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Materials and Corrosion 48, 322-325 (1997)

In dieser Rubrik konnen Sie, die Leser, praxisorientierte Beitriige zur Diskussion stellen. Es werden Korrosionsprobleme, nicht aufgeklarte Schadensfalle, aber auch Losungswege und praktische Erfahrungen veroffentlicht. Damit sol1 der Erfahrungsaustausch unter den Lesern dieses Periodikums zu einer standigen Einrichtung werden. Vor allem die Praktiker und die ,,Senior Scientists" sind aufgefordert, von ihrem reichhaltigen Wissen abzugeben. Wir bitten Sie um Ihre Mitarbeit in Form von Beitragen und Leserbriefen.

In this forum readers will be able to present practical problems for discussion. It is envisaged that these contributions will include not only discussion of general problems and as yet unexplained incidents of corrosion but that suggested remedies will also be presented and discussed. It is hoped that this exchange of knowledge and experience will become a permanent feature of this periodical. We are particularly anxious that both Senior Scientists and those with more practical experience will make use of this forum to exchange information, problems and potential remedies.

Failure of stainless steel blade fixing band in a steam turbine

Schaden an einem Befestigungsband eines Flugels aus nichtrostendem Stahl in einer Dampfturbine

R. Ocampo*

A case study is presented about the failure of a stainless steel blade reinforcing band in a steam turbine. The inspection results and analysis of samples of material are discussed. Being pitting corrosion and cracks the main defects found, a study of chemical composition and heat treatment state of the steel is made and findings are related to type of failure.

Eine Fallstudie iiber das Versagen eines Befestigungsbandes eines Fliigels aus nichtrostendem Stahl in einer Dampfturbine wird vorgestellt. Die Inspektionsergebnisseund die Analyse von Probenmaterial werden diskutiert. Da als Hauptfehlerquellen Lochkorrosion und RiBbildung festgestellt worden sind, wurden Untersuchungen zur chemischen Zusammensetzung sowie zum Warmebehandlungszustand durchgefuhrt und die Ergebnisse mit den Schadenstypen in Zusammenhang gebracht.

1 Introduction
Blading of steam turbines is usually stiffened against vibration by means of steel bands rivetted to the top of each blade. Because of the high rotational speed of the turbine rotors those bands are subjected to fairly high centrifugal forces, but also they can undergo another types of service problems due to manufacturing defects or upsets in operating parameters. This case study deals with a stainless steel band from the penultimate stage of a 14.500 KW steam turbine (See Table 1) driving a synthesis gas compressor, and which failed in ser-

vice after only 4000 hours, breaking into some pieces and leading to a plant shut down. Fortunately, other internals of the turbine did not suffer important damage. Samples were taken from the broken band and sent to the laboratory, where they were investigated through inspection

Table 1. Steam turbine operating parameters Tabelle I. Betriebsparameter der Dampfturbine

MSc. Mech. Eng. R. Ocampo. Empresa de Fertilizantes Nitrogenados de Cienfuegos P.O. Box 411, Cienfuegos, CP 55100 (Cuba)

Maximum turbine rating Normal turbine rating Design speed Steam inlet pressure (gage) Steam inlet temperature Exhaust steam pressure (abs) Number of stages Steam consumption

14500 KW 12980 KW 5200 RPM 67 Kg/cm2 505 "C 0,145 Kg/cm2 13 56 Ton/h


0 VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, D-69451 Weinheim, 1997

Materials and Corrosion 48, 322-325 (1997)

Failure of stainless steel blade


Fig. 1 . Internal surface of the band showing pitting corrosion and

transverse crack between band holes Abbe 1. Innenflache des Bandes; Lochkomosionund Q schen den Bohrungen
~ zwi~

Fig. ~ 2. ~Internal B surface. Longitudinal and transverse cracks Abb. 2. Innenflache. Langs- und Querrisse

techniques includings visual and hardness checks, chemical analysis and metallurgical investigation.

2 Test results and discussion

a ) Visual check
The stainless steel band pieces, as taken off the turbine were visually inspected. Severe pitting corrosion was found on the internal surface of the band, which also was covered with an adhesive blackish deposit (Fig. 1). On both the internal and external surfaces of the band it was possible to find cracks, but more frequently they were present on the inner side. Almost all cracks started from the rivetting holes in the band, whose comers were not smoothly rounded in every case (Fig. 2).

b) Hardness check
Several hardness checks were made in each surface of the steel band. Average values are as follows: Outer surface: HV = 4 18 Inner surface: HV = 417 Had quenching and tempering processes been correctly carried out, the expected hardness values would have ranged from 170 to 220 HV; hence tempering eflect seemed to be rather absent in the analysed samples.
c ) Chemical analysis

Fig. 3. Microsection of ir ma1 surface showing m rte sitic structure, HV = 417 Abb. 3. Schliff der Innenflache mit martensitischem Gefuge, HV = 417
are presented in Table 2. As can be seen, the chromium content, main feature of a stainless steel, is rather low and below the values specified in comparable standards. The other elements were found to be within the standard limits.

d ) Metallographic investigation
Some points on the surface and cross sections of the band were polished and etched. Microstructure of the metal was

Chemical analysis of the sample was made, and results compared with specifications for some standard materials

Table 2. Comparison of chemical analysis from the failed band and specifications for standard materials Tabelle 2. Vergleich der chemischen Analyse aus dem geschadigten Band und Spezifikationen fur Standardwerkstoffe
~ ~~ ~~

Elements Sample ASTM A 176 TP 410 BS 970 EN 56A


% Si

% Mn

0.016 0.040 max . 0.045 max .

0.014 0.030 max. 0.045 max.

% Cr

0.11 0.15 max. 0.12 max.

0.36 1.o max. 1 .o max.

1.oo 1.o max. 1.o max.

11.15 11.5 13.5 12.0 14.0



Materials and Corrosion 48, 322-325 (1997)

Fig. 4. Microsection of internal surface showing an intercrystalline

crack path along former austenitic grain boundaries Abb. 4. Schliff der Innenflache; interkristalliner RiBpfad entlang der ehemaligen Austenitkorngrenzen composed of martensite with negligible amounts of ferrite (Fig. 3). Findings of the visual check were confirmed under the microscope. Cracks and pitting corrosion were the main defects found. Cracks path was found intercrystalline along the former austenitic grain boundaries (Fig. 4). Some cracks started on the internal surface of the band and grow across the band thickness with intercrystalline path (Fig. 5). Also, etched cross sections clearly showed pitting corrosion beginning only on the inner surface of the band, where corrosion products coming from other parts of the turbine accumulated in form of deposits, isolating the surface and thus creating ideal conditions for corrosion of stainless steel (Fig. 6).

Fig. 5. Polished and etched cross section showing an intercrystalline crack starting from internal surface of the band Abb. 5. Polierter und geatzter Schliff; interkristalliner RiB, der von der Innenflache loslauft

3 Concluding remarks

Visual checks and metallographic investigation confirmed that failure of the band was caused by pitting corrosion from the internal side and by cracking starting from the holes for blade rivetting tips and from the internal surface pits. Sample material taken from the steel band does not comply with the requirements of the standard materials usually employed in this parts of turbines. It is a well known fact that reduced content of chromium lowers the pitting corrosion resistance. Also, the deposits on the internal surface of the band acted as crevices, both factors together making corrosion attack easier. Heat treatment of the material seems to have been incompletely carried out, this leading to a hard martensitic structure which is sensitive to notches and therefore prone to crack formation, starting from the notches created by corrosion pits and by sharp comers in the holes of the band. Also, this structure is more susceptible to cathodic corrosion. Blackish deposits found on the internal surface of the band are supposed to be formed by rust coming from the low alloyed steel parts of the turbine rotor.

4 Acknowledgement
The permission of "Empresa de Fertilizantes Nitrogenados de Cienfuegos" was granted to publish this paper. The conclusions are the personal view of the author and are not implied to be the official views of the company.

5 References
[ l ] J. Lee:"Theory and Design of Steam and Gas Turbines", Mc Graw-Hill Book Co., 1954. [2] M. Lucini:"Steam and Gas Turbomachines: Design and Construction'' (in Spanish); Ed. Labor S.A., Spain, 1966. [3] Z. Mazur Czerwiec, V M. Cristalinas Navarro:"Life Extension of Steam Turbine Elements Through Welding Proces-

Fig. 6. Polished and etched cross section showing pitting corrosion 0.6 mm deep on internal surface Abb. 6. Polierter und geitzter Schliff; Lochkorrosion mit einer Tiefe von 0,6 mm auf der Innenflache

Materials and Corrosion 48, 322-325 (1997)

ses" (in Spanish); Electrical Investigations Institute Bulletin, Vol. 18, No. 2 , March-April 1994, Mexico. [4] V Shalj'utdinov, L. Hudenco:"Steam Turbines Maintenance and Repair Handbook" (in Spanish); Ed. Libros para la Educ a c i h , Cuba, 1981.

Failure of stainless steel blade


[ S ] Test Report No. 738 - 14, Materials Testing Laboratory, VEB Petrolchemisches Kombinat Schwedt.

(Received: July IS, 1996)

W 315.5

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