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Introduction to The ZPoint Process

by Grant Connolly, CHt Creator & Developer

Copyright 2010 Grant Connolly, All Rights Reserved

Please Note: No part of this book or included recordings ay be reproduced, stored in a retrieval syste , or trans itted by any eans, electronic, echanical, photocopying, recording, or other!ise, !ithout !ritten per ission fro the author" #he techni$ues, processes, ideas and suggestions in this book are not intended as a substitute for the edical reco endations of physicians or other health%care providers" Any application of the techni$ues, processes, ideas and suggestions in this book are at the reader&s sole discretion and risk"

Ac no!led"#ents '(d like to ackno!ledge and thank )r" *arry Ni s for his groundbreaking !ork in the creation of +,-- .+e ,et -ree -ast/" 0is concept of using a cue !ord and healing progra ade 12oint possible" #hank you, *arry"

Grant Connolly, 2eterborough, Canada 3anuary 2010

Table of Contents
Acknowledgments...............................................................................................3 Forward...............................................................................................................5 Loving Life Lets Life Love You BACK ............................................................! "#e $%oint %rocess............................................................................................11 "#e $%oint &u'conscious Cleaning %rogram...............................................12 (e)eating *our Cue +ord ...........................................................................13 ,ust like a Com)uter.....................................................................................1A Large .ata'ase.........................................................................................1Fill in t#e Blanks &tatements........................................................................15 "#e $%oint /(eleasing Circle0.....................................................................11 Basic $%oint &tatements...............................................................................1! Clearing t#e +a*s.........................................................................................12 Beliefs are 3nergetic %atterns.......................................................................12 Clearing %atterns..........................................................................................14 (eleasing .is53m)owering Beliefs.............................................................26 "#e Latest $%oint %rotocol 7 &te) '* &te).......................................................22 &te) 8ne 5 Filling out t#e Clearing +orks#eet............................................22 &te) "wo 7 9nto t#e Circle it :oes...............................................................22 &te) "#ree 7 (eleasing .ifferent As)ects....................................................23 &te) Four 7 Clearing t#e +a*s.....................................................................2&te) Five 7 Clearing even ;ore As)ects.....................................................25 &te) Five 7 "est and (e)eat <ntil .one......................................................25 (eminder 5 Alwa*s &tart '* ;aking a List..................................................2! Learn $%oint directl* from its creator :rant Connoll*. ..............................22 Free (esources ............................................................................................22

$or!ard It is never too late to be what you might have been. T.S. Eliot ' intend to sho! you a si ple yet profound !ay to change your life e4perience in !ays that !ould have see ed i possible 5ust a fe! short years ago" 't(s called #he 12oint 2rocess and if you follo! the si ple steps in this book, and listen to the special recordings available at !!!"6pointforpeace"co , you !ill $uickly find yourself responding to life(s challenges in a far ore peaceful, loving and effective !ay" #he purpose of #he 12oint 2rocess is to give you a ethod to help you find true and lasting peace of ind in a !orld filled !ith discord, doubt and fear" 't is about helping you to let go of those things that can cause you upset in all aspects of your life" 't(s about finally aking peace !ith everything and everyone in your life" #o acco plish this '(ll ask you to pay attention to those characteristic feelings that arise as you think of certain difficult or trau atic periods of your life or bring to ind the people in your life !ho upset or anger you" #hen, '(ll be guiding you through a very specific process in order to discharge the intensity of those feelings and to help you re ove or clear the per anently fro your life"

7ichelangelo is $uoted as saying 8' sa! an Angel i prisoned !ithin the arble so ' carved until ' set it free"9 'n a very real sense you are that Angel, i prisoned !ithin the arble of your o!n self%li iting thoughts and feelings" #his very si ple process !ill allo! you to release that Angel, freeing you to be the person you(ve al!ays !anted to be and to have the life that so far, you ay have only drea ed about"

%ovin" %i&e %ets %i&e %ove 'ou (AC)* Recently ' !oke up at y usual ti e feeling fantastic !ith the !ords 8*oving life lets life love you back9 running through y ind" :ther than !ay too any !ords beginning !ith the letter *", this sentence e4presses e4actly ho! ' feel" *ife does indeed love you back !hen you love it ore of the ti e" ' find great !isdo in the teachings of Abraha " .!!!"abraha %hicks"co / ' love the si ple !ay that Abraha spells out !hat&s really i portant in life" 0e says, 8!hatever you put your attention on tends to e4pand"9 #hat is the essence of the *a! of Attraction" 'f you put your attention on !hat you like, !hat you like tends to e4pand" 2utting too uch attention on !hat you ):N(# !ant brings ore of that" 'n essence, this eans that the ore you appreciate !hat&s happening in your life, the ore you en5oy it, the ore that life itself !ill return the favor and appreciate you in return" ;ou&ll notice people s iling at you as you !alk do!n the street" ;ou&ll notice people being kind !here before they ay have si ply ignored you or !ere unkind" ;ou&ll notice yourself spending far less ti e !orrying about""""anything" ;ou&ll notice that your attitude to!ard life !ill shift to anticipating good things rather than looking over your

shoulder for things you ):N&# !ant to happen" ;ou&ll notice that you 5ust !on&t think about the things that upset you any ore" Rather than !alking around u bling, gru bling, oaning and groaning about the things that you don&t like or the things you don(t have, appreciating life eans that you consciously set out to appreciate everything that akes you feel good" And, the funny thing is, the ore you do this, the better you feel" And the better you feel, a a6ingly you find that it gets even better" #ruly, 8the better it gets, the better it gets"9 -ro y perspective, '&ve arrived at this place of appreciation because ' have consciously and syste atically set out to release everything that akes e feel bad" <sing the 12oint 2rocess allo!ed e to do e4actly that" #he ore ' clear a!ay negative e otions the happier ' beca e" 't&s like '&ve re oved all the little pebbles fro y shoes that caused e to feel pain !henever ' !ent for a !alk" 7ost of us don&t kno! ho! to get those pebbles out, so !e&re forced to grit our teeth and bear the pain" #he heck !ith that= >hat ' did !as to pro%actively and syste atically release all of the negative e otions in y life" +elo! is a list of the first si4 of these that ' !orked on and not necessarily in that order"

1" ,tress and An4iety 2" Anger ?" >orry @" -ear A" Guilt B" Grief :nce ' began to let go of these a5or i pedi ents to y happiness, ' started to be happy ore and ore of the ti e" And the ore ' cleared, the happier ' beca e" And guess !hat, so can you" 't(s not difficult" 't 5ust takes a little ti e and co it ent to the idea that you can be happy" And of course it re$uires you learn to use #he 12oint 2rocess so you can let these difficult feelings go too" And this is only the start of it" ' also used 12oint to release the conflict in all of y relationships including the ones fro y past" ' !orked on y other, y father, y sister, y brother, y e4%!ife, various relatives and ore than a fe! e4%bosses" #hen ' !orked on so e of the people !ho really upset e over the years" All ' did !as bring the to ind and take the feeling that arose as ' thought of the and take it through the #he 12oint 2rocess until it !as gone and ' felt peaceful !hen ' thought of the " '( going to teach you to do the sa e !ith your life C in fact !ith all of the different parts of your life" ;ou !ill ake peace !ith your past and you 5ust !ouldn&t

believe ho! uch doing e4actly that !ill add i easurably to your life today" Are you readyD *ets get started"""


The ZPoint Process #he 12oint 2rocess itself is $uite si ple" 't consists of only three partsE 1" #he ,ubconscious Cleaning 2rogra " 2" Choosing a special cue !ord to 8activate9 that progra " ?" 2lacing your a!areness on a !hat !e call 8that characteristic feeling(9 and releasing that using the Releasing Circle and Clearing ,tate ents as outlined a bit further along in this book" 2lease read the ,ubconscious Cleaning 2rogra follo!ing page" on the


The ZPoint Subconscious Cleaning Program I hereby set a powerful intention within you, my subconscious mind, to affect the best of all possible outcomes by this clearing, and each time I notice a feeling that does not feel good as I think certain thoughts or remember certain people, situations or events, you will gently and easily Eliminate that feeling completely as I repeat my cue word over and over, and you will eliminate everything I feel because of it, everything I feel that connects to it and everything I feel that has resulted from it, to whatever extent it exists within me.


#he Cleaning 2rogra is a benign yet e4traordinarily effective progra that you 8install9 or set into your subconscious ind si ply by reading a si ple set of instructions" :nce the progra is 8installed9 you need never refer to it again and it !ill re ain active for as long as you need it" #he cue !ord itself is a 8s!itch9 that activates the Cleaning 2rogra " Any !ord, phrase, sound or action !ill do, although it is suggested you use a !ord or phrase !ithout e otional attach ent" ,o e of the cue !ords people use are 8peace9, 8hey9, 8bang9, 8tap9, 8heyah9 etc" 'f you(re not sure !hat !ord to use, try using the !ord 8yes9 or even 8thank you9" ;ou can al!ays change your cue !ord later si ply by saying 8' change y cue !ord to FFFFFFFFF9" ;our subconscious ind re e bers and responds to everything you do, say, think, feel or i agine and because of this, it !ill i ediately take effect" +epeatin" your Cue ,ord Recently ' spoke !ith so eone !ho !as using 12oint !ith a friend over the phone" #hey !ould eet once a !eek and help each other using 12oint" After t!o onths they !eren&t having uch success" 'n fact, one of the !o en actually gave up and slipped back into her original state of depression" After speaking !ith the !o an for a fe! inutes '

reali6ed she !as only saying her cue !ord once after each state ent" As the saying goes 8once is not enough9 and this is especially true !ith 12oint" Repeating your cue !ord over and over again sets up a specific process !ithin your subconscious ind" #he ore focused you are on si ply repeating your cue !ord and being very present as you do so, the ore effective that process and 12oint !ill be" -ust li e a Co#puter 'f you happen to be co puter literate, you ay find it helpful to think of the 12oint 2rocess in co puter ter s" 'n a very real sense, the Cleaning 2rogra , !orking in con5unction !ith your cue !ord, acts 5ust like a co puter virus progra that 9cleans9 your co puter(s hard drive of da aged or alicious progra ing" #o delete such progra ing, you !ould put your attention on the unco fortable feeling you !ish to release, listen to one of the 12oint recordings or take yourself through the process, and repeat your cue !ord until it no longer troubles you" A %ar"e Database :ur subconscious ind is very si ilar to a very large database !here every e4perience, thought or feeling you(ve ever had is stored" #he co on factor or key to this database is in the feeling you feel as you think

certain thoughts or re e ber certain events" $ill in the (lan s .tate#ents #hese are a significant part of the 12oint clearing ethodology and ake use of this characteristic to freely associate !ords, concepts and feelings !ith other !ords, concepts and feelings already stored !ithin that database" As an e4a ple, you could use the state ent 8' clear all the !ays ' beco e upset !henever y boss yells at e9 and then repeat your cue !ord over and over until that (upset( feeling is gone" #hen, the Cleaning 2rogra !hen activated by your cue !ord !ould instantly associate subconscious patterns !here you beco e upset !hen your boss yells at you and release the " 0o!ever, a uch ore global and co prehensive !ay is to clear and release every pattern !here you beco e upset no atter !hat the cause" ;ou could do this !ith the follo!ing 8-ill in the +lanks9 state entsE ' clear all the !ays ' gro! upset because""" Grepeat cue !ordH ' clear all the !ays ' gro! upset !henever""" Grepeat cue !ordH ' clear all the !ays ' cue !ordH ay gro! upset if""" Grepeat


<sing open ended state ents in this !ay pro pts your subconscious ind to search your subconscious )atabase for all the !ays you feel 8that !ay9 and then releases the " #he user notices results generali6ing into any areas of life and !ith absolutely no e4tra effort re$uired" 'n using the 8because"""9 ending, you are allo!ing your subconscious ind to find and 8clear9 the any possible reasons !hy you beco e angry or frustrated or !hatever under specific situations and it !ill do so !ithout any conscious a!areness on your part" ;ou don(t need to figure it out" ;ou don(t need to kno! !hy you feel the !ay you do" ;ou only need to kno! you feel that !ay and then use the process to release it" 'n effect, it releases all of the possible !ays you(ve been progra ed to respond to specific situations by unconsciously acting out self li iting or self sabotaging behaviors and it does so !ithout any conscious effort or direction on your part" ;our 5ob is si ply to allo! it by repeating your cue !ord as you go through the process" The ZPoint /+eleasin" Circle0 Also called the Circle 7ethod, the Releasing Circle is used as a eans of targeting issues and feelings in a co prehensive yet open ended !ay" #his allo!s the subconscious ind to target and release any connected or associated e ories and feelings at the

sa e ti e" >hen using the Releasing Circle, i agine a large light filled circle in front of you" ,ee yourself taking all of the difficult feelings you have regarding the sub5ect you(re !orking on, and see yourself placing those into the Releasing Circle" #hen count do!n fro 10 to 0, repeating your cue !ord over and over bet!een counts" As you count do!n you ay beco e a!are of unco fortable thoughts and feelings that your subconscious associates back to the original feeling you brought to the circle" #hese float for a o ent in consciousness and are then released or cleansed as you repeat your cue !ord" 7any report recalling long forgotten situations fro early childhood that caused those difficult feelings in the first place" (asic ZPoint .tate#ents No!, having installed the Cleaning 2rogra and chosen a cue !ord, you are ready to begin freeing yourself fro the feelings that cause patterns of behavior not align ent !ith living a full, healthy, ideal life, !hole and co plete in every !ay" #o do this, focus your attention on that unco fortable feeling that arises as you think about a troubling issue, concern or e ory and listen to one of the 12oint recordings or lead yourself through the protocol to release that concern" #o help focus our a!areness on these troubling issues, !e use specially designed 8clearing9 state ents"

Clearin" the ,ays >hen you speak the instruction 8I clear1 all the ways I feel this feeling.9 and repeat your cue !ord over and over again, you are instructing your subconscious ind to activate the Cleaning 2rogra and release all of the possible !ays that you feel or e4perience a particular feeling and the unconscious patterns and progra s that underlie it" (elie&s are 1ner"etic Patterns +eliefs, like all thoughts, are nothing ore than energetic patterns, and each has a specific energy signature" ,i ilar beliefs have si ilar signatures and these appear to cluster together for ing larger and larger energetic patterns" ;ou ay have noticed that !hen you think a thought or re e ber an event, that e ory !ill often trigger other e ories, !hich in turn trigger ore thoughts and then even ore thoughts" 't(s like pulling a loose thread fro a s!eater" #hat thread is connected to other threads, !hich are connected to other threads, and those threads are connected to even ore threads" And the co on factor is al!ays that characteristic feeling that arises as you think certain thoughts" 12oint !orks fro the ost general aspects of a situation to the specific" 'n releasing that characteristic feeling using the 12oint 2rocess, not only is the obvious
1 "o =Clear= as used wit# $%oint is to erase t#e intensit* or difficult*> to make trans)arent> to clean as *ou would clean a window> to find relief from u)set and concern.


issue at hand affected, any other issue connected to that issue !ill be affected as !ell" *ike the loose threads in the s!eater entioned above, releasing a feeling on a very general level as suggested, !ill often produce results that are as delightful as they are une4pected" -or e4a ple, after releasing your anger to!ard a relative, you ay find that you no longer respond !ith anger in other see ingly unrelated situations" #hat anger to!ard your relative !as related to other !ays that you beca e angry" >hen you cleared 8all the !ays9 you gro! angry because""", !hen""" and if""" , you unkno!ingly released those others as !ell" Clearin" Patterns 82atterns9 are pre%recorded, choreographed responses that you have to certain situations" ,o ething happens and you respond in a specific !ay" *ife can often be co ple4 and !e often find ourselves responding to certain situations !ith auto atic learned behavior" 'f so eone says hello to you, you !ill nor ally respond by saying hello back to the " you usually don(t think about this and respond $uite auto atically" #his unthinking, unconscious pre%recorded response to certain situations can also cause you to take actions that you ay later regret"


Releasing Dis-Empowering Beliefs Iach day you have thousands and thousands of thoughts, and each one of these is based on !hat you believe to be true about every aspect of your life" ,o, !hen you have a thought, that thought along !ith its underlying set of beliefs or assu ptions, is connected to a corresponding e otion that represents A** of the beliefs that underlie it" 'f that thought is one of personal e po!er ent, the e otion associated !ith that thought !ill feel good as you think it" 'f that thought is dis%e po!ering in so e !ay, the associated e otion !ill al!ays ake you feel bad in that o ent" >ords are po!erful things not because they have inherent eaning, but because you are the one to assign eaning to !ords and that eaning can change" +elo! is a list of co on !ords" #ake a o ent to read each !ord, one at a ti e" Allo! yourself to be a!are of the feeling each !ord evokes !ithin youE 0o e -atherJ7other ,unshine ,e4 7arriage


Iach of these !ords represents a thought or concept and that concept !ill evoke a feeling" #he feeling depends on the beliefJfeeling associations that are part of your subconscious progra ing about that !ord" 'f the !ord doesn(t feel good to you, you can use 12oint to clean up that 8not good9feeling attached to that !ord" >hen you do this, you release any li iting beliefs that ay be connected to or associated !ith that feeling and that !ord" +ecause of this energetic connection bet!een e otions and beliefs, your e otions beco e an easily identified representation of the beliefs you hold" +ecause any of these beliefs are largely une4a ined or unconscious, you can use unco fortable feelings to guide you to areas !here you ay hold beliefs that prevent you fro finding personal happiness and fulfill ent" And because the feelings the selves appear to hold negative beliefs in place, you don(t need to 8figure out9 !hat those li iting beliefs are in order to target and release the " ;ou need only feel that feeling and release it using the 12oint 2rocess" #his !ill cause the attached beliefs to transfor the selves fro dis%e po!ering to e po!ering !ithin a very fe! inutes"


The %atest ZPoint Protocol 2 .tep by .tep 12oint has been in constant develop ent since the su er of 200?" :ver this ti e it has continued to beco e si pler and ore effective" +elo! is an outline of the latest and ' believe, ost effective !ay to apply it" Step One - Filling out the Clearing Worksheet Although 12oint can be used in the o ent !ithout preparation, it can be ore effective to !rite do!n a list of botherso e feelings, esti ate the intensity of those feelings and then !ork your !ay through that list one at a ti e" Step Two Into the Cir le it !oes #he ne4t step is to i agine placing the unco fortable feeling you !ish to release, along !ith any other feelings connected to or associated !ith it into the Releasing Circle and count do!n fro 10 to 0, repeating your cue !ord over and over as you do so" +eginning !ithE 10""" Grepeat cueH K""" L""" M""" Grepeat cueH Grepeat cueH Grepeat cueH

B""" A""" @""" ?""" 2""" 1""" 0"""

Grepeat cueH Grepeat cueH Grepeat cueH Grepeat cueH Grepeat cueH Grepeat cueH Grepeat cueH

Note: ou !on"t actually nee! to feel the feeling to release it. #ften $eo$le are not consciously aware of what that feeling is they want to release. It is enough to INTEN% to release that uncomfortable feeling. our subconscious min! &nows e'actly what is what an! will ta&e care of the !etails for you( if you sim$ly allow it. .tep Three 2 +eleasin" Di&&erent Aspects After the feeling you seek to release passes through the Releasing Circle you say the follo!ing open ended state ents to release different unconscious aspects of that feeling" N and that akes e feel""" Grepeat cueH

N and that N and that N and that

akes akes akes

e feel""" Grepeat cueH e feel""" Grepeat cueH e feel""" Grepeat cueH

.tep $our 2 Clearin" the ,ays333 ,et the intention on releasing the re ainder of that botherso e feeling again and say the follo!ing" Re e ber to repeat your cue after each state ent" ' clear all the !ays ' feel that feeling" Grepeat your cue !ordH ' clear all the !ays ' feel that feeling because""" Grepeat cueH .allo! your subconscious ind to fill in the blanks" ;our 5ob is to repeat your cue !ord and si ply be the observer/ ' clear all the !ays ' feel that feeling !henever""" Grepeat cueH ' clear all the !ays ' cueH ay feel that feeling if""" Grepeat e feel that

' clear all the !ays unconscious parts of feeling" Grepeat cueH

' clear all the !ays these parts feel that feeling because""" Grepeat cueH


' clear all the !ays these parts benefit fro y attach ent to feeling that feeling" Grepeat cueH ' clear all the !ays these parts !ouldn(t feel safe letting that feeling go, right no!" Grepeat cueH .tep $ive 2 Clearin" even 4ore Aspects N and that akes e feel""" Grepeat cueH N and that akes e feel""" Grepeat cueH N and that akes e feel""" Grepeat cueH N and that akes e feel""" Grepeat cueH #ake a deep breath and rela4" Step Fi"e Test an# Repeat $ntil Done #he final step is al!ays to test to be sure the feeling is co pletely gone" Al!ays" 'f you feel co pletely rela4ed and peaceful, chances are the botherso e feeling is gone, but then again it ay not be" #here ay be 5ust a bit left, and the idea is to 8get it all9" ):N(# stop until you feel no e otional reaction !hatsoever !hen you think of the original issue" >hen in doubt, al!ays do it again, and again if necessary until it(s gone" #hen you never need to do it again" #aking the e4tra ti e to listen to the recording or go through the process yourself again, can ake a OIR; large difference in your results"

Note: It is suggeste! you ta&e yourself through the $rocess ) times for every issue. This is not a har! an! fast rule( but will allow you to com$letely release whatever you bring to the $rocess. ou can view this as if you are cho$$ing !own a tree. #ften one cho$ sim$ly isn"t enough. * or ) cho$s is usually re+uire! to fell whatever tree you"re cho$$ing !own. , single cho$ re$resents one roun! through the entire $rocess an! usually ta&es about ) minutes. -ive cho$s woul! ta&e you about .) minutes. That !oesn"t seem li&e a very big investment to com$letely release something that you may have carrie! aroun! for years.


+e#inder 5 Al!ays .tart by 4a in" a %ist >rite do!n the things in your life that really bother you on a !orksheet" Isti ate ho! intensely you feel each of those things .on a scale of 1 to 10/ and ark those nu bers on your sheet" ;ou ay !ish to start !ith the ite that evokes the highest intensity of feeling !ithin you" ' agine taking that feeling and placing it into your Releasing Circle" -ro there you can begin the process of releasing all aspects of its i pact on your life by intending to put it into your Clearing Circle and taking it through the entire process" +e#e#ber #he final step is al!ays to test the intensity of !hatever re ains and repeat the entire process until that re ainder is co pletely gone and you feel co pletely peaceful and rela4ed"


%earn ZPoint directly &ro# its creator Grant Connolly3 Go to httpEJJ!!!"6pointforpeace"co Jtraining"sht l $ree +esources !!!" 6pointforpeace"co C #he ain 12oint !ebsite" *istings of 12oint 'nfor ation 2roducts, 2ractitioners, Courses, etc" !!!"6pointprocess"!ordpress"co C #he 12oint +log for helpful and infor ative articles on 12oint" httpEJJhealth"groups"yahoo"co JgroupJ,haring12ointJ % A free yahoo group set up especially for those !ishing to learn ore about 12oint"


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