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Dog in common use nutritional product and drugs Blessing to boon Bestly used for killing of dog cat

in the world the flea is used a medicine, can kill within 24 hours 98-1 ! fleas, the effect can maintain for 1-" months, still can keep an efficacy of medicine after being drenched or bathing, the medicine dint goes directly to hair inner part, flea or cootie as long as get in touch with and then soon die, be #ust poisoned to die after differing from to generally kill a flea medicine to need to absorb blood, better protect your pet$%he use can clear a pet body completely o&er a long period of time top and the flea in the en&ironment, ha&e no of poisonous side effect$ %he 'ao puts out %he lord cures(%he dog )u form 'ao and dog *ie 'ao, as to it+s he the dog, cat *ie, ,huang, tinea, and the skin fungi infection, ec-ema and skin are burning and the parasite, .hi, and flea$$$etc$ outside the body all ha&e a different treatment function$ %he &apor e/pects 1 01 %he wide table gets rid of an insect medicine, ability a time of banish include tapeworm, nematode and tapeworm etc$ at inside of 1" kinds of parasites inside bodies, suit the any age, pregnancy and breast feed dog use, safe credibility ha&e no medicine fla&or, easily feed to take safety degree 2ao, ha&e ne&er needed to forbid a food before taking$ Do obeisance an insect inside the ear to escape %he pet takes orally to banish parasite inside the body, can banish like tapeworm, hookworm inside the body, whip insect, &arious parasites like tapeworm,etc, a&oid the creation that the person rears common infectious disease, using can reach to 91! at a time-1 !ly get rid of insect effect$.uggest to use e&ery three months$3a&e no side effect, safety credibility, pregnant mother the dog can also trust an use and ha&e ne&er refused medicine the dog can directly swallow and refuse medicine the dog can be wrapped to meat or be mi/ed to food in ha&e ne&er needed to forbid a food to the medicine$ .eaweed powder %he top of whole natural minerals, &itamin and amino acids is good to add an article$4t daily of fi/ed amount feed on in add this article, the economy is effecti&e, contribute to impro&e completely you lo&e to spoil of health and performance$%his article only adopts the resources from .hanghai in waters-world in 5orway enriches most of the seaweed of waters, another specially #oin 6mega7the 4o rice adds8 of ", 9, 9 fatty acidses , to the healthy skin, keep hair sheen to contain ob&ious effect$.trengthen to supply &itamin and mineral, contribute to impro&ing digesti&e power, promote machine body healthy condition completely$ ,alcium powder %he cat dog beard in the growth is added a great deal of calcium and :in to satisfy the demand of organi-ations such as skeleton and tooth etc$ growth$%he ad&anced age cat dog e;ually needs to add calcium :in to support the strength of skeleton$%his article adopts natural raw material, particularly the benefit absorbs at young age and the ad&anced age cat dog machine body$%he composition includes(<rotein 12!=>at 8!=>iber 1!=3umidity 9!=,alcium 2 !=:in 1 ! Beautiful hair powder 1 ! natural composition, pro&ide 2ao density 6mega7the 4o rice adds8 ", 9, 9 fatty acidses,

ha&e the importance influence on the dog cat hair ;uality, contribute to helping the skin to grow, and promote the healthy le&el of skin further, send forth proud sheen from root to hair point$.pecially #oin &itamin 3, &itamin and mineral, in order to strengthen normal digest to absorb function, maintenance completely healthy status, pro&ide the skin healthy assurance from the foundation$ :ea&en garlic pill %his article is rich to contain B-1, B-2, sour smoke, &itamin , and natural garlic powder$2arlic not only has the smell that draw on the cat dog, also is to health beneficial natural food$%his article is a high-;uality natural B clan &itamin and protein to add source$ %here are original fa&or and peanut fla&or that can be pro&ided as choice$ ?s beautiful to in&ite @ei his treasure .uitable pet skin growth and promote the polyunsaturated oil that the pet digests=Anrich more to contain B ", B 9$Citamin and mineral$?mpro&e health and raise garlic &egetable and lea&en and mineral selenium of &itality and immunity dint$Dri&e hair smooth bright De, impro&ement digesti&e power, eyes brightness, health enrichment, become a happy alacrity$ ,an :u pet in addition to fla&or %he main composition is the phytonicid of the plant decontamination material, fasten a pure plant to e/tract, the tree original fa&or melted to remit pine tree, cold ,hinese fir, tea, 1 remainings like lemon,etcs plant thing essence, don+t contain any chemistry to add composition, it passes a )eduction 'ethod to resol&e the strange smell member as the carbon dio/ide and water, thus rapid safety in addition to fla&or$ 4merican in nourishment supplement @eight(the 98 2s thoroughly impro&e skin allergy to scratch an itch and make the bushy oil of hair bright, particularly such as hair care generally bright behind$Being afraid effect is ob&iousE?s short and sparse to hair and the dog of 3uan skin disease has a special effectEEBe in heat smoothly, increase a foetus number, the canned milk is ample, milk dog the physical endowment is strong$)esisting is urgent, raise immunity dint, strong and healthy bone 2e, increase to bear dint, effecti&ely impro&e a milk to bark up and neurotic personality, don+t need again add other nutritional products$:ord composition(%he soybean egg :in fat, wheat acrospire and corn, soybean and meat bone powder, animal and plant oil7BA kept fresh with &itamin A8, cod-li&er oil, multi&itamin, compound amino acids and &arious minerals$ 6peration method(%he puppy is a grain of e&eryday, the toy dog is 4 grains, the small scaled dog is 9 grains, the medium-si-ed dog is 1 grains, the large dog is 14 grains, and the super large dog is 19 grains$ ,alcium stomach ability ,ontain delu/e pearl calcium :inE 'ain composition(<hosphoric acid two the calciums are F1!, &itamin D", and lactobacillus$$$etc$$ Gse(Be good for the stomach the whole bowel, strong physi;ue, furtherance ,hi tooth formation$3elp :in calcium to digest absorption, aim at puppy growth bad, pre&entHfrom a cartilage disease, low blood calcium disease$%he breast feed e/pects or the gestation dog cat breed an obstacle and add :in calcium$.trengthen disease anti-disease ability$ .uggest dosage(Gsually care a function on the first 1-" times, use the following amount of mi/ture food use each time, can consider to increase or decrease according to the

circumstance 7inside attach a medicine spoon, each time e&en spoon about 1 grams8<uppy cat( $1-1 grams of small scaled dogs(1-2 gram 'edium-si-ed dog(2-4 grams of large dogs(4-8 gram %he 3olland @ei Ba de&otes ma#or efforts calcium ,ontain pure calcium, mineral, Iiao 'ao and seaweed powder$<romote dog skeleton growth fructify muscle, sheen skin, is the puppy in the growth with breed to use mother the strong of the dog indispensability$ A&eryday dosage(.mall dog one spoon='edium dog 2 spoons=%he big dog is " spoons$De&ote ma#or efforts the calcium be as well applicable to cat and other little animals, dosage for each the 1 kgs take 2 spoons$ @ei gram nourishment cream %he dog cat appropriation synthesi-es a nourishment cream ,ontain &itamin and mineral and help growth, strong and healthy physical stature Beautiful hair oil Gse deep sea sand te/t fish oil, cherry grass the oil and other don+t precipitate se/ fat makes into of beautiful hair oil, contain abundant 6'A24", 6'A249, D340A<4 and multi&itamin, food behind make the dog cat skin sheen, to cancellation the skin coarseness lack bright, the skin scraps is e/cessi&e to take smelly, the scar Jangs all ha&e a special effect$4bility ;uick impro&ement skin status, make hair color the sheen is meek, for competing in contest a dog ha&e to of add an article$'ay also is &arious sebums to leak, the assistance treatment of the 5ong skin disease, scar disease and other skin diseases$ @a&e the calcium :in powder %he nutrient that e/clusi&ely e/pect, is pregnant the dog cat of e/pect, breast feeding the period to pro&ide to teach enough for the growth$ .upply the calcium :in of correct proportion to strengthen the absorption of calcium, and can pre&ent calcium :in from absorbing of unbalance$ .pecially add &itamin D, with pre&ention cartilage disease and add sunshine shortage$ %he wa&e the calcium :in powder implies maintenance e&eryday the essential amount of &itamin and amount of mineral$ %he proper is the best$ ?mpro&e edible meat of dog cat etc$ acidity animal feed empress of growth is bad$Anhance dog cat the skeleton de&elop and protect a tooth health, pre&ent and cure a rickets disease, cartilage disease, ha&e already helped bone wound rehabilitation$<re&entHfrom postnatal period spasm, add sunshine shortage, impro&e the malnutrition that the partial eclipse arouses$ 'ain composition( ,alcium(19!--22! :in(Be no lower than 14$1! %he &itamin D"(Be no lower than "F1 ?s$G$0lb Dosage( <ress the weight e&eryday dosage dog 1 pounds74$1 kilograms8 of one teaspoon puppies 1 pounds72$2 kilograms8 of one teaspoon cats 8 pounds7"$9 kilograms8 of 102 teaspoon

De&elop a treasure :ord composition(,ompound &itamin, main mineral, digesti&e, endowed with etc$ Gse(3elp the dog cat to de&elop, pre&entHfrom a diarrhea, the puppy lea&es a milk con&alescent care, mother dog prenatal and postnatal period nourishment, raise to breed a rate, promote appetite, help digest, sheen hair ;uality, strengthen the dint of anti- disease Dosage(<uppy cat( $1-1 gram medium-si-ed dog(2-4 gram small scaled dog(1-2 gram large dog(4-8 grams Beautiful Kang treasure @ei slice %he beautiful Kang treasure B @ei slice is speciali-ed is pet design of the B clan &itamin mastication slice, imply &arious B clan &itamin that the pet needs$?t can promote the skin of animal healthy, make skin clean and meek and pre&ent skin from bla-ing and lend support to the treatment that the skin bla-es$%he beautiful Kang treasure specially designs into the taste of pet fancy, slice the type si-e is #ust right, e&en if minimum of the pet can also eat from such as$ 'ain composition( Citamin B1, B2, B9, B12, sour smoke, be suffused with sour, folic acid, &itamin ,$ ,an feed on or mi/ into foodstuffs to feed on alone .mall scaled dog(1-2 s0sky='edium-si-ed dog("-4 s0sky= :arge dog(1-9 s0sky=2iant dog(F-8 s0sky$ .ource(Iinchang egg incubator www$incubatorforegg$com

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