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Speed of Light Tuning

Celeritas Ex Lux Piceus


Jonel Boljanac
Light (Electromagnetic Radiation) travels around the earth
approximately 7.49 times per second: The circumference of the earth at the
equator is 24,901.55 miles. The circumference of the earth at the poles is
slightly shorter 24,859.82 miles, a difference of 41.73 miles. The speed of
light c (Celeritas from Latin meaning speed or swiftness) is 186,282 miles
per second in a vacuum, c / 24,901.55 = 7.48 times per second, c / 24,859.82
= 7.49 times per second, for my resonance calculations I settled with 7.49
times per second. Musical instruments tuning to the Speed of Light is
sonically interesting and has it own peculiar tonalities & dynamics. The sub
harmonic frequency 7.49 Hz. can be harmonized by tuning a = 452 Hz, the
note A# is the octave of 7.49 Hz in this calibration. You can also tune to a =
427 Hz (B is the octave) and a = 479 Hz (A is the octave). This resonance is
in tune with several forms of radiation coming to the earth from outer space,
from nature and many other forms of natural phenomenon setting off
If c is looked upon as a frequency from the vacuum record 186,282
per second and you descend chromatically in scale per half step you come
down to these tuning frequencies 485.65, 458.39, 432.67, 408.38 if you
keep going into the subsonic you reach 7.58 close to 7.49Hz. Some have
promoted the idea of A=432Hz with light speed and attached all kinds of
other things to it, which in my opinion are very far fetched. My view takes
into consideration first that 186,282 per second is in a vacuum, and light
speed varies depending on the medium, also since it revolves around the
earth there is a tangible frequency to be calculated from since humans are
playing instruments on earth and considers the variation. If you take 432Hz
as the base with no decimal numbers and then calculate up in frequency per
half step you get 185, 992 close but not exactly 186,282. So it depends on
how you want to look it, but in my opinion if there is any possibility for
resonance its tangibility is closer to attaching on to it here on earth from a
more natural perspective and how its interacting with us: revolving around
the earth. And since it can vary in speed fluctuations which in turn means of

several Hz, it must always be kept in mind and realize that the Speed of
Light and any recommended tuning (and science dealing with it in general)
is arbitrary.
Many in the past tuned to it or close without knowing and were in
resonance with light (electromagnetic radiation) traveling around the earth.
Waves within a few Hertz + or - will resonate especially stringed
instruments because strings get pulled and bent + or - a few Hertz while
being played. I find it quite interesting that great composers and classicists
were tuned close to 7.49 Hz (7.5 Hz) or 7.83 the Schumann Resonant
Bach had some organs tuned to a = 480 Hz (Chorton choir tone),
very close to 479 Hz also a = 421 Hz (exact equal temperament from
7.83 Hz).
European orchestras and opera houses in the mid to late 1800s were
tuned to a = 452 Hz (high pitch or philharmonic pitch).
Steinway of England 1879 was a = 455 Hz.
Covent Garden Opera 1879 was a = 450 Hz.
Vienna Franciscan organ 1640 was a = 457 Hz.
Those are a few examples and there are many others in musical
history. The characteristics for stringed instruments at a = 452 Hz or any
high pitch tuning is a very noticeable saturation of over and under tones.
Its simply a more complex sound with the higher harmonics and partials
being very prominent. Regardless which note is settled for a there is a very
clear sonic distinction and different feel from a = 440 Hz.
The number (3.14159265) with a spinning vibrating string is a
circle, if selected as a base/bass frequency when exponentially calculated in
half steps comes to 426.03 451.36 478.20 close to the Speed of Light tuning
Chromatic scale from 7.49Hz * 1.0594631 per half step
7.49 (a), 7.93 (a#), 8.40 (b), 8.90 (c), 9.43 (c#), 9.99 (d), 10.59 (d#),
11.22 (e), 11.88 (f), 12.59 (f#), 13.34 (g), 14.13 (g#), 14.98 (a), 15.87
(a#), 16.81 (b), 17.81 (c), 18.87 (c#), 19.99 (d), 21.18 (d#), 22.44 (e),
23.77 (f), 25.19 (f#), 26.69 (g), 28.27 (g#), 29.96 (a), 31.74 (a#),
33.62 (b), 35.62 (c), 37.74 (c#), 39.99 (d), 42.36 (d#), 44.88 (e), 47.55

(f), 50.38 (f#), 53.38 (g), 56.55 (g#), 59.92 (a), 63.48 (a#), 67.25 (b),
71.25 (c), 75.49 (c#), 79.98 (d), 84.73 (d#), 89.77 (e), 95.11 (f),
100.77 (f#), 106.76 (g), 113.11 (g#), 119.84 (a), 126.96 (a#), 134.51
(b), 142.51 (c), 150.98 (c#), 159.96 (d), 169.47 (d#), 179.55 (e),
190.23 (f), 201.54 (f#), 213.53 (g), 226.22 (g#), 239.68 (a), 253.93
(a#), 269.03 (b), 285.02 (c), 301.97 (c#), 319.93 (d), 338.95 (d#),
359.11 (e), 380.46 (f), 403.09 (f#), 427.06 (g), 452.45 (g#), 479.36
(a), 507.86 (a#), 538.06 (b), 570.05 (c), 603.95 (c#), 639.86 (d),
677.91 (d#), 718.22 (e), 760.93 (f), 806.18 (f#), 854.12 (g), 904.91
(g#), 958.72 (a), 1015.72 (a#), 1076.12 (b), 1140.11 (c), 1207.91
(c#), 1279.73 (d), 1355.83 (d#), 1436.45 (e), 1521.87 (f), 1612.36
(f#), 1708.24 (g), 1809.82 (g#), 1917.44 (a), 2031.45 (a#), 2152.25
(b), 2280.23 (c), 2415.82 (c#), 2559.47 (d), 2711.67 (d#), 2872.91 (e),
3043.74 (f), 3224.73 (f#), 3416.49 (g), 3619.64 (g#), 3834.88 (a),
4062.91 (a#), 4304.50 (b), 4560.46 (c), 4831.64 (c#), 5118.95 (d),
5423.34 (d#), 5745.83 (e), 6087.49 (f), 6449.47 (f#), 6832.98 (g),
7239.29 (g#), 7669.76 (a), 8125.83 (a#), 8609.02 (b), 9120.93 (c),
9663.29 (c#), 10237.90 (d), 10846.68 (d#), 11491.66 (e), 12174.99
(f), 12898.95 (f#), 13665.96 (g), 14478.58 (g#), 15339.53 (a),
16251.66 (a#), 17218.04 (b), 18241.87 (c), 19326.59 (c#), 20475.81
(d), 21693.37 (d#).

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