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ANB 64, He healed me


This week we're going to talk about your physical healing that is available to you from
God. In fact, you can walk in divine (perfect health) all of your life. This is available to
you through the blood of Jesus Christ, Praise God. So let me tell you why this is and give
you some tips on how to begin walking in this.

In Genesis 1 God created man. God did not create something that would break down and
die. God did not create something that was imperfect in any way. God created a perfect
being of power and wisdom, a being of intellect and strength that we can't even
comprehend. Adam would have been perfect both mentally and physically. God does
not make anything that is less than perfect (He does give things the choice to be less than
perfect, however).

When Adam sinned sin entered His body. This sin was an immediate separator between
him and God. This sin also caused an immediate mental separation between God and
man. Adam felled from revelation (knowledge beyond the physical senses) to
information (knowledge solely derived from the physical senses). Now as his intellect
was immediately tarnished, so was his physical body. Sin is a degrading force, the
opposite of righteousness, a life giving force. Sin began to degrade his body. Adam was
created never to die. But as soon as sin entered Adam, his physical death began. In a
sense, every human being is born dying. As gravity tugs on your posture from the
moment you begin walking, sin tugs on your physical body the moment you are born.
Soon you will die.

So what I am telling you is that physical sickness is a physical manifestation of a spiritual

characteristic, sinfulness. Jesus Christ never got sick, He never had a physical ailment of
any kind. And if He had not allowed Himself to be killed, He never would have died.
Glory to God. So because there is sin in people, this sin manifests itself physically, and
you get sick and are subject to getting sick.

Now when Jesus Christ was put on the cross He Who knew no sin became sin that we
might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). Translation, Jesus
Christ was perfectly righteous. He took His righteousness and exchanged it with our sin
nature. He gave us His righteousness. Now this righteousness, or spiritual perfection,
or really even a presence of God inside you, lives in you. Your stoney heart was made
flesh (Ezekiel 11:19). You are now perfect at your core, rather than sinful at your core.

You see, there were many unfortunate consequences of the presence of sin within you.
We had no peace with God, we fell from revelation to information, we became dominated
by time rather than dominating time, and we could get physically sick. All these were
consequences of sin. The major consequence of sin was eternity in hell. The price had to
be paid. But Jesus Christ paid the penalty for all sin for us. Because of this if we accept
Him we can be put back to where God intended us to be. Jesus paid the penalty for our
sin, we now have peace with God. Jesus paid the penalty for our sin, we can now get
revelation from God through the Holy Spirit. Jesus paid the penalty for our sin, we now
can live free from the physical consequence of sin (sickness).

Read 1 Corinthians 6. The body was made for the Lord. The body was made to be the
Lord's Temple. Does God want to live in a broke down temple, of course not. He will
because He loves you and He is more concerned with your spiritual condition than your
physical condition, but God inside you should manifest Himself. When God came into
the Old Testament Temple His presence filled the place. 1 Kings 8:11 says the glory
filled the house of the Lord. The glory of God still fills His earthly house, which you
are (1 Corinthians 3:17).

So let me give you the two best reasons that you can live sickness free:
1) As your sinful core would manifests itself, so should your new perfect core manifest
itself. Because God dwells within you, God's perfection, His righteousness should
manifest itself in perfecting your mortal body. The Spirit of God which dwelleth in you
shall quicken your mortal bodies to new life (Romans 8:11).

2) The penalty for sin that was sickness has been paid for by Jesus Christ on the cross.
By His Stripes you were healed (Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24).

So now how do you begin walking out this healing. The first step is to understand what
Jesus Christ did for you. Read these scriptures and those around them. Confess over your
body that 'I'm healed because of what Jesus Christ did for me.' I receive it. You make
your health part of your daily confession. You begin praying the Word of God over your
body. You stand in faith, paying no mind to sickness or symptom. You feed on the
Word of God about this.

The truth is that for the Word of God to manifest in your life the following has to
happen: The Word of God must become bigger on the inside of you than the physical
situation opposite to the Word is on the outside of you. Glory to God. You have to
litterally become pregnant with God's Word which will birth what it says it will produce.
Or to put it another way, you have to sow the seed of God's Word into your heart so that
it will grow up and into the physical realm. This is how it works folks. There is no other
way. there are no accidents. If you ever received anything from God it either (a)
happened by this process because you purposefully worked it, (b) happened by this
process because you accidentally worked it, or (c) you didn't receive the thing from God.

We have to understand that it is precious time with God's Word that sows the seed in our
hearts that will produce. So how do we get healed. We read the healing scriptures over
and over. Get anointed teaching by people like my dad at Others
are Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Christian Harfouche. So much good Word is
available. You must sow it into your lives if you want to reap. Praise God.

Praise the Lord, you will reap on the seed of God's healing Word. Faint not, be patient,
stand in faith and in the Word. You are healed praise the Lord.

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