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Teta Charernsuk 1. Why is your particular problem/issue/technology important? Why should your audience care?

Deforestation is a huge problem and its important because the more trees thats getting cut down and not regrown is killing the environment. For example on average we are losing 13 species of animals! plants! and insects each da". Thats wh" there is alwa"s bears and other wildlife in peoples back"ard! it originall" was their home but due to people and the growing population forest have to be cut down to make homes for people. Deforestation is also a huge contributor to global warming because the more trees getting cut down the less carbon is getting absorbed b" the smaller amount of trees. There are also man" other reasons wh" deforestation is important but these in m" opinion are the most important for people to know. The" also should care because if more species of plants or animals keep reducing or cutting still happens there could be huge impact on the environment. #ike the speeding of global warming causing the rise of the ocean or having certain animals like polar bears going extinct. $r even like the dramatic change that happened 3%% hundred million "ears ago in the Carboniferous &ainforest Collapse where tons of species became extinct because of a dramatic climate change and ever"thing became cooler and drier. 2. Describe the history of your problem/issue/technology. How has your topic developed over the years? Is it getting better or worse? What are the important events or moments in its history? ' ma(or event that happened due to deforestation was the Carboniferous &ainforest Collapse that happened 3%% million "ears ago where the climate became cooler and drier! causing the extinction of man" species. )ut deforestation was practiced b" some societies for thousands of "ears before civili*ation. First evidence of deforestation collected was during the +esolithic period and was used to open up the forest for better game hunt. Then it became more popular after the discover" of growing agriculture and people used to burn down parts of the forest to ,uickl" create openings. #ike during the -eolithic period where cleared land was used for farming. .umans have alwa"s been hunter/gatherers and onl" at shortages of wood and other forest products rules are made to conserve. 0eople dont understand the idea of conservation until it takes a toll on living and then conservation seems reall" hard because there werent an" restrictions and then now there are tons because the problem became reall" bad. 1ts like how "ou arent allowed to hose down "our drivewa" or tr"ing to not use electricit" during peak times. 1 feel like deforestation is getting worse because 1 think that no one reall" cares about cutting down trees because the" are going to have their new whatever thing built there. The" dont reall" see an" problems because the" dont reall" know that its a big problem or the" (ust dont care enough to even want to know about it. The" dont know that since 1234!the start of deforestation that an estimated .3 million and 2 million km 54.6 million to 3 million s, mi7 of the original 13 million to 18 million km 53.2 million to 8.4 million s, mi7 have now been destro"ed. $r that scientists predicted that if ever"thing continues the wa" it does! b" 4%3% there will onl" be 1%9 remaining! and another 1%9 in reall" bad conditions! and much more.
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. What are the variables involved in your topic? What are the things that affect it? What are the causes and effects of your topic? 0eople continue to be the effect on deforestation because with the growing population there is a growing demand for making more room for businesses and other t"pes of building or developments. !. What solutions e"ist? Which are the most promising and which are the least promising? Why do you thin# that? )amboo is a more sustainable alternative for cutting down wood for fuel! because it burns cleaner and matures faster than trees meaning it re/grows faster. Certification is given when consumers are willing to pa" higher prices with the market incentives of promoting sustainable forest management.

:ome places have come up with things that would promote replanting and rebuilding of forest like when China created -ational Tree 0lanting Da" Forest and forest coverage had now reached 18.339 of China;s land mass. The 'rbor Da" Foundation;s &ainforest &escue program uses donated mone" to bu" up and preserve rainforest land before lumber companies begin another round of deforestation Create sustainable/logging strategies like selectivel" trimming down trees rather than clear/cut them resulting in millions of acres of rainforest saved ever" "ear. o This would onl" work if ever"one in the industr" agrees with this idea and since these people have been cutting down the forest for a long time now! it might take some convincing to change the wa"s of clear/cutting.

Conservation education! b" teaching about the destructions of the rainforest timber and encouraging the use of reusable<renewable products in the hope of causing the rate of deforestation to slow down. o 1 feel like this solution would work the best because 1 feel like the problem is that people arent knowledgeable about the effects of deforestation unless the" alread" know about it and care enough to do research. The" dont reall" know the extent of the problem and what would happen if it continues! and if the" get educated people might care more. =ven little kids can help and if the good habits of using reusable<renewable start at an earl" age there will be less damage.

=ncouraging people who live near rain forests to harvest the trees products like nuts! fruits! or stuff that could be used medicinall"! rather than clear/cutting it for farmland. o This idea has potential because not ever"one who lives b" the forest are part of farms and even if the" are! the" can still benefit from using the natural forests gives. $r even getting rid of certain small parts of the forest and not cutting huge chunks awa"! ever" little bit counts.

>overnment moratoriums on road building and large infrastructure pro(ects in the rain forest would save man" acres. o 1 feel like having the government change something that the" do wont work that much because the" tr" to do things the easier<cheaper wa" and 1 feel like the" wont tr" to change things because it will (ust be a ?hassle@ to them and the government is prett" la*" and the" can crush "ou with mone".

$. What do you predict in the future for your topic? 1 feel like it will remain the same because no one reall" cares about deforestation! like when was the last time "ou asked someone whats wrong with the world and the" respond with the rate of deforestation. #ike never the" alwa"s sa" stuff about how bad the econom" is or the rates of povert"<hunger rightA Things dont change in 'merica if no one cares about it! and the" dont want to care about it because people dont even want to listen to those solicitors that are actuall" tr"ing to make a difference. 'nd like 1 said before people tend to not care about things until its almost too late and begins to take a toll on life :o 1 think as of now deforestation is going to continue as long as people allow it to still be a business and wont end until people tr" to make a change. %. Who might you li#e to interview about your topic? 1 might tr" to contact Borld Bildlife because 1 saw online that the" have a pro(ect on deforestation and 1f 1 can email them with some ,uestions and specifics 1 might be able to receive a lot of good information 1 could use.

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