit me The 6ord is my shepherdF there!ore can * lac< nothin . Ke shall !eed me in a reen past%re+ and lead me !orth beside the waters o! com!ort. Ke shall convert my so%l+ and brin me !orth in the paths o! ri hteo%sness+ !or his 4ame$s sa<e. ;ea+ tho% h * wal< thro% h the valley o! the shadow o! death+ * will !ear no evilF !or tho% art with meF thy rod and thy sta!! com!ort me. Tho% shalt prepare a table be!ore me a ainst them that tro%ble meF tho% hast anointed my head with oil+ and my c%p shall be !%ll. I%t thy lovin -<indness and mercy shall !ollow me all the days o! my li!eF and * will dwell in the ho%se o! the 6ord !or ever. )= 3omini est terra The earth is the 6ord$s+ and all that therein isF the compass o! the world+ and they that dwell therein. Aor he hath !o%nded it %pon the seas+ and prepared it %pon the !loods.

&ho shall ascend into the hill o! the 6ordP or who shall rise %p in his holy placeP 3ven he that hath clean hands+ and a p%re heartF and that hath not li!t %p his mind %nto vanity+ nor sworn to deceive his nei hbo%r. Ke shall receive the blessin !rom the 6ord+ and ri hteo%sness !rom the 5od o! his salvation. This is the eneration o! them that see< him+ even o! them that see< thy !ace+ 9 Hacob. 6i!t %p yo%r heads+ 9 ye atesF and be ye li!t %p+ ye ever- lastin doorsF and the Lin o! lory shall come in. &ho is this Lin o! loryP *t is the 6ord stron and mi hty+ even the 6ord mi hty in battle. 6i!t %p yo%r heads+ 9 ye atesF and be ye li!t %p+ ye everlastin doorsF and the Lin o! lory shall come in. &ho is this Lin o! loryP 3ven the 6ord o! hosts+ he is the Lin o! lory. )5 d te' 3omine' le!a!i :nto thee+ 9 6ord+ will * li!t %p my so%lF my 5od+ * have p%t my tr%st in thee. 9 let me not be con!o%nded+ neither let mine enemies tri%mph over me. Aor all they that hope in thee shall not be ashamedF b%t s%ch as trans ress witho%t a ca%se shall be p%t to con!%sion. (how me thy ways+ 9 6ord+ and teach me thy paths. 6ead me !orth in thy tr%th+ and learn me. Aor tho% art the 5od o! my salvationF in thee hath been my hope all the day lon . #all to remembrance+ 9 6ord+ thy tender mercies+ and thy lov)' in -<indnesses+ which have been ever o! old. 9 remember not the sins and o!!ences o! my yo%thF b%t accordin to thy mercy thin< tho% %pon me+ 9 6ord+ !or thy oodness. 5racio%s and ri hteo%s is the 6ordF there!ore will he teach sinners in the way. Them that are mee< shall he %ide in C%d ementF and s%ch as are entle+ them shall he learn his way. @ll the paths o! the 6ord are mercy and tr%th %nto s%ch as <eep his covenant and his testimonies. Aor thy 4ame$s sa<e+ 9 6ord+ be merci!%l %nto my sinF !or it is reat. &hat man is he that !eareth the 6ordP Kim shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. Kis so%l shall dwell at ease+ and his seed shall inherit the land. The secret o! the 6ord is amon them that !ear himF and he will show them his covenant. "ine eyes are ever loo<in %nto the 6ordF !or he shall pl%c< my !eet o%t o! the net. T%rn thee %nto me+ and have mercy %pon meF !or * am des- olate+ and in misery. The sorrows o! my heart are enlar edF 9 brin tho% me o%t o! my tro%bles. 6oo< %pon my adversity and misery+ and !or ive me all my sin. #onsider mine ene- mies+ how many they areF and they bear a tyranno%s hate a ainst me. 9 <eep my so%l+ and deliver meF let me not be con!o%nded+ !or * have p%t my tr%st in thee. 6et per!ectness and ri hteo%s dealin wait %pon meF !or my hope hath been in thee. 7eliver *srael+ 9 5od+ o%t o! all his tro%bles. )6

7udi"a me' 3omine Ie tho% my C%d e+ 9 6ord+ !or * have wal<ed innocently. "y tr%st hath been also in the 6ordF there!ore shall * not !all. 3Bamine me+ 9 6ord+ and prove meF try o%t my reins and my heart. Aor thy lovin -<indness is ever be!ore mine eyesF and * will wal< in thy tr%th. * have not dwelt with vain personsF neither will * have !el- lowship with the deceit!%l. * have hated the con re ation o! the wic<ed+ and will not sit amon the %n odly. * will wash my hands in innocency+ 9 6ordF and so will * o to thine al- tar+ that * may show the voice o! than<s ivin + and tell o! all thy wondro%s wor<s. 6ord+ * have loved the habitation o! thy ho%se+ and the place where thine hono%r dwelleth. 9 sh%t not %p my so%l with the sinners+ nor my li!e with the bloodthirsty+ in whose hands is wic<edness+ and their ri ht hand is !%ll o! i!ts. I%t as !or me+ * will wal< innocentlyF 9 deliver me+ and be merci!%l %nto me. "y !oot standeth ri htF * will praise the 6ord in the con re ations. )) )? 3ominus illuminatio The 6ord is my li ht and my salvationF whom then shall * !earP The 6ord is the stren th o! my li!eF o! whom then shall * be a!raidP &hen the wic<ed+ even mine enemies and my !oes+ came %pon me to eat %p my !lesh+ they st%mbled and !ell. Tho% h an host o! men were laid a ainst me+ yet shall not my heart be a!raidF and tho% h there rose %p war a ainst me+ yet will * p%t my tr%st in him. 9ne thin have * desired o! the 6ord+ which * will re,%ire+ even that * may dwell in the ho%se o! the 6ord all the days o! my li!e+ to behold the !air bea%ty o! the 6ord+ and to visit his temple. Aor in the time o! tro%ble he shall hide me in his taberna- cleF yea+ in the secret place o! his dwellin shall he hide me+ and set me %p %pon a roc< o! stone. @nd now shall he li!t %p mine head above mine enemies ro%nd abo%t me. There!ore will * o!!er in his dwellin an oblation with reat ladnessF * will sin and spea< praises %nto the 6ord. Kear<en %nto my voice+ 9 6ord+ when * cry %nto theeF have mercy %pon me+ and hear me. "y heart hath tal<ed o! thee+ (ee< ye my !ace. Thy !ace+ 6ord+ will * see<. 9 hide not tho% thy !ace !rom me+ nor cast thy servant away in displea- s%re. Tho% hast been my s%cco%rF leave me not+ neither !or- sa<e me+ 9 5od o! my salvation. &hen my !ather and my mother !orsa<e me+ the 6ord ta<eth me %p. Teach me thy way+ 9 6ord+ and lead me in the ri ht way+ beca%se o! mine enemies. 7eliver me not over into the will o! mine adversariesF !or there are !alse witnesses risen %p a ainst me+ and s%ch as spea< wron . * sho%ld %tterly have !ainted+ b%t that * believe verily to see the oodness o! the 6ord in the land o! the livin . 9 tarry tho% the 6ord$s leis%re. Ie stron + and he shall com!ort thine heartF and p%t tho% thy tr%st

in the 6ord. )> d te' 3omine :nto thee will * cry+ 9 6ord+ my stren thF thin< no scorn o! me+ lest+ i! tho% ma<e as tho% h tho% hearest not+ * be- come li<e them that o down into the pit. Kear the voice o! my h%mble petitions+ when * cry %nto thee+ when * hold %p my hands towards the mercy-seat o! thy holy temple. 9 pl%c< me not away+ neither destroy me with the %n odly and wic<ed doers+ which spea< !riendly to their nei hbo%rs+ b%t ima ine mischie! in their hearts. 8eward them accordin to their deeds+ and accordin to the wic<edness o! their own in- ventions. 8ecompense them a!ter the wor< o! their handsF pay them that they have deserved. Aor they re ard not in their mind the wor<s o! the 6ord+ nor the operation o! his )J handsF there!ore shall he brea< them down+ and not b%ild them %p. Praised be the 6ordF !or he hath heard the voice o! my h%mble petitions. The 6ord is my stren th+ and my shieldF my heart hath tr%sted in him+ and * am helped. There- !ore my heart danceth !or Coy+ and in my son will * praise him. The 6ord is my stren th+ and he is the wholesome de- !ence o! his @nointed. 9 save thy people+ and ive thy blessin %nto thine inher- itanceF !eed them+ and set them %p !or ever. )9 fferte 3omino Irin %nto the 6ord+ 9 ye mi hty+ brin yo%n lambs %nto the 6ordF ascribe %nto the 6ord worship and stren th. 5ive the 6ord the hono%r d%e %nto his 4ameF worship the 6ord with holy worship. *t is the 6ord that commandeth the watersF it is the lori- o%s 5od that ma<eth the th%nder. *t is the 6ord that r%leth the seaF the voice o! the 6ord is mi hty in operation. The voice o! the 6ord is a lorio%s voice. The voice o! the 6ord brea<eth the cedar-treesF yea+ the 6ord brea<eth the cedars o! 6ebanon. Ke ma<eth them also to s<ip li<e a cal!F 6eba- non also+ and (irion+ li<e a yo%n %nicorn. The voice o! the 6ord divideth the !lames o! !ireF the voice o! the 6ord sha- <eth the wildernessF yea+ the 6ord sha<eth the wilderness o! Ladesh. The voice o! the 6ord ma<eth the hinds to brin !orth yo%n + and discovereth the thic< b%shesF in his temple doth every man spea< o! his hono%r. The 6ord sitteth above the water-!lood+ and the 6ord re- maineth a Lin !or ever. The 6ord shall ive stren th %nto his peopleF the 6ord shall ive his people the blessin o! peace. J0 E6alta$o te' 3omine

* will ma ni!y thee+ 9 6ordF !or tho% hast set me %p+ and not made my !oes to tri%mph over me. 9 6ord my 5od+ * cried %nto thee+ and tho% hast healed me. Tho%+ 6ord+ hast bro% ht my so%l o%t o! hellF tho% hast <ept my li!e !rom them that o down to the pit. (in praises %nto the 6ord+ 9 ye saints o! hisF and ive than<s %nto him+ !or a remembrance o! his holiness. Aor his wrath end%reth b%t the twin<lin o! an eye+ and in his plea- s%re is li!eF heaviness may end%re !or a ni ht+ b%t Coy cometh in the mornin . @nd in my prosperity * said+ * shall never be removedF tho%+ 6ord+ o! thy oodness+ hast made my hill so stron . Tho% didst t%rn thy !ace !rom me+ and * was tro%bled. )= Then cried * %nto thee+ 9 6ord+ and ot me to my 6ord ri ht h%mbly. &hat pro!it is there in my blood+ when * o down into the pitP (hall the d%st ive than<s %nto theeP or shall it declare thy tr%thP Kear+ 9 6ord+ and have mercy %pon me. 6ord+ be tho% my helper. Tho% hast t%rned my heaviness into CoyF tho% hast p%t o!! my sac<cloth+ and irded me with ladness. There!ore shall every ood man sin o! thy praise witho%t ceasin . 9 my 5od+ * will ive than<s %nto thee !or ever. J' 5n te' 3omine' spera!i *n thee+ 9 6ord+ have * p%t my tr%stF let me never be p%t to con!%sion. 7eliver me in thy ri hteo%sness. Iow down thine ear to meF ma<e haste to deliver me. @nd be tho% my stron roc<+ and ho%se o! de!ence+ that tho% mayest save me. Aor tho% art my stron roc<+ and my castleF be tho% also my %ide+ and lead me !or thy 4ame$s sa<e. 7raw me o%t o! the net that they have laid privily !or meF !or tho% art my stren th. *nto thy hands * commend my spiritF !or tho% hast redeemed me+ 9 6ord+ tho% 5od o! tr%th. * have hated them that hold o! s%perstitio%s vanities+ and my tr%st hath been in the 6ord. * will be lad and reCoice in thy mercyF !or tho% hast considered my tro%ble+ and hast <nown my so%l in adversities. Tho% hast not sh%t me %p into the hand o! the enemyF b%t hast set my !eet in a lar e room. Kave mercy %pon me+ 9 6ord+ !or * am in tro%ble+ and mine eye is cons%med !or very heaviness+ yea+ my so%l and my body. Aor my li!e is waBen old with heaviness+ and my years with mo%rnin . "y stren th !aileth me+ beca%se o! mine ini,%ity+ and my bones are cons%med. * became a re- proo! amon all mine enemies+ b%t especially amon my nei hbo%rs. @nd they o! mine ac,%aintance were a!raid o! meF and they that did see me witho%t+ conveyed themselves !rom me. * am clean !or otten+ as a dead man o%t o! mindF * am become li<e a bro<en vessel. Aor * have heard the blas- phemy o! the m%ltit%de+ and !ear is on every side+ while they conspire to ether a ainst me+ and ta<e their co%nsel to ta<e away my li!e. I%t my hope hath been in thee+ 9 6ordF * have said+ Tho% art my 5od. "y time is in thy handF deliver me !rom the hand o! mine enemies+ and !rom them that persec%te me. (how thy servant

the li ht o! thy co%ntenance+ and save me !or thy mercy$s sa<e. 6et me not be con!o%nded+ 9 6ord+ !or * have called %pon theeF let the %n odly be p%t to con!%sion+ and be p%t to silence in the rave. 6et the lyin lips be p%t to silence+ which cr%elly+ disdain!%lly+ and despite!%lly spea< a ainst the ri hteo%s. 9 how plenti!%l is thy oodness+ which tho% hast laid %p !or them that !ear thee+ and that tho% hast prepared !or them that p%t their tr%st in thee+ even be!ore the sons o! menQ )5 Tho% shalt hide them privily by thine own presence !rom the provo<in o! all menF tho% shalt <eep them secretly in thy tabernacle !rom the stri!e o! ton %es. Than<s be to the 6ordF !or he hath showed me marvello%s reat <indness in a stron city. @nd when * made haste+ * said+ * am cast o%t o! the si ht o! thine eyes. 4evertheless+ tho% heardest the voice o! my prayer+ when * cried %nto thee. 9 love the 6ord+ all ye his saintsF !or the 6ord preserveth them that are !aith!%l+ and plenteo%sly rewardeth the pro%d doer. Ie stron + and he shall establish yo%r heart+ all ye that p%t yo%r tr%st in the 6ord. J) Beati' 0uorum Ilessed is he whose %nri hteo%sness is !or iven+ R whose sin is covered. Ilessed is the man %nto whom the 6ord im- p%teth no sin+ and in whose spirit there is no %ile. Aor while * held my ton %e+ my bones cons%med away thro% h my daily complainin . Aor thy hand is heavy %pon me day and ni ht+ and my moist%re is li<e the dro% ht in s%mmer. * will ac<nowled e my sin %nto theeF and mine %n- ri hteo%sness have * not hid. * said+ * will con!ess my sins %nto the 6ordF and so tho% !or avest the wic<edness o! my sin. Aor this shall every one that is odly ma<e his prayer %nto thee+ in a time when tho% mayest be !o%ndF b%t in the reat water-!loods they shall not come ni h him. Tho% art a place to hide me inF tho% shalt preserve me !rom tro%ble. Tho% shalt compass me abo%t with son s o! deliverance. * will in!orm thee+ and teach thee in the way wherein tho% shalt oF and * will %ide thee with mine eye. Ie ye not li<e to horse and m%le+ which have no %nderstandin + whose mo%ths m%st be held with bit and bridle+ i! they will not obey thee. 5reat pla %es remain !or the %n odlyF b%t whoso p%tteth his tr%st in the 6ord+ mercy embraceth him on every side. Ie lad+ 9 ye ri hteo%s+ and reCoice in the 6ordF and be Coy!%l+ all ye that are tr%e o! heart. JJ E6ultate' 8usti

8eCoice in the 6ord+ 9 ye ri hteo%sF !or it becometh well the C%st to be to be than<!%l. Praise the 6ord with harpF sin praises %nto him with the l%te and instr%ment o! ten strin s. (in %nto the 6ord a new son F sin praises l%stily %nto him with a ood co%ra e. Aor the word o! the 6ord is tr%eF and all his wor<s are !aith!%l. Ke loveth ri hteo%sness and C%d ementF the earth is )6 !%ll o! the oodness o! the 6ord. Iy the word o! the 6ord were the heavens made+ and all the hosts o! them by the breath o! his mo%th. Ke athereth the waters o! the sea to- ether+ as it were %pon an heap+ and layeth %p the deep+ as in a treas%re-ho%se. 6et all the earth !ear the 6ordF stand in awe o! him+ all ye that dwell in the world. Aor he spo<e+ and it was doneF he commanded+ and it stood !ast. The 6ord brin eth the co%n- sel o! the heathen to no% ht+ and ma<eth the devices o! the people to be o! none e!!ect+ and casteth o%t the co%nsels o! princes. The co%nsel o! the 6ord shall end%re !or ever+ and the tho% hts o! his heart !rom eneration to eneration. Ilessed are the people whose 5od is the 6ord HehovahF and blessed are the !ol< that he hath chosen to him to be his inheritance. The 6ord loo<ed down !rom heaven+ and be- held all the children o! menF !rom the habitation o! his dwellin + he considereth all them that dwell on the earth. Ke !ashioneth all the hearts o! them+ andd %nderstandeth all their wor<s. There is no <in that can be saved by the m%ltit%de o! an hostF neither is any mi hty man delivered by m%ch stren th. @ horse is co%nted b%t a vain thin to save a manF neither shall he deliver any man by his reat stren th. Iehold+ the eye o! the 6ord is %pon them that !ear him+ and %pon them that p%t their tr%st in his mercy+ to deliver their so%l !rom death+ and to !eed them in the time o! dearth. 9%r so%l hath patiently tarried !or the 6ordF !or he is o%r help and o%r shield. Aor o%r heart shall reCoice in him+ be- ca%se we have hoped in his holy 4ame. 6et thy merci!%l <indness+ 9 6ord+ be %pon %s+ li<e as we do p%t o%r tr%st in thee. J= Benedi"am 3omino * will always ive than<s %nto the 6ordF his praise shall ever be in my mo%th. "y so%l shall ma<e her boast in the 6ordF the h%mble shall hear thereo!+ and be lad. 9 praise the 6ord with me+ and let %s ma ni!y his 4ame to ether. * so% ht the 6ord+ and he heard meF yea+ he delivered me o%t o! all my !ear. They had an eye %nto him+ and were li htenedF and their !aces were not ashamed. 6o+ the poor crieth+ and the 6ord heareth him+ yea+ and saveth him o%t o! all his tro%bles. The an el o! the 6ord tar- rieth ro%nd abo%t them that !ear him+ and delivereth them. 9 taste and see how racio%s the 6ord isF blessed is the man that tr%steth in him. 9 !ear the 6ord+ ye that are his

saintsF !or they that !ear him lac< nothin . The lions do lac<+ and s%!!er h%n erF b%t they who see< the 6ord shall want no manner o! thin that is ood. #ome+ ye children+ and hear- <en %nto meF * will teach yo% the !ear o! the 6ord. &hat man is he that l%steth to live+ and wo%ld !ain see ood daysP Leep )? thy ton %e !rom evil+ and thy lips+ that they spea< no %ile. 3schew evil+ and do oodF see< peace+ and ens%e it. The eyes o! the 6ord are over the ri hteo%s+ and his ears are open %nto their prayers. The co%ntenance o! the 6ord is a ainst them that do evil+ to root o%t the remembrance o! them !rom the earth. The ri hteo%s cry+ and the 6ord he- areth them+ and delivereth them o%t o! all their tro%bles. The 6ord is ni h %nto them that are o! a contrite heart+ and will save s%ch as be o! an h%mble spirit. 5reat are the tro%bles o! the ri hteo%sF b%t the 6ord de- livereth him o%t o! all. Ke <eepeth all his bones+ so that not one o! them is bro<en. I%t mis!ort%ne shall slay the %n odlyF and they that hate the ri hteo%s shall be desolate. The 6ord delivereth the so%ls o! his servantsF and all they that p%t their tr%st in him shall not be destit%te. J5 7udi"a' 3omine Plead tho% my ca%se+ 9 6ord+ with them that strive with me+ and !i ht tho% a ainst them that !i ht a ainst me. 6ay hand %pon the shield and b%c<ler+ and stand %p to help me. Irin !orth the spear+ and stop the way a ainst them that p%rs%e meF say %nto my so%l+ * am thy salvation. 6et them be con!o%nded+ and p%t to shame+ that see< a!ter my so%lF let them be t%rned bac<+ and bro% ht to con!%sion+ that ima ine mischie! !or me. 6et them be as the d%st be!ore the wind+ and the an el o! the 6ord scatterin them. 6et their way be dar< and slippery+ and let the an el o! the 6ord persec%te them. Aor they have privily laid their net to destroy me witho%t a ca%seF yea+ even witho%t a ca%se have they made a pit !or my so%l. 6et a s%dden destr%ction come %pon him %nawares+ and his net that he hath laid privily catch himsel!+ that he may !all into his own mischie!. @nd+ my so%l+ be Coy!%l in the 6ordF it shall reCoice in his salvation. @ll my bones shall say+ 6ord+ who is li<e %nto thee+ who deliverest the poor !rom him that is too stron !or himP yea+ the poor+ and him that is in misery+ !rom him that spoileth himP Aalse witnesses did rise %pF they laid to my char e thin s that * <new not. They rewarded me evil !or ood+ to the reat discom!ort o! my so%l. 4evertheless+ when they were sic<+ * p%t on sac<cloth+ and h%mbled my so%l with !astin F and my prayer shall t%rn into mine own bosom. * behaved mysel! as tho% h it had been my !riend or my brotherF * went heavily+ as one that mo%rneth !or his mother. I%t in mine adversity they reCoiced+ and athered themselves to etherF yea+ the very abCects came to ether a ainst me %nawares+ ma<in mo%ths at me+ and ceased not. &ith the !latterers were b%sy moc<ers+ who nashed %pon me with their teeth.

6ord+ how lon wilt tho% loo< %pon thisP 9 deliver my so%l !rom the calamities which they brin on me+ and my )> darlin !rom the lions. (o will * ive thee than<s in the reat con re ationF * will praise thee amon m%ch people. 9 let not them that are mine enemies tri%mph over me %n odlyF neither let them win< with their eyes+ that hate me witho%t a ca%se. @nd whyP their comm%nin is not !or peaceF b%t they ima ine deceit!%l words a ainst them that are ,%iet in the land. They aped %pon me with their mo%ths+ and said+ Aie on theeQ &e on theeQ we saw it with o%r eyes. This tho% hast seen+ 9 6ord. Kold not thy ton %e thenF o not !ar !rom me+ 9 6ord. @wa<e+ and stand %p to C%d e my ,%arrelF aven e tho% my ca%se+ my 5od and my 6ord. H%d e me+ 9 6ord my 5od+ accordin to thy ri hteo%sness+ and let them not tri%mph over me. 6et them not say in their hearts+ ThereQ thereQ so wo%ld we have itF neither let them say+ &e have devo%red him. 6et them be p%t to con!%sion and shame to ether+ that reCoice at my tro%bleF let them be clothed with reb%<e and dishono%r+ that boast themselves a ainst me. 6et them be lad and re- Coice+ that !avo%r my ri hteo%s dealin F yea+ let them say al- ways+ Ilessed be the 6ord+ who hath pleas%re in the prosper- ity o! his servant. @nd as !or my ton %e+ it shall be tal<in o! thy ri hteo%sness and o! thy praise all the day lon . J6 3i6it in8ustus "y heart showeth me the wic<edness o! the %n odly+ that there is no !ear o! 5od be!ore his eyes. Aor he !lattereth him- sel! in his own si ht+ %ntil his abominable sin be !o%nd o%t. The words o! his mo%th are %nri hteo%s and !%ll o! deceitF he hath le!t o!! to behave himsel! wisely+ and to do ood. Ke ima ineth mischie! %pon his bed+ and hath set himsel! in no ood wayF neither doth he abhor any thin that is evil. Thy mercy+ 9 6ord+ reacheth %nto the heavens+ and thy !aith!%lness %nto the clo%ds. Thy ri hteo%sness standeth li<e the stron mo%ntainsF thy C%d ements are li<e the reat deep. Tho%+ 6ord+ shalt save both man and beast. Kow eBcellent is thy mercy+ 9 5odQ @nd the children o! men shall p%t their tr%st %nder the shadow o! thy win s. They shall be satis!ied with the plenteo%sness o! thy ho%seF and tho% shalt ive them drin< o! thy pleas%res+ as o%t o! the river. Aor with thee is the well o! li!eF and in thy li ht shall we see li ht. 9 contin%e !orth thy lovin -<indness %nto them that <now thee+ and thy ri hteo%sness %nto them that are tr%e o! heart. 9 let not the !oot o! pride come a ainst me+ and let not the hand o! the %n odly cast me down. There are they !allen+ all that wor< wic<ednessF they are cast down+ and shall not be able to stand. )9

J? 9oli aemulari Aret not thysel! beca%se o! the %n odlyF neither be tho% envio%s a ainst the evil doers. Aor they shall soon be c%t down li<e the rass+ and be withered even as the reen herb. P%t tho% thy tr%st in the 6ord+ and be doin oodF dwell in the land+ and verily tho% shalt be !ed. 7eli ht tho% in the 6ord+ and he shall ive thee thy heart$s desire. #ommit thy way %nto the 6ord+ and p%t thy tr%st in him+ and he shall brin it to pass. Ke shall ma<e thy ri hteo%sness as clear as the li ht+ and thy C%st dealin as the noonday. Kold thee still in the 6ord+ and abide patiently %pon himF b%t rieve not thysel! at him whose way doth prosper+ a ainst the man that doeth a!ter evil co%nsels. 6eave o!! !rom wrath+ and let o displeas%reF !ret not thy- sel!+ else shalt tho% be moved to do evil. &ic<ed doers shall be rooted o%tF and they that patiently abide the 6ord+ those shall inherit the land. ;et a little while+ and the %n odly shall be clean oneF tho% shalt loo< a!ter his place+ and he shall be away. I%t the mee<-spirited shall possess the earth+ and shall be re!reshed in the m%ltit%de o! peace. The %n odly see<eth co%nsel a ainst the C%st+ and nash- eth %pon him with his teeth. The 6ord shall la% h him to scornF !or he hath seen that his day is comin . The %n odly have drawn o%t the sword+ and have bent their bow+ to cast down the poor and needy+ and to slay s%ch as are o! a ri ht conversation. Their sword shall o thro% h their own heart+ and their bow shall be bro<en. @ small thin that the ri h- teo%s hath is better than reat riches o! the %n odly. Aor the arms o! the %n odly shall be bro<en+ and the 6ord %pholdeth the ri hteo%s. The 6ord <noweth the days o! the odlyF and their inher- itance shall end%re !or ever. They shall not be con!o%nded in the perilo%s timeF and in the days o! dearth they shall have eno% h. @s !or the %n odly+ they shall perish+ and the ene- mies o! the 6ord shall cons%me as the !at o! lambsF yea+ even as the smo<e shall they cons%me away. The %n odly bor- roweth+ and payeth not a ainF b%t the ri hteo%s is merci!%l and liberal. (%ch as are blessed o! 5od shall possess the landF and they that are c%rsed o! him shall be rooted o%t. The 6ord ordereth a ood man$s oin + and ma<eth his way acceptable to himsel!. Tho% h he !all+ he shall not be cast awayF !or the 6ord %pholdeth him with his hand. * have been yo%n + and now am oldF and yet saw * never the ri hteo%s !orsa<en+ nor his seed be in their bread. The ri hteo%s is ever merci!%l+ and lendeth+ and his seed is blessed. Alee !rom evil+ and do the thin that is ood+ and dwell !or evermore. Aor the 6ord loveth the thin that is ri htF he !orsa<eth not his that be odly+ b%t they are pre- served !or ever. The %nri hteo%s shall be p%nishedF as !or the seed o! the %n odly+ it shall be rooted o%t. The ri hteo%s shall inherit J0 the land+ and dwell therein !or ever. The mo%th o! the ri h- teo%s is eBercised in wisdom+ and his

ton %e will be tal<in o! C%d ement. The law o! his 5od is in his heart+ and his oin s shall not slide. The %n odly watcheth the ri hteo%s+ and see<eth occasion to slay him. The 6ord will not leave him in his hand+ nor condemn him when he is C%d ed. Kope tho% in the 6ord+ and <eep his way+ and he shall pro- mote thee+ that tho% shalt possess the landF when the %n- odly shall perish+ tho% shalt see it. * mysel! have seen the %n- odly in reat power+ and !lo%rishin li<e a reen bay-tree. * went by+ and lo+ he was oneF * so% ht him+ b%t his place co%ld nowhere be !o%nd. Leep innocency+ and ta<e heed %nto the thin that is ri htF !or that shall brin a man peace at the last. @s !or the trans- ressors+ they shall perish to etherF and the end o! the %n- odly is+ they shall be rooted o%t at the last. I%t the salvation o! the ri hteo%s cometh o! the 6ord+ who is also their stren th in the time o! tro%ble. @nd the 6ord shall stand by them+ and save themF he shall deliver them !rom the %n odly+ and shall save them+ beca%se they p%t their tr%st in him. J> 3omine' ne in furore P%t me not to reb%<e+ 9 6ord+ in thine an erF neither chas- ten me in thy heavy displeas%re+ !or thine arrows stic< !ast in me+ and thy hand presseth me sore. There is no health in my !lesh+ beca%se o! thy displeas%reF neither is there any rest in my bones+ by reason o! my sin. Aor my wic<ednesses are one over my head+ and are li<e a sore b%rden+ too heavy !or me to bear. "y wo%nds stin<+ and are corr%pt+ thro% h my !oolishness. * am bro% ht into so reat tro%ble and misery+ that * o mo%rnin all the day lon . Aor my loins are !illed with a sore disease+ and there is no whole part in my body. * am !eeble and sore smittenF * have roared !or the very dis,%ietness o! my heart. 6ord+ tho% <nowest all my desire+ and my roanin is not hid !rom thee. "y heart panteth+ my stren th hath !ailed me+ and the si ht o! mine eyes is one !rom me. "y lovers and my nei hbo%rs did stand loo<in %pon my tro%ble+ and my <insmen stood a!ar o!!. They also that so% ht a!ter my li!e laid snares !or meF and they that went abo%t to do me evil tal<ed o! wic<edness+ and ima ined deceit all the day lon . @s !or me+ * was li<e a dea! man+ and heard not+ and as one that is d%mb+ who doth not open his mo%th. * became even as a man that heareth not+ and in whose mo%th are no reproo!s. Aor in thee+ 9 6ord+ have * p%t my tr%stF tho% shalt answer !or me+ 9 6ord my 5od. * have re,%ired that they+ even mine enemies+ sho%ld not tri%mph over meF !or when my !oot slipped+ they reCoiced reatly a ainst me. @nd * tr%ly am set in the pla %e+ and my heaviness is ever in my si ht. Aor * will con!ess my wic<edness+ and be sorry !or my sin. I%t mine enJ' emies live+ and are mi htyF and they that hate me wron !%lly are many in n%mber. They also that reward evil !or ood are a ainst me+ beca%se * !ollow the thin that ood is. Aorsa<e me not+ 9 6ord my 5odF be not tho% !ar !rom me. Kaste thee to help me+ 9 6ord 5od o!

my salvation. J9 3i6i' "ustodiam * said+ * will ta<e heed to my ways+ that * o!!end not in my ton %e. * will <eep my mo%th as it were with a bridle+ while the %n odly is in my si ht. * held my ton %e+ and spo<e noth- in . * <ept silence+ yea+ even !rom ood wordsF b%t it was pain and rie! to me. "y heart was hot within me+ and while * was th%s m%sin + the !ire <indled+ and at the last * spo<e with my ton %e1 6ord+ let me <now mine end+ and the n%mber o! my days+ that * may be certi!ied how lon * have to live. Iehold+ tho% hast made my days as it were a span lon + and mine a e is even as nothin in respect o! theeF and verily every man liv- in is alto ether vanity. Aor man wal<eth in a vain shadow+ and dis,%ieteth himsel! in vainF he heapeth %p riches+ and cannot tell who shall ather them. @nd now+ 6ord+ what is my hopeP Tr%ly my hope is even in thee. 7eliver me !rom all mine o!!encesF and ma<e me not a reb%<e %nto the !oolish. * became d%mb+ and opened not my mo%thF !or it was thy doin . Ta<e thy pla %e away !rom meF * am even cons%med by the means o! thy heavy hand. &hen tho% with reb%<es dost chasten man !or sin+ tho% ma<est his bea%ty to cons%me away+ li<e as it were a moth !rettin a ar- mentF every man there!ore is b%t vanity. Kear my prayer+ 9 6ord+ and with thine ears consider my callin F hold not thy peace at my tears. Aor * am a stran er with thee+ and a soCo%rner+ as all my !athers were. 9 spare me a little+ that * may recover my stren th+ be!ore * o hence+ and be no more seen. =0 E6pe"tans e6pe"ta!i * waited patiently !or the 6ord+ and he inclined %nto me+ and heard my callin . Ke bro% ht me also o%t o! the horrible pit+ o%t o! the mire and clay+ and set my !eet %pon the roc<+ and ordered my oin s. @nd he hath p%t a new son in my mo%th+ even a than<s ivin %nto o%r 5od. "any shall see it+ and !ear+ and shall p%t their tr%st in the 6ord. Ilessed is the man that hath set his hope in the 6ord+ and t%rned not %nto the pro%d+ and to s%ch as o abo%t with lies. 9 6ord my 5od+ reat are the wondro%s wor<s which tho% hast done+ li<e as be also thy tho% hts+ which are to %s-wardF and yet there is no man that ordereth them %nto thee. *! * J) sho%ld declare them+ and spea< o! them+ they sho%ld be more than * am able to eBpress. (acri!ice and meat-o!!erin tho% wo%ldest not+ b%t mine ears hast tho% opened. I%rnt-o!!erin s and sacri!ice !or sin hast tho% not re,%ired. Then said *+ 6o+ * comeF in the vol- %me o! the boo< it is written o! me+ that * sho%ld !%l!il thy will+ 9 my 5od. * am content to do itF yea+ thy law is within my heart. * have declared thy ri hteo%sness in the reat con- re ationF lo+ * will not

re!rain my lips+ 9 6ord+ and that tho% <nowest. * have not hid thy ri hteo%sness within my heartF my tal< hath been o! thy tr%th+ and o! thy salvation. * have not <ept bac< thy lovin mercy and tr%th !rom the reat con re ation. &ithdraw not tho% thy mercy !rom me+ 9 6ordF let thy lovin <indness and thy tr%th always preserve me. Aor inn%merable tro%bles are come abo%t meF my sins have ta<en s%ch hold %pon me+ that * am not able to loo< %p. ;ea+ they are more in n%mber than the hairs o! my head+ and my heart hath !ailed me. 9 6ord+ let it be thy pleas%re to de- liver meF ma<e haste+ 9 6ord+ to help me. 6et them be ashamed+ and con!o%nded to ether+ that see< a!ter my so%l to destroy itF let them be driven bac<ward+ and p%t to reb%<e+ that wish me evil. 6et them be desolate+ and rewarded with shame+ that say %nto me+ Aie %pon theeQ &e %pon theeQ 6et all those that see< thee+ be Coy!%l and lad in theeF and let s%ch as love thy salvation+ say always+ The 6ord be praised. @s !or me+ * am poor and needyF b%t the 6ord careth !or me. Tho% art my helper and redeemerF ma<e no lon tarry- in + 9 my 5od. =' Beatus 0ui intelligit Ilessed is he that considereth the poor and needyF the 6ord shall deliver him in the time o! tro%ble. The 6ord pre- serve him+ and <eep him alive+ that he may be blessed %pon earthF and deliver not tho% him into the will o! his enemies. The 6ord com!ort him when he lieth sic< %pon his bedF ma<e tho% all his bed in his sic<ness. * said+ 6ord+ be merci!%l %nto meF heal my so%l+ !or * have sinned a ainst thee. "ine enemies spea< evil o! me1 &hen shall he die+ and his name perishP @nd i! he come to see me+ he spea<eth vanity+ and his heart conceiveth !alsehood within himsel!F and when he cometh !orth+ he telleth it. @ll mine enemies whisper to ether a ainst meF even a ainst me do they ima ine this evil. 6et the sentence o! %iltiness proceed a ainst himF and now that he lieth+ let him rise %p no more. ;ea+ even mine own !amiliar !riend whom * tr%sted+ who did also eat o! my bread+ hath laid reat wait !or me. I%t be tho% merci!%l %nto me+ 9 6ordF raise tho% me %p a ain+ and * shall reward them. JJ Iy this * <now tho% !avo%rest me+ that mine enemy doth not tri%mph a ainst me. Tho% has %pholden me beca%se o! my innocency+ and set me be!ore thy !ace !or ever. Ilessed be the 6ord 5od o! *srael+ world witho%t end. @men. =) 1uemadmodum 6i<e as the hart desireth the water-broo<s+ so lon eth my so%l a!ter thee+ 9 5od. "y so%l is athirst !or 5od+ yea+ even !or the livin 5odF when shall * come to appear be!ore the presence o! 5odP "y tears have been my meat day and ni ht+ while they daily say %nto me+ &here is now

thy 5odP 4ow when * thin< there%pon+ * po%r o%t my heart by my- sel!F !or * went with the m%ltit%de+ and bro% ht them !orth into the ho%se o! 5od+ in the voice o! praise and than<s iv- in + amon s%ch as <eep holy-day. &hy art tho% so !%ll o! heaviness+ 9 my so%lP and why art tho% so dis,%ieted within meP P%t thy tr%st in 5odF !or * will ive him than<s !or the help o! his co%ntenance. "y 5od+ my so%l is veBed within meF there!ore will * re- member thee concernin the land o! Hordan+ and the little hill o! Kermon. 9ne deep calleth another+ beca%se o! the noise o! the waterpipesF all thy waves and storms are one over me. The 6ord hath ranted his lovin -<indness in the daytimeF and in the ni ht-season did * sin o! him+ and made my prayer %nto the 5od o! my li!e. * will say %nto the 5od o! my stren th+ &hy hast tho% !or- otten meP why o * th%s heavily+ while the enemy oppres- seth meP "y bones are smitten as%nder as with a sword+ while mine enemies that tro%ble me cast me in the teethF namely+ while they say daily %nto me+ &here is now thy 5odP &hy art tho% so veBed+ 9 my so%lP and why art tho% so dis,%ieted within meP 9 p%t thy tr%st in 5odF !or * will yet than< him+ which is the help o! my co%ntenance+ and my 5od. =J 7udi"a me' 3eus 5ive sentence with me+ 9 5od+ and de!end my ca%se a ainst the %n odly peopleF 9 deliver me !rom the deceit!%l and wic<ed man. Aor tho% art the 5od o! my stren thF why hast tho% p%t me !rom theeP and why o * so heavily+ while the enemy oppresseth meP 9 send o%t thy li ht and thy tr%th+ that they may lead me+ and brin me %nto thy holy hill+ and to thy dwellin + and that * may o %nto the altar o! 5od+ even %nto the 5od o! my Coy and ladnessF and %pon the harp will * ive than<s %nto thee+ 9 5od+ my 5od. J= &hy art tho% so heavy+ 9 my so%lP and why art tho% so dis,%ieted within meP 9 p%t thy tr%st in 5odF !or * will yet ive him than<s+ which is the help o! my co%ntenance+ and my 5od. == 3eus' auri$us &e have heard with o%r ears+ 9 5od+ o%r !athers have told %s what tho% hast done in their time o! old+ how tho% hast driven o%t the heathen with thy hand+ and planted them inF how tho% hast destroyed the nations+ and cast them o%t. Aor they ot not the land in possession thro% h their own sword+ neither was it their own arm that helped them+ b%t thy ri ht hand+ and thine arm+ and the li ht o! thy co%ntenance+ be- ca%se tho% hadst a !avo%r %nto them. Tho% art my Lin + 9 5odF send help %nto Hacob. Thro% h thee will we overthrow o%r enemies+ and in thy 4ame will we tread them %nder that rise

%p a ainst %s. Aor * will not tr%st in my bowF it is not my sword that shall help me. I%t it is tho% that savest %s !rom o%r enemies+ and p%ttest them to con!%sion that hate %s. &e ma<e o%r boast o! 5od all day lon + and will praise thy 4ame !or ever. I%t now tho% art !ar o!!+ and p%ttest %s to con!%sion+ and oest not !orth with o%r armies. Tho% ma<est %s to t%rn o%r bac<s %pon o%r enemies+ so that they which hate %s spoil o%r oods. Tho% lettest %s be eaten %p li<e sheep+ and hast scattered %s amon the heathen. Tho% sellest thy people !or no% ht+ and ta<est no money !or them. Tho% ma<est %s to be reb%<ed o! o%r nei hbo%rs+ to be la% hed to scorn+ and had in derision o! them that are ro%nd abo%t %s. Tho% ma<est %s to be a byword amon the heathen+ and that the people sha<e their heads at %s. "y con!%sion is daily be!ore me+ and the shame o! my !ace hath covered me+ !or the voice o! the slanderer and blas- phemer+ !or the enemy and aven er. @nd tho% h all this be come %pon %s+ yet do we not !or et thee+ nor behave o%rselves !rowardly in thy covenant. 9%r heart is not t%rned bac<+ neither o%r steps one o%t o! thy way+ no+ not when tho% hast smitten %s into the place o! dra - ons+ and covered %s with the shadow o! death. *! we have !or otten the 4ame o! o%r 5od+ and holden %p o%r hands to any stran e od+ shall not 5od search it o%tP !or he <noweth the very secrets o! the heart. Aor thy sa<e also are we <illed all the day lon + and are co%nted as sheep appointed to be slain. :p+ 6ord+ why sleepest tho%P @wa<e+ and be not absent !rom %s !or ever. &here!ore hidest tho% thy !ace+ and !or- ettest o%r misery and tro%bleP Aor o%r so%l is bro% ht low+ even %nto the d%stF o%r belly cleaveth %nto the ro%nd. @rise+ and help %s+ and deliver %s+ !or thy mercy$s sa<e. J5 =5 Eru"ta!it "or meum "y heart is inditin o! a ood matterF * spea< the thin s which * have made %nto the Lin . "y ton %e is the pen o! a ready writer. Tho% art !airer than the children o! menF !%ll o! race are thy lips+ beca%se 5od hath blessed thee !or ever. 5ird thee with thy sword %pon thy thi h+ 9 tho% "ost "i hty+ accord- in to thy worship and renown. 5ood l%c< have tho% with thine hono%rF ride on+ beca%se o! the word o! tr%th+ o! mee<- ness+ and ri hteo%sness+ and thy ri ht hand shall teach thee terrible thin s. Thy arrows are very sharp+ and the people shall be s%bd%ed %nto thee+ even in the midst amon the Lin $s enemies. Thy seat+ 9 5od+ end%reth !or everF the sceptre o! thy <in dom is a ri ht sceptre. Tho% hast loved ri hteo%sness+ and hated ini,%ityF where!ore 5od+ even thy 5od+ hath anointed thee with the oil o! ladness above thy !ellows. @ll thy arments smell o! myrrh+ aloes+ and cassia+ o%t o! the ivory palaces+ whereby they have made thee lad. Lin s$ da% hters are amon thy hono%rable womenF %pon thy ri ht hand doth stand the ,%een in a vest%re o! old+ wro% ht abo%t with divers colo%rs.

Kear<en+ 9 da% hter+ and considerF incline thine ear. Aor- et also thine own people+ and thy !ather$s ho%se. (o shall the Lin have pleas%re in thy bea%tyF !or he is thy 6ord 5od+ and worship tho% him. @nd the da% hter o! Tyre shall be there with a i!t+ li<e as the rich also amon the people shall ma<e their s%pplication be!ore thee. The Lin $s da% hter is all lo- rio%s withinF her clothin is o! wro% ht old. (he shall be bro% ht %nto the Lin in raiment o! needlewor<F the vir ins that be her !ellows shall bear her company+ and shall be bro% ht %nto thee. &ith Coy and ladness shall they be bro% ht+ and shall enter into the Lin $s palace. *nstead o! thy !athers+ tho% shalt have children+ whom tho% mayest ma<e princes in all lands. * will remember thy 4ame !rom one eneration to anotherF there!ore shall the people ive than<s %nto thee+ world witho%t end. =6 3eus noster refugium 5od is o%r hope and stren th+ a very present help in tro%- ble. There!ore will we not !ear+ tho% h the earth be moved+ and tho% h the hills be carried into the midst o! the sea+ tho% h the waters thereo! ra e and swell+ and tho% h the mo%ntains sha<e at the tempest o! the same. The rivers o! the !lood thereo! shall ma<e lad the city o! 5od+ the holy place o! the tabernacle o! the "ost Ki hest. J6 5od is in the midst o! herF there!ore shall she not be re- moved. 5od shall help her+ and that ri ht early. The heathen ma<e m%ch ado+ and the <in doms are movedF b%t 5od hath showed his voice+ and the earth shall melt away. The 6ord o! hosts is with %sF the 5od o! Hacob is o%r re!% e. 9 come hither+ and behold the wor<s o! the 6ord+ what destr%ction he hath bro% ht %pon the earth. Ke ma<eth wars to cease in all the worldF he brea<eth the bow+ and <nappeth the spear in s%nder+ and b%rneth the chariots in the &re. Ie still then+ and <now that * am 5odF * will be eBalted amon the heathen+ and * will be eBalted in the earth. The 6ord o! hosts is with %sF the 5od o! Hacob is o%r re!% e. =? &mnes gentes' plaudite 9 clap yo%r hands to ether+ all ye peopleF 9 sin %nto 5od with the voice o! melody. Aor the 6ord is hi h+ and to be !earedF he is the reat Lin %pon all the earth. Ke shall s%b- d%e the people %nder %s+ and the nations %nder o%r !eet. Ke shall choose o%t an herita e !or %s+ even the worship o! Ha- cob+ whom he loved. 5od is one %p with a merry noise+ and the 6ord with the so%nd o! the tr%mp. 9 sin praises+ sin praises %nto o%r 5odF 9 sin praises+ sin praises %nto o%r Lin . Aor 5od is the Lin o! all the earthF sin ye praises with %nderstandin . 5od rei neth over the heathenF 5od sitteth %pon

his holy seat. The princes o! the people are Coined %nto the people o! the 5od o! @brahamF !or 5od+ which is very hi h eBalted+ doth de!end the earth+ as it were with a shield. => :agnus 3ominus 5reat is the 6ord+ and hi hly to be praised in the city o! o%r 5od+ even %pon his holy hill. The hill o! (ion is a !air place+ and the Coy o! the whole earthF %pon the north side lieth the city o! the reat Lin . 5od is well <nown in her palaces as a s%re re!% e. Aor lo+ the <in s o! the earth were athered+ and one by to ether. They marvelled to see s%ch thin sF they were as- tonished+ and s%ddenly cast down. Aear came there %pon them+ and sorrow+ as %pon a woman in her travail. Tho% shalt brea< the ships o! the sea thro% h the east wind. 6i<e as we have heard+ so have we seen in the city o! the 6ord o! hosts+ in the city o! o%r 5odF 5od %pholdeth the same !or ever. &e wait !or thy lovin -<indness+ 9 5od+ in the midst o! thy temple. 9 5od+ accordin to thy 4ame+ so is thy praise %nto the world$s endF thy ri ht hand is !%ll o! ri hteo%sness. 6et the J? "o%nt (ion reCoice+ and the da% hter o! H%dah be lad+ be- ca%se o! thy C%d ements. &al< abo%t (ion+ and o ro%nd abo%t her+ and tell the tow- ers thereo!. "ar< well her b%lwar<s+ set %p her ho%ses+ that ye may tell them that come a!ter. Aor this 5od is o%r 5od !or ever and everF he shall be o%r %ide %nto death. =9 udite hae"' omnes 9 hear ye this+ all ye peopleF ponder it with yo%r ears+ all ye that dwell in the world+ hi h and low+ rich and poor+ one with another. "y mo%th shall spea< o! wisdom+ and my heart shall m%se o! %nderstandin . * will incline mine ear to the parable+ and show my dar< speech %pon the harp. &here!ore sho%ld * !ear in the days o! evil+ and when wic<edness at my heels compasseth me ro%nd abo%tP There be some that p%t their tr%st in their oods+ and boast them- selves in the m%ltit%de o! their riches. I%t no man may de- liver his brother+ nor ma<e a reement %nto 5od !or him+ !or it cost more to redeem their so%ls+ so that he m%st let that alone !or ever+ yea+ tho% h he live lon + and not see the rave. Aor he seeth that wise men also die and perish to ether+ as well as the i norant and !oolish+ and leave their riches !or others. @nd yet they thin< that their ho%ses shall contin%e !or ever+ and that their dwellin -places shall end%re !rom one eneration to anotherF and call the lands a!ter their own names. 4evertheless+ man will not abide in hono%r+ seein he may be compared %nto the beasts that perishF this is the way o! them. This is their !oolishnessF and their posterity praise their sayin .

They lie in the hell li<e sheepF death naweth %pon them+ and the ri hteo%s shall have dominion over them in the mornin . Their bea%ty shall cons%me in the sep%lchre o%t o! their dwellin . I%t 5od hath delivered my so%l !rom the place o! hellF !or he shall receive me. Ie not tho% a!raid+ tho% h one be made rich+ or i! the lory o! his ho%se be increasedF !or he shall carry nothin away with him when he dieth+ neither shall his pomp !ollow him. Aor while he lived+ he co%nted himsel! an happy manF and so lon as tho% doest well %nto thysel!+ men will spea< ood o! thee. Ke shall !ollow the eneration o! his !athers+ and shall never see li ht. "an bein in hono%r hath no %n- derstandin + b%t is compared %nto the beasts that perish. 50 3eus deorumThe 6ord+ even the "ost "i hty 5od+ hath spo<en+ and called the world+ !rom the risin %p o! the s%n %nto the oin J> down thereo!. 9%t o! (ion hath 5od appeared in per!ect bea%ty. 9%r 5od shall come+ and shall not <eep silenceF there shall o be!ore him a cons%min !ire+ and a mi hty tempest shall be stirred %p ro%nd abo%t him. Ke shall call the heaven !rom above+ and the earth+ that he may C%d e his people. 5ather my saints to ether %nto me+ those that have made a covenant with me with sacri!ice. @nd the heavens shall de- clare his ri hteo%snessF !or 5od is H%d e himsel!. Kear+ 9 my people+ and * will spea<F * mysel! will testi!y a ainst thee+ 9 *sraelF !or * am 5od+ even thy 5od. * will not reprove thee beca%se o! thy sacri!ices or !or thy b%rnt-o!!er- in s+ beca%se they were not always be!ore me. * will ta<e no b%lloc< o%t o! thine ho%se+ nor he- oats o%t o! thy !olds. Aor all the beasts o! the !orest are mine+ and so are the cattle %pon a tho%sand hills. * <now all the !owls %pon the mo%ntains+ and the wild beasts o! the !ield are in my si ht. *! * be h%n ry+ * will not tell theeF !or the whole world is mine+ and all that is therein. Thin<est tho% that * will eat b%lls$ !lesh+ and drin< the blood o! oatsP 9!!er %nto 5od than<s ivin + and pay thy vows %nto the "ost Ki hest. @nd call %pon me in the time o! tro%bleF so will * hear thee+ and tho% shalt praise me. I%t %nto the %n odly said 5od+ &hy dost tho% preach my laws+ and ta<est my covenant in thy mo%th+ whereas tho% hatest to be re!ormed+ and hast cast my words behind theeP &hen tho% sawest a thie!+ tho% consentedst %nto him+ and hast been parta<er with the ad%lterers. Tho% hast let thy mo%th spea< wic<edness+ and with thy ton %e tho% hast set !orth deceit. Tho% sattest and spa<est a ainst thy brother+ yea+ and hast slandered thine own mother$s son. These thin s hast tho% done+ and * held my ton %e+ and tho% tho% htest wic<edly that * am even s%ch a one as thysel!F b%t * will reprove thee+ and set be!ore thee the thin s that tho% hast done. 9 consider this+ ye that !or et 5od+ lest * pl%c< yo% away+ and there be none to deliver yo%. &hoso o!!ereth me than<s and praise+ he hono%reth meF and to him that ordereth his conversation ri ht+ will * show the salvation o! 5od. 5'

:iserere mei' 3eus Kave mercy %pon me+ 9 5od+ a!ter thy reat oodnessF ac- cordin to the m%ltit%de o! thy mercies do away mine o!- !ences. &ash me thro% hly !rom my wic<edness+ and cleanse me !rom my sin. Aor * ac<nowled e my !a%lts+ and my sin is ever be!ore me. @ ainst thee only have * sinned+ and done this evil in thy si ht+ that tho% mi htest be C%sti!ied in thy sayin + and clear when tho% shalt C%d e. Iehold+ * was shapen in wic<edness+ and in sin hath my mother conceived me. I%t lo+ tho% re,%irest tr%th in the in- ward parts+ and shalt ma<e me to %nderstand wisdom se- cretly. Tho% shalt p%r e me with hyssop+ and * shall be cleanF J9 tho% shalt wash me+ and * shall be whiter than snow. Tho% shalt ma<e me hear o! Coy and ladness+ that the bones which tho% hast bro<en may reCoice. T%rn thy !ace !rom my sins+ and p%t o%t all my misdeeds. "a<e me a clean heart+ 9 5od+ and renew a ri ht spirit within me. #ast me not away !rom thy presence+ and ta<e not thy holy (pirit !rom me. 9 ive me the com!ort o! thy help a ain+ and stablish me with thy !ree (pirit. Then shall * teach thy ways %nto the wic<ed+ and sinners shall be converted %nto thee. 7eliver me !rom blood- %ilti- ness+ 9 5od+ tho% that art the 5od o! my healthF and my ton %e shall sin o! thy ri hteo%sness. Tho% shalt open my lips+ 9 6ord+ and my mo%th shall show thy praise. Aor tho% desirest no sacri!ice+ else wo%ld * ive it theeF b%t tho% de- li htest not in b%rnt-o!!erin s. The sacri!ice o! 5od is a tro%bled spiritF a bro<en and contrite heart+ 9 5od+ shalt tho% not despise. 9 be !avo%rable and racio%s %nto (ionF b%ild tho% the walls o! Her%salem. Then shalt tho% be pleased with the sac- ri!ice o! ri hteo%sness+ with the b%rnt-o!!erin s and obla- tionsF then shall they o!!er yo%n b%lloc<s %pon thine altar. 5) 1uid gloriaris2 &hy boastest tho% thysel!+ tho% tyrant+ that tho% canst do mischie!+ whereas the oodness o! 5od end%reth yet dailyP Thy ton %e ima ineth wic<edness+ and with lies tho% c%ttest li<e a sharp raDor. Tho% hast loved %nri hteo%sness more than oodness+ and to tal< o! lies more than ri hteo%sness. Tho% hast loved to spea< all words that may do h%rt+ 9 tho% !alse ton %e. There!ore shall 5od destroy thee !or everF he shall ta<e thee+ and pl%c< thee o%t o! thy dwellin + and root thee o%t o! the land o! the livin . The ri hteo%s also shall see this+ and !ear+ and shall la% h him to scorn1 6o+ this is the man that too< not 5od !or his stren th+ b%t tr%sted %nto the m%ltit%de o! his riches and stren thened himsel! in his wic<edness. @s !or me+ * am li<e a reen olive-tree in the ho%se o! 5odF my tr%st is in the tender mercy o! 5od !or ever and ever. * will always ive than<s %nto thee !or that tho% hast doneF and * will hope in thy 4ame+ !or thy saints

li<e it well. 5J 3i6it insipiens The !oolish body hath said in his heart+ There is no 5od. #orr%pt are they+ and become abominable in their wic<ed- nessF there is none that doeth ood. =0 5od loo<ed down !rom heaven %pon the children o! men+ to see i! there were any that wo%ld %nderstand+ and see< a!ter 5od. I%t they are all one o%t o! the wayF they are alto ether become abominable. There is also none that doeth ood+ no not one. @re not they witho%t %nderstandin that wor< wic<edness+ eatin %p my people as i! they wo%ld eat breadP They have not called %pon 5od. They were a!raid where no !ear wasF !or 5od hath bro<en the bones o! him that besie ed thee. Tho% hast p%t them to con!%sion+ beca%se 5od hath de- spised them. 9 that the salvation were iven %nto *srael o%t o! (ionQ 9 that the 6ord wo%ld deliver his people o%t o! captivityQ Then sho%ld Hacob reCoice+ and *srael sho%ld be ri ht lad. 5= 3eus' in nomine (ave me+ 9 5od+ !or thy 4ame$s sa<e+ and aven e me in thy stren th. Kear my prayer+ 9 5od+ and hear<en %nto the words o! my mo%th. Aor stran ers are risen %p a ainst meF and tyrants+ which have not 5od be!ore their eyes+ see< a!ter my so%l. Iehold+ 5od is my helperF the 6ord is with them that %phold my so%l. Ke shall reward evil %nto mine ene- miesF destroy tho% them in thy tr%th. @n o!!erin o! a !ree heart will * ive thee+ and praise thy 4ame+ 9 6ord+ beca%se it is so com!ortable. Aor he hath de- livered me o%t o! all my tro%bleF and mine eye hath seen his desire %pon mine enemies. 55 E6audi' 3eus Kear my prayer+ 9 5od+ and hide not thysel! !rom my pe- tition. Ta<e heed %nto me+ and hear me+ how * mo%rn in my prayer+ and am veBed. The enemy crieth so+ and the %n odly cometh on so !astF !or they are minded to do me some mis- chie!+ so malicio%sly are they set a ainst me. "y heart is dis,%ieted within me+ and the !ear o! death is !allen %pon me. Aear!%lness and tremblin are come %pon me+ and an horrible dread hath overwhelmed me. @nd * said+ 9 that * had win s li<e a doveQ !or then wo%ld * !lee away+ and be at rest. 6o+ then wo%ld * et me away

!ar o!!+ and remain in the wilderness. * wo%ld ma<e haste to escape+ beca%se o! the stormy wind and tempest. 7estroy their ton %es+ 9 6ord+ and divide themF !or * have spied %nri hteo%sness and stri!e in the city. 7ay and ni ht they o abo%t within the walls thereo!F mischie! also and sorrow are in the midst o! it. &ic<edness is thereinF de- ceit and %ile o not o%t o! her streets. =' Aor it is not an open enemy that hath done me this disho- no%rF !or then * co%ld have borne it. 4either was it mine ad- versary that did ma ni!y himsel! a ainst meF !or then perad- vent%re * wo%ld have hid mysel! !rom him. I%t it was even tho%+ my companion+ my %ide+ and mine own !amiliar !riend. &e too< sweet co%nsel to ether+ and wal<ed in the ho%se o! 5od as !riends. 6et death come hastily %pon them+ and let them o down ,%ic< into hellF !or wic<edness is in their dwellin s+ and amon them. @s !or me+ * will call %pon 5od+ and the 6ord shall save me. *n the evenin + and mornin + and at noonday will * pray+ and that instantlyF and he shall hear my voice. *t is he that hath delivered my so%l in peace !rom the battle that was a ainst meF !or there were many with me. ;ea+ even 5od+ that en- d%reth !or ever+ shall hear me+ and brin them downF !or they will not t%rn+ nor !ear 5od. Ke laid his hands %pon s%ch as be at peace with him+ and he bro<e his covenant. The words o! his mo%th were so!ter than b%tter+ havin war in his heartF his words were smoother than oil+ and yet be they very swords. 9 cast thy b%rden %pon the 6ord+ and he shall no%rish thee+ and shall not s%!!er the ri hteo%s to !all !or ever. @nd as !or them+ tho%+ 9 5od+ shalt brin them into the pit o! de- str%ction. The bloodthirsty and deceit!%l men shall not live o%t hal! their daysF nevertheless+ my tr%st shall be in thee+ 9 6ord. 56 :iserere mei' 3eus Ie merci!%l %nto me+ 9 5od+ !or man oeth abo%t to de- vo%r meF he is daily !i htin + and tro%blin me. "ine ene- mies are daily at hand to swallow me %pF !or they be many that !i ht a ainst me+ 9 tho% "ost Ki hest. 4evertheless+ tho% h * am sometimes a!raid+ yet p%t * my tr%st in thee. * will praise 5od+ beca%se o! his wordF * have p%t my tr%st in 5od+ and will not !ear what !lesh can do %nto me. They daily mista<e my wordsF all that they ima ine is to do me evil. They hold all to ether+ and <eep themselves close+ and mar< my steps+ when they lay wait !or my so%l. (hall they escape !or their wic<ednessP Tho%+ 9 5od+ in thy displeas%re shalt cast them down. Tho% tellest my !littin sF p%t my tears into thy bottle. @re not these thin s noted in thy boo<P &hensoever * call %pon thee+ then shall mine enemies be p%t to !li ht. This * <now+ !or 5od is on my side. *n 5od$s word will * reCoiceF in the 6ord$s word will * com!ort me. ;ea+ in 5od have * p%t my tr%stF * will not be a!raid what man can do %nto me. :nto thee+ 9 5od+ will * pay my vowsF %nto thee will * ive than<s. Aor tho% hast delivered my

so%l !rom death+ and my =) !eet !rom !allin + that * may wal< be!ore 5od in the li ht o! the livin . 5? :iserere mei' 3eus Ie merci!%l %nto me+ 9 5od+ be merci!%l %nto me+ !or my so%l tr%steth in theeF and %nder the shadow o! thy win s shall be my re!% e+ %ntil this tyranny be overpast. * will call %nto the "ost Ki h 5od+ even %nto the 5od that shall per!orm the ca%se which * have in hand. Ke shall send !rom heaven+ and save me !rom the reproo! o! him that wo%ld eat me %p. 5od shall send !orth his mercy and tr%thF my so%l is amon lions. @nd * lie even amon the children o! men that are set on !ire+ whose teeth are spears and arrows+ and their ton %e a sharp sword. (et %p thysel!+ 9 5od+ above the heavens+ and thy lory above all the earth. They have laid a net !or my !eet+ and pressed down my so%lF they have d% a pit be!ore me+ and are !allen into the midst o! it themselves. "y heart is !iBed+ 9 5od+ my heart is !iBedF * will sin and ive praise. @wa<e %p+ my loryF awa<e+ l%te and harp. * my- sel! will awa<e ri ht early. * will ive than<s %nto thee+ 9 6ord+ amon the peopleF and * will sin %nto thee amon the nations. Aor the reatness o! thy mercy reacheth %nto the heavens+ and thy tr%th %nto the clo%ds. (et %p thysel!+ 9 5od+ above the heavens+ and thy lory above all the earth. 5> Si !ere uti0ue @re yo%r minds set %pon ri hteo%sness+ 9 ye con re a- tionP and do ye C%d e the thin that is ri ht+ 9 ye sons o! menP ;ea+ ye ima ine mischie! in yo%r heart %pon the earth+ and yo%r hands deal with wic<edness. The %n odly are !roward+ even !rom their mother$s wombF as soon as they are born+ they o astray+ and spea< lies. They are as venomo%s as the poison o! a serpent+ even li<e the dea! adder that stoppeth her ears+ which re!%seth to hear the voice o! the charmer+ charm he never so wisely. Irea< their teeth+ 9 5od+ in their mo%thsF smite the Caw- bones o! the lions+ 9 6ord. 6et them !all away li<e water that r%nneth apaceF and when they shoot their arrows+ let them be rooted o%t. 6et them cons%me away li<e a snail+ and be li<e the %ntimely !r%it o! a womanF and let them not see the s%n. 9r ever yo%r pots be made hot with thorns+ so let indi nation veB him+ even as a thin that is raw. The ri hteo%s shall reCoice when he seeth the ven eanceF he shall wash his !ootsteps in the blood o! the %n odly. (o

=J that a man shall say+ Nerily there is a reward !or the ri hteo%sF do%btless there is a 5od that C%d eth the earth. 59 Eripe me de inimi"is 7eliver me !rom mine enemies+ 9 5odF de!end me !rom them that rise %p a ainst me. 9 deliver me !rom the wic<ed doers+ and save me !rom the bloodthirsty men. Aor lo+ they lie waitin !or my so%lF the mi hty men are athered a ainst me+ witho%t any o!!ence or !a%lt o! me+ 9 6ord. They r%n and prepare themselves witho%t my !a%ltF arise tho% there!ore to help me+ and behold. (tand %p+ 9 6ord 5od o! hosts+ tho% 5od o! *srael+ to visit all the heathenF and be not merci!%l %nto them that o!!end o! malicio%s wic<edness. They o to and !ro in the evenin F they rin li<e a do + and r%n abo%t thro% h the city. Iehold+ they spea< with their mo%th+ and swords are in their lipsF !or who doth hearP I%t tho%+ 9 6ord+ shalt have them in derision+ and tho% shalt la% h all the heathen to scorn. "y stren th will * as- cribe %nto theeF !or tho% art the 5od o! my re!% e. 5od showeth me his oodness plenteo%slyF and 5od shall let me see my desire %pon mine enemies. (lay them not+ lest my people !or et itF b%t scatter them with thy power+ and p%t them down+ 9 6ord o%r de!ence. Aor the sin o! their mo%th+ and !or the words o! their lips+ they shall be ta<en in their prideF and whyP their preachin is o! c%rsin and lies. #on- s%me them in thy wrath+ cons%me them+ that they may per- ish+ and <now that it is 5od that r%leth in Hacob+ and %nto the ends o! the world. @nd in the evenin they will ret%rn+ rin li<e a do + and will o abo%t the city. They will r%n here and there !or meat+ and r%d e i! they be not satis!ied. @s !or me+ * will sin o! thy power+ and will praise thy mercy betimes in the mornin F !or tho% hast been my de!ence and re!% e in the day o! my tro%ble. :nto thee+ 9 my stren th+ will * sin F !or tho%+ 9 5od+ art my re!% e+ and my merci!%l 5od. 60 3eus' repulisti nos 9 5od+ tho% hast cast %s o%t+ and scattered %s abroadF tho% hast also been displeased. 9 t%rn thee %nto %s a ain. Tho% hast moved the land+ and divided itF heal the sores thereo!+ !or it sha<eth. Tho% hast showed thy people heavy thin sF tho% hast iven %s a drin< o! deadly wine. Tho% hast iven a to<en !or s%ch as !ear thee+ that they may tri%mph beca%se o! the tr%th. There!ore were thy beloved deliveredF help me with thy ri ht hand+ and hear me. ==

5od hath spo<en in his holiness1 * will reCoice+ and divide (hechem+ and mete o%t the valley o! (%ccoth. 5ilead is mine+ and "anasseh is mineF 3phraim also is the stren th o! my headF H%dah is my law- iverF "oab is my wash-potF over 3dom will * cast o%t my shoeF Philistia+ be tho% lad o! me. &ho will lead me into the stron cityP &ho will brin me into 3domP Kast not tho% cast %s o%t+ 9 5odP &ilt not tho%+ 9 5od+ o o%t with o%r hostsP 9 be tho% o%r help in tro%bleF !or vain is the help o! man. Thro% h 5od will we do reat actsF !or it is he that shall tread down o%r enemies. 6' E6audi' 3eus Kear my cryin + 9 5od+ ive ear %nto my prayer. Arom the ends o! the earth will * call %pon thee+ when my heart is in heaviness. 9 set me %p %pon the roc< that is hi her than *F !or tho% hast been my hope+ and a stron tower !or me a ainst the enemy. * will dwell in thy tabernacle !or everF and my tr%st shall be %nder the coverin o! thy win s. Aor tho%+ 9 6ord+ hast heard my desires+ and hast iven an herita e %nto those that !ear thy 4ame. Tho% shalt rant the Lin a lon li!e+ that his years may end%re thro% ho%t all enerations. Ke shall dwell be!ore 5od !or everF 9 prepare thy lovin mercy and !aith- !%lness+ that they may preserve him. (o will * always sin praise %nto thy 4ame+ that * may daily per!orm my vows. 6) 9onne 3eo2 "y so%l tr%ly waiteth still %pon 5odF !or o! him cometh my salvation. Ke verily is my stren th and my salvationF he is my de!ence+ so that * shall not reatly !all. Kow lon will ye ima ine mischie! a ainst every manP ;e shall be slain all the sort o! yo%F yea+ as a totterin wall shall ye be+ and li<e a bro<en hed e. Their device is only how to p%t him o%t whom 5od will eBaltF their deli ht is in lies. They ive ood words with their mo%th+ b%t c%rse with their heart. 4evertheless+ my so%l+ wait tho% still %pon 5odF !or my hope is in him. Ke tr%ly is my stren th and my salvationF he is my de!ence+ so that * shall not !all. *n 5od is my health and my lory+ the roc< o! my mi htF and in 5od is my tr%st. 9 p%t yo%r tr%st in him always+ ye peopleF po%r o%t yo%r hearts be!ore him+ !or 5od is o%r hope. @s !or the children o! men+ they are b%t vanityF the children o! men are deceit!%l. :pon the wei hts they are alto ether li hter than vanity it- sel!. 9 tr%st not in wron and robberyF ive not yo%rselves %nto vanity. *! riches increase+ set not yo%r heart %pon them. =5 5od spo<e once+ and twice * have also heard the same+ that power belon eth %nto 5od+ and that

tho%+ 6ord+ art merci- !%lF !or tho% rewardest every man accordin to his wor<. 6J 3eus' 3eus meus 9 5od+ tho% art my 5odF early will * see< thee. "y so%l thirsteth !or thee+ my !lesh also lon eth a!ter thee+ in a bar- ren and dry land where no water is. Th%s have * loo<ed !or thee in holiness+ that * mi ht behold thy power and lory. Aor thy lovin -<indness is better than the li!e itsel!F my lips shall praise thee. @s lon as * live will * ma ni!y thee on this manner+ and li!t %p my hands in thy 4ame. "y so%l shall be satis!ied+ even as it were with marrow and !atness+ when my mo%th praiseth thee with Coy!%l lips. Kave * not remembered thee in my bed+ and tho% ht %pon thee when * was wa<in P Ieca%se tho% hast been my helper+ there!ore %nder the shadow o! thy win s will * reCoice. "y so%l han eth %pon theeF thy ri ht hand hath %pholden me. These also that see< the h%rt o! my so%l+ they shall o %nder the earth. 6et them !all %pon the ed e o! the sword+ that they may be a portion !or !oBes. I%t the Lin shall reCoice in 5odF all they also that swear by him shall be commended+ !or the mo%th o! them that spea< lies shall be stopped. 6= E6audi' 3eus Kear my voice+ 9 5od+ in my prayerF preserve my li!e !rom !ear o! the enemy. Kide me !rom the atherin to ether o! the !roward+ and !rom the ins%rrection o! wic<ed doers+ who have whet their ton %e li<e a sword+ and shoot o%t their ar- rows+ even bitter words+ that they may privily shoot at him that is per!ect. (%ddenly do they hit him+ and !ear not. They enco%ra e themselves in mischie!+ and comm%ne amon themselves+ how they may lay snares+ and say that no man shall see them. They ima ine wic<edness+ and practise it+ that they <eep secret amon themselves+ every man in the deep o! his heart. I%t 5od shall s%ddenly shoot at them with a swi!t arrow+ that they shall be wo%nded. ;ea+ their own ton %es shall ma<e them !all+ insom%ch that whoso seeth them shall la% h them to scorn. @nd all men that see it shall say+ This hath 5od doneF !or they shall perceive that it is his wor<. The ri hteo%s shall reCoice in the 6ord+ and p%t his tr%st in himF and all they that are tr%e o! heart shall be lad. =6 65 Te de"et hymnus Tho%+ 9 5od+ art praised in (ionF and %nto thee shall the vow be per!ormed in Her%salem. Tho%

that hearest the prayer+ %nto thee shall all !lesh come. "y misdeeds prevail a ainst meF 9 be tho% merci!%l %nto o%r sins. Ilessed is the man whom tho% choosest+ and receivest %nto theeF he shall dwell in thy co%rt+ and shall be satis!ied with the pleas%res o! thy ho%se+ even o! thy holy temple. Tho% shalt show %s wonder!%l thin s in thy ri hteo%sness+ 9 5od o! o%r salvation+ tho% that art the hope o! all the ends o! the earth+ and o! them that remain in the broad sea-who in his stren th setteth !ast the mo%ntains+ and is irded abo%t with power+ who stilleth the ra in o! the sea+ and the noise o! his waves+ and the madness o! the people. They also that dwell in the %ttermost parts o! the earth shall be a!raid at thy to<ens+ tho% that ma<est the o%t oin s o! the mornin and evenin to praise thee. Tho% visitest the earth+ and blessest itF tho% ma<est it very plenteo%s. The river o! 5od is !%ll o! waterF tho% preparest their corn+ !or so tho% providest !or the earth. Tho% waterest her !%rrowsF tho% sendest rain into the little valleys thereo!. Tho% ma<est it so!t with the drops o! rain+ and blessest the increase o! it. Tho% crownest the year with thy oodness+ and thy clo%ds drop !atness. They shall drop %pon the dwell- in s o! the wildernessF and the little hills shall reCoice on ev- ery side. The !olds shall be !%ll o! sheepF the valleys also shall stand so thic< with corn+ that they shall la% h and sin . 66 7u$ilate 3eo 9 be Coy!%l in 5od+ all ye landsF sin praises %nto the ho- no%r o! his 4ame. "a<e his praise to be lorio%s. (ay %nto 5od+ 9 how wonder!%l art tho% in thy wor<sQ Thro% h the reatness o! thy power shall thine enemies be !o%nd liars %nto thee. Aor all the world shall worship thee+ sin o! thee+ and praise thy 4ame. 9 come hither+ and behold the wor<s o! 5odF how wonder!%l he is in his doin toward the children o! men. Ke t%rned the sea into dry land+ so that they went thro% h the water on !ootF there did we reCoice thereo!. Ke r%leth with his power !or ever. Kis eyes behold the people+ and s%ch as will not believe shall not be able to eBalt them- selves. 9 praise o%r 5od+ ye people+ and ma<e the voice o! his praise to be heard+ who holdeth o%r so%l in li!e+ and s%!!ereth not o%r !eet to slip. Aor tho%+ 9 5od+ hast proved %sF tho% also hast tried %s+ li<e as silver is tried. Tho% bro% htest %s into the snareF and laidest tro%ble %pon o%r loins. Tho% s%!=? !eredst men to ride over o%r headsF we went thro% h !ire and water+ and tho% bro% htest %s o%t into a wealthy place. * will o into thine ho%se with b%rnt-o!!erin s+ and will pay thee my vows+ which * promised with my lips+ and spo<e with my mo%th+ when * was in tro%ble. * will o!!er %nto thee !at b%rntsacri!ices+ with the incense o! ramsF * will o!!er b%l- loc<s and oats. 9 come hither+ and hear<en+ all ye that !ear 5odF and * will tell yo% what he hath done !or my so%l. * called %nto him with my mo%th+ and ave him praises with my ton %e. *! * incline %nto wic<edness with mine heart+ the 6ord will not hear me.

I%t 5od hath heard meF and considered the voice o! my prayer. Praised be 5od+ who hath not cast o%t my prayer+ nor t%rned his mercy !rom me. 6? 3eus misereatur 5od be merci!%l %nto %s+ and bless %s+ and show %s the li ht o! his co%ntenance+ and be merci!%l %nto %s+ that thy way may be <nown %pon earth+ thy savin health amon all nations. 6et the people praise thee+ 9 5odF yea+ let all the people praise thee. 9 let the nations reCoice and be ladF !or tho% shalt C%d e the !ol< ri hteo%sly+ and overn the nations %pon earth. 6et the people praise thee+ 9 5odF let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth brin !orth her increaseF and 5od+ even o%r own 5od+ shall ive %s his blessin . 5od shall bless %sF and all the ends o! the world shall !ear him. 6> E6urgat 3eus 6et 5od arise+ and let his enemies be scatteredF let them also that hate him !lee be!ore him. 6i<e as the smo<e vanish- eth+ so shalt tho% drive them awayF and li<e as waB melteth at the !ire+ so let the %n odly perish at the presence o! 5od. I%t let the ri hteo%s be lad+ and reCoice be!ore 5odF let them also be merry and Coy!%l. 9 sin %nto 5od+ and sin praises %nto his 4ameF ma ni!y him that rideth %pon the heavens+ as it were %pon a horse. Praise him in his 4ame H@K+ and reCoice be!ore him. Ke is a Aather o! the !atherless+ and de!endeth the ca%se o! the wid- ows+ even 5od in his holy habitation. Ke is the 5od that ma- <eth men to be o! one mind in an ho%se+ and brin eth the prisoners o%t o! captivity+ b%t letteth the r%na ates contin%e in scarceness. 9 5od+ when tho% wentest !orth be!ore the people+ when tho% wentest thro% h the wilderness+ the earth shoo<+ and the heavens dropped at the presence o! 5od+ even as (inai also was moved at the presence o! 5od+ who is the => 5od o! *srael. Tho%+ 9 5od+ sentest a racio%s rain %pon thine inheritance+ and re!reshedst it when it was weary. Thy con re ation shall dwell thereinF !or tho%+ 9 5od+ hast o! thy oodness prepared !or the poor. The 6ord ave the wordF reat was the company o! the preachers. Lin s with their armies did !lee+ and were dis- com!itedF and they o! the ho%sehold divided the spoil. Tho% h ye have lain amon the sheep-!olds+ yet shall ye be as the win s o! a dove that is covered with silver win s+ and her !eathers li<e old. &hen the @lmi hty scattered <in s !or their sa<e+ then were they as white as snow in (almon. @s the hill o! Iashan+ so is 5od$s hill+ even an hi h hill+ as the hill o! Iashan. &hy hop ye so+ ye hi h hillsP This is 5od$s hill+ in the which it pleaseth him to dwell. ;ea+ the 6ord will abide in it

!or ever. The chariots o! 5od are twenty tho%sand+ even tho%sands o! an elsF and the 6ord is amon them+ as in the holy place o! (inai. Tho% art one %p on hi hF tho% hast led captivity captive+ and received i!ts !or men+ yea+ even !or thine enemies+ that the 6ord 5od mi ht dwell amon them. Praised be the 6ord daily+ even the 5od who helpeth %s+ and po%reth his bene!its %pon %s. Ke is o%r 5od+ even the 5od o! whom cometh salvationF 5od is the 6ord+ by whom we escape death. 5od shall wo%nd the head o! his enemies+ and the hairy scalp o! s%ch a one as oeth on still in his wic<- edness. The 6ord hath said+ * will brin my people a ain+ as * did !rom IashanF mine own will * brin a ain+ as * did sometimes !rom the deep o! the sea+ that thy !oot may be dipped in the blood o! thine enemies+ and that the ton %e o! thy do s may be red thro% h the same. *t is well seen+ 9 5od+ how tho% oest+ how tho%+ my 5od and Lin + oest in the sanct%ary. The sin ers o be!ore+ the minstrels !ollow a!terF in the midst are the damsels playin with the timbrels. 5ive than<s+ 9 *srael+ %nto 5od the 6ord in the con re ations+ !rom the ro%nd o! the heart. There is little IenCamin their r%ler+ and the princes o! H%dah their co%ncil+ the princes o! Seb%lon+ and the princes o! 4aph- thali. Thy 5od hath sent !orth stren th !or theeF stablish the thin + 9 5od+ that tho% hast wro% ht in %s+ !or thy temple$s sa<e at Her%salemF so shall <in s brin presents %nto thee. 8eprove the beast amon the reeds+ the heap o! b%lls with the calves those that drive !or money. 9 scatter tho% the peo- ple that deli ht in war. Then shall the princes come o%t o! 3 ypt. The "orians$ land shall soon stretch o%t her hands %nto 5od. (in %nto 5od+ 9 ye <in doms o! the earthF 9 sin praises %nto the 6ord+ who sitteth in the heavens over all !rom the be innin . 6o+ he doth send o%t his voice+ yea+ and that a mi hty voice. @scribe ye the power to 5od over *sraelF his worship and stren th is in the clo%ds. 9 5od+ wonder!%l art tho% in thy holy places+ even the 5od o! *sraelF he will ive stren th and power %nto his people. Ilessed be 5od. =9 69 Sal!um me fa" (ave me+ 9 5odF !or the waters are come in+ even %nto my so%l. * stic< !ast in the deep mire+ where no ro%nd isF * am come into deep waters+ so that the !loods r%n over me. * am weary o! cryin F my throat is dry. "y si ht !aileth me !or waitin so lon %pon my 5od. They that hate me witho%t a ca%se are more than the hairs o! my headF they that are mine enemies+ and wo%ld destroy me %iltless+ are mi hty. * paid them the thin s that * never too<F 5od+ tho% <now- est my simpleness+ and my !a%lts are not hid !rom thee. 6et not them that tr%st in thee+ 9 6ord 5od o! hosts+ be ashamed !or my ca%seF let not those that see< thee be con!o%nded thro% h me+ 9 6ord 5od o! *srael. @nd whyP !or thy

sa<e have * s%!!ered reproo!F shame hath covered my !ace. * am become a stran er %nto my brethren+ even an alien %nto my mother$s children. Aor the Deal o! thine ho%se hath even eaten meF and the re- b%<es o! them that reb%<ed thee are !allen %pon me. * wept+ and chastened mysel! with !astin + and that was t%rned to my reproo!. * p%t on sac<cloth also+ and they Cested %pon me. They that sit in the ate spea< a ainst me+ and the dr%n<ards ma<e son s %pon me. I%t+ 6ord+ * ma<e my prayer %nto thee+ in an acceptable time. Kear me+ 9 5od+ in the m%ltit%de o! thy mercy+ even in the tr%th o! thy salvation. Ta<e me o%t o! the mire+ that * sin< notF 9 let me be delivered !rom them that hate me+ and o%t o! the deep waters. 6et not the water-!lood drown me+ neither let the deep swallow me %pF and let not the pit sh%t her mo%th %pon me. Kear me+ 9 6ord+ !or thy lovin -<indness is com!ortableF t%rn thee %nto me accordin to the m%ltit%de o! thy mercies. @nd hide not thy !ace !rom thy servant+ !or * am in tro%bleF 9 haste thee+ and hear me. 7raw ni h %nto my so%l+ and save itF 9 deliver me+ beca%se o! mine enemies. Tho% hast <nown my reproo!+ my shame+ and my disho- no%rF mine adversaries are all in thy si ht. Thy reb%<e hath bro<en my heartF * am !%ll o! heaviness. * loo<ed !or some to have pity on me+ b%t there was no man+ neither !o%nd * any to com!ort me. They ave me all to eatF and when * was thirsty+ they ave me vine ar to drin<. 6et their table be made a snare to ta<e themselves withalF and let the thin s that sho%ld have been !or their wealth be %nto them an occasion o! !allin . 6et their eyes be blinded+ that they see notF and ever bow tho% down their bac<s. Po%r o%t thine indi nation %pon them+ and let thy wrath!%l dis- pleas%re ta<e hold o! them. 6et their habitation be void+ and no man to dwell in their tents. Aor they persec%te him whom tho% hast smittenF and they tal< how they may veB them whom tho% hast wo%nded. 50 6et them !all !rom one wic<edness to another+ and not come into thy ri hteo%sness. 6et them be wiped o%t o! the boo< o! the livin + and not be written amon the ri hteo%s. @s !or me+ when * am poor and in heaviness+ thy help+ 9 5od+ shall li!t me %p. * will praise the 4ame o! 5od with a son + and ma ni!y it with than<s ivin . This also shall please the 6ord better than a b%lloc< that hath horns and hoo!s. The h%mble shall consider this+ and be ladF see< ye a!ter 5od+ and yo%r so%l shall live. Aor the 6ord heareth the poor+ and despiseth not his prisoners. 6et heaven and earth praise him+ the sea+ and all that moveth therein. Aor 5od will save (ion+ and b%ild the cities o! H%dah+ that men may dwell there+ and have it in possession. The poster- ity also o! his servants shall inherit itF and they that love his 4ame shall dwell therein. ?0 3eus in ad8utorium

Kaste thee+ 9 5od+ to deliver meF ma<e haste to help me+ 9 6ord. 6et them be ashamed and con!o%nded that see< a!- ter my so%lF let them be t%rned bac<ward and p%t to con!%- sion that wish me evil. 6et them !or their reward be soon bro% ht to shame+ that cry over me+ ThereQ thereQ I%t let all those that see< thee be Coy!%l and lad in thee+ and let all s%ch as deli ht in thy salvation say always+ The 6ord be praised. @s !or me+ * am poor and in miseryF haste thee %nto me+ 9 5od. Tho% art my helper+ and my re- deemerF 9 6ord+ ma<e no lon tarryin . ?' 5n te' 3omine' spera!i *n thee+ 9 6ord+ have * p%t my tr%stF let me never be p%t to con!%sion+ b%t rid me+ and deliver me+ in thy ri hteo%snessF incline thine ear %nto me+ and save me. Ie tho% my stron - hold+ where%nto * may always resortF tho% hast promised to help me+ !or tho% art my ho%se o! de!ence+ and my castle. 7eliver me+ 9 my 5od+ o%t o! the hand o! the %n odly+ o%t o! the hand o! the %nri hteo%s and cr%el man. Aor tho%+ 9 6ord 5od+ art the thin that * lon !orF tho% art my hope+ even !rom my yo%th. Thro% h thee have * been holden %p ever since * was bornF tho% art he that too< me o%t o! my mother$s womb. "y praise shall be always o! thee. * am become as it were a monster %nto many+ b%t my s%re tr%st is in thee. 9 let my mo%th be !illed with thy praise+ that * may sin o! thy lory and hono%r all the day lon . #ast me not away in the time o! a eF !orsa<e me not when my stren th !aileth me. Aor mine enemies spea< a ainst meF and they that lay wait !or my so%l ta<e their co%nsel to ether+ say5' in + 5od hath !orsa<en him. Persec%te him+ and ta<e him+ !or there is none to deliver him. 5o not !ar !rom me+ 9 5odF my 5od+ haste thee to help me. 6et them be con!o%nded and perish that are a ainst my so%lF let them be covered with shame and dishono%r that see< to do me evil. @s !or me+ * will patiently abide always+ and will praise thee more and more. "y mo%th shall daily spea< o! thy ri hteo%sness and salvationF !or * <now no end thereo!. * will o !orth in the stren th o! the 6ord 5od+ and will ma<e mention o! thy ri hteo%sness only. Tho%+ 9 5od+ hast ta% ht me !rom my yo%th %p %ntil nowF there!ore will * tell o! thy wondro%s wor<s. Aorsa<e me not+ 9 5od+ in mine old a e+ when * am ray-headed+ %ntil * have showed thy stren th %nto this eneration+ and thy power to all them that are yet !or to come. Thy ri hteo%sness+ 9 5od+ is very hi h+ and reat thin s are they that tho% hast doneF 9 5od+ who is li<e %nto theeP 9 what reat tro%bles and adversities hast tho% showed meQ @nd yet didst tho% t%rn and re!resh me+ yea+ and bro% htest me !rom the deep o! the earth a ain. Tho% hast bro% ht me to reat hono%r+ and com!orted me on every side. There!ore will * praise thee+ and thy !aith!%lness+ 9 5od+ playin %pon an instr%ment o! m%sicF %nto thee will * sin %pon the harp+ 9 tho% Koly 9ne o! *srael. "y lips will be !ain when * sin

%nto theeF and so will my so%l whom tho% hast delivered. "y ton %e also shall tal< o! thy ri hteo%sness all the day lon F !or they are con!o%nded and bro% ht %nto shame that see< to do me evil. ?) 3eus' 8udi"ium 5ive the <in thy C%d ements+ 9 5od+ and thy ri hteo%s- ness %nto the Lin $s son. Then shall he C%d e thy people ac- cordin %nto ri ht+ and de!end the poor. The mo%ntains also shall brin peace+ and the little hills ri hteo%sness %nto the people. Ke shall <eep the simple !ol< by their ri ht+ de!end the children o! the poor+ and p%nish the wron doer. They shall !ear thee+ as lon as the s%n and moon en- d%reth+ !rom one eneration to another. Ke shall come down li<e the rain into a !leece o! wool+ even as the drops that water the earth. *n his time shall the ri hteo%s !lo%rish+ yea+ and ab%ndance o! peace+ so lon as the moon end%reth. Kis dominion shall be also !rom the one sea to the other+ and !rom the !lood %nto the world$s end. They that dwell in the wilderness shall <neel be!ore himF his enemies shall lic< the d%st. The <in s o! Tarshish and o! the isles shall ive pre- sentsF the <in s o! @rabia and (aba shall brin i!ts. @ll <in s shall !all down be!ore himF all nations shall do him service. Aor he shall deliver the poor when he crieth+ the needy also+ and him that hath no helper. Ke shall be !avo%rable to the simple and needy+ and shall preserve the so%ls o! the poor. Ke 5) shall deliver their so%ls !rom !alsehood and wron F and dear shall their blood be in his si ht. Ke shall live+ and %nto him shall be iven o! the old o! @rabiaF prayer shall be made ever %nto him+ and daily shall he be praised. There shall be an heap o! corn in the earth+ hi h %pon the hillsF his !r%it shall sha<e li<e 6ebanon+ and shall be reen in the city li<e rass %pon the earth. Kis 4ame shall end%re !or everF his 4ame shall remain %nder the s%n amon the posterities+ which shall be blessed in him. @nd all the hea- then shall praise him. Ilessed be the 6ord 5od+ even the 5od o! *srael+ which only doeth wondro%s thin sF and blessed be the 4ame o! his "aCesty !or ever. @nd all the earth shall be !illed with his "aCesty. @men+ @men. ?J 1uam $onus 5srael; Tr%ly 5od is lovin %nto *srael+ even %nto s%ch as are o! a clean heart. 4evertheless+ my !eet were almost oneF my treadin s had well-ni h slipped. @nd whyP * was rieved at the wic<edF * do also see the %n odly in s%ch prosperity. Aor they are in no peril o! death+ b%t are l%sty and stron . They come in no mis!ort%ne li<e other !ol<F neither are they pla %ed li<e other men. @nd this is the ca%se that they are so holden with pride+ and overwhelmed with cr%elty. Their eyes swell with !atness+ and they do even what they l%st. They cor- r%pt others+ and spea< o! wic<ed

blasphemyF their tal<in is a ainst the "ost Ki h. Aor they stretch !orth their mo%th %nto the heaven+ and their ton %e oeth thro% h the world. There!ore !all the people %nto them+ and thereo%t s%c< they no small advanta e. T%sh+ say they+ how sho%ld 5od perceive itP *s there <nowled e in the "ost Ki hP 6o+ these are the %n odly+ these prosper in the world+ and these have riches in possessionF and * said+ Then have * cleansed my heart in vain+ and washed my hands in innocency. @ll the day lon have * been p%nished+ and chastened every mornin . ;ea+ and * had almost said even as theyF b%t lo+ then * sho%ld have condemned the eneration o! thy children. Then tho% ht * to %nderstand thisF b%t it was too hard !or me+ %ntil * went into the sanct%ary o! 5od. Then %nderstood * the end o! these men+ namely+ how tho% dost set them in slippery places+ and castest them down+ and destroyest them. 9 how s%ddenly do they cons%me+ perish+ and come to a !ear!%l endQ ;ea+ even li<e as a dream when one awa<eth+ so shalt tho% ma<e their ima e to vanish o%t o! the city. Th%s my heart was rieved+ and it went even thro% h my reins. (o !oolish was *+ and i norant+ even as it were a beast be!ore thee. 4evertheless+ * am always by theeF !or tho% hast holden me by my ri ht hand. Tho% shalt %ide me with thy co%nsel+ and a!ter that receive me with lory. &hom have * in heaven b%t theeP @nd there is none %pon earth that * desire in com5J parison o! thee. "y !lesh and my heart !ailethF b%t 5od is the stren th o! my heart+ and my portion !or ever. Aor lo+ they that !orsa<e thee shall perishF tho% hast de- stroyed all them that commit !ornication a ainst thee. I%t it is ood !or me to hold me !ast by 5od+ to p%t my tr%st in the 6ord 5od+ and to spea< o! all thy wor<s in the ates o! the da% hter o! (ion. ?= 4t 0uid' 3eus2 9 5od+ where!ore art tho% absent !rom %s so lon P &hy is thy wrath so hot a ainst the sheep o! thy past%reP 9 thin< %pon thy con re ation+ whom tho% hast p%rchased+ and re- deemed o! old. Thin< %pon the tribe o! thine inheritance+ and "o%nt (ion+ wherein tho% hast dwelt. 6i!t %p thy !eet+ that tho% mayest %tterly destroy every enemy which hath done evil in thy sanct%ary. Thine adversaries roar in the midst o! thy con re ations+ and set %p their banners !or to<ens. Ke that hewed timber a!ore o%t o! the thic< trees was <nown to brin it to an eBcel- lent wor<. I%t now they brea< down all the carved wor< thereo! with aBes and hammers. They have set !ire %pon thy holy places+ and have de!iled the dwellin -place o! thy 4ame+ even %nto the ro%nd. ;ea+ they said in their hearts+ let %s ma<e havoc o! them alto ether. Th%s have they b%rnt %p all the ho%ses o! 5od in the land. &e see not o%r to<ens. There is not one prophet moreF no+ not one is there amon %s+ that %nderstandeth any more. 9 5od+ how lon shall the adversary do this dishono%rP (hall the enemy blaspheme thy 4ame !or everP &hy withdrawest tho% thy handP &hy pl%c<est tho% not

thy ri ht hand o%t o! thy bosom to cons%me the enemyP Aor 5od is my Lin o! oldF the help that is done %pon earth+ he doeth it himsel!. Tho% didst divide the sea thro% h thy powerF tho% bro<est the heads o! the dra ons in the wa- ters. Tho% smotest the heads o! 6eviathan in pieces+ and av- est him to be meat !or the people o! the wilderness. Tho% bro% htest o%t !o%ntains and waters o%t o! the hard roc<sF tho% driedst %p mi hty waters. The day is thine+ and the ni ht is thineF tho% hast prepared the li ht and the s%n. Tho% hast set all the borders o! the earthF tho% hast made s%mmer and winter. 8emember this+ 9 6ord+ how the enemy hath reb%<ed+ and how the !oolish people hath blasphemed thy 4ame. 9 deliver not the so%l o! thy t%rtle-dove %nto the m%ltit%de o! the enemiesF and !or et not the con re ation o! the poor !or ever. 6oo< %pon the covenantF !or all the earth is !%ll o! dar<- ness and cr%el habitations. 9 let not the simple o away ashamedF b%t let the poor and needy ive praise %nto thy 4ame. 5= @rise+ 9 5od+ maintain thine own ca%seF remember how the !oolish man blasphemeth thee daily. Aor et not the voice o! thine enemiesF the pres%mption o! them that hate thee in- creaseth ever more and more. ?5 Confite$imur ti$i :nto thee+ 9 5od+ do we ive than<sF yea+ %nto thee do we ive than<s. Thy 4ame also is so ni hF and that do thy won- dro%s wor<s declare. &hen * receive the con re ation+ * shall C%d e accordin %nto ri ht. The earth is wea<+ and all the inhabiters thereo!F * bear %p the pillars o! it. * said %nto the !ools+ 7eal not so madlyF and to the %n odly+ (et not %p yo%r horn. (et not %p yo%r horn on hi h+ and spea< not with a sti!! nec<. Aor promotion cometh neither !rom the east+ nor !rom the west+ nor yet !rom the so%th. @nd whyP 5od is the H%d eF he p%tteth down one+ and setteth %p another. Aor in the hand o! the 6ord there is a c%p+ and the wine is redF it is !%ll miBed+ and he po%reth o%t o! the same. @s !or the dre s thereo!+ all the %n odly o! the earth shall drin< them+ and s%c< them o%t.I%t * will tal< o! the 5od o! Hacob+ and praise him !or ever. @ll the horns o! the %n odly also will * brea<+ and the horns o! the ri hteo%s shall be eBalted. ?6 9otus in 7udaea *n Hewry is 5od <nownF his 4ame is reat in *srael. @t (a- lem is his tabernacle+ and his dwellin in (ion. There bro<e he the arrows o! the bow+ the shield+ the sword+ and the bat- tle. Tho% art o! more hono%r and mi ht than the hills o! the robbers. The pro%d are robbedF they have slept their sleep+ and all the men whose hands were mi hty have !o%nd noth- in . @t thy reb%<e+ 9 5od o! Hacob+ both the chariot and horse are !allen.

Tho%+ even tho% art to be !earedF and who may stand in thy si ht when tho% art an ryP Tho% didst ca%se thy C%d e- ment to be heard !rom heavenF the earth trembled+ and was still+ when 5od arose to C%d ement+ and to help all the mee< %pon earth. The !ierceness o! man shall t%rn to thy praiseF and the !ierceness o! them shalt tho% re!rain. Promise %nto the 6ord yo%r 5od+ and <eep it+ all ye that are ro%nd abo%t himF brin presents %nto him that o% ht to be !eared. Ke shall re!rain the spirit o! princes+ and is wonder!%l amon the <in s o! the earth. 55 ?? )o"e mea ad 3ominum * will cry %nto 5od with my voiceF even %nto 5od will * cry with my voice+ and he shall hear<en %nto me. *n the time o! my tro%ble * so% ht the 6ordF my sore ran+ and ceased not in the ni htseasonF my so%l re!%sed com!ort. &hen * am in heaviness+ * will thin< %pon 5odF when my heart is veBed+ * will complain. Tho% holdest mine eyes wa<- in F * am so !eeble that * cannot spea<. * have considered the days o! old+ and the years that are past. * call to remembrance my son + and in the ni ht * comm%ne with mine own heart+ and search o%t my spirits. &ill the 6ord absent himsel! !or everP and will he be no more intreatedP *s his mercy clean one !or everP and is his promise come %tterly to an end !or evermoreP Kath 5od !or otten to be racio%sP and will he sh%t %p his lovin -<ind- ness in displeas%reP @nd * said+ *t is mine own in!irmityF b%t * will remember the years o! the ri ht hand o! the "ost Ki hest. * will remember the wor<s o! the 6ord+ and call to mind thy wonders o! old time. * will thin< also o! all thy wor<s+ and my tal<in shall be o! thy doin s. Thy way+ 9 5od+ is holyF who is so reat a 5od as o%r 5odP Tho% art the 5od that doest wonders+ and hast declared thy power amon the peo- ple. Tho% hast mi htily delivered thy people+ even the sons o! Hacob and Hoseph. The waters saw thee+ 9 5od+ the waters saw thee+ and were a!raidF the depths also were tro%bled. The clo%ds po%red o%t water+ the air th%ndered+ and thine arrows went abroad. The voice o! thy th%nder was heard ro%nd abo%tF the li htnin s shone %pon the ro%nd. The earth was moved+ and shoo< withal. Thy way is in the sea+ and thy paths in the reat waters+ and thy !ootsteps are not <nown. Tho% leddest thy people li<e sheep+ by the hand o! "oses and @aron. ?> ttendite' popule Kear my law+ 9 my peopleF incline yo%r ears %nto the words o! my mo%th. * will open my mo%th in a parableF * will declare hard sentences o! old .which we have heard and <nown+ and s%ch as

o%r !athers have told %s0+ that we sho%ld not hide them !rom the children o! the enerations to come b%t to show the hono%r o! the 6ord+ his mi hty and wonder- !%l wor<s that he hath done. Ke made a covenant with Hacob+ and ave *srael a law+ which he commanded o%r !ore!athers to teach their chil- dren+ that their posterity mi ht <now it+ and the children which were yet %nborn+ to the intent that when they came 56 %p+ they mi ht show their children the same+ that they mi ht p%t their tr%st in 5od+ and not to !or et the wor<s o! 5od+ b%t to <eep his commandments-and not to be as their !ore- !athers+ a !aithless and st%bborn eneration .a eneration that set not their heart ari ht+ and whose spirit cleaveth not stead!astly %nto 5od0+ li<e as the children o! 3phraim+ who bein harnessed+ and carryin bows+ t%rned themselves bac< in the day o! battle. They <ept not the covenant o! 5od+ and wo%ld not wal< in his law+ b%t !or ot what he had done+ and the wonder!%l wor<s that he had showed !or them. "arvello%s thin s did he in the si ht o! o%r !ore!athers+ in the land o! 3 ypt+ even in the !ield o! Soan. Ke divided the sea+ and let them o thro% hF he made the waters to stand on an heap. *n the day- time also he led them with a clo%d+ and all the ni ht thro% h with a li ht o! !ire. Ke clove the hard roc<s in the wilderness+ and ave them drin< thereo!+ as it had been o%t o! the reat depth. Ke bro% ht waters o%t o! the stony roc<+ so that it %shed o%t li<e the rivers. ;et !or all this they sinned more a ainst him+ and provo<ed the "ost Ki hest in the wilderness. They tempted 5od in their hearts+ and re,%ired meat !or their l%st. They spo<e a ainst 5od also+ sayin + (hall 5od prepare a table in the wildernessP Ke smote the stony roc< indeed+ that the water %shed o%t+ and the streams !lowed withalF b%t can he ive bread also+ or provide !lesh !or his peopleP &hen the 6ord heard this+ he was wrothF so the !ire was <indled in Hacob+ and there came %p heavy displeas%re a ainst *srael+ beca%se they believed not in 5od+ and p%t not their tr%st in his help. (o he commanded the clo%ds above+ and opened the doors o! heaven. Ke rained down manna also %pon them !or to eat+ and ave them !ood !rom heaven. (o man did eat an els$ !oodF !or he sent them meat eno% h. Ke ca%sed the east wind to blow %nder heavenF and thro% h his power he bro% ht in the so%th-west wind. Ke rained down manna %pon them as thic< as d%st+ and !eathered !owls li<e as the sand o! the sea. Ke let it !all amon their tents+ even ro%nd abo%t their habitation. (o they did eat+ and were well !illed+ !or he ave them their own desireF they were not dis- appointed o! their l%st. I%t while the meat was yet in their mo%ths+ the heavy wrath o! 5od came %pon them+ and slew the wealthiest o! them+ yea+ and smote down the chosen men that were in *srael. I%t !or all this they sinned yet more+ and believed not his wondro%s wor<s. There!ore their days did he cons%me in vanity+ and their years in tro%ble. &hen he slew them+ they so% ht him+ and t%rned them early+ and in,%ired a!ter 5od. @nd they remembered that 5od was their stren th+ and that the hi h 5od was their redeemer. 4evertheless+ they did b%t !latter him with their mo%th+ and dissembled with him in their ton %e. Aor their heart was not whole with him+ neither contin%ed they stead!ast in his covenant. I%t he

was so merci!%l+ that he !or ave their mis- deeds+ and destroyed them not. ;ea+ many a time t%rned he 5? his wrath away+ and wo%ld not s%!!er his whole displeas%re to arise. Aor he considered that they were b%t !lesh+ and that they were even a wind that passeth away+ and cometh not a ain. "any a time did they provo<e him in the wilderness+ and rieved him in the desert. They t%rned bac<+ and tempted 5od+ and moved the Koly 9ne in *srael. They tho% ht not o! his hand+ and o! the day when he delivered them !rom the hand o! the enemy+ how he had wro% ht his miracles in 3 ypt+ and his wonders in the !ield o! Soan. Ke t%rned their waters into blood+ so that they mi ht not drin< o! the rivers. Ke sent lice amon them+ and devo%red them %p+ and !ro s to destroy them. Ke ave their !r%it %nto the caterpillar+ and their labo%r %nto the rasshopper. Ke destroyed their vines with hail-stones+ and their m%lberry-trees with the !rost. Ke smote their cattle also with hail-stones+ and their !loc<s with hot th%nderbolts. Ke cast %pon them the !%rio%sness o! his wrath+ an er+ displeas%re+ and tro%ble+ and sent evil an els amon them. Ke made a way to his indi nation+ and spared not their so%l !rom death+ b%t ave their li!e over to the pestilence+ and smote all the !irst-born in 3 ypt+ the most principal and mi htiest in the dwellin s o! Kam. I%t as !or his own people+ he led them !orth li<e sheep+ and carried them in the wilder- ness li<e a !loc<. Ke bro% ht them o%t sa!ely+ that they sho%ld not !ear+ and overwhelmed their enemies with the sea+ and bro% ht them within the borders o! his sanct%ary+ even to this mo%ntain+ which he p%rchased with his ri ht hand. Ke cast o%t the heathen also be!ore them+ ca%sed their land to be divided amon them !or an herita e+ and made the tribes o! *srael to dwell in their tents. ;et they tempted and displeased the "ost Ki h 5od+ and <ept not his testimonies+ b%t t%rned their bac<s+ and !ell away li<e their !ore!athers+ startin aside li<e a bro<en bow. Aor they rieved him with their hill-altars+ and provo<ed him to displeas%re with their ima es. &hen 5od heard this+ he was wroth+ and too< sore displeas%re at *srael+ so that he !orsoo< the tabernacle in (hiloh+ even the tent that he had pitched amon men. Ke delivered their power into captivity+ and their bea%ty into the enemy$s hand. Ke ave his people over also %nto the sword+ and was wroth with his inheritance. The !ire cons%med their yo%n men+ and their maidens were not iven in marria e. Their priests were slain with the sword+ and there were no widows to ma<e lamentation. (o the 6ord awa<ed as one o%t o! sleep+ and li<e a iant re- !reshed with wine. Ke smote his enemies in the hinder parts+ and p%t them to a perpet%al shame. Ke re!%sed the taberna- cle o! Hoseph+ and chose not the tribe o! 3phraim+ b%t chose the tribe o! H%dah+ even the hill o! (ion which he loved. @nd there he b%ilt his temple on hi h+ and laid the !o%ndation o! it li<e the ro%nd which he hath made contin%ally. Ke chose 7avid also his servant+ and too< him away !rom the sheep- !olds. @s he was !ollowin the ewes with their yo%n + he too< 5> him+ that he mi ht !eed Hacob his people+ and *srael his in- heritance.

(o he !ed them with a !aith!%l and tr%e heart+ and r%led them pr%dently with all his power. ?9 3eus' !enerunt 9 5od+ the heathen are come into thine inheritanceF thy holy temple have they de!iled+ and made Her%salem an heap o! stones. The dead bodies o! thy servants have they iven to be meat %nto the !owls o! the air+ and the !lesh o! thy saints %nto the beasts o! the land. Their blood have they shed li<e water on every side o! Her%salem+ and there was no man to b%ry them. &e are become an open shame to o%r enemies+ a very scorn and derision %nto them that are ro%nd abo%t %s. 6ord+ how lon wilt tho% be an ryP (hall thy Cealo%sy b%rn li<e !ire !or everP Po%r o%t thine indi nation %pon the hea- then that have not <nown thee+ and %pon the <in doms that have not called %pon thy 4ame. Aor they have devo%red Ha- cob+ and laid waste his dwellin -place. 9 remember not o%r old sins+ b%t have mercy %pon %s+ and that soonF !or we are come to reat misery. Kelp %s+ 9 5od o! o%r salvation+ !or the lory o! thy 4ameF 9 deliver %s+ and be merci!%l %nto o%r sins+ !or thy 4ame$s sa<e. &here!ore do the heathen say+ &here is now their 5odP 9 let the ven- eance o! thy servants$ blood that is shed be openly showed %pon the heathen in o%r si ht. 9 let the sorrow!%l si hin o! the prisoners come be!ore theeF accordin to the reatness o! thy power+ preserve tho% those that are appointed to die. @nd !or the blasphemy wherewith o%r nei hbo%rs have blasphemed thee+ reward tho% them+ 9 6ord+ seven-!old into their bosom. (o we+ that are thy people+ and sheep o! thy past%re+ shall ive thee than<s !or ever+ and will always be showin !orth thy praise !rom eneration to eneration. >0 1ui regis 5srael Kear+ 9 tho% shepherd o! *srael+ tho% that leadest Hoseph li<e a !loc<F show thysel! also+ tho% that sittest %pon the cher- %bim. Ie!ore 3phraim+ IenCamin+ and "anasseh+ stir %p thy stren th+ and come and help %s. T%rn %s a ain+ 9 5odF show the li ht o! thy co%ntenance+ and we shall be whole. 9 6ord 5od o! hosts+ how lon wilt tho% be an ry with thy people that prayethP Tho% !eedest them with the bread o! tears+ and ivest them plenteo%sness o! tears to drin<. 59 Tho% hast made %s a very stri!e %nto o%r nei hbo%rs+ and o%r enemies la% h %s to scorn. T%rn %s a ain+ tho% 5od o! hostsF show the li ht o! thy co%ntenance+ and we shall be whole. Tho% hast bro% ht a vine o%t o! 3 yptF tho% hast cast o%t the heathen+ and planted it. Tho% madest room !or itF and when it had ta<en root+ it !illed the land. The hills were covered with the

shadow o! itF and the bo% hs thereo! were li<e the oodly ce- dar-trees. (he stretched o%t her branches %nto the sea+ and her bo% hs %nto the river. &hy hast tho% then bro<en down her hed e+ that all they that o by pl%c< o!! her rapesP The wild boar o%t o! the wood doth root it %p+ and the wild beasts o! the !ield devo%r it. T%rn thee a ain+ tho% 5od o! hosts+ loo< down !rom heaven+ behold+ and visit this vine+ and the place o! the vine- yard that thy ri ht hand hath planted+ and the branch that tho% madest so stron !or thysel!. *t is b%rnt with !ire+ and c%t downF and they shall perish at the reb%<e o! thy co%ntenance. 6et thy hand be %pon the man o! thy ri ht hand+ and %pon the son o! man+ whom tho% madest so stron !or thine own sel!. @nd so will not we o bac< !rom theeF 9 let %s live+ and we shall call %pon thy 4ame. T%rn %s a ain+ 9 6ord 5od o! hostsF show the li ht o! thy co%ntenance+ and we shall be whole. >' E6ultate 3eo (in we merrily %nto 5od o%r stren thF ma<e a cheer!%l noise %nto the 5od o! Hacob. Ta<e the psalm+ brin hither the tabret+ the merry harp with the l%te. Ilow %p the tr%mpet in the new moon+ even in the time appointed+ and %pon o%r sol- emn !east-day. Aor this was made a stat%te !or *srael+ and a law o! the 5od o! Hacob. This he ordained in Hoseph !or a tes- timony+ when he came o%t o! the land o! 3 ypt+ and had heard a stran e lan %a e. * eased his sho%lder !rom the b%r- den+ and his hands were delivered !rom ma<in the pots. Tho% calledst %pon me in tro%bles+ and * delivered thee+ and heard thee what time as the storm !ell %pon thee. * proved thee also at the waters o! stri!e. Kear+ 9 my peopleF and * will ass%re thee+ 9 *srael+ i! tho% wilt hear<en %nto me. There shall no stran e od be in thee+ neither shalt tho% worship any other od. * am the 6ord thy 5od+ who bro% ht thee o%t o! the land o! 3 yptF open thy mo%th wide+ and * shall !ill it. I%t my people wo%ld not hear my voiceF and *srael wo%ld not obey me. (o * ave them %p %nto their own hearts$ l%sts+ and let them !ollow their own ima inations. 9 that my peo- ple wo%ld have hear<ened %nto meQ Aor i! *srael had wal<ed in my ways+ * sho%ld soon have p%t down their enemies+ and t%rned my hand a ainst their adversaries. The haters o! the 6ord sho%ld have been !o%nd liarsF b%t their time sho%ld 60 have end%red !or ever. Ke sho%ld have !ed them also with the !inest wheat-!lo%rF and with honey o%t o! the stony roc< sho%ld * have satis!ied thee. >) 3eus stetit

5od standeth in the con re ation o! princesF he is a H%d e amon ods. Kow lon will ye ive wron C%d ement+ and accept the persons o! the %n odlyP 7e!end the poor and !atherlessF see that s%ch as are in need and necessity have ri ht. 7eliver the o%tcast and poorF save them !rom the hand o! the %n odly. They will not be learned nor %nderstand+ b%t wal< on still in dar<nessF all the !o%ndations o! the earth are o%t o! co%rse. * have said+ ;e are ods+ and ye are all the children o! the "ost Ki hest. I%t ye shall die li<e men+ and !all li<e one o! the princes. @rise+ 9 5od+ and C%d e tho% the earthF !or tho% shalt ta<e all heathen to thine inheritance. >J 3eus' 0uis similis2 Kold not thy ton %e+ 9 5od+ <eep not still silenceF re!rain not thysel!+ 9 5od. Aor lo+ thine enemies ma<e a m%rm%r- in F and they that hate thee have li!t %p their head. They have ima ined cra!tily a ainst thy people+ and ta<en co%nsel a ainst thy secret ones. They have said+ #ome+ and let %s root them o%t+ that they be no more a people+ and that the name o! *srael may be no more in remembrance. Aor they have cast their heads to ether with one consent+ and are con- !ederate a ainst thee-the tabernacles o! the 3domites+ and the *shmaelites+ the "oabites+ and Ka arenes+ 5ebal+ and @mmon+ and @male<+ the Philistines+ with them that dwell at Tyre. @ssyria also is Coined with them and have holpen the children o! 6ot. I%t do tho% to them as %nto the "idianites+ %nto (isera+ and %nto Habin at the broo< o! Lishon+ who perished at 3n- dor+ and became as the d%n o! the earth. "a<e them and their princes li<e 9reb and SeebF yea+ ma<e all their princes li<e as Sebah and Salm%nna+ who say+ 6et %s ta<e to o%r- selves the ho%ses o! 5od in possession. 9 my 5od+ ma<e them li<e %nto a wheel+ and as the st%b- ble be!ore the wind+ li<e as the !ire that b%rneth %p the !orest+ and as the !lame that cons%meth the mo%ntains. Persec%te them even so with thy tempest+ and ma<e them a!raid with thy storm. "a<e their !aces ashamed+ 9 6ord+ that they may see< thy 4ame. 6et them be con!o%nded and veBed ever more and moreF let them be p%t to shame+ and perish. 6' @nd they shall <now that tho%+ whose 4ame is Hehovah+ art only the "ost Ki hest over all the earth. >= 1uam dile"ta; 9 how amiable are thy dwellin s+ tho% 6ord o! hostsQ "y so%l hath a desire and lon in to enter into the co%rts o! the 6ordF my heart and my !lesh reCoice in the livin 5od. ;ea+ the sparrow hath !o%nd her an ho%se+ and the swallow a nest+ where she may lay her yo%n +

even thy altars+ 9 6ord o! hosts+ my Lin and my 5od. Ilessed are they that dwell in thy ho%seF they will be al- ways praisin thee. Ilessed is the man whose stren th is in thee+ in whose heart are thy ways+ who oin thro% h the vale o! misery %se it !or a wellF and the pools are !illed with water. They will o !rom stren th to stren th+ and %nto the 5od o! ods appeareth every one o! them in (ion. 9 6ord 5od o! hosts+ hear my prayerF hear<en+ 9 5od o! Hacob. Iehold+ 9 5od o%r de!ender+ and loo< %pon the !ace o! thine @nointed. Aor one day in thy co%rts is better than a tho%sand. * had rather be a door-<eeper in the ho%se o! my 5od+ than to dwell in the tents o! %n odliness. Aor the 6ord 5od is a li ht and de!enceF the 6ord will ive race and worship+ and no ood thin shall he withhold !rom them that live a odly li!e. 9 6ord 5od o! hosts+ blessed is the man that p%tteth his tr%st in thee. >5 Benedi6isti' 3omine 6ord+ tho% art become racio%s %nto thy landF tho% hast t%rned away the captivity o! Hacob. Tho% hast !or iven the o!!ence o! thy people+ and covered all their sins. Tho% hast ta<en away all thy displeas%re+ and t%rned thysel! !rom thy wrath!%l indi nation. T%rn %s then+ 9 5od o%r (avio%r+ and let thine an er cease !rom %s. &ilt tho% be displeased at %s !or everP and wilt tho% stretch o%t thy wrath !rom one eneration to anotherP &ilt tho% not t%rn a ain+ and ,%ic<en %s+ that thy people may re- Coice in theeP (how %s thy mercy+ 9 6ord+ and rant %s thy salvation. * will hear<en what the 6ord 5od will say concernin meF !or he shall spea< peace %nto his people+ and to his saints+ that they t%rn not a ain. Aor his salvation is ni h them that !ear him+ that lory may dwell in o%r land. "ercy and tr%th are met to etherF ri hteo%sness and peace have <issed each other. Tr%th shall !lo%rish o%t o! the earthF and ri hteo%s- ness hath loo<ed down !rom heaven. 6) ;ea+ the 6ord shall show lovin -<indnessF and o%r land shall ive her increase. 8i hteo%sness shall o be!ore him+ and shall direct his oin in the way. >6 5n"lina' 3omine Iow down thine ear+ 9 6ord+ and hear meF !or * am poor+ and in misery. Preserve tho% my so%l+ !or * am holyF my 5od+ save thy servant that p%tteth his tr%st in thee. Ie merci!%l %nto me+ 9 6ordF !or * will call daily %pon thee. #om!ort the so%l o! thy servantF !or %nto thee+ 9 6ord+ do * li!t %p my so%l. Aor tho%+ 6ord+ art ood and racio%s+ and o! reat mercy %nto all them that call %pon thee. 5ive ear+ 6ord+ %nto my prayer+ and ponder the voice o! my h%mble desires. *n the

time o! my tro%ble * will call %pon theeF !or tho% hearest me. @mon the ods there is none li<e %nto thee+ 9 6ordF there is not one that can do as tho% doest. @ll nations whom tho% hast made shall come and worship thee+ 9 6ord+ and shall lori!y thy 4ame. Aor tho% art reat+ and doest won- dro%s thin sF tho% art 5od alone. Teach me thy way+ 9 6ord+ and * will wal< in thy tr%thF 9 <nit my heart %nto thee+ that * may !ear thy 4ame. * will than< thee+ 9 6ord my 5od+ with all my heart+ and will praise thy 4ame !or evermore. Aor reat is thy mercy toward meF and tho% hast delivered my so%l !rom the nethermost hell. 9 5od+ the pro%d are risen a ainst meF and the con re a- tions o! na% hty men have so% ht a!ter my so%l+ and have not set thee be!ore their eyes. I%t tho%+ 9 6ord 5od+ art !%ll o! compassion and mercy+ lon -s%!!erin + plenteo%s in ood- ness and tr%th. 9 t%rn thee then %nto me+ and have mercy %pon meF ive thy stren th %nto thy servant+ and help the son o! thine handmaid. (how some to<en %pon me !or ood+ that they who hate me may see it and be ashamed+ beca%se tho%+ 6ord+ hast hol- pen me and com!orted me. >? <undamenta e8us Ker !o%ndations are %pon the holy hillsF the 6ord loveth the ates o! (ion more than all the dwellin s o! Hacob. Nery eBcellent thin s are spo<en o! thee+ tho% city o! 5od. * will thin< %pon 8ahab and Iabylon+ with them that <now me. Iehold ye the Philistines also+ and they o! Tyre+ with they o! the 3thiopiansF lo+ there was he born. @nd o! (ion it shall be reported+ that he was born in herF and the "ost Ki h shall stablish her. The 6ord shall rehearse it+ when he writeth %p the people+ that he was born there. 6J The sin ers also and tr%mpeters shall he rehearse. @ll my !resh sprin s shall be in thee. >> 3omine 3eus 9 6ord 5od o! my salvation+ * have cried day and ni ht be- !ore theeF 9 let my prayer enter into thy presence. *ncline thine ear %nto my callin . Aor my so%l is !%ll o! tro%ble+ and my li!e draweth ni h %nto hell. * am co%nted as one o! them that o down into the pit+ and * have been even as a man that hath no stren th+ !ree amon the dead+ li<e %nto them that are wo%nded+ and lie in the rave+ who are o%t o! remembrance+ and are c%t away !rom thy hand. Tho% hast laid me in the lowest pit+ in a place o! dar<ness+ and in the deep. Thine indi nation lieth hard %pon me+ and tho% hast veBed me with all thy storms. Tho% hast p%t away mine ac,%aintance !ar !rom me+ and made me to be abhorred o! them. * am so !ast in prison that * cannot et !orth. "y si ht !ai- leth !or very tro%bleF 6ord+ * have

called daily %pon thee+ * have stretched !orth my hands %nto thee. 7ost tho% show wonders amon the deadP or shall the dead rise %p a ain+ and praise theeP (hall thy lovin -<indness be showed in the raveP or thy !aith!%lness in destr%ctionP (hall thy wondro%s wor<s be <nown in the dar<P and thy ri hteo%sness in the land where all thin s are !or ottenP :nto thee have * cried+ 9 6ord+ and early shall my prayer come be!ore thee. 6ord+ why abhorrest tho% my so%l+ and hidest tho% thy !ace !rom meP * am in misery+ and li<e %nto him that is at the point to dieF even !rom my yo%th %p+ thy terrors have * s%!!ered with a tro%bled mind. Thy wrath!%l displeas%re oeth over me+ and the !ear o! thee hath %ndone me. They came ro%nd abo%t me daily li<e water+ and com- passed me to ether on every side. "y lovers and !riends hast tho% p%t away !rom me+ and hid mine ac,%aintance o%t o! my si ht. >9 :iseri"ordias 3omini "y son shall be always o! the lovin -<indness o! the 6ordF with my mo%th will * ever be showin thy tr%th !rom one eneration to another. Aor * have said+ "ercy shall be set %p !or everF thy tr%th shalt tho% stablish in the heavens. * have made a covenant with my chosenF * have sworn %nto 7avid my servant+ Thy seed will * stablish !or ever+ and set %p thy throne !rom one eneration to another. 9 6ord+ the very heavens shall praise thy wondro%s wor<s+ and thy tr%th in the con re ation o! the saints. Aor who is he amon the clo%ds+ 6= that shall be compared %nto the 6ordP @nd what is he amon the ods+ that shall be li<e %nto the 6ordP 5od is very reatly to be !eared in the co%ncil o! the saints+ and to be had in reverence o! all them that are ro%nd abo%t him. 9 6ord 5od o! hosts+ who is li<e %nto theeP Thy tr%th+ most mi hty 6ord+ is on every side. Tho% r%lest the ra in o! the seaF tho% stillest the waves thereo! when they arise. Tho% hast s%bd%ed 3 ypt+ and destroyed itF tho% hast scattered thine enemies abroad with thy mi hty arm. The heavens are thine. The earth also is thineF tho% hast laid the !o%ndation o! the ro%nd world+ and all that therein is. Tho% hast made the north and the so%thF Tabor and Kermon shall reCoice in thy 4ame. Tho% hast a mi hty armF stron is thy hand+ and hi h is thy ri ht hand. 8i hteo%sness and e,%ity are the habitation o! thy seatF mercy and tr%th shall o be!ore thy !ace. Ilessed is the peo- ple+ 9 6ord+ that can reCoice in theeF they shall wal< in the li ht o! thy co%ntenance. Their deli ht shall be daily in thy 4ameF and in thy ri hteo%sness shall they ma<e their boast. Aor tho% art the lory o! their stren th+ and in thy lovin - <indness tho% shalt li!t %p o%r horns. Aor the 6ord is o%r de- !enceF the Koly 9ne o! *srael is o%r Lin . Tho% spa<est sometimes in visions %nto thy saints+ and saidst+ * have laid help %pon one that is mi htyF * have eBalted one chosen o%t o! the people. * have !o%nd 7avid my servantF with my holy oil have * anointed him. "y hand shall hold him !ast+ and my arm shall stren then him. The

enemy shall not be able to do him violenceF the son o! wic<edness shall not h%rt him. * will smite down his !oes be!ore his !ace+ and pla %e them that hate him. "y tr%th also and my mercy shall be with himF and in my 4ame shall his horn be eBalted. * will set his dominion also in the sea+ and his ri ht hand in the !loods. Ke shall call me+ Tho% art my Aather+ my 5od+ and my stron salvation. @nd * will ma<e him my !irst-born+ hi her than the <in s o! the earth. "y mercy will * <eep !or him !or evermore+ and my covenant shall stand !ast with him. Kis seed also will * ma<e to end%re !or ever+ and his throne as the days o! heaven. I%t i! his children !orsa<e my law+ and wal< not in my C%d e- ments+ i! they brea< my stat%tes+ and <eep not my command- ments+ * will visit their o!!ences with the rod+ and their sin with sco%r es. 4evertheless+ my lovin -<indness will * not %tterly ta<e !rom him+ nor s%!!er my tr%th to !ail. "y covenant will * not brea<+ nor alter the thin that is one o%t o! my lipsF * have sworn once by my holiness that * will not !ail 7avid. Kis seed shall end%re !or ever+ and his throne is li<e as the s%n be!ore me. Ke shall stand !ast !or evermore as the moon+ and as the !aith!%l witness in heaven. I%t tho% hast abhorred and !orsa<en thine @nointed+ and art displeased at him. Tho% hast bro<en the covenant o! thy servant+ and cast his crown to the ro%nd. Tho% hast over- thrown all his hed es+ and bro<en down his stron holds. @ll they that o by spoil him+ and he is become a reproach to his 65 nei hbo%rs. Tho% hast set %p the ri ht hand o! his enemies+ and made all his adversaries to reCoice. Tho% hast ta<en away the ed e o! his sword+ and ivest him not victory in the battle. Tho% hast p%t o%t his lory+ and cast his throne down to the ro%nd. The days o! his yo%th hast tho% shortened+ and cov- ered him with dishono%r. 6ord+ how lon wilt tho% hide thysel!P !or everP and shall thy wrath b%rn li<e !ireP 9 remember how short my time isF where!ore hast tho% made all men !or no% htP &hat man is he that liveth+ and shall not see deathP and shall he deliver his so%l !rom the hand o! hellP 6ord+ where are thy old lovin - <indnesses+ which tho% sworest %nto 7avid in thy tr%thP 8emember+ 6ord+ the reb%<e that thy servants have+ and how * do bear in my bosom the reb%<es o! many people+ wherewith thine enemies have blasphemed thee+ and slan- dered the !ootsteps o! thine @nointed. Praised be the 6ord !or evermore. @men+ and @men. 90 3omine' refugium 6ord+ tho% hast been o%r re!% e+ !rom one eneration to another. Ie!ore the mo%ntains were bro% ht !orth+ or ever the earth and the world were made+ tho% art 5od !rom ever- lastin + and world witho%t end. Tho% t%rnest man to de- str%ctionF a ain tho% sayest+ #ome a ain+ ye children o! men.

Aor a tho%sand years in thy si ht are b%t as yesterday+ see- in that is passed as a watch in the ni ht. @s soon as tho% scat- terest them+ they are even as a sleep+ and !ade away s%ddenly li<e the rass. *n the mornin it is reen+ and roweth %pF b%t in the evenin it is c%t down+ dried %p+ and withered. Aor we cons%me away in thy displeas%re+ and are a!raid at thy wrath!%l indi nation. Tho% hast set o%r misdeeds be!ore thee+ and o%r secret sins in the li ht o! thy co%ntenance. Aor when tho% art an ry+ all o%r days are oneF we brin o%r years to an end+ as it were a tale that is told. The days o! o%r a e are threescore years and tenF and tho% h men be so stron that they come to !o%rscore years+ yet is their stren th then b%t labo%r and sorrowF so soon passeth it away+ and we are one. I%t who re ardeth the power o! thy wrathP Aor even therea!ter as a man !eareth+ so is thy displeas%re. 9 teach %s to n%mber o%r days+ that we may apply o%r hearts %nto wis- dom. T%rn thee a ain+ 9 6ord+ at the last+ and be racio%s %nto thy servants. 9 satis!y %s with thy mercy+ and that soonF so shall we reCoice and be lad all the days o! o%r li!e. #om!ort %s a ain now a!ter the time that tho% hast pla %ed %s+ and !or the years wherein we have s%!!ered adversity. (how thy ser- vants thy wor<+ and their children thy lory. @nd the lorio%s "aCesty o! the 6ord o%r 5od be %pon %s. Prosper tho% the wor< o! o%r hands %pon %sF 9 prosper tho% o%r handiwor<. 66 9' 1ui ha$itat &hoso dwelleth %nder the de!ence o! the "ost Ki h+ shall abide %nder the shadow o! the @lmi hty. * will say %nto the 6ord+ Tho% art my hope+ and my stron hold+ my 5odF in him will * tr%st. Aor he shall deliver thee !rom the snare o! the h%nter+ and !rom the noisome pestilence. Ke shall de- !end thee %nder his win s+ and tho% shalt be sa!e %nder his !eathersF his !aith!%lness and tr%th shall be thy shield and b%c<ler. Tho% shalt not be a!raid !or any terror by ni ht+ nor !or the arrow that !lieth by dayF !or the pestilence that wal<eth in dar<ness+ nor !or the sic<ness that destroyeth in the noonday. @ tho%sand shall !all beside thee+ and ten tho%sand at thy ri ht handF b%t it shall not come ni h thee. ;ea+ with thine eyes shalt tho% behold+ and see the reward o! the %n odly. Aor tho%+ 6ord+ art my hopeF tho% hast set thine ho%se o! de- !ence very hi h. There shall no evil happen %nto thee+ nei- ther shall any pla %e come ni h thy dwellin . Aor he shall ive his an els char e over thee+ to <eep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee in their hands+ that tho% h%rt not thy !oot a ainst a stone. Tho% shalt o %pon the lion and adderF the yo%n lion and the dra on shalt tho% tread %nder thy !eet. Ieca%se he hath set his love %pon me+ there!ore will * de- liver himF * will set him %p+ beca%se he hath <nown my 4ame. Ke shall call %pon me+ and * will hear him. ;ea+ * am with him in tro%bleF * will deliver him+ and brin him to ho- no%r. &ith lon li!e will * satis!y him+ and show him my

sal- vation. 9) Bonum est "onfiteri *t is a ood thin to ive than<s %nto the 6ord+ and to sin praises %nto thy 4ame+ 9 "ost Ki hest+ to tell o! thy lov- in -<indness early in the mornin + and o! thy tr%th in the ni ht-season+ %pon an instr%ment o! ten strin s+ and %pon the l%te+ %pon a lo%d instr%ment+ and %pon the harp. Aor tho%+ 6ord+ hast made me lad thro% h thy wor<sF and * will reCoice in ivin praise !or the operations o! thy hands. 9 6ord+ how lorio%s are thy wor<s. Thy tho% hts are very deep. @n %nwise man doth not well consider this+ and a !ool doth not %nderstand it. &hen the %n odly are reen as the rass+ and when all the wor<ers o! wic<edness do !lo%rish+ then shall they be destroyed !or everF b%t tho%+ 6ord+ art the "ost Ki hest !or evermore. Aor lo+ thine enemies+ 9 6ord+ lo+ thine enemies shall perishF and all the wor<ers o! wic<ed- ness shall be destroyed. 6? I%t my horn shall be eBalted li<e the horn o! an %nicornF !or * am anointed with !resh oil. "ine eye also shall see his l%st o! mine enemies+ and mine ear shall hear his desire o! the wic<ed that arise %p a ainst me. The ri hteo%s shall !lo%rish li<e a palm-tree+ and shall spread abroad li<e a cedar in 6ebanon. (%ch as are planted in the ho%se o! the 6ord shall !lo%rish in the co%rts o! the ho%se o! o%r 5od. They also shall brin !orth more !r%it in their a e+ and shall be !at and well-li<in + that they may show how tr%e the 6ord my stren th is+ and that there is no %nri h- teo%sness in him. 9J 3ominus regna!it The 6ord is <in + and hath p%t on lorio%s apparelF the 6ord hath p%t on his apparel+ and irded himsel! with stren th. Ke hath made the ro%nd world so s%re that it can- not be moved. 3ver since the world be an hath thy seat been preparedF tho% art !rom everlastin . The !loods are risen+ 9 6ord. The !loods have li!t %p their voiceF the !loods li!t %p their waves. The waves o! the sea are mi hty+ and ra e horriblyF b%t yet the 6ord+ who dwelleth on hi h+ is mi htier. Thy testimonies+ 9 6ord+ are very s%reF holiness becometh thine ho%se !or ever. 9= 3eus ultionum 9 6ord 5od+ to whom ven eance belon eth+ tho% 5od+ to whom ven eance belon eth+ show thysel!. @rise+ tho% H%d e o! the world+ and reward the pro%d a!ter their deservin . 6ord+ how lon shall the %n odly+ how lon shall the %n- odly tri%mphP Kow lon shall all wic<ed doers spea< so dis- dain!%lly+ and ma<e s%ch pro%d boastin P They smite down thy

people+ 9 6ord+ and tro%ble thine herita e. They m%r- der the widow and the stran er+ and p%t the !atherless to death. @nd yet they say+ T%sh+ the 6ord shall not see+ neither shall the 5od o! Hacob re ard it. Ta<e heed+ ye %nwise amon the peopleF 9 ye !ools+ when will ye %nderstandP Ke that planted the ear+ shall he not hearP or he that made the eye+ shall he not seeP 9r he that in- str%cteth the heathen+ it is he that teacheth man <nowled eF shall not he p%nishP The 6ord <noweth the tho% hts o! man+ that they are b%t vain. Ilessed is the man whom tho% chastenest+ 9 6ord+ and teachest him in thy law+ that tho% mayest ive him patience in time o! adversity+ %ntil the pit be d% %p !or the %n odly. Aor the 6ord will not !ail his peopleF neither will he !orsa<e his inheritance. @nd whyP C%d ement shall ret%rn a ain %nto 6> ri hteo%sness+ and all s%ch as are tr%e in heart shall !ollow it. &ho will rise %p with me a ainst the wic<edP or who will ta<e my part a ainst the evil doersP *! the 6ord had not helped me+ it had not !ailed+ b%t my so%l had been p%t to si- lence. I%t when * said+ "y !oot hath slipped+ thy mercy+ 9 6ord+ held me %p. *n the m%ltit%de o! the sorrows that * had in my heart+ thy com!orts have re!reshed my so%l. &ilt tho% have anythin to do with the stool o! wic<edness+ which ima ineth mischie! as a lawP They ather them to ether a ainst the so%l o! the ri hteo%s+ and condemn the innocent blood. I%t the 6ord is my re!% e+ and my 5od is the stren th o! my con!idence. Ke shall recompense them their wic<edness+ and destroy them in their own maliceF yea+ the 6ord o%r 5od shall destroy them. 95 )enite' e6ultemus 9 come+ let %s sin %nto the 6ordF let %s heartily reCoice in the stren th o! o%r salvation. 6et %s come be!ore his pres- ence with than<s ivin + and show o%rselves lad in him with psalms. Aor the 6ord is a reat 5od+ and a reat Lin above all ods. *n his hand are all the corners o! the earthF and the stren th o! the hills is his also. The sea is his+ and he made itF and his hands prepared the dry land. 9 come+ let %s worship and !all down+ and <neel be!ore the 6ord o%r "a<er. Aor he is the 6ord o%r 5odF and we are the people o! his past%re+ and the sheep o! his hand. Today i! ye will hear his voice+ harden not yo%r hearts as in the provocation+ and as in the day o! temptation in the wil- derness+ when yo%r !athers tempted me+ proved me+ and saw my wor<s. Aorty years lon was * rieved with this enera- tion+ and said+ *t is a people that do err in their hearts+ !or they have not <nown my ways+ %nto whom * swore in my wrath+ that they sho%ld not enter into my rest. 96

Cantate 3omino (in %nto the lord a new son F sin %nto the 6ord+ all the whole earth. (in %nto the 6ord+ and praise his 4ameF be tellin o! his salvation !rom day to day. 7eclare his hono%r %nto the heathen+ and his wonders %nto all people. Aor the 6ord is reat+ and cannot worthily be praisedF he is more to be !eared than all ods. @s !or all the ods o! the heathen+ they are b%t idolsF b%t it is the 6ord that made the heavens. 5lory and worship are be!ore himF power and hono%r are in his sanct%ary. 69 @scribe %nto the 6ord+ 9 ye <indreds o! the people+ as- cribe %nto the 6ord worship and power. @scribe %nto the 6ord the hono%r d%e %nto his 4ameF brin presents+ and come into his co%rts. 9 worship the 6ord in the bea%ty o! holinessF let the whole earth stand in awe o! him. Tell it o%t amon the heathen that the 6ord is Lin + and that it is he who hath made the ro%nd world so !ast that it cannot be moved+ and how that he shall C%d e the people ri hteo%sly. 6et the heavens reCoice+ and let the earth be ladF let the sea ma<e a noise+ and all that therein is. 6et the !ield be Coy!%l+ and all that is in itF then shall all the trees o! the wood reCoice be!ore the 6ord. Aor he cometh+ !or he cometh to C%d e the earth+ and with ri hteo%sness to C%d e the world+ and the people with his tr%th. 9? 3ominus regna!it The 6ord is <in . The earth may be lad thereo!F yea+ the m%ltit%de o! the isles may be lad thereo!. #lo%ds and dar<- ness are ro%nd abo%t himF ri hteo%sness and C%d ement are the habitation o! his seat. There shall o a !ire be!ore him+ and b%rn %p his enemies on every side. Kis li htnin s ave shine %nto the worldF the earth saw it+ and was a!raid. The hills melted li<e waB at the presence o! the 6ord+ at the pres- ence o! the 6ord o! the whole earth. The heavens have declared his ri hteo%sness+ and all the people have seen his lory. #on!o%nded be all they that wor- ship carved ima es+ and that deli ht in vain odsF worship him+ all ye ods. (ion heard o! it+ and reCoicedF and the da% hters o! H%dah were lad+ beca%se o! thy C%d ements+ 9 6ord. Aor tho%+ 6ord+ art hi her than all that are in the earthF tho% art eBalted !ar above all ods. 9 ye that love the 6ord+ see that ye hate the thin which is evil. The 6ord preserveth the so%ls o! his saintsF he shall deliver them !rom the hand o! the %n odly. There is spr%n %p a li ht !or the ri hteo%s+ and Coy!%l ladness !or s%ch as are tr%e-hearted. 8eCoice in the 6ord+ ye ri hteo%s+ and ive than<s !or a remembrance o! his holi- ness. 9> Cantate 3omino 9 sin %nto the 6ord a new son F !or he hath done marvel- lo%s thin s. &ith his own ri ht hand+ and with his holy arm+ hath he otten himsel! the victory. The 6ord declared his salvationF his

ri hteo%sness hath he openly showed in the si ht o! the heathen. Ke hath remembered his mercy and ?0 tr%th toward the ho%se o! *sraelF and all the ends o! the world have seen the salvation o! o%r 5od. (how yo%rselves Coy!%l %nto the 6ord+ all ye landsF sin + reCoice+ and ive than<s. Praise the 6ord %pon the harpF sin to the harp with a psalm o! than<s ivin . &ith tr%mpets also and shawms+ 9 show yo%rselves Coy!%l be!ore the 6ord the Lin . 6et the sea ma<e a noise+ and all that therein is+ the ro%nd world+ and they that dwell therein. 6et the !loods clap their hands+ and let the hills be Coy!%l to ether be!ore the 6ordF !or he is come to C%d e the earth. &ith ri hteo%sness shall he C%d e the world+ and the people with e,%ity. 99 3ominus regna!it The 6ord is <in + be the people never so impatientF he sit- teth between the cher%bims+ be the earth never so %n,%iet. The 6ord is reat in (ion+ and hi h above all people. They shall ive than<s %nto thy 4ame+ which is reat+ wonder!%l+ and holy. The Lin $s power loveth C%d ement. Tho% hast prepared e,%ityF tho% hast eBec%ted C%d ement and ri h- teo%sness in Hacob. 9 ma ni!y the 6ord o%r 5od+ and !all down be!ore his !ootstoolsF !or he is holy. "oses and @aron amon his priests+ and (am%el amon s%ch as call %pon his 4ame+ these called %pon the 6ord+ and he heard them. Ke spo<e %nto them o%t o! the clo%dy pillarF !or they <ept his testimonies+ and the law that he ave them. Tho% heardest them+ 9 6ord o%r 5odF tho% !or avest them+ 9 5od+ and p%nishedst their own inventions. 9 ma - ni!y the 6ord o%r 5od+ and worship him %pon his holy hillF !or the 6ord o%r 5od is holy. '00 7u$ilate 3eo 9 be Coy!%l in the lord+ all ye landsF serve the 6ord with ladness+ and come be!ore his presence with a son . Ie ye s%re that the 6ord he is 5odF it is he that hath made %s+ and not we o%rselves. &e are his people+ and the sheep o! his pas- t%re. 9 o yo%r way into his ates with than<s ivin + and into his co%rts with praiseF be than<!%l %nto him+ and spea< ood o! his 4ame. Aor the 6ord is racio%s+ his mercy is everlastin + and his tr%th end%reth !rom eneration to eneration. ?' '0'

:iseri"ordiam et 8udi"ium "y son shall be o! mercy and C%d ementF %nto thee+ 9 6ord+ will * sin . 9 let me have %nderstandin in the way o! odlinessQ &hen wilt tho% come %nto meP * will wal< in my ho%se with a per!ect heart. * will ta<e no wic<ed thin in hand. * hate the sins o! %n!aith!%lnessF there shall no s%ch cleave %nto me. @ !roward heart shall depart !rom meF * will not <now a wic<ed person. &hoso privily slandereth his nei h- bo%r+ him will * destroy. &hoso hath also a pro%d loo< and hi h stomach+ * will not s%!!er him. "ine eyes loo< %pon s%ch as are !aith!%l in the land+ that they may dwell with me. &hoso leadeth a odly li!e+ he shall be my servant. There shall no deceit!%l person dwell in my ho%seF he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my si ht. * shall soon destroy all the %n odly that are in the land+ that * may root o%t all wic<ed doers !rom the city o! the 6ord. '0) 3omine' e6audi Kear my prayer+ 9 6ord+ and let my cryin come %nto thee. Kide not thy !ace !rom me in the time o! my tro%bleF incline thine ear %nto me when * call. 9 hear me+ and that ri ht soon. Aor my days are cons%med away li<e smo<e+ and my bones are b%rnt %p as it were a !irebrand. "y heart is smitten down+ and withered li<e rass+ so that * !or et to eat my bread. Aor the voice o! my roanin + my bones will scarce cleave to my !lesh. * am become li<e a pelican in the wilderness+ and li<e an owl that is in the desert. * have watched+ and am even as it were a sparrow that sitteth alone %pon the ho%setop. "ine enemies revile me all the day lon F and they that are mad %pon me are sworn to ether a ainst me. Aor * have eaten ashes as it were bread+ and min led my drin< with weepin + and that beca%se o! thine indi nation and wrathF !or tho% hast ta<en me %p+ and cast me down. "y days are one li<e a shadow+ and * am withered li<e rass. I%t tho%+ 9 6ord+ shalt end%re !or ever+ and thy remem- brance thro% ho%t all enerations. Tho% shalt arise+ and have mercy %pon (ion+ !or it is time that tho% have mercy %pon herF yea+ the time is come. @nd whyP thy servants thin< %pon her stones+ and it pitieth them to see her in the d%st. The heathen shall !ear thy 4ame+ 9 6ord+ and all the <in s o! the earth thy "aCesty+ when the 6ord shall b%ild %p (ion+ and when his lory shall appearF when he t%rneth him %nto the prayer o! the poor destit%te+ and despiseth not their de- sire. ?) This shall be written !or those that come a!ter+ and the people which shall be born shall praise the 6ord. Aor he hath loo<ed down !rom his sanct%aryF o%t o! the heaven did the 6ord behold the earth+ that he mi ht hear the mo%rnin s o! s%ch as are in captivity+ and deliver the children that are ap- pointed %nto death+ that they may declare the 4ame o! the 6ord in (ion+ and his worship at Her%salem+ when the people are athered to ether+ and the <in doms also+ to serve the 6ord. Ke bro% ht down my stren th in my Co%rney+ and short- ened my days. I%t * said+ 9 my 5od+ ta<e me not away in the midst o! mine a eF as !or thy years+ they end%re thro% ho%t all

enerations. Tho%+ 6ord+ in the be innin hast laid the !o%ndation o! the earth+ and the heavens are the wor< o! thy hands. They shall perish+ b%t tho% shalt end%reF they all shall waB old as doth a arment. @nd as a vest%re shalt tho% chan e them+ and they shall be chan edF b%t tho% art the same+ and thy years shall not !ail. The children o! thy servants shall contin%e+ and their seed shall stand !ast in thy si ht. '0J Benedi"' anima mea Praise the 6ord+ 9 my so%l+ and all that is within me+ praise his holy 4ame. Praise the 6ord+ 9 my so%l+ and !or et not all his bene!its+ who !or iveth all thy sin+ and healeth all thine in!irmities+ who saveth thy li!e !rom destr%ction+ and crowneth thee with mercy and lovin -<indness+ who satis!i- eth thy mo%th with ood thin s+ ma<in thee yo%n and l%sty as an ea le. The 6ord eBec%teth ri hteo%sness and C%d ement !or all them that are oppressed with wron . Ke showed his ways %nto "oses+ his wor<s %nto the children o! *srael. The 6ord is !%ll o! compassion and mercy+ lon -s%!!erin + and o! reat oodness. Ke will not always be chidin F neither <eepeth he his an er !or ever. Ke hath not dealt with %s a!ter o%r sins+ nor rewarded %s accordin to o%r wic<ednesses. Aor loo< how hi h the heaven is in comparison o! the earthF so reat is his mercy also toward them that !ear him. 6oo< how wide also the east is !rom the westF so !ar hath he set o%r sins !rom %s. ;ea+ li<e as a !ather pitieth his own children+ even so is the 6ord merci!%l %nto them that !ear him. Aor he <noweth whereo! we are madeF he remembereth that we are b%t d%st. The days o! man are b%t as rassF !or he !lo%risheth as a !lower o! the !ield. Aor as soon as the wind oeth over it+ it is one+ and the place thereo! shall <now it no more. I%t the merci!%l oodness o! the 6ord end%reth !or ever and ever %pon them that !ear himF and his ri hteo%sness %pon chil- dren$s childrenF 3ven %pon s%ch as <eep his covenant+ and thin< %pon his commandments to do them. ?J The 6ord hath prepared his seat in heaven+ and his <in - dom r%leth over all. 9 praise the 6ord+ ye an els o! his+ ye that eBcel in stren th+ ye that !%l!il his commandment+ and hear<en %nto the voice o! his word. 9 praise the 6ord+ all ye his hosts+ ye servants o! his that do his pleas%re. 9 spea< ood o! the 6ord+ all ye wor<s o! his+ in all places o! his dominionF praise tho% the 6ord+ 9 my so%l. '0= Benedi"' anima mea Praise the 6ord+ 9 my so%l. 9 6ord my 5od+ tho% art be- come eBceedin lorio%sF tho% art clothed with "aCesty and hono%r. Tho% dec<est thysel! with li ht as it were with a ar- ment+ and spreadest o%t the heavens li<e a c%rtain-who lay- eth the beams o! his chambers in the waters+ and ma<eth the clo%ds his chariot+ and wal<eth %pon the win s o! the wind. Ke ma<eth his

an els spirits+ and his ministers a !lamin !ire. Ke laid the !o%ndations o! the earth+ that it never sho%ld move at any time. Tho% coveredst it with the deep li<e as with a armentF the waters stand in the hills. @t thy reb%<e they !leeF at the voice o! thy th%nder they are a!raid. They o %p as hi h as the hills+ and down to the valleys beneath+ even %nto the place which tho% hast appointed !or them. Tho% hast set them their bo%nds+ which they shall not pass+ neither t%rn a ain to cover the earth. Ke sendeth the sprin s into the rivers+ which r%n amon the hills. @ll beasts o! the !ield drin< thereo!+ and the wild asses ,%ench their thirst. Ieside them shall the !owls o! the air have their habitation+ and sin amon the branches. Ke watereth the hills !rom aboveF the earth is !illed with the !r%it o! thy wor<s. Ke brin eth !orth rass !or the cattle+ and reen herb !or the service o! men+ that he may brin !ood o%t o! the earth+ and wine that ma<eth lad the heart o! manF and oil to ma<e him a cheer!%l co%ntenance+ and bread to stren then man$s heart. The trees o! the 6ord also are !%ll o! sap+ even the ce- dars o! 6ebanon which he hath planted+ wherein the birds ma<e their nestsF and the !irtrees are a dwellin !or the stor<. The hi h hills are a re!% e !or the wild oats+ and so are the stony roc<s !or the conies. Ke appointed the moon !or certain seasons+ and the s%n <noweth his oin down. Tho% ma<est dar<ness that it may be ni ht+ wherein all the beasts o! the !orest do move. The lions roarin a!ter their prey do see< their meat !rom 5od. The s%n ariseth+ and they et them away to ether+ and lay them down in their dens. "an oeth !orth to his wor<+ and to his labo%r+ %ntil the evenin . 9 6ord+ how mani!old are thy wor<sQ *n wisdom hast tho% made them allF the earth is !%ll o! thy riches. (o is the reat and wide sea also+ wherein are thin s creepin inn%merable+ both small and reat beasts. There o the ships+ and there is ?= that 6eviathan+ whom tho% hast made to ta<e his pastime therein. These wait all %pon thee+ that tho% mayest ive them meat in d%e season. &hen tho% ivest it them+ they ather itF and when tho% openest thy hand+ they are !illed with ood. &hen tho% hidest thy !ace+ they are tro%bledF when tho% ta<est away their breath+ they die+ and are t%rned a ain to their d%st. &hen tho% lettest thy breath o !orth+ they shall be madeF and tho% shalt renew the !ace o! the earth. The lorio%s "aCesty o! the 6ord shall end%re !or everF the 6ord shall reCoice in his wor<s. The earth shall tremble at the loo< o! himF i! he do b%t to%ch the hills+ they shall smo<e. * will sin %nto the 6ord as lon as * liveF * will praise my 5od while * have my bein . @nd so shall my words please himF my Coy shall be in the 6ord. @s !or sinners+ they shall be con- s%med o%t o! the earth+ and the %n odly shall come to an end. Praise tho% the 6ord+ 9 my so%l+ praise the 6ord. '05 Confitemini 3omino

9 ive than<s %nto the 6ord+ and call %pon his 4ameF tell the people what thin s he hath done. 9 let yo%r son s be o! him+ and praise himF and let yo%r tal<in be o! all his won- dro%s wor<s. 8eCoice in his holy 4ameF let the heart o! them reCoice that see< the 6ord. (ee< the 6ord and his stren thF see< his !ace evermore. 8emember the marvello%s wor<s that he hath done+ his wonders+ and the C%d ements o! his mo%th+ 9 ye seed o! @braham his servant+ ye children o! Hacob his chosen. Ke is the 6ord o%r 5odF his C%d ements are in all the world. Ke hath been always mind!%l o! his covenant and promise+ that he made to a tho%sand enerations+ even the covenant that he made with @braham+ and the oath that he swore %nto *saac+ and appointed the same %nto Hacob !or a law+ and to *srael !or an everlastin testamentF sayin + :nto thee will * ive the land o! #anaan+ the lot o! yo%r inherit- ance. &hen there were yet b%t a !ew o! them+ and they stran ers in the land+ what time as they went !rom one nation to another+ !rom one <in dom to another people+ he s%!!ered no man to do them wron + b%t reproved even <in s !or their sa<es1 To%ch not mine @nointed+ and do my prophets no harm. "oreover+ he called !or a dearth %pon the land+ and de- stroyed all the provision o! bread. I%t he had sent a man be- !ore them+ even Hoseph+ who was sold to be a bond-servant+ whose !eet they h%rt in the stoc<s. The iron entered into his so%l+ %ntil the time came that his ca%se was <nownF the word o! the 6ord tried him. The <in sent+ and delivered himF the prince o! the people let him o !ree. Ke made him lord also o! his ho%se+ and r%ler o! all his s%bstance+ that he mi ht in- !orm his princes a!ter his will+ and teach his senators wisdom. ?5 *srael also came into 3 ypt+ and Hacob was a stran er in the land o! Kam. @nd he increased his people eBceedin ly+ and made them stron er than their enemies+ whose heart t%rned so+ that they hated his people+ and dealt %ntr%ly with his ser- vants. Then sent he "oses his servant+ and @aron whom he had chosen. @nd these showed his to<ens amon them+ and won- ders in the land o! Kam. Ke sent dar<ness+ and it was dar<F and they were not obedient %nto his word. Ke t%rned their waters into blood+ and slew their !ish. Their land bro% ht !orth !ro s+ yea+ even in their <in s$ chambers. Ke spo<e the word+ and there came all manner o! !lies+ and lice in all their ,%arters. Ke ave them hail-stones !or rain+ and !lames o! !ire in their land. Ke smote their vines also and !i -trees+ and destroyed the trees that were in their coasts. Ke spo<e the word+ and the rasshoppers came+ and caterpillars inn%mer- able+ and did eat %p all the rass in their land+ and devo%red the !r%it o! their ro%nd. Ke smote all the !irstborn in their land+ even the chie! o! all their stren th. Ke bro% ht them !orth also with silver and oldF there was not one !eeble person amon their tribes. 3 ypt was lad at their departin F !or they were a!raid o! them. Ke spread o%t a clo%d to be a coverin + and !ire to ive li ht in the ni ht- season. @t their desire he bro% ht ,%ailsF and he !illed them with the bread o! heaven. Ke opened the roc< o! stone+ and the waters !lowed o%t+ so that rivers ran in the dry places. Aor whyP he remembered his holy promise+ and @braham his servant. @nd he bro% ht !orth his people with Coy+ and his chosen with ladness+ and ave them the lands o! the hea- thenF and they

too< the labo%rs o! the people in possession+ that they mi ht <eep his stat%tes+ and observe his laws. '06 Confitemini 3omino 9 ive than<s %nto the 6ordF !or he is racio%s+ and his mercy end%reth !or ever. &ho can eBpress the noble acts o! the 6ord+ or show !orth all his praiseP Ilessed are they that always <eep C%d ement+ and do ri hteo%sness. 8emember me+ 9 6ord+ accordin to the !avo%r that tho% bearest %nto thy peopleF 9 visit me with thy salvation+ that * may see the !elicity o! thy chosen+ and reCoice in the ladness o! thy people+ and ive than<s with thine inheritance. &e have sinned with o%r !athersF we have done amiss+ and dealt wic<edly. 9%r !athers re arded not thy wonders in 3 ypt+ neither <ept they thy reat oodness in remem- brance+ b%t were disobedient at the sea+ even at the 8ed (ea. 4evertheless+ he helped them !or his 4ame$s sa<e+ that he mi ht ma<e his power to be <nown. Ke reb%<ed the 8ed (ea also+ and it was dried %pF so he led them thro% h the deep+ as thro% h a wilderness. @nd he saved them !rom the adver- sary$s hand+ and delivered them !rom the hand o! the enemy. ?6 @s !or those that tro%bled them+ the waters overwhelmed themF there was not one o! them le!t. Then believed they his words+ and san praise %nto him. I%t within a while they !or ot his wor<s+ and wo%ld not abide his co%nsel. I%t l%st came %pon them in the wilderness+ and they tempted 5od in the desert. @nd he ave them their desire+ and sent leanness withal into their so%l. They an ered "oses also in the tents+ and @aron the saint o! the 6ord. (o the earth opened+ and swallowed %p 7athan+ and covered the con re ation o! @biram. @nd the !ire was <indled in their companyF the !lame b%rnt %p the %n odly. They made a cal! in Koreb+ and worshipped the molten ima e. Th%s they t%rned their lory into the similit%de o! a cal! that eateth hay. @nd they !or ot 5od their (avio%r+ who had done so reat thin s in 3 ypt+ wondro%s wor<s in the land o! Kam+ and !ear!%l thin s by the 8ed (ea. (o he said he wo%ld have destroyed them+ had not "oses his chosen stood be!ore him in the ap+ to t%rn away his wrath!%l indi nation+ lest he sho%ld destroy them. ;ea+ they tho% ht scorn o! that pleasant land+ and ave no credence %nto his word+ b%t m%r- m%red in their tents+ and hear<ened not %nto the voice o! the 6ord. Then li!t he %p his hand a ainst them+ to overthrow them in the wilderness+ to cast o%t their seed amon the na- tions+ and to scatter them in the lands. They Coined themselves %nto Iaal-peor+ and ate the o!!er- in s o! the dead. Th%s they provo<ed him to an er with their own inventionsF and the pla %e was reat amon them. Then stood %p Phinehas and eBec%ted C%sticeF and so the pla %e ceased. @nd that was co%nted %nto him !or ri hteo%sness+ amon all posterities !or evermore.

They an ered him also at the waters o! stri!e+ so that he p%nished "oses !or their sa<es+ beca%se they provo<ed his spirit+ so that he spo<e %nadvisedly with his lips. 4either destroyed they the heathen+ as the 6ord com- manded them+ b%t were min led amon the heathen+ and learned their wor<s-insom%ch that they worshipped their idols+ which became a snare %nto themF yea+ they o!!ered their sons and their da% hters %nto devils+ and shed innocent blood+ even the blood o! their sons and o! their da% hters+ whom they o!!ered %nto the idols o! #anaan. @nd the land was de!iled with blood. Th%s were they stained with their own wor<s+ and went a whorin with their own inventions. There!ore was the wrath o! the 6ord <indled a ainst his people+ insom%ch that he abhorred his own inheritance. @nd he ave them over into the hand o! the heathenF and they that hated them were lords over them. Their enemies oppressed them+ and had them in s%bCection. "any a time did he deliver themF b%t they rebelled a ainst him with their own inven- tions+ and were bro% ht down in their wic<edness. 4ever- theless+ when he saw their adversity+ he heard their complaint. Ke tho% ht %pon his covenant+ and pitied them+ accordin %nto the m%ltit%de o! his merciesF yea+ he made all those that led them away captive to pity them. ?? 7eliver %s+ 9 6ord o%r 5od+ and ather %s !rom amon the heathen+ that we may ive than<s %nto thy holy 4ame+ and ma<e o%r boast o! thy praise. Ilessed be the 6ord 5od o! *srael+ !rom everlastin + and world witho%t end. @nd let all the people say+ @men. '0? Confitemini 3omino 9 ive than<s %nto the 6ord+ !or he is racio%s+ and his mercy end%reth !or ever. 6et them ive than<s whom the 6ord hath redeemed+ and delivered !rom the hand o! the en- emy+ and athered them o%t o! the lands+ !rom the east+ and !rom the west+ !rom the north+ and !rom the so%th. They went astray in the wilderness o%t o! the way+ and !o%nd no city to dwell in. K%n ry and thirsty+ their so%l !ainted in them. (o they cried %nto the 6ord in their tro%ble+ and he delivered them !rom their distress. Ke led them !orth by the ri ht way+ that they mi ht o to the city where they dwelt. 9 that men wo%ld there!ore praise the 6ord !or his oodnessF and declare the wonders that he doeth !or the chil- dren o! menQ Aor he satis!ieth the empty so%l+ and !illeth the h%n ry so%l with oodness. (%ch as sit in dar<ness+ and in the shadow o! death+ bein !ast bo%nd in misery and iron+ be- ca%se they rebelled a ainst the words o! the 6ord+ and li htly re arded the co%nsel o! the "ost Ki hest+ he also bro% ht down their heart thro% h heaviness. They !ell down+ and there was none to help them. (o when they cried %nto the 6ord in their tro%ble+ he delivered them o%t o! their distress. Aor he bro% ht them o%t o! dar<ness+ and o%t o! the shadow o! death+ and bro<e their bonds in s%nder. 9 that men wo%ld there!ore praise the 6ord !or his oodness+ and declare the wonders that he doeth !or the children o! menQ Aor he hath bro<en the ates o! brass+ and smitten the bars

o! iron in s%nder. Aoolish men are pla %ed !or their o!!ence+ and beca%se o! their wic<edness. Their so%l abhorred all manner o! meat+ and they were even hard at death$s door. (o when they cried %nto the 6ord in their tro%ble+ he delivered them o%t o! their distress. Ke sent his word+ and healed themF and they were saved !rom their destr%ction. 9 that men wo%ld there!ore praise the 6ord !or his oodness+ and declare the wonders that he doeth !or the children o! menQ-that they wo%ld o!- !er %nto him the sacri!ice o! than<s ivin + and tell o%t his wor<s with ladnessQ They that o down to the sea in ships+ and occ%py their b%siness in reat waters+ these men see the wor<s o! the 6ord+ and his wonders in the deep. Aor at his word the stormy wind ariseth+ which li!teth %p the waves thereo!. They are carried %p to the heaven+ and down a ain to the deepF their so%l melteth away beca%se o! the tro%ble. They reel to and !ro+ and sta er li<e a dr%n<en man+ and are at ?> their wit$s end. (o when they cry %nto the 6ord in their tro%- ble+ he delivereth them o%t o! their distress. Aor he ma<eth the storm to cease+ so that the waves thereo! are still. Then are they lad+ beca%se they are at restF and so he brin eth them %nto the haven where they wo%ld be. 9 that men wo%ld there!ore praise the 6ord !or his ood- ness+ and declare the wonders that he doeth !or the children o! menQ-that they wo%ld eBalt him also in the con re ation o! the people+ and praise him in the seat o! the elders+ who t%rneth the !loods into a wilderness+ and drieth %p the water- sprin sQ @ !r%it!%l land ma<eth he barren+ !or the wic<edness o! them that dwell therein. @ ain+ he ma<eth the wilderness a standin water+ and wa- ter-sprin s o! a dry ro%nd. @nd there he setteth the h%n ry+ that they may b%ild them a city to dwell in+ that they may sow their land+ and plant vineyards+ to yield them !r%its o! in- crease. Ke blesseth them+ so that they m%ltiply eBceedin ly+ and s%!!ereth not their cattle to decrease. @nd a ain+ when they are minished and bro% ht low thro% h oppression+ thro% h any pla %e or tro%ble+ tho% h he s%!!er them to be evil entreated thro% h tyrants+ and let them wander o%t o! the way in the wilderness+ yet helpeth he the poor o%t o! misery+ and ma<eth him ho%seholds li<e a !loc< o! sheep. The ri hteo%s will consider this+ and reCoiceF and the mo%th o! all wic<edness shall be stopped. &hoso is wise will ponder these thin sF and they shall %nderstand the lovin <indness o! the 6ord. '0> Paratum "or meum 9 5od+ my heart is ready+ my heart is readyF * will sin + and ive praise with the best member that * have. @wa<e+ tho% l%te and harpF * mysel! will awa<e ri ht early. * will ive than<s %nto thee+ 9 6ord+ amon the peopleF * will sin praises %nto thee amon the nations. Aor thy mercy is reater than the heavens+ and thy tr%th reacheth %nto the clo%ds.

(et %p thysel!+ 9 5od+ above the heavens+ and thy lory above all the earth+ that thy beloved may be deliveredF let thy ri ht hand save them+ and hear tho% me. 5od hath spo<en in his holiness1 * will reCoice there!ore+ and divide (hechem+ and mete o%t the valley o! (%ccoth. 5ilead is mine+ and "anasseh is mineF 3phraim also is the stren th o! my headF H%dah is my law iverF "oab is my wash- potF over 3dom will * cast o%t my shoeF %pon Philistia will * tri%mph. &ho will lead me into the stron cityP and who will brin me into 3domP Kast not tho% !orsa<en %s+ 9 5odP and wilt not tho%+ 9 5od+ o !orth with o%r hostsP 9 help %s a ainst the enemyF !or vain is the help o! man. Thro% h 5od we shall do reat actsF and it is he that shall tread down o%r ene- mies. ?9 '09 3eus laudum Kold not thy ton %e+ 9 5od o! my praiseF !or the mo%th o! the %n odly+ yea+ the mo%th o! the deceit!%l is opened %pon me. @nd they have spo<en a ainst me with !alse ton %esF they compassed me abo%t also with words o! ha- tred+ and !o% ht a ainst me witho%t a ca%se. Aor the love that * had %nto them+ lo+ they ta<e now my contrary partF b%t * ive mysel! %nto prayer. Th%s have they rewarded me evil !or ood+ and hatred !or my ood will. (et tho% an %n odly man to be r%ler over him+ and let (a- tan stand at his ri ht hand. &hen sentence is iven %pon him+ let him be condemnedF and let his prayer be t%rned into sin. 6et his days be !ewF and let another ta<e his o!!ice. 6et his children be !atherless+ and his wi!e a widow. 6et his chil- dren be va abonds+ and be their breadF let them see< it also o%t o! desolate places. 6et the eBtortioner cons%me all that he hathF and let the stran er spoil his labo%r. 6et there be no man to pity him+ nor to have compassion %pon his !atherless children. 6et his posterity be destroyedF and in the neBt en- eration let his name be clean p%t o%t. 6et the wic<edness o! his !athers be had in remembrance in the si ht o! the 6ordF and let not the sin o! his mother be done away. 6et them al- ways be be!ore the 6ord+ that he may root o%t the memorial o! them !rom o!! the earthF and that+ beca%se his mind was not to do ood+ b%t persec%ted the poor helpless man+ that he mi ht slay him that was veBed at the heart. Kis deli ht was in c%rsin + and it shall happen %nto himF he loved not blessin + there!ore shall it be !ar !rom him. Ke clothed himsel! with c%rsin li<e as with a raiment+ and it shall come into his bowels li<e water+ and li<e oil into his bones. 6et it be %nto him as the cloa< that he hath %pon him+ and as the irdle that he is always irded withal. 6et it th%s happen !rom the 6ord %nto mine enemies+ and to those that spea< evil a ainst my so%l. I%t deal tho% with me+ 9 6ord 5od+ accordin %nto thy 4ameF !or sweet is thy mercy. 9 deliver me+ !or * am helpless and poor+ and my heart is wo%nded within me. * o hence li<e the shadow that departeth+ and am driven away as the rasshopper. "y <nees are wea< thro% h !astin F my !lesh is dried %p !or want o! !at- ness. * am become also a reproach %nto themF they that loo<ed %pon me shoo< their heads.

Kelp me+ 9 6ord my 5odF 9 save me accordin to thy mercy+ and they shall <now how that this is thy hand+ and that tho%+ 6ord+ hast done it. Tho% h they c%rse+ yet bless tho%F and let them be con!o%nded that rise %p a ainst me. I%t let thy servant reCoice. 6et mine adversaries be clothed with shameF and let them cover themselves with their own con!%- sion+ as with a cloa<. @s !or me+ * will ive reat than<s %nto the 6ord with my mo%th+ and praise him amon the m%ltit%deF !or he shall >0 stand at the ri ht hand o! the poor+ to save his so%l !rom %n- ri hteo%s C%d es. ''0 3i6it 3ominus The 6ord said %nto my 6ord+ (it tho% on my ri ht hand+ %ntil * ma<e thine enemies thy !ootstool. The 6ord shall send the rod o! thy power o%t o! (ionF be tho% r%ler+ even in the midst amon thine enemies. *n the day o! thy power shall the people o!!er thee !ree-will o!!erin s with an holy wor- shipF the dew o! thy birth is o! the womb o! the mornin . The 6ord swore+ and will not repent1 Tho% art a Priest !or ever a!ter the order o! "elchiDede<. The 6ord %pon thy ri ht hand shall wo%nd even <in s in the day o! his wrath. Ke shall C%d e amon the heathenF he shall !ill the places with the dead bodies+ and smite in s%nder the heads over divers co%ntries. Ke shall drin< o! the broo< in the wayF there!ore shall he li!t %p his head. ''' Confite$or ti$i * will ive than<s %nto the 6ord with my whole heart+ se- cretly amon the !aith!%l+ and in the con re ation. The wor<s o! the 6ord are reat+ so% ht o%t o! all them that have pleas%re therein. Kis wor< is worthy to be praised and had in hono%r+ and his ri hteo%sness end%reth !or ever. The merci!%l and racio%s 6ord hath so done his marvel- lo%s wor<s+ that they o% ht to be had in remembrance. Ke hath iven meat %nto them that !ear himF he shall ever be mind!%l o! his covenant. Ke hath showed his people the power o! his wor<s+ that he may ive them the herita e o! the heathen. The wor<s o! his hands are verity and C%d ementF all his commandments are tr%e. They stand !ast !or ever and ever+ and are done in tr%th and e,%ity. Ke sent redemption %nto his peopleF he hath commanded his covenant !or ever. Koly and reverend is his 4ame. The !ear o! the 6ord is the be innin o! wisdomF a ood %nderstandin have all they that do therea!ter. The praise o! it end%reth !or ever. '') Beatus !ir Ilessed is the man that !eareth the 6ordF he hath reat de- li ht in his commandments. Kis seed

shall be mi hty %pon earthF the eneration o! the !aith!%l shall be blessed. 8iches >' and plenteo%sness shall be in his ho%seF and his ri hteo%s- ness end%reth !or ever. :nto the odly there ariseth %p li ht in the dar<nessF he is merci!%l+ lovin + and ri hteo%s. @ ood man is merci!%l+ and lendeth+ and will %ide his words with discretion. Aor he shall never be moved+ and the ri hteo%s shall be had in ever- lastin remembrance. Ke will not be a!raid o! any evil tid- in sF !or his heart standeth !ast+ and believeth in the 6ord. Kis heart is stablished+ and will not shrin<+ %ntil he see his desire %pon his enemies. Ke hath dispersed abroad+ and iven to the poor+ and his ri hteo%sness remaineth !or everF his horn shall be eBalted with hono%r. The %n odly shall see it+ and it shall rieve himF he shall nash with his teeth+ and cons%me away. The desire o! the %n odly shall perish. ''J Laudate' pueri Praise the 6ord+ ye servantsF 9 praise the 4ame o! the 6ord. Ilessed be the 4ame o! the 6ord !rom this time !orth !or evermore. The 6ord$s 4ame is praised+ !rom the risin %p o! the s%n %nto the oin down o! the same. The 6ord is hi h above all heathen+ and his lory above the heavens. &ho is li<e %nto the 6ord o%r 5od+ that hath his dwellin so hi h+ and yet h%mbleth himsel! to behold the thin s that are in heaven and earthP Ke ta<eth %p the simple o%t o! the d%st+ and li!teth the poor o%t o! the mire+ that he may set him with the princes+ even with the princes o! his people. Ke ma<eth the barren woman to <eep ho%se+ and to be a Coy!%l mother o! children. ''= 5n e6itu 5srael &hen *srael came o%t o! 3 ypt+ and the ho%se o! Hacob !rom amon the stran e people+ H%dah was his sanct%ary+ and *srael his dominion. The sea saw that+ and !ledF Hordan was driven bac<. The mo%ntains s<ipped li<e rams+ and the little hills li<e yo%n sheep. &hat aileth thee+ 9 tho% sea+ that tho% !leddestP and tho% Hordan+ that tho% wast driven bac<P ye mo%ntains+ that ye s<ipped li<e ramsP and ye little hills+ li<e yo%n sheepP Tremble+ tho% earth+ at the presence o! the 6ord+ at the pres- ence o! the 5od o! Hacob+ who t%rned the hard roc< into a standin water+ and the !lintstone into a sprin in well. >) ''5 9on no$is' 3omine

4ot %nto %s+ 9 6ord+ not %nto %s+ b%t %nto thy 4ame ive the praise+ !or thy lovin mercy+ and !or thy tr%th$s sa<e. &here!ore shall the heathen say+ &here is now their 5odP @s !or o%r 5od+ he is in heavenF he hath done whatsoever pleased him. Their idols are silver and old+ even the wor< o! men$s hands. They have mo%ths+ and spea< notF eyes have they+ and see not. They have ears+ and hear notF noses have they+ and smell not. They have hands+ and handle notF !eet have they+ and wal< notF neither spea< they thro% h their throat. They that ma<e them are li<e %nto themF and so are all s%ch as p%t their tr%st in them. I%t tho%+ ho%se o! *srael+ tr%st tho% in the 6ordF he is their s%ccor and de!ence. ;e ho%se o! @aron+ p%t yo%r tr%st in the 6ordF he is their helper and de!ender. ;e that !ear the 6ord+ p%t yo%r tr%st in the 6ordF he is their helper and de!ender. The 6ord hath been mind!%l o! %s+ and he shall bless %sF even he shall bless the ho%se o! *srael+ he shall bless the ho%se o! @aron. Ke shall bless them that !ear the 6ord+ both small and reat. The 6ord shall increase yo% more and more+ yo% and yo%r children. ;e are the blessed o! the 6ord+ who made heaven and earth. @ll the whole heavens are the 6ord$sF the earth hath he iven to the children o! men. The dead praise not thee+ 9 6ord+ neither all they that o down into silence. I%t we will praise the 6ord+ !rom this time !orth !or evermore. Praise the 6ord. ''6 3ile6i' 0uoniam * am well pleased that the 6ord hath heard the voice o! my prayer+ that he hath inclined his ear %nto meF there!ore will * call %pon him as lon as * live. The snares o! death com- passed me ro%nd abo%t+ and the pains o! hell ot hold %pon me. * shall !ind tro%ble and heaviness+ and * will call %pon the 4ame o! the 6ordF 9 6ord+ * beseech thee+ deliver my so%l. 5racio%s is the 6ord+ and ri hteo%sF yea+ o%r 5od is mer- ci!%l. The 6ord preserveth the simpleF * was in misery+ and he helped me. T%rn a ain then %nto thy rest+ 9 my so%lF !or the 6ord hath rewarded thee. @nd whyP tho% hast delivered my so%l !rom death+ mine eyes !rom tears+ and my !eet !rom !allin . * will wal< be!ore the 6ord in the land o! the livin . * believed+ and there!ore will * spea<F b%t * was sore tro%bled. * said in my haste+ @ll men are liars. &hat reward shall * ive %nto the 6ord !or all the bene!its that he hath done %nto meP * will receive the c%p o! salvation+ and call %pon the 4ame o! the 6ord. * will pay my vows now >J in the presence o! all his people1 ri ht dear in the si ht o! the 6ord is the death o! his saints. Iehold+ 9 6ord+ how that * am thy servantF * am thy servant+ and the son o! thine handmaid. Tho% hast bro<en my bonds in s%nder. * will o!!er to thee the sacri!ice o! than<s ivin + and will call %pon the 4ame o! the 6ord. * will pay my vows %nto the 6ord+ in the si ht o! all his people+

in the co%rts o! the 6ord$s ho%se+ even in the midst o! thee+ 9 Her%salem. Praise the 6ord. ''? Laudate 3ominum 9 praise the 6ord+ all ye heathenF praise him+ all ye nations. Aor his merci!%l <indness is ever more and more towards %sF and the tr%th o! the 6ord end%reth !or ever. Praise the 6ord. ''> Confitemini 3omino 5ive than<s %nto the 6ord+ !or he is racio%s+ beca%se his mercy end%reth !or ever. 6et *srael now con!ess that he is racio%s+ and that his mercy end%reth !or ever. 6et the ho%se o! @aron now con!ess+ that his mercy end%reth !or ever. ;ea+ let them now that !ear the 6ord con!ess+ that his mercy en- d%reth !or ever. * called %pon the 6ord in tro%bleF and the 6ord heard me at lar e. The 6ord is on my sideF * will not !ear what man do- eth %nto me. The 6ord ta<eth my part with them that help meF there!ore shall * see my desire %pon mine enemies. *t is better to tr%st in the 6ord than to p%t any con!idence in man. *t is better to tr%st in the 6ord than to p%t any con!idence in princes. @ll nations compassed me ro%nd abo%tF b%t in the 4ame o! the 6ord will * destroy them. They <ept me in on every side+ they <ept me in+ * say+ on every sideF b%t in the 4ame o! the 6ord will * destroy them. They came abo%t me li<e bees+ and are eBtinct even as the !ire amon the thornsF !or in the 4ame o! the 6ord * will destroy them. Tho% hast thr%st sore at me+ that * mi ht !allF b%t the 6ord was my help. The 6ord is my stren th+ and my son + and is become my salvation. The voice o! Coy and health is in the dwellin s o! the ri h- teo%sF the ri ht hand o! the 6ord brin eth mi hty thin s to pass. The ri ht hand o! the 6ord hath the pre-eminenceF the ri ht hand o! the 6ord brin eth mi hty thin s to pass. * shall not die+ b%t live+ and declare the wor<s o! the 6ord. The 6ord hath chastened and corrected meF b%t he hath not iven me over %nto death. >= 9pen me the ates o! ri hteo%sness+ that * may o into them+ and ive than<s %nto the 6ord. This is the ate o! the 6ordF the ri hteo%s shall enter into it. * will than< thee+ !or tho% hast heard me+ and art become my salvation. The same stone which the b%ilders re!%sed is become the headstone in the corner. This is the 6ord$s do- in + and it is marvello%s in o%r eyes. This is the day which the 6ord hath madeF we will reCoice and be lad in it. Kelp me now+ 9 6ordF 9 6ord+ send %s now prosperity. Ilessed be he that cometh in the 4ame o! the 6ordF we have wished yo% ood l%c<+ ye that are o! the ho%se o! the 6ord. 5od is the 6ord+ who hath showed %s li htF bind the sacri!ice with cords+

yea+ even %nto the horns o! the altar. Tho% art my 5od+ and * will than< theeF tho% art my 5od+ and * will praise thee. 9 ive than<s %nto the 6ordF !or he is racio%s+ and his mercy end%reth !or ever. ''9 Beati imma"ulati Ilessed are those that are %nde!iled in the way+ and wal< in the law o! the 6ord. Ilessed are they that <eep his testimo- nies+ and see< him with their whole heartF !or they who do no wic<edness wal< in his ways. Tho% hast char ed that we shall dili ently <eep thy commandments. 9 that my ways were made so direct+ that * mi ht <eep thy stat%tesQ (o shall * not be con!o%nded+ while * have respect %nto all thy command- ments. * will than< thee with an %n!ei ned heart+ when * shall have learned the C%d ements o! thy ri hteo%sness. * will <eep thy ceremoniesF 9 !orsa<e me not %tterly. 5n 0uo "orrigit2 &herewithal shall a yo%n man cleanse his wayP 3ven by r%lin himsel! a!ter thy word. &ith my whole heart have * so% ht theeF 9 let me not o wron o%t o! thy command- ments. Thy words have * hid within my heart+ that * sho%ld not sin a ainst thee. Ilessed art tho%+ 9 6ordF 9 teach me thy stat%tes. &ith my lips have * been tellin o! all the C%d e- ments o! thy mo%th. * have had as reat deli ht in the way o! thy testimonies+ as in all manner o! riches. * will tal< o! thy commandments+ and have respect %nto thy ways. "y deli ht shall be in thy stat%tes+ and * will not !or et thy word. =etri$ue ser!o tuo 9 do well %nto thy servant+ that * may live+ and <eep thy word. 9pen tho% mine eyes+ that * may see the wondro%s thin s o! thy law. * am a stran er %pon earthF 9 hide not thy commandments !rom me. "y so%l brea<eth o%t !or the very !ervent desire that it hath always %nto thy C%d ements. Tho% >5 hast reb%<ed the pro%dF and c%rsed are they that do err !rom thy commandments. 9 t%rn !rom me shame and reb%<eF !or * have <ept thy testimonies. Princes also did sit and spea< a ainst meF b%t thy servant is occ%pied in thy stat%tes. Aor thy testimonies are my deli ht+ and my co%nsellors. dhaesit pa!imento "y so%l cleaveth to the d%stF 9 ,%ic<en tho% me+ accordin to thy word. * have ac<nowled ed my ways+ and tho% heard- est meF 9 teach me thy stat%tes. "a<e me to %nderstand the way o! thy commandments+ and so shall * tal< o! thy won- dro%s wor<s. "y so%l melteth away !or very heavinessF com- !ort tho% me accordin %nto thy word. Ta<e !rom me the way o! lyin + and ca%se tho% me to ma<e m%ch o! thy law. * have chosen the way o! tr%th+ and thy C%d ements have * laid be- !ore me. * have st%c< %nto thy testimoniesF 9 6ord+ con- !o%nd me not. * will r%n the way o!

thy commandments+ when tho% hast set my heart at liberty. Legem pone Teach me+ 9 6ord+ the way o! thy stat%tes+ and * shall <eep it %nto the end. 5ive me %nderstandin + and * shall <eep thy lawF yea+ * shall <eep it with my whole heart. "a<e me to o in the path o! thy commandmentsF !or therein is my desire. *ncline my heart %nto thy testimonies+ and not to coveto%s- ness. 9 t%rn away mine eyes+ lest they behold vanityF and ,%ic<en tho% me in thy way. 9 stablish thy word in thy ser- vant+ that * may !ear thee. Ta<e away the reb%<e that * am a!raid o!F !or thy C%d ements are ood. Iehold+ my deli ht is in thy commandmentsF 9 ,%ic<en me in thy ri hteo%sness. Et !eniat super me 6et thy lovin mercy come also %nto me+ 9 6ord+ even thy salvation+ accordin %nto thy word. (o shall * ma<e answer %nto my blasphemersF !or my tr%st is in thy word. 9 ta<e not the word o! thy tr%th %tterly o%t o! my mo%thF !or my hope is in thy C%d ements. (o shall * always <eep thy law+ yea+ !or ever and ever. @nd * will wal< at libertyF !or * see< thy com- mandments. * will spea< o! thy testimonies also+ even be!ore <in s+ and will not be ashamed. @nd my deli ht shall be in thy commandments+ which * have loved. "y hands also will * li!t %p %nto thy commandments+ which * have lovedF and my st%dy shall be in thy stat%tes. :emor esto ser!i tui9 thin< %pon thy servant+ as concernin thy word+ wherein tho% hast ca%sed me to p%t my tr%st. The same is my com!ort >6 in my tro%bleF !or thy word hath ,%ic<ened me. The pro%d have had me eBceedin ly in derisionF yet have * not shrin<ed !rom thy law. Aor * remembered thine everlastin C%d e- ments+ 9 6ord+ and received com!ort. * am horribly a!raid !or the %n odly that !orsa<e thy law. Thy stat%tes have been my son s+ in the ho%se o! my pil- rima e. * have tho% ht %pon thy 4ame+ 9 6ord+ in the ni ht-season+ and have <ept thy law. This * had+ beca%se * <ept thy commandments. Portio mea' 3omine Tho% art my portion+ 9 6ordF * have promised to <eep thy law. * made my h%mble petition in thy presence with my whole heartF 9 be merci!%l %nto me+ accordin to thy word. * called mine own ways to remembrance+ and t%rned my !eet %nto thy testimonies. * made haste+ and prolon ed not the time+ to <eep thy commandments. The con re ations o! the %n odly have robbed meF b%t * have not !or otten thy law. @t midni ht * will rise to ive than<s %nto thee+ beca%se o! thy ri hteo%s C%d ements. * am a companion o! all them that !ear thee+ and <eep thy commandments. The earth+ 9 6ord+ is !%ll o! thy mercyF 9 teach me thy stat%tes.

Bonitatem fe"isti 9 6ord+ tho% hast dealt racio%sly with thy servant+ accord- in %nto thy word. 9 learn me tr%e %nderstandin and <nowled eF !or * have believed thy commandments. Ie!ore * was tro%bled+ * went wron F b%t now have * <ept thy word. Tho% art ood and racio%sF 9 teach me thy stat%tes. The pro%d have ima ined a lie a ainst meF b%t * will <eep thy commandments with my whole heart. Their heart is as !at as brawnF b%t my deli ht hath been in thy law. *t is ood !or me that * have been in tro%ble+ that * may learn thy stat%tes. The law o! thy mo%th is dearer %nto me than tho%sands o! old and silver. :anus tuae fe"erunt me Thy hands have made me and !ashioned meF 9 ive me %n- derstandin + that * may learn thy commandments. They that !ear thee will be lad when they see me+ beca%se * have p%t my tr%st in thy word. * <now+ 9 6ord+ that thy C%d ements are ri ht+ and that tho% o! very !aith!%lness hast ca%sed me to be tro%bled. 9 let thy merci!%l <indness be my com!ort+ ac- cordin to thy word %nto thy servant. 9 let thy lovin mer- cies come %nto me+ that * may liveF !or thy law is my deli ht. 6et the pro%d be con!o%nded+ !or they o wic<edly abo%t to destroy meF b%t * will be occ%pied in thy commandments. 6et s%ch as !ear thee+ and have <nown thy testimonies+ be >? t%rned %nto me. 9 let my heart be so%nd in thy stat%tes+ that * be not ashamed. 3efe"it anima mea "y so%l hath lon ed !or thy salvation+ and * have a ood hope beca%se o! thy word. "ine eyes lon sore !or thy word+ sayin + 9 when wilt tho% com!ort meP Aor * am become li<e a bottle in the smo<eF yet do * not !or et thy stat%tes. Kow many are the days o! thy servantP &hen wilt tho% be aven ed o! them that persec%te meP The pro%d have d% pits !or me+ which are not a!ter thy law. @ll thy commandments are tr%e. They persec%te me !alselyF 9 be tho% my help. They had almost made an end o! me %pon earthF b%t * !orsoo< not thy commandments. 9 ,%ic<en me a!ter thy lovin -<indnessF and so shall * <eep the testimonies o! thy mo%th. 5n aeternum' 3omine 9 6ord+ thy word end%reth !or ever in heaven. Thy tr%th also remaineth !rom one eneration to anotherF tho% hast laid the !o%ndation o! the earth+ and it abideth. They con- tin%e this day accordin to thine ordinanceF !or all thin s serve thee. *! my deli ht had not been in thy law+ * sho%ld have perished in my tro%ble. * will never !or et thy com- mandmentsF !or with them tho% hast ,%ic<ened me. * am thineF 9 save me+ !or * have so% ht thy commandments. The %n odly laid wait !or me to destroy meF b%t * will consider thy testimonies. * see that all thin s come to an endF b%t thy commandment is eBceedin broad. 1uomodo dile6i;

6ord+ what love have * %nto thy lawQ @ll the day lon is my st%dy in it. Tho% thro% h thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemiesF !or they are ever with me. * have more %nderstandin than my teachersF !or thy testimo- nies are my st%dy. * am wiser than the a ed+ beca%se * <eep thy commandments. * have re!rained my !eet !rom every evil way+ that * may <eep thy word. * have not shr%n< !rom thy C%d ementsF !or tho% teachest me. 9 how sweet are thy words %nto my throat+ yea+ sweeter than honey %nto my mo%thQ Thro% h thy commandments * et %nderstandin F there!ore * hate all evil ways. Lu"erna pedi$us meisThy word is a lantern %nto my !eet+ and a li ht %nto my paths. * have sworn+ and am stead!astly p%rposed+ to <eep thy >> ri hteo%s C%d ements. * am tro%bled above meas%reF ,%ic<en me+ 9 6ord+ accordin to thy word. 6et the !ree-will o!!erin s o! my mo%th please thee+ 9 6ord+ and teach me thy C%d ements. "y so%l is always in my handF yet do * not !or et thy law. The %n odly have laid a snare !or meF b%t yet * swerved not !rom thy commandments. Thy testimonies have * claimed as mine herita e !or everF and whyP they are the very Coy o! my heart. * have applied my heart to !%l!il thy stat- %tes always+ even %nto the end. 5ni0uos odio ha$ui * hate them that ima ine evil thin sF b%t thy law do * love. Tho% art my de!ence and shieldF and my tr%st is in thy word. @way !rom me+ ye wic<edF * will <eep the commandments o! my 5od. 9 stablish me accordin to thy word+ that * may liveF and let me not be disappointed o! my hope. Kold tho% me %p+ and * shall be sa!eF yea+ my deli ht shall be ever in thy stat%tes. Tho% hast trodden down all them that depart !rom thy stat%tesF !or they ima ine b%t deceit. Tho% p%ttest away all the %n odly o! the earth li<e drossF there!ore * love thy testimonies. "y !lesh trembleth !or !ear o! theeF and * am a!raid o! thy C%d ements. <e"i 8udi"ium * deal with the thin that is law!%l and ri htF 9 ive me not over %nto mine oppressors. Ie tho% s%rety !or thy servant to do him ood+ that the pro%d do me no wron . "ine eyes are wasted away with loo<in !or thy health+ and !or the word o! thy ri hteo%sness. 9 deal with thy servant accordin %nto thy lovin mercy+ and teach me thy stat%tes. * am thy servantF 9 rant me %nderstandin + that * may <now thy testimonies. *t is time !or thee+ 6ord+ to lay to thine handF !or they have destroyed thy law. Aor * love thy commandments above old and precio%s stones. There!ore hold * strai ht all thy com- mandmentsF and all !alse ways * %tterly abhor. :ira$ilia Thy testimonies are wonder!%lF there!ore doth my so%l <eep them. &hen thy word oeth !orth+ it iveth li ht and %nderstandin %nto the simple. * opened my mo%th+ and drew in my breathF !or my deli ht was in thy command- ments. 9 loo< tho% %pon me+ and be merci!%l %nto me+ as tho%

%sest to do %nto those that love thy 4ame. 9rder my steps in thy wordF and so shall no wic<edness have dominion over me. 9 deliver me !rom the wron !%l dealin s o! menF and so shall * <eep thy commandments. (how the li ht o! thy co%ntenance %pon thy servant+ and teach me thy stat%tes. "ine eyes %sh o%t with water+ beca%se men <eep not thy law. >9 7ustus es' 3omine 8i hteo%s art tho%+ 9 6ordF and tr%e is thy C%d ement. The testimonies that tho% hast commanded are eBceedin ri hteo%s and tr%e. "y Deal hath even cons%med me+ beca%se mine enemies have !or otten thy words. Thy word is tried to the %ttermost+ and thy servant loveth it. * am small+ and o! no rep%tationF yet do * not !or et thy commandments. Thy ri hteo%sness is an everlastin ri hteo%sness+ and thy law is the tr%th. Tro%ble and heaviness have ta<en hold %pon meF yet is my deli ht in thy commandments. The ri hteo%sness o! thy testimonies is everlastin F 9 rant me %nderstandin + and * shall live. Clama!i in toto "orde meo * call with my whole heartF hear me+ 9 6ord. * will <eep thy stat%tes. ;ea+ even %nto thee do * callF help me+ and * shall <eep thy testimonies. 3arly in the mornin do * cry %nto theeF !or in thy word is my tr%st. "ine eyes prevent the ni ht-watchesF that * mi ht be occ%pied in thy words. Kear my voice+ 9 6ord+ accordin %nto thy lovin -<indnessF ,%ic<en me+ as tho% art wont. They draw ni h that o! malice persec%te me+ and are !ar !rom thy law. Ie tho% ni h at hand+ 9 6ordF !or all thy commandments are tr%e. @s concernin thy testimonies+ * have <nown lon since that tho% hast ro%nded them !or ever. )ide humilitatem 9 consider mine adversity+ and deliver me+ !or * do not !or- et thy law. @ven e tho% my ca%se+ and deliver meF ,%ic<en me+ accordin to thy word. Kealth is !ar !rom the %n odlyF !or they re ard not thy stat%tes. 5reat is thy mercy+ 9 6ordF ,%ic<en me+ as tho% art wont. "any there are that tro%ble me+ and persec%te meF yet do * not swerve !rom thy testimo- nies. *t rieveth me when * see the trans ressors+ beca%se they <eep not thy law. #onsider+ 9 6ord+ how * love thy com- mandmentsF 9 ,%ic<en me+ accordin to thy lovin -<ind- ness. Thy word is tr%e !rom everlastin F all the C%d ements o! thy ri hteo%sness end%re !or evermore. Prin"ipes perse"uti sunt Princes have persec%ted me witho%t a ca%seF b%t my heart standeth in awe o! thy word. * am as lad o! thy word+ as one that !indeth reat spoils. @s !or lies+ * hate and abhor themF b%t thy law do * love. (even times a day do * praise thee+ be- ca%se o! thy ri hteo%s C%d ements. 5reat is the peace that they have who love thy lawF and they are not o!!ended at it. 6ord+ * have loo<ed !or thy savin health+ and done a!ter thy commandments. "y so%l hath <ept thy testimonies+ and 90 loved them eBceedin ly. * have <ept thy commandments and testimoniesF !or all my ways are

be!ore thee. ppropin0uet depre"atio 6et my complaint come be!ore thee+ 9 6ordF ive me %n- derstandin + accordin to thy word. 6et my s%pplication come be!ore theeF deliver me+ accordin to thy word. "y lips shall spea< o! thy praise+ when tho% hast ta% ht me thy stat- %tes. ;ea+ my ton %e shall sin o! thy wordF !or all thy com- mandments are ri hteo%s. 6et thine hand help meF !or * have chosen thy commandments. * have lon ed !or thy savin health+ 9 6ordF and in thy law is my deli ht. 9 let my so%l live+ and it shall praise theeF and thy C%d ements shall help me. * have one astray li<e a sheep that is lostF 9 see< thy ser- vant+ !or * do not !or et thy commandments. ')0 d 3ominum &hen * was in tro%ble+ * called %pon the 6ord+ and he heard me. 7eliver my so%l+ 9 6ord+ !rom lyin lips+ and !rom a de- ceit!%l ton %e. &hat reward shall be iven or done %nto thee+ tho% !alse ton %eP 3ven mi hty and sharp arrows+ with hot b%rnin coals. &oe is me+ that * am constrained to dwell with "eshech+ and to have my habitation amon the tents o! LedarQ "y so%l hath lon dwelt amon them that are enemies %nto peace. * labo%r !or peaceF b%t when * spea< %nto them thereo!+ they ma<e them ready to battle. ')' Le!a!i o"ulos * will li!t %p mine eyes %nto the hills+ !rom whence cometh my help. "y help cometh even !rom the 6ord+ who hath made heaven and earth. Ke will not s%!!er thy !oot to be movedF and he that <eepeth thee will not sleep. Iehold+ he that <eepeth *srael shall neither sl%mber nor sleep. The 6ord himsel! is thy <eeperF the 6ord is thy de!ence %pon thy ri ht hand+ so that the s%n shall not b%rn thee by day+ neither the moon by ni ht. The 6ord shall preserve thee !rom all evilF yea+ it is even he that shall <eep thy so%l. The 6ord shall preserve thy oin o%t+ and thy comin in+ !rom this time !orth !or evermore. 9' ')) Laetatus sum * was lad when they said %nto me+ &e will o into the ho%se o! the 6ord. 9%r !eet shall stand in thy ates+ 9 Her%s- alem. Her%salem is b%ilt as a city that is at %nity in itsel!. Aor thither the tribes o %p+ even the tribes o! the 6ord+ to testi!y %nto *srael+ to ive than<s %nto the 4ame o! the 6ord. Aor there is the seat o! C%d ement+ even the seat o! the ho%se o! 7avid.

9 pray !or the peace o! Her%salemF they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls+ and plenteo%sness within thy palaces. Aor my brethren and companions$ sa<es+ * will wish thee prosperity. ;ea+ beca%se o! the ho%se o! the 6ord o%r 5od+ * will see< to do thee ood. ')J d te le!a!i o"ulos meos :nto thee li!t * %p mine eyes+ 9 tho% that dwellest in the heavens. Iehold+ even as the eyes o! servants loo< %nto the hand o! their masters+ and as the eyes o! a maiden %nto the hand o! her mistress+ even so o%r eyes wait %pon the 6ord o%r 5od+ %ntil he have mercy %pon %s. Kave mercy %pon %s+ 9 6ord+ have mercy %pon %sF !or we are %tterly despised. 9%r so%l is !illed with the scorn!%l re- proo! o! the wealthy+ and with the despite!%lness o! the pro%d. ')= 9isi 0uia 3ominus *! the 6ord himsel! had not been on o%r side .now may *s- rael say0+ i! the 6ord himsel! had not been on o%r side+ when men rose %p a ainst %s+ they had swallowed %s %p alive+ when they were so wrath!%lly displeased at %s. ;ea+ the waters had drowned %s+ and the stream had one over o%r so%l. The deep waters o! the pro%d had one even over o%r so%l. I%t praised be the 6ord+ who hath not iven %s over !or a prey %nto their teeth. 9%r so%l is escaped even as a bird o%t o! the snare o! the !owlerF the snare is bro<en+ and we are de- livered. 9%r help standeth in the 4ame o! the 6ord+ who hath made heaven and earth. 9) ')5 1ui "onfidunt They that p%t their tr%st in the 6ord shall be even as the "o%nt (ion+ which may not be removed+ b%t standeth !ast !or ever. The hills stand abo%t Her%salemF even so standeth the 6ord ro%nd abo%t his people+ !rom this time !orth !or ev- ermore. Aor the rod o! the %n odly cometh not into the lot o! the ri hteo%s+ lest the ri hteo%s p%t their hand %nto wic<- edness. 7o well+ 9 6ord+ %nto those that are ood and tr%e o! heart. @s !or s%ch as t%rn bac< %nto their own wic<edness+ the 6ord shall lead them !orth with the evil doersF b%t peace shall be %pon *srael. ')6 5n "on!ertendo &hen the 6ord t%rned a ain the captivity o! (ion+ then were we li<e %nto them that dream. Then

was o%r mo%th !illed with la% hter+ and o%r ton %e with Coy. Then said they amon the heathen+ The 6ord hath done reat thin s !or them. ;ea+ the 6ord hath done reat thin s !or %s already+ whereo! we reCoice. T%rn o%r captivity+ 9 6ord+ as the rivers in the so%th. They that sow in tears shall reap in Coy. Ke that now oeth on his way weepin + and beareth !orth ood seed+ shall do%btless come a ain with Coy+ and brin his sheaves with him. ')? 9isi 3ominus 3Bcept the 6ord b%ild the ho%se+ their labo%r is b%t lost that b%ild it. 3Bcept the 6ord <eep the city+ the watchman wa<eth b%t in vain. *t is b%t lost labo%r that ye haste to rise %p early+ and so late ta<e rest+ and eat the bread o! care!%lnessF !or so he iveth his beloved sleep. 6o+ children+ and the !r%it o! the womb+ are an herita e and i!t that cometh o! the 6ord. 6i<e as the arrows in the hand o! the iant+ even so are the yo%n children. Kappy is the man that hath his ,%iver !%ll o! themF they shall not be ashamed when they spea< with their enemies in the ate. 9J ')> Beati omnes Ilessed are all they that !ear the 6ord+ and wal< in his ways. Aor tho% shalt eat the labo%rs o! thine handsF 9 well is thee+ and happy shalt tho% be. Thy wi!e shall be as the !r%it- !%l vine %pon the walls o! thine ho%se+ thy children li<e the olive branches ro%nd abo%t thy table. 6o+ th%s shall the man be blessed that !eareth the 6ord. The 6ord !rom o%t o! (ion shall so bless thee+ that tho% shalt see Her%salem in prosperity all thy li!e lon + yea+ that tho% shalt see thy children$s children+ and peace %pon *srael. ')9 Saepe e6pugna!erunt "any a time have they !o% ht a ainst me !rom my yo%th %p+ may *srael now say. ;ea+ many a time have they veBed me !rom my yo%th %pF b%t they have not prevailed a ainst me. The plowers plowed %pon my bac<+ and made lon !%rrows. I%t the ri hteo%s 6ord hath hewn the snares o! the %n odly in pieces. 6et them be con!o%nded and t%rned bac<ward+ as many as have evil will at (ion. 6et them be even as the rass %pon the ho%setops+ which withereth a!ore it be rown %p+ whereo! the mower !illeth not his hand+ neither he that bin- deth %p the sheaves his bosom. (o that they who o by say not so m%ch as+ The 6ord prosper yo%F we wish yo% ood l%c< in the 4ame o! the 6ord.

'J0 3e profundis 9%t o! the deep have * called %nto thee+ 9 6ordF 6ord+ hear my voice. 9 let thine ears consider well the voice o! my complaint. *! tho%+ 6ord+ wilt be eBtreme to mar< what is done amiss+ 9 6ord+ who may abide itP Aor there is mercy with theeF there!ore shalt tho% be !eared. * loo< !or the 6ordF my so%l doth wait !or him. *n his word is my tr%st. "y so%l !leeth %nto the 6ord be!ore the mornin watch+ * say+ be!ore the mornin watch. 9 *srael+ tr%st in the 6ordF !or with the 6ord there is mercy+ and with him is plenteo%s redemption. @nd he shall redeem *srae* !rom all his sins. 9= 'J' 3omine' non est 6ord+ * am not hi h-mindedF * have no pro%d loo<s. * do not eBercise mysel! in reat matters which are too hi h !or me. I%t * re!rain my so%l+ and <eep it low+ li<e as a child that is weaned !rom his motherF yea+ my so%l is even as a weaned child. 9 *srael+ tr%st in the 6ord+ !rom this time !orth !or ev- ermore. 'J) :emento' 3omine 6ord+ remember 7avid+ and all his tro%ble+ how he swore %nto the 6ord+ and vowed a vow %nto the @lmi hty 5od o! Hacob1 * will not come within the tabernacle o! mine ho%se+ nor climb %p into my bedF * will not s%!!er mine eyes to sleep+ nor mine eyelids to sl%mber+ neither the temples o! my head to ta<e any rest+ %ntil * !ind o%t a place !or the temple o! the 6ord+ an habitation !or the mi hty 5od o! Hacob. 6o+ we heard o! the same at 3phratah+ and !o%nd it in the wood. &e will o into his tabernacle+ and !all low on o%r <nees be!ore his !ootstool. @rise+ 9 6ord+ into thy restin - place+ tho%+ and the ar< o! thy stren th. 6et thy priests be clothed with ri hteo%snessF and let thy saints sin with Coy- !%lness. Aor thy servant 7avid$s sa<e+ t%rn not away the pres- ence o! thine @nointed. The 6ord hath made a !aith!%l oath %nto 7avid+ and he shall not shrin< !rom it1 9! the !r%it o! thy body shall * set %pon thy seat. *! thy children will <eep my covenant+ and my testimonies that * shall learn themF their children also shall sit %pon thy seat !or evermore. Aor the 6ord hath chosen (ion to be an habitation !or himsel!F he hath lon ed !or her. This shall be my rest !or ever1 here will * dwell+ !or * have a deli ht therein. * will bless her vict%als with increase+ and will satis!y her poor with bread. * will dec< her priests with health+ and her saints shall reCoice and sin . There shall * ma<e the horn o! 7avid to !lo%rishF * have ordained a lantern !or mine @nointed. @s

!or his enemies+ * shall clothe them with shameF b%t %pon himsel! shall his crown !lo%rish. 'JJ E""e' 0uam $onum; Iehold+ how ood and Coy!%l a thin it is+ brethren+ to dwell to ether in %nityQ *t is li<e the precio%s ointment %pon the head+ that ran down %nto the beard+ even %nto @aron$s beard+ and went down to the s<irts o! his clothin + li<e as the 95 dew o! Kermon+ which !ell %pon the hill o! (ion. Aor there the 6ord promised his blessin + and li!e !or evermore. 'J= E""e nun" Iehold now+ praise the 6ord+ all ye servants o! the 6ord+ ye that by ni ht stand in the ho%se o! the 6ord+ even in the co%rts o! the ho%se o! o%r 5od. 6i!t %p yo%r hands in the sanct%ary+ and praise the 6ord. The 6ord that made heaven and earth ive thee blessin o%t o! (ion. 'J5 Laudate 9omen 9 praise the 6ord+ la%d ye the 4ame o! the 6ordF praise it+ 9 ye servants o! the 6ord+ ye that stand in the ho%se o! the 6ord+ in the co%rts o! the ho%se o! o%r 5od. 9 praise the 6ord+ !or the 6ord is racio%sF 9 sin praises %nto his 4ame+ !or it is lovely. Aor whyP the 6ord hath chosen Hacob %nto himsel!+ and *srael !or his own possession. Aor * <now that the 6ord is reat+ and that o%r 6ord is above all ods. &hat- soever the 6ord pleased+ that did he in heaven+ and in earth+ and in the sea+ and in all deep places. Ke brin eth !orth the clo%ds !rom the ends o! the world+ and sendeth !orth li ht- nin s with the rain+ brin in the winds o%t o! his treas%res. Ke smote the !irst-born o! 3 ypt+ both o! man and beast. Ke hath sent to<ens and wonders into the midst o! thee+ 9 tho% land o! 3 ypt+ %pon Pharaoh+ and all his servants. Ke smote divers nations+ and slew mi hty <in s-(ihon+ <in o! the @morites+ and 9 + the <in o! Iashan+ and all the <in - doms o! #anaan-and ave their land to be an herita e+ even an herita e %nto *srael his people. Thy 4ame+ 9 6ord+ end%reth !or everF so doth thy me- morial+ 9 6ord+ !rom one eneration to another. Aor the 6ord will aven e his people+ and be racio%s %nto his ser- vants. @s !or the ima es o! the heathen+ they are b%t silver and old+ the wor< o! men$s hands. They have mo%ths+ and spea< notF eyes have they+ b%t they see not. They have ears+ and yet they hear notF neither is there any breath in their mo%ths. They that ma<e them are li<e %nto themF and so are all they that p%t their tr%st in them. Praise the 6ord+ ye ho%se o! *s- raelF praise the 6ord+ ye

ho%se o! @aron. Praise the 6ord+ ye ho%se o! 6eviF ye that !ear the 6ord+ praise the 6ord. Praised be the 6ord o%t o! (ion+ who dwelleth at Her%sa- lem. 96 'J6 Confitemini 5ive than<s %nto the 6ord+ !or he is racio%s .and his mercy end%reth !or ever0. 9 ive than<s %nto the 5od o! all ods .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0. 9 than< the 6ord o! all lords .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0+ who only doeth reat wonders .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0F who by his eBcellent wisdom made the heavens .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0F who laid o%t the earth above the waters .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0F who hath made reat li hts .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0+ the s%n to r%le the day .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0+ the moon and the stars to overn the ni ht .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0F who smote 3 ypt+ with their !irst-born .!or his mercy en- d%reth !or ever0+ and bro% ht o%t *srael !rom amon them .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0+ with a mi hty hand and stretched-o%t arm .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0F who di- vided the 8ed (ea in two parts .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0+ and made *srael to o thro% h the midst o! it .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0+ b%t as !or Pharaoh and his host+ he overthrew them in the 8ed (ea .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0F who led his people thro% h the wilderness .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0F who smote reat <in s .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0+ yea+ and slew mi hty <in s .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0+ (ihon+ <in o! the @morites .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0+ and 9 + the <in o! Iashan .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0+ and ave away their land !or an herita e .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0+ even !or an heri- ta e %nto *srael his servant .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0F who remembered %s when we were in tro%ble .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0+ and hath delivered %s !rom o%r enemies .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0F who iveth !ood to all !lesh .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0. 9 ive than<s %nto the 5od o! heaven .!or his mercy en- d%reth !or ever0. 9 ive than<s %nto the 6ord o! lords .!or his mercy end%reth !or ever0. 'J? Super flumina Iy the waters o! Iabylon we sat down and wept+ when we remembered thee+ 9 (ion. @s !or o%r harps+ we han ed them %p %pon the trees that are therein. Aor they that led %s away captive re,%ired o! %s then a son + and melody+ in o%r heavi- ness1 (in %s one o! the son s o! (ion. Kow shall we sin the 6ord$s son in a stran e landP *! * !or et thee+ 9 Her%salem+ let my ri ht hand !or et her c%n- nin . *! * do not remember thee+ let my ton %e cleave to the roo! o! my mo%th+ yea+ i! * pre!er not Her%salem in my mirth. 9?

8emember the children o! 3dom+ 9 6ord+ in the day o! Her%salem+ how they said+ 7own with it+ down with it+ even to the ro%nd. 9 da% hter o! Iabylon+ wasted with misery+ yea+ happy shall he be that rewardeth thee as tho% hast served %s. Ilessed shall he be that ta<eth thy children+ and throweth them a ainst the stones. 'J> Confite$or ti$i * will ive than<s %nto thee+ 9 6ord+ with my whole heartF even be!ore the ods will * sin praise %nto thee. * will wor- ship toward thy holy temple+ and praise thy 4ame+ beca%se o! thy lovin <indness and tr%thF !or tho% hast ma ni!ied thy 4ame+ and thy word+ above all thin s. &hen * called %pon thee+ tho% heardest me+ and end%edst my so%l with m%ch stren th. @ll the <in s o! the earth shall praise thee+ 9 6ordF !or they have heard the words o! thy mo%th. ;ea+ they shall sin o! the ways o! the 6ord+ that reat is the lory o! the 6ord. Aor tho% h the 6ord be hi h+ yet hath he respect %nto the lowlyF as !or the pro%d+ he beholdeth them a!ar o!!. Tho% h * wal< in the midst o! tro%ble+ yet shalt tho% re- !resh meF tho% shalt stretch !orth thy hand %pon the !%rio%s- ness o! mine enemies+ and thy ri ht hand shall save me. The 6ord shall ma<e ood his lovin -<indness toward me. ;ea+ thy mercy+ 9 6ord+ end%reth !or everF despise not then the wor<s o! thine own hands. 'J9 3omine' pro$asti 6ord+ tho% hast searched me o%t+ and <nown me. Tho% <nowest my down-sittin + and mine %prisin F tho% %nder- standest my tho% hts lon be!ore. Tho% art abo%t my path+ and abo%t my bed+ and spiest o%t all my ways. Aor lo+ there is not a word in my ton %e+ b%t tho%+ 9 6ord+ <nowest it alto- ether. Tho% hast !ashioned me behind and be!ore+ and laid thine hand %pon me. (%ch <nowled e is too wonder!%l and eBcellent !or meF * cannot attain %nto it. &hither shall * o then !rom thy (piritP or whither shall * o then !rom thy presenceP *! * climb %p into heaven+ tho% art thereF i! * o down to hell+ tho% art there also. *! * ta<e the win s o! the mornin + and remain in the %ttermost parts o! the sea+ even there also shall thy hand lead me+ and thy ri ht hand shall hold me. *! * say+ Peradvent%re the dar<ness shall cover me+ then shall my ni ht be t%rned to day. ;ea+ the dar<ness is no dar<ness with thee+ b%t the ni ht is as clear as the dayF the dar<ness and li ht to thee are both ali<e. 9> Aor my reins are thineF tho% hast covered me in my mother$s womb. * will ive than<s %nto thee+ !or * am !ear- !%lly and wonder!%lly madeF marvello%s are thy wor<s+ and that my so%l <noweth ri ht well. "y bones are not hid !rom thee+ tho% h * be made secretly+ and !ashioned beneath in the earth. Thine eyes did see my s%bstance+ yet bein imper!ectF and in thy boo< were all my members written+ which day by day were !ashioned+ when as yet there was none o! them. Kow

dear are thy co%nsels %nto me+ 9 5odF 9 how reat is the s%m o! themQ *! * tell them+ they are more in n%mber than the sandF when * wa<e %p+ * am present with thee. &ilt tho% not slay the wic<ed+ 9 5odP 7epart !rom me+ ye bloodthirsty men. Aor they spea< %nri hteo%sly a ainst theeF and thine enemies ta<e thy 4ame in vain. 7o not * hate them+ 9 6ord+ that hate theeP and am not * rieved with those that rise %p a ainst theeP ;ea+ * hate them ri ht sore+ even as tho% h they were mine enemies. Try me+ 9 5od+ and see< the ro%nd o! my heartF prove me+ and eBamine my tho% hts. 6oo< well i! there be any way o! wic<edness in meF and lead me in the way everlastin . '=0 Eripe me' 3omine 7eliver me+ 9 6ord+ !rom the evil man+ and preserve me !rom the wic<ed man+ who ima ine mischie! in their hearts+ and stir %p stri!e all the day lon . They have sharpened their ton %es li<e a serpentF adder$s poison is %nder their lips. Leep me+ 9 6ord+ !rom the hands o! the %n odlyF preserve me !rom the wic<ed men+ who are p%rposed to overthrow my oin s. The pro%d have laid a snare !or me+ and spread a net abroad with cords+ yea+ and set traps in my way. * said %nto the 6ord+ Tho% art my 5odF hear the voice o! my prayers+ 9 6ord. 9 6ord 5od+ tho% stren th o! my healthF tho% hast covered my head in the day o! battle. 6et not the %n odly have his desire+ 9 6ordF let not his mischie- vo%s ima ination prosper+ lest they be too pro%d. 6et the mischie! o! their own lips !all %pon the head o! them that compass me abo%t. 6et hot b%rnin coals !all %pon themF let them be cast into the !ire+ and into the pit+ that they never rise %p a ain. @ man !%ll o! words shall not prosper %pon the earthF evil shall h%nt the wic<ed person to over- throw him. (%re * am that the 6ord will aven e the poor+ and maintain the ca%se o! the helpless. The ri hteo%s also shall ive than<s %nto thy 4ameF and the C%st shall contin%e in thy si ht. 99 '=' 3omine' "lama!i 6ord+ * call %pon theeF haste thee %nto me+ and consider my voice when * cry %nto thee. 6et my prayer be set !orth in thy si ht as the incenseF and let the li!tin %p o! my hands be an evenin sacri!ice. (et a watch+ 9 6ord+ be!ore my mo%th+ and <eep the door o! my lips. 9 let not mine heart be inclined to any evil thin F let me not be occ%pied in %n odly wor<s with the men that wor< wic<edness+ lest * eat o! s%ch thin s as please them. 6et the ri hteo%s rather smite me !riendly+ and reprove me. I%t let not their precio%s balms brea< my headF yea+ * will pray yet a ainst their wic<edness. 6et their C%d es be overthrown in stony

places+ that they may hear my words+ !or they are sweet. 9%r bones lie scattered be!ore the pit+ li<e as when one raveth and di eth %p the ro%nd. I%t mine eyes loo< %nto thee+ 9 6ord 5odF in thee is my tr%st. 9 cast not o%t my so%l. Leep me !rom the snare that they have laid !or me+ and !rom the traps o! the wic<ed doers. 6et the %n odly !all into their own nets to ether+ and let me ever escape them. '=) )o"e mea ad 3ominum * cried %nto the 6ord with my voiceF yea+ even %nto the 6ord did * ma<e my s%pplication. * po%red o%t my com- plaints be!ore him+ and showed him o! my tro%ble. &hen my spirit was in heaviness+ tho% <newest my pathF in the way wherein * wal<ed have they privily laid a snare !or me. * loo<ed also %pon my ri ht hand+ and saw there was no man that wo%ld <now me. * had no place to !lee %nto+ and no man cared !or my so%l. * cried %nto thee+ 9 6ord+ and said+ Tho% art my hope+ and my portion in the land o! the livin . #onsider my complaintF !or * am bro% ht very low. 9 deliver me !rom my persec%torsF !or they are too stron !or me. Irin my so%l o%t o! prison+ that * may ive than<s %nto thy 4ame-which thin i! tho% wilt rant me+ then shall the ri hteo%s resort %nto my company. '=J 3omine' e6audi Kear my prayer+ 9 6ord+ and consider my desireF hear<en %nto me !or thy tr%th and ri hteo%sness$ sa<e. @nd enter not into C%d ement with thy servantF !or in thy si ht shall no man livin be C%sti!ied. '00 Aor the enemy hath persec%ted my so%lF he hath smitten my li!e down to the ro%ndF he hath laid me in the dar<ness+ as the men that have been lon dead. There!ore is my spirit veBed within me+ and my heart within me is desolate. ;et do * remember the time pastF * m%se %pon all thy wor<s. ;ea+ * eBercise mysel! in the wor<s o! thy hands. * stretch !orth my hands %nto theeF my so%l aspeth %nto thee as a thirsty land. Kear me+ 9 6ord+ and that soon+ !or my spirit waBeth !aintF hide not thy !ace !rom me+ lest * be li<e %nto them that o down into the pit. 9 let me hear thy lovin -<indness be- times in the mornin F !or in thee is my tr%st. (how tho% me the way that * sho%ld wal< inF !or * li!t %p my so%l %nto thee. 7eliver me+ 9 6ord+ !rom mine enemiesF !or * !lee %nto thee to hide me. Teach me to do the thin that pleaseth theeF !or tho% art my 5od. 6et thy lovin (pirit lead me !orth into the land o!

ri hteo%sness. T%ic<en me+ 9 6ord+ !or thy 4ame$s sa<eF and !or thy ri hteo%sness$ sa<e brin my so%l o%t o! tro%ble. @nd o! thy oodness slay mine enemies+ and destroy all them that veB my so%lF !or * am thy servant. '== Benedi"tus 3ominus Ilessed be the 6ord my stren th+ who teacheth my hands to war+ and my !in ers to !i ht+ my hope and my !ortress+ my castle and deliverer+ my de!ender in whom * tr%st+ who s%b- d%eth my people that is %nder me. 6ord+ what is man+ that tho% hast s%ch respect %nto himP or the son o! man+ that tho% so re ardest himP "an is li<e a thin o! no% htF his time passeth away li<e a shadow. Iow thy heavens+ 9 6ord+ and come downF to%ch the mo%ntains+ and they shall smo<e. #ast !orth thy li htnin + and tear themF shoot o%t thine arrows+ and cons%me them. (end down thine hand !rom aboveF deliver me+ and ta<e me o%t o! the reat waters+ !rom the hand o! stran ers+ whose mo%th tal<eth o! vanity+ and their ri ht hand is a ri ht hand o! wic<edness. * will sin a new son %nto thee+ 9 5od+ and sin praises %nto thee %pon a ten-strin ed l%te. Tho% hast iven victory %nto <in s+ and hast delivered 7avid thy servant !rom the peril o! the sword. (ave me+ and deliver me !rom the hand o! stran e children+ whose mo%th tal<eth o! vanity+ and their ri ht hand is a ri ht hand o! ini,%ity-that o%r sons may row %p as the yo%n plants+ and that o%r da% hters may be as the polished corners o! the templeF that o%r arners may be !%ll and plenteo%s with all manner o! storeF that o%r sheep may brin !orth tho%sands+ and ten tho%sands in o%r streetsF that o%r oBen may be stron to labo%rF that there be no decay+ no leadin into captivity+ and no complainin in o%r streets. Kappy are the people that are in s%ch a caseF yea+ blessed are the people who have the 6ord !or their 5od. '0' '=5 E6alta$o te' 3eus * will ma ni!y thee+ 9 5od+ my Lin F and * will praise thy 4ame !or ever and ever. 3very day will * ive than<s %nto thee+ and praise thy 4ame !or ever and ever. 5reat is the 6ord+ and marvello%s+ worthy to be praisedF there is no end o! his reatness. 9ne eneration shall praise thy wor<s %nto another+ and declare thy power. @s !or me+ * will be tal<in o! thy worship+ thy lory+ thy praise+ and wondro%s wor<s+ so that men shall spea< o! the mi ht o! thy marvello%s actsF and * will also tell o! thy reatness. The memorial o! thine ab%ndant <indness shall be showedF and men shall sin o! thy ri hteo%sness. The 6ord is racio%s and merci!%l+ lon -s%!!erin + and o! reat oodness. The 6ord is lovin

%nto every manF and his mercy is over all his wor<s. @ll thy wor<s praise thee+ 9 6ordF and thy saints ive than<s %nto thee. They show the lory o! thy <in dom+ and tal< o! thy power+ that thy power+ thy lory+ and mi htiness o! thy <in dom+ mi ht be <nown %nto men. Thy <in dom is an everlastin <in domF and thy dominion end%reth thro% ho%t all a es. The 6ord %pholdeth all s%ch as !all+ and li!teth %p all those that are down. The eyes o! all wait %pon thee+ 9 6ordF and tho% ivest them their meat in d%e season. Tho% openest thine hand+ and !illest all thin s livin with plenteo%sness. The 6ord is ri hteo%s in all his ways+ and holy in all his wor<s. The 6ord is ni h %nto all them that call %pon him+ yea+ all s%ch as call %pon him !aith!%lly. Ke will !%l!il the de- sire o! them that !ear himF he also will hear their cry+ and will help them. The 6ord preserveth all them that love him+ b%t scattereth abroad all the %n odly. "y mo%th shall spea< the praise o! the 6ordF and let all !lesh ive than<s %nto his holy 4ame !or ever and ever. '=6 Lauda' anima mea Praise the 6ord+ 9 my so%l. &hile * live will * praise the 6ordF yea+ as lon as * have any bein + * will sin praises %nto my 5od. 9 p%t not yo%r tr%st in princes+ nor in any child o! manF !or there is no help in them. Aor when the breath o! man oeth !orth+ he shall t%rn a ain to his earth+ and then all his tho% hts perish. Ilessed is he that hath the 5od o! Hacob !or his help+ and whose hope is in the 6ord his 5od+ who made heaven and earth+ the sea+ and all that therein isF who <eepeth his prom- ise !or everF who helpeth them to ri ht that s%!!er wron F who !eedeth the h%n ry. '0) The 6ord looseth men o%t o! prisonF the 6ord iveth si ht to the blind. The 6ord helpeth them that are !allenF the 6ord careth !or the ri hteo%s. The 6ord careth !or the stran ersF he de!endeth the !atherless and widow. @s !or the way o! the %n odly+ he t%rneth it %pside down. The 6ord thy 5od+ 9 (ion+ shall be Lin !or evermore+ and thro% ho%t all enerations. '=? Laudate 3ominum Praise the 6ord+ !or it is a ood thin to sin praises %nto o%r 5odF yea+ a Coy!%l and pleasant thin it is to be than<!%l. The 6ord doth b%ild %p Her%salem+ and ather to ether the o%tcasts o! *srael. Ke healeth those that are bro<en in heart+ and iveth medicine to heal their sic<ness. Ke telleth the n%mber o! the stars+ and calleth them all by their names. 5reat is o%r 6ord+ and reat is his powerF yea+ and his wis- dom is in!inite. The 6ord setteth %p the mee<+ and brin eth the %n odly down to the ro%nd. 9 sin %nto the 6ord with than<s ivin F sin praises %pon the harp

%nto o%r 5od+ who covereth the heaven with clo%ds+ and prepareth rain !or the earth+ and ma<eth the rass to row %pon the mo%ntains+ and herb !or the %se o! menF who iveth !odder %nto the cattle+ and !eedeth the yo%n ravens that call %pon him. Ke hath no pleas%re in the stren th o! an horseF neither deli hteth he in any man$s le s. I%t the 6ord$s deli ht is in them that !ear him+ and p%t their tr%st in his mercy. Praise the 6ord+ 9 Her%salemF praise thy 5od+ 9 (ion. Aor he hath made !ast the bars o! thy ates+ and hath blessed thy children within thee. Ke ma<eth peace in thy borders+ and !illeth thee with the !lo%r o! wheat. Ke sendeth !orth his commandment %pon earth+ and his word r%nneth very swi!tly. Ke iveth snow li<e wool+ and scattereth the hoar- !rost li<e ashes. Ke casteth !orth his ice li<e morsels. &ho is able to abide his !rostP Ke sendeth o%t his word+ and melteth themF he bloweth with his wind+ and the waters !low. Ke showeth his word %nto Hacob+ his stat%tes and ordinances %nto *srael. Ke hath not dealt so with any nationF neither have the heathen <nowled e o! his laws. '=> Laudate 3ominum 9 praise the 6ord o! heavenF praise him in the hei hts. Praise him+ all ye an els o! hisF praise him+ all his host. Praise him+ s%n and moonF praise him+ all ye stars and li ht. Praise him+ all ye heavens+ and ye waters that are above the heavens. 6et them praise the 4ame o! the 6ord+ !or he spo<e the word+ and they were madeF he commanded+ and they were '0J created. Ke hath made them !ast !or ever and everF he hath iven them a law which shall not be bro<en. Praise the 6ord %pon the earth+ ye dra ons and all deepsF !ire and hail+ snow and vapo%rs+ wind and storm+ !%l!illin his wordF mo%ntains and all hillsF !r%it!%l trees and all cedarsF beasts and all cattleF worms and !eathered !owlsF <in s o! the earth+ and all peopleF princes+ and all C%d es o! the worldF yo%n men and maidens+ old men and children+ praise the 4ame o! the 6ord. Aor his 4ame only is eBcellent+ and his praise above heaven and earth. Ke shall eBalt the horn o! his peopleF all his saints shall praise him+ even the children o! *s- rael+ even the people that serveth him. '=9 Cantate 3omino 9 sin %nto the lord a new son F let the con re ation o! saints praise him. 6et *srael reCoice in him that made him+ and let the children o! (ion be Coy!%l in their Lin . 6et them praise his 4ame in the danceF let them sin praises %nto him with tabret and harp. Aor the 6ord hath pleas%re in his peo- ple+ and helpeth the mee<-hearted. 6et the saints be Coy!%l with loryF let them reCoice in their beds. 6et the praises o! 5od be in their mo%th+ and a two-ed ed sword in their hands+ to be aven ed o! the heathen+ and to reb%<e the peo- pleF to bind their <in s in chains+ and their nobles with lin<s o! iron+ that they may be aven ed o! them+ as it is written+ (%ch hono%r have all his

saints. '50 Laudate 3ominum 9 praise 5od in his holinessF praise him in the !irmament o! his power. Praise him in his noble actsF praise him accord- in to his eBcellent reatness. Praise him in the so%nd o! the tr%mpetF praise him %pon the l%te and harp. Praise him in the cymbals and dancesF praise him %pon the strin s and pipe. Praise him %pon the well-t%ned cymbalsF praise him %pon the lo%d cymbals. 6et every thin that hath breath praise the 6ord. '0= 569((@8; The !ollowin list consists o! words and phrases in #overdale$s translation o! the Psalter-very brie!ly de- !ined-which may be %n!amiliar to some readers+ since many o! the words have !allen o%t o! %se since the siBteenth cen- t%ry. The n%mbers o! the Psalms in which the terms appear are in brac<ets. @ m%ch !%ller and more scholarly lossary can be !o%nd in (. 8. 7river$s The Parallel Psalter' Being the Prayer-Book )er- sion of the Psalms and a 9e# )ersion .9B!ord1 #larendon Press+ '>9>0. afore: be!ore [?=+ ')9]against: in the presence o! [)J]allo#: approve ['']$etimes: early [5+ 59+ '=J]$u"kler: shield ['>+ J5+ 9']"ast lots: amble+ as in throwin dice [))]"ast me in the teeth: ta%nt me [=)]"ertify: in!orm ['9+ J9]"omforta$le: com!ortin [5=+ 69]"ony: rabbit ['0=] "on!ersation: relationships with other people [J?+ 50]"ords: ropes [)+ ''>+ '=0]de"lare: ma<e <nown ['9+ ))+ J0+ =0+ 50+ ?5+ ??+ ?>+ 96+ 9?] despitefulness: malicio%s contempt [')J]de!i"e>s?: in en%ity [)'+ JJ]dis"omfit: de!eat ['>+ 66]dis"o!er: lay bare ['>+ )9]dissem$le: conceal one$s real nat%re [')+ '>+ ?>]dragon: sea-monster [==+ ?=+ 9'+ '=>]enduedst: endowed ['J>]ensue: !ollow a!ter [J=]entreated: treated ['0?]es"he#: avoid ['?+ J=]fain: lad.ly0 [J=+ ?0]fast: !irm.ly0 [JJ+ J>+ 65+ 69+ ?J+ >>+ >9+ 96+ '0)+ '0?+ '''+ '')+ ')5+ '=?+ '=>] fire$rand: piece o! b%rnin wood ['0)]flittings: wanderin s [56]flood: river [)=+ )9+ =6+ 69+ ?)+ >9+ 9J+ '0?] fro#ard: di!!ic%lt+ %nr%ly ['>+ ==+ 5>+ 6=+ '0']gra!e .!er$01 di [?+ '=']ground . !er$01 b%ild %pon a sold !o%ndation [''9.'9]ground of the heart: bottom o! the heart [6>]grudge: complain [59]hart: deer ['>+ =)]hell: the rave [9+ '6+ '>+ J0+ =9+ 55+ >6+ >>+ >9+ ''6+ 'J9]high stoma"h: pride ['0']hind: doe [)9]hold of: clin to [J']horn: emblem o! power and mi ht ['>+ ?5+ >9+ 9)+ '')+ 'J)+ '=>]hyssop: plant %sed in Hewish p%ri!ication rites [5']impute: ascribe [J)]indite: write or dictate [=5]in!entions: contrivances+ lies [5+ )>+ 99+ '06]7e#ry: H%daea [?6]knap: brea< into pieces with a sharp blow [=6]learn: teach [)+ )5+ >)+ ''9.'9] '05 leasing: lies [=+ 5]Le!iathan: sea-monster [?=+ '0=]lot: destiny or share ['6+ '05+ ')5]mem$er: part or or an o! the body ['0>+ 'J9]mer"y-seat: coverin o! the sacred ar< in the Hewish temple

[)>] minished: diminished [')+ '0?]myrrh+ aloes+ and "assia: !ra rant plants and %m-resins [=5] naughty: wic<ed [>6]noisome: harm!%lF evil-smellin [9']o$lation: sacri!ice or o!!erin [)?+ 5'] outgoings: the eBtremities [65]perad!enture: perhaps [55+ 'J9]pit: raveF trap [6+ ?+ 9+ )>+ J0+ J5+ =0+ 5?+ 6>+ >>+ 9=+ ''9.''+ '=0+ '='+ '=J] ports: ates [9]pre!ent: o be!ore ['>+ )'+ ''9.'9] pri!ily: secretly [9+ '0+ ''+ J'+ J5+ 6=+ '0'+ '=)]pro!e: test ['?+)6+ 66+ >'+ 95+ 'J9]0ui"k: alive [55]0ui"ken: brin to li!e [))+ >5+ ''9.=+ ''9.5+ ''9.?+ ''9.''+ ''9.'=+ ''9.'9+ ''9.)0+ '=J]ramping: !ierce [))]refrain: restrain [=0+ ?6+ >J+ ''9.'J+ 'J']reins: .literally0 <idneysF .!i %ratively0 the center o! one$s emotions [?+ '6+ )6+ ?J+ 'J9]runagate: va abond [6>]seat: throne [9+ ''+ =5+ =?+ >9+ 9J+ 9?+ '0J+ '0?+ '))+ 'J)]sha#m: m%sical instr%ment+ similar to a clarinet [9>]sore: severely+ very [)+ J>+ ?>+ ''9.''] span: hand$s breadth [J9]stiff ne"k: ri idity [?5]stool: throne [9=]strange: !orei n ['>+ ==+ >'+ ''=+ 'J?+ '==]suffer: allow ['6+ '00+ 'J)]surety: one who %arantees the payment o! a debt or the apppearance o! another person in co%rt [''9.'6]ta$ret: small dr%m [>'+ '=9]tell: co%nt ['9+ ))+ =>+ 56+ 'J9+ '=?]tim$rel: tambo%rine-li<e m%sical instr%ment [6>] token: si n [60+ 65+ ?=+ >6+ '05+ 'J5] throughly: thoro% hly [5']tra!ail: labor+ speci!ically birth labor [?+ =>]trump: tr%mpet [=?]try: eBamineF C%d e [''+ ')+ )6+ 'J9]unfeigned: honest [''9.']uni"orn: le endary one-horned beast [))+ )9+ 9)]!anity: somethin that is worthless [=+ 5+ 6+ '0+ ')+ )=+ J'+ J9+ ='+ 6)+ ?>+ ''9.5+ '==]!erily: tr%ly [)?+ J?+ J9+ 5>+ 6)] #ater-pipes: %nder ro%nd sprin [=)] #eights: scales [6)]#ell-liking: healthy [9)]#het: sharpen [?+ 6=]#ithal: as well [69+ ??+ ?>+ '06+ '09] '06

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