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ADVANCED LEVEL preparation time: 7 min te!

1.- Conversation. Talk about the following questions with your partner. You can use the pictures to help you if you wish. 1. Are friends more important than family !. "s it morally right to spend a lot of money on pets# rather than helping people in need $. %hould criminals and morally corrupt people be prevented from having children by law &. 'o you think people should adopt children from other countries (. "f you are invited to a party but you don)t want to go# what do you tell the person inviting you


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1artner A. 2elow there are three statements related to the topic. Talk about them for appro3imately 1#( minutes without help from the e3aminer. You may be asked further questions about the topic when you have finished. 1. 4hat do you think of married couples who decide not to have any child !. "f you were offered an e3cellent 5ob opportunity abroad# would you consider leaving your family for an indefinite period of time $. 4hat do you think your parents) reaction would be if you told them you are gay

1artner 2. 2elow there are three statements related to the topic. Talk about them for appro3imately 1#( minutes without help from the e3aminer. You may be asked further questions about the topic when you have finished. 1. 'o you think it is okay for a couple to live together before getting married !. "f you are looking for a shallow relationship# where can you go to meet people $. "f you had to choose to live with someone who truly loves you but you don)t love him back or to live alone for a rest of your life loving someone that doesn)t love you what would you choose

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Topic 6 78elacions humanes i socials9 :uman and social relationships; family# friends# social life# appointments# meetings# invitations#
post and e-mail contacts# being part of clubs and societies. Crime and punishment.


<uestions :uman and social relationships <uestions =amily 1. Are friends more important than family 4hat do you think !. Are chores assigned to children in your family $. Are you married &. Are you pressured by your family to act in a certain way (. Are you the oldest among your brothers and sisters 6. Are your parents strict >. 'id you ever meet any of your great grandparents ?. 'o you get along well with your family @. 'o you get along well with your brothers and sisters 1A. 'o you get along well with your in-laws 11. 'o you have any brothers or sisters "f so# how old are they 1!. 'o you have any children "f yes# what are their names and ages 1$. 'o you have to clean your own room 1&. 'oes your mother make you clean your room 1(. 'o you like your family 4hy or why not 16. 'o you live with any of your grandparents 1>. 'o you live with your parents 1?. 'o you look more like your mother or your father 1@. 'o you often argue with your mother or father 4hat about !A. 'o you often visit your grandparents !1. 'o you think people should adopt children from other countries !!. 'o you usually have any influence on family matters !$. 'o your parents let you stay out late !&. 4hat time do you have to be home !(. 'o you have a curfew !6. :ow did you get your name !>. =or whom are you named !?. 4ho are you named after


!@. :ow big is your family $A. :ow many 7first9 cousins do you have $1. :ow many aunts and uncles do you have $!. :ow many brothers and sisters do you have $$. :ow many children do you have $&. :ow many members do you have in your family altogether $(. :ow many people are in your 7immediate9 family $6. :ow many people are in your family $>. :ow often do you see your cousins $?. :ow often do you see your grandparents $@. :ow often is your entire family together &A. :ow old are your brothers and sisters &1. :ow old are your children &!. :ow old are your grandparents &$. :ow old are your parents &&. "s spanking a good way to discipline children &(. %hould people follow the religion of their parents# or should they have the liberty to choose another &6. 4hat are some of your fondest memories of childhood &>. 4hat are your parents like &?. 4hat do you and your family like to do together &@. 4hat do you think of married couples who decide not to have any child (A. 4hat do your mother and father look like :ow about your grandparents (1. 4hat do your parents do in their free time (!. 4hat are the occupations of your family members ($. 4hat does your father do 4hat)s his 5ob (&. 4hat does your mother do ((. 4hat is the best memory you have of your family doing something together (6. 4hat kind of things do you do with your family (>. 4hat will you teach your children 7what values# beliefs# hobbies# skills# etc.9


(?. 4hat would you change about your childhood (@. 4here do your grandparents live 6A. 4here does your father)s father live 61. 4here does your mother)s mother live 6!. 4ho do you get along better with# your mother or your father 6$. 4ho is the black sheep 7odd ball9 in your family 6&. 4ould you get involved in your in-laws) family problems 6(. 4ould you live with your parents after you get married 66. %hould children help with the housework 6>. :ow much or how often should they help 6?. 4hat kinds of housework is not appropriate for children to do 6@. 'o you live in a nuclear family or an e3tended family >A. 4hat are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of family >1. 4hat impact has divorce andBor modern day living had on the family >!. "s the nanny andBor the day-care centre the third parent >$. 4here is the best place to raise a family >&. 4here do you think the best place to raise a family is 4hy >(. 4hat can make you happy in the long termB short term Consider the following; 5ob satisfaction# a loving family# good health# plenty of money# strong religious believes# ... >6. 4hat do you think of your mother and your father >>. 4hich do you think is more important; following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams >?. 4hat)s the hardest thing you ever had to do >@. 4hat was the most important thing your parents taught you ?A. 4hat)s the best thing about your mom ?1. "f you could have a different number of siblings# what would it be ?!. 4ho should take care of old people ?$. 4hat is the perfect number of children to have ?&. 4hat)s the best thing about your grandparents ?(. %hould parents give their children an allowance


?6. :ow often does your family eat dinner together ?>. :ow should parents discipline their children ??. After you)re married# should your parents make decisions for you ?@. 4hat)s the best thing about your dad @A. 4ho is the breadwinner in your family @1. :ow is nudity regarded in your family @!. 'escribe the perfect family. @$. 'o your parents get along with each other @&. "f you are a mother or father# would you allow your son or daughter to listen heavy metal music @(. 4hat was the saddest time in your family @6. 4hy do people get married @>. 4hat to look for in a life long mate @?. 4hat makes a person a good friend# a friend for life ## a life mate @@. 4hat makes a person a bad# traits that irritate and confuse you 1AA. 1A1. 4hat do you think of the budget# what is a budget and how do you make one work :ow do you feel about your parents growing older "f they could no longer care for

themselves# would you let them live with you or put them in a nursing home 1A!. 1A$. 1A&. 'id you help your mother at home 4hat household chores do you do Can you think of e3amples of countries that have different cultural values regarding

the importance of family 1A(. 'o you get along well with your family

1. 'o you get along well with your brothers and sisters !. 'o you get along well with your in-laws 1A6. 'o you have to clean your own room

1. 'oes your mother make you clean your room 1A>. 'o your parents let you stay out late

1. 4hat time do you have to be home !. 'o you have a curfew




:ow did you get your name

1. =or whom are you named !. 4ho are you named after 1A@. 4hat are the occupations of your family members

1. 4hat does your father do 4hat)s his 5ob !. 4hat does your mother do 11A. %hould children help with the housework

1. :ow much or how often should they help !. 4hat kinds of housework is not appropriate for children to do 111. 'o you live in a nuclear family or an e3tended family

1. 4hat are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of family 11!. 4here is the best place to raise a family

1. 4here do you think the best place to raise a family is 4hy 11$. 11&. 11(. 116. 11>. 11?. 'o you think your parents understand you 4hy or why not 4ho does the household work# your father or your mother or both of them :ave you ever seen your mother 7or father9 cry 4hen was that and why 4ho is the breadwinner in your family 'o your parents trust you "f you were offered an e3cellent 5ob opportunity abroad# would you consider leaving

your family for an indefinite period of time 11@. 'escribe a typical family unit and the importance of family in your country.



<uestions =amily and Alternative -ifestyles 1. Can you describe a typical family in your country !. 4ho is the head of the household in a typical family in your country $. 'o many wives work in your country 1. 4hat kinds of 5obs do they have &. "f parents are both working# does this cause more or less stress in a family (. "f a wife works outside the home# should the husband help with the housework inside the home 4hy or why not 6. Are there many divorces in your country >. 4hat impact does divorce have on a family in your country 1. 4hat happens to the divorced people !. 4hat happens to their children ?. Are there many single-parent families in your country 1. Are they usually headed by men or women @. 4hat do you think of married couples who decide not to have any children 1A. 'o single women in your country ever decide to have a baby and raise the child by themselves 4hat do you think about this kind of decision 11. 4here do grandparents live in your country 1!. 'o grandparents help to look after their grandchildren 1$. 4ho should take care of old people 1&. 'o unmarried couples live together in your country these days 1. 4hat do people in your society think about this kind of arrangement 1(. 'o people in your country ever decide to remain single and not create a family 1. "f so# what does the rest of your society think 16. "s it necessary to get married to have a good life 1>. 'o people who are not related by blood ever live communally in your country 1?. "s polygamy allowed in your culture 1. "s it +C to have more than one spouse !. 4ould you like this life style $. 4hat countries allow this



&. 4hat religions allow it 1@. 4hat do you think of people who get married many times !A. 'o children in your country ask for their parents) approval before they get married 4hy or why not !1. 'oes the whole family discuss important decisions !!. 4hen do children leave their parents) home in your country !$. 4hen do parents) stop giving financial support to their children !&. 4ho in your family would you turn to if you had an emotional problem 4hy !(. "f you had a financial problem# would you e3pect your family to help !6. 4hat is a perfect family or alternative lifestyle for you



<uestions Crime 8elated; 1olice# Corruption 1. Are some parts of this city considered more dangerous than others 4hich parts !. Are there any places you are afraid to visit because of the high crime rate "f so# where $. Are there problems with drugs where you live &. Are you apprehensive about walking outside after dark (. 'o you always lock your house :ow about your car 6. 'o you believe that public e3ecutions would deter crime "f so# how >. 'o you drink and drive ?. 'o you know anyone who has been mugged @. 'o you know someone who has been a victim of a violent crime 1A. 'o you think abortion is a crime 11. 'o you think gun control is a good idea 03plain. 1!. 'o you think people who use illegal drugs should be put in 5ail 1$. 'o you think police TD dramas are realistic 1&. 'o you think policeman should be allowed to carry guns 1(. 'o you think that capital punishment is a good idea 4hy or why not 16. 'o you think that punishment for violent crimes should be the same for 5uveniles and adults 4hyBwhy not 1>. 'o you think that the death penalty would prevent crime in your country 4hy or why not 1?. 'o you think that the legaliEation of narcotics would decrease the crime rate 1@. 'o you think there are any legal drugs that should be illegal !A. 'o you think there is a link between drugs and crime !1. 'o you think prostitution is a crime !!. 'o you think there will be more or less crime in the future !$. 'o you think your country is a safe place to live 4hy or why not !&. 'o you walk alone at night in your home city !(. 'oes prison help rehabilitate criminals %hould it !6. :ave you ever been the victim of a crime :ow about others in your family !>. :ave you ever done anything illegal "f so# what did you do



!?. :ave you ever had anything stolen !@. :ave you ever seen a crime 1. :ave you ever witnessed a crime $A. :ave you ever stolen anything $1. :ow can you prevent things from being stolen 1. :ow can you avoid having things stolen from you $!. "f a person steals a loaf of bread because he needs to feed his starving family# should he be punished $$. "s child abuse a problem in your country $&. "s drunk driving a crime where you live "f so# what is the punishment $(. "s it ever +.C. to break the law "f so# when $6. "s prison an effective punishment 4hy or why not $>. "s there a problem with organiEed crime andBor gangs where you live $?. "s your hometown considered safe $@. /nder what situations would you think of committing a crime &A. 4hat are some things people can do to protect themselves from crime &1. 4hat are some things that are legal that you personally think should be illegal &!. 4hat crimes do you think will decrease in the future &$. 4hat crimes do you think will increase in the future &&. 4hat crimes have you heard about recently in the news &(. 4hat do you think is the worst crime a person could commit 4hy &6. 4hat do you think of the death penalty &>. 4hat is a gang 1. 4hat gangs e3ist in this country and in your home country !. 4hat are the characteristics of these gangs &?. 4hat is the punishment for murder in your country &@. 4hat is the punishment for stealing in your country (A. 4hat kinds of crime are most common in your country 4hat are the penalties for these crimes (1. 4hat kinds of crimes are increasing



(!. 4hat kinds of crimes do you think can be prevented :ow ($. 4hat makes some people become criminals "s it poverty# upbringing# lack of education# unemployment or something else (&. 4hat weapons do police carry in this country :ow about your home country ((. 4hat would you do if you heard a burglar in your house (6. 4hat)s your opinion about the death penalty (>. 4hy do you think crime is more prevalent in some societies than in others 1. 4hy is there more crime in some countries (?. 4hy do you think people steal things (@. 'o you think corporal punishment is necessary 6A. 4ho decides what is and isn)t a crime 61. 'o you think that Fcorporate criminalsF are sufficiently punished for their crimes 6!. 'o you think that police dramas can teach people how serious certain actions can be 6$. "s a person born as a blank page or does he have some things predetermined like vulnerability to crime 6&. %hould adultery be considered a crime 6(. 4hy do people commit crimes 66. 4hat can be done about gunBknife violence 6>. 'o you think your city is a dangerous place to live in 1. 'o you see a lot of crime happening around you !. 4hat kind of crime is it %hoplifting pickpocketing 0tc 6?. :ave you ever witnessed a crime "f FyesF tell us about it. 6@. :ave you ever witnessed acts of vandalism 1. 4hat do you think is the main cause of vandalism !. :ow can we fight vandalism >A. 'o you think graffiti is vandalism or art >1. :ave you ever been robbed 1. :ow did it happen !. 'id you report to the police $. 'id they help you



>!. 'o you agree that terrorism is the evil of the !1st century 1. 4hat are the roots of terrorism !. 4hat act of terrorism terrifies you most of all >$. "s bribery a crime 1. 4hat spheres are corrupted most of all in your country 1olice 0ducation *edicine !. 4hat is the best way to fight corruption >&. 4hat is your attitude to the death penalty 1. "s there a death penalty in in your country !. "f you think it should e3ist# what kind of criminals should be sentenced to death >(. 4hich punishment is more severe# the death penalty or life imprisonment >6. 4hat do you think is an adequate punishment for an adolescent who has committed a serious crime *urder 2urglary Car theft 8ape >>. "s piracy a great problem in your country 1. 'o you consider piracy to be a crime !. "s it possible to get rid of piracy >?. 4hat is intellectual property 1. Can you think of some e3amples of stealing intellectual property. !. 'o you think it is a serious crime >@. 4hat do you know about the mafia 1. :ow does the mafia affect your life !. :ow does the mafia make money ?A. :ave you ever noticed someone stealing in a store 1. 4hat were your actions ?1. "f your friend has committed a serious crime# how would you act 1. 4ould you report to the police or not ?!. 'o you agree that everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed ?$. "s downloading music or videos a crime ?&. 4hat)s the difference between copyright infringement and theft ?(. 4hat is the difference between crime and sin



<uestions :appiness 1. Are you a happy person !. 4hat is happiness for you $. 4hat do you think is the color for happiness &. 'o you think that happiness lies within you +r does it depend upon other people and e3ternal things (. Can money buy happiness 6. "s happiness a state of mind >. 4hat makes you feel happy ?. 4hat are the three most important things for you to be happy @. "s happiness relative# that is# does it have a different meaning for each person 1A. Are single people happy 11. 4ould you be happier with a soul mate or single 1!. 'oes having an animalBpet make you happy 1$. 4hat is the effect that animalsBpets have on people to make them feel happy 1&. 4hat makes you happy 1(. 4hen was the happiest time of your childhood 16. Can you be happy if you are rich 1>. Can you be happy is you are poor 1?. :ow can you become happy again when you are sad 1@. "s happiness a goal !A. :ow often do you feel really happy !1. Are the people in your country generally very happy !!. Are you very happy most of the time !$. 4hat makes you unhappy !&. 4hat)s the most miserable you)ve been !(. :ow happy are you compared with your friends !6. 'o you wake up happy every morning !>. 'o you agree that older people are less happy !?. 4hat is there to be happy about in the world today



!@. 4hat affects your levels of happiness $A. 'oes your happiness change during different times of the day# week# month or year $1. 4hat is or was the happiest time of your life $!. 'o you need money to be happy $$. 4hat do you think of the idea of a government :appiness *inister who is responsible for the happiness of the population $&. 'o you think some nations are happier than others $(. 4hat is missing in your life that would make you very happy $6. 4hy are teenagers some of the happiest people in the world $>. 4hat was the happiest time in your entire life $?. 'o you feel that you have to work hard and be miserable now in order to be happy later



<uestions =riends 1. Are there any famous stories of friendship in your culture !. Can you describe one of your closest friends. $. 'o you have any childhood friendships that are still strong today Tell us about them. &. 'o you have any long distance friends 1. :ow do you keep in touch with your long-distance friends !. :ow often do you see your long-distance friends (. 'o you think it is a good idea to borrow money from a friend 4hy or why not 6. 'o you make friends easily >. :as a friend ever let you down ?. :ave you made any friends over the "nternet 1. :ow often do you write to them !. :ave you ever met them in person @. :ow are your friendships different now than they were when you were a child 1A. :ow do you maintain a good friendship 11. :ow do you make new friends 1!. :ow many people do you consider your Fbest friends F 1$. "s it common to have friendships across generations 1. 4hat are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of friendships. !. 'o you have any friends from a different generation than you 1&. There is a saying FTo have a good friend# you need to be a good friend.F 1. :ow can you be a good friend 1(. 4hat do you usually do with your friends 16. 4hat factors may result in the breakdown of a good friendship 1>. 4hat is a best friend 1?. 4hat is the longest friendship that you have had 1@. 4hat makes friends different from family !A. 4hat qualities do you think are important in a friend 1. 4hat is a friend !1. 4hat things should friends never do



!!. 4hy do you like your best friend 1. 4hat are some things you like about your best friend !$. 4here is a good place to meet new friends 1. 4here is a good place to meet a new boyfriendBgirlfriend !&. 'o you think it is possible to have a best friend of the opposite se3 without becoming a girlfriend or boyfriend !(. 'o you think it would be possible for you still be friends with an e3-boyfriend or e3girlfriend !6. There is a proverb that says# FA friend in need is a friend indeed.F 'o you agree !>. 'o you believe that there is an end to any true friendships !?. 'o you believe your parents should be your friends !@. 4hat do you do if you receive a friend)s call but you forgot hisBher name $A. =riendship is the most important relationship. 'o you agree 4hy 4hy not $1. 4hat do you like best about your best friend7s9 $!. 4hat are some ways your best friend has influenced your life in a positive way $$. :ow close do you get to your friends $&. 4hy do you need a friend $(. 4hat do you do when you have a misunderstanding with your friend $6. 'o you trust all of your friends 4hy $>. 4hat is the best time for making new friends $?. 4hat was your best friendship 1. Are you still friends with him or her !. 4hat life lessons did you learn from this relationship $@. 4hat qualities do you appreciate in your friends 4hat makes someone special or best friend &A. 4hy are friendships important for you 'o you still maintain friendships from the past &1. :ow long have you known your best friend 4here did you meet and what did you have in common &!. 4hat are some good opportunities to meet new people &$. :ow can you get to better know a person



&&. 4hat is the relationship between love and friendship &(. 4ho is the most interesting person you have ever met &6. 'o you think famous people are happier than ordinary people 4hy &>. 4hat type of people do you get along with best &?. 4hat quality do you admire most in people and which one do you find the most ob5ectionable &@. 4hat behavior of others hurts you most 4hen you have upset someone by your actions# what do you try to do (A. 4hat do you consider to be your good and bad qualities (1. 4hat qualities help you to have good relationships with others (!. 4hat traits or actions make an interpersonal conflict worse ($. Are relationships among people better or worse than a few years ago 4hy .ive some e3amples. (&. 'o you think that dysfunctional family life contributes to worsening relationships in society ((. "s getting along with others a natural ability from birth or does it have to be learnt (6. :ow important is forgiveness in human relationships (>. 4hat are friends for (?. Can you be friends with your student if you are a teacher (@. To what e3tent can you be friends with your child 6A. 4hat was your best friendship Are you still friends with him or her 4hat life lessons did you learn from this relationship 61. 'o you tell your best friend everything 6!. 'o you have a close group of friends 6$. 4hat do you usually do together 6&. "s it easy for you to make friends 6(. Talk about friends you)ve made in this country. 66. Are you good friends with your family members 6>. 'o you fight with your friends 6?. :ow often do you talk with your friends



6@. 4hat is the difference between friendship and )kinship) 7blood relatives9 >A. 'o you have different groups of friends who never meet one another >1. GAre you a different )self) with each group >!. G 'o you think these groups would get along if you >$. introduced them to one another >&. G 4ould you want these friends to mi3#or do you get >(. something different from each set of relationships >6. There is a saying that Fto lose a friend you need to start sharing a flat with himBherF. 'o you agree 4hyB4hy not >>. 4hat would you do if your best friend# that never betrayed you and you thought your relationship to be brotherBsister asked you out on a date >?. 'o you think you can find eternal friendships through the internet >@. 4hat is your best friend like



<uestions Community 1. 4hat do you like about your community !. :ow did you decide on your community $. 4hat do you think should be changed in your community &. :ow can you help your community (. :ow many of your neighbors do you know 6. Are there old people living in your community Tell me about them. >. Are there little children in your community Tell me about them. ?. 4hat do the people in your community do for recreation @. 4hat do you think is the most important thing about community 1A. 'oes your community have special days to get together 11. 'oes your community have meetings 1!. "s there a neighborhood watch program in your community 1$. 4ould you like to raise your children in a community like yours "f yes# tell me why. "f no# tell me why 1&. "s your community afraid of strangers 1(. :ow can you live in a community and maintain your privacy 16. 'oes your community welcome strangers 1>. :ave you ever helped a neighbor



<uestions 'ating 8elated; =irst 'ates# %ingle -ife 1. 'escribe a perfect date. !. 'escribe the appearance of the person you would like to date $. 'escribe the character of the person you would like to date &. 'o you Fgo 'utchF when dating (. 'o you know what it means to )go 'utch) 6. "s it usual for people in your country to )go 'utch) if you go out together >. 'o older girlsBboys have a problem dating younger girlsBboys 1. 'o younger girlsBboys have a problem dating older girlsBboys ?. 'o you believe in love at first sight 1. 'o you think some people know that they will fall in love with someone the first time they meet @. 'o you know what a )blind date) is 1A. :ave you ever been on a blind date 11. 'id you ever arrange a blind date 1!. 'o you drive or take the train when dating 1$. 'o you have a boyfriendBgirlfriend 1. 4here did you meet your himBher !. 4hat does heBshe look like 1&. 'o you think fairy tales influence our choice of a partner 1(. :ave you ever had a crush on someone 16. :ave you ever hated loving someone 1>. :ave your parents ever disapproved of any of your relationships 1?. :ow often would you like to go out on dates 1@. :ow old were you when you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend !A. :ow old were you when you went on your first date 1. 4here did you go !. 4hat did you do $. 4ho did you go with



!1. "s going out on dates important for you !!. "s there a such thing as a perfect relationship for you !$. "f you could go out with anyone# who would it be !&. "f you are a man# and a woman asks you for a date# do you feel you should pay# or that the woman should pay !(. 4hat are some popular places to go on a date !6. 4hat characteristics do you look for in a girlfriend or boyfriend !>. 4hat do you consider cheating in a dating relationship !?. 4hat do you like to talk about when on a date !@. 4hat do you look for in a girlfriend or a boyfriend $A. 4hat do you think most people talk about when dating $1. 4hat kind of clothes do you wear on a date $!. 4hat qualities are important to you in a boyfriend or girlfriend $$. 4hat was the most boring date you)ve ever been on $&. 4hat was the most interesting date you)ve ever been on $(. 4hat would you consider Fthe perfect dateF for you $6. 4here is a good pace to go on a date in this town $>. 4here would you like to go on a date $?. 4ould you mind if your boyfriendBgirlfriend went out to party without you $@. 4ould you prefer to go out with a quiet or a talkative person &A. At what age do you think that dating should begin 1. 'o you think there is any age when a person is too old to date &1. 'oes your first love still hold a special place in your heart 'o you believe that he or she will always have a special place in your heart &!. 4hat is your definition of love &$. 4ould you wait on a person you were dating for a long time if they 5oined the army 1. :ow about if they went to prison &&. 4hat do you think about dating a friend)s e3-girlfriend or e3-boyfriend &(. Are there any superstitions on making someone fall in love with you 1. :ave you heard of any successful Flove potions F



&6. Can you control your partner by playing games &>. 4hen should you introduce your boyfriendBgirlfriend to your parents 7when you begin dating# after you have been together for a while# only when the relationship is serious9 4hy &?. 'o you like to have boy friend or girl friend in your school or in your classes &@. 'o you think it is right to continue seeing a person if he has not introduced you to his family yet (A. :ow long does it take for dating to become a relationship (1. "s it important to be punctual in your first date 4hy (!. 4ould you dress up for a first date 4hat clothes would you wear ($. 4hat kind of place do you think is the ideal for a first date 4hy do you think so (&. 'o you think that age difference is important when dating ((. 4ould you date someone much older or younger than you 4hy or why not (6. 4ould your parents have a problem if you married someone much older or younger than you 4ould it make a difference if that person were rich (>. 'o you like to flirt "f so# what do you usually do 4here 4ith whom 4hy (?. 'o you ever set your friends up on blind dates "f so# have you had much success (@. 'o you think blind dates are a good way to meet someone special 4hy or why not 6A. 4hat is an intimate relationship for you 61. :ow do you know you are in a relationship 6!. 'o you have any e3pectations for your partner 6$. 4hat is a perfect date for you 6&. 'o younger girlsBboys have a problem dating older girlsBboys 6(. 'o you think some people know that they will fall in love with someone the first time they meet 66. 4here did you meet your himBher 6>. 4hat does heBshe look like 6?. :ow old were you when you went on your first date 4here did you go 4hat did you do 4ho did you go with 6@. 4hat kind of boyBgirl do you like



>A. 'o you think there is any age when a person is too old to date >1. 'oes your first love still hold a special place in your heart 1. Are you still in contact !. 4ould you like to see your first love again $. 'o you believe that he or she will always have a special place in your heart &. :ow about if they went to prison >!. :ave you heard of any successful Flove potions F >$. :ave you ever returned a gift to your boyfriend or girlfriend and later find out that he has given it to hisBher new mate >&. 4hen should you introduce your boyfriendBgirlfriend to your parents 1. 4hen you begin dating. !. After you have been together for a while. $. +nly when the relationship is serious &. 4hy >(. 4hat kind of place do you think is the ideal for a first date 4hy do you think so >6. 'o you think that age difference is important when dating >>. 'o you consider withholding information from your significant other lying >?. %hould you sleep with your friends >@. 'o you like to have boyfriend or girlfriend in your school or in your classes ?A. 4hat do you think about internet dating ?1. 'o you know anybody who does internet dating ?!. :ave you heard of any successful relationships through internet dating 1. 4ould you consider trying it yourself ?$. :ave you ever met the manBwoman of your dreams when you were on vacation



<uestions .ay Community 1. 4hat)s the meaning of Fhomose3ualF And Fheterose3ualF !. Are there many words in your language to refer to homose3uals 1. About how many of them would you say are not offensive $. :ow is it being gay in your country &. 'o you know anyone who is gay 1. :ow about any celebrities !. +r any historical figure $. Are there any gay characters on a current TD series &. Could you tell us about them (. 'o you think gay people have enough role models in our society to identify themselves with 6. 'o you think those references portrait a positive image of the gays 1. 'o they help the gay community to enhance their self-esteem >. 4hat)s the meaning of FhomophobiaF 1. "n your view# is there homophobia in our society "f not# why ?. 'o you believe that the gay community is being discriminated against in any way 1. "f so# why do you think there is such discrimination @. 4hat problems do you think someone goes through when they find out they are gay 1A. 'o you think they should try to change 11. "n your opinion# should they say they are gay 1!. 4hat do you think your parents) reaction would be if you told them you are gay 1. 'o you think one of them would take it better B worse !. 'o you think their first reaction would persist or would it change 1$. :ow about your best friend)s reaction 1&. :ow would you react if one of your children told you they)re gay 1(. 4hat are the main problems gays have to face at college 16. "s it easier for a gay to live in a village or in a city 1>. "s being gay more difficult in some countries than others 1?. "n your opinion# can a gay be a religious person



1@. 4hat main problems do gays have in the military !A. "n what ways does the gay community try to tackle homophobia Are they being successful !1. 4hat main achievements have they had in the last !( years !!. :ow important are gay associations or organiEations !$. 'o you think being lesbian is viewed as being worse# the same or better than being gay in our society 1. Are they simply ignored !. Could you name any famous lesbian through history !&. 'o you believe gays and heterose3uals have the same rights 'o they have equal duties !(. 4hat)s your opinion on gay marriage !6. 4hat do you think of adoption by gay couples 1. 'o you think homose3ual families can bring up children as well as straight families "f not# why !>. "s A"'% a ma5or problem for the homose3uals only 1. 4hat do you know about this disease !. :ow do you think it is transmitted !?. Could you define the word FstereotypeF 1. 4hat stereotypes do you know about gays



<uestions .etting to Cnow 0ach +ther 1. 'o you have any pets !. 4hat was the last book you read $. 'o you like to cook &. 4hat)s your favorite food (. Are you good at cookingBswimmingBetc 6. Are you married or single >. 'o you have brothers and sisters 1. Are they older or younger than you ?. 'o you like baseball @. 'o you live alone 1A. 'o you live in a house or an apartment 11. :ave you ever lived in another country 1!. :ave you ever met a famous person 1$. :ow do you spend your free time 1&. :ow long have you been studying 0nglish 1(. :ow old are you 16. :ow tall are you 1>. Tell me about a favorite event of your adulthood. 1?. Tell me about a favorite event of your childhood. 1@. 4hat are your hobbies !A. 4hat two things could you not do when you were... !1. 4hat countries have you visited !!. 4hat country are you from !$. 4hat do you do on %undays !&. 4hat do you do 4hat)s your 5ob !(. 4hat do you like to do in your free time !6. 4hat hobbies do you have !>. 4hat is the nearest bus stop or train station to your house !?. 4hat is your motto



!@. 4hat is your religion 71erhaps not a good question in some situations.9 $A. 4hat kind of food do you like $1. 4hat kind of people do you like $!. 4hat kind of people do you not like $$. 4hat languages do you speak $&. 4hat two things could you not do when you were a child# but you can do now $(. 4hat)s something you do well $6. 4hat)s your address $>. 4hat)s your father like $?. 4hat)s your mother like $@. 4hat)s your name &A. 4hat)s your phone number &1. 4hat)s your telephone number &!. 4hen did you start to study 0nglish &$. 4here are you from &&. 4here do you live &(. 4here do you live :ow long have you lived there &6. 4here were you born &>. 4hich sports do you like &?. 4ho do you live with &@. 4ho do you respect the most (A. 4ho has had the most influence in your life (1. 4hy did you decide to take this course (!. 4hy do you want to learn 0nglish ($. 4ould you like to be famous (&. 4hat do you think you will be doing five years from now 1. 4here do you think you)ll be living five years from now ((. 4hat is your goal in life (6. Are you a )morning) or )night) person (>. 4hen do you feel best "n the morning# afternoon# or evening



(?. :ow many cities have you lived in (@. 4hat 5obs have you done 6A. 4hich do you prefer# sunrises or sunsets 61. 4hat could you do as a child that you can)t do now 6!. 4ho is your ne3t door neighbor in your home country 1. 4hat is he or she like !. 'id you get along with each other 6$. 4hat is the best memory of our country that you will take back home with you 6&. 4hat is the worst memory of our country 6(. :ow many times did you move as a child 66. Are you a task oriented person or a people oriented person 6>. 4hat is the profile of the wifeBhusband you would meet 1. 4hat kind of womanBman would you like to marry



<uestions -ove# 'ating H *arriage 8elated; *arriage# 4eddings These questions are also divided into pages; 'ating and *arriage 8elated; %ingle -ife 1. About how many guests attended your wedding 1. :ow many guests would you invite to your wedding !. At what age do most people in your country get married $. At what age do you want to get married 1. At what age did you get married &. 'escribe a perfect date. (. 'escribe the appearance of the person you would like to date 6. 'escribe the character of the person you would like to date >. 'o women usually work after getting married in your country ?. 'o you Fgo 'utchF when dating @. 'o you know what it means to )go 'utch) 1A. "s it usual for people in your country to )go 'utch) if you go out together 11. 'o older girlsBboys have a problem dating younger girlsBboys 1. 'o younger girlsBboys have a problem dating older girlsBboys 1!. 'o you believe in love at first sight 1. 'o you think some people know that they will fall in love with someone the first time they meet 1$. 'o you know what a )blind date) is 1&. :ave you ever been on a blind date 1(. 'id you ever arrange a blind date 16. 'o you drive or take the train when dating 1>. 'o you get along with your in-laws 1?. 'o you have a boyfriendBgirlfriend 1. 4here did you meet your himBher !. 4hat does heBshe look like 1@. 'o you know anyone who has had an arranged marriage



!A. 'o you know someone who has gotten a divorce !1. 'o you know the difference between love and like 1. Can you still love your partner and not like himBher !!. 'o you think a boy should pay for everything on a date !$. 'o you think arranged marriages are a good idea 4hy or why not 1. 4hat is your opinion of arranged marriages !&. 'o you think fairy tales influence our choice of a partner !(. 'o you think getting married means giving up freedom !6. 'o you think if you get married that you will change !>. 'o you think it is better to be single or to be married !?. 'o you think it is good to get married !@. 'o you think it is okay for a couple to live together before getting married 4hy or 4hy not $A. 'o you think it is okay to marry someone of a different race $1. 'o you think it is okay to marry someone with a different religion $!. 'o you think it)s +C for a man to have two wives $$. 'o you think it)s +C for a wife to have two husbands $&. 'o you think it)s okay for a man to have a mistress $(. 'o you think it)s okay for a man to hit his wife $6. 'o you think love is necessary to have a good marriage $>. 'o you think marriage is necessary $?. 'o you think marriages based on love are more successful than arranged marriages $@. 'o you think marriage is very stressful for women :ow about for men &A. 'o you think people change after getting married &1. 'o you think religion influences marriage "f so# in what ways &!. 'o you think that all adults should be married &$. 'o you think that you can you find eternal love through the "nternet &&. 'o you want a husband or wife who is older# younger or the same age as you &(. 'o you want to have children 1. "f so# how many



&6. :ave you ever been to a school dance &>. :ave you ever had a crush on someone &?. :ave you ever hated loving someone &@. :ave your parents ever disapproved of any of your relationships (A. :ow long do you think couples should know each other before they get married (1. :ow many children would you like to have (!. :ow often would you like to go out on dates ($. :ow old were you when you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend (&. :ow old were you when you went on your first date 1. 4here did you go !. 4hat did you do $. 4ho did you go with ((. :ow old were your parents when they got married (6. "f your husband or wife has an affair what would you do (>. "f your parents did not approve of a person you loved and wanted to marry# would that be a difficult situation for you 4hy or why not (?. "s going out on dates important for you (@. "s there a such thing as a perfect relationship for you 6A. "f you could go out with anyone# who would it be 61. "f you are a man# and a woman asks you for a date# do you feel you should pay# or that the woman should pay 6!. "f you had to marry either a poor man whom you really loved# or a rich man whom you did not love# which would you choose 6$. "f you had to choose to live with someone who truly loves you but you don)t love him back or to live alone for a rest of your life loving someone that doesn)t love you who would you choose 6&. 4hat advice would you give to someone whose partner hates their best friend 6(. 4hat age do you think is best for getting married 66. 4hat are some dating and marriage customs in your country 6>. 4hat are some of the main reasons people get divorced



6?. 4hat are some popular places to go on a date 6@. 4hat are some qualities that you think are important in a spouse or partner >A. 4hat characteristics do you look for in a girlfriend or boyfriend >1. 4hat do you consider cheating in a dating relationship >!. 4hat do you like to talk about when on a date >$. 4hat do you look for in a girlfriend or a boyfriend >&. 4hat do you think most people talk about when dating >(. 4hat do you think of people who get divorced 1. 4ould you ever consider getting divorced >6. 4hat do you think of same-se3 marriages >>. 4hat do you think of single mothers >?. 4hat is a wedding ceremony like in your country >@. 4hat is the best way to keep your spouse happy in the marriage ?A. 4hat kind of boy or girl do you like ?1. 4hat kind of clothes do you wear on a date ?!. 4hat kind of man do you want as a husband ?$. 4hat kind of person do you want to get married to ?&. 4hat kind of woman do you want as a wife ?(. 4hat makes a good husbandBwife ?6. 4hat makes a happy marriage 1. 4hat do you think are some things that contribute to a successful marriage ?>. 4hat qualities are important to you in a boyfriend or girlfriend ??. 4hat qualities in a partner are important to you ?@. 4hat was the most boring date you)ve ever been on @A. 4hat was the most interesting date you)ve ever been on @1. 4hat would you consider Fthe perfect dateF for you @!. 4hat would you do if your soon to be mother-in-law seems to hate you @$. 4hat would your parents think if you don)t get married @&. 4hen did your parents get married @(. 4here do you want to go for your honeymoon



1. 4here did you go for your honeymoon @6. 4here do you want to go on your honeymoon @>. 4here is a good pace to go on a date in this town @?. 4here would you like to go on a date @@. 4hich is more important for you# your 5ob or your marriage 1AA. 1A1. 1A!. 1A$. 1A&. 1A(. 1A6. 1A>. 4hy do people break up with their partners 4ill you continue working after you get married 4ould you date someone you really liked if your parents did not like him or her 4ould you ever marry someone who has been divorced twice 4ould you introduce your date to your family 4ould you live with your parents after you get married 4ould you marry someone from another country 4ould you marry someone ten years older than you :ow about ten years younger

than you 1A?. 1A@. 11A. 111. 11!. 4ould you marry someone that your parents didn)t like 4ould you marry someone who couldn)t speak the same language as you speak 4ould you mind if your boyfriend or girlfriend went out to party without you 4ould you prefer to go out with a quiet or a talkative person At what age do you think that dating should begin

1. 'o you think there is any age when a person is too old to date 11$. 11&. 11(. 116. 11>. 11?. 11@. 'o you know a happily married couple Can you name a famous happily married couple 4hat do you think is the most important ingredient in a good marriage :ow long is the marriage ceremony in your country 4ho designed the marriage covenant 4hat do you think about dating a friend)s e3-girlfriend or e3-boyfriend 'oes your first love still hold a special place in your heart

1. 'o you believe that he or she will always have a special place in your heart 1!A. 4hat qualities do you look in your partner



1!1. in 5ail 1!!. 1!$.

'o you think its possible to wait for the man or woman you love while he or she is

4hat is your definition of love 4ould you wait on a person you were dating for a long time if they 5oined the army

1. :ow about if they went to prison 1!&. 1!(. both 1!6. 1!>. :ow many families can you have in your country Are there any superstitions on making someone fall in love with you 4hat is the best season to get married 'o you know anybody who has two families at the same time and supports them

1. :ave you heard of any successful Flove potions F 1!?. :ave you ever returned a gift to your boyfriend or girlfriend and later find out that

he has given it to his or her new mate 1!@. 1$A. 1$1. 1$!. 1$$. 'o you know of any superstitions connected with weddings 4ould it be important for you to have a Fwhite wedding dress) Can you control your partner by playing games 4hy do you think the bride)s maids wear white. 4hen should you introduce your boyfriend or girlfriend to your parents

1. 4hen you begin dating !. After you have been together for a while $. +nly when the relationship is serious &. 4hy 1$&. 1$(. 'o you like to have boy friend or girl friend in your school or in your classes 'o you think it is right to continue seeing a person if he has not introduced you to

his family yet 1$6. "n your opinion is marriage for life

1. 'o you think when people get married it is really until death 1$>. 1$?. 1$@. :ow long does it take for dating to become a relationship "s it important to be punctual in your first date 4hy 4ould you dress up for a first date 4hat clothes would you wear



1&A. 1&1.

4hat kind of place do you think is the ideal for a first date 4hy do you think so 4hat are your country)s norms or laws on displays of public affection

1. 'o you think it is okay for couples to kiss in public 1&!. :ow would you feel if your boyfriend liked to keep company with a female friend

when you)re not there 1&$. :ow would you feel if your girlfriend liked to keep company with a male friend

when you)re not there 1&&. be 1&(. 1&6. 4ho do you love "f you had to choose to live with someone who truly loves you but you don)t love "f you could go back to your past love# and change what went wrong# who would it

him back or to live alone for a rest of your life loving someone that doesn)t love you what would you choose 1&>. 1&?. 1&@. 1(A. 4hat would you change# if you are given only one chance to do it 4hose heart did you break most 'id you apologiEe from himIher

:ave you ever met someone you love a lot but never e3pressed it "f your parents forced you to get married with a person who you don)t love# what

would you do in this situation 1(1. "f your boyfriendBgirlfriend dated another person# then heBshe wanted to return and

date you# would you date again 1(!. 1($. "f your boyfriendBgirlfriend dated your close friend# what would you do 'o you believe that having a permanent love between two person who are living in

two different countries is possible 1(&. 1((. 'o you want your husband to know how you looked as a child 4hy or why not 'o you believe in love at first sight or love after the first night



"nternational *arriage 1. 4ould you marry someone of another nationality !. Are your parents of the same nationality $. 4hat are some advantages of an international marriage &. 4hat are some disadvantages (. 'o you want to have an international marriage 6. 'o you know anyone who married someone from a different country "f yes# what is their e3perience like >. 'o you think it is more difficult to marry someone from a different country ?. :ow would your parents feel if you married someone from a different country @. 'o you think that it is good for children to have parents from two different countries 4hy 4hy not 1A. The following question may be considered inappropriate in some situations. 11. 'o you think that gay people should be allowed to marry



<uestions *eeting 1eople 1. 'o you en5oy meeting new people !. 4hat are some good things to ask someone you 5ust met $. 4hat are some things you shouldn)t ask people you 5ust met &. "s it +C to ask a person)s age in your country (. Are you nervous when you are introduced to someone new 6. 4hat are some ways to overcome being nervous about meeting new people >. About how many new people do you meet a week ?. 4here are some good places to meet people @. :ow important are first impressions to you 1A. 4hat do you do if you forget the name of someone you)ve 5ust been introduced to 11. 4hat kind of people do you like to meet 1!. 4ho was the last new person you met and where did you meet them 1$. :ave you ever e3perienced being completely wrong in your first impression 1&. 'o you usually shake hands with when you meet a new person 1(. "f you want to get to know people at a party would you go first to people of your own age or people of your own se3 16. 4hat is the favorite topic for new acquaintances in your country 1>. "f you are looking for a shallow relationship# where do you usually go to meet people 1?. "f you are looking for a good friend# where do you usually go to meet people 1@. "n your country# how do you know if you can trust a person that you meet 1. :ow about in the /% !. :ow do you know if you can trust a person that you meet here !A. 'o you en5oy meeting new people 1. 4hat do you like most or least about it !1. 'o you feel you are outgoing or shy around people :ow do you usually act !!. 4hat are some good things to ask someone you have 5ust met !$. 4hat are some things you shouldn)t ask people you 5ust met !&. "s it +C to ask a person for their age in your country 4hy or why not !(. Are you nervous when you are introduced to someone new



1. :ow could a shy person overcome their fear of meeting new people !6. About how many new people do you meet a week !>. 4here are some good places to meet people !?. :ow important are first impressions to you !@. :ave you ever e3perienced being completely wrong in your first impression $A. 4hat do you do if you forget the name of someone you)ve 5ust been introduced to 1. 4hat are some things you can say $1. 4hat kind of people do you like to meet $!. 4ho was the last new person you met and where did you meet them :ave you seen them again $$. 4hat do people do when they meet a new person in your culture $&. "s it +C to touch another person when you first meet them in your culture $(. 'o you ever shake hands with when you meet a new person in your culture $6. 'o you like to shake hands when you meet new people $>. "f you want to get to know people at a party# would you first approach people of your own age 1. 1eople of your own gender $?. 4hat is a favorite topic for new acquaintances of your age in your country $@. "f you are looking for a shallow relationship# where can you go to meet people &A. "f you are looking for a good friend# where can you go to meet people &1. "n your country# how do you know if you can trust a person that you meet &!. :ow do you know if you can trust a person that you have met &$. 4hat is one thing that many people don)t know about you &&. 'o business people e3change business cards in your culture 1. :ow do they do it &(. :ow far apart do people stand from each other when they talk in your culture &6. "s it impolite to say F,oF in your culture if you don)t know someone very well &>. 'o people in your culture use a lot of body language when they communicate# or do they keep their bodies relatively still



&?. 'o people in your culture show their emotions when communicating with others or do they hide some feelings 1. :ow do they show their emotions !. 4hat kind of feelings might they hide &@. 'o you feel comfortable with people here 1. 4ith people from other cultures (A. 4hat can we do to create more understanding and harmony among people in our world (1. Are you a person who approaches someone first 1. +r are you a person who waits for someone to approach you (!. 4hat makes you remember a new person that you have 5ust met 'o you remember them for long ($. 'o you shake hands with someone new always# usually# sometimes# never (&. "f you want to get to know people at a party would you go first to people of your own age or people of your own se3 1. To people who are standing alone or people already in a group ((. The favorite topic for new acquaintances in 2ritain is the weather# in America it)s where you come from# what is it in your country (6. "f you don)t really like this new person how do you finish the conversation and make your escape (>. 4hat does your name mean (?. 4hat are the customary greetings and behaviors for meetingBgreeting someone in your culture (@. :ow do you introduce two people to each other 6A. 4hat are some different ways of making introductions 61. 4hen you introduce people do you use their whole names or 5ust first names 6!. 4hat are the advantages of meeting new people when you move to a new country 6$. 4hat are the first things you notice when you meet someone 6&. :ow important is it to smile when you meet someone for the first time 6(. 'o you like to kiss# shake or bow when you meet a new person



<uestions .oing to a 1arty 8elated; 1lanning a 1arty 1. 4hen do you go to a party !. 4hat do you like to do at parties $. 4here do you like to have a partyB &. 4ho do you invite to your parties (. 'o you let people smoke at your party 6. 'o you let people drink at your party >. 4hat can people do at a party that will annoy youB ?. 'o you serve food at your parties @. 4hat kind of food do you serve 1A. 4ould you rather go to someone else)s house for a party or have it at yours 4hy 11. 'escribe the best party that you have been to. 1. 4hy was it the best !. 'o you get drunk at your parties 1!. 4ould you mind if others get drunk at your party in your house 1$. 'o you play games at your party "f so# what games 1&. 'o you eat birthday cake at your birthday party 1(. 'o you buy a cake or do you make it at home 16. 4hat is there to do at a party 1>. 4hat would you do if someone broke something at your party in your house 1?. "f you are invited to a party but you don)t want to go# what do you tell the person inviting you 1@. 4hat does 8%D1 mean !A. 4hat are some polite and impolite e3cuses to give for not going to a party !1. 'id you ever have dance parties in your middleBhigh school



<uestions .oing to a 1arty 8elated; 1lanning a 1arty 1. 4hen do you go to a party !. 4hat do you like to do at parties $. 4here do you like to have a partyB &. 4ho do you invite to your parties (. 'o you let people smoke at your party 6. 'o you let people drink at your party >. 4hat can people do at a party that will annoy youB ?. 'o you serve food at your parties @. 4hat kind of food do you serve 1A. 4ould you rather go to someone else)s house for a party or have it at yours 4hy 11. 'escribe the best party that you have been to. 1. 4hy was it the best !. 'o you get drunk at your parties 1!. 4ould you mind if others get drunk at your party in your house 1$. 'o you play games at your party "f so# what games 1&. 'o you eat birthday cake at your birthday party 1(. 'o you buy a cake or do you make it at home 16. 4hat is there to do at a party 1>. 4hat would you do if someone broke something at your party in your house 1?. "f you are invited to a party but you don)t want to go# what do you tell the person inviting you 1@. 4hat does 8%D1 mean !A. 4hat are some polite and impolite e3cuses to give for not going to a party !1. 'id you ever have dance parties in your middleBhigh school



<uestions 1lanning a 1arty 8elated; .oing to a 1arty 1. 4here would you like to have the party !. 4ho is the party for $. 4hy are you throwing this party &. 4hat kind of people go to parties +bligatory guests .uests of honor (. 4hat are some ways of describing guests at a party 6. 4hat are some parties that you are e3pected to bring gifts >. 4ho will you invite ?. 4ill you send out invitations @. 4hat do you need to think about if you are having a 22< party outside 1A. 4hat time do you like for parties to start or to end 11. 'o you like going to parties with a date or by yourself 1!. 4hat kind of decisions do you need to make when you plan a party 1$. 'o you en5oy hosting parties at your house 1&. 4hat are the characteristics of a good host



<uestions 1arenting Your Children 1. :ow many children do you have 1. :ow old are they !. Are your children involved in clubs such as .irl .uides or 2oy %couts $. 4hat kind of chores do you require your child 7or children9 to do &. Can you tell us one special thing about each of your children 1. 4hat are their strong points (. 'o you prefer to have a daughter or a son 6. :ow did you choose your children)s names >. :ow many of your children are living with you now 8aising Children 1. 'o you think boys are more e3pensive than girls or vice versa 4hy !. 'o you think boys are easier to take care of than girls or vice versa 4hy $. 'o you help your children with their homework 1. :ow much help do you think is appropriate &. 4ould you allow your son or daughter to pierce body parts 1. "f so# what parts of the body would you allow to be pierced (. 4ould you allow your child to get a tattoo 1. 4hat tattoo would you suggest to your child to get 6. 4hat are some things that you would not allow your children to do 1. 4hat are some things that you would allow your children to do that you think other parents may not allow their children to do 4hy do you think it is okay to allow this >. Are there any sports that you consider too dangerous to allow your child to try "f so# what sports ?. 'o you think you spoil your child 1. "n what ways do you spoil your child !. 4hat are some ways that you have seen others spoil their children @. Are you careful about your child)s diet



1. Are there any foods that you do not let your children eat !. "s there any food that you force your children to eat even though they don)t like the food 1arenting %kills 1. 'o you think that you are a good parent 4hy 1. 'o you think your parents were good parents !. 'o you think your children will be good parents !. 4hat are some things that your parents did that you would never do $. 4hat are some things that you have seen other parents do that you would never do &. 4hat do you think are some of the most difficult problems faced by parents (. :ave you ever changed cloth diapers with safety pins and rubber pants before 6. :ow do you cope with sibling rivalry >. :ow do you reward your children for the good things that they do ?. Are all couples who can have children qualified enough to be parents @. 4hat are the names of some good books on parenting 1A. 4hat are the names of some good websites on parenting +pinions 1. %hould a good mother give up her 5ob to stay at home with her children 1. 'o you think it is +C for a father to stay at home with the children and have the mother work instead !. 'o you think a mother is a better Fstay at home parentF than a father 4hy or why not 'oes the age of the children matter !. %hould women always get custody 7keep the children9 after a divorce 4hy or why not $. 'o you think it is okay for children to call their parents by their first names 1. 'o you call your parents by name !. 'o your children call you by name $. 'o you know anyone who does &. 'o you think there should be a ma3imum age for parents to have a new child (. %hould children work 'o you agree or disagree



6. 'o you think its +C to use drugs while pregnant >. %hould criminals and morally corrupt people be prevented from having children by law ?. 'oes biological parenthood necessarily mean that the parents are also qualified enough for bringing the child up Activities 1. 'o you often read to your children B 'id you often read to your children 1. :ow often !. =or how long each time $. 4hat kinds of books !. 4hat kinds of things do you do with your children 1. 4hat kinds of things would you like to do with your children !. 4hat kinds of things did you do with your children $. About how many hours a week do you spend doing things with your children 1. 'o you spend more time doing things with your children now than you did last year 1unishment 1. :ow do you usually punish your children !. 4hat would you do if you found out your child was shoplifting 7stealing9 $. 4hat would you do if your child lied to you &. 4hat would you do if you found out your child 5igged 7skipped9 school for a day (. :ow do you deal with your children when they fight with each other 6. 'o you think spanking is an appropriate form of punishment 4hy or why not >. :ave you ever rinsed your child)s mouth out with soap as punishment for swearing ?. %ome of the following should perhaps be avoided in some classes. @. 'o you think it is +C to breast-feed in public 1. 4hat do you think when you see a mother breast-feeding her child in public 1A. 4ould you have your son circumcised 4hy or why not 11. 'o you think gay couples can be good parents to adopted children 1!. 4hat do you think about single mothers



1$. %hould pregnant women that are unwed consider abortion 1. %hould any women consider abortion !. "n what cases do you think abortion is acceptable $. 4hen do you think abortion is unacceptable 1&. "f you were a mother or father# would you allow your son or daughter to listen heavy metal music



<uestions %ocial 1roblems 1. Are there food kitchens for the needy in your country !. Are there homeless shelters in your country $. Are there many homeless people where you live &. Are there many suicides in your country (. Are there nursing homes in your country 6. 'o you agree that teachers should use corporal punishment as a means of discipline >. 'o you know anyone who is homeless ?. 'o you think it)s acceptable for parents to use corporal punishment as a means of discipline 4hyBwhy not @. 'o you think people should be allowed to smoke in public buildings 1A. 'o you think that minorities should be given 5ob priority because of their race 4hyBwhy not 11. :ave you ever been a volunteer at a hospital 1!. :ave you ever e3perienced discrimination 1$. :ave you ever known someone with an addiction 1&. "n an overpopulated world# should people be free to have as many children as they want 1(. "s there assistance available to people that are homeless 16. "s there public assistance in your country 1>. 4hat are some e3pectations parents have for their children 1?. 4hat are some reasons people use illegal drugs 1@. 4hat are some reasons that people become homeless !A. 4hat are some things people can do to eliminate discrimination and pre5udice !1. 4hat are some ways we can help homeless people !!. 4hat do you think is the most serious problem in the world 1. 4hy do you think so !. 4hat can we do as individuals to solve this problem !$. 'o you think in vitro fertiliEation should be available to parents so they can choose the se3 of their child !&. 4hat do you think when you see a homeless person



!(. 4hat types of noise pollution do you hate the most !6. 4ho takes care of the elderly when they are no longer able to care for themselves !>. :ave you ever e3perienced discrimination on a personal level !?. 4hat is racism !@. 4hat are some ways we can wear words and slogans i.e. badges# clothes# hats etc. $A. 4hat should be done about football hooligans $1. %hould drinking be allowed outdoors 7 parks# squares# streets9 as it is in %pain s $!. "s it morally right to spend a lot of money on pets# rather than helping people in need $$. Are you pro-life# or pro-choice 4hy# and how do you see the opposing viewpoint $&. 'o you believe in the individuals right to own firearms 1. :ow do feel about the right to carry firearms !. :ave you ever had to carry a firearm $(. :ow would you prevent someone from committing suicide $6. :ow would you describe Fpositive discriminationF $>. 4hich countries are poor 1. 4hy are some countries poor !. :ow can the rich countries help the poor countries $?. 4hat does .? mean $@. 4here will the .? summit be held &A. 4ho will attend the .? summit &1. 4hat kind of people are members of the .? &!. 4hy do some people think graffiti is a problem for society .raffiti 1. 4hat is graffiti 4here do you see it i.e. walls# trains !. 4hat messages do you see i.e. political# love messages# funny# personal# poetic $. %hould the government punish those who write graffiti &. %hould the government reserve places for those who want to write graffiti (. "s graffiti a type of FartF 6. "f you were allowed to write something# what would you say >. 4hat can we do about graffiti writers



:+4 T+ '0%C8"20 1:+T+% 1.- Type the visual document. This document is J.... 4hat we have here isBare J.........

a photograph a painting 7un cuadro9 a strop cartoon 7un cKmic9 a drawing 7un dibu5o9 a caricature an advert 7un anuncio9 a map a poster a snapshot 7una instantLnea9 newspaper front page 7una portada de un periKdico9

in colour in black and white

!.- +rigin of the visual document. "t comes from J... "t was taken from J... "t appears inBon J............. " dates from J. 7que data de9 "t is 7not9 recent 4e may suppose it appeared recently 7podemos suponer que apareciK recientemente9 4e may suppose it appeared long ago 7podemos suponer que apareciK hace mucho tiempo9 4e may suppose it appeared time ago 7podemos suponer que apareciK hace tiempo9



a newspaper a magaEine a website a business magaEine a women)s magaEine called J....

$.- The author. This photo was taken by J. This was made by J... This was painted by J... This was created by J....

&.- 'escribing of the visual document. 7'escribiendo del documento visual9 1osition. "n the upper part 70n la parte superior9 "n the lower part 70n la parte inferior9 At the top 7rightBleft9 70n la parte superior 7derecha B iEquierda99 At the bottom 7rightBleft9 70n la parte inferior 7derecha B iEquierda99 +n the right +n the left "n the foreground 70n el primer plano9 "n the background 70n el fondo9 "n the middle "n the corner "n front ofBbehind Above 7por encima9 /nder 7ba5o9 Close =ar away 7le5os9



The scene takes place J.....7-a escena tiene lugar9 in a home in a bedroom in a kitchen in the street in a shop in the country in the desert in the mountains

The setting is J.......7 0l escenario es 9 a school a big city a small village on the moon on another planet in an imaginary world 7un9familiar e3ceptional typical atmosphere

"t takes place J... during the day at night in the summer in the winter

The general atmosphere is J..... sad



serious tense romantic mysterious sophisticated funny rela3ed ordinary craEy ironical unusual



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