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THE LUDICROUSLY POWERFUL LAW OF PROJECTION Let us try a little something. Look at an object in front of you, say a table. Now withdraw everything you think you know about that table, any idea of table you have accumulated from your past, and just LET the table simply REVEAL ITSELF TO YOU (without your descriptors of it). Let it be seen without you imposing any of your values or stuff onto it. You may notice something beautiful happens. Its true essence, its innocence and beauty is revealed. Its shimmering energetic quality. Its Light. Now try the same experiment with someone you may have an issue or difficulty with at the moment. Just see them in your minds eye and as you relax your description or analysis of them LET THEM SIMPLY REVEAL THEMSELVES TO YOU. Without your judgment being imposed on them. What happens then? Like the table, their Light, their beauty can be seen. Now perhaps do it with a bodily or emotional pain. Do not impose your values onto it but instead let it reveal itself to you. Something interesting happens. It seems to soften, even drop away. So you can see quite how we are constantly making the world we see with our own judgment system imposed on it (projection). When we relax that critical faculty and let things simply be seen and REVEALED TO YOU, a world of innocence, harmlessness and purity pours into the mind instead.

PAST-LIFE HEALING Often when we are in a significant relationship with someone, be it as romantic partners or parent-child etc we carry with us *within the relationship* a kind of overspill fro m lifetimes before, in the form of karma. Particularly where issues seem to keep resurfacing or are particularly challenging it can point to a past-life that needs healing where for example a traumatic event was shared between the two or an act of violence performed by one upon the other, for example. Bear in mind that the form a relationship will take from lifetime-to-lifetime is usually vastly different, as the case below will show you. Eg. a parent-child may have been child-parent in a previous life, or even sworn enemies on the battlefield. (NB. Karma effectively means a swathe of fear/guilt that is carried over into the next existence from some act upon the other or a shared traumatic event for transmutation and release in this life. A 'divine clear-out' of the relationship if you will. All things must point to healing in the end.) A case in point: I was working with someone the other day who was having a very challenging relationship with her teenage daughter who was suffering with helplessness and depression. When we looked in to the issue, essentially by viewing it with Divine Light (wholly non-judgmentally), the client suddenly felt great pain in her chest and heart. We then explored into the pain, specifically *what needed to be forgiven*, working with the supra-consciousness (the

Divine part of our mind that can see all dimensions of time) a rather shocking vision came to the client's mind of her attacking her daughter with a knife in a previous life (perhaps they were sworn enemies, the details we did not need to go into). We then brought Divine Light in until the images and memories were totally cleared from the mind of the client and the energy of this traumatic event was lifted and this is her description and testimonial: Hi Dan, I just wanted to share that I continue to feel so pure and energized following our healing appointment. The healing that occurred around the past life with my daughter was astounding. It feels as if something big lifted and now we are free to be together with more purity, less heaviness. My daughter has also seemed to benefit from the healing. She has had more energy and more willingness to participate in small things. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will let you know how things proceed.

THE GOLDEN INSIGHT It is wonderful when the penny drops for the client; when the golden coins of realisation come raining down upon them when an issue of theirs has been healed and the insight is given them about why they have gone through the particular issue. Today for example I was in a session with someone who had been abandoned by her partner and was not able to get over it 3 years on. When we looked deeper into it, and asked Spirit what the 'FORGIVENESS OPPORTUNITY' was, the memory immediately came up of her father, who left at the age of 3 to start up a new family. Up until that time, there had been great love from the father to her, as she was the first child. That love was suddenly taken away and she was thrust into a paradigm of jealousy and comparing and chasing. A similar thing then ensued with her partner many years on. He had left to set up another life. She was left asking why, and felt so betrayed. We did the healing both around her father leaving, and her partner leaving, in both cases bringing Divine Light into the images and memories to transform them. In both cases, new images came forth, ones that were a lot more joyous and healthy. In the first case, she saw herself playing affectionately with her father and his new wife. She saw herself growing up through the experience of the memory being healed. What was left however was a PREVAILING SENSE OF ABANDONMENT. This is a core fear that most people carry with them, consciously or unconsciously, one that is ontologically tied in with the idea of separation. I then cleared all the ENERGY OF ABANDONMENT that was present, and as I did so the client felt it very physically,

eventhough it was being done internationally, via Skype. She was then left with a STARTLING REALISATION: that the whole thing had been set up at a 'high level', that she had met this person, that he was supposed to leave her SO SHE COULD HEAL HER FEAR AND ALL IDEAS AND CONCEPTS OF ABANDONMENT from her mind. This was a wonderful divine realisation. That certain events, experiences and people come into our lives as THEY ARE SHOWING US WHAT IS STILL TO BE HEALED IN US Once we look at it from that perspective and understand what the healing opportunity is, miracles truly abound.

OUR PRESENT-DAY EMOTIONAL CHALLENGE IS REFLECTIVE OF A PAST 'WOUND' A wonderful and illustrative insight came through with a client a couple of weeks ago during a regressive healing. As I have said many times on here, our present day concerns and woes are but a reflection of some event or happening in the past that has left its neurological imprint. This particular client had heightened anxiety about writing essays and coursework for her University degree: every time she picked up a pen to begin to write, her creative flow would leave her and she would be stricken with an 'unreasonable' anxiety. The method I often use to understand what is UNDERLYING the present-day concern is to work with the superconsciousness or Spirit part of the mind, for that knows all and can give us the Insight we need. It knows - it does not analyze or surmise. The method I used in this case is the following: I asked her to bring her awareness to the anxiety itself and then to ask Spirit "When was the FIRST time I FELT this?" within a few moments a very early, grainy, memory appeared (she said she would have been only 1 or 2) where she was scrawling using a marker pen on something she should not have been scrawling on and her mother shouted at her. A raised adult voice and other forms of 'intrusion' of course leave their mark on the young nervous system in formation. These marks and intrusions can stay with the person into adulthood - giving a whole range of 'disorder' until a forgiveness/healing takes place. Divine Light can then brought into the offending memory in order to change its form, purify and transmute it. The wound is then lifted out and the present-day issue can immediately soften with it. Once we understand all the underlying CAUSES for the present-day issue and then heal them, at source, wonderful qualitative shifts in consciousness can take place. ~~ Dan is an internationally recognised healer and psychotherapist based in London, UK. He is currently accepting new clients for 2014 and is happy to give a COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION to give a full appraisal of your issues. "Dan Sainsbury is one of the most gifted and enlightened Healers in this world at this time. I would highly recommend

Dan to anyone who is contemplating acquiring help with personal issues regarding their own wellbeing with a view to living a better life. " Michael Murray, Head of ACIM Ireland and psychoanalyst.

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