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Nectanebus autem manens in Macedonia Philippus (h)abiit in prelium.

maneo2-si-sus: remain, stay, endure depart, go away, pass, die proelium-ii n: battle, fight, conflict abeo4-ii-itum:

And Nectanebus was staying in Macedonia when Philiph went to battle. Post haec perrexit Nectanebus palatium et vidit pulchritudinem Olimpiadis; iaculatum est cor eius in concupiscentiam illius; tetendit manum suam salutans eam et dicens illi
haec-sg N n, pl, N, Acc beauty, attractiveness hurl concupiscentia-ae: extend outwards, his toward n pergo3-exi-ectum: proceed, go on, hasten pulchritudo-inis: iaculatus-a-um: thrown iaculor-ari-iaculatus sum: cast, throw, longing, desire, concupiscense tendo3-endi-ensus: strech, heart s ipped a beat in the strong desire for her in: for, to,

After these, Nectanebus went to the palace and saw the beauty of Olympias; his heart skipped a beat by the strong desire for her, he streched out his hand saluting her and said to her: ,,Gaude, regina Macedonum", dedignans illam appellari dominatricem.
gaudeo: be glad, re!oice "acedo-onis: a macedonian, one from "acedonia dedignor#atus: re!ect with scorn, refuse dominatrix-icis: mistress, female ruler apello#: to call, adress, name greetings$$ gaude-mainly used in hymns,%contemporary$ or later$&, hymns for "ary, "ary'(lympias in this context$

" e!oice "ueen of the Macedonians#" refusing to call her my lady (re using her to be called mistress! lady) "d haec dixit illi Olimpiadis# ,,Gaude, benignissime magister.
(lympias-adis benignus-a-um: loving, merciful, ind, benign (lympias-he uses conse)uently the * instead the N form magister: +laise medieval- spiritaul adviser -magister spiritus-guide

$o these words Olympias replied %said& him: ' e!oice to you too most amiable guide "ccede propius et sede.
sedeo2-sedi-sessum: sit, be seated accedo3-cessi-cessum: come near, approach , enter propior-us: nearer prope-propius-proxime

(ome closer and be seated.' $bi autem sedit, interrogavit eum Olimpiadis# "%erene est, in&uit, &uod 'giptius sis("
interrgo#: in)uire, re)uest, as in)uiam%defect verb&: say ,giptius-note that this is a

medieval form of the word$$ verene: ne-interogation vere: really,trully

And as soon as he sat, Olympias asked him: )s it true she sad, that you %might be& are *gyptian+ )espondit illi Nectanebus# ,,%erbum pulchritudinis et regale dixisti.
pulchritudo-inis: beauty, splendor, ma!esty regalis-is-e: royal, regal, regale neutrum Acc verbum-i: word, a phrase, saying dico-dixisti-perf sg-2-say tal , declare, refer, spea of, name,

Nectanebo answered to her: ++,ou said the royal word of beauty. *unt enim sapientes, &ui etiam somnia interpretaverunt, signa solverunt, volatilia intellexerunt, secreta intelligentes at&ue mani esta divinantes, atum nascentium dicentes.
enim: indeed, because, so, and somnium-ii: dream interpretor# : translate, explain, understand signum-i: sign, miracle solvo3: solve, explain, volatilia-ium: birds, winged creatures divino#: foresee, prophesy, foretell manifestus-a-um: clearly, undoubtedly, unmista ebly .why is manifesta in feminin$/ fatum-i: destiny, fate nascens: infant, nascent the birds-

this refers to understanding the flight of the birds-augor +at. )egni +egionis, *telten )ndeed there are wise men, who interpreted dreams, e.plained signs, understood the birds, who are e/en understanding secrets and also forseeing unmistakebly, and who can tell the destiny of the nascent ones . 'go ita&ue sensu subtilissimo de his omnibus notus actus sum sicut propheta at&ue divinator."
ita)ue: therefore, and so, accordingly sicut: as, !ust as, so as divinator: fortune teller, diviner sensus-us: meaning, understanding, sense subtilis-e: fine, subtile, simple, precise nosco3-novi-notum: - notus-a-um: ac)uinted, familiar, have to nowledge fioeri- factus sum: become

0ikewise ) ha/e become ac"uinted with all of these down to the details !ust as a prohpet and a di/iner. ,aec dicens respexit eam sensu concupiscibili.
respicio3-exi-extum: loo bac , loo at, ga0e concupiscibilis-e:

1hile saying these he ga2ed at her lustfully. -ixit ita&ue illi Olimpiadis# ,,O propheta, &uid cogitasti sic respiciendo me (

cogito#: thin , consider

)uid: why, to what purpose sic: in this way, so, li ewise

And so Olympias said to him: Oh prophet, why did you think about looking at me in this way+ Nectanebus in&uit# ,,)ecordatus sum pulcherrimam divinationem ; etenim auditus sum a proximis diis, quia debeo intueri reginam.
divinatio-onis: divination, foreseeing recordo#: recall, remember, record, thin over etenim: and indeed, because, since, the fact is pulcherimus-a-um: the most beautifull proximus- proximi: nearest neighboring intueor, intueri, intuitus sum: loo at, ga0e upon, consider

Nectanebo answered: $he fact is that ) remember the most beautifull prophecy, that ) ha/e heard from the gods closest to me, that is why ) owe to ga2e upon the "ueen 3 $he fact is that ) owe to ga2e upon the "ueen because ) remember the most beautifull prophecy, that ) ha/e heard from the gods closest to me4 3Olympias, gaude, dominatri., magister, augor4

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