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Km Unk «Itilmtu not, The First "Moví

U«t.«Im Trata?
fin* t»
if the President has nothing officer in Puebla will seriously affect
better offer than repetition of
his command New«.Idl-
"sign here," he the United
"Molestation" is mild word
this question relate merely
the relations between
be adopted
desired end.
The Conning Tower



seizure of Dalmatian coast

New Polish Complications A Frenchman's Patent Aniç,
dating the Edison Idea
Jfoaber of ih» Audit Burr*«« of C rculaUent not to be reckoned effective use to describe the injuries
as an

»ATLRDAY. NOVEMBRR 22. 191». friend of the league of nations; as thousands of Americans within Mex-
done to points by d'Annunzio indicates a
strengthening of home sentiment in
The other night, ««sorting books and
to put them in order, we picked
By Frank H. SimondLs To the Editor of The Tri
Sir: in yesterday's Tri
one more interested in his personal ican jurisdiction since the overthrow his favor, and it will he difficult for
up Swinburne and reread a lot of him.
j Own«« and »ublUhed dally M Ne» Tor*. Trrlbune of the Madero government. Ameri¬ any Italian government to back up Now, wo enjoy the carmine cadences The annouiicement that a new dead¬ tance at the present moment, and they appeared a letter sign»
Ifift, . N«w Tort Corporation. Ofden Reíd, Pre«- f prestige than in a grand result. cans have been subjected to mis¬ lock has come in Paris, this time over stund together. Unless a strong Po¬ L. Dyer, under the caption
<t«Bl; Q. Vstnor Hofei-s. Vlre>-Prí*1dei¡t,; He!« with practical measures its dis- of Swinburne, so we read him aloud.
the question of Eastern Galicia, is land is erected, there will be no barrier Movie," in which Mr. Dyer
.,,,.., .... ..
*MWr» *«td,
*«i<1, Seeretsr»;
Beeret*«; P. «uter. Treasur«*
V, A- ««tot. T»*ei
to an audience of one white kitten.
«Mm», TrtlXin» «tjl!«»«««. 1Í4 Naseaa 8tr««l. New treatment in many cases simply be- avowal of technical illegal acts. the origina,
York. Telephon» Ilreimim ?000 Watchful Waiting It was, it seemed to us, almost as one more unpleasant reminder of the between Germany and Russia and no credit for
cause they were Americans. They though Swinburne had a white kitten almost insoluble difficulties of the possible obstacle to German penetra- of producing movíate I ¦'
StfUSCTUPTlON RATOS Pjr Mall, tncludln« A large number of Americans, have enjoyed less protection than Edison.
I'OStace. IN OTÏ I MmSO BTAlES AND Not Yet Turkey in minlf when he wrote. "What bunk peace settlement. Oddly enough, in tion and exploitation, not alone of the
«AN AD A: especially as a bite in the air warns other foreigners have enjoyed.less this new disputo America ha3 ranged economic, but the military resources of So far M known, the n
Or»« Sis On»
Year. Monti«». JtfnnUi that December is nearly here, are protection than the average Mexican A truck driver reports to the is this!" wo mused. itself definitely with France and Italy, Russia. A strong Rumania is equally of the moving picture cam
^afly anil tinda».110 00
>.??? only,. f «0
15 00
400 fl.JO
.ft indulging in watchful waiting. has enjoyed. And our government police the theft of a bale of tobacco And just as we were about to spill and Great Britain stands alone, in the «tesential to the preservation of Euro- Frenchman residing hei
*tmday only .

Sunday «uly. Canada... t.M

If «JO
?M\ f>
.** They are watching the diminish¬ has done practically nothing to over- from his vehicle. He is told to re¬ a few "paragraphs on Swinburne we role familiar since the beginning of pean equilibrium and the prohibition of whose name * L
FORKIQN RATS* ing contents of their coal bins and com« that discrimination. turn to the station house next day. came upon tho following truetalk of the Paris Conference, in hostility to. new German efforta to reconstruct Mit- Prince. Mr. Le Prince :
osi» end Sunday.»an.oo iis.s« »a«. trying to make an estimate of how The State Department is described Ho does so and is arrested. He is Solomon Eagle's, in the New States¬ Polish aspirations. teleuropa. United States patent on
r>«ity «.ly IT.«« i.7» 1 <.>
.ufidtr only .
. ?S ».13 .801 soon shovels will begin to scrape as being "surprised and incensed" put into a cell at the station house, man: "I have seized tho opportunity The exact question at issu« L the November 2, 1886, an
. ¦¦

C-.tarsd at Ua» r««et<»mce at New Tort as Be-soud the bottom; they arc waiting to by the treatment to which Mr. Jen¬ under suspicion of having committed of arguing that most of Swinburne is ultimate disposition of the eastern half Weakened Poland granted to him ,T
rubbish. Why? Unconsciously, I Dyer, ¡n bis letter wh
CIsm Mall M«'»« eee what a leisurely conference at kins has been subjected. There was the theft himself. of the old Austrian province of Galicia. Yet in the Paris Conference there has quotes a statement made bj
rw can vurehaa« irer».ft«ndlie advertí»»* in THF
Washington, which dozes from one no reason to be surprised. As for While he is in custody the un¬ imagine, feeling
I havo been impelled by the
thnt it. is the most dangerously
It is claimed by the Poles, who now been directed
against Poland and himself, in which he
possess it, having wrested it from the against Rumania a most destructive had the first mere id
RllirjaJB witti «»»»lut» «aîety.»or It dliaatlifac- deadlock to another, is going to do. being "incensed," that mood is also fortunate man is severely beaten.
i»i rertiltx (n any en» THE TRIBUNE ouaratUeet
Three weeks have elapsed since no novelty. It ha3 led to nothing in He says he was lashed with a
plausible rubbish },hat exists; that in¬ I'krainians, and it is similarly claimed
by tho Ukrainians, who occupied it aft¬ policy.
» »ay >our meney back un»» rrflueít. No roí ta»e.
-I» ««tttltn«. fluence exercised by Swinburne is the Rumania haa been denied the lion sorrf; tin
We make »esd »r»»r<»tly l? the
»ivtrtlaer dee» net. the coal miners threw down their the past. Will it lead to anything knotted rope, and photographs of worst Influence, artistically, to which er the general collapse of the Hap.-
right to acquire the Rumanian dis¬ records in .' "a
»rorvflBtm or -tot, as^ociatît» press picks. Most of them have not yet now? his condition two days later, after a writer can be subjected; that, in tricts which were historically a por¬ that the Le Prince im
his discharge in court, show his body fact, enthusiastic youth should always hnrg monarchy, following the defeat of tion of Moldavin, until Russia annexed described and claimed
tl «
AM»v-l»ted Press l» exclusively entitled to the
«so for rrpu&l'callo-i of all news dispatches credit«.««!
picked them up again. The paprika the Austrian armies by the Italians Bessarabia
o II or net efherwUe c,-e«llle<l In tla« paper, and of the injunction method has not a frightful mass of bruises. Two, be warned against him. Ho was (when in 1813, and Poland has in the Patent Off? ie several »
also th« l«x-al -ews of »pontancoiis origin published On a Hot Scent and the break-down of tho empire. been refused both aidequate access to least bef»'.
All rlfliits of rer^iMVatton of s?l other matter greatly stimulated the lifting of physicians attest; to the deep, raw not inspired) an extraordinarily clever
»?»in »re also »esfrted coal, and the honey of fair words The extraordinary grand jury, ex- wounds he suffered, and one says composer of fakes, the large movement The Polish Claim the sea on the German side and proper about e im ni '

c-, r.w.'i'.'tta:.,.,,«¦ ...¦,.','¦ ,¦¦'..¦..'a has not induced the miners to trust ercising the general inquisitorial his hearing is threatened. The t/ruck of which conceals the deplorably loose- elbow room on the Russian side. Nor f^rr' ? ;
The Polish claim rests upon two un¬ Tho result has been to «.vea-ken the vention" on the
the Administration enough to work powers a grand jury possesses but driver, never convicted of any writing; and many have derived from equally sound basts, historical and Polish state
The Borah-Wilson Alliance while negotiations are in progress. seldom uses, ventures to draw a little crime, accuses two detectives of the accumulation him the conception
of verse as merely ethnic. All of Galicia.the western Rumania intoimmensely
and to drive About a year 1
of sweet, or sonorous open hostility to the plication- that is to say.
Senator Hitchcock, the minority It seems not to have occurred to ¡closer in its identification of the having lashed him in a?i effort to lines and rotund words. He half, with Cracow as the in¬ Western Allies <-ind absolute defiance or late in 1*K- Mr. I
leader of the Senate, mentions excellent Dr. Garfield that so long "overshadowing crime" which it has wring a confession from him. He bad artistic habits and n bad imposed vocabu¬
di, «putably Polish, and belonged to tho of the Paris
Conference. Poland, seek¬ pleted a camera
ns the miners are out Mr. Lewis been trailing. tells his story to Leonard M. Wall- lary on a whoie generation of minor Polish state until the partition of ing to maintain herself against Bolshe¬ moviz
something stressed in yesterday's cannot he regarded as a commander The Incite of the crime, it would stein, counsel to the Citizens Union, writer?." 7f3. whpn it passed to the Hapsburga, vism, and
fighting desperately to cheek time
Tribune.namely, that an over¬ in chief who commands and that if appear, is somewhere between the who makes a personal investigation together with the regions about Lub¬ the advance of the "Reds" toward West¬ n
whelming majority of the Senate he talks one way his army acts City Hall and the Criminal Courts and becomes convinced that the The Trick Love» Song« of Long Ago tolin,Russia '«hich wero subsequently awarded ern
Europe, has acted as the soldier of Asylum, in N'ew Jfork,
voted for ratification and thereby another. Nor does Secretary Wil- 'Building. The jury declares it has driver tells the truth. So Mr. Sir: Why not call upon the fat and 1814-'15. in the Congress of Vienna in
¡Western teacher at the
Apart from the historical ilization civilization;
but Western civ¬
reasonable grounds for believing Wallstein writes District Attor¬ bald old boys, who were impish "Skin- has steadily denied to Po¬ interviewed
for participation in the league of son say to Mr. Lewis: "Whom do that claim, the Poles point to the fact that land ter of Mr. :
nations. He puts the number at are you represent? If the miners, what "public officials have been ney Swann and «Mayor Dylan. Mr. nays" thirty or forty years ago, to the population of several cities, no¬ any rewards for the service,
of th«
your principals doing and not, guilty of willful and corrupt mis¬ Swann, after a few contemptuous open the family closets and disclose tably Lemberg, the capital, is Polis! ret its face against r.ny restoration of
know what I bout. Mr
eighty fact, there were doing?" conduct in office," and formally re¬ words, refers the case to the magis¬ the trick love songs their big sisters By contrast the Ukrainians correctly historic Poland which could insure a I ¡.. continued

In September the miners conven¬ quests the Governor to designate the trate's court, and the two detectives used old
assert that, aside from the cities, the permanently strong
to trap their beaux in those Polish nation.
seventy-nine. good days? I'll begin it: This policy has been mainly British, and made
Only fifteen Senators opposed par¬ tion gave notice of a purpose to Attorney General to assist in "a are held in bail. people of Galicia, h s far as the San und in it the British have been, in a -

strike on November 1. The Admin¬ general investigation of the munici¬

ticipation, yet they have their way. istration Mayor Dylan has made no public "Speak to me, The Love,
Luve Soné;
only speak!"
River, nre. Ruthenian.that is to say, measure, supported by the nited i

watchfully waited. Not pal officers and departments and of announcement on the subject. It That's how the song used to re«». Ukrainian, and that as a consequence, land,
They have it because Mr. Hitchcock until the newspapers began to sound the office of the District Attorney of is not clear he has c\cn asked SaltNow,are asthooldtears on rny check under the principle of self-determina¬ SI .' and strenuously opposed by both I hii
French end Italians. Put in the
,»nd his associates were mad enough the toscin did any one i ti Washington New York County." his Police Commissioner to inquire» memories flow;
And through the nii.»»ls of the ye«
tion, Eastern Galicia should fall to the case of Easti -n Calla', the Unit'»«!
to take mo«
to accept the mad advice of the apparently know what was threat- Overshadowing curiosity arises as into the ease. Why? There is no Scene All the stage setting appears. them. Similarly, they contest the pos¬ has joined the Contine it i On
that our home used to know session <»f Bukovina by the Rumania! his
President to vote with the open ened. The public was assured that to the precise nature of the over- need to await the outcome of the Saturday night of each weck- and certain Carpathian countries by states, leaving Lloyd George i:
enemies of the league when denied not all went well and that a strike could shadowing crime. The air is full of prosecution of the detectives. The Mame entertaining her beau; the Czecho-Slovaks. His hostility to Poland seems to rest
lis exact way. The President is a possibly occur. It did. rumors. The weighted language of Police Commissioner should without ".Speak to me, Love, only, speak 1" ».¡[ion the conviction that Poland will
rife- writ b«
Then the wonderful discovery was the grand jury, the fact that its pre¬ delay determine if the two detectives "Why net thon »¡lent and sad?" Nation Building have to be supported hy British. ar,d fore his start.
L'air-weather friend of the treaty, made that the way to settle an in¬ sentment is unanimously signed, are to remain in the department. Thai'.« how tho next line would a»» But underlying claims based ipoi French armies for many years; that Mr. Dyer
vut rather than to have his c«>nstitu- dustrial dispute was to start a law naturally piques interest. What has Any violation of the law by its Sist«So r were Maine's top notes were bad,
1h<» middle and low. history and ethnic considerations lies without this aid Poland will succumt
i»» German attack at once, and the, ap¬ ws<
uonal partners in treaty-making suit. The Department of Justice been done and who did it? Obviously guardians is bad enough, but when Rack of the floor I would hide, the much broader principle, viewed on don bi fo e by Muybridge ; tWt
¦xercise any part of their lawful ignited its firecracker. Exhausted a hot scent is being followed, but an innocent man's flesh is torn away Bursting with laughter inside
Goodness that fellow was slow the political, if not on the moral sid parent unwillingness to accept £ taking of many
by display energy,
its of the depart¬ whither? To the office now occupied from him as a supposed test of Saturday night of räch week of nation building. To put it baldly: Is own country any such burden, -a;.-«e point of
iverogative. he preferred its defeat. ment relapsed into torpidity and by the promoter of the Black Dia¬ his guilt the last abomination is Speak Manie sang away to her beau il the urpose f the Allied n night 1
"Let us take counsel together," says since has watchfully waited. It mond Company, or does it stop this reached. Turkish methods as an a» m--, Love, only speak!"
control at Paris, to erect on the
The French } iew th i s i the
he President, "and my idea of coun¬ had "passed the. buck" to the De¬ side? Is there a side path to River¬ aid to baffled police officers are in¬ peak to me, Love, only apea'«':' foundations of recently freed nation1, Krerieii, on the .«.he;- hand, lite?
sel is for you to sign here." partment of Labor. Why worry? side Drive? tolerable. Had tho truck driver Saturday How thnt. old square pie-an- .' ates which will have a chance to en¬ clearly that >..Ate;o there Li a strong Po¬ ..
of each week,
In the Senate, touching the treaty, Watchful preparedness and It is too early to give anything stolen and been found guilty, the Rattled :ii«rht. and hanged long ago, dure, which will posse « goo ! h in land, there will be no oily in the East .-

watchful foresight, watchful guar- like judgment, and suspicion, lively flogging still would lie barbarous. Then came the nicht when the lau tiers, sound economic resources and em, Russia aided them in of Patents, Wasl D
.»re three parties, not two. The dianship of the stable door while because of divers Ceased to be "silent and sad"- all the other details of viable state¬ 1914, :' Germany attacks again. Both him "
queer doings, may Sentiment within the Police De¬ h« re was Í, back o? the door, hood, or merely to attempt a separa¬ nch and tho Italians, mon oveí 6247.
drst consists of a small group led the horse is unstolen.these things be unjust. That the innocent may partment is outraged, for the d< Hugely enjoying the joke tion into ethnic 'of the have strong material as well as senti¬ H.
by Senator Borah, which would have are heresies. The true doctrine is not suffer at the hand of rumor, as partment is justly jealous of its 'Speal to me. Lovo"-¦ And he s.pokitl quilt races in Middle and Eastern Eu¬ mental associations with the Rumani¬
Mame started in as before: groups crazy
íew York, No
the country keep out of what its to watchfully wait for a miracle to well as that the guilty may be un- fine reputation, and the few whose TOM DALY. rope ? ans, and deplore politics which will -s>-
It is surely the most covered, the jury's prayer for a acts besmirch it face the condem-1
members regard as dangerous entan¬
extraordinary motto ever adopted speedy assignment of assistance may nation of their fellows. The Police
This question has r-VAl anothei
This is as good a place as any to form: Do the Western, states desire arms of the Germans and transform
glements. The second consists of by a pToup of sentient men, and well be granted. And the public has Commissioner should give unmis¬ say that Tom's new book, "McAroni to erect .strong states in the east of them from allies into dangerous ene¬
a the Rumanians straight ¡nt
Attracting *7?
the ventriloquial or jumping-jack diligently followed can be relied a petition to offer. Is there not some takable evidence of his own abhor¬ Ballads," which contains as fine an as- Europe, which snail be barriers against mies. Poor Salaries Hace T
sortmerit of Italian dialect verses and Bolshevism and Germanism Our Teaching Forces
:?roup of Senators associated with on to make a mess of any problem. way to mako the investigation a rence of "third degree" barbarism. in his native tongue as Daly do alike, or ;.Therefore, stripped of ail une;-'»
Senator Hitchcock, Senators who line of In the mean time the Plimsoll public one? poems
This is not yet Turkey, and th< the Troubadour ever wrote, they care o?ily for a more or less details, French and Italian policy, To the Editor The T r
the coal bins approaches the is now out academic and n!iich is. necessarily, determined
iiave no convictions or policy of danger level. On No 'ember 1 Commissioner does not rule a ". ilayi t and for salo at most bookstore-. purely transitory divi¬
pacha. sion of Middle Europe into racial frag¬ mediate Continental considerations, to-day
their own, and who speak or dance above ground, it was said, was fuel The Italian Election as a
The war's uncertified public ac- ments, without regard to economic or demands that new states which may be
as the President throws his voice or enough to last a month, and three- 'aluable allies shall be favored at tily agree, viz., tl
The reports from the Italian elec-
Our neighbor The World returns countants, calculating that the cost of strategic considerations? least within reasonabbo limits, while
pulls a string. The third, the largest weeks have elapsed. tion do not yet show the precise com¬ to its steady job of tho war was 400 billions, neglect tain revolutionary ind
abusing Senator figures. For example, many
some irt Czechoslovakia the British and the Americans, hap¬ so wit h ou*
»f the three and representative of position of the next parliament, but cf us, cer¬
the Paris conference has pily free from Continental dangers,
The Jenkins Episode it is clear a complete failure has Lodge and the reservationists. Of tain in July, 1918, that the war would notUnhappily, been able to adopt a policy ir continue to insist that the letter of the
com?. The successful busine
the idle rich furnii h tl
the will of the country, so far as it come to those who hoped and worked
courst?, it is aware that this is the continue for ten or twelve, years, failed
can be collected, consists of Senators Being an American consular offi¬ for an upheaval. The most effective way to encoffin the to renew the leases on our homes. And meeting this problem. Thus, in th( law shall b«- applied against present a
Socialists have, this failure, in tho only instance we matter of Czecho-Slovakia, it hay, wit! friends, who can be potential allies and a.;'ale in the same issue.
who favor ratification and peace cer in Mexico must be classed among gained forty-nine seats in addition league of peace project. have accurate figures on, brings the complete unanimity, disregarded more in the interests of recent enemies, But ther»? is a
hazardous occupations. This fact is to the seven held in the pre¬
ifague participation, but on such
emphasized in each new recital of vious seventy- sum to at least 401 billions. ethnic circumstances, where they con- whether Prussian or Bolshevist. connection e 'Red' pro
terms as will clear up the admitted the woes of William O. diet; but the gain means
Jenkins, our the strengthening of the moderate Democracy?
Chicago, the reports say, has a
fticted with economic and strategic cir¬
cumstances, and thus included The Only Sttecess
at I think v
ee, thai
ambiguities of the covenant. consular agent at Puebla. rather than of the radical wing of Well, i\ot Just Yet, Says a Pessimistic it v 7apply of coal, But there is the million Germans and Austro-Ger- It is this fact which underlies most
To use the terminology of Europe, Mr. Jenkins has been twice kid¬ the party. The Socialist landslide rad tional lining to the soft coal cloud mans in the new nation, recognizing of the recent nore or overi«
Observer of Class Rule. crisis, notably, the Ru¬
there is a Uight, a Center and a naped by Mexican bandits and twice predicted by scaremongers has not of smoke. In a coalleas Chicago a thai y::v other arrangemeni mania!:, the l'»>lish and
the Thracian,
To the Editor of The Tribune.
Left. The Left, instead of combining compelled to pay a ransom out or come. white collar for six schools of N#w York
man may wear u ,'itli it the doom of th« .».hero America stands a lone
his own pocket. His contract with Moreover, the Italian elec¬ Sir: Such letters as that of "An Ami r 10
state they wero creating.
American :»

with the Center, with which it is one of the most flourishing of pres¬ torate, for the first time, voted on ican" arc mildly amusing in their wil- Tho same principle '.vas applied It as Britain
pion of the Bulgars against the Greeks in the manner usual to him. Tl
the basis of proportional representa¬ ful disregard of the fill too painful A careful look at recent laundry bills stands the sole opponent of
fnore nearly in agreement, swung ent-day Mexican industries cost him tion
and by means of candidates' fact that clans distinction exists and leads to the conviction that cleanli- giving to Italy the purely German re the Poles in Eastern Galicia. Only it; longer so, and for the las.
over to and supported the Right, in the neighborhood of $200,000. But lists instead of the old individual that its lines are gions south of the Brenner Pass, anc tho case of Czecho-Slovakia has th< more for the last five, years si
rapidly becoming ia next to bankruptcy.
have nor. appl
the Slovenian districts cast and nortl Continental policy been ran
Such an artificial alignment is no worse was yet to come. Since his constituency method, and this told more and more sharply defined. It

of Trieste; but, by contrast, the prin the results that applied, with system,
scond abduction he has been twice heavily in favor of the The Lost Art of Conrersation up to date this is the
new thing in parliamentary history. Socialists, as should be perfectly apparent to all who eiplo of nationality Invoked is ary zeal for edi
arrested by the Carranza authorities one of the»two care to see that on the one sido wc (In the Sub-way) was
only one of the new states which re¬
It is a favorite trick of a baffled on the theory that he was in collu- ties in Italy.
really organized par- have tho moneyed powers, strongly or- "Watcha read'n, Fannte?" Daltnatiii, and 'the principle of eco mains grateful and still loyal to the On the the
"Oh, a book called 'The Little Visit¬ nomic freedom In the case of Fiumo.
of 1: e and government have
Left, itself in a minority, to seek to sion with the local Raisulis and The appearance of a second or¬; on the other we bave the 1.« or.«.' "
But it is the Rumanian and Polisi
liberating nation»«, ?«>rt.»d by I .

coerce men of moderate views by plotted to be stolen. bor unions, likewise strongly organi a
ganized party.the so-called Partite "That ono about » îlttîe kid or some¬ problems which are of most impor (Copyright, 1919, by the McClure News in all countrie
forming an unnatural allianc»*- Then The charge of conspiracy is a con» Popolare, or popular party.marks Judging from current events, it would
seem that their interests lio no?, in thing?"
paper Syndicate.)
worl«!, brig
there is such an unholy coalition as venient alibi to cover the failure of an epoch in Italian political history. mutually serving the public but in "Yeahî 'M only re&dV it 'cause 2
» I nevits
the Carranza government to give the Under its banner the Catholics of improving their own condition at the haven't nothin' else."
old John Randolph of Roanoke American consular The Proud "Southpaw9 ¿4 Nauseating Tense dimly tl patl v
agent in Puebla formally enter the parliament- public expense. If these two ffictions. .Did watcha-call'im g-ive it to you?" To the Editor of The Tribune.
raged against when he spoke of "the a normal degree of protection. The Italy ary arena for the first time. The essentially, ruthlessly selfish, are not I "Yeah; he gave mc another one, too;
To the Editor of The Tribune. to the bet?
union heretofore unheard of of bandits entered the consular office new party, launched under Vatican separate and distinct classes what in forget the name of It, but it seems to Sir: The attached clipping, declaring .Sir: As a constant taker and faithful le paths of tl
be pretty good so far. I lent it to May, hat man was right-handed as long ago reader of The Tribune, permit mo to eran pe«
Blifil and Black George.of Puritan and stole United States funds on de¬ auspices, heralds a new phase in the the name of tho sacred beard of Karl she wanted something ini'rostin' to read, as the Stone Age, is taken from your suggest that your news editor be in¬ They are earn« »

and blackleg." posit there. According to Mr. Jen¬ relations between the Italian na¬ Marx are they? lows, whose habit oi life
kins's statements, they told him that tional state and the Catholic And who is this "public" which so 'cause her boss says he'd give the G. B. issue of to-day. «

No sign is yet come that the he had been selected as

a victim be and even the
Church, magnanimously foots the bills? Some- to any one that reads in office hours. 'n Regarding "southpaws," I will take structed and
In the difference between the
the future tenses
to have considerable fie-ta¬
strongest opponents of she says she's goin' to show 'im!" past on the sma i
President has modified his arrogant cause of his official status. Simple clericalism admit times known as the "common pee-pul,"
"'Ja see the book he gave Sarah7 you back soin«: time prior to the Stone
a concentration of sometimes as the ultimate consumer, What the government Is "going :.«.< willing to den;
pretensions or that hi3 obedient souls, they believed that he had the clerical strength in an openly or¬ he is, for the in the future, as they ha-v
«ervants have become free men. The wealth of the United States Treas- ganized parliamentary section is fortunate who haa hi n tofi re ti o
greater part, that un¬ Honest, I thought I'd die when I saw it. Age and refer you to the Bible, 20th do" with the ali«»n enemies in our
It's a book of love poems.son eta 'chapter of Judges, versea 15 and f I
16, midst is not news. We havu heard ein
Borah-Wilt-oii alliance still exists. ury back of him. preferable to its diffusion through of tho union as something beneath they're called." which are as follows: such announcements ad nauseam. As
Our government's attitude toward clandestine channels. That the new him, something all very well, perhaps, "Oh! well, what can you expect from they are absolutely meaningless, please
be-cau of thi
So long as it exists, of course, there "And the children of Benjamin were -ion. There is, there
the Jenkins melodrama has bee:.' party has won on itri first for the manual laborer, but not becom- is fella like that!" PENELOPE. have them stopped.
will be no ratification, for the ad¬ puzzling. The State attempt no numbered at the time out of the cities, relation be twecn low
Department left fewer than ninety seats shows that | lands ing to a gentleman with clear, white A three-day milk strike is a ._____

depriva¬ twenty and six thousand men that drew joy the IssueAmericans
All rea; will hail with a
hesion of the Borah element is based .its representative to his own devices. it will be a factor in Italian affairs. own and an appropriate sense of his
sword, besides of The Tribune containing ae
un the President's Senators con¬ He bought his release with partial dignity. And now he speaks of tion, but a three-year parsnip strike the inhabitants of the
glad tidings that the ñret group, ing fore.» pf our
Where the new party stands in organizing! we should view with conspicuous un- Gibeah, which were numbered seven The same en
tinuing to vote against ratification. cash payments and personal notes the confused Italian parliamentary all is not well Vaguely conscious that concern. hundrej chosen men. out of the thousands of these scoundrels
with his world, he who ought to be kicked out of this coun¬ verted Mr. Gray'«
While this pact lasts, until such time for the balance. It was surmised line-up is difficult to That its seeks a remedy. What could be more At a late hour last "Among ail this people there were purpose of the
that the department would call on weight will be thrown say. into the scales ¡obvious? Ground down by two highly given up for dead, breathed on a night, the Treaty, seven hundred chosen men left-handed; try
or else punished for treason, hag
organ, "The American
as Senator Borah is no longer the actually been deported, jailed or hanged,
Carranza to take up the notes and
prime minister of the Administra¬ to refund the cash. But Secretary againstbutany radical upheaval is cer¬ organized powers because, individually, mirror. Considerable moisture col¬ breadth and not sling stones every one could at a hair¬ as Cue case
may be.
both have been too r
he has no rights that they are bound lected. miss."
tain, its
tion, it would serve no good purpose Lansing recently explained that no social reform,advocacy of moderate to The last sentence is a bit of u boost for If some thing of ;his kind be not done

sor the Senate to be in session. Per¬ such step had bee?i taken and that lines of peasant proprietorship, is
especially along the | No he
respect, must fight fire with fire.
matter with winch faction h«»
he "southpaw," and as 1 have a three- quickly, I fear the advent of vigilance
agree, and regret that Mi

American officials, as well as ordi- likely. Probably it will

In the same section (Gravure} are
aligns himself. No matter if he holds some unusual personality pictures, too. left hand bo'j year-old who insists on usi ig s«. (' p, g have no!
haps, in the greater calm arising nary strengthen aloof when he should use the right Princeton, N. J., Nov. Vi, 1919.
from both. Tho significant
from cessation of debate, the Presi¬ could Americans living in Mexico, the ranks of the pro-Fiume nation¬ feature of his LADY ASTOR CAMPAIGNING.
«¡ne, 1 think we shall not interfere with GJ
expect no greater protection alists, for the demand for awakening is that he haa A QUEEN GOING SHOPPING. his inclinations. Slightly Forgetful?
dent will ¡¿ee more clearly what he against lawlessness than was af¬ Fiume is fi« last realised that two men ar».» A MARQUIS'S DAUGHTERS SEE- J. C. D.
From 'ike. M onto ui*.ery Advertiser) rantwood, .'.. ,!
associated in
has done, or, better still, that his forded by the local authorities to with resistanceItalian imagination stronger than one. S «.WING.
Morristown, N. J., Nov. 21, 19it»
A. F. L. executive officials arc indig¬ Wanted,
-tummies will have awakened in ¡other foreigners and to Mexican French intrigue, and Italianbogy
to the of Idealists of "America's" type to tue -¦-The World, lest the United States government a Government
Catho¬ contrary, we must face the undeniable Ihe World safe for democracy. Not a Hidebound American nant »ate its injunction to make the chilldrer
¡hem a spirit of self-determination. citizens. lics profess little love for the great fact, however painful it may be, that To the Editor of The Tribune. of miners hungry and sick, but are no Our Mexican policj '
No ratification can occur so long Washington probably would have anti-clerical republic. ,! as long as the well known Golden Rule When the party passed the Colony «Sir: For the dishonorable deed at Wash clearly ..:¦¦
regarded the Jenkins incident as There are no Indications how the remains "in the hole" the cards will Club a member doffed his hat to the ington you must take some of the re indignant at the miners for pursuing
win», m the illness of hii
na the President and his aid from a course which may
bring hunger an«
''closed" except for the continue to he «halt from the bottom Prince..The Tribune. sponsibility. At. every opportunity yoi sickness to the children audibly sometimes.
Idaho are in the same political bed I maneuvers of the Carranza peculiar more than 200 seats secured by the ¦-.-
of the deck. True democracy, with if«, Add of men of al uni«.
govern- Constitutionalists.exclusive of the 'absolute triumphs of »Suffrage. straddled the issue, trying inaintait
to íes. However, we suppose that wa ; the !
equality and itg
-.only by composition with the ment. Not satisfied with arresting Catholics.are distributed between of classes, is quite impossible wit! ¦\\ hether it is possible to miike ..« your elimination standard as a partisan newspapei merely an oversight. «
directly I -.» sal
reservationists is it possible t»> have ¡our consular agent on the charge of the immediate supporters of Nitti human nature constituted with your own belief that in the leag oran .-....

a; it is. The profil on It! centa-a-quart milk we are of nations we had the of i!«»,: Carian we
kidnaping himself, it rearrestcd him and the more intransigeant Nation¬ perfect state of the future will be ar¬ no! competent to assever. But some- the great hope o Cleanliness and Godliness

ratification. Heretofore the Presi¬ on the ground that he had made alists, but the division is at world, and that h». treaty -
take ii»> action to«-.
dent's educational methods have threats against the peons who had event of a rather any rived at only by the Bomewhat *, i o thing tells us that the loss on 20c ice faulty it lay the
1 rom The Baltimore Sewe)
seems to e an- ihe *>'
method of making perfect people. cream soda is negligible.
an was- «.»n!y methoi The Ellis Island authorities mus tion perfe»
academic charac¬ of stabilizing and feeding broken be given credit for what seems to b
We can
been such as to tend to develop 'conveniently
testified to his friendly ter. For in regard to the outstand¬ A rulers hip of the moneyed class.
will be an eclipse of the «un starving Europe through the resump the most effectual
eau ¦'¦ co hasn't any govei
"mild" reservationists into "strong" relations with »he bandit leaders. ing problem of Italian politics, that perhaps; a dictatorship of the prole¬ thisThere morning, beginning here at 7:18 tion of commerceofand industry. Th Bolshevist tendencies from the "Redd
way to eradicat
leaervationists, and he should know, tested State Department now has pro- of Fiume, there be tariat.maybe; a government by the
despairing Jaxi Smuts Not His Fault
against this obvious persecu- view in Italy, and this is thatonly
seems to cry thi held there for
one middle
class.possibly, but democracy T and ending at 10:25. morning is echoed ip tae hearts of ever 'em baths and deportation. They giv From The Sait Lok
as does every one else, that those
tion and warned Carranza that fur- must remain Italian. Such differ¬ Not just now. Unless, of course, the solar system genuine American not hidebound by na is
said to
shaves; and the resu A letter written fortj
mettais must change. If they do ther "molestation'í of our consular ences as separate the various THOMAS FINN'ERTY. strikes.
¡tionaliam. M. E. KNEVELS. ji ful than al!have been far more 3ucces¡
the appeals to reason of a
ago has just been return»
P. A, 1 New York, Not. '¿0, 1919.
grcups Brooklyn, N. Y. Nov. 13, 191SL i. F, j1 blamed
timoré. At least Bu-N-s»«
.... 1 th« conservatives»,
for that.

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