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Resume 1

Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

R ! " #$S
154 Forest Dr. Brattford, MA 01845 !B%E&'$(E To work in a position where my skills in em edded appli!ations are "tili#ed to the f"llest e$tent. S)** R+ %ersatile &'D professional with 10 years e$perien!e in !on!ept"ali#ation and de(elopment of mi!ropro!essor) ased prod"!ts and sol"tions. *pe!iali#ed skills in hi+h speed Data A!,"isition, -ro!ess .ontrol, D.* ' *.ADA appli!ations. Di(erse e$perien!e in sol(in+ Data A!,"isition and -ro!ess !ontrol pro lems for a (ariety of ind"stries. &!*,)'ER S-$..S Compilers / Editors /A& . !ompiler, 0eil . de "++er en(ironment , .ode 1ri+ht Software Control packages %is"al *o"r!e safe, .lear !ase Programming Languages . ' Assem ly 2an+"a+es, familiar with .33 !on!epts. EDA packages Accel Tech & O CAD! *!hemati! .apt"re ' -.B layo"t. Data Ac"uisition packages 0eithley %iew DA., /ntelli+ent /nstr"ments %is"al Desi+ner, Dasy2a , 2a DA*, 4ational instr"ments 2a %iew .%3, 5enie. Emulators / Simulators *i+n"m 8051 em"lator, Meta2ink 8051 em"lator, .omAp , Mits" ishi M16.768, 4oha" 0iel . sim"lator, /A& #icroprocessors / #icrocontrollers /ntel 9 8085, 8086788, 8$.51FA7FB7F., 8$.851: Motorola 9680: Atmel 9 8;.51758755, 8;.8051: Dallas *emi!ond"!tors9 8<.58075=0 Mits" ishi9 M16.768, M=8&D: -hilips9 8$.51&A7&B7&.37&D3, >ita!hi >87=048 E/,ER$E#&E Reider utomation, Hanover, * %an 0111 to ,resent *r. Firmware ?n+ineer @r+ani#e and maintain the . 7 Assem ly lan+"a+e so"r!e !ode in a str"!t"red manner for the 0ampai proAe!t in .lear.ase ) a (ersion !ontrol pa!ka+e. ?ffe!ti(ely "se tools s"!h as 4oha" em"lator for Mits" ishi M16.768 mi!ro!ontroller to desi+n, implement and de "+ firmware in . 7 Assem ly lan+"a+es, lo+i! analy#ers et!.

De(elop De(i!e Dri(ers for interfa!e to the (ario"s peripheral hardware reso"r!es of the -2., s"!h as serial) ?8-&@M and &T. on the /8. "s. De(eloped !ode to s"pport on) oard analo+ inp"t !hannels, s!hed"le lo!ks and a"to)dete!tion of hardware reso"r!es !onfi+"red y the "ser. .ontri "ted to assem ly !ode for power)"p and power)down se,"en!in+ of the -2. "nder (ario"s !onditions. .reate s!ript files to a"tomate !ompilation and linkin+ of so"r!e files "sin+ /A& .)!ompiler on a re+"lar asis. De(eloped a !omprehensi(e test la for !ond"!tin+ re+ression tests for (alidation of feat"res. >elped de(elop a !omplete en(ironment for a"tomation of re+ression tests "sin+ (ario"s in) ho"se tools s"!h as %B s!ripts. .ontri "ted to +eneration and maintenan!e of ,"ality do!"mentation s"!h as -rod"!t *pe!ifi!ations, Te!hni!al *pe!ifi!ations, .ode De(eloper s 5"idelines, et!. for the 0ampai line of low)end -2.s. 2$'E*&! 3R!),, #+ %uly 1444 to "ec 0111 &'D ?n+ineer, /nternational -rod"!ts Di(ision ?nhan!e feat"res in a pop"lar line of alarm systems to make them homolo+o"s for the ?"ropean market. .reate effi!ient !ode in assem ly lan+"a+e on the -hillips 8051 &D3 mi!ro!ontroller. De(eloped al+orithms in firmware to test prod"!t feat"res s"!h as !ontin"o"sly monitorin+ attery drain for !omplian!e with /nternational *tandards A4-/ . De(eloped mi!ro!ontroller interfa!e to the &F re!ei(er !ir!"it "sin+ a B86?08 pro!essor to s"pport Aammin+ dete!tion feat"re. B5'E- &!R,., Baton Rouge, . !cto6er 1447 to %une 1444 &'D ?n+ineer 1orked on impro(ements and modifi!ations to the >A&T proto!ol interfa!e for the A!!"Tra!k series of smart le(el transmitters 7 indi!ators. Also worked on de(elopin+ a low)!ost smart alternati(e to the e$istin+ thermal dispersion type Flow and 2e(el sensors. ?$posed to desi+nin+ for FM, C2 ' .?4?2?. appro(als 'E.E&!*S!2' ,vt. .td., ,une, $ndia. *arch 1447 to Sept 1447 *enior >ardware ?n+ineer Desi+ned ' De(eloped an e$tremely low form fa!tor, attery operated, /??? <8167/// !ompliant *mart .ard /nterfa!e "sin+ the >ita!hi >87=048F mi!ro!ontroller for Mantha *oftware /n!. /n!orporated >A&T proto!ol !ompliant feat"res in to the A!!"Tra!k series of smart 2e(el transmitter 7 indi!ator, ased on the /ntel 7 -hilips 8=.51FA mi!ro!ontroller for 0)Tek !orp., 2a. Desi+ned the ele!troni!s for a thermal dispersion flow and le(el sensor. RE)!.E E.E&'R!#$&S ,vt. .td. Bom6ay, $ndia pril 1448 to 2e6 1447 Appli!ations ?n+ineer, /ntelli+ent /nstr"mentation prod"!ts Di(. Cnderstand "ser re,"irements, offer sol"tions, +enerate ,"otes, parti!ipate in te!hni!al ne+otiations, and s" mit te!hno)!ommer!ial ids for Defense and 5o(ernment !ontra!ts. .onfi+"red Data A!,"isition *ol"tions "sin+ /ntelli+ent /nstr"mentation s prod"!ts. 5enerated appli!ation pro+rams and >M/ s!reens for !"stomers "sin+ %is"al Desi+ner. ?$e!"ted proAe!ts in the defense and a"tomoti(e ind"stry hi+h speed DA* for an en+ine test appli!ation .

S!2' 'E&H#!.!3$ES, .td. %an 1440 to *arch 1448 Pro$ect Coordinator %an &''( to #arch &'') PC*+ased Data Ac"uisition S,stem! De(eloped A"tomated Test ?,"ipment for testin+ the relia ility of en+ine transmission +ear and a$les , "sin+ a 0iethley)Metra yte DA* !ard. /n(ol(ed in desi+n of strain +a"+e si+nal !onditionin+ amplifiers and si+nal !onditionin+ for &TD sensors. De(eloped the "ser interfa!e MM/ , the appli!ation software for hi+h speed data a!,"isition "sin+ %iewDA., effi!ient al+orithms to sort and display data prior to o!!"rren!e of error !onditions, and "tilities for data analysis. Distri-uted Control S,stem! De(eloped and !ommissioned a D.* for a fermentation pro!ess plant "sin+ mi!ropro!essor ased proprietary mod"lar hardware. De(eloped a real)time operatin+ system, a men" dri(en "ser interfa!e for the D.* on a 2.D s!reen, and implemented the -/D al+orithms for temperat"re !ontrol "sin+ -1M. Checkweigher! /n(ol(ed in the de(elopment of the si+nal !onditionin+ for 2%DT load!ell, the A7D !on(erter, the mi!ropro!essor interfa!e and in !an!elin+ effe!ts of noise d"e to motor (i ration. De(eloped the !omplete software for this proAe!t in!l"din+ data a!,"isition, dynami! !ali ration al+orithms, implementation of "ser t"na le di+ital filters and al+orithms to store and e$tra!t statisti!al information. Senior & D Engineer %an &''. to Dec &''/ 0orm0ill & Seal 00S Controller! Desi+ned the Mi!ropro!essor .ontrol Mod"le, and defined a proprietary "s str"!t"re for Analo+ ' Di+ital si+nals, whi!h formed the asis for se(eral new prod"!ts. /ntrod"!ed mod"lar 7 str"!t"red pro+rammin+ methodolo+ies in assem ly lan+"a+e, -roAe!t .oordinator for prod"!tion phase. &esponsi le for !arryin+ o"t s" se,"ent "p+rades. De(eloped and implemented artifi!ial intelli+en!e al+orithms. PLC for Perfume manufacturer! De(eloped a pro+ramma le !ontroller to se,"entially swit!h solenoid (al(es per "ser)entered re!ipes for a perf"me lendin+ appli!ation. *ystem s"!!essf"lly !ommissioned in re!ord time at site for *. >. 0elkar ' .o., who are one of the three lar+est perf"me man"fa!t"rers in Asia. Desi+ned the &*)8=8 interfa!e to -. and defined the handshake proto!ol for !omm"ni!atin+ to -. software, de(ised and implemented "ser t"na le di+ital filters in assem ly software. %unior Engineer & D %an &''1 to Dec &''1

2eather #onitoring Data logger! Desi+n of Data lo++in+ system !"stomi#ed for lo++in+ weather parameters. -art of the team, whi!h desi+ned ) the si+nal !onditionin+ for weather sensors, the A7D !on(erter and mi!ropro!essor mod"les. Added software feat"res that allowed the !ali ration of the system at site. '5'R!#$&S 'ES' E9)$,*E#' !ct 1441 to "ec 1441

2e(el 1 and 8, !"stomer s"pport en+ineer for /nte+rated .ir!"it testin+ e,"ipment and "ni(ersal de(i!e pro+rammers. >elped marketin+ team in or+ani#in+ presentations and !"stomer trainin+. E")& '$!# Ba!helor of ?n+ineerin+ ?le!troni!s De,"i(alent to a B*?? in C*E, Cni(ersity of -"ne, /ndia 1;;0 Cp

Resume 0
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

-umar (erkar
!6:ective; *eekin+ !hallen+in+ position as senior *oftware ?n+ineer7 Desi+n ?n+ineer in the field of desi+n7de(elopment where there is a lot of s!ope to de(elop my knowled+e, potential and skill. &?F?&?4.?* A(aila le "pon re,"est Educational "etails ; Masters in Te!hnolo+y M.Te!h. in .omp"ter *!ien!e from .omp"ter *!ien!e Dept.))Cni(ersity of -"ne /ndia . Ba!helor in ?n+ineerin+ B.?. in ?le!tri!al ?n+ineerin+ from 5o(t. ?n+ineerin+ .olle+e)Bilasp"r /ndia . 'echnical ,roficiency ; Technolog,/Protocol ! D1DM, .1DM, *@4?T @.)1;8, @.)48 ased prod"!t , k)56 Modem (.;0 OS ! %$1orks, 1/4D@1* 4T, 1/4D@1* .?, D@*, C4/F, 2/4CF Languages ! ., .33, %.336.0, A**?MB2G, F@&T&A4, -A*.A2 TOOLS/ Platforms ! %$1orks shell, Disk@n.hipflash , 2?F, GA.., *@FT/.?,*TA&)T?AM -&@F?**/@4A2 =.0, DD07*D0, 1BT 3ardware Platform ! M-.8860, m68k, $86, .yri$ Media5$ Work E<perience ; 5ot more than fi(e years of e$perien!e in the area of *ystems Ar!hite!t"re, Desi+n and *oftware de(elopment, mainly on)) 1. @pti!al networkin+7fi er opti!s ased prod"!t D1DM, .D1M, *@4?T @.) 1;8748 . 8. De(i!e Dri(er %$1orks, 1/4D@1* 4T, 1/4D@1* .? and proprietary &T@* mainly for tele!omm !ard. =. Thin !lient 1BT) 1indows Based Terminal ased on 1/4 .?. 4. .onfi+"ration mana+ement, performan!e monitorin+, flash handlin+7mana+ement, *4M-,

T&A-7A2A&M mana+ement, "ser interfa!es and appli!ations. >ere are the !ompanies / worked on9 1. 1orkin+ from H"ne 8000 to till date in Merrento 4etworks as a *oftware en+ineer in the ?n+ineerin+ +ro"p. Merrento 4etworks is an @pti!al networkin+ !ompany whi!h pro(ides end to end Metro and &e+ional sol"tions y pro(idin+ D1DM sol"tions for (ario"s a!!ess7proto!ols ?thernet, ?*.@4, Fi er !hannel et!. 8. 1orked from A"+"st 1;;; to May)8000 in 1a$onet .omm"ni!ations as a software en+ineer +rade)//7desi+n en+ineer in the system +ro"p. 1a$onet is opti!al networkin+ s" )system !ompany. This !ompany is in de(elopment of opti!al networkin+ A*/. s "sin+ their pro(en .ore.ell ased A*/. de(elopment methodolo+y with fo!"sed on A!!ess7Metro and .ore market. =. 1orked from A"ly)1;;8 to H"ly 1;;; in *wit!hCp 4etworks as a software ?n+ineer in the system de(elopment +ro"p. *wit!hCp 4etworks is a system de(elopment *oftware .ompany. Fields of work9 &e,"irement and system desi+n analysis. Detail desi+n hi+h le(el and low le(el software desi+n . /mplementation7de(elopment with !lose intera!tion with marketin+ and system7ar!hite!t"ral +ro"p. Detail interfa!e desi+n and implementation with (ario"s mod"les7+ro"ps. ,ro:ect ,rofiles; 1. Merrento 4etworks9 1.1 .1DM MCF7D?MCF. 1.8 A"tomati! power e,"ali#ation "sin+ @-M @pti!al -erforman!e Monitorin+ . 1.= *@4?T -erforman!e Monitorin+9 a. *@4?T -M for @.)1;8 . *@4?T -M for @.)48 8. 1a$onet .omm"ni!ations9 8.1 .hip Modelin+ to (erify the f"n!tionality and !onstraints. 8.8 De(elopment of 4T ased dri(er for the *@4?T7ATM ased !hip. =. *wit!hCp 4etworks9 1indows ased Terminal thin !lient de(elopment for remote !omp"tin+ ased on 1/4D@1* .?. 1. *errento #etworks ,ro:ect profiles; 1.1 &W"* *)/="E*)/ >5&hannel ; This is the !"rrent proAe!t / am into)the idea is to pro(ide a !heaper transport sol"tion to the ed+e7a!!ess market7!"stomers "sin+ .1DM te!hnolo+y. /t s"pports proto!ol like Fi er .hannel, ?*.@4, ?thernet, *@4?T7*D> @.)=718748 , and Fast ?thernet. esponsi-ilit,! Desi+n and implementation. Mainly worked on k)56 modem (.;0. All the *F- *mall Form Fa!tor and 5B/. 5i+a it /nterfa!e .ontroller "sin+ /8. proto!ol, dia+nosti! ro"tines, !onfi+"ration mana+ement and flash handlin+. Team si#e9 Three *tat"s9 .ompleted. -latform9 M-.8860, %$1orks 5.4, ., Tornado 8.0, Tornado shell Tools 1.0 utomatic power e?uali@ation;

The idea is to a"tomate the power e,"ali#ation pro lem d"rin+ ADD7D&@-, MCF7D?MCF and Amplifi!ation to eliminate7minimi#e the man"al inter(ention. This !an e a!hie(ed y distri "ted software, whi!h monitors all the related data per !hannel and atten"ates per !hannel. My role was fo!"sed on @pti!al -erforman!e Monitorin+ @-M . /t in(ol(es9 1. A!!"m"lation, analysis, pro!essin+ and stora+e of all the data and passin+ this information to the 4ode !ontroller periodi!ally. 8. .onfi+"ration mana+ement, data ase mana+ement, -M pro!essin+ !onformity with 5&)85= , flash handlin+. =. *4M- interfa!e, T&A-7A2A&M handlin+. 4. Cser interfa!e and appli!ations. -latform9 m68k, 2e+a!y -roprietary &T@*, 1MC=000, %@A. Team si#e9 Three. esponsi-ilit,! 1. Desi+n and /mplementation. 8. .lose intera!tion with the 4M*, Marketin+ +ro"p and system desi+n7ar!hite!t"re +ro"p to a!hie(e7maintain the !onformity of 5& and (ario"s re,"irements. *tat"s9 .ompleted. 1.A S!#E' ,erformance *onitoring ,* ; The +oal was to de(elop transponder ased on *@4?T @.1;8 and @.48 and also to do performan!e monitorin+ i.e. to monitor the health of the 4? 4etwork ?lement and to take appropriate a!tions and also to maintain stati! s7history of all the e(ents7parameters, whi!h will a!t like a *T? *e!tion Terminatin+ ?,"ipment in a!!ordan!e with B?22A.@&? 5&)85= re,"irement. esponsi-ilit,! 1. Mana+in+7leadin+ the firmware part of the proAe!t. 8. .lose intera!tion7a!ti(e parti!ipation to maintain the .onformity etween M&D Marketin+ &e,"irement Do! , *ystem desi+n7ar!hite!t"re in!l"din+ 5&)85= , 4M* and firmware. =. Desi+n and /mplementation of the firmware. The firmware f"n!tionality in!l"des9 1. *4M- interfa!e, !onfi+"ration mana+ement, flash mana+ement, dri(er for the -M !hip, data ase mana+ement. 8. -M mana+ement that in!l"des data oth analo+ and di+ital i.e. from *@4?T header A!!"m"lation, Analysis7pro!essin+, *tora+e and syn!hroni#ation etween (ario"s -M a!ti(ities. =. *yn!hroni#ation with 4M* 4etwork Mana+ement *ystem for (ario"s a!ti(ities fa"lt mana+ement, data !olle!tion et!. 4. 5&)85= implementation for *T? -M, T&A-7A2A&M pro!essin+. 5. Cser interfa!e and appli!ations. -latform 9 m68k, 2e+a!y -roprietary &T@*, AM.. /4DC* !hip. Team si#e 9 @ne firmware part . *tat"s 9 .omplete. 0. ,ro:ects in Wa<onet &ommunications;

0.1 &hip *odeling; *odeling of Window*aker for !&5>7 '* 'raffic *anager ; The 1indowMaker s"ppose to make a list of !ells7pa!kets to e transmitted to the s!hed"ler whi!h then sends those !ells7pa!kets y "sin+ TDM Time Di(ision M"ltiple$in+ .@"r tar+et was to model7sim"late it to !he!k it s f"n!tionality and also to !he!k the real)time !onstrain, if any, in terms of time7memory. My responsi ility was to desi+n it model it in terms of !33 !lasses7f"n!tions "sin+ *ystem. tool. A!t"ally we repla!ed all the mod"les of 1indowMaker y a set of !on)!"rrent pro!esses !33 f"n!tions)s"pported y *ystem. , all the pro!esses intera!t y si+nals thro"+h ports s"pported y *ystem. . *ystem. is a modelin+ tool pro(ided free y a Aoint effort y maAor ?DA)!ompanies like)*ynopsys, Frontier and .oware. -latform 9 4T7%.33 6.0, *ystem. 2an+"a+e 9 .33 Team si#e 9 Two D"ration 9 Three months. &esponsi ility 9 Desi+n)part *tat"s 9 .ompleted 0.0 "E(E.!,*E#' !2 #' "R$(ER for S R800; *A&688 stands for *e+mentation Assem ly and &eassem ly *A& at a speed of 688 m ps. This is a -./ ased memory mapped de(i!e, whi!h takes ATM !ells and assem le them in to pa!kets and reassem le pa!kets in to ATM !ells. The idea is to (alidate the f"n!tionality of the *A&688. My role was fo!"sed to de(elop the dri(er for *A&688, whi!h asi!ally does two main f"n!tions9 1. >andle the de(i!e spe!ifi! part /nterr"pt, initiali#ation et!. 8. To +i(e a!!ess to the hi+her layer software test en+ine et!. to (alidate the f"n!tionality at a hi+her layer and make it more +eneral in nat"re. As far as de(i!e dri(er is !on!ern this -./ !ard !ontains more than one de(i!e in the !ard *A&,T. and -./ to 2@.A2 B&/D5? , so there are three /*& s /nterr"pt *er(i!e &o"tine and D-. s Deferred -ro!ed"re .all to handle the interr"pts for ea!h three de(i!es. This dri(er handles iss"es like sharin+ of /*& s for m"ltiple !ard and m"ltiple pro!essors "sin+ spin lo!k . &esponsi ility 9 Desi+n, /mplementation, De "++in+ and Testin+ of the dri(er. >71 -latform 9 F86) ased platform *71 -latform 9 1indows 4T 4.07DD0 T@@2* 9 DD0, *ofti!e for de "++in+ , 4"me+a De "++in+ tools like Dri(erA+ent and Dri(er1ork en!h Team si#e 9 @ne D"ration 9 6 months *tat"s 9 .ompleted and workin+. A. "E(E.!,*E#' !2 'HE W$#"!WS B SE" 'ER*$# . WB' Switch)p #etworks This is a 1indows Based Terminal de(elopment thin !lient proAe!t for remote !omp"tin+. This is a diskless m7!,the m7! oots thro"+h flash memory and the loader loads the 1in.? ima+e from flash to system memory and then transfers the !ontrol to the 1in.? @.*. The lo!ali#ed proto!ol handles only mo"se mo(ement, key oard, display et!. All other thin+s are done in the ser(er. The !lient intera!ts with the ser(er y well)defined proto!ol like .itri$ /.A, Mi!rosoft

&D-. / worked mainly on the followin+ spe!ifi! proAe!ts9 1. 8. =. 4. 5. Flash Mana+ement, !onfi+"ration mana+ement, and data ase mana+ement. Dri(ers ased on 1indows 4T and 1indows .? . De "++in+ and testin+. Cser interfa!e and appli!ations. -ortin+ of e$istin+ !itri$ /.A =.0 thin !lient proto!ol dri(er 16) it ) only the Display part on .yri$ Media5$ =8) it !lient .

*er(er 9 1idows 4T 4.0 Terminal *er(er ?dition)Beta8 .lient 9 1indows .? 8.10 Diskless with Flash memory and .yri$ Media5$ pro!essor >71 -latform 9 .yri$ Media5$ Ad(an!e -ro!essor with Disk@n.hip flash memory. -latform 7 9 1BT 1indows Based Terminal )1indows .? 8.10 , .itri$ Tools Metaframe *er(er9 Mi!rosoft Terminal *er(er 4.0) Beta)8 with D@* !lient, Boot De(eloper 0it BD0 of M)*ystems , =8) it !lient interfa!e for D@* *D0 for /.A D@*=8 !lients . 2an+"a+e 9 ., .33 , %.33. D"ration 9 @ne Gear Team si#e9 Two. ,ro:ects during *.'ech. &ourse; M.Te!h. -roAe!t 9 Title 9 &etar+etin+ of 5.. from =86 to -enti"m -latform 9 Cni$7. Tar+et 9 &etar+etin+ the +!! 54C . A4D .33 .ompiler from 80=86)"ni$ to 80586)lin"$ platforms, so that it wo"ld s"pport all the -enti"m instr"!tions and feat"res of -enti"m s"!h as *"per *!aler Ar!hite!t"re. Des!ription 9 *"per *!ale Ar!hite!t"re !an e taken !are of y analy#in+ whether the Two instr"!tions are paira le i.e. independent or not. By !han+in+ the files related with m7! des!ription and rtl appropriately we !an s"pport All the instr"!tions of -enti"m. .han+es of Tar+et Des!ri in+ Ma!ros 1hi!h des!ri e all the feat"res of tar+et m7!, whi!h does not fit in to the s!hemes of m7! des!ription file !an e done appropriately. Team *i#e 9 @ne D"ration 9 6 month E<tra5&urricular ctivities ; .hairman of Hay!ess .l" ?n++. .olle+e Bran!h d"rin+ 1;;8);=. 1on /ntra)Cni(ersity .hess .ompetition. Cp

Resume A
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

(. "$*$R &HER#!(
164 .on!ord Dr. *ommer(ille, MA 01881 !B%E&'$(E An ?m edded *oftware7Firmware ?n+ineer position in an ele!troni! system desi+n !ompany where / !an !ontri "te "sin+ pro(en a ility to de(elop *1 !omponents for !omple$ ele!troni! systems. ,R!2ESS$!# . S-$..S @(er se(en years in de(elopment of appli!ation, em edded software and di+ital ele!troni! !ir!"its 1ork e$perien!e for !ompanies with 5, 80, 500 and 8000 employees De(eloped software "sin+ ., .33 pro+rammin+ lan+"a+es and assem lers. Desi+ned em edded systems with Mi!ro!hip -/. mi!ro)!ontrollers -/. 1<$$$716$$$ De(eloped dri(ers and appli!ation software for *"perTaskI &T@* De(eloped firmware for DeltaTa" -MA. motion !ontrollers De(eloped !ode ladder lo+i! and FBD for Mi!rolo+i$ 1500 -2. s and 5"ard -2. 1800 De(eloped Filin$ F-5A F.4000? family and .-2D F.;500 family !ode for di+ital ima+e pro!essin+ and di+ital /7@ appli!ations .reated >1 and *1 *pe!ifi!ations, +"idelines and other te!hni!al do!"mentation 1orked with .AD software for s!hemati! !apt"re, >D2 A el , lo+i! and timin+ modelin+ 1orked with di+ital and analo+ os!illos!opes, lo+i! analy#ers, -. ased sim"latin+ systems for mi!ropro!essors, &@M em"lators, si+nal +enerators, et!. 1orked with area and linear !har+e !o"pled de(i!es ..D 1orked with Te$as /nstr"ments D*- TM*=80.80 5ained a!ademi! e$perien!e with Ha(a and Forth pro+rammin+ lan+"a+es E/,ER$E#&E 18=01115current. 'R" utomation, Billerica, * *oftware7Firmware ?n+ineer ///. ?nhan!ed software "tilities de(eloped for T&D sto!kers Mi!rosoft %is"al .33 %6.0, MF. . De(eloped, enhan!ed and maintained -MA. appli!ation firmware for T&D T"r o *o!ker ro ots. T&D *to!ker ro ot family in!l"des 4 and 5 Aoint transport ro ots !ontrolled y DeltaTa" -MA. motion !ontrollers with MA.&@ interfa!e. De(eloped and maintained !ode ladder lo+i! for Allen)Bradley Mi!rolo+i$ 1500 -2.s "sed in a new +eneration of T&D a"tomati! inp"t7o"tp"t sh"ttle ro ot A/@ . De(eloped dri(ers and maintained A/@ sh"ttle ro ot firmware !ode Borland .33 4.5, $86 *"perTaskITM &T@*, -.104 platform . A o"t 400 de(i!es ha(e een deployed. De(eloped firmware !ode for di+ital /7@ s" system *?.* proto!ol, Mi!ro!hip -/. assem ler, Filin$ F.;5144 .-2D A el . 1B=44518=0111. 3ray Systems $nc.

.ontra!t for the !lient9 T&D A"tomation, Billeri!a, MA. *ame o!!"pan!y as a o(e 11=4C 5 1A=44; $BS $nternational Business Solutions, *insk, Repu6lic of Belarus, $B* 3ermany, *ain@, 3ermany Appli!ation ?n+ineer -ro(ided appli!ation s"pport 2e(el 8 for /BM AD*M . -erformed in(esti+ation of software in!idents in .7.33 !ode. 1orked in Belar"s)5ermany team. AD*M is m"lti)platform D@*, @*78, 1indows 4T, A/F !lient)ser(er relia le a!k"p)ar!hi(e appli!ation for lar+e data sets.

18=47 5 1A=44 Hall'ech .td. contract , *insk, Repu6lic of Belarus ?m edded system pro+rammer De(eloped em edded system for hi+h power ele!tromotor prote!tion. /t in!l"ded Mi!ro!hip -/. 1<.<56 mi!ro)!ontroller, &*)8=8 ?*D prote!ted interfa!e and Mi!ro!hip serial ??-&@M for storin+ "ser spe!ified !onstants. ?m edded software performed real)time tra!in+ of 6 analo+ inp"t !hannels, time)dependent t"rn off !ontrol. Firmware !ode was implemented in Mi!ro!hip assem ler. A o"t 800 de(i!es ha(e een deployed. 17=4C 17=47 Belarussian ,olytechnic cademy contract , *insk, Repu6lic of Belarus ?m edded system pro+rammer7 ?le!troni! ?n+ineer De(eloped a data a!,"isition system for an ele!tri!al network model. This model was "sed in the "ni(ersity tea!hin+ la s. -roAe!t hi+hli+hts9 The system was implemented with 8 Mi!ro!hip -/.16F84 mi!ro)!ontrollers. The software part of the proAe!t !onsisted of an em edded pro+ram and a 1indows ;5 interfa!e pro+ram written with Borland .33 4.5 and @12. The em edded pro+ram was written in */2, a spe!iali#ed hi+h)le(el lan+"a+e for Mi!ro!hip mi!ropro!essors. 11=4C 5 1A=4C .uksor &ompany contract , *insk, Repu6lic of Belarus ?m edded system pro+rammer7 ?le!troni! ?n+ineer De(eloped a di+ital !ontroller for a handheld medi!al laser. The !ontroller pro(ided timin+ and swit!hin+ f"n!tions for the semi!ond"!tor laser. /t in!l"ded Mi!ro!hip -/.16.<4 mi!ro)!ontroller and serial ??-&@M !hip. The em edded !ode was written in Mi!ro!hip assem ler. 14=4B 5 14=4C; %oined Stock &ompany DSelengD, *insk, Repu6lic of Belarus ?le!troni! ?n+ineer Applied Filin$ pro+ramma le lo+i! te!hnolo+y in se(eral proAe!ts. De4eloped a preliminar, image*processing unit for a tele4ision coordinator5 The proAe!t was ased on Filin$ F-5A and Te$as /nstr"ments D*- TM*=80.80 te!hnolo+y. The !oordinator was "sed for tra!kin+ mo(in+ o Ae!ts. .ompleted software modelin+ and hardware

implementation of al+orithms for di+ital ima+e rotation. -roAe!t hi+hli+hts9 15)M># di+ital inp"t stream, ar itrary an+le of rotation. Csed tools and de(i!es9 Filin$ !hips F.401=?, Fo"ndation series Alde!.AD (1.8, FA.Tstep 6.1 software, TM*=80.80 e(al"ation oard and T/ . !ompiler. The rotator mod"le was prototyped on Te$as /nstr"ments TM*=80.80 e(al"ation oard with the help of a spe!iali#ed . !ompiler. 1orked with de(elopment tools for the TM*=80.80 pro!essor. De4eloped So-el image processor unit and a (6( s,mmetrical core image con4ol4er unit for 3DT7 tele4ision coordinator5 -roAe!t hi+hli+hts9 the *o el pro!essor was "sed to hi+hli+ht ed+es on the ima+e, and the !on(ol(er was "sed to remo(e hi+h fre,"en!y noise: .oeffi!ients were dynami!ally loaded into the !on(ol(er: oth "nits a!!epted >DT% di+ital data stream <5 M># $ 8 it . Csed tools and de(i!es9 Filin$ !hips F.4010?, @r.AD *DT and %*T =863, FA.T (. 5.8, Borland .33 (. 4.5.

17=4B 14=48 Belarussian cademy of Science contract , *insk, Repu6lic of Belarus ?le!troni! ?n+ineer De(eloped a model of hydro)me!hani!al transmission for hea(y tr"!ks. Csed tools and de(i!es9 @!ta+on Mi!ro-. !ontroller, .AM BA*/. ind"strial BA*/. . 11=40 5 17=4>; dvancedSoft .td., *insk, Repu6lic of Belarus. *ystem te!hni!ian. *"pported a team of ele!troni! and software en+ineers. -roAe!ts in!l"ded9 Fin+erT&Dnt s!anner9 prototyped and de "++ed /*A interfa!e -.Bs with Altera7/ntel .lassi! -2Ds, assem led and tested small ,"antity series of the de(i!es. -assport7(isa opti!al do!"ment reader ased on *@4G ..D sensor9 de(eloped software !omponents in Borland ., assem led and tested small ,"antity series of the de(i!es. E")& '$!# M* in .*. Belar"ssian *tate Cni(ersity of /nformati!s and &adioele!troni!s, Minsk, &ep" li! of Belar"s. 1;;0)1;;5. MaAor9 .omp"ters, !omp"ter !omple$es, systems and networks. >ar(ard ?$tension *!hool. .omm"ni!ation -roto!ols and /nternet Ar!hite!t"res , sT&Dn+ 8008. >ar(ard ?$tension *!hool. Ha(a for distri "ted !omp"tin+ , fall semester 8001. DeltaTa". MA.&@ trainin+. 8001 &o!kwell *oftware. &*2o+i$ 500 trainin+. 8001 A$is 4ew ?n+land. DeltaTa" -MA. trainin+. 8000 . #3) 3ES &"ssian, Belar"ssian, ?n+lish fl"ent Cp

Resume >
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

Ronald 3ashek
1500 5olden 5ate Dr. *a!ramento, .A ;808; / am respondin+ to yo"r ad seekin+ software7firmware7em edded en+ineers. / am an e$pert firmware desi+ner with many years of en+ineerin+ e$perien!e in de(elopin+ prod"!ts, hardware, firmware and software. / ha(e desi+ned, de(eloped and mana+ed many proAe!ts in the areas of !omm"ni!ation, di+ital tele(ision, telephony, instr"mentation and !ons"mer ele!troni!s. / ha(e an e$!ellent rep"tation for +ettin+ proAe!ts de(eloped in time and within the "d+et. 2et me apply my e$pertise to yo"r proAe!t / wo"ld like to talk to yo" a o"t yo"r !"rrent and f"t"re desi+n needs. *in!erely, &onald 5ashek Engineering E<pertise Desi+ned and de(eloped many s"!!essf"l mi!ropro!essor ) ased prod"!ts, hardware and software >i+h ,"ality software and firmware desi+n in ., .33, HA%A or assem ly, e$tensi(e &T@* and kernel e$perien!e, B/@*, oard rin+)"p ?$perien!e writin+ spe!ifi!ations, !ost and time estimates, proposals, resear!h st"dies ?$pertise in !omm"ni!ation system desi+n, system de "++in+, data transmission, di+ital tele(ision, instr"mentation, test e,"ipment and !ons"mer prod"!ts ?$pert de(i!e dri(er desi+ner, B*- inte+rator and A-/ de(eloper -rod"!ts deli(ered on time and within "d+et Friendly, easy +oin+ personality ,roduct $ntegration E<perience ?$perien!e with many pro!essor ar!hite!t"res ) &/*., ./*., D* Desi+ned many de(i!e dri(ers for &T@* J-*os, %$1orks, -har2ap, 2/4CF, 1in)=8, @*; and many othersK, D@*, 1indows 1orked with Motorola 68 family, 860, /ntel 8051, ;60, 80$$$, -enti"m, Bilo+, >ita!hi, Atmel, M/-*, -ower-., -/., A&M and many others ?$perien!e with de(i!e /7@ ) CA&T*, modems, A)D, D)A, Board *"pport -a!ka+es JB*-K, B/@*, ?thernet ?$perien!e with a lar+e n"m er of !omm"ni!ation proto!ols and "s ar!hite!t"res, -./, *.*/, -.M./A, T.-7/-, *4M-, D>.-, A&-, D@.*/*, *o!kets, B)/*D4 JATMK, ?thernet, Fi re !hannel >a(e de(eloped systems "sin+ latest te!hni,"es "tili#in+ !ompilers, de "++ers, sim"lators, em"lators, lo+i! analy#ers et!L ?$perien!e in ,"i!kly desi+nin+ and de(elopin+ prod"!ts, ,"i!kly +raspin+ new !on!epts

,roduct *anagement E<perience Dependin+ on the si#e of the proAe!t, / will de(elop yo"r system y myself or / !an lead an en+ineerin+ team. / will make s"re that yo"r prod"!t is deli(ered on time, and within "d+et Many referen!es a(aila le Education B*?? *ystems and .ontrol, Cni(ersity of .alifornia, *an Die+o JC.*DK M*??, Cni(ersity of -ra+"e History of Successful ,ro:ects and ccomplishments; Septem6er, 0111 to *ay, 0110 EnergyShare, San "iego, & Dire!tor of ?n+ineerin+ Desi+ned and de(eloped em edded ser(er JT.-7/-K ) ased prototype ) /.M-, >TM2, T?24?T, hardware and software Assem led and lead a team of e$pert en+ineers t"rnin+ prototype into a prod"!t *"!!essf"lly demonstrated the prod"!t to !"stomers and in(estors *arch, 0111 to Septem6er, 0111 Emetrikus, Santa &lara, &arls6ad, & .ons"ltin+ *ystem ?n+ineer Desi+ned and de(eloped a !ons"mer !omm"ni!ation prod"!t, hardware and software. 1rote spe!ifi!ations and re,"irements, !oordinated the de(elopment teams. >ired and mana+ed en+ineerin+ de(elopment team. ugust, 0111 to *arch, 0111 Host #etworks, San "iego, & *enior .ons"ltin+ ?m edded ?n+ineer De(eloped de(i!e dri(ers for network)ena led M-?5)// (ideo en!oder and de!oder, modified 1indows dri(ers, wrote 2in"$ and %$1orks de(i!e dri(ers Desi+ned -./ DMA dri(ers 1rote M-?5)// D%D en!oder de(i!e dri(er De(eloped "fferin+ for network streamin+ De(eloped dri(er for M-?5)8 -./) ased de!oder oard

ugust, 1444 to ugust, 0111 S!#+, "igiSoft of merica, San "iego, & *enior .ons"ltin+ ?m edded ?n+ineer *ystem inte+ration and de "++in+ of a new >DT% M-?5)// ased di+ital tele(ision set)top o$ &edesi+ned and implemented an &T@* kernel /nstalled, !"stomi#ed and tested a T.-7/- proto!ol sta!k and --De(eloped de(i!e dri(ers M-?5)// de!odin+ and A)% syn!hroni#ation de(elopment and de "++in+ D**, AT*., >DT% prod"!t de(elopment

#ovem6er, 1444 to *arch, 0111

&ooper *ountain, San "iego, & *enior .ons"ltin+ ?m edded ?n+ineer Desi+ned and de(eloped B/@* !alls for -enti"m ) ased pl"+ and play D*2 modem oard "nder %$1orks *ay, 1447 to ugust, 1444 WES&! Systems, Santa &ru@, & *enior .ons"ltin+ ?m edded ?n+ineer De "++in+ and impro(in+ !a le modem prod"!t. D@.*/* ased system de(elopin+ testin+ and de "++in+ 1ritin+ de(i!e dri(ers Csin+ %$1orks &T@* De "++in+ followin+ proto!ols9 T.-7/-, D@.*/*, A&-, &A&-, D>.-, TFT-, *4M-

Septem6er, 1447 /E#$-, $nc., San *arcos, & *enior .ons"ltin+ ?m edded ?n+ineer Desi+ned and de(eloped firmware for a -.* pa+in+ re!ei(er, was instr"mental in the oard rin+)"p, de(eloped B/@* De "++ed hardware, installed a &eal Time @peratin+ *ystem, de "++ed ?thernet !onne!tion, wrote peripheral de(i!e dri(ers "sin+ ., .33 and assem ly /mplemented "ser interfa!e, ported T.-7/- sta!k, de(eloped a Telnet interfa!e, an *4M- a+ent, TFT- flash) ased in system re)pro+ramma le sol"tion "ecem6er, 144C to Septem6er, 1447 B3 &ondition *onitoring, $nc., San "iego, & *enior .ons"ltin+ ?m edded ?n+ineer Desi+ned . ) ased em edded firmware for a sophisti!ated hand ) held instr"ment Desi+ned and de "++ed hardware, de(eloped kernel De(eloped and implemented a !omm"ni!ation proto!ol sta!k 1rote de(i!e dri(ers for D@*, 1indows and 2a )%iew.

pril, 1447 to ugust, 1447 66y "esign &enter, San "iego, & *enior .ons"ltin+ ?m edded ?n+ineer Desi+ned and implemented interr"pt dri(en M-?5)8 A)% syn!hroni#ation "sin+ interr"pts on &T@* J-*@*K, .33 De "++ed hardware, installed &T@* and remote ?thernet) ased de "++in+ 1rote (ideo de(i!e dri(ers for -*@* r"nnin+ on &/*. ar!hite!t"re *"!!essf"lly lead the de "++in+ of the system Septem6er, 144C to "ecem6er, 144C R'E, $nc., "enver, &! .ons"ltin+ ?m edded ?n+ineer Desi+ned and de(eloped a !a le modem) ased !omm"ni!ation interfa!e for an intera!ti(e tele(ision set)top o$. Desi+ned and de "++ed hardware, installed operatin+ system, wrote dri(ers for the peripherals

in . and .33 *arch, 1448 to Septem6er, 1448 Softstream, $nc., Santa &ru@, & .ons"ltin+ *enior ?m edded ?n+ineer Desi+ned and implemented M-?5)8 (ideo)a"dio syn!hroni#ation into di+ital set)top o$. De "++ed and redesi+ned hardware, "ilt &T@* into the prod"!t, J-*@* and %$1orks de(i!e dri(ersK #ovem6er, 144B to %anuary, 1448 )nited $nstrument, $nc., San %ose, & .ons"ltin+ *enior ?m edded ?n+ineer Desi+ned and implemented B"ilt)in *elf)Test JB/*TK into the di+ital tele(ision set)top o$, installed a m"ltitaskin+ operatin+ system /nstalled a %$1orks operatin+ system on a prototype platform J oard rin+)"pK Tested, impro(ed and redesi+ned di+ital hardware. 1rote and de "++ed !omple$ !ode in .33 , de(eloped n"mero"s de(i!e dri(ers r"nnin+ "nder MM@* &T@*: r"nnin+ on &/*. and ./*. pro!essors 14415144B Held engineering positions in the following companies; F"Aits" M.2.>i+htower, /n!. Transworld, /n!. Datron, /n!. Delte!,/n!. Cp

Resume B
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

Harry Stanson
<=< @!ean Dri(e *an Hose, .A ;51== !B%E&'$(E *eekin+ a !hallen+in+ position in professional de(elopment with a te!hnolo+y related !ompany and offerin+ !ontin"o"s +rowth opport"nities. S)** R+ !2 S-$..S 2an+"a+es9 .33, %is"al .337MF., ., %erilo+, %>D2, Assem ler, 2a %/?1.

.-Cs9 -/.)16.718., 8051, 80186, 68>.11, B)80, %erilo+, >D2., *tron+Arm, /F-1800. F-5A9 %irte$)? F.%50?, %erilo+, %>D2, F-5A Fo"ndation /*? (=.1i @peratin+ *ystems9 C4/F72in"$, M* 1indows74T, D@*, %$1orks. 4etwork proto!ols9 *4M-, T.-7/-, 1in)*o!kets. /.?s ' B*-9 /.?)80007Mi!ro!hip, ?MC251)68)-.74oha", /.?)1867*ophia, /F-1800 B*-. Tools9 >- @pen%iew, ?MA4AT? *" a+ent De(elopment 0it, /F-1800 De(elopers 1ork en!h, 5n")Make, +d , .lear!ase, %is"al *o"r!e*afe, 2o+i! Analy#er, @s!illos!ope.

&&!*,.$SH*E#'S De(eloped and desi+ned *4M- pro$y a+ents and M/B files to monitor the mana+ed o Ae!ts and response the .a le 4etwork Mana+er .4M re,"ests in the >F. network. The data from mana+ed o Ae!ts is meas"red y transponders and transmitted to .4M "sin+ telemetry fa!ilities. The *4M- mana+er)a+ent model is a m"lti)threaded pro+ram, whi!h r"ns in the Mi!rosoft 4T with @ra!le Data ase, and "ses Mi!rosoft D.@M to make !onne!tion and !omm"ni!ation with other pro+rams. The software test "sed @pen%iew and 1e rowser. >F. >ead?nd prod"!ts software)firmware desi+ned and de(eloped from software spe!ifi!ation to prod"!t release9 Forward -ath Transmitter7&e!ei(er, &e(erse -ath Transmitter7&e!ei(er, &ed"ndant &-&, -ower *"pply, and ?DFA. .oded in . and assem lers -/.16718 and 68>.11 . De(eloped and desi+ned a Fi re .hannel 8 710 en)de!oder F-5A for Di+ital &et"rn Transmitter)&e!ei(er. The &T2 !odin+ is %erilo+ and the F-5A de(i!e is Filin$ F.%50. De(eloped *4M- A+ents on /F-1800 de(elopment platform with %$1orks9 Desi+ned the !olle!tion of statisti! of network mana+ement for ?thernet interfa!e. Distortion A"to Test pro+ram for >ead?nd prod"!ts9 -erforman!e test for .4&, .*@, .TB, FM@D, and *p"rio"s 4oise. Csin+ Matri$ s .AT% ?,"ipment, 4etwork Analy#er, and .a le T% *pe!tr"m Analy#er. 2aser s em edded system software9 De(eloped and desi+ned the power mana+ement heater7!ompressor real)time !ontrol, ener+y sa(in+ s" )ro"tine , laser sh"tter !ontrol, shift re+ister read7write, eeprom repair f"n!tion, power7!"rrent7diode mode !ontrol, e$ternal7internal &F dri(er !ontrol, laser diode prote!tion method in power mode, AD.7DA.7m"ltiple$er7dem"ltiple$er !ontrol, and laser diode a+es pro!ess. 2aser monitorin+ pro+ram9 This pro+ram "sed A!ti(eF !omponent7!ontrol to handle the rs)8=8 !omm"ni!ation pro lems, to pro!ess m"ltiple %iews terminal, monitorin+, and !onfi+ with sin+le do!"ment, and to store !onfi+"ration data into data ase)re+istry. &emote !ontrol software9 -ro+rammed on -*D)=11 !hip, and !ontrol and !omm"ni!ation etween 8051 mi!ro!ontroller and laser power s"pply system thro"+h &*)8=8. 2aser system performan!e a"to test pro+ram9 5raphi! display on the s!reen with power, !"rrent, temperat"re, min7ma$, time, and de(iation. This pro+ram also has the f"n!tions s"!h as9 samplin+ rate, delay time, a"to timer, data stora+e, data file restorin+, and printin+ with any s!ale fa!tor on $7y a$is. De(eloped and desi+ned A2-*)=000 A"tomated 2aser -i+tailin+ *ystem for rapid and relia le laser diode pi+tailin+ with any pa!ka+e in a hi+h (ol"me prod"!tion en(ironment. The system "sed a -. as the sin+le !ontrol point for the laser diode !ontroller, opti!al power meter, GA5 laser welder, Aoysti!ks, (ision system, and =)dimensions motor motion !ontrollers. Desi+ned the -lottin+ *tatisti!al Analysis *oftware -*A* pro+ram to s"pport laser diode test system for mathemati!s +raphi! display on life test !"r(es, -%/ !"r(es, and pass7fail stat"s report. -*A* is a M* 1indows7MF. pro+ram. Desi+ned and implemented the pro+ram of A"tomati! .omponents Test *ystem A.T* . A.T*

software dri(es fi er opti! swit!hes and asso!iated e,"ipment li+ht so"r!es, power meters, polari#ation !ontroller, en(ironment o(ens to !arry o"t meas"rements of atten"ation and a!k refle!tion on opti!al !omponents as they are stressed in en(ironmental !ham ers. /mplemented the flash memory AMD Am88F518 pro+ram desi+ned. 1ritten in B80 assem ler. Desi+ned software and firmware for -olari#ation .ontroller and test station. .oded in . and B80 assem ler. Fiirmware desi+ned for fi eropti! *wit!hin+ *ystem. 1ritten in . and 8051 assem ler. Desi+ned and de(eloped -. F)*er(er Mi!ro)F to s"pport +raphi!al appli!ations a!ross networks to other !omp"ter systems, that s"pport the F 1indow *ystem in C4/F en(ironment. 1ritten in ., F)1indows and with 1in)so!ket and T.-7/- proto!ols. Firmware7software pro+ram desi+ned and de(eloped on M4-57%.=87%.48 is modems. 1ritten in 80186 and 8051 assem lers. *r. *oftware ?n+ineer, *ome.@&.net .orp., @!t. 1;;8 4o(. 8001 *r. *oftware ?n+ineer, %e!tra)-hysi!s, /n!., H"ne 1;;6 @!t. 1;;8 *oftware ?n+ineer, TD* Cniphase .orp., May 1;;4 H"ne 1;;6 *oftware ?n+ineer, *tarlet .omm"ni!ations .orp., Han. 1;;8 April 1;;4 Firmware ?n+ineer, Mi!ro /nte+rated .omm. .orp., Fe . 1;;0 Han. 1;;8

W!R- H$S'!R+

E")& '$!# Master -ro+ram of .omp"ter *!ien!e, *an Hose *tate Cni(ersity, .A. *ept. 1;;4 May 1;;5 M*??, Cni(ersity of Memphis, Tennessee. *ept. 1;88 De!. 1;8; B*??, 4ational Taiwan @!ean Cni(ersity, *ept. 1;80 May. 1;84 ,R!2ESS$!# . 'R $#$#3 Tornado 87%$1orks 5.4 Trainin+ 1orkshop, 1ind &i(er *ystems, .A. >- @pen%iew 4etwork 4ode Mana+er on Cni$, >ewlett)-a!kard, .A. /ntrod"!tion to %>D2 with Fo"ndation /*?, Filin$ /n!, .A. F-5A Desi+n, Filin$ /n!, .A. Cnified Modelin+ 2an+"a+e -ro+rammin+ with Mi!rosoft Fo"ndation .lass 2i raries Ad(an!ed -ro+rammin+ with MF. 2i rary "sin+ %is"al .33 Mi!rosoft 1indows De "+ Te!hni,"e @ Ae!t)@riented Analysis @ Ae!t)@riented -ro+rammin+ Desi+n. @2? 8.0 -ro+rammin+ Csin+ MF. and %is"al .33 4etwork Mana+ement -rin!iples Mana+in+ a C4/F T.-7/- 4etwork The T.-7/- -roto!ol *"ite 4etwork File *ystem and 4etwork /nformation *er(i!e Cp

./T/B?4*>/- C.*. .iti#en

Resume 8
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

2red ". $vy

Seeking A Dire!tor of ?n+ineerin+ or Ar!hite!t position at a small prod"!t oriented !ompany responsi le for proAe!t mana+ement, reso"r!e mana+ement, strate+i! in(ol(ement in the !orporate "siness and prod"!t de(elopment strate+y, and an inte+ral mem er of the mana+ement team. $ntroduction My e$perien!e in the en+ineerin+ field e$tends 15 years, most of this time at start)"p7small !ompanies. /t is in this en(ironment where my a ility to +rasp !omple$ pro lems ,"i!kly and resol(e them ena les !onstant forward pro+ress. / know how to set "p an effe!ti(e team, mana+e to the s!hed"les and ship prod"!ts. / ha(e een !alled "pon at many different !ompanies to a!!omplish these tasks and ha(e een s"!!essf"l e(ery time. /n addition, my pro(en tra!k re!ord of "ildin+ effe!ti(e en+ineerin+ teams "sin+ positi(e people !entri! mentorin+ and a hands)on, team oriented mana+ement style has ens"red s"!!ess. / am often approa!hed y mem ers of my pre(io"s teams who are lookin+ to mo(e forward. /n fa!t, many of my dire!t reports ha(e worked for me se(eral times. &eferen!es from pre(io"s mana+ers, !ollea+"es and dire!t reports are a(aila le on re,"est. 9ualifications *tron+ people and proAe!t mana+ement skills. A le to realisti!ally A"d+e proAe!t time and deli(er on s!hed"le. 4at"ral leader a le to moti(ate others effe!ti(ely. 0nowled+e of real time and !omm"ni!ations7network implementations. 1ell)(ersed in ne+otiation te!hni,"es *elf moti(atin+7starter re,"irin+ little reso"r!e o(erhead. Adept at proAe!t !ost analysis and !"stomer relations. 5ood or+ani#ational skills with emphasis on ,"ality.

E<perience 0111 5 present ishe &onsulting Services, .os &olinas, &alifornia -rin!iple 2in"$ and ?m edded desi+n .reated H-?5 presentation display system for o(erhead proAe!tors "sin+ -.M./A. Added >ard disk and 2.D s!reen to proAe!tor proAe!t for "se as r"nnin+ ad(ertisin+. ?$tensi(e 2in"$ 0ernel work in M"ltimedia dri(ers "sin+ -ower-.. 1orkin+ with small, to e named, start)"p to raise first ro"nd f"ndin+ and esta lish !ore

en+ineerin+ team. 0111 5 present "igital #ew 'echnologies, Sacramento, &alifornia -rod"!t De(elopment 2in"$ and ?m edded desi+n !ons"mer M-= player 1orkin+ with the fo"nders to land first ro"nd f"ndin+. 1rote7-orted 1=;4 dri(er for the -hilips -D/1=;4240 link !hip "sin+ the T/ -hy, r"nnin+ on an em edded .oldFire. -orted !"stomer spe!ifi! asyn!hrono"s proto!ol . Finished port of --.Boot allow for loadin+ a kernel from an ATA hard disk. .reatin+ new "siness opport"nities with new !"stomers. 1444 5 0111 9Rise, $nc., Sacramento, &alifornia Dire!tor of ?n+ineerin+ M-= re!order7player 1orked with !"stomers and (ent"re !apitol firms and helped !reate prod"!t definition. .reated proAe!t s!hed"les and software road maps. Bro"+ht this prod"!t to market in "nder one year with a team of only two software en+ineers. De(eloped from s!rat!h9 @*, /D? dri(er, ATA7ATA-/ 2ayer, .D& layer, >D layer, FAT18716 File system, /*@ ;660 fileystem, C*B Dri(er on host, C*B dri(er for Ma!intosh. 1orked !losely with the hardware en+ineers to ,"alify and enhan!e !"stom A*/.. 1rote spe!ifi!ations for (ario"s !omponents, in!l"din+, @* o(er(iew, @* Task *wit!hin+, C*B low le(el proto!ol, /*@ ;660 file system and FAT18716 file system. 1444 9Rise, $nc., &upertino, &alifornia *oftware .ons"ltant Desi+ned, implemented and ported a real time operatin+ system for an em edded prod"!t "sin+ the A&M Th"m pro!essor. .omponents in!l"de, o(erall *im"lation en(ironment, memory mana+er, timer mana+er, !onte$t swit!her, s!hed"ler, profiler and dri(er model. 1447 5 1444 (ertec &orporation., ,alo lto, &alifornia *oftware Mana+er *oftware -rod"!ts 5ro"p Toast and Ham, .D re!ordin+ software for the Ma!intosh. ?$panded the Ma!intosh software team y hirin+ f"ll time and !ons"ltant en+ineers. Dealt dire!tly with !"stomer and li!ensees to ens"re timely deli(ery of needed feat"res. &esponsi le for proAe!t mana+ement, s!hed"lin+, moti(atin+ a team of desi+n and MA en+ineers. /n !onA"n!tion with Marketin+, helped in desi+n, feat"re sele!tion and implementation. 1orked with 5raphi! Artists and marketin+ on interfa!e desi+n. 144C 5 1447

,ears &omputer, ,alo lto, &alifornia *oftware Mana+er .ore @* 5ro"p Ma!@* F .reated a stron+ hi+hly prod"!ti(e team from within and o"tside of Apple. Desi+ned and implemented all hardware s"pport for Ma!intosh and /ntel .-C. &esponsi le for proAe!t mana+ement, s!hed"lin+, moti(atin+ a team of ten. 1orked with many areas within the !ompany to resol(e iss"es and pro(ide lon+ and short term plannin+. .onsistently ahead of s!hed"le and o(er deli(ered, on hardware and new A-/ desi+ns. .ontin"ed to remain te!hni!ally a!ti(e as mana+er y implementin+ needed dri(ers. 14485144C &opper #etworks, $nc. *t (iew, &alifornia Dire!tor of *oftware7Fo"nder .o alt ." e ?sta lished the software en+ineerin+ department y "ildin+ a stron+ team of en+ineers in "nder three months. -ro(ided inp"t on "siness plans, market trend reports and strate+ies. >elp de(elop partnerships with %ent"re !apital firms in order to se!"re f"ndin+. &esponsi le for hirin+, s!hed"lin+, de(elopment tools and proAe!t mana+ement. /mplemented !ross desi+n en(ironment, in!l"din+ 54C ., in"tils and li ! on /ntel and -ower-.. -orted 2/4CF kernel to !"stom M/-* ased hardware and had apa!he r"nnin+ in less than fi(e months. 14485144C Sofisticated "igital "esign, Santa &lara, &alifornia Firmware .ons"ltant /nte+rated -oint of *ale *er(er Desi+ned and !oded all dia+nosti!s and oard rin+ "p !ode for the se!ond +eneration &/M, "sin+ an M.68=60. Tests in!l"de &AM, &@M, F2A*>, *erial and ?thernet. 144> 5 1448 ,ears &omputer, ,alo lto, &alifornia *oftware Mana+er 4ew Media 5ro"p -ippin -ower -layer *oftware mana+er for the de(elopment of a -ower-. 60= ased low !ost, hi+h performan!e home entertainment Ma!intosh. &esponsi le for a team of nine en+ineers, in!l"din+ hirin+, task s!hed"lin+, settin+ "p and mana+in+ proAe!t so"r!e !ontrol, !oordinatin+ releases to *MA, and interfa!in+ to @?MNs in Hapan. 1orked !losely with hardware team to de "+ and ,"alify !"stom memory !ontroller and (ideo A*/.Ns.

Tasks in!l"ded writin+ nati(e dri(ers for new A*/.s, addin+ new f"n!tionality and optimi#in+ e$istin+ !ode to work in a low memory en(ironment. A!!elerated s!hed"le, first hardware to 5olden Master release in less than se(en months. -ower-. Cp+rade .ard Assisted with hardware desi+n, oot !ode and de "++in+ for -ower-. 601 pro!essor dire!t "p+rade !ard. Added to and enhan!ed e$istin+ oot !ode in --. assem ly to s"pport new hardware. This in!l"ded dynami! memory si#in+, ADB !ontrol, so"nd, and well as dynami! le(el 8 !a!he si#in+ and dete!tion of an a"$iliary pro!essor. Tenderfoot, -oint of *ale .lient *ole en+ineer for a mini Ma!intosh ased on a Motorola 68==1 mi!ro!ontroller. D"e to &AM and &@M restri!tions a !omplete redesi+n e$istin+ &@M !ode had to e implemented. 1ritten almost e$!l"si(ely in . this prod"!t has a similar A-/ to that of a Ma!intosh. Mod"les redesi+ned in!l"de: De "++er, with reak, tra!e and disassem ly, &eal)time lo!kin+ operatin+ kernel, Memory Mana+ement, *erial !ontroller ro"tines, 2o!alTalk implementation, ADB and real)time !lo!k interfa!es, 5raphi! 2.D drawin+ and !ontrol ro"tines. Desi+ned Ma!intosh ased sim"lator allowin+ !ode to e written and de "++ed on any Ma!intosh efore a!t"ally ha(in+ to pro+ram em edded &@Ms. ."stom desi+ned and implemented a lo!kin+ m"ltitaskin+ kernel with 4ame indin+, and low &AM o(erhead. .ompletely rewrote 2o!altalk from the 22A-, DD-, 4B-, B/- and AA&- in A4*/ . and optimi#ed the sta!k to work with the kernel. 1rote the dri(er for &o!kwellNs ;684 data p"mp to handle Bell 818 and %.88 is !omm"ni!ations !onne!tions "sin+ oth syn!hrono"s and asyn!hrono"s !alls. /mplemented an A4*/ !ompati le file system to "sed with the attery a!ked &AM. Csin+ the Think .lass 2i rary wrote a +raphi!al network mana+ement appli!ation whi!h displays the i!ons of all fo"nd de(i!es. .li!kin+ on the i!on will display a list of files on the de(i!e, and !li!kin+ on the file will download it to the appli!ation. 144A 5 144> &"S, Santa &lara, &alifornia Firmware .ons"ltant /nte+rated -oint of *ale *er(er Desi+ned operatin+ system for a real time m"ltiport !omm"ni!ations de(i!e "sin+ 8 M.68=08 pro!essors. The system in!l"ded a m"ltitaskin+ kernel, dynami! memory mana+ement, and serial dri(ers. .onstr"!ted Ma!intosh ased sim"lation appli!ation y writin+ !ompati le dri(ers. This allowed !omplete testin+ on m"ltiple platforms as well as so"r!e le(el de "++in+ in Think . for hi+h le(el !ode. De(eloped Ma!intosh appli!ation to !onfi+"re, test and download !ode ima+e to the de(i!e. -orted pre(io"sly desi+ned low le(el de "++er to handle tra!e, reakpoints, disassem ly, sta!k !rawl, !ode downloadin+ and F2A*> pro+rammin+. 1440 5 144> manta 'echnologies, Santa &lara, &alifornia *oftware ?n+ineer

Amanta%iew 4etwork Mana+ement Team mem er for *4M- /- ased network mana+ement software JAmanta%iewK. &esponsi le for 5C/ desi+n, implementation, low le(el !omm"ni!ation and ,"ality ass"ran!e. Desi+ned and implemented .33 !lass li raries to repla!e and enhan!e e$istin+ str"!t"red !ode. 1orked !losely with other en+ineers in the desi+n pro!ess of new mi s.

1440 3lo6al #etworks &omm, *t. (iew, &alifornia Firmware ?n+ineer @ne1orld *er(er Desi+ned and implemented systems software for a stand alone 68=08 ased !omm"ni!ations de(i!e. Mod"les in!l"de memory mana+ement, o Ae!t ased /7@ !ontrol, and real time m"ltitaskin+ "sin+ MotorolaNs ?DF 0ernel. De(eloped and ported (ario"s Apple spe!ifi! proto!ols in!l"din+ DD-, AD*-, -A-, and AT- for "se in m"ltiple port data e$!han+e. &esponsi le for hardware desi+n, !omponent sele!tion and pri!in+ and layo"t pla!ement. 1441 5 1440 Barallon &omputer, $nc., Sommerville, &alifornia Firmware ?n+ineer 2o!altalk ?thernet &o"ter -rimarily responsi le for desi+nin+ and implementin+ an a"tomated prod"!tion test fi$t"re for the new network ro"ter prod"!ts. This in!l"ded hardware7software and !ontrollin+ Ma!intosh appli!ation. Desi+ned "rn)in dia+nosti!s !apa le of lo!atin+ fa"lts with &AM, &@M, -A2* and interr"pts. *oftware was also a le to display memory and alter memory as well as download new !ode and repro+ram F2A*> de(i!e for prod"!tion !ode pro+rammin+. 1as asked to help form a separate test department after !ompletin+ assi+nment with s"!h thoro"+hness. 1441 5 1441 *#&&, Santa &lara, &alifornia Desi+n ?n+ineer T1 ?!ho .an!eler -rimarily responsi le for firmware of a 68=08 ased !ontroller for a T1 e!ho !an!eler. Desi+ned operatin+ system "sin+ MotorolaNs ?DF kernel for &@M, &AM, 4o%&AM, alarms, and fi(e serial !omm"ni!ations ports. De(eloped proto!ol for !omm"ni!ation and implemented for oth 8051 and 68=08. 147C51441 S'', &oppland, #ew %ersey *enior Desi+n ?n+ineer 0epTrol and MassTrol &esponsi le for pro+rammin+ desi+n thro"+h prod"!tion of ind"strial instr"mentation prod"!ts, often "nder ri+id deadlines. Desi+ned and enhan!ed hardware and software for firmNs most profita le lines: two self !ontained ind"strial flow !omp"ters with analo+ and di+ital inp"ts and

o"tp"ts. De(eloped formal proposal ased on spe!ifi! needs of firmNs o"tside !lients. ?stimated time, feat"res and spe!ifi!ations of !"stom prod"!ts. 1orked dire!tly with !"stomers from the desi+n phase thro"+h final release. Ctili#ed skills in software en+ineerin+ to de(elop a men" dri(en m"ltitaskin+ operatin+ system with &*8=8 !omm"ni!ations and smart parsin+ for e$ternal !ontrol. .he!ked and de "++ed final prod"!t. -ro(ided operational information to ,"ality !ontrol and prod"!tion.

147B5147C Stockton &ollege, Stockton, #ew +ork &esear!h Desi+ner for the .hairman of the -hysi!s Department %is"al A"tomated Data 5atherin+ De(i!e /ndependently desi+ned, !onstr"!ted and operated an interfa!e that di+iti#ed !omposite (ideo si+nals from a ..T% !amera. The system was !apa le of !al!"latin+ the time dependen!e (ers"s position of se(eral independent o Ae!ts in real time. De(eloped and implemented all !ontrollin+ software in B)80 and 6508 Assem ly 2an+"a+e and Basi!. Education *to!kton .olle+e, *to!kton, 4ew Gork Ba!helor of Arts. May 1;8< D"al MaAors9 -hysi!s, .omp"tin+: Minor9 Mathemati!s .ornell Cni(ersity, *to!kton, 4ew Gork .o"rse work in ele!tri!al en+ineerin+ "nder the *to!kton .olle+e7.ornell e$!han+e pro+ram *anta .r"# ?$tension, *anta .lara, .alifornia J1;;8K @ Ae!t @riented Desi+n. Apple De(eloper Cni(ersity, ."pertino, .alifornia J1;;4K -ower-. Boot .amp. Motorola Te!hni!al Trainin+, *an Hose, .alifornia J1;;5K -ower-. Ar!hite!t"re. Apple, ."pertino, .alifornia J1;;4)1;;8K %ario"s mana+ement, s!hed"lin+, and employee relations !lasses. ,ersonal Almost e(ery Ao /N(e had has kept me "sy o"tside of the o"ndaries of the offi!e. /n order to try and keep a alan!e, / play ass in an &'B7Ha## +ro"p as well as arran+e and !hart m"si! for the other mem ers. / also work o"t re+"larly and play ra!,"et all. Cp

Resume C
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

%erom Ewans
-@ Bo$ =6<4< /ndianapolis, F2 =8;0= Mr. ?wans has two de!ades of e$perien!e on +o(ernment and !ommer!ial !ontra!ts as a .omp"ter ?n+ineer. >is work has in(ol(ed oth hardware and software desi+n, on le(els from systems to !omponents. >e has worked on ?m edded, *"n and -. platforms in appli!ations and real)time software7firmware desi+n for !omm"ni!ations and !ontrol systems, mi!ropro!essor) and mi!ro!ontroller) ased hardware7software desi+n and di+ital desi+n. >e !ontin"es to p"rs"e em edded systems proAe!ts whi!h e$er!ise and enhan!e his knowled+e, addressin+ ea!h !lientNs pro lems and +oals thro"+h !reati(e sol"tions. ffiliations; Cooper Computer Consulting8 Computer Engineer8 9) * present Desi+ned software7firmware for /nmarsat7/ntelsat satellite (oi!e7data networks, a"tomated T17?17-@T* test e,"ipment, 5-* lo!ator, *4M- a+ents7s" a+ents, ind"strial !ontrol systems, remote -. !ontrol, B/@*, -. de(i!e dri(ers and de "++ers. .o)desi+ned software for 5*M) ased wireless lo!al loop, .all Mana+ement JM.;=1K, ATM, /*D4 +ateway, /nternet)o(er) satellite, dynami! satellite network !hannel mana+ement, remote site monitorin+7!ontrol, ion implantators, intera!ti(e kiosks and -@* systems. Desi+ned hw7sw for -. inp"t de(i!es and M.C !ontrol systems. Thomson Corporation: ;o4<t =nformation S,stems Di48 Sr Engineer8 9( * 9) Desi+ned AT? software, !omm"ni!ations sim"lations and !omp"ter de(i!e dri(ers. .o) desi+ned DBM* software. The TSD Corp5: Tactical S,stems De4elopment8 Computer Engineer8 91 * 9( .o)desi+ned &-%, !omm"ni!ations and s"r(eillan!e systems software. Desi+ned !omp"ter de(i!e dri(ers. Cooper Computer Consulting8 Computer Engineer8 >9 * 91 Desi+ned mi!ropro!essor) and mi!ro!ontroller) ased !ontrol systems hardware7software. Education; B.*., Ma+na ."m 2a"de, .omp"ter ?n+ineerin+, Florida /nstit"te of Te!hnolo+y, Mel o"rne F2, 1;88 &learances; De riefed from all DoD Top *e!ret and other a+en!y */ a!!esses. Skills Summary; *oftware Desi+n ) Assem ly 2an+"a+es9 80$86, -/., 8051, 68=06, 68>.11, 801;6, 68<05, AD*-)8100, 680$0, 8080, 8085, 6508, 6800, 6805, 680;, .@-8, B8, B80, B180, ;;00, 80.166, 1808, 8650 and Ma!ro)11 *oftware Desi+n ) >i+h 2e(el 2an+"a+es72i raries9 .7.33 J%is"al7Borland7%is"alA+e75n"70eil7A4*/K, F@&T&A4, BA*/., %B, -as!al, A-2, .@B@2, MF., Btrie(e, dBase and */MA4 *oftware Desi+n ) 1indows ?n(ironments9 M*)1indows J=.$7;574TK, @pen1indows, *C4(iew, /nt"ition JAmi+aK *oftware Desi+n ) @peratin+ *ystems9 *olaris, *"n@*, M*)D@*, C4/F, F?4/F, %$1orks, %&TF, p*@*, .@*M@*, Ami+aD@*, &T)11, &*F)11M, &*T*7?, .-7M, @*78 and (ario"s proprietary em edded &T@*

*oftware Desi+n ) *ystems -ro+rammin+9 De(i!e Dri(ers, T*&s, De "++ers, 0ernels, 4etB/@* "tilities and -. B/@* *oftware Desi+n ) Appli!ations -ro+rammin+9 *atellite71ireless *ystems, .all Mana+ement JM.;=1K, -ro!ess .ontrol, AT?, *4M- A+ents, DA.. *wit!hin+, *i+nal -ro!essin+, F?., DA*, .omm"ni!ations, *im"lation, DBM* *oftware Desi+n ) ?m edded -ro!essor7&eal)Time *ystems9 -/., 8051, 68>.11, 68=06, 80$86, 68<05, 801;6, 80.=80, 8<.<50, 680$0, 80.166, .@-8, AD*-)8111, T/ =8051, 6508, 6800, and B807B180 systems >ardware Desi+n ) Mi!ropro!essor) ased9 80$86, 8085, 6508, 6800, B80, 1808 and 8650 family M-Cs >ardware Desi+n ) Mi!ro!ontroller) ased9 -/., 8051, 8<.<50, 68>.11, 68=06, 68<05, 801;6 and B180 M.Cs >ardware Desi+n ) F-5A 7 .-2D -ro+ramma le De(i!e desi+n "sin+ %>D2 >ardware Desi+n ) Di+ital9 $TT2, $.M@*, FA*T, ?.2, 5aAs *ystems Desi+n ) ?m edded -ro!essor 7 Dedi!ated Mi!ro!ontroller *ystems *iscellaneous capa6ilities; /n)>o"se -/., 8051, &a it8000, 8<.<50, 68=06, 68>.11, 68<0501, 80.1;6, 80.166, B8, .@-8, *ystroni$ ?m edded)Ha(a H*tamp, and *T71afers!ale -*D >ardware7*oftware De(elopment *ystems /n)>o"se .y+nal .8051F=00 Mi$ed)*i+nal M.C, T/ =80%.5416, AD*-)8111, T/ =8051, D*-56008 De( *ystems /n)>o"se 4etMedia *ite-layer Mi!ro!ontroller) ased 1e )*er(er De(elopment *ystem /n)>o"se M*)1indows7M*)D@* *oftware De(elopment on -enti"m /% platforms /n)>o"se Di+ital Desi+n 2a with Test ?,"ipment *ystem B/@* Modifi!ations for ?m edded -.s ,u6lications; O6508 >y rid @p!odes9 A 2ook /nside the 6508 M-CO .@MMA4D?&, De!88. OMa!hine 2an+"a+e Mas,"eradeO M/.&@.@M-CT/45, *ep80. ,artial &lient .ist E)nclassifiedF; .@M*AT 2a s, 2o!kheed Martin, *@TA*, A(en"e Te!hnolo+ies, 4ew Dire!tions, -*C)>ershey Medi!al .enter, 4.&, AT'T, D?., .ommodore)Ami+a, C2%A. 4orth Ameri!a, D"pont, Di(erse Data -rod"!ts, /nsite -eripherals, ?aton *emi!ond"!tor, M!.rory *tores, *o!ial *e!"rity Administration, 5o(ernment Tele!om /n!, *pe!tr"m /ntera!ti(e, *ears, &enaissan!e 5reetin+s, 2anier, *tar5lide, 4/>, 1hite >o"se .omm"ni!ations A+en!y, 4*A, D/A, 4&2, C*AF, C*4 Cp

Resume 7
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

%!GE2 'R!WS-$

18<0 *prin+ Dr. ?d(ille, T4 =<;=1 ,!S$'$!# "ES$RE"; *oftware ?n+ineer. E")& '$!#; M* in .omp"ter *!ien!e, The Cni(ersity of Tennessee, ?d(ille, Tennessee RE. 'E" E/,ER$E#&E; 011150110 Self5employed, Edville, '# *oftware ?n+ineer Contract 2ork! 1indows 4T appli!ations pro+rammin+ in .33 "ser interfa!e modifi!ation and e$pansion, error !orre!tion, !ode !lean"p . 1orkin+ on B80 and B180) ased em edded firmware addin+ new f"n!tions, !orre!tin+ errors, !ode !lean"p . Self*Education! 2earnin+ a o"t pro+rammin+ in HA%A 2earnin+ a o"t %$1orks real)time operatin+ system and its implementations Other! Takin+ !are a o"t important family iss"es. 144>50111 Saving Energy &orporation, Edville, '# *oftware De(elopment ?n+ineer esponsi-ilities! Desi+n and de(elopment of the "ser interfa!e, data !olle!tion, pro!essin+ and presentation pro+rams for 1indows =.1174T7;5 appli!ations. Desi+n and de(elopment of low)le(el firmware for the %5= ased $=86 lo+i! em edded appli!ation. The m"ltitaskin+, proprietary firmware !ode in!l"ded system start"p, !oordination etween tasks data a!,"isition, pro!essin+ and "ser interfa!e , system reset, interr"pt dri(ers, key oard, 2.D display, ta!hometer, hooks for interfa!in+ with hi+her)le(el .33 parts of the firmware and other ro"tines ne!essary for hardware !ontrol and set"p. .ode maintenan!e and ."stomer *er(i!e *"pport -ro(ision. Skills! 1indows =.117;574T system and appli!ation pro+rammin+ in!l"din+ serial /7@ and

m"ltitaskin+ "sin+ *D07A-/, MF., %is"al Basi!, %is"al .33, .33 B"ilder, (ario"s third party software pa!ka+es !ontainin+ +rids, ta s, serial !omm"ni!ation ro"tines, et!. Ad(an!ed .33 pro+rammin+ with o Ae!t oriented analysis and desi+n. All 1indows and most of em edded system pro+rammin+ was o Ae!t oriented. Familiarity with &ational &ose CM2. 4?. %5= mi!ropro!essor operation and assem ler pro+rammin+. A ility to read s!hemati!s for firmware de(elopment. Csin+ -.) ased em edded system de "++er from -aradi+m with the 5rammar ?n+ine, /n!. ?-&@M em"lator for !ode de(elopment. Csin+ os!illos!opes, lo+i! analy#ers, f"n!tion +enerators, et!., for software de(elopment and testin+. 1orkin+ knowled+e of -%.*, *tarTeam, /nstall*hield and %isio pro+rams.

144> 'ele,ort $nternational, $nc., Edville, '# *oftware ?n+ineer esponsi-ilities! De(elopin+ and de "++in+ software for the @M4/(iew ima+e transformation system Skills! -ro+rammin+ in the /ntel i;60 mi!ropro!essor . and assem ler lan+"a+es. Ctili#in+ the OMTIO m"ltitaskin+ operatin+ system C* *oftware .ompany for real time (ideo and ima+e)pro!essin+ p"rposes. /dentifyin+ and !orre!tin+ errors in e$istin+ firmware. 14745144> &omputing Systems, $nc., Edville, '# *oftware ?n+ineer esponsi-ilities! Desi+n and de(elopment of real time proprietary m"ltitaskin+ firmware for predi!ti(e maintenan!e (i ration data !olle!tors7analy#ers and other em edded appli!ations analy#er) printer adapter, ta!hometer, OsmartO attery !har+er, et!. De(elopment of new firmware and makin+ enhan!ements to e$istin+ firmware prod"!ts. Firmware maintenan!e identifyin+ and !orre!tin+ errors, "pdatin+ do!"mentation. &eleasin+ new (ersions of firmware to !"stomers. -ro(idin+ te!hni!al s"pport to employees and !"stomers. Skills! >D64180 and M68$$ mi!ropro!essor family assem ler pro+rammin+. A ility to read s!hemati!s for firmware de(elopment. Data a!,"isition and di+ital data pro!essin+. De(elopment and maintenan!e of the analy#er !ode re,"ired some asi! knowled+e of di+ital si+nal pro!essin+ in!l"din+ Fast Fo"rier Transform, samplin+, a(era+in+, windowin+, et!. Appli!ations of (i ration analysis in ma!hinery maintenan!e.

. and assem ler pro+rammin+ for /BM -. !ompati le !omp"ters. 147851474 'he )niversity of 'ennessee, &omputing &enter Edville, '# 5rad"ate Assistant 1as a mem er of the Cser *er(i!es math software s"pport +ro"p. esponsi-ilities! Cser !ons"ltin+. Tea!hin+ short !o"rses of MA.*GMA and MA-2? for st"dents and fa!"lty. Skills! -ro+rammin+ lan+"a+es9 F@&T&A4, ., -A*.A2, and A.*2: *ym oli! manip"lation systems9 MA.*GMA, MA-2?: Cser intera!tion with operatin+ systems9 D?. %M*, /BM .M*7M%*. @perational knowled+e of the M@T@&@2A 68000 mi!ropro!essor and the >- 64000 2o+i! De(elopment *ystem. Basi! knowled+e of parallel pro+rammin+ and pro+ram (e!tori#ation. ,ERS!# .; A C.*. !iti#en fl"ent in three lan+"a+es9 ?n+lish, &"ssian, and -olish. RE2ERE#&ES; A(aila le "pon re,"est. Cp

Resume 4
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

%ay '. 'homas

860 Ferry *treet &o!hester, 4.H. 0<;81 !B%E&'$(E; M"lti)dis!iplined desi+ner seeks te!hni!ally !hallen+in+ role in hardware7firmware de(elopment or+ani#ation. -osition wo"ld afford opport"nity to draw on 1<)years = years as employee of714 years as !ons"ltant to of *impson 1est 2a s7%in!ent Te!hnolo+ies de(elopment e$perien!e. My forte is em edded !ontrol appli!ations spe!iali#in+ in the n"mero"s proliferations of the /ntel M.*)51 8051)!ore Family of mi!ro!ontrollers . My traditional role as prin!ipal ar!hite!t for oth the di+ital desi+n and firmware on past proAe!ts, has fostered a +ood appre!iation for re!o+ni#in+7identifyin+ the potential hardware7firmware tradeoffs in an ar!hite!t"re ein+ !onsidered, res"ltin+ in a more)!oherent desi+n and a shorter prod"!t

de(elopment !y!le. / work e,"ally well independently, or as a mem er of a team and (ery m"!h enAoy ein+ e$posed to new knowled+e opport"nities and sharin+ my e$perien!e7knowled+e with others. S-$..S; P O; A##=?; Appli!ations pro+rammin+ in . and BA*/., real)time Assem ler)le(el firmware !odin+ for em edded !ontrol appli!ations, and the +eneration of mi!ro!ode in !"stom it)sli!e ar!hite!t"res. D=;=TAL 3A D2A E DES=;? Di+ital desi+n with an emphasis on "ilt)in dia+nosti!s, and maintenan!e !onsiderations "nit test, and system inte+ration e$perien!e. *pe!iali#ed in mi!ro!ontroller) ased desi+ns whose appli!ations ha(e in!l"ded em edded !ontrol for a"tomated test e,"ipment AT? , !omm"ni!ations !ontrollers, dia+nosti! e,"ipment, and fa"lt insertion7sim"lation platforms for a"tomated re+ression testin+. DATA CO##@?=CAT=O?S ?$perien!e with (ario"s syn!hrono"s7asyn!hrono"s !omm"ni!ations interfa!es and proto!ols, and a familiarity with the "se of the asso!iated test and desi+n (erifi!ation e,"ipment proto!ol analy#ers, T1 test sets, et!. DE7ELOP#E?T E?7= O?#E?TS Familiar with C4/F and D@* @peratin+ *ystems7"tilities and e$perien!ed with de(elopment tools in!l"din+ /n).ir!"it ?m"lators, *!hemati! .apt"re and *im"lation *ystems /ntel /.?) 5100, Meta2ink /!e Master, @&.AD, *.>?MA, Altera MAF3-2C*, AT'T *!hema . S@PE 7=S=O? A?D T A=?=?; *"per(ised Field *er(i!e !omp"ter repair and !ali ration +ro"p, and prepared and !ond"!ted !lasses at 4ational Te!hni!al *"pport Trainin+ fa!ility. C@STO#E S@PPO T A?D =?TE 0ACE ?$perien!e with on)site remedial and pre(entati(e maintenan!e at !"stomer fa!ilities, and !omponent le(el tro" leshootin+ on entire systems. E*,.!+*E#' H$S'!R+; 1A=4B 5 ,resent (incent 'echnologies formerly Simpson West .a6s Tools De(elopment 2a De(elopment and &eso"r!e Mana+ement Team ?mployed as tools de(eloper7 !ell team mem er with 2D&M 5ro"p whi!h pro(ided the plannin+, desi+n, installation and maintenan!e of the (ario"s proliferation s of AM-*7TDMA7.DMA !ell site !onfi+"rations for 1hippany) ased system test, system inte+ration, soft de(elopment, and !"rrent en+ineerin+ or+ani#ations . Defined re,"irements7spe!ifi!ations, desi+ned di+ital hardware, wrote firmware and -.) ased appli!ation pro+ram for a 5o74o 5o (e!tor file )dri(en a"tomated test fa!ility for the 5-/T*)/// B"ffer Board. 1503 m"!h)needed oards were ,"alified dia+nosed7repaired with the desi+n at an effe!ti(e yield of ;; . Defined re,"irements7spe!ifi!ations, desi+ned di+ital hardware, wrote firmware and worked

!losely with o"tside (endor to prod"!e the !ost)red"!ed and feat"re)enhan!ed f"n!tional alternati(e to the 0eithley Metro yte *ystem. These efforts alone res"lted in a to)date sa(in+s of =500 for the !ompany. Defined re,"irements7spe!ifi!ations, desi+ned di+ital hardware, wrote firmware and worked !losely with o"tside (endor to prod"!e the Cni(ersal .ontroller CA.B1 Board . Altho"+h ori+inally desi+ned for the &F /nterfa!e Cnits &F/C , the CA.B1 has pro(en itself to e a hi+hly (ersatile desi+n oth in terms of performan!e and relia ility , and has een s"!!essf"lly deployed in other platforms 2i(e2a , Mini 2i(e2a , and the a"tomated &F *wit!h Matri$ for the /@TA proAe!t. Defined re,"irements7spe!ifi!ations, desi+ned di+ital hardware and worked !losely with o"tside (endor to prod"!e ele!tri!ally !ontrolled A7B *wit!h to pro(ide a"tomated alarm fa!ility for the 2"!ent 4etwork 1ireless *ystems B"siness Cnit s 41*BC TDMA *eries)// *ystem Test or+ani#ation. These efforts res"lted in the si+nifi!ant red"!tion of the re+ression testin+ pro!ess. 1as re!o+ni#ed point of !onta!t for ,"estions7pro lems re+ardin+ the ele!tri!al interfa!es for the (ario"s de(elopment tools, the Atten"ation .ontrol *ystem A.* , the a"tomated alarm tool and the remote load7 oot fa!ility. 1as often !ons"lted on in)field s"pport and field trial iss"es. 11=41 5 11=4B Simpson West .a6s >ardware7Firmware Desi+n 4etwork 1ireless B"siness Cnit &esponsi le for the di+ital desi+n and firmware for the &e!ei(er &F1-A.0 and Transmitter TF8-A.0 !ir!"it pa!ks for the .>?B proAe!t. &esponsi le for the di+ital desi+n and firmware for the @pti!al .ontrol Cnit @.C for the Cni(ersal Fi er Mi!ro!ell proAe!t. Defined, !oded and tested spe!ial firmware load "tili#in+ the serial interfa!e of the B.F1 for the introd"!tion of the 2MT prod"!t at the %ehi!"lar Te!hnolo+ies .onferen!e %T. *how . Defined, !oded and tested C4=65 Alarm oard firmware. Desi+ned AT? A"tomated Test ?,"ipment hardware and firmware for fa!tory test platform whi!h si+nifi!antly red"!ed the time to test prod"!tion (ersions of the C4=65 Alarm oard. Defined, !oded and tested B.F17BFBF firmware, pro(idin+ the 2MT maintenan!e feat"res for the *eries)//, Cni(ersal, ?TA.* and HTA.* (ariations of the M/.&@.?22 proAe!t. 1orked !losely with >ardware7*oftware7/nte+ration and Test de(elopers to fa!ilitate the mi+ration of the 2MT prod"!t thro"+h ea!h phase of the de(elopment pro!ess pro(ided test s!ripts and plans to hardware inte+ration and fa!tory test en+ineers, worked !losely with software de(elopers d"rin+ inte+ration phase, (isited fa!tory to o ser(e testin+ pro!ed"res and pro(ide ,"idan!e, et!. -ro(ided te!hni!al s"pport, firmware and a"tomated test e,"ipment for the 6 5>#, M/.&@.?22 proAe!t. Defined, !oded and tested oth a 4TT and 4?. (ersion of *ystem .ontroller firmware for the Hapanese .ommon Amplifier -roAe!t. -erformed "nit testin+ and de(eloped an a"tomated !omm"ni!ations test fa!ility for the *ystem .ontroller for H.A.

.oded -.) ased parallel port)dri(en interfa!e "tility to s"pport the "nit testin+ of pro+ramma le synthesi#ers on the B.&1 oard. 1C=41 5 11=41 Simpson West .a6s Di+ital Desi+n7Test A(ioni!s *ystems Dept. *ystem test7tro" leshoot7repair of 5B/ and *5M !ir!"it pa!ks for .*- proAe!t. Desi+n7!apt"re of *ide)A of AT'T Ad(an!ed 5/--? !ir!"it pa!k for 2>F proAe!ts. Desi+n of *?M)? prototype oard for proAe!ts pendin+. 10=41 5 1C=41 Simpson West .a6s Test7*"pport ?n+ineer 2i+htwa(e >ardware De(elopment Dept. Desi+n !apt"re, pro+rammin+, and distri "tion of Altera MAF ?-2D de(i!es "sin+ Altera MAF3-2C* de(elopment system. 1rote . appli!ation pro+ram whi!h pro(ided a Ostep and repeatO fa!ility for O5er erO formatted printed !ir!"it desi+n files. .oded assem ler lan+"a+e maintenan!e monitor /ntel 80.158 Mi!ro!ontroller whi!h pro(ided a monitorin+ and !ontrol fa!ility for "nit testin+ efforts for the T5= Timin+ 5enerator ) *trat"m = !ir!"it pa!k. .oded assem ler lan+"a+e maintenan!e monitor /ntel 8<58 Mi!ro!ontroller whi!h pro(ided the me!hanism7interfa!e for testin+ desi+n (ia a serial proto!ol. Cnit Testin+ of T5= !ir!"it pa!k. *"pport of models pro+ram. 5eneral administration of !omponent and e,"ipment repair7rework re,"isitionin+. 1C=77 5 11=41 Simpson West .a6s Test7*"pport ?n+ineer A(ioni!s Desi+n Dept. Desi+ned test fi$t"re to s"pport interfa!e testin+ of 5ro"p B"s /nterfa!e 5B/ , *tati! 5lo al Memory *5M , *wit!h Mod"les and *wit!h .ontroller *?M)? mod"les with a Tektroni$ DA*;800. Desi+ned stand)alone test fi$t"res whi!h allowed test personnel to o ser(e and tro" leshoot, and esta lish a +eneral sanity of their desi+ns. 1rote . appli!ation and D@* at!h pro+rams that a"tomated the pro!ess y whi!h o"tp"t file of sim"lation tools wo"ld e ported, filtered and pro!essed into DA*;800 !ompati le format for s" se,"ent appli!ation to de(i!e "nder test. .oded pro+rams that performed the re(erse pro!ess, allowin+ (e!tors !apt"red from a de(i!e "nder test to e interro+ated in a C4/F7*"n 1orkstation en(ironment. -erformed system administrati(e f"n!tions and pro(ided te!hni!al assistan!e for the DA*;800 system and related test fi$t"res. .oded an assem ler lan+"a+e maintenan!e monitor /ntel 8<58 Mi!ro!ontroller that was in!orporated in prod"!t appli!ation loadO whi!h pro(ided an em edded dia+nosti! fa!ility on

the 5B/ *?M)?. 18=78 5 1C=77 Simpson West .a6s Test7*"pport ?n+ineer 2oop Transmission Dept. Desi+ned test fi$t"re and s"pported models pro+ram for the /*D4 T&C de(elopment pro+ram. De(eloped . !oded test7performan!e assessment monitor that pro(ided !ontrol and o ser(a ility o(er internal re+isters and reso"r!es of the /*D4 T&C desi+n. Desi+ned a hardware aid and resident software Bilo+ B)80 that !on(erted sim"lation tool) +enerated o"tp"t files into it streams of inp"t (e!tors, and !olle!ted o"tp"t (e!tors from a de(i!e7model "nder test. Desi+ned a -.) ased !ontroller oard whi!h +enerated and e$tra!ted "ser defined /*D4 data frames from serial it streams. De(eloped hardware7software tools to assess performan!e of s"spe!t !ost)red"!ed %2*/ A*/. new FAD !hip . Tools were instr"mental in findin+7!hara!teri#in+ the nat"re of the failin+ de(i!es. 10=7> 5 18=78 Simpson West .a6s Test7*"pport ?n+ineer 2oop Transmission Dept. Desi+ned test fi$t"re and s"pported models pro+ram for the 2ow Bit &ate %oi!e T.C pro+ram. De(eloped a . !oded test7performan!e assessment monitor that pro(ided !ontrol and o ser(a ility o(er the internal re+isters and reso"r!es of the 2B&% T.C. /nte+rated systems and !oded appli!ation pro+rams whi!h pro(ided for the +eneration of "ser defined it streams ser(in+ as desi+n7model inp"t, and desi+ned hardware whi!h !apt"red desi+n7model o"tp"t for "ser interro+ation. -erformed system test and inte+ration of Feat"re -a!ka+e D for the *2.);6 *eries 5 Di+ital 2oop .arrier *ystem. F@A First @ffi!e Appli!ation s"pport for Feat"re -a!ka+e D @rlando, Florida . 1C=7> 5 10=7> %ohnson &o., #. %. .ons"ltant Desi+n72ayo"t7Tro" leshootin+7/nte+ration of mi!ropro!essor ased ind"strial pro!ess !ontrollers for in)ho"se deployment. 1orked with a small "t talented en+ineerin+ +ro"p desi+nin+ monitorin+7!ontrol "nits for pharma!e"ti!al appli!ations. 10=71 5 1C=7> Electro Safety $nc., 2airfa<, #. %. 4ational Te!hni!al *"pport *pe!ialist ?sta lished, trained and s"per(ised the .omp"ter &epair Department. &esear!hed, prepared and !ond"!ted !lasses for in)ho"se and field personnel on mini!omp"ter and mi!ropro!essor) ased data a!,"isition and !ollation systems. /n(esti+ated and resol(ed !hroni! or persistent system pro lems and s"++ested modifi!ations

for an enhan!ed prod"!t performan!e. 1rote appli!ation pro+rams to fa!ilitate !"stomer tra!kin+7 illin+ and work order7material tra!kin+. 18=71 5 10=71 &omputer &ommunications, $nc., &upertino, &alifornia *enior ."stomer *er(i!e ?n+ineer ?mployed as *enior ."stomer *er(i!e ?n+ineer, was pro(ided e$tensi(e data !omm"ni!ations trainin+ on /BM !ompati le front end pro!essors and remote data !on!entrators. &esponsi le for the on)site maintenan!e of the !omm"ni!ations e,"ipment at an AT'T .omple$ in -is!ataway, 4H. .ompany filed .hapter 11 and my employment was terminated. 1A=C4 5 18=71 RapidSoft $nc., 2airfa<, #.% *enior >ardware *"pport ?n+ineer ?mployed as *enior >ardware ?n+ineer, typi!al responsi ilities in!l"ded the pre(enti(e and "ns!hed"led maintenan!e on si$ 5?7>oneywell 4=< d"al pro!essor systems, front end pro!essors, peripherals and related !omm"ni!ations +ear. /nstr"!ted new employees on hardware maintenan!e !on!epts and tro" leshootin+ te!hni,"es. 17=C7 5 1A=C4 'echnotron &orporation *enior >ardware *"pport ?n+ineer Attended the Data 5eneral Trainin+ Fa!ility for the 4o(a /// maintenan!e !o"rses. .onfi+"red, ,"alified, tro" leshot and repaired the a"tomated la oratory systems prior to !"stomer deli(ery. 14=C> 5 14=C7 2urroughs &orporation *enior >ardware *"pport ?n+ineer ?mployed as *enior Field *er(i!e ?n+ineer, typi!al responsi ilities in!l"ded the pre(enti(e and remedial ser(i!in+ at !"stomer fa!ilities on mainframes and asso!iated peripherals, administratin+ the te!hni!al li rary, maintenan!e lo+ and parts depot. E")& '$!#; 0;768 ) 067<8 Don Bos!o Te!hni!al >.*. Totowa, 4.H. .olle+e -reparatory and ?le!troni! Te!hnolo+y 107<8 ) 117<4 Metropolitan Te!hni!al /nstit"te Fairfa$, 4.H. ?le!troni! Te!hnolo+y and Di+ital Desi+n 117<4 ) -resent Appro$imately 5000 !lassroom ho"rs of spe!iali#ed ed"!ation at !orporate, (endor, and in)ho"se trainin+ fa!ilities for hardware7software desi+n7s"pport and maintenan!e. RE2ERE#&ES; F"rnished "pon re,"est.

.learan!es9 *e!ret .learan!e no lon+er a!ti(e . Cp

Resume 11
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

'H!* S S'!#ES
S)** R+; D*- -&@5&AMM/45 */54A2 -&@.?**/45 D/5/TA2 >A&D1A&? D?*/54 ?45/4??& S-$..S; DSP P OCESSO S / CO#PO?E?TS! T=! TM*=80.807.85, .5075875<, F840, 2F840<, .548, %.5410, .6801 #otorola! D*-56008, D*-56=0=, D*-56F805: AD=! AD*-8101 Di+ital Filters, .orrelators, %iter i De!oders, MA. s, 4.@ s, et!. D=;=TAL C= C@=T CO#PO?E?TS! Logic families! TT2, 2*TT2, FA*T, .M@*, >.M@*, ?.2, et!. #emories! &AM s, &@M s, -&@M s, ?-&@M s, F2A*>, et!. Assorted Mi!ropro!essors, CA&T s, -A2 s, A2C s, et!. A?ALO; C= C@=T CO#PO?E?TS! A7D and D7A .on(erters, A!ti(e and -assi(e Filters, Analo+ *wit!hes, @perational Amplifiers, %olta+e &e+"lators, @s!illators, .omparators, @pto /solators, 2?D72.D Displays, %ideo .ameras, Monitors, Transistors, &e!tifiers, *.& s, T&/A. s, 2ine Dri(ers7&e!ei(ers, Delta *i+ma, et!. S!2'W RE; MAT2AB (er)475 , ., D@*, 1indows, 1ord, ?$!el, .oreldraw, et!. Assem-l, Language! Ass t "-ro!essors, B)80, TM*=80.$$$ 7 D*-56$$$ DSP tools! .ode .omposer, .ode .omposer *t"dio, .ode1arrior -).AD 8000 -.B layo"t , -&@T?2 Ad(an!ed *!hemati! (er =.0 F"t"re)4et -. ased s!hemati! !apt"re software pk+. -AD*)-.B -. ased printed !ir!"it oard layo"t pk+. E")& '$!#; M*?? 1;85 from Cni(ersity of *o"thern .alifornia ) C*. Additional en+ineerin+ !o"rses taken in ??? pro+ram at C*.

B*?? 1;88 from .alifornia *tate Cni(ersity, 4orthrid+e ) .*C4 Areas of interest! .omm"ni!ations, Di+ital *i+nal -ro!essin+ D*Mem er of Ta" Beta -i, Mem er of /??? &e+istered -rofessional ?n+ineer -? ) *tate of .alifornia S)** R+; / ha(e had e$tensi(e e$perien!e as a hardware7software desi+n en+ineer doin+ di+ital lo+i! desi+n and assorted si+nal pro!essin+ pro+rammin+ tasks for (ario"s !ompanies o(er the past se(eral years. / ha(e worked oth as a permanent employee and, most re!ently, as a !ontra!t en+ineer oth independently and thro"+h (ario"s !ontra!t ho"ses . My e$perien!e in!l"des hardware and software desi+n of dedi!ated hi+h speed !ir!"itry as well as mi!ropro!essor !ontrolled em edded systems. /n addition, / ha(e desi+ned oth hardware and software to implement di+ital si+nal pro!essin+ D*- f"n!tions in!l"din+ di+ital filterin+ F/& and //& , si+nal mod"lation, demod"lation, dete!tion, analysis, synthesis, !on(ol"tion, !orrelation, !odin+, et!. / am also familiar with low)fre,"en!y s" )mi!rowa(e analo+ !omponents 7 !ir!"it desi+n. /n addition to the a o(e desi+n e$perien!e, / also ha(e stron+ pro lem sol(in+ and tro" leshootin+ skills. A!ademi! !o"rsework has in!l"ded s"!h topi!s as 2inear *ystem Theory, Di+ital *i+nal -ro!essin+, .omm"ni!ation Theory, *pe!tral ?stimation, ?rror .orre!tion .odin+, et!. / am familiar with 2apla!e 7 B 7 Fo"rier Transforms !ontin"o"s and dis!rete time , FFT s, Di+ital Filterin+, *amplin+, De!imation, /nterpolation, M"ltirate *i+nal -ro!essin+, et!. RE&E#' E*,.!+*E#' H$S'!R+; 0111 5 0110 Randolph .a6s .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& .ontin"ation of si+nal pro!essin+ software desi+n tasks from a prior !ontra!t assi+nment with the same !ompany to add new feat"res to the !ompanies (i ration analysis e,"ipment. Desi+n work in!l"ded assem ly and .)!ode ro"tines to implement m"lti ank Otra!kin+O filters these are independent, !onstant)M, //& andpass filters with pro+ramma le !enter fre,"en!ies . Also desi+ned m"lti ank O road andO filters similar "t with wider pass ands and pro+ramma le hi+h and low and ed+es . 1rote !ode to !omp"te &M* and a(era+e a sol"te (al"e metri!s from the a o(e filter o"tp"ts. /mplemented a lar+e 8M word data a!,"isition "ffer for si+nal analysis in the time domain. Added software f"n!tions for doin+ FFT a(era+in+ "p to 188 a(era+es for "p to 1880 FFT s in ea!h of 4 independent !hannels . A(era+in+ !o"ld e done either non)!oherently FFT ma+nit"de only or, !oherently in (e!tor form . %ario"s O!hannel mathO operations !o"ld e performed on the final a(era+ed FFT res"lts. 0111 5 0110 $rving &o. .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& /nitially translated older 80851 assem ly !ode files into newer .)!ode ro"tines. Then de(eloped oth . and assem ly !ode software for "se in !ontrollin+ a new Cninterr"pta le -ower *"pply

C-* desi+n. The !ode e$e!"ted on a Motorola D*-56F805 D*- !hip and was de(eloped with the Metrowerks now Motorola .ode1arrior !ompiler tools. The desi+n made e$tensi(e "se of the D*- s internal peripherals -1M s, A7D s, Timers, et!. to sa(e on e$ternal hardware. The desi+n in!l"ded software whi!h implemented (ario"s !losed loop !ontrol al+orithms. 0111 5 0110 R H ", $nc. .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& Brief !ontra!t assi+nment to instr"!t one of the !ompanies pro+rammers on pro+rammin+ pro!ed"res for a 2F840< motor !ontrol D*- !hip "sin+ a *pe!tr"m Di+ital e(al"ation oard. De(eloped skeleton !ode ro"tines to demonstrate how to pro+ram the !hip s -1M mod"les, Timers, /nterr"pt %e!tors, "rnin+ internal F2A*> memory, et!. for "se in (ario"s desi+ns. 1rote mis! assem ly !ode ro"tines to help speed "p the final !ode. 0111 5 0111 "igital "esign .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& ?$tensi(ely de "++ed and do!"mented le+a!y software written entirely in AD*-8101 assem ly !ode for "se in a di+ital re!ei(er. Dis!o(ered and !orre!ted se(eral s" tle desi+n "+s em edded in the ori+inal assem ly !ode to impro(e re!ei(er performan!e. -ro(ided detailed des!riptions of the !ode s si+nal pro!essin+ ro"tines all pre(io"sly "ndo!"mented . 0111 Satellite Systems .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& Brief !ontra!t to e(al"ate some e$istin+ -. ased .)!ode software and then translate it into new . and7or assem ly !ode ro"tines to r"n on a %.5410 D*- pro!essor. The appli!ation in(ol(ed ima+e !ompression7!odin+ ro"tines. After dis!o(erin+ se(eral errors in the initial software and r"nnin+ some preliminary D*- test !ode on a %.5410 e(al"ation oard, the !ompany went o"t of "siness and the !ontra!t was ne(er !ompleted. 1444 5 0111 tenko, $nc. .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& Brief !ontra!t to e(al"ate a *pe!tr"m ODaytonaO d"al .6801 D*- oard for "se in a 5-* related proAe!t. D"e to an internal !ompany reor+ani#ation whi!h res"lted in their ein+ a!,"ired y another !ompany, the !ontra!t was !an!eled. 1444 Star )nited &o. .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& Translated old si+nal pro!essin+ !ode ori+inally desi+ned to operate on the now o solete TM*=80.14 D*- pro!essor to the newer TM*=80F840 for a new line tra!er pipe lo!ator

prod"!t. 1447 5 1444 dvanced ,rocessing &ode .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& ?$tensi(ely de "++ed and !leaned "p e$istin+ D*-56008 si+nal pro!essin+ !ode to (astly impro(e the performan!e of earlier !ompany prod"!ts for "se in (i ration analysis and rotor7prop alan!in+ appli!ations. Then, translated the entire desi+n to r"n on a newer D*-56=0= D*- pro!essor. Added additional feat"res to +reatly enhan!e performan!e for an entirely new prod"!t line. *oftware desi+n in!l"ded oth assem ly as well as . !ode ro"tines to implement lar+e lo!k floatin+ point FFT s and (ario"s other si+nal pro!essin+ f"n!tions s"!h as di+ital de!imation filterin+, pro+ramma le time windowin+, s!alin+, #oomin+, et!. 1447 &rayton Systems .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& De "++ed a prototype TM*=80.548 D*- !ontroller oard for a 100k1 power prote!tion system. 1rote .548 assem ly !ode test ro"tines. Desi+ned an &*)8=8 interfa!e to !omm"ni!ate with the D*- pro!essor. >elped redesi+n and layo"t their ne$t +eneration si+nal pro!essor oard. 144C 'echical "esign .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& Desi+ned assem ly lan+"a+e D*- !ode al+orithms for the TM*=80.50 7 .5< pro!essors to implement (ario"s si+nal pro!essin+ f"n!tions s"!h as A5., DTMF dete!tion, F*0 dete!tion, FFT spe!tral analysis, tone dete!tion, di+ital F/&7//& andpass, lowpass, not!h filters, et!. Brief !ontra!t to desi+n TM*=80.50 assem ly !ode interfa!e ro"tines to a -/. mi!ro!ontroller as initial work for a new !omm"ni!ations proAe!t. Desi+ned di+ital hardware to +enerate test data se,"en!es syn!hroni#ed to the s!an rate of a ..D !amera and frame +ra er oard as a proof of !on!ept for a new opti!al !orrelator desi+n. Desi+ned software to implement a realtime 80)!hannel m"ltiple$ed di+ital filter pro!essor "sed to post)filter data from a ank of delta si+ma A7D !on(erters in an a"tomoti(e test ed appli!ation. The ro"tines were all written in assem ly !ode for a TM*=80.58 D*- pro!essor. 144B 5 1448 &omputer &ommunications ADHC4.T /4*T&C.T@& Ta"+ht (ario"s !o"rses and la s in ?le!troni!s, D. .ir!"it Analysis, A. .ir!"it Analysis and .al!"l"s. 147> 5 1448 'echno2a<, $nc. ?M-2@G?? 7 .@4T&A.T@& Desi+ned di+ital and analo+ !ir!"its and dire!ted di+ital desi+n in Di+ital *ystems &esear!h 2a while workin+ on the followin+ proAe!ts9

B/5 %/T?&B/ D?.@D?& B%D 9 Desi+ned di+ital and analo+ hardware to implement a pro+ramma le !onstraint len+th 0 ma$ 0P15 , rate 17r rP8,=,4,5,6 %iter i De!oder for the de!odin+ of spa!e!raft data. >ardware desi+n in!l"ded oth analo+ and di+ital +a"ssian noise so"r!es, sim"lated data +enerators, pro+ramma le data en!oders, *4& and Bit ?rror &ate B?& estimation, *ym ol *yn! and 4ode *yn! .orrelation !ir!"itry, internal self)test !ir!"itry, et!. *>CTT2? /MA5/45 &ADA& */&). 9 Desi+ned a data dem"ltiple$in+ system "sed to des!ram le information re!orded on the *pa!e *h"ttle s hi+h density data re!orders, a m"lti) tape "fferin+ "nit "sed to make !opies of the master tapes re!ei(ed from the sh"ttle and a hi+h speed parallel) to)serial !on(erter. 5A2/2?@ *)BA4D -&@H?.T9 1orked on !ontra!t to de(elop a m"lti!hannel &F 8;5 M># test si+nal +enerator "sed to sim"late the *pa!e!raft s transmitted *) and o"tp"t si+nal. This was "sed as a test si+nal so"r!e for the rest of the proAe!t whose f"n!tion was to ma$imi#e the ret"rn data rate from the spa!e!raft whi!h was +reatly diminished d"e to an antenna malf"n!tion . M@B/2? *AT?22/T? ?F-?&/M?4T M*AT)F 9 Desi+ned an all di+ital data mod"lator) demod"lator 8)-*0 modem "sin+ the TM*=80807.85 series of D*- pro!essors. Desi+n in!l"ded a B)80 !ontrolled &*)8=8 interfa!e to an /BM)-. for software de(elopment and downloadin+ pro+ram !ode into the TM*=80807.85 pro!essor oards. Desi+ned oth analo+ and di+ital filters to remo(e intersym ol interferen!e y p"lse shapin+ "sin+ s,"are root, raised !osine p"lse shapes the transmitted sym ols. AD%A4.?D &?.?/%?& -&@H?.T9 Desi+ned ele!troni!s for an all di+ital re!ei(er in!l"din+ an /7M ,"adrat"re demod"lator with de!imation filterin+ and other assorted si+nal pro!essin+ !ir!"itry . *?A&.> F@& ?FT&AT?&&?*T&/A2 /4T?22/5?4.? *?T/ 9 Desi+ned a 16 Me+a yte dynami! &AM D&AM memory oard for "se in a 8)million point !omple$ FFT spe!tr"m analy#er. *GMB@2 *T&?AM .@MB/4?& **. 9 Desi+ned di+ital hardware to !om ine to+ether sym ol streams from se(eral so"r!es to in!rease the *4& of the re!ei(ed sym ols when arrayin+ se(eral antennas to+ether. dditional comments; / am a (ery Ohands)onO en+ineer and am at home workin+ in a la oratory en(ironment. / am familiar with most types of test e,"ipment o)s!opes, lo+i! analy#ers, et!. and ha(e enAoyed desi+nin+, "ildin+, testin+ and tro" leshootin+ (ario"s ele!troni! !ir!"its oth for work and as a life lon+ ho y. Cp

Resume 11
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

3regory *ichelline
18< 4orth Dri(e

*arato+a, F2 =48=6 'E&H#$& . S)** R+ #anagement! *i+nifi!ant e$perien!e mana+in+ software teams from small software +ro"ps to lar+e systems software inte+ration +ro"ps of 803 mem ers. Ca-le T7! -ossess a workin+ knowled+e of *!ientifi! Atlanta di+ital set top en(ironment, as well as the 5eneral /nstr"ment !a le set top en(ironment in!l"din+, 5/ .FT8800 with appropriate head end e,"ipment. ;PS! ?$tensi(e a!k+ro"nd in differential 5-*, in!l"din+ &T.A)D@)81<, &T.M)*.)104 (ersions 1 ' 8, Ma+na(o$ and Motorola differential data formats. Ba!k+ro"nd also in!l"des knowled+e of se(eral D5-* re!ei(ers Trim le, Ma+na(o$, Motorola, Ashte!h, and 2itton , and knowled+e of A&/4. <4=A Air orne 5-* &e!ei(er spe!ifi!ations and the FAA *oftware .ertifi!ation *tandard &T.A)D@)1<8B. Communications/Protocols! All /- related proto!ols T.-, *4M-, CD-, FT-, TFT-, &/-, et! . *olid a!k+ro"nd in se(eral other proto!ols %.=5, D*1 DT)1E, /*D47B&/, ?/A7&* 8=87488744;, ?thernet, MA. layer proto!ols, A&-, F.85, @*-F, /*D4, .24-, /D&-, /nte+rated /*)/* >D2. 4&M, A&M , 22.)1, 2A-)B. *pe!ialty knowled+e in A&/4. proprietary proto!ols ?A.A&*, A&/4. 48; A(ioni!s proto!ol standard and A&/4. <84B, A.A&*, spe!ifi!ation. Software Languages! *tron+ a!k+ro"nd in . Cniware, Mi!rote!, /ntermetri!s, Borland, Mi!rote!, and Mi!rosoft . !ompilers . Motorola 68080 Assem ly lan+"a+e, -27/, ADA, -as!al, Fortran, and Basi! lan+"a+es. Operating S,stems! *i+nifi!ant e$perien!e workin+ with C4/F *ystem % in!l"din+ the "se of the C4/F Make "tility, *..*, and . shell. 0nowled+ea le in D@* on /BM -. !ompati le ma!hines, as well as p*@* and MT@* on em edded hardware platforms. *et)top @* s like %$1orks and -owerT%. 3ardware! -ossess e$perien!e workin+ with se(eral !a le set top de(i!es7head)end e,"ipment, Motorola 680$0 %M? ased platforms, *C4 *-A&. /-F systems, and Applied Mi!ro, and BAF in)!ir!"it em"lators for Motorola 68080 Mi!ro pro!essors. -roto!ol analy#er e$perien!e in!l"des Atlanti! &esear!h 4600 and 6600 and -. ased proto!ol sim"lators 2M1, *.., and -a!ifi! A(ioni!s 48; em"lators, as well as, -. and *C4 ased m"ltiport !ontrollers. ,R!2ESS$!# . E/,ER$E#&E -aren*edia, $nc., Bradton, 2lorida 0=11 5 ,resent Dire!tor of Broad and Te!hnolo+ies. Fo"ndin+ mem er of start)"p (ent"re tar+etin+ !olle!tion of a"dien!e (iewin+ information from di+ital !a le T% systems. /n(ol(ed in identifi!ation and definition of spe!ifi! prod"!t offerin+s ased on te!hnolo+y and tar+et !"stomer market. &esponsi ilities in!l"ded9 re,"irements, desi+n, s" )!ontra!tor hirin+ and !ontra!ts, s!hed"le and e$e!"tion of prod"!t. @ther d"ties in!l"de "siness plan de(elopment, reso"r!e plannin+, marketin+, !"stomer

resear!h and identifi!ation, as well as ne+otiations and !ontra!ts with hardware7software s"ppliers. eronautical Systems, $nc., Hapolis, *aryland 10=47 5 0=11 *taff -rin!ipal ?n+ineer ) *ystem ?n+ineer for %>F Data 2ink. Mem er of a small systems en+ineerin+ team desi+nin+ a state of the art, 100M di+ital air +ro"nd %>F network. &esponsi le for determinin+ re,"irements, proto!ols, interfa!es and system de!omposition for a (ery lar+e air +ro"nd network to e deployed o(er all land !o(ered areas of the +lo e. *ystem will allow any air!raft to talk to its airline host or .AA thro"+h this di+ital &F network. Data will e passed o(er oth /- ased proto!ols and /*@ proto!ols like .24-. The system was modeled "sin+ @@ systems desi+n te!hni,"es. B"S5 ,E/, Rum6ia, *aryland 11=4C 5 10=47 Pro$ect #anager * Design and de4elopment of inno4ati4e ca-le T7 applications5 2ead of 5 software and systems en+ineers that desi+ned ret"rn path appli!ations for 5/ .FT8800s deli(ered on a &F proprietary !ell"lar ret"rn path or o(er .@T* s"pplied ?*'F. &esponsi ilities in!l"ded9 system desi+n and re,"irements, allo!ation of re,"irements to the appropriate .@T* prod"!ts and !"stomer s"pplied >1, and interfa!e definition. &esponsi le for settin+ and mana+in+ !"stomer e$pe!tations and for rin+in+ to a positi(e !on!l"sion any !"stomer iss"es. Mana+ed proAe!t "d+et, profit mar+in, proAe!t s!ope, prod"!t re,"irements, and !"stomer in(oi!in+. The res"ltin+ system in!l"ded a !"stom desi+ned hardware &F modem and +ro"nd "p software de(elopment of 68=407MF;1;A !ode in!l"din+ a !"stom proto!ol for deli(ery of !a le ret"rn data from a 8000 "nit !ell. The 5/ .FT8800 A-/ appli!ation wo"ld +ather data and ret"rn the data o(er the &F modem or ?*'F on a two way !a le plant. At the head end the data was retrie(ed and sent to a we ser(er o(er the /nternet for in!l"sion in a proprietary appli!ation. Data !o"ld e a!!essed from the we (ia >TM2 from the @ra!le data ase . #anager &esponsi le for +eneratin+ proposals, seekin+ new "siness opport"nities, and pro(idin+ te!hni!al e(al"ation of potential !orporate a!,"isitions. Monitor and e(al"ate performan!e of 5 senior software en+ineers. Make proAe!t assi+nments ased on the !apa ilities of indi(id"al en+ineers. &esponsi le for ens"rin+ prod"!t ,"ality y followin+ /*@);001 de(elopment and "siness pro!esses. eronautical Systems, $nc., Hapolis, *aryland 11=7C 5 11=4C #anager /Technical Lead of 30 ;lo-al Data Communication S,stem5 2ead of 80)85 systems, hardware, software, and test en+ineers. 4 million dollar proAe!t with a (ery a++ressi(e 11 month s!hed"le that allows +lo al data !omm"ni!ations for the airline ind"stry. &esponsi ilities in!l"ded9 te!hni!al !ontent, team sele!tion, s!hed"le, and pro!ess ,"ality. %M?768040,

.is!o, A-., . !ode, p*@* #anager of =ntegrated Arinc ;round Station =A;S Team5 Mana+er of 8)18 person te!hni!al team de(elopin+ Air to 5ro"nd &F 5ro"nd *tations. &esponsi le for te!hni!al leadership, performan!e e(al"ation and stat"s reportin+. Also responsi le for employee trainin+ and de(elopmental needs. Technical and S,stems Lead for turnke, =A;S5 2ead of 15 )18 software, systems and test en+ineers. The res"ltin+ Air!raft datalink system has een s"!!essf"lly sold internationally. &esponsi le for all te!hni!al aspe!ts of the +ro"nd station portion of system, in!l"din+ the software ar!hite!t"re, systems !omponent sele!tion, !omponent inte+ration, proAe!t7team mana+ement and (alidation of prod"!t ,"ality. . !ode, p*@* @* Software Lead for protot,pe =A;S5 &esponsi le for deli(ery of 680407%M? ased %>F +ro"nd station in (ery short time frame 8 months . De(eloped estimate, prod"!ed plan, o(ersaw e$e!"tion of plan and (erified ,"ality of prod"!t. . !ode, p*@* @* #anager of Air Traffic Software S,stems Engineering5 Mana+er of 8 software en+ineers de(elopin+ air7+ro"nd (oi!e ser(i!es and 5-* related software. S2 Lead for ;PS elated S,stems5 2ead of 4 mem er software team. -rimary !onta!t to the *ystems ?n+ineerin+ +ro"p d"rin+ the *ystem)2e(el &e,"irements and Desi+n phases. &esponsi le for ens"rin+ !ontin"ity thro"+ho"t 5-* related software prod"!ts. 2ead *1 en+ineer on end)to)end differential 5-* messa+e deli(ery and (erifi!ation to !ommer!ial airlines system. &esponsi le for *C4) ased prod"!t that road!asts (alidated differential messa+es to air!raft and then (alidated that the "plinked data was !orre!t. . .ode, C4/F *ystem % S2 Lead for ;PS Precision Approach Ser4ices ;PAS 5 *C4 ased prototype differential 5-* messa+e deli(ery system. This prod"!t de!oded &T.M)*.)104 from a Trim le differential re!ei(er and deli(ered an A&/4. defined D5-* messa+e o(er A.A&* to a 2itton air orn D5-* re!ei(er for aidin+ in an air!raft pre!ision approa!h. . .ode, C4/F *ystem % ;PS ;round Station ;;S S2 lead5 This -. ased differential deli(ery system deli(ered an &T.M)*.)104 differential messa+e as an A.A&* printer "plink to an air!raft a(ioni!s demonstration pallet. The air!raft pallet in!l"ded a -. ased A.A&* 48; printer em"lation that presented the "plinked messa+e in a reada le format. . .ode, D@* @* Pro$ect Leader on the ACA S ;round Cluster Controller ;CC s,stem release5 &esponsi le for all phases of the proAe!t life !y!le in!l"din+ esta lishment of milestones, !oordination of tasks within and etween different f"n!tional areas, and the or+ani#ation of the workload for pro+rammin+ team in order to meet deadlines. This release was s"!!essf"lly fielded onto a li(e network. . .ode, MT@* @* Support engineer for ;CC S2 de4elopment5 /n(ol(ed in all phases of software de(elopment. Desi+n, !odin+, testin+ and inte+ration of software for a real)time, m"ltitaskin+ mi!ro pro!essor ased !omm"ni!ations system that f"n!tions as a !ondenser and messa+e pro!essor for a nationwide air to +ro"nd !omm"ni!ations system "sed y !ommer!ial

airlines A.A&* . *o"r!e !ode was in . r"nnin+ on a proprietary real)time operatin+ system. The de(elopment en(ironment was C4/F. . .ode, MT@* @* #em-er of ACA S technical re4iew -oard5 As a mem er of te!hni!al re(iew oard for A.A&* was responsi le for the e(al"ation of te!hni!al options and makin+ re!ommendations to senior le(el mana+ement. *oftware desi+n and do!"mentation followed A&/4. *oftware De(elopment *tandard ased "pon DoD)*TD)816<A. E")& '$!# B.*. .omp"ter *!ien!e Go"n+stown *tate Cni(ersity Minor9 Mathemati!s Go"n+stown, @hio 44485 Minor9 ?le!tri!al ?n+ineerin+ Te!h. H"ne 1;8< "E*!#S'R '$!#S A??. meetin+ in >o"ston, TF, @!to er 1;;1, Asian Aerospa!e *how and 4th ann"al Air Traffi! *ymposi"m in *in+apore, Fe r"ary 1;;8. 2ead *oftware en+ineer and software s"pport for demonstration of D5-* o(er A.A&* with the addition of air!raft a(ioni!s em"lation. @&D fli+ht testin+ trials, >o"ston, TF, A"+"st 1;;1 ) H"ly 1;;8. Trials of Differential 5-* o(er A.A&* data link with testin+ of 2itton a(ioni!s air!raft in real world en(ironment. 1.4* symposi"m in &eston, %A, H"ne 1;;=, Dallas Fort 1orth DF1 Ameri!an Airlines fli+ht testin+, Dallas, TF, H"ne 1;;= ) -resent 2ead software en+ineer for in!orporation of D5-* messa+e inte+rity and data link inte+rity, and s"pport of D5-* fli+ht test with !ommer!ial air!raft in real world en(ironment. Cp

Resume 10
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

(iral Sinderate
;08 @!ean 2ine Billeri!a, MA 01886 ,R!2$.E S)** R+; *"!!essf"l, self)moti(ated en+ineerin+ professional with e$tensi(e e$perien!e workin+ within teams, s"per(isin+ te!hni!al personnel, and e$!eedin+ te!hni!al desi+n and de(elopment +oals and o Ae!ti(es. ?$tensi(e >ands)on e$perien!e in the area of ?le!troni!s, .omp"ter ?n+ineerin+ and ?m edded *ystems >ardware and *oftware for appli!ations in Data)!omm"ni!ation and -ro!ess A"tomation ind"stries. Areas of e$pertise in!l"de e$tensi(e ind"stry knowled+e, pra!ti!al e$perien!e in the de(elopin+, maintainin+, and impro(in+ en+ineerin+ pro!esses, and e$!ellent interpersonal !omm"ni!ation. W!R-5E/,ER$E#&E;

nalog Systems H "evices, $nc., )S 11=0111 &urrent *r. >ardware Appli!ations ?n+ineer As a mem er of team desi+nin+ the 4e$t)+eneration !hipsets for m"lti)port .entral @ffi!e modem, desi+ned and de(eloped = different software De(elopment -latforms. They are ased on AD*-)81;1 and AD*-)815=5 Bla!kfin D*-s in m"lti)pro!essor ar!hite!t"re. The on)+oin+ proAe!t is a -ower-. M-.8860 ased platform to e "sed as Mana+ement ?ntity !ontroller for all ?(al"ation oards and &eferen!e desi+ns. 1orked with Altera s F-5As A.?F 10 and A-?F // , desi+ned oard le(el interfa!es9 Top) down di+ital system desi+n, sim"lation and (erifi!ation "sin+ M"art"s // tool %erilo+ . Desi+ned &eferen!e7Demo oard of /nte+rated %oi!e and Data m"ltiport .@ modem, "sin+ !"rrent AD*2 !hipsets and telephony !hipset. &esponsi le for desi+nin+ >1 systems, s!hemati! entry %iewDraw , Board desi+n for si+nal inte+rity of >i+h *peed B"s, de "+ and test. &reeks utomation, $nc., )S 1A=0111 11=0111 ?m edded -roAe!t ?n+ineer *ystem Desi+n9 1orked with the !"stomer to finali#e the interfa!es, spe!ifi!ations and proAe!t s!hed"le of material handlin+ &o ot. .onfi+"red -.7104 oards to meet system re,"irements of new prod"!t. The a$is !ontrol is a!hie(ed thro"+h motors !ontrolled y fo"r D*-s TM*=80.40 . ?m edded real time software de(elopment9 De(eloped and de "++ed s"per(isory software for 80=86 system, r"nnin+ "nder %$1orks &T@* for ro ot traAe!tory plannin+ and e$e!"tion, model tor,"e !omp"tation, wafer mappin+ and motor phase an+le estimation. H''R $nternational, $nc., )S 1>=1444 10=0111 2ead Desi+n ?n+ineer 2ead a team of 4 desi+n en+ineers. /nitiated dis!"ssions with the !"stomer to finali#e the spe!ifi!ations and s!hed"le of a mi!ro!ontroller ased %ersatile -ro!ess Cnit s"pportin+ >A&T proto!ol for network and 1e )ena led , whi!h mediated different f"n!tions re,"ired for the >%A. appli!ations. Desi+ned the system hardware and software ar!hite!t"re , s!hemati!s and oards. 1orked on inte+ration, de "++in+ and demonstration. -RS5S+S 'E&H#!.!3$ES ,('. .'", $ndia. 144A 1444 -rin!ipal ?n+ineer / was a senior te!hni!al person of this !ompany, whi!h had many standard prod"!ts and also spe!iali#ed in !"stom)desi+ned proAe!ts in !omp"teri#ed -ro!ess A"tomation. >oldin+ (ario"s positions, / e$e!"ted o(er 80 proAe!ts. -roAe!t mana+ement and ."stomer liaison9 2ead the teams of 4)6 desi+n en+ineers for !"stom) "ilt proAe!ts. Desi+ned the systems >1 and *1 ar!hite!t"res of 14 !"stom desi+ned proAe!ts. 1orked on desi+nin+ of standardi#ed -.Bs, de "+ and testin+. Also de(eloped 10 !riti!al firmware mod"les, in Assem ly and ..

2ist of maAor proAe!ts9 Data A!,"isition ' Analysis *ystem, 5ro"p Alarm Display, .omp"teri#ed -"mp Test *ystem, AT? to test Motor *tarters and AT? to test .onta!tors, *mart Transmitter, Data A!,"isition ' Analysis *ystem for Dehydration -ro!ess, AT? for Testin+ Assem led -.Bs9 Total 8 -roAe!ts , 84 Bone -/D .ontroller with Datalo++in+ and -. interfa!e, Fo"r Bone -/D .ontroller. Raoday Syscon ,vt. .td, ,une, $ndia. 147B 144A Te!hni!al Mana+er This is an Ameri!an Hoint %ent"re .ompany man"fa!t"rin+ Mi!ropro!essor ased A"tomation -rod"!ts and A!!essories. Hoined this start"p !ompany from its in!eption with the !omplete responsi ility of r"nnin+ it s entire te!hni!al operations. 1orked on (ario"s -roAe!ts and mana+ed +ro"ps of ?n+ineers. .o(ered liaison with C* .olla orators on all the te!hni!al matters, re)en+ineerin+ of the prod"!ts, & ' D of new prod"!ts, Analo+7Di+ital !ir!"its ' oards, Assem ly7. -ro+rammin+. 1orked on Motorola 68B0; ased instr"ments for Analysis of molten .ast /ron and pre!ise meas"rement of Temperat"re of molten *teel, ../. Al"min"m in f"rna!e7ladles for *teel -lants and Fo"ndries. -/D .ontrollers, *!anners and 68>.05 ased spe!ial type of /ndi!ators. 1orked o"t spe!ifi!ations, *ystem Desi+n, .ommissionin+, ."stomer s"pport, te!hni!al do!"mentation of (ario"s t"rn)key /nstr"mentation -roAe!ts "sin+ *ensors7A!t"ators, Datalo++ers, -/D .ontrollers and -.s. *ystem Desi+n of *oftware pa!ka+es in . for data ase +eneration and Analysis of -ro!ess -arameters Trendin+, >isto+rams, Alarm Analysis "sin+ these instr"ments in 4etwork. $ndian Space Research !rgani@ation s 14C0 147B Desi+n ?n+ineer *tarted !areer with Di+ital *ystems Di(ision of *pa!e A+en!y and desi+ned Di+ital data) !omm"ni!ation systems for *pa!e *atellites and !"stom AT?s. &esponsi le for the desi+n, man"fa!t"re, testin+ and operations of Telemetry and Tele!ommand *ystems -.M .omm"ni!ation and AT?s. @n) oard .ommand .ontrol Cnit to swit!h on7off the .ameras to +et ma$im"m data !o(era+e of low or it Bhaskara / and // &emote *ensin+ *atellites. ,R!2ESS$!# . S-$..S; 3ardware Proficienc,! Di+ital, Analo+ and Mi$ed *i+nal systems desi+n, AD.7DA.s, .omm"ni!ation and other -eripheral De(i!es, >i+h *peed "s interfa!e, *!hemati! Desi+n and .apt"re, Board Desi+n "sin+ latest .AD tools in!l"din+2ayo"t7Artwork7Fa 7Assem ly ,Testin+, De "++in+ and do!"mentation. ?$perien!e on &eal Time @peratin+ *ystems and *oftware7 Firmware Desi+n. #icroprocessors/#icrocontrollers/DSP! 87167=8 it pro!essors system desi+n. >ands on e$perien!e with Analo+ De(i!es D*-s, /ntel7 Motorola Mi!ropro!essor7 Mi!ro!ontrollers. 1orked with followin+ pro!essors9 AD*-)81;1, AD*-)81;8, AD*-)815=5 Bla!kfin , M-.8860 -ower-. , 16.<4, 8085, 8086, $86, B80, 68B0;, 680, 68>.05, 68>.<050H1, 68>.08, 68>.11716, 8051758, 80.5=575=<, 8;.51, 80.=80, 80=86 ' many others. 0P;A/CPLD! Altera s A.?F 10 and A-?F 800 families /nterfa!es and pro+rammin+ , 2atti!e -2Ds and -A2s. De4elopment Tools! /nno(eda s %iewDraw *!hemati! !apt"re7 analysis Assem lers, . .ross)

.ompilers, *im"lators, /n)!ir!"it ?m"lators, 2o+i! Analy#ers, %ario"s -. ased desi+nin+ 7de "++in+ tools, Di+ital7 *tora+e @s!illos!opes, *pe!tr"m Analy#ers and many Test and Meas"rement /nstr"ments, M*)A!!ess, M*)-roAe!t, -%.* Languages! Assem ly, ., .33, %erilo+7 %>D2. Operating S,stems/ TOS! M*)D@*, 1in ;57;874T, %$1orks, p*@*, @*); S,stem Design! Di+ital Data .omm"ni!ation, $D*2, ->G interfa!es of C*B, ?thernet, CA&T, /???)488, &*)8=87488, &*)485, MC2T/BC*, %M? "s, -./ and similar serial as well parallel ports7 "ses for data e$!han+e and their dri(ers. -ro!ess A"tomation appli!ations in!l"de F/?2DBC* *ystems /nd"strial 4etworkin+ Monitorin+ and .ontrollin+ Field /nstr"ments ha(in+ !onne!ti(ity to -.s o(er standard 4etworkin+ -roto!ols and Data A!,"isition *ystems and *.ADA. 0nowled+ea le on different /nd"stry *tandards and MA pro!ed"res. ;ood Anowledge on! Tele!om and /nternet Te!hnolo+y, AD*27$D*2, ATM and /- 4etworks, /???7/TC *tandards and @*/ Models And many /nd"stry *tandards in my area. Leadership and customer support! Assessment and e$e!"tion !apa ility to work independently on a proAe!t from s!rat!h to finish y "sin+ proper te!hni,"es and tools. .oordinatin+ with the team mem ers effe!ti(ely and +"idin+ the A"nior mem ers, Do!"mentation, Te!hni!al writin+ Data sheets, Appli!ation 4otes, Man"als, Desi+n &eports et!. , pre)sale and post)sale ."stomer s"pport7 demos7 trainin+. E")& '$!#; Fo"r)year Ba!helor of ?n+ineerin+ De+ree with >onors in ?le!troni!s and Tele!omm"ni!ations from Cni(ersity of -"ne, /ndia. ,)B.$& '$!#S= &!#2ERE#&ES; 16 Desi+n /deas and 10 arti!les in te!hni!al Ao"rnals. -arti!ipated in se(eral te!hnolo+y !onferen!es and shows, representin+ my !ompany. !B%E&'$(E ; *enior ?m edded7>ardware ?n+ineer or Mana+er Desi+n7Appli!ation -ermanent position7 lon+ !ontra!t preferred 9 >1B (isa transfer re,"ired RE2ERE#&ES; A(aila le on re,"est. Cp

Resume 1A
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

,R "EE, ( S $
;81 .orner -alm Dri(e

Deep %alley, .A ;=065 S)** R+ !2 E/,ER'$SE De(elopment of real)time em edded systems "tili#in+ mi!ropro!essors and mi!ro!ontrollers /mplementation of 2A471A47%o/-7Fa$ proto!ols and D*- al+orithms Firmware desi+n7de(elopment for ad(an!ed mod"lar telephones >ost7D*- !omm"ni!ations interfa!e, de(i!e dri(ers desi+n and implementation 0ey !ontri "tor in all sta+es of prod"!t de(elopment from !on!ept to implementation ., .33, Assem ler and D*- pro+rammin+ &T@* and De(elopment tools in!l"din+ /n).ir!"it ?m"lator ' De "++er ?$!ellent !omm"ni!ation, leadership, analyti!al and pro lem sol(in+ skills

W!R- E/,ER$E#&E 0110 5 present Step6oard &orporation, Bernard, & *enior ?m edded *oftware ?n+ineer ?m edded hardware and software sol"tions for !on(er+ed network !omm"ni!ations De(eloped Appli!ations -ro+rammin+ /nterfa!e A-/ software for >.=8= !onferen!in+ appli!ations De(eloped, implemented and tested firmware for T1 7 ?1 pro+ramma le *in+le).hip Trans!ei(er 1orked with %M? and !ompa!t -./ "s interfa!es 0111 5 0110 Smart &ommunications, Eastlake (illage, & *enior *oftware ?n+ineer *oftware de(elopment for (oi!e)data inte+rated a!!ess de(i!e *oftware inte+ration for data and (oi!e appli!ations Desi+ned, de(eloped and implemented T1 dri(er software De(eloped interfa!in+ appli!ations with M"lti)link --- 1A4 proto!ol /mplemented inter)pro!essor !omm"ni!ations /mplemented proto!ol sta!ks and state ma!hines 9 >.=8=, M5.-, .A*

144C 5 0111 (ortel #etworks, &anada H ).S. *enior *oftware 7 D*- 7 Firmware ?n+ineer %oi!e o(er /- appli!ations software de(elopment /mplemented Media +ateway and *i+nalin+ +ateway proto!ols Desi+ned and implemented !omm"ni!ations etween >ost pro!essor and D*/mplemented Transparent .ommon .hannel *i+nalin+ proto!ol 1orked with T.-, CD-, &T-, &T.- appli!ations -arti!ipated and !ontri "ted to ar!hite!t"ral desi+n dis!"ssions

1447 5 0111

(ortel #etworks, Belleville, &anada *oftware 7 D*- Desi+n ?n+ineer De(eloped !all pro!essin+ and /*D4 si+nalin+ for %oi!e networkin+ *"pported D*- feat"res 9 modem, fa$ relay, e!ho !an!eller Desi+ned, de(eloped, implemented and tested *i+nalin+ D*- dri(er 144C 5 1447 (ortel #etworks, &algary, &anada Firmware Desi+n ?n+ineer Firmware desi+n and implementation for .aller /D, .all 1aitin+ phones De(eloped telephony and "ser interfa!e for Two)line AD*/ s!reen phone Desi+ned and implemented st"tter dial tone dete!tion feat"re 1448 5 144C "E 'echnology, (ancouver, &anada *enior Di+ital Desi+n ?n+ineer /n(esti+ated different proto!ols for home a"tomation systems Desi+ned an intelli+ent residential li+htin+ !ontrol system prototype "sin+ ?/A s .?B"s standard 1441 5 1448 *arat Electricals .imited, Bangalore, $ndia Mana+er ' *enior ?n+ineer 2ed and mana+ed software de(elopment of a"tomation and tele!omm"ni!ation systems @n work assi+nment at ABB -ower *ystems, *weden for 6 months proAe!t on software desi+n and de(elopment of di+ital !ontrol systems "sin+ a real)time sim"lator Modeled, sim"lated and tested an ar! f"rna!e fli!ker !ontroller /mplemented it) "s !ontroller "sin+ /*D4 >D2. proto!ol 1474 5 1441 )niversity of &algary, &algary, &anada &esear!h ?n+ineer De(eloped a real)time di+ital adapti(e !ontroller ased on re!"rsi(e least s,"ares identifi!ation and pole shiftin+ !ontrol E")& '$!# Do!torate -h.D. de+ree in ?le!tri!al ?n+ineerin+ Cni(ersity of .al+ary, .al+ary, .anada Masters de+ree in ?le!tri!al ?n+ineerin+ /ndian /nstit"te of Te!hnolo+y, 4ew Delhi, /ndia Ba!helors de+ree in ?le!tri!al ?n+ineerin+ Cni(ersity of Mysore, 0arnataka, /ndia Cp

Resume 1>
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges,

software product names are intentionally made up.

,R - SH ")'R (EE#
18< Bennin+ton A(e., Q45 -assa(ay, 4H 0<055 !B%E&'$(E; *eekin+ a lead role in the area of em edded system de(elopment. W!R- S' ')S; C* / am a"thori#ed to work in this !o"ntry for any employer. E/,ER$E#&E 1=0111 5 ,resent B"S $ntricity, &arfield, #% Team leader ) ?n+ineerin+ /n addition to *oftware and hardware de(elopment !"rrent responsi ilities in!l"de9 2ead a +ro"p of *oftware and >ardware ?n+ineers and other reso"r!es in!l"din+ e$ternal =rd party de(elopers, !ontra!t man"fa!t"rers. Mana+e the de(elopment and life !y!le of all prod"!ts from prototype to prod"!tion to deli(ery in!l"din+ !ost7 enefit analyses,Desi+n, de(elopment, do!"mentation, la"n!h and maintenan!e of oth new and e$istin+ prod"!ts. .olla orate with Marketin+ and *ales ?(al"ate new te!hnolo+ies and make proa!ti(e re!ommendations to infl"en!e the !ompany s strate+i! prod"!t dire!tion. *ettin+ en+ineerin+ priorities and s!hed"les. &e!r"itin+ and trainin+ a te!hni!al team. E#1BB =P #ETE 2eadin+ the team in desi+n and de(elopment of 1orld s first ?ner+y meter that ena les "ser to !omm"ni!ate with the meter "sin+ internet proto!ols and in!l"des "ilt in >TT-, FT- ser(ers and email and D>.- !lients. The oard is desi+ned aro"nd 4etsili!on s 4?T315 .hip with A&M< =8 it &/*. pro!essor !ore. The pro!essor !omm"ni!ates with the meter "sin+ A4*/ .18.18 proto!ols o(er serial port and !onne!ts to 2A4 with 107100T ?thernet. The hardware de(elopment in(ol(ed desi+nin+ the oard that !an withstand temperat"re ran+e of )40 to 385 . with low power !ons"mption and fits in a spa!e of 8 F =O. The ?thernet interfa!e is desi+ned to pro(ide 8.4k% isolation, sin!e this is the inte+ral part of the meter. *oftware de(elopment in(ol(ed the de(elopment of em edded >TT- ser(er, email !lient, D>.- !lient and FT- ser(er appli!ations, de(i!e dri(ers for ?thernet, F2A*>,??-&@M et!., de(i!e initiali#ation and -@*T ro"tines and *o!ket !omm"ni!ations "sin+ e$tensi(e m"lti)threaded pro+rammin+ in . on TreadF @*. 1ed ser(er in(ol(ed the de(elopment of dynami! >TM2 pa+es with FM2 data islands, Forms to set"p and re!onfi+"re meter, email and FT-.?mail appli!ation is desi+ned to send periodi! and alarm reports to the "ser. /t is also desi+ned to re!ei(e emails to modify the set"p information or reply the email with meter data.

FT- is pro(ided for the "ser to retrie(e lar+e amo"nt of data s"!h as load profile in a file format. 8=1447 5 1=0111 lpha 'ech .a6s, &arfield, #% Team 2eader ) ?n+ineerin+ SOL=D * STATE E?E ;C #ETE 2ead the team in desi+n and de(elopment of state)of)the)art re(en"e +rade ener+y meter for remote "tility ele!tri!ity meterin+ appli!ations. /t s a first of it s kind in pro(idin+ 0.8 .lass a!!"ra!y and open !omm"ni!ation proto!ols and data ta les A4*/ .18.18, .18.1; and .18.81 . Meter feat"res opti!al port and telephone modem as means of !omm"ni!ation for data +atherin+. De(elopment of this meter e(ent"ally led to the a!,"isition of the !ompany y A?* .orporation, the world s lar+est independent power prod"!er. The proAe!t in(ol(ed the desi+n and de(elopment of hardware "sin+ 4?. s =8 it &/*. -ro!essor <0F=00=A, Atmel s D*- and AD. and desi+nin+ of (ario"s !"stom !omponents in!l"din+ 2.D display, @n) oard power s"pply with inp"t ran+e of 60 to =80 %olts, ."rrent transformers with 0.1 a!!"ra!y and linearity o(er the ran+e of 0.1 to 800 Amps. This prod"!t is desi+ned to operate o(er the temperat"re ran+e of )40 to 385o. and meets all the re,"irements of A4*/ .18.80 standards. The software de(elopment in(ol(ed the e$tensi(e real)time pro+rammin+ in . and assem ly for the implementation of proprietary @* in(ol(in+ de(elopment of real)time kernel and /*& s and de(i!e dri(ers for repro+rammin+ of in) "ilt F2A*>, @pti!al port, ??-&@M with *-/ and Telephone modem et!. and A-/ s and appli!ation de(elopment for the implementation of A4*/ .18.1; ta les for the data transport, A4*/ .18.18 and .18.81 proto!ol sta!k and !omple$ al+orithms to meas"re ener+y ,"antities in fo"r),"adrant, !onfi+"ra le Time of "se tariff str"!t"res and !alendars and load profile meterin+. *oftware de(elopment also in(ol(ed the de(elopment meter !onfi+"ration and pro+rammin+ software Meter 1i#ard in %B and %.33 to r"n on -. and !omm"ni!ate with meter "sin+ opti!al port or modem. 7=1448 5 8=1447 lpha 'ech .a6s, &arfield, #% Team 2eader ) ?n+ineerin+ @7ACA * =?T=; ATED PO2E #O?=TO =?; SCSTE# -roAe!t in(ol(ed the de(elopment of M"lti)-ro!essor hi+h speed and hi+h a!!"ra!y power meas"rin+ system with on) oard Telephone modem for &emote A"tomati! Meter &eadin+. The hardware is desi+ned aro"nd two -ro!essors, one for meas"rin+ and pro!essin+ of A!ti(e -ower, &ea!ti(e -ower, Fre,"en!y, %olta+e and A!ti(e and &ea!ti(e ener+y information and the se!ond -ro!essor for storin+ and transmittin+ data to the .entral *ystem. The software de(elopment in(ol(ed the e$tensi(e real)time pro+rammin+ for meas"rement, error !orre!tion, display and !omm"ni!ation. ACC@TA * A@TO#AT=C #ETE EAD=?; SCSTE# A!y"ta is a low !ost, real time, m"lti)!hannel, m"lti)taskin+ meter readin+ system with on) oard Telephone modem and Two 1ay -a+er interfa!e. This system fa!ilitates the readin+ and transmission of load profile data from ele!tri!, +as and water meters. /t !an also e "sed to perform the remote load

mana+ement f"n!tions. The proAe!t in(ol(ed the hardware and software de(elopment and implementation of the inno(ati(e &?F2?F, 8 ) 1AG -a+er te!hnolo+y. DLCP * D=;=TAL DATA LO;;E -roAe!t in(ol(ed the desi+n and de(elopment of hardware and software and adoption and the /mplementation of -ower 2ine .omm"ni!ation te!hnolo+y to fa!ilitate !omm"ni!ation etween the Data lo++ers and the Master. D2.- is desi+ned to !o"nt p"lses from (ario"s ele!tri!, water and +as meters, transmit this /nformation to Master for storin+ and pro!essin+ the data. >ardware was desi+n aro"nd D*8550 mi!ropro!essor and /ntellon s -owerline /nterfa!e mod"le. *oftware in(ol(ed implementation of ?/A 7 /*)60 *tandard proto!ols for .? ) B"s power line !omm"ni!ation. &eal time 0ernel de(elopment for the implementation of physi!al and appli!ation layers of data a!,"isition and !omm"ni!ation. A?ALO; DATA ACD@=S=T=O? SCSTE# * ADLC This proAe!t in(ol(ed the desi+n and de(elopment of hardware and software for 16 ) !hannel Analo+ and 8 ) !hannel di+ital data a!,"isition system with on) oard Telephone modem to !omm"ni!ate with the !entral data pro!essin+ system. >ardware de(elopment in(ol(ed desi+n and de(elopment aro"nd Dallas *emi!ond"!tor s D*8850 -ro!essor, Analo+ data a!,"isition with hi+h speed 16 it A7D !on(erter. *oftware in(ol(ed de(elopment of !ode for -ro!essor mana+ement, data a!,"isition, data lo++in+ and !omm"ni!ation with Telephone modem. C=1441 5 7=1448 rloskar Electric &o, .td. *ysore, $ndia *enior ?n+ineer AD7A?CED #@LT*C3A??EL C?C SCSTE# * 7=A=?; 1BB This proAe!t in(ol(ed hardware and software de(elopment for an ad(an!ed m"lti)!hannel, M"lti)a$is .@M-CT?& 4CM?&/. .@4T&@22?& .4. system, "ilt)in -&@5&AMMAB2? 2@5/. .@4T&@22?& -2. and !olo"r .&T display for MA4)MA.>/4? /4T?&FA.?, +raphi!s for dynami! a$is display and "ser pro+ram sim"lation. *ystem !onsists of two .-C !ards, desi+ned aro"nd Motorola s M.68080 Mi!ropro!essor, !omm"ni!atin+ o(er a hi+h speed serial link. The Master .-C oard is responsi le for MM/, -2. and *la(e .-C Board for !ontrollin+ a$es mo(ement. *"pport lo+i! and !olo"r palette is desi+ned "sin+ the F/2/4F ?-2D. .olor 5raphi! .ard is desi+ned aro"nd >ita!hi s 65484 5raphi! -ro!essor. Firmware de(elopment in(ol(ed ro"tines for .A44?D .G.2?*, MM/, real time pro!ess display,+raphi!s sim"lation and -2. inp"t7o"tp"t !ontrol ro"tines. DE7ELOP#E?T O0 S=?;LE AE=S #OT=O? CO?T OLLE This proAe!t in(ol(ed hardware desi+n ' de(elopment of a stand alone sin+le a$is motion !ontroller with "ilt in -2. for transfer line appli!ations like te$tile printin+, paper !"ttin+ and spe!ial p"rpose ma!hines for the r" er tire ind"stry. DE7ELOP#E?T O0 #@LT= AEES D=;=TAL EADO@T D O -roAe!t in(ol(ed desi+n ' de(elopment of hardware aro"nd the 8085 -ro!essor and firmware

de(elopment for a$is position display resol"tion 1 mi!ron . The feed a!k de(i!e is a linear opti!al en!oder. DE7ELOP#E?T O0 7=A=?; &(B C?C CO?T OLLE This proAe!t in(ol(ed two phases of de(elopment. /n the first phase a .-C !ard was desi+ned aro"nd the 68000 Mi!ropro!essor to !ontrol the !omplete operations of a .4. !ontroller in!l"din+ a$es mo(ement, -2. and MM/. /n the se!ond phase of de(elopment a remote intelli+ent key oard interfa!e was de(eloped aro"nd the 8051 Mi!ro!ontroller, whi!h !omm"ni!ated with the main system o(er a &*8=8 link. DE7ELOP#E?T O0 A SPEC=AL D O -roAe!t in(ol(ed the hardware desi+n ' de(elopment of a spe!ial D&@ for 5&@**?4BA.>?& of *1/TB?&2A4D. As a part of the de(elopment pro+ram, trainin+ on maintenan!e and tro" leshootin+ was imparted to en+ineers at M7* 5&@**?4BA.>?&. #OD=0=CAT=O? O0 A COLLA+O ATED P OD@CT -roAe!t in(ol(ed te!hnolo+y a sor tion from AD@2-> 4CM?&/. .@4T&@2* C.0., hardware modifi!ation and man"fa!t"re of 5 a$es .4. !ontroller for the /ndian market. The hardware modifi!ation in!l"ded the redesi+n of the 68000 .-C, di+ital /7@, Analo+ o"tp"t and feed a!k interfa!e !ards. DE7ELOP#E?T O0 S=?;LE AE=S D=;=TAL EADO@T 0O #AC3=?E TOOL APPL=CAT=O?S -roAe!t in(ol(ed hardware and firmware desi+n ' de(elopment. The hardware was de(eloped aro"nd the 8085 -ro!essor. The resol"tion of the meas"rin+ instr"ment was 1 mi!ron. The feed a!k de(i!e is a linear in!remental en!oder. DE7ELOP#E?T O0 A LO2 COST C?C CO?T OLLE -roAe!t in(ol(ed hardware desi+n ' de(elopment of a low !ost .4. !ontroller with 2?D display. The hardware is desi+ned aro"nd 8085 Mi!ropro!essor. 4=1478 5 C=1448 Hypertronics ,vt., .td Hydera6ad, $ndia Desi+n ?n+ineer DE7ELOP#E?T O0 T A=? SPEED ECO DE A?D #O?=TO =?; SCSTE# 0O =?D=A? A=L2ACS -roAe!t in(ol(ed hardware, firmware and software desi+n ' de(elopment of a re!order mod"le to re!ord the speed of trains. The hardware was desi+ned aro"nd the 8085 Mi!ropro!essor. The feed a!k element is a pro$imity sensor. ?$tensi(e software was written for monitorin+ system to monitor and analy#e re!orded data at a lo!o shed. DE7ELOP#E?T O0 T A=? AELE CO@?TE A?D 2A ?=?; SCSTE# 0O =?D=A? A=L2ACS -roAe!t in(ol(ed hardware and firmware desi+n ' de(elopment for an 8051 Mi!ro!ontroller ased a$le !o"nter for monitorin+ the train mo(ement. DE7ELOP#E?T O0 A@TO#AT=C +ATTE C C3A ;E S 0O =?D=A? A=L2ACS -roAe!t in(ol(ed hardware desi+n ' de(elopment of A"tomati! Thyristorised Battery .har+ers of (ario"s ratin+s from 84 %olts710 Amps to 110 %olts785 Amps.

E")& '$!# <71;86 @*MA4/A C4/%?&*/TG /ndia)A-)>GD?&ABAD Ba!helor s De+ree B* ?2?.T&@4/.* A4D .@MMC4/.T/@4 ?45/4??&/45 S-$..S; Pro$ect #anagement! 2ead a team in desi+n, de(elopment of prod"!ts from !on!ept to prod"!tion. A!ti(ities in!l"de ."stomer /nterfa!e, &e,"irements Analysis and *pe!ifi!ation, *oftware Desi+n,>ardware Desi+n, -a!ka+in+ in!l"din+ -lasti! Mold Desi+n, .odin+, &eso"r!e ?stimation, &isk Mana+ement,-reparation of proAe!t proposals and B"siness plans, Deli(ery *!hed"les, -roAe!t Tra!kin+ and *" !ontra!t Mana+ement. 2ead a team in desi+n and de(elopment of mod"lar em edded software al+orithms and (erifi!ation. Desi+n, de(elopment and implementation of real time em edded software for /nd"strial .ontrollers,?ner+y Meters and /nternet .onne!ted De(i!es. D*-7Mi!ropro!essor7 Mi!ro)!ontroller firmware7software de(elopment "sin+ Assem ly and . lan+"a+e for =871678 it !ontrollers. Di+ital and Analo+ hardware and de(i!e dri(ers. /mplementation of *tr"!t"red Desi+n Analysis and Methodolo+ies. 3ardware Tools! HTA5, @.Demon1i++ler, 68000,8085/n)!ir!"it em"lators, 4?. 850 De(elopment tools 2o+i! Analy#er and @s!illos!opes. Processors! A&M<, 4?T315, 4?. s <0F=00=, 68080, 68000, 8051, 8085 TOS! 4?T3@*, ThreadF, %$1orks, D@* Software tools! 5reen >ill s M"lti)8000, 4?. s *M850, /D850, De(elopment Tools and 680 . .ross !ompiler ' assem ler from /M*, C*A. 8051 assem ler ' . !ompiler from A%@.?T, C*A Languages! ., .33, %.33 , %B, >TM2, FM2. Design Tools! @&.AD. *olid1orks, F/2/4F ?-2D, F-5A desi+n tools and AB?2 >D2 Communication Protocols! T.-7/-, -@-=, *MT-, FT-, >TT-, ---, A&-, A4*/ .18.18781, .?) BC* and &?F2?F Cp

Resume 1B
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

*ichael Schliman
.amp ell, .A ;5008

Summary; Skills; Tools / ha(e a !omplete la set"p in!l"din+ di+ital and analo+ Tek s!opes 8465B.T, 8440 , >- lo+i! analy#er 1660.* , Data Transit "s analy#er, -. s, mi!ros!opes, solderin+ stations, et!. /n the past, ha(e "sed 0ontron /.?, *i+n"m /.?, Tektroni!s /.?, >- 64000 /.?, 2o+i! Analy#ers, *pe!tr"m Analy#ers, *!opes, and other spe!iali#ed e,"ipment for disk dri(e de(elopment. 0irmware %ideo, Ma!hine .ontrol, Disk .ontrollers, D@*, Disk Bios, *tepper .ontrollers, /D? AT)B"s , ?*D/, *.*/, *T506 /nterfa!es S,stems /BM -. s, &*F11M, &T11, Cni$ 4.8B*D, %M7.M*, >- M-?1, D@*//B , A@*, M*)D@*, .or("s 2A4, 4.**, 5? ' TGM*>A&? Timesharin+ *ystems Languages ., .33, -as!al, Al+ol, Fortran, Basi!, Assem ly, Awk, *4@B@2 CP@s and #icrocontrollers 8048, 8051, 80.5=<, 6508, 6800, 680;, B80, 80$86, -D-)11, >-8100, 4ational >-., Motorola .oldfire, st"died A&M for possi le in!l"sion in prod"!t. SpecialiFed E6perience .onsidered ATA7ATA-/ e$pert. >i+h speed mi!ro!ontroller system desi+n. Patents 5,6;4,600 Methods and apparat"s for ootin+ a !omp"ter ha(in+ a remo(a le media disk dri(e. Work e<perience; 10=1158=11 9uartum &orporation C mos .ons"ltant Firmware en+ineer workin+ as part of a team on a new mi!rodri(e prod"!t, "sin+ the new *T A*/. and mi!ro!ontroller. -art of the Ao en!ompassed portin+ e$istin+ e$perimental !ode pro(ided y (endor into prod"!tion en(ironment. My spe!ialties lie in the interfa!e, whi!h / took o(er on this !ode ase, alon+ with system iss"es . 8 years proAe!t mana+ement e$perien!e. 14 years !ons"ltin+ e$perien!e. 88 years professional pro+rammin+ e$perien!e. ?$!ellent desi+n skills. ?$!ellent analyti!al skills. Team "ilder.

0=1158=11 stra, San %ose, & B mos .ons"ltant Firmware en+ineer workin+ on a (ideo disk array prod"!t, implementin+ the realtime system !omponents. -rod"!t and !ompany e(ent"ally failed d"e to la!k of !ompany marketin+ e$pertise >=4B50=11 !mega, San %ose, & *taff Firmware ?n+ineer &ewrote Bip s !ore operatin+ system to allow the de(elopment of the Bip /D? dri(e. As a part of this desi+n, /D? remo(a le media s"pport did not e$ist, so / Aoined the ATA standards !ommittee, and worked with Mi!rosoft to desi+n and implement it, and pla!e it in the ATA spe!ifi!ation. ATA !ommittee parti!ipation !ontin"ed for a o"t two years. .o)desi+ned and implemented a !omple$ state ma!hine that wo"ld allow e$istin+ B/@* s and @* s to a!knowled+e and a!!ept the Bip /D? dri(e as the A9 dri(e C.*. -atent 5, 6;4, 600 . /mplemented HAB /D? interfa!e. /mplemented .lik /D?7ATA-/ interfa!e. .o)implemented and desi+ned ne(er)released -a!ifi!a 55 dri(e s o(erall str"!t"re, and /D? !ode team of < . 1orked with %2*/ (endors to spe!ify two dri(e !ontroller7 "ffer mana+er !hips. Three more patents re+ardin+ !artrid+e desi+ns are in pro!ess. Fa!ilitated /ome+a s shift from ATA to ATA-/ e(an+eli#ation . 1orked with B/@* (endors to +et Bip dri(e s"pport. 1orked with software tool (endors to de(elop s"pport for o"r hardware platform. Dis!laimer9 4o, / m not responsi le for the .li!k of Death in the Bip dri(e / fo"nd it a year efore it e!ame a p" li! iss"e, and attempted to !orre!t it. / was not allowed to e!a"se it was in the disk !ode, de(eloped in another lo!ation, and / was told / was not responsi le for that. / notified the .?@ a o"t this pro lem, and was still stymied in my efforts to !orre!t it. >=7C5>=4B !rion 'echnology, San %ose, & B yrs /ndependent .ons"ltant Firmware en+ineer residin+ at Areal from the start to the end of Areal s 5 year e$isten!e: prod"!ed firmware for entire platform of 8)178 laptop /D? prod"!ts, in all areas of dri(e en+ineerin+ e$!ept a!t"ator ser(o. This e$perien!e en!ompassed three !ompletely new desi+ns, "sin+ = different pro!essors and ar!hite!t"res. A ,"ote in a letter from one of o"r !"stomers, /BM, to o"r %- of en+ineerin+, H"st how are yo" doin+ this de(elopment with s"!h a small teamL Go"r dri(es are the most "+)free dri(es we ha(e e(er tested. Amon+ the firmware areas desi+ned and implemented "t not limited to are9 /nterfa!e !ode9 lo+i!al format, !ommand handlin+. -ower mana+ement. .ode li rary de(elopment. Disk read7write7format. %aria le len+th, M"lti se+ment write) a!k !a!he. *erial port De "++er s"pport. Motor ser(o. *elf test s"pport. Dri(e oot s"pport from disk s"rfa!e. Defe!t mana+ement.

ElectroStamp: #ountain 7iew: CA . mos

&e)implemented se!tions of e$istin+ firmware in 8048 for e$treme hi+h) speed !assette d"pli!ation system. 0le6tonstar =nc5: Santa Clara: CA & ,rs -ro+rammin+ for new ?/*A "s tester de(i!e. -ro+rammed and sim"lated ?..7.&. al+orithms. /mplemented !"stom hard disk data !on(erter "sin+ !"stom !ontroller: 8086. Did de(elopment work on new hardware for hard disk tester: B80. 3iwest Corp: Cupertino: CA on and off for ( ,rs 2o!ated pro lems in *T506 interfa!e7 !ontroller7 firmware 1in!hester dri(e for M*)D@* ma!hine. ?nhan!ed e$istin+ software on m"ltiple *.*/ 1in!hester dri(e firmware7 !ontrollers "sin+ Adapte! !hipset, added dia+nosti! interfa!e !apa ilities and format !ode. 1rote pro+rams to !ontrol test ro ots. Edward s #issiles and Space: #ountain 7iew: CA . mos ?nhan!ed "nderlyin+ Daemon for sim"lation of -*@* r"nnin+ "nder Cni$. -artially a"tomated testin+ of lar+e software proAe!t. >=7>510=78 'ravertino $nc, San %ose, & *oftware ?n+ineer De(eloped software and hardware for two me!hani!al floppy disk dri(e loaders. De(eloped proto!ol layer, dri(ers, and test software for /BM7FT !ontrolled .or("s 2A4 for data stora+e and retrie(al to inte+rate remote 2*/)11 nodes whi!h !ontrolled floppy disk d"pli!ation systems. Csed Mi!rosoft . and Assem ly lan+"a+e dri(ers and a non)preempti(e m"ltitaskin+ e$e!"ti(e r"nnin+ "nder /BM D@*. /mplemented men" dri(en floppy disk it !opier. /mplemented /rwin Mass *tora+e Tape Formatter. Assisted in the implementation of software for a floppy disk parametri! data !olle!tion system. Desi+ned and implemented !opy prote!tion s!hemes. A=715>=7> 3lendale $nc, Santa &lara, & Test *oftware ?n+ineer &esponsi le for the desi+n and de(elopment of test systems for .ons"mer ?le!troni!s Di(ision prod"!ts !o(erin+ Atari s 8600, 5800, and new <800 prod"!ts. >elped desi+n test flows, implemented test philosophies, and !ontri "ted to the esta lishment of a !om ined test or+ani#ation for the !ons"mer and home !omp"ter di(ision. *et "p the de(elopment la . De(eloped 680; ased system to test 5800 systems. De(eloped dia+nosti!s and self)tests for the 8600 system )) res"lted in a sa(in+s of a o"t 80M o(er 8 years, pl"s dramati!ally in!reased testin+ thro"+hp"t. -ro(ided inp"t and pro+rammin+ whi!h "ltimately infl"en!ed the a!t"al hardware desi+n and !hip desi+n to make a"tomati! testin+ more !omplete and easier for <800. C=715A=71 .omark &orp, San %ose, & /ndependent .ons"ltant De(eloped line printer dri(ers and DMA dri(ers for semi!ond"!tor test systems whi!h were B80 and 2*/)117&T11 ased systems. 11=C458=71 &ommtel, San %ose, & Firmware ?n+ineer De(eloped and enhan!ed system software for -?T prod"!t line. &epro+rammed the then !"rrent 808= -?T printer. -ro+rammed the ne(er released 80=1 -?T printer: did some hardware.

7=C4511=C4 ,rivate &ontract /ndependent .ons"ltant Desi+ned hardware and pro+rammed B80) ased !oin)op (ideo ar!ade +ame similar to the then pop"lar Bally s *pa!e /n(aders for forei+n market. 1=C75C=C4 $nternational "igital Systems, Santa na, & *ystems -ro+rammer ) Analyst 1rote de(i!e dri(ers for -D- 11 s "nder &*F11M and &T11 to dri(e ima+e pro!essin+ !omp"ter. &esponsi le for system +enerations, remote site software installation and maintenan!e tra(eled e$tensi(ely . .on(erted !ode from Fortran to assem ly to in!rease effi!ien!y of ima+e pro!essin+ software. *ol(ed system pro lems on &*F11M. @ther systems e$perien!e in!l"ded >-=000 "nder M-?1, D5 ?!lipse "nder A@*, >-1000 "nder D@*. 7=CC51=C7 Epson "ata &orp, *ountain (iew, & -ro+rammer 1rote diskette dri(er and paper tape reader, paper)tape p"n!h em"lators. Csed *-.1678;5, -D-11705 and 8080 ased de(elopment system. Education ;7<=)57<< Cni(ersity of *anta .lara, *anta .lara, .A )) B*??7.*, 1;<< References / ha(e a lon+ history of pro(en performan!e, and !an pro(ide many referen!es "pon re,"est. Cp

Resume 18
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

"onald E. 3letcher
4<1= Mar le .r"# Dr. &o!kland, Te$as <504= S)** R+ *oftware en+ineer with e$tensi(e e$perien!e in appli!ation de(elopment, profi!ient in .7.33, de(i!e dri(ers, and !omm"ni!ation and tele!omm"ni!ation systems. ?$perien!ed in all phases of software de(elopment, with an emphasis on desi+n, implementation, and inte+ration. 'E&H#$& . S-$..S LA?;@A;ES! .7.33, -as!al, and assem ly lan+"a+es

OPE AT=?; SCSTE#S! 1indows 4T, Cni$, p*@*, %$1orks, and D@* TOOLS! 5n" de(elopment tool set, %is"al .33, T!l7Tk, em"lators, and Mi!rosoft @ffi!e P OCESSO S and SCSTE#S! -ower-., /ntel pro!essors, T/ TM*=80.$$ D*-s, and >-;000 ,R!2ESS$!# . E/,ER$E#&E Remodeling Soft, $nc., Euless, 'e<as 0110 *oftware .ons"ltant De(eloped software for A"tomated Test ?,"ipment to (alidate stores !ontrol for the F)16. En4ironment! Tasks! 1rote test pro!ed"res that (alidate the ele!tri!al operation of the air!raftNs stores !ontrol, and !oded similar test pro!ed"res written y others. visto, $rving, 'e<as 0111 to 0110 *oftware ?n+ineer De(eloped software for a new opti!al interfa!e !ard for Mar!oniNs fi er)to)the)home prod"!t. The software en(ironment mi+rated to Cni$, "sin+ .lear.ase for !onfi+"ration mana+ement, from its ori+inal en(ironment of the 1ind &i(er sniff /D? on 1indows 4T workstations. En4ironment! 2an+"a+es9 .7.33 @peratin+ *ystem9 p*@* De(elopment Tools9 Dia !ompiler s"ite, 1ind &i(er sniff /D?, .lear.ase, and (ision/.? em"lator -ro!essor9 -ower-. JMotorola M-.850K Tasks! Modified the p*@* oard s"pport pa!ka+e to e$e!"te on the new !"stom !ard. Desi+ned and implemented a flash memory dri(ers, mana+er, and appli!ation)le(el a!!ess !lass to s"pport storin+ m"ltiple software and F-5A loads. Also "pdated the serial download !apa ility to mat!h the new flash allo!ation map and speed "p inte+ration downloads. 1rote a Media /ndependent /nterfa!e JM//K dri(er and appli!ation)le(el a!!ess !lass to !ontrol an ethernet ->G to permit a"tone+otiation. Desi+ned and implemented dri(ers and appli!ation)le(el a!!ess !lasses to !ontrol two F-5As, in!l"din+ interr"pt ser(i!e ro"tines for their alarm !onditions. Also wrote test software for "se y hardware en+ineers to e(al"ate F-5A operation. Raylon Systems &ompany, 3lenville, 'e<as 2an+"a+es9 .33 @peratin+ *ystem9 1indows 4T De(elopment Tools9 %is"al .33 -ro!essor9 -.

1444 to 0111 *oftware ?n+ineer Added more dis!rete o"tp"t !apa ility to an air orne re!onnaissan!e system y writin+ software to interfa!e with a !ommer!ially a(aila le dis!rete ser(er. En4ironment! Tasks! Added dis!rete !ontrol !lient software, "sin+ T.- and CD- o(er a 2A4 !onne!tion, to !ontrol dis!rete o"tp"ts. De(eloped a dis!rete ser(er sim"lator to test the !lient software. .owell $nternational, rlington, 'e<as 147B to 1441 *oftware ?n+ineer De(eloped software for the Air For!e 1 air orne analo+ a"dio and data !omm"ni!ation swit!h. This swit!h "ses m"ltiple /ntel pro!essors !onne!ted y a 155= "s to pro(ide separate, !lear and se!"re, a"dio and data swit!hin+ !apa ility and to dire!t !ontrol of !omm"ni!ation assets, s"!h as telephones, !entral offi!e lines, radios, modems, and !rypto+raphi! de(i!es. Desi+ned the swit!hin+ !ontrol and de(i!e interfa!e f"n!tions, and implemented them in -as!al. /n a system "p+rade, !on(erted the !ode to ., and implemented impro(ements in .33. En4ironment! Tasks! Desi+ned and implemented software to !ontrol the swit!hin+ of !omm"ni!ation assets y (alidatin+ operator)sele!ted !onne!ti(ity re,"ests and !on(ertin+ these re,"ests into !ommands to the swit!h and !omm"ni!ation assets. Csed a !ommer!ial data ase to define and des!ri e (alid !onne!tions, and then to +enerate so"r!e !ode ta les to define these !onne!tions for swit!hin+ !ontrol. Desi+ned and implemented software to !ontrol the !omm"ni!ation hardware. /nte+rated the swit!h software with !"stom hardware, and inte+rated the !omponents into a "nified swit!h. .reated a tool for sear!hin+ system a!ti(ity lo+s for data rele(ant to !"stomer)reported pro lems to e$pedite identifi!ation and resol"tion of the pro lems. Dire!ted other software en+ineers assi+ned to the proAe!t. llston #etwork Systems, rlington, 'e<as 1441 to 144> *oftware ?n+ineer 2an+"a+es9 .7.33, -as!al, and /ntel assem ly lan+"a+e @peratin+ *ystems9 D@* and proprietary De(elopment Tools9 Mi!rosoft %is"al .33, T"r o -as!al, and /ntel /.? -ro!essors9 /ntel 186 and 486, and *TD) "s -. !ards 2an+"a+e9 . @peratin+ *ystem9 %$1orks De(elopment Tools9 5n" !ompiler s"ite and de "++er, and T!l7Tk -ro!essor9 D?. Alpha

De(eloped software for a ser(i!e data point J*D-K, a data ase ser(er for lar+e amo"nts of s" s!ri er data. The *D- "ses m"ltiple networked Cni$ workstations. Csed formal o Ae!t)oriented desi+n te!hni,"es to desi+n the .33 !ode. En4ironment! Tasks! De(eloped the *D- ser(i!e data f"n!tion that handles re,"ests from a ser(i!e !ontrol point J*.-K. De(eloped the *D-Ns interfa!e to a ser(i!e mana+ement system. .owell $nternational, rlington, 'e<as 144> to 1444 *oftware ?n+ineer De(eloped software for a di+ital, a"dio and data !omm"ni!ation swit!h for the 5erman na(y. This swit!h "ses m"ltiple nodes !onne!ted y ?1 links. ?a!h node !ontains a 1indows 4T workstation and T/ D*-s in a %M? o$. En4ironment! Tasks! De(eloped a system prototype as a resear!h proAe!t "sin+ only a T/ .=0 D*-, desi+nin+ and implementin+ the e$e!"ti(e and the de(i!e dri(ers for T1 links and A7D)D7A !on(erters. -erformed systems en+ineerin+ f"n!tions to in!orporate the swit!h into a !omm"ni!ation system. Desi+ned the swit!hin+ !ontrol software as m"ltiple 1indows 4T e$e!"tion threads, and implemented it in .33. /nte+rated the software and hardware of the swit!hin+ system. Dire!ted other software en+ineers assi+ned to the proAe!t. !ther E<perience En4ironment! 2an+"a+es9 Fortran, Ho(ial, and >-1000 and -D-11 assem ly lan+"a+es -ro!essors9 >-1000, /ntel 8086, -D-11 Tasks! ?nhan!ed a proprietary -as!al !ompiler, fo!"sin+ on its /ntel $86 !ode +enerator. De(eloped air orne and +ro"nd station software for air orne re!onnaissan!e systems. 2an+"a+es9 .33 and T/ .=0 assem ly lan+"a+e @peratin+ *ystems9 1indows 4T and proprietary De(elopment Tools9 Mi!rosoft %is"al .33 and T/ D*- tool set -ro!essors9 /ntel 486 -. and T/ TM*=80.$$ D*2an+"a+es9 .33 @peratin+ *ystems9 Cni$ De(elopment Tools9 5n" de(elopment s"ite -ro!essors9 *"n *par! and >-;000

E")& '$!# B*, *o"thwest Te$as *tate Cni(ersity, *an Mar!os, Te$as, maAor ) mathemati!s, minor ) ?n+lish This res"me may not e s" mitted y any re!r"iter witho"t my written permission. Cp

Resume 1C
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

,radeep Wesai
64< *"nrise &d, Q18 *an Hose, .A ;5181 !6:ective; To seek a position as a *enior *oftware ?n+ineer in a +rowin+ .omm"ni!ations .ompany. Areas of /nterest are in -latform, De(i!e Dri(ers, B*- and *@4?T, 5i+a it ?thernet, T1,?1,D*= and &T@*es. Work E<perience; SmartBridge 'echnologies, Santa na, & %uly 1444 to %une 0110 Mem er @f Te!hni!al *taff ;iga-it Ethernet #odule! 1orked on Ar!hite!t"re, desi+n and de(elopment of 5i+a it ?thernet .ard for the *martBrid+e Media 5ateway. Feat"re lead on this proAe!t, and was leadin+ a team of 5 en+ineers from start to finish. &esponsi ilities in!l"de -roAe!t mana+ement, Ar!hite!tin+, desi+nin+ and de(elopment of all aspe!ts of the Mod"le. 1orked with >1 team to de(elop the spe!ifi!ation for the !ard, and s" )!ontra!ted the !ard to o"tside (endor &ami$. *ele!ted -ro!essor /BM <50.$e , /ntel 5i+a it ?thernet MA. !hip /ntel 8854= , ATM *A& /DT<<858 and 5alileo D"al -./ .ontroller 64860A . 1orked on desi+n for !opy less transfer of 5i+a it ?thernet frames to ATM !ells and (i!e (ersa. The B*- for the !ard was spe!ified and inte+rated ased on the !omponents of the !ard. .oordinated test plans, and re,"irements for man"fa!t"rin+ testin+ to allow mass prod"!tion of this mod"le. Also planned for the !ard to pro(ide 5i+a it ?thernet &ed"ndan!y. Csed Adte!h 5? tester to (erify operation of the 5? dri(er and tweak it. The mod"le is !"rrently shippin+. .odin+ work on this proAe!t in(ol(ed modifyin+ the 5i+a it ?thernet dri(er, ATM dri(er, and B*- and desi+nin+ task dependen!ies etween the (ario"s tasks to o tain 5i+a it 2ine &ate !apa ility. Csed %$works, -ower-. pro!essor assem ly and . for !ode de(elopment. Desi+ned the inter)!ard !omm"ni!ation me!hanism to !omm"ni!ate messa+es etween the 5i+a it ?thernet !ard and rest of *martBrid+e *ystem. STS*& #odule! 1orked on ar!hite!t"re, desi+n and de(elopment of *T*)1 !ard for the *martBrid+e 5ateway. 1orked with *@4?T7%T1.5 framers -M.*8=15 , T17?1 framers, 2/Cs, .T818 >.110 !ontroller, and Motorola 860 pro!essor. The !ard was dei+ned to re!o(er TDM timeslots from the *T*)

1 frame and !onne!t them to >.110 TDM a!k plane. The !ard had flash to sa(e !ode, 4%&AM data, and dia+nosti! information for de "++in+ p"rposes. &esponsi ilities in!l"de proAe!t e(al"ation, task s!hed"lin+, reso"r!e mana+ement, desi+nin+, and ar!hite!tin+ the re,"irements for the mod"le. Desi+ned the *T*)1 !ard to pro(ide 191 &ed"ndan!y to !onne!t to 2"!ent 5?** swit!h. 2ed a +ro"p of 4 people to inte+rate B*- and implement additional feat"res of the appli!ation whi!h was de(eloped "sin+ %$works &T@* and 860 B*- with *D&AM and AMD 8MB Flash. 1orked independtly to rin+ "p >1, "sin+ %$1orks, -owr-. B*-, *@4?T and %T le(el Alarm reportin+, *@4?T &ed"ndan!y "sin+ A-*, and re!o(erin+ the T1 s off the %T1.5 payload to +et *i+nallin+ information. 1orked on TFT- downloadin+ of !ode from 107100 M ps, and ATM a!k plane "sin+ /-. messa+es o(er ATM 85->G. /n(ol(ed !reatin+ TFT- transfer !lient, !reatin+ &am dri(e and "sin+ flash "tilities to pro+ram !ode into Flash. 1orked on T17?1 !ard, "sed T17?1 test e,"ipment, !reated a T1 poll task to retrie(e *i+nalin+ AB.D its from the t8=<0 T1 framer, and !onstr"!t messa+es to send this information to .all .ontrol *1. 1orked on !ode to pro(ide >ot swap !apa ility, and dete!tion of !ard when pl"++ed in *martBrid+e !hassis. Also pro+rammed on !ard .T818 timeslot !ontroller for >.110 to !onne!t the timeslots from the T1 to the >.110 a!k plane. -ro(ided en+ineerin+7de(elopment e$pertise to assist in sol(in+ !"stomer "+ pro lems. PowerPC Platform +SP Design and De4elopment! 1orked on platform le(el work to desi+n and implement B*- for (ario"s -ower-.s ased oards on the *martBrid+e 5ateway 60=,860*A& ,860-, <50.$e . %ery e$perien!ed in "sin+ %ison /.? for -ower-., oard rin+ "p, in %$1orks oot pro!ess oth !ompresed and "n!ompressed ima+es . and Flash "tilites and other >1 related *w s"pport. Cse 2o+i! analy#ers, @s!illos!opes, and Tornado to de "+ *1 on these oards. Csed %$1orks profiler to do system le(el !ode optimi#ation to +et more .-C !y!les. 1orked on B*- for Admin, %oi!e, *wit!h, *T*)1 and 5i+a it ?thernet mod"les on the TB=00 5ateway. dvanced &ommunications, Saratoga, & Septem6er 1447 to %uly 1444 *enior *oftware ?n+ineer 0eature Captain for ?on*Ser4ice Affecting @pgrade Pro$ect! -repared re,"irements do!"ments, s!hed"lin+, proAe!t plannin+ and implementation of a 4on)*er(i!e Affe!tin+ .-C D"al Memory !ard. /mplemented 2ow)le(el de(i!e dri(er for the M-.860. Csed -ower-. assem ly lan+"a+e, real)time operatin+ systems 4"!le"s. ?$perien!e with 860 pro!essor, ?*T %ision /.?, BDM de "++ers, ., str"!t"red desi+n methodolo+y. Tested D2. with 5&=0=, T&)08, and Analo+ !ir!"its. ?$perien!e in real)time systems internals, de(eloped !ode to implement -erforman!e !hara!teristi!s of tasks. 1orked on the Timin+ s" system of CM.1000. /n(ol(ed "nderstandin+ and !odin+ of A*/. and its re+isters to set "p the A*/. to dri(e si+nals onto the prod"!t a!k plane. /n(ol(ed testin+ "sin+ os!illos!opes, fre,"en!y !o"nters and other dia+nosti!s tools. 'elecommunications *odern 'echni?ues &orp., *idtown, *" pril 144> to Septem6er 1447 *oftware ?n+ineer S2 Lead for TD#A/P =/DS&/DS. pro$ect! -erformed d"ties s"!h as task allo!ation, s!hed"lin+, risk mana+ement, mentorin+ of H"nior ?n+ineers. 2iasoned with marketin+ to finali#e re,"irements, ne+otiate proAe!t s!hed"les, implement software desi+n, and pro(ide leadership and dire!tion to *1 ?n+ineers and MA staff. Team #em-er on TTC 1BBB product line! -art of a rand new prod"!t en+ineerin+ team that !on!ei(ed, desi+ned and implemented a inno(ati(e new Test ?,"ipment with D*1, *i+nalin+, D*= and /*D4

feat"res. Csed p*@*, *in+le*tep BDM de "++ers, .33, %is"al .33 to de(elop a d"al pro!essor test set with 1indows 5C/ interfa!e !onne!ted to &eal)time test mod"le. Csed .33 and its desi+n methodolo+ies thro"+ht to implement desi+n and !ode de(elopement for the prod"!t. reas of E<pertise; &eal)time ?m edded desi+n, &eal)time ?m edded pro+rammin+, B*-, %$1orks, p*os, 4"!l"es &T@*es, T1, D*=, *T*)1, 5i+a it ?thernet, /*D4, 5&=0=, T&08, T1 si+nallin+, .lear!ase, -%.*, @@D ' @@-, .33, ., -ower-. Assem ly, %is"al .33, 1indows -ro+rammin+, D/AB .ompilers and 8607=60 -ro!essor -ro+rammin+. Educational 9ualifications; M* in .omp"ter *!ien!e, De! 1;;= *te(ens /nstit"te of Te!hnolo+y , 4H 5-A =.<5 B* in .omp"ter ?n+ineerin+ , A"+"st 1;;8 Cni(ersity of -"ne, /ndia &anked =rd in Cni(ersity C* Ho *tat"s9 -ermanent &esident of the C* Cp

Resume 17
Samples represents that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.

B$.. *)RR +
<18 &" er 2ane Man!hester, %ir+inia 88608 Summary *oftware, firmware and data ase en+ineer and system, data ase and network administrator with o(er fifteen years of e$perien!e in time)sharin+ systems, em edded systems, real)time and !omm"ni!ations. Adept at satisfyin+ end !"stomers as well as internal prod"!t mana+ement while workin+ alone or as a leader or mem er of a team. ?$perien!e in f"ll)prod"!t de(elopment o(er the f"ll life !y!le of prod"!ts. -arti!"lar skills in optimi#ation, knowled+e retention and distri "tion, and leadership. Skills Customer Support Skills include! e"uirements Anal,sis! Adept at workin+ with proAe!t stakeholders to f"lly "nderstand re,"irements and s!ope of work prior to e+innin+ any de(elopment proAe!t.

A-le to Ghit the ground runningG! &ep"tation for !omin+ into a pro lem sit"ation and ,"i!kly +raspin+ the !omple$ities of the iss"es and pro(idin+ a so"nd te!hni!al and "siness sol"tion. Technical Skills =nclude!

De4elopment and host platforms used include! *"n7*olaris: D?. Alpha7Di+ital Tr"64 Cni$7@*F1: >-7>-CF: -.71indows =.$7;57;87M?74T78000 , @*78, .-7M, .on!"rrent D@*, B*D, 2in"$: %AF7%M*: -D-)117&*F. Em-edded platforms include! Tornado7%$1orks, p*@*, %&TF, %$1orks, MT@*, M7-M, proprietary @*, D*- Analo+ De(i!es and 1estern ?le!tri! , Motorola 68=$$, 680$0,--. , /ntel -enti"m, 80$867<, 80=1751, 808075 , Bilo+ B80 . SpecialiFed tools include! (ersion and so"r!e !ontrol systems .ear.ase7.learM"est, make, *..*, &.*, -%.*, MM*7.M* , >- @pen%iew, &apid .ontrol "ser interfa!e tool, ?pilo+"e71ind&i(er ?n(oy7?missary *4M- tools, em"lators, de "++ers, lo+i! analy#ers, and proto!ol analy#ers. Languages include! .7.33, HA%A, *M2 -ro)., -ro)Fortran , -as!al, F@&T&A4, BA*/., Assem ly /ntel, Motorola, D*-, &/*., %AF, Bilo+ , Cni$ s!riptin+ tools sed, awk, perl, sh, ksh, !sh, ash Communications protocols include! /- T.-, CD-, /.M-, *4M- , 2A-B F.85, F.88, F.8;, F.= , Frame &elay, ?thernet, %.180, Bondin+, 4o(ell /-F, 4etBe"i, "s %M?, &A.?way, proprietary , n"mero"s other syn!hrono"s, asyn!hrono"s and "s proto!ols. Employment !R#!2!R $#&., ")##H$.., ($R3$#$ 0110 *?4/@& *@FT1A&? ?45/4??& *enior de(elopment en+ineer and network administrator. -roAe!t en+ineer desi+nin+ and de(elopin+ software in . for a swit!hed as opposed to ro"ted /-. -roAe!t lead on a port to /ntel /F-1800 of this software in . and mi!ro!ode. -roAe!t lead on a remote a!!ess to 2in"$ ro"ters r"nnin+ this swit!hed /for demonstration p"rposes. Csed Ha(a, . and shell s!ripts to allow T027*4M- ased demonstration pro+ram to r"n on a laptop r"nnin+ 2in"$ to rea!h o"t thro"+h a firewall and a!k in thro"+h another firewall at *i+nafor s offi!es pro(idin+ realtime a!!ess to statisti!al information a o"t the interfa!es on the ro"ters. &HR$S BR! "B #" S+S'E*S, WES'2!R", ($R3$#$ 0111 .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& -roAe!t leader, and prin!iple de(eloper for an *4M- pro$y a+ent for h" radios for wireless road and networkin+. This pro$y a+ent was "ilt "sin+ Tornado7%$1orks as the ase @7*, &apid .ontrol for the "ser interfa!es and ?n(oy for the *4M- a+ent. This system pro(ided an FT- ser(er and >TT- ser(er as well as the *4M- a+ent. -rimarily de(eloped in . and >TM2 with Ha(a*!ript. Csed >- @pen%iew parti!"larly 44M and Cni$ s!ripts in ksh and -erl r"nnin+ on *"n *par! *olaris platforms for !onfi+"ration and testin+ of the em edded pro$y a+ent. /nstalled 2in"$ on a laptop -. and wrote s!ripts to pro+ram -.M./A7.ompa!t Flash mod"les for ootin+ of the pro$y a+ent. Csed &ational .lear.ase and .learM"est mana+ement tools r"nnin+ on Cni$ and 1indows 8000. Csed Mi!rosoft @ffi!e 8000 tools for do!"mentation. Took re,"irements from prod"!t mana+ement thro"+h analysis thro"+h the whole prod"!t life !y!le for s" se,"ent releases. The team for the spike radio pro$y a+ent !onsisted of my self and a mid)le(el en+ineer who handled more of the Ha(a)*!ript and html !odin+ "nder my dire!tion. My team finished releases on or ahead of time with minimal e$pendit"res: this allowed more time for the . Desi+ned look and feel for we pa+e "ser interfa!e that was so well

re!ei(ed it was in!orporated into other Ha(a ased 4M* prod"!ts for *pike. 2ed the 4M* team on !onfi+"ration mana+ement and defe!t tra!kin+. -arti!ipated in MA at all le(els for this prod"!t allowin+ the MA department more time to fo!"s on other prod"!ts that need more attention than the relati(ely defe!t free radio pro$y a+ent. *pike s !"stomers and "ltimately *pike mana+ement was (ery pleased with the le(el of s"pport and noted la!k of defe!ts in my prod"!t. *$R 2E., ,H!E#$/, R$G!# 0111 .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& -orted /8@ /ntelli+ent /np"t7@"tp"t kernel e$tensions and dri(ers from *.@ Cni$1are to *.@ @pen*er(er. 1orked in Cni$ . and shell s!ripts. -erformed administration, in!l"din+ @* installation, of se(eral (ariants of these *.@ C4/F operatin+ systems and 2in"$. Tele!omm"te position. -ro(ided detailed do!"mentation "sin+ Mi!rosoft @ffi!e 8000 tools. ,).S'!#E, #E.S!#, ($R3$#$ 0111 .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& Desi+ned and implemented a dis!rete Fo"rier Transform al+orithm for spe!tral analysis of a tele!om analo+ si+nal to determine settin+s for internal amplifiers and filters. /mpro(ed the filterin+ of e!ho y dramati!ally optimi#in+ the !ode so as to afford the time to triple the len+th of filterin+. Csed an Analo+ De(i!es D*- !hip !oded in assem ly. Csed -%.* as !onfi+"ration mana+ement tool r"nnin+ on 4o(ell 4et1are and 1indows 8000. A"thored detailed do!"mentation for !"stomer in the Mi!rosoft @ffi!e on 1indows 800074T. "( #&E" RESE R&H, 2 $R2 .., ($R3$#$ 144450111 .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& Desi+ned and implemented an A-/ to allow %$1orks tasks to a!!ess memory a!ross a &A.?way interfa!e. *ele!ted -M. mod"les !apa le of pro(idin+ &A.?way to the %M? *B.. Desi+ned and implemented software dri(er for the -FB !hip on the -M. option !ard. De(eloped on *par! *olaris "sin+ Tornado system. 1ork in .7.33. -erformed some Cni$ system administration in!l"din+ installation of pa!ka+es. De(elopment en(ironment was *"n *olaris. 1rote pro+rams and s!ripts to assist de(elopment. -R $&, ,E'ERSB)R3, WES' ($R3$#$ 144751444 .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& -erformed system and network administration of a T.-7/-, F.85, and Frame &elay network for the %eterans Administration. / and two other en+ineers !ame into a failin+ !ontra!t and t"rned it aro"nd to the !omplete satisfa!tion of the end !lient. My role was primarily the Cni$ administration and . pro+rammin+ with other work in F@&T&A4. Did pro+ram enhan!ement and maintenan!e "sin+ @ra!le s -ro). and -ro)F@&T&A4 e$tensions to oth D?. . and F@&T&A4 and *"n . and F@&T&A4. *in+le handedly took o(er all work on illin+ system. Took re,"irements from prod"!t mana+ement and a!!o"ntin+ departments within *A/. to de(elop new (ersions of system for illin+ of %A and payin+ of network ser(i!e s" )!ontra!tor ) *print. @ptimi#ed !ode and *M2 a!!ess to @ra!le to red"!e "n+ainly pro+ram r"ntimes in days down to mere min"tes for illin+ pro+rams. Took !"stomer re,"ests thro"+h all sta+es "p to deployment on the prod"!tion systems. -erformed systems administration d"ties for *"n *olaris, Alpha Tr"64 Cni$ and %AF7%M* systems. As proAe!t lead, s"per(ised other en+ineers in the s"!!essf"l port in one weekend of the whole system in!l"din+ s!ripts, .ron "tilities

and at!h files and do#ens of pro+rams from %AF7%M* to Alpha7Tr"64 Cni$. All of the diffi!"lt se!tions were reser(ed for me ased on my skill le(el. -erformed other !odin+ in .7.33, F@&T&A4 and s!riptin+ lan+"a+es on all platforms. -roAe!t ended when *print was awarded the s" se,"ent follow !ontra!t witho"t *A/. s parti!ipation. R'$G # &!R,!R '$!#, H)R!#, ($R3$#$ 1447 .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& Csed a .7B*D Cni$ de(elopment system to write de(i!e dri(ers for a net atta!hed 4F* stora+e system. The platform was a -. r"nnin+ a proprietary system and &A/D dri(es and n"mero"s network interfa!es. /n parti!"lar de(eloped a eta (ersion of a dri(er for the -./ +i+a it ?thernet !ard. Administered the B*D system and wrote s!ripts as ne!essary. ""B S, &E#E', BR "2!R", ($R3$#$ 144C51447 .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& Desi+ned and implemented a link layer proto!ol for a satellite !omm"ni!ations network. -roto!ol re,"ired the a ility to +"arantee deli(ery with retries as needed. My proto!ol "sed less than one fifth the o(erhead its of an earlier +eneration allowin+ s" stantial thro"+hp"t in!rease a!ross the slow and e$pensi(e satellite links. De(elopment was done on a !om ination of 1indows 4T and *"n *olaris systems. 1rote test pro+rams and s!ripts as needed. -ro(ided detailed do!"mentation to the satisfa!tion of the !"stomer "sin+ Mi!rosoft @ffi!e prod"!ts on 1indows 4T. " ' &!* &!R,!R '$!#, 3REE#SB!R!, ($R3$#$ 144C .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& Based on s"!!essf"l prior e$perien!e at 5eni!om, / was asked to ret"rn to "pdate the &*)8=8 serial and .entroni!s parallel port de(i!e dri(ers for a newer +eneration of /ntel 80186 pro!essor. De(eloped on %AF7%M* systems &$R', !S.!, ($R3$#$ 14485144C .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& ?m edded D*- and ./*. pro+rammin+ for AT ' T72"!ent Te!hnolo+ies DA.* // and DA.* // /*F !ross !onne!t swit!hes. Te!hni!al lead, desi+ner and implementer of 1? 1611 D*- !ode to handle s" ) rate m"ltiple$in+ and m"lti)point A"n!tions. My ar!hite!t"re and desi+n for an o Ae!t)oriented ar!hite!t"re allowed the D*- !ard to far e$!eed e$pe!tations. A pre(io"s (ersion handled 55 !hannels with no error !orre!tion or A"n!tions while the (ersion my team !reated handled 64 !hannels with error !orre!tion and the m"ltipoint A"n!tions. Also worked on the ./*. master M.68000 family pro!essor for the T5)1;= D*- !ard. The s"!!ess of this proAe!t led dire!tly to another proAe!t awarded to 5&. y 2"!ent. /n this proAe!t / ser(ed as te!hni!al and proAe!t lead on a maAor release of !ode for the DA.* // that added >y rid D*= !apa ilities where T1 and ?1 !hannels !o"ld e !onstit"ent parts of the data stream. .odin+, desi+n, mana+ement, !ode !ontrol and system administration d"ties. My team a!!omplished in ; months the e,"i(alent of what it took 2"!ent s staff two years to !omplete. 1ork in .7.33 and assem ly. De(elopment platform was 1indows 4T for D*- work and *"n *olaris for Motorola 68k family work. >elped administer the *olaris systems at 5&./, then helped train the hired Cni$ and 1indows administrators. $##!( '$(E "E&$S$!#S, $#&., '+S!#($..E, ($R3$#$ 144B51448

.@4T&A.T ?45/4??& 1orked on the analysis phase of a military !omm"ni!ations proAe!t. *ystems analysis and hi+h)le(el desi+n of an ??-&@M ased mass stora+e de(i!e. Analysis and desi+n work on inter)mod"le !omm"ni!ations proto!ols. /nstalled, !onfi+"red and administered a *par! *olaris and *"n@* network. /nstalled appli!ations on the *olaris systems and wrote shell s!ripts as needed. 1ork in ADA, . and .3 3. 'RES'!# " ' #E'W!R-S, WES'!#, ($R3$#$ 144>5144B .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& /nte+rated the *pe!tra De "++er pa!ka+e on proprietary hardware "sin+ e$istin+ operatin+ systems off the shelf and proprietary . 1rote the software dri(ers for Motorola 68=60 */M and shared memory proto!ols. Also em edded the F)&AG de "++er into the same prod"!t. .odin+ in .7.33 and assem ly "sin+ *olaris de(elopment platform. 1rote Cni$ pro+rams and s!ripts as needed. (ES' R' H$3HW + "*$#$S'R '$!#, 3 #3.E+, ($R3$#$ 144> .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& /nte+rated and "pdated software for a hi+hway si+n refle!tan!e appli!ation. The platform was a -. mo"nted in a (an with a stro e, refle!tometer and ran+e finder in a thro"+h the roof peris!ope. Altho"+h / was hired only as a one day en+ineer e$pe!ted to fi$ a simple Oassem ly lan+"a+e defe!tO / assessed the a!t"al state of the proAe!t. ' S&! "ES$3#S, $"ER$&-, * R+. #" 144A5144> .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& >elped inte+rate the standard Bondin+ proto!ol into an e$istin+ in(erse m"ltiple$er. /nterfa!ed an em edded 80186and an Analo+ De(i!es D*-. / took prod"!t re,"irements from -atasp!o and led a team of two en+ineers in rin+in+ this proAe!t to !ompletion to the !omplete satisfa!tion of the !lient. Csed . and Assem ly "sin+ a 1indows de(elopment platform. )#$'E" S&$E#&ES &!R,!R '$!#, &H #'$..+, ($R3$#$ 144A5144> .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& Desi+ned, !oded and tested the initial power "p firmware and error re!o(ery software for a fli+ht !omp"ter ased on m"ltiple M. 68=08 mi!ropro!essors. /nterfa!ed with the hardware desi+ner on hardware desi+n iss"es. ?m edded F)&ay monitor and de "++er into the fli+ht !omp"ter. &e!oded .&.)16 into assem ly al+orithm with new e$e!"tion times half that of the . (ersion. Csed 1indows de(elopment platform. W+# 'E&H &!**)#$& '$!#S, RE"W!!", ($R3$#$ 14415144A *@FT1A&? ?45/4??& ?m edded pro!essin+ in tele!omm"ni!ations. -AD, F&AD and swit!hes, /mplemented an *4M- a+ent and the telnet proto!ol for swit!h administration and !onfi+"ration. Desi+ned and implemented the Frame &elay link mana+ement proto!ols for 2M/ and A4*/ Anne$ D proto!ols. Desi+ned and implemented software to ro"te etween m"ltiple !ir!"it and pa!ket proto!ols. ?sta lished (ersion !ontrol and mod"le mana+ement systems "sin+ -%.* tools with a network oriented approa!h for software en+ineers. Csed .7.33 and assem ly. Administered 1indows =.1, @*78, 4o(ell 4etware, M*

2A4 and *par! *olaris networks. 1rote Cni$ pro+rams and s!ripts as needed for de(elopment and test. 'E/ S $#S'R)*E#'S, BER' ( ..E+, * R+. #" 1441 .@4T&A.T ?45/4??& De "++ed and enhan!ed real)time pro!ess !ontrol and data !olle!tion systems "sin+ networks of em edded systems and D?. %AF and -D- mini)!omp"ters. 1orked on operatin+ system kernel, floatin+ point translation etween %AF and 80=8<, and n"meri!al pro!essin+ iss"es. Csed ., Assem ly and F@&T&A4. 'E.E&!**)#$& '$!#S &!R,!R '$!#, BE..E'!W#, * R+. #" 144151441 *?4/@& *@FT1A&? ?45/4??& Desi+ned and wrote em edded software for tele!omm"ni!ations test e,"ipment. Desi+ned and implemented software for T1 and ?1 !lo!k Aitter analysis. .oded link layer of n"mero"s !omm"ni!ations proto!ols. *et "p a !onfi+"ration mana+ement system "nder >-7CF and *"n@s. For a workstation ased en(ironment. 2ed and ta"+ht an in)ho"se seminar in .33. Administered >- CF and *"n *olaris networks. 1rote s" stantial Cni$ s!ripts to hide intri!a!ies of *..* and &.* from other de(elopers. *$"WES' $#")S'R$ES, R.$#3'!#, * R+. #" 147451441 -&/4./-A2 *@FT1A&? ?45/4??& 1rote -. ased software for n"meri!al spe!tral analysis and dri(ers for a spe!tr"m analy#er. 1ork in!l"ded +raphi!s, data ase and statisti!al analysis. Did !"stomer s"pport and appli!ations en+ineerin+. /nterfa!ed etween an /sraeli en+ineerin+ team and Ameri!an !"stomers. Administered M* D@*, 1indows and .on!"rrent D@* !omp"ters. E S+&!* &!R,!R '$!#, B$..B!R!, ($R3$#$ 147851474 *@FT1A&? *-?./A2/*T 1rote em edded firmware for printers. 1rote an enhan!ed memory mana+ement system for an em edded @*. Desi+ned and !oded A4*/, /BM, /-D* and >- -.2 printer em"lation proto!ols. 1orked on laser, sh"ttle and dot matri$ printers. /mplemented !onfi+"ration and "ild !ontrol systems. Csed em edded 1i#ard ., whi!h later e!ame Borland T"r o .. .ross de(elopment on %AF %M* systems. Education BA.>?2@& @F *./?4.? /4 .@M-CT?& *./?4.? 1;<;)1;86 Hames Madison Cni(ersity >arrison "r+, %ir+inia -arti!ipated in the honors pro+ram after ein+ named to the Dean s 2ist. Mem er of -hi M" Alpha *infonia. 5&ADCAT? *TCD/?* /4 .@M-CT?& *./?4.? 1;8<)1;88 Hames Madison Cni(ersity >arrison "r+, %ir+inia Cp

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