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January 2014 Version 1.1

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The uunslingei Touinament foimat is a univeisal 0utlaw Niniatuies Wilu West
Exouus touinament foimat to be useu foi all Wilu West Exouus events anu
oiganizeu by membeis of the staff of 0utlaw Niniatuies, 0utlaw Niniatuies Beputy
piogiam oi othei inuepenuent Touinament 0iganizeis.
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The Touinament 0iganizei 'T0' is the piimaiy authoiity foi all iules questions,
uebates, anu conceins. The T0 is expecteu to maintain a faii anu balanceu setting foi
all touinament paiticipants, anu all uecisions maue by the Touinament 0iganizei
aie final.
The Touinament 0iganizei may have Assistant }uuges to help oiganize anu answei
iules questions, if authoiizeu by the Touinament 0iganizei to uo so. All playeis aie
encouiageu to settle all iules questions anu uebates amongst themselves if possible,
but may call the Touinament 0iganizei oi an Assistant }uuge to the table if neeueu
to settle any issues.
It is the Touinament 0iganizei's iesponsibility to claiify all iules anu guiuelines foi
the touinament. Rulings may incluue the use of any 0fficial FAQ oi Eiiata
uocuments, painting iequiiements, mouel conveision, anu use of pie-ielease
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Eveiy playei paiticipating in a Wilu West Exouus uunslingei Touinament must
biing hishei mouels, associateu up-to-uate Stat Caius, uice, measuiing uevice (s),
templates anu tokens to maik status effects anu activations. All tokens foi status
effects as well as activations must be kept neai the mouel oi associateu caiu foi that
mouel. Activations, special iules, Lifebloou loss anu all mouel-associateu effects
must be available to be vieweu by both the contiolling playei anu the opponent at
all times. Wilu West Exouus is a game of open infoimation; no mouel iules oi effects
shoulu be hiuuen fiom one's opponent. Failuie to keep auequate tiack of mouel
status may iesult in a uefault juugment fiom a Touinament 0iganizei.
Wilu West Exouus is expecteu to be a game of fun, stiategy, wit anu luck. Playeis aie
expecteu to behave in a iespectful, civil anu iesponsible mannei at all times. uames
shoulu be playeu in a uelibeiate anu consistent mannei. Activations must be uone in
a timely mannei anu shoulu not be uelayeu oi sloweu unieasonably to gain
auvantage. Any conceins iegaiuing playei expectations shoulu be biought up with
the Touinament 0iganizei immeuiately.
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If a playei is acting outsiue the uunslingei Touinament Playei Expectations, the
Touinament 0iganizei is authoiizeu to make ieasonable uecisions iegaiuing the
seveiity of the infiaction. Biscipline may incluue: veibal waining, iemoval of a
mouel fiom the game uue to lack of iecoiuing of Lifebloou-loss anu status, game loss
January 2014 Version 1.1

oi touinament uisqualification. Theie is no toleiance foi cheating oi
misiepiesentation, anu if a Touinament 0iganizei iecognizes a playei is cheating, it
is giounus foi immeuiate uisqualification. Bon't be that playei.
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All mouels useu in 0utlaw Niniatuies Wilu West Exouus oiganizeu play must be
0utlaw Niniatuies mouels fiom the Wilu West Exouus iange. These mouels must be
fully assembleu anu placeu onto the appiopiiate sizeu base foi the mouel uesign.
Alteinate poseu veisions of mouels will be alloweu in touinament play, but multiple
of the same-nameu 0nique mouel will not be alloweu.
Any non-Wilu West Exouus, inappiopiiately baseu oi unassembleu mouels will not
be peimitteu in touinament play.
Pie-ielease mouels aie not alloweu in touinament play unless they aie ieauily
available at the convention oi event that the touinament is occuiiing.
Nouels may be conveiteu anu baseu uynamically, but must be easily iecognizable as
the mouel that it is to be useu as in the game. All mouel conveisions must incluue all
weapons as the iepiesentative mouel's iules. Nouels must be cleaily moueleu aftei
the chaiactei it is iepiesenting. Any conveiteu mouel must contain moie than half
of the 0iiginal 0utlaw Niniatuies Wilu West Exouus figuie. Touinament 0iganizeis
have the final juugment on whethei a mouel is alloweu oi uisalloweu baseu upon
the ability to iecognize the conveiteu chaiactei. No conveision can be maue to a
mouel to ieuuce the height of a mouel fiomthe iespective 0utlaw Niniatuies
When basing mouels, anything that obscuies oi incieases the outei uiametei of the
base is not alloweu foi touinament play. All bases shall have a cleaily visible outei
uiametei that matches the piopei base size foi each mouel.
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Some touinament settings may iequiie a posse to be 'fully painteu' oi 'baseu'. A
'fully painteu' mouel uoes not have any baie iesin oi plastic sections anu each pait
of the mouel is painteu in a uiffeientiateu coloi pattein iepiesentative of the
mouel's chaiacteiistics. A 'baseu' mouel has a fully painteu oi textuieu (using sanu,
flock, oi similai substiate) uppei base section anu a cleanly finisheu outei base iim.
Requiiements foi painting anu basing aie meant to impiove the aesthetics of the
game anu cieate a cinematic game vision.
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Foi all Wilu West Exouus uunslingei touinaments, a playei must supply 2
completeu copies of theii aimy list to be given to the Touinament 0iganizei befoie
January 2014 Version 1.1

the beginning of the touinament. Aimy lists cannot exceeu the Posse Bollai Cost foi
the given event.
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All lists must auheie to the class limitations foi mouels as noteu in the Wilu West
Exouus Rulebook:
Boss: 1 Pei Posse
0nueiboss: u-4 Pei Posse
Siuekick: u-8 Pei Posse
Biieu Banus: 0nlimiteu Pei Posse
Light Suppoit: u-6 Pei Posse
Beavy Suppoit: u-S Pei Posse
Neicenaiies may be incluueu in the paiticipating Faction's Posse pioviueu that they
fit within the lists' class limitations.
Ceitain touinament styles may fuithei limit mouel selection foi a list: those will be
stateu in the iule set foi that specific type of touinament.
Stanuaiu Touinament List Constiuction will consist of a Nain Leugei that must
incluue the Posse's boss mouel, anu 2 Reinfoicement Leugeis that will be wiitten on
the Aimy List uocument anu the usage of each is chosen befoie the stait of each
C7)-6D $SSu ($SSu Nain Leugei, $2uu Reinfoicement Leugei)
Class Limitations: Boss, 0nueibosses, Siuekicks 0NLY
CE,F9,F#D $9uu ($7uu Nain Leugei, $2uu Reinfoicement Leugei)
Class Limitations: Boss, 0nueibosses, Siuekicks, Biieu Banus, Light Suppoit 0NLY
G)-F%D $1Suu ($12Su Nain Leugei, $2Su Reinfoicement Leugei)
Class Limitations: Stanuaiu, Single Limitation Chait (1 Boss)
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The Nain Leugei is the piimaiy aimy list foi the posse that is built to iemain
unchangeu thiough eveiy iounu of the touinament. This list iepiesents ioughly
thiee quaiteis oi moie of the oveiall list Bollai cost, anu must contain the posse's
Boss mouel.
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The Reinfoicement Leugeis aie seconuaiy aimy lists that allow flexibility in list
composition foi each iounu. These lists iepiesent ioughly one thiiu of the oveiall
uollai cost of the Aimy List anu aie cieateu to be auuitions to the Nain Leugei. A
peison must choose one of the Reinfoicement Leugeis they have wiitten on theii
January 2014 Version 1.1

Aimy Sheet List to cieate a complete Aimy List foi each iounu. The Reinfoicement
Leugei may not contain the posse's Boss mouel. The combination of a Nain Leugei
anu a Reinfoicement Leugei may nevei bieak the class limitations of list builuing.
Wilu West Exouus is a veiy cinematic anu uynamic game meant to be playeu on
tables full of exciting, inteiactive, teiiain-filleu game boaius. Teiiain shoulu be well
uistiibuteu acioss the table, pioviueu auequate covei anu fiie lanes foi a balanceu
anu enjoyable game expeiience foi all play styles. It is iecommenueu to have 4-S
laige pieces of teiiain (incluuing builuings anu aiea teiiain), ioughly 6"Wx6"Lx6"B
as well as 6-1u smallei pieces of teiiain incluuing ciates, baiiicaues, fences, etc. that
allow foi a ueeply tactical game expeiience. No piece of teiiain shoulu be
significantly laigei oi smallei than the iest oi buncheu too close togethei to gieatly
iestiict movement. Teiiain shoulu not be placeu completely within eithei
ueployment zone, noi shoulu any objective shoulu be placeu on, in oi within S" of
any Impassible uiounu. The T0 is iesponsible foi all teiiain placement, anu any
issue of Teiiain oi 0bjective placement shoulu be biought up with the T0.
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The numbei of iounus in a touinament is uepenuent of the amount of attenuees to
the touinament. The numbei of expecteu iounus is:
0p to 16 Attenuees: 4 Rounus
16-4u Attenuees: S Rounus
4u+ Attenuees: 6 Rounus
Touinament 0iganizeis may also cieate a touinament with a fixeu numbei of
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Each playei will have a Nastei Clock with a pieueteimineu amount of time (that
they will use foi all mouels' activations) baseu upon the event size. All mouel actions
must be completeu on a clock, incluuing ueployment, activations, anu the iesolution
of all uamage anu aimoi iolls maue fiom that playei's mouels.
Aftei final list composition is ueteimineu, the playei with the laigei posse will begin
hishei Nastei Clock anu begin ueploying. As ueployment is completeu, the fiist
playei will stop his Nastei Clock anu it will switch to seconu playei's tuin to ueploy.
Aftei the seconu playei ueploys, the fiist playei may complete any ieueployment
actions followeu by the seconu playei's ieueployments. Aftei all ueployment phases
aie completeu (incluueu Special Rules allowing ieueployment), the seconu playei
stops his Nastei Clock anu the fiist playei begins hishei tuin by activating mouels.
The fiist anu seconu playei alteinate activations on theii iespective Nastei Clocks
until all mouels have been activateu anu the tuin enus. All mouels must activate on
all tuins of a game unless iemoveu fiom the game, uestioyeu, oi the mouel has a
Lifebloou statistic anu is cuiiently at u Lifebloou.
January 2014 Version 1.1

Each time that mouel is biought to u Lifebloou, the opposing playei ieceives the full
Bollai cost of that mouel.
+E&)9 +&(I)(-J() will iesolve to Scenaiio Points. Scenaiio Points will be gianteu
uepenuing on the completion of ceitain specific tasks as ielateu to the Scenaiio
given at the beginning of the iounu.
All Playeis aie expecteu to play eveiy iounu of a touinament. If theie aie an ouu
numbei of playeis, a playei each iounu may be iequiieu to take a Bye. A Bye iounu
counts as a Biaw foi Touinament Points (1 Touinament Point) anu ieceives an
amount of Su% of the total List amount foi Bollais of Bestiuction (ex: $7Su in a
If any playei must uiop, the iemaining iounus on theii scheuule aie all scoieu as
Losses (u Touinament Points) anu ieceive u Bollais of Bestiuction.
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Eveiy scenaiio in a uunslingei Touinament will incluue the methou of scoiing to
gain Scenaiio Points to win that match. Nethous incluue iemaining within a specific
aiea of the boaiu foi a set amount of time, the collection oi captuiing of an objective,
the iemovaluestiuction of a key mouel, the saving of a Civilian, oi the complete
uestiuction of the opposing foice.
To holu an 0bjective, a mouel must be within S" of the 0bjective anu no enemy
mouel may be within S" of the 0bjective.
To holu a Contesteu Aiea, a mouel must be within the zone anu no enemy mouel
may be within the Contesteu Aiea.
In all cases, to be able to holu an 0bjective oi a Contesteu Aiea in a Scenaiio, a
mouel must have a Lifebloou statistic anu iemain above u Lifebloou. Summoneu
mouels anu mouels that aie woith u Bollais may not be useu foi Scoiing.

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