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Concordia Lutheran Church December, 2012

COMING SOON Get Ready, Get Set. . .Wait! I once told you all through this newsletter that Im not much of a shopper. owe!er, I did actually go out on "lac# $riday %well, actually it was 10pm &han#sgi!ing 'ight( to score a deal. &hat said, Ill ne!er be the type that turns "lac# $riday campouts into a tradition. )!ery year you hear about fights brea#ing out at *al+art or &arget on this ,super shoppingday. &his year, a few people in $lorida were shot o!er par#ing spaces, and se!eral others got in bar. style brawls / all because people feel they ha!e to ,hurry up- and get ready for Christmas. *hats more, Christmas will still be December 20th whether you start getting ready months or hours in ad!ance. 1ll this concern and rush to prepare, e!en when we #now e2actly whats coming. &he truth is that 3od didnt let is people #now when sal!ation was coming4 5aul writes in 3alatians, ,*hen the time had fully come, 3od sent his 6on, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under the law, that we might recei!e the full rights of sons.- %787.0 'I9( &hats it. It was time when it was time. Christs birth was not a 0 a.m. doorbuster special. &he sal!ation of man#ind was the deal of eternity, and it was generations in the ma#ing. &hat is the message of 1d!ent / :ust as the Israelites did not #now when ;esus would arri!e at the first, we do not #now when e will return. 3od tells us to prepare, and then to wait for the right time. Its not about waiting for "lac# $riday, and then hurrying up to be ready in time. It is about the anticipation that comes when the stage is already set. &his year, ta#e a moment to step bac# from the hectic dash toward December 20th to sit in the peaceful calm that comes from #nowing that, through is death, ;esus has made us ready. *e dont ha!e to frantically scramble and rush to prepare to meet our Lord, for e has already come down to meet us4 ,&oday in the town of Da!id a 6a!ior has been born to you< he is Christ the Lord.- %L# 2811( "lessed 1d!ent4 ====================

&>?+5)& 'otes
5ublished +onthly by8 Concordia Lutheran Church 220 6choolhouse Lane Columbus @ 7A22B %C17(BDB.DB00 m >e!. Darren arbaugh,

*))FLG 6C )D?L)
B810 a.m. )arly *orship H8A0.108A0 "ible 6tudyI 6unday 6chool 10870 a.m. Late *orship Thursdays, "ible 6tudy 10800 a.m.

5astors 'otes 2 "oard 'otes A @rganiJation 'otes A.7 ealth +inistry 'otes 7,C 5eople 'otes 7 Calendar 'otes D

5astor Dcs. Fathleen +ills, )ditor

5astors Corner December 2012

Advent Past, Present and Future I came across this info a few years ago on the LCMS website (LCMS org! It was very he"#fu" to me and I thought I$d share it with you The word "advent" is from the Latin word for "coming," and as such, describes the "coming" of our Lord Jesus Christ into the flesh. Advent begins the church year because the church year begins where Jesus' earthly life began--in the ld Testament !ro!hecies of his incarnation. After Advent comes Christmas, which is about his birth" then #!i!hany, about his miracles and ministry" then Lent, about his Calvary-bound mission" then #aster, about his resurrection and the sending of the a!ostles" and then Ascension $%& days after #aster' and (entecost, with the sending of the )oly *!irit. The first half of the church year $a!!ro+imately ,ecember through June' highlights the -life- of Christ. The second half $a!!ro+imately June through .ovember' highlights the -teachings- of Christ. The !arables and miracles !lay a big !art here. That's "the church year in a nutshell," and it should hel! reveal how Advent fits into "the big !icture." Advent s!ecifically focuses on Christ's "coming," but Christ's coming manifests itself among us in three ways--!ast, !resent, and future. The readings which highlight Christ's coming in the !ast focus on the ld Testament !ro!hecies of his incarnation at /ethlehem. The readings which highlight Christ's coming in the future focus on his "second coming" on the Last ,ay at the end of time. And the readings which highlight Christ's coming in the !resent focus on his ministry among us through 0ord and *acrament today. I es#ecia""y a##reciate our em#hasis on the three comings (advents! of Christ during the Advent season #ast, #resent, future %esus came the first time (#ast! when he was born of the virgin Mary &od became man for you 'e died and rose again for you for the forgiveness of a"" your sins %esus comes to you now (#resent! 'e comes to you through the #rinted word ((ib"e!, the s#o)en *ord (abso"ution, sermon, encouragement from fe""ow Christians!, and the Sacrament ((a#tism and the Lord$s Su##er! 'e rea""y and tru"y comes to be #resent with you in *ord and Sacrament and forgives you of a"" your sins *e a"so )now that %esus is coming again in g"ory (future! *e "oo) forward to the fina" Advent of our +ing, -As %udge, on c"ouds of "ight.he soon wi"" come again .and a"" his scattered saints unite.with him in heaven to reign / 'e is coming for you to ta)e you to be with him forever 0his is our ho#e day to day, but es#ecia""y during this Advent season as we fe""owshi# with one another during the *ednesday night Advent Services and during the 1ivine Service on Sunday May this #rayer be ever on our "i#s, -Amen2 Come, Lord %esus2/ Pastor 1arren 'arbaugh

BOARD OF DEACONS December Stewards Ushers: Acolyte: Com. Asst: ;oel +ills Sacristan: ;ulie 'eff Clean Up: ;ulie 'eff ectors December ! 9ona 3ooding December " +ary umphrey December #$ >on +eyer December !% Childrens 5rogram December %& Diana 6chnac#

)ducation our, as well as two 6aturday rehearsals / 12IB and 12I22, from 10800am to 118A0am. 6ee you all soon4 OR4AN'5A('ON NO(ES


Next Meeting: SUNDAY, December 9th Time: 4:00pm Location: Crum e!i"ence #o!te!!: Lin"a

*@&C will be celebrating their Christmas get.together on 6unday, December H. $un begins at 7800 at the home of Linda Crum. 1ll ladies of Concordia are welcome to attend for both a business meeting as well as fellowship and sharing. Do you still ha!e your fa!orite doll recei!ed as a Christmas gift many years agoL If so, bring it and share her story< if not, you can still share her story.

F'NANC'A NO(ES Ste)e *+s,op-. (reas+rer /(D End o- #&0%#0!&#!: Receipts: K100,012.D7 E1penses: KHH,A20.D0 Operatin2 F+nd Balance: K2H,0H0.CA Escrow Balances at #&0%#0#! Bene)olence F+nd: B+ildin2 F+nd: K22,BCD.B2 Ch+rch 3or,ers F+nd: KCD.CA 4arden F+nd: K1CB.D2 'mpro)ement F+nd Balance: *emorial F+nd: /o+th Sa)in2s: K1,DB0.1H SS *issions: (ract F+nd:


K7CDC.77 KA,AH2.1B

K1D.7A KA00.00

6EA (6 *'N'S(R/ NO(ES 7+lie Ne-&han#s to e!eryone who participated in the ealthy Li!ing ealth $air. *e had a wonderful day and en:oyed sharing with e!eryone. &here are left o!er freebies, handouts, and information in the ealth +inistry area. 5lease help yourself4 M&is the season to collect N5I'FN lids to sa!e li!es. 5lease bring in your lids and we will register them on.line. If you !isit www.lidstosa!eli! you can !iew the long list of products participating this year. 1gain blessing to all for participating in N&he *al# &o "ethlehemN. &he original date for our trip was cancelled, howe!er the trip is being rescheduled for +arch 201A. *e are loo#ing at that possibility and will #eep you updated. Gour ealth +inistry &eam would li#e to wish you and yours the best of health, happiness, and healing this holiday season and throughout 201A4

BOARD OF EDUCA('ON @ur 6unday 6chool children are preparing for our annual Christmas program to be held 6unday, December 2Ard, at @') 6)>9IC) at H8A0am. >ehearsals are 6undays during the

Les 'icol "arb +iller Dominic Ceroli Cassandra >obbins

12I22 12I27 12I2C 12I2D

DECE*BER ANN'9ERSAR'ES *alt P ;oyce +uller 12I7 6te!en P Linda Crum 12I1B

A (AR CARE NO(ES 7+lie Ne-&he new $lower chart for 201A will be posted soon. 5lease consider celebrating a lo!ed one by signing up for a special 6unday. 1s always the cost is still :ust K10.00. @ur new 1ltar Care monthly list will be posted and is in need of many names to assist with communion set up and clean up. 'eed to ha!e trainingL 'o problem, anyone on the committee can help you get started for free. 'ow thatOs a deal44 8EO8 E NO(ES

CON4RA(U A('ONS Fim >owe graduates today from the 9eterinary &echnicians program at the "radford 6chool. 6he has earned her 1ssociates Degree in 1pplied 6cience after 1B months of coursewor#. *ere proud of you, Fim4

3E 8RA/ FOR OUR *E*BERS *e continue to #eep 9irginia Limbach, "etty +iller, Irene >enner, )!a 6alJer, and 3ene 6iec# in our prayers. If you ha!e special prayer needs, please call me or email them to for inclusion in the &rumpet'@&)64

&he 1ngel &ree tags are ready and hanging on the tree in the narthe2. elp bring a Christmas smile to a student at 5rairie Lincoln )lementary 6chool. 6elect a tag for either a toy or an article of clothing. >eturn the gift and the angel tag, the Gouth 3roup will wrap4 Date to be determined but it will probably be within the ne2t 2. A wee#s.


'N4 A

:U' (ERS

DECE*BER B'R(6DA/S Chris Ceroli 12IC 6te!e >ice 12IC ;eff >ay 12I11 Cory Crum 12I10 >ebecca +orris 12I1H >oger 'aus 12I20 ;erry @coc# 12I21

MOST Ministries is recruiting team members who are quilters, knitters or sewers for a mission trip to Costa Rica. Please insert the following announcement in your church bulletin, newsletter an post on your website for the weeks of !ecember " an !ecember #$. MOST Ministries has a request from the national %utheran Church in Costa Rica to sen a team of sewers as a follow&up to last year's successful sewing team. The team is #(#) Costa Rica Sewing *March #&", +,#(-. Members of this outreach will teach two groups of Costa Rican women, some of whom are the sole supporters of their families, ifferent sewing, quilting, an knitting techniques which can be use to pro uce han crafts that are sources of income for their families.


And -rom +theran 3orld Relie-;.

%1R 2uilts eli3er comfort an hope. They are also our most requeste resource. So in +,#(, %1R is challenging you to collect 4,,,,,, 2uilts to sen to people in nee aroun the worl . To achie3e this goal we5ll nee all han s on eck. 6f your congregation has ne3er quilte for %1R before, now is a great time to start7 6f you are alrea y quilting 8 thank you7 Can you challenge your group to sen 9ust a few more %1R 2uilts this year:

1s Christian stewards we li!e in the light of the 3ospel and freely and :oyfully manage all of life and lifes resources for 3ods purposes. 3od offered up is best for us and in response we stri!e to offer our best to im. During this :oyful Christmas season we ha!e many opportunities to show our lo!e for 3od by showing lo!e to all the neighbors e has placed around us, especially those who ha!e special needs of body, soul and spirit. +ay 3od help us to use our gifts of time, talents, s#ills and financial resources to is glory and the welfare of those around us. +ay e especially help us to be li#e the shepherds and spread the good news of sal!ation in Christ alone4

FOCUS ON S(E3ARDS6'8 <God offered His best for us; let us offer our best to Him. !d it "ame to #ass i! t$ose days t$at t$ere %e!t out a de"ree from Caesar u&ustus' is the way Lu#es account of the Christmas story begins in chapter two %F;9(. &hat decree caused +ary and ;oseph to tra!el to "ethlehem, the city of Da!id, where ;esus was born according to ancient prophecy. 3ods timing is perfect as e carries out is will. 3alatians 787.0 reads, (ut %$e! t$e time $ad fully "ome, God se!t His So!, bor! of a %oma!, bor! u!der la%, to redeem t$ose u!der la%, t$at %e mi&$t re"ei)e t$e full ri&$ts of so!s. *NI+, 3ods promises are true and find their ,amen- in ;esus. &hroughout the @ld &estament 3od inspired is prophets to write down many promises of a 6a!ior. &he faithful people of 3od belie!ed is promises and were sa!ed by that faith e!en though they had not seen the 6a!ior with their own eyes. &hey li!ed before Christmas and we li!e after Christmas. *e also ha!e not seen ;esus with our own eyes and yet, by the miraculous power of the oly 6pirit, we belie!e that on that first Christmas Christ too# on imself our human form, #ept the law perfectly for us, preached the good news of sal!ation, performed countless miracles and then offered imself up as the precious Lamb of 3od who ta#es away the sin of the world, ours included4 Christmas is a !ery :oyous occasion as we celebrate our Lords first coming into the world but we also #now that the shadow of the cross already ho!ered o!er the manger where the baby ;esus was laid. e was born to die in our place so that the door to hea!en will be open to us and all who belie!e in im as our only true Lord and 6a!ior.

9olunteer date at L66 food pantry is *ednesday, December 12 from 10.A. "ring a sac# lunch to eat during brea# time. *ish the clients a blessed Christmas as you help them shop for their food items. If you cannot !olunteer on that date, perhaps you can help out by bringing in cans of tuna, bo2es of tuna helper or :ars of peanut butter. &hose are the most needed items right now because they will pro!ide a balanced meal full of protein.

=Oh. Come. Oh. Come. Emman+el= "y un#nown author, c.1100 &ranslated by ;ohn +. 'eale, 1B1B.1BCC 1. @h, come, @h, come, )mmanuel, 1nd ransom capti!e Israel &hat mourns in lonely e2ile here ?ntil the 6on of 3od appear. >e:oice4 >e:oice4 )mmanuel 6hall come to thee, @ Israel. 2. @h, come, &hou >od of ;esse, free &hine own from 6atanOs tyranny< $rom depths of hell &hy people sa!e 1nd gi!e them !ictory oOer the gra!e. >e:oice4 >e:oice4 )mmanuel 6hall come to thee, @ Israel. A. @h, come, &hou Dayspring from on high, 1nd cheer us by &hy drawing nigh< Disperse the gloomy clouds of night 1nd deathOs dar# shadows put to flight.

>e:oice4 >e:oice4 )mmanuel 6hall come to thee, @ Israel. 7. @h, come, &hou Fey of Da!id, come 1nd open wide our hea!enly home8 +a#e safe the way that leads on high 1nd close the path to misery. >e:oice4 >e:oice4 )mmanuel 6hall come to thee, @ Israel. (he +theran 6ymnal ymn QC2 &e2t8 Is. 0H820

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D)C)+") > 2012

6?'D1G +@'D1G &?)6D1G *)D')6D1G & ?>6D1G $>ID1G 1 61&?>D1G

B810am )arly *orship H8A0am 5anca#e "rea#fast 10870am Late *orship C@'$I>+1&I@' 6)>9IC) 5>@;)C&

D800pm 11 +eeting wIbabysitting

D800pm 11 +eeting

D8A0pm +idwee# 1d!ent 6er!ice

10800am +orning "ible 6tudy 11800am >etirees Luncheon D800pm 11 +eeting

10800am Childrens Christmas 5rogram >ehearsal

B810am )arly *orship H8A0am 6unday 6choolI "ible 6tudy 10870am Late *orship 7800pm *@&C E Lindas C8A0pm Choir

D800pm 11 +eeting wIbabysitting

D800pm 11 +eeting D800pm Deacons +eeting

10800am $ood 5antry 9olunteers D8A0pm +idwee# 1d!ent 6er!ice

10800am +orning "ible 6tudy D800pm 11 +eeting



B810am )arly *orship H8A0am 6unday 6choolI "ible 6tudy 10870am Late *orship 2A H8A0am @') 6er!ice Childrens 5rogram C8A0pm Choir

D800pm 11 +eeting wIbabysitting


D8A0pm +idwee# 1d!ent 6er!ice

10800am +orning "ible 6tudy D800pm 11 +eeting


Childrens Christmas 5rogram Dress >ehearsal

D8A0pm Christmas )!e 6er!ice

20 +)>>G C >I6&+16


D800pm 11 +eeting


B800am +ens "rea#fast

A0 'ormal 6chedule


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