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Product:STAR Date:08-25-2009Desk: NEW-0001-CMYK/24-08-09/23:08:01

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SID 35
Team Canada From Cherry
2010 will be led Umeboshi
to Sea
by Sidney Crosby. Anemones
So why won’t they with Tea,
let him wear the ‘C’? the world’s
THE KID The Star’s Damien Cox COURSE top chef offers

GROWS UP explains from Calgary. S1 MEAL a 5 1⁄2-hour

indulgence, E1


Olympics push army over edge

half the entire Canadian Forces —
will be in training or set to deploy
belled the problem “Personnel
Crunch 2010.”
work in Afghanistan, such as the
operation of a military college for
Guarding 2010 Games OTTAWA—Canada is considering on missions to Kandahar, the Van- “We . . . are now at the point where Afghan army officers, to civilian
outsourcing military work in Af- couver Olympics and next sum- some requests that would seem to contractors or retired soldiers.
and G8 summit means ghanistan and pulling soldiers from mer’s G8 meeting in Huntsville be- be minor (e.g., for only a few per- Canadian soldiers in Kandahar
compromises elsewhere low-profile foreign missions to re-
lieve the pressure of fighting in
tween now and July 2010.
That staffing burden makes it im-
sonnel) are, in reality, difficult to
source initially and impossible to
will also be ordered to train and
mentor additional Afghan army
— even in Afghanistan, Kandahar, guarding the 2010 possible to carry on current opera- sustain over the 2010 timeframe,” battalions on the front lines with-
Olympics and protecting world tions and still respond to the week- says a March 17 memorandum to out more troops, say the docu-
defence documents say leaders in Muskoka. ly requests for Canadian soldiers chief of defence staff Gen. Walter ments, obtained under the Access
According to documents obtained from the Americans, NATO and the Natynczyk. to Information Act.
by the Toronto Star, more than United Nations, the military says. Already military officials are con-
32,000 military personnel — about The defence department has la- sidering passing some signature MILITARY continued on A13

COP STAR Craig Bromell, the controversial Toronto street cop who became
a controversial union boss, inspires police drama on the small screen U.S. probes
CIA tactics
under Bush

WASHINGTON—After months of urg-

ing Americans to put the contro-
versial handling of terror suspects
behind them, President Barack
Obama signalled yesterday his gov-
ernment will investigate the abuse
of detainees under the Bush admin-
In a series of decisions coinciding
with the court-ordered release of
hundreds of pages of previously
classified details about the CIA’s
“unauthorized, improvised, inhu-
mane” interrogation techniques —
including threats to kill the chil-
dren of one detainee and implying
the mother of another would be
sexually assaulted — the White
House announced:
1 It will stand aside as the U.S. Jus-
tice Department launches a special
criminal investigation into whether
CIA interrogators went too far in
grilling top Al Qaeda suspects cap-
tured after the attacks of 9/11.
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
appointed John Durham, a career
prosecutor who previously investi-
gated the destruction of CIA vid-
eotapes of interrogations, to review
whether CIA officials and the agen-
cy’s private contractors should be
1 The administration will create an
elite multi-agency interrogation
team, answering not only to the
CIA but also the FBI, the National
Security Council and, ultimately,
PAWEL DWULIT/TORONTO STAR the White House. The new High
Former Toronto police union president Craig Bromell chats with actress Ona Grauer yesterday on the Queens Quay set of The Bridge. The CTV-CBS show, Value Detainee Interrogation
set to air late this year or early next year, is loosely based on Bromell’s career as a cop. Bromell, who was once accused of beating up a homeless man, is
executive producer of the show, which is about police officers “serving justice,” sometimes through less than entirely legal means. See story on GT1 INTERROGATION continued on A13


Jackson’s overdose death
Leaving no mark when your time comes a homicide, coroner rules
Eco-friendly burial ground in Cobourg lets deceased hectare dotted with trees, where
machines, monuments and mani-
powerful anesthetic propofol and
at least two sedatives was given to
rest in biodegradable boxes in unspoiled meadow cured lawns are prohibited. Hand- LOS ANGELES—Michael Jackson’s Jackson hours before he died June
picking the “bad weeds” replaces death has been ruled a homicide, a 25 in his Los Angeles mansion, ac-
CAROLA VYHNAK planet after death. pesticides, but that’s it for mainte- law enforcement official says, a cording to the official.
URBAN AFFAIRS REPORTER That means putting nothing in the nance. finding that makes it more Dr. Conrad Murray, a Las
COBOURG—A simple wooden box. A body or ground that isn’t harmless Other cemeteries offer green buri- likely criminal charges will Vegas cardiologist who
grave dug by hand. Wildflowers to and biodegradable, doing nothing als, Cabardos says, “but where we be filed against the doctor became Jackson’s per-
mark the spot. after burial to disturb the ecosys- differ is what happens after.” who was with the pop star sonal physician weeks
When it comes time to leave this tem and doing everything possible No markers, headstones or con- when he died. before his death, is the
world, you can’t go any greener to save energy. crete vaults are permitted, but fam- The Los Angeles County target of a manslaughter
than that. “We’ll go that extra step of digging ily members may plant native wild- coroner determined a fa-
Cobourg Union Cemetery has by hand if we can,” says superin- flowers or a shrub at the grave. tal combination of the JACKSON continued on A13
opened what is believed to be On- tendent Michel Cabardos. “We’re A small commemorative plaque
tario’s first truly eco-friendly burial as green as green can be.” may also be placed on one of several
ground. Now people for whom en- Set in a quiet corner alongside a fieldstones scattered around the FULL INDEX PAGE A2
vironmental consciousness is a way creek an hour east of Toronto, the Store and box price Monday to Friday $1.00
of life can do their part to save the site is a meadow of about half a GRAVE continued on A13 including GST (prices higher outside the GTA)

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