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FEDERALISM FEDERAL COURT JURISDICTION I. CASE OR CONTROVERSY: Art 3 requires a case or controversy Must be judiciable/ACTUAL CAS not advisory 1! Standing" #njury $%ast or i&&inent' ( Causation ( )edressability M*ST #MP*)TA+T Causation , )edressability -avorable court decision is li.ely to re&edy t/e /ar& 3rd Party Standing 0enerally P can +*T assert clai&s o1 3rd %arties not be1ore court 2ce%tions" 1! Close )elations/i% b/3 P and injured %arty so t/at P can be trusted to adequately re%resent 4! 3rd Party Unli.ely to Assert *3n )ig/ts $e2" cri& 5 raise rig/ts o1 %otential jurors struc. b/c o1 race' 3! *rgani6ational Standing 7 1' individual &e&bers 3ould /ave standing8 4' interests ger&ane to orgs %ur%ose A+5 3'neit/er clai& nor relie1 requires %artici%ation o1 individual &e&bers 0enerali6ed 0rievances P &ust +*T be suing solely as a citi6en or ta2%ayer interested in /aving gov9t 1ollo3 t/e la3 :UT ta2%ayers /ave standing to c/allenge gov9t e2%enditures as violating establis/&ent cl $; 4 religion' 4! )i%eness" #ssue 3/et/er court can grant %re<en1orce&ent revie3 $t/in. about 3/en P declaratory jdg&t' -actors" 1'=ards/i% t/at 3ill be su11ered 3/o %re<en1orce&ent revie3 A+5 4'-itness o1 t/e issues/record 1or judicial revie3 $/as t/e 1ig/t started>' &ust be /ar& or t/reat o1 i&&inent /ar& 3! Mootness" #1 events a1ter 1iling la3suit end P9s injury? case &ust be dis&issed as &oot b/c &ust be live controversy 2ce%tions" 1'@ong ca%able o1 re%etition b/c o1 in/erent ti&e li&it8 4'Aoluntary cessation by 58 3'Class Actions $so long as 1 %erson in suit still /as injury 3on9t be dis&issed' T#P" Loo. 1or non<&onetary da&ages $injunctions etc' b/c t/ose are usually &ootness questions B! Political Cuestion" Suits t/at 3ill be dis&issed as non<justiciable %olitical questions DDDD US guarantee o1 ) PU:L#CA+ 1or& o1 gov9t $0uarantee cl' C/allenges to President9s conduct o1 -*) #0+ P*L#CE $sending troo%s 7 1or any reason? receiving/a%%ointing a&bassadors? cases c/allenging 3ar b/c o1 no declaration o1 3ar' C/allenges to #MP AC=M +T/re&oval %rocess C/allenges to %artisan 0 ))EMA+5 )#+0 SUPREME COURT REVIEW: Fusticiable require&ents 7 Must be a -inal Fudg&ent 5iscretion" Court /as 5#SC) T#*+ to acce%t GC PT#*+" a%%eals o1 decisions o1 3 judge 1ed dist courts *riginal/ 2clusive F2" over suits b/3 states9 gov9t A%%ellate F2" =as discretion to /ear cases 1ro& all - 5 )AL cts o1 a%%eals 7 1ro& STAT courts 3/ere Constitutionality o1 1ed/st statute at issue *) state statute allegedly violates 1ederal la3 $cannot decide state la3 issues < 3/et/er state la3 violates state constitution' MUST /ear" a%%eals o1 decisions o1 3 judge 1ed dist courts +o #nde%/Adeq State 0round" -or SC to revie3 STAT court decision t/ere &ust not be an inde%endent/adequate state la3 ground o1 decision 7 i1 decision rests on 4 grounds? 1 st and 1 1ed? i1 reversing on 1ed 3on9t c/ange result t/en SC can +*T /ear t/e case SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY: 11t/ a&end %rotects STAT S , - 5 )AL gov9t and agencies 1ro& suit 7 +*T local gov9t 2ce%tions" States can be sued i1 @aiver" State consents to being sued Congress CL A)LE creates C*A" Under sect H o1 1Bt/ a&end -ederal gov9t sues State gov9t Suits against *--#C )S" Suits against state o11icers A) allo3ed A + #- t/e state gov9t could +*T be na&ed as 5 #njunctive relie1 *) Money da&ages i1 t/ey %ay out o1 t/eir o3n $+*T i1 state treasury 3ould be %aying' ABTENTION: -ederal court can +*T enjoin a P +5#+0 state court %roceeding LEGISLATIVE POWER (Art 1) #! BASICS: Must be GP) SS or #MPL# 5 Congressional aut/ority +ecessary and Pro%er Clause" Congress s/all ado%t all la3s t/at are necessary and %ro%er 1or its aut/ority $+*T an inde%endent basis 1or a 1ed la3 MUST be cou%led 3/ anot/er %o3er' Police Po3er" 0enerally t/ere is +* - 5 )AL %olice %o3er $%olice %o3er rests 3/ state' 2ce%tions" $M#L5' 1'Military8 4'#ndian )eservation8 3'Lands $1ed land'8 B'5istrict o1 Colu&bia TAX/SPENDING POWER: Congress can ta2 and s%end 1or t/e 0 + )AL @ L-A) $T)#CI" +o Congressional %o3er to %ro&ote t/e general 3el1are 7 only rig/t i1 question is about ta2ing and s%ending' COMMERCE POWER: Congress can regulate co&&erce 3/ 1oreign nations $state can +*T regulate'? #ndian tribes? and a&ong t/e states $interstate co&&erce 7 states can regulate i1 doesn9t unduly burden 7 dor&ant co&&erce clause' 3 @ay can )egulate #nterstate Co&&erce" US v! Lo%e6 C/annels Places 3/ere co&&erce occurs $/ig/3ays? 3ater3ays? internet? or crossing st lines in any3ay'




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#nstru&entalities Can regulate instru&entalities o1 interstate co&&erce A+5 t/e P )S*+S or T=#+0S in interstate co&&erce Substantial A11ect Can regulate t/ings t/at /ave a substantial i&%act on interstate co&&erce cono&ic Activities Substantial A11ect CA+ be based on cu&ulative i&%act +on< cono&ic Activities Substantial A11ect can +*T be based on cu&ulative i&%act 1 T! AMEND LIMIT: All %o3ers not granted to US? nor %ro/ibited to states? are reserved 1or states or t/e %eo%le 4 Princi%les" Congress can +*T C*MP L state regulatory/legislative action 7 can use %o3er o1 %urse $so long as contributions are li&its e2%ressly stated and relate to %ur%ose o1 s%ending %rogra&' Congress CA+ %ro/ibit =A)M-UL C*MM )C#AL ACT#A#TE by STAT gov9t DELEGATION OF POWERS Legislative Po3ers +* li&it on Congress9 ability to delegate leg %o3ers Legislative and Line #te& Aetoes Aiolate syste& o1 :#CAM )AL#SM and P) S +TM +T $Pres &ust sign/veto bill in its entirety' 2ecutive Po3ers Congress can +*T delegate e2ecutive %o3ers to itsel1 or ot/ers $%o3er to i&%le&ent la3' EXECUTIVE POWER (Art ") BASIC ROLE: n1orces la3 but &ust obey statutes FOREIGN POLICY: States can +*T inter1ere 3/ 1oreign relations Treaties" Agree&ent b/3 US and 1oreign nation t/at negotiated by Pres and e11ective 3/en )AT#-# 5 by Senate Con1lict 3/ State La3 State la3s t/at con1lict are #+AAL#5 Con1lict 3/ -ed La3 *ne t/at 3as ado%ted LAT ) in ti&e controls Con1lict 3/ Const Treaty is #+AAL#5 President can *A ))#5 a treaty even i1 it /as been rati1ied and beco&es la3 $b/c Su%re&acy cl only a%%lies to con1licting 1ed/state la3' 2ecutive Agree&ents" Agree&ent b/3 US and 1oreign country t/at e11ective 3/en S#0+ 5 by t/e Pres and /ead o1 t/e 1oreign nation $senate a%%roval is +*T needed 7 can be 1or A+E %ur%ose' Con1lict 3/ State La3 A %revails 7 state la3 #+AAL#5 Con1lict 3/ -ed La3 or Const A + A ) %revails 7 A #+AAL#5 Use o1 Military" President /as :)*A5 %o3ers to use US troo%s in 1oreign countries 7 does +*T &atter 3/at %ur%ose is T#P" :est ans3er J %olitical question8 4nd best J Pres /as 1ull control over &ilitary DOMESTIC AFFAIRS: A%%oint&ent/)e&oval" A%%oint&ent President a%%oints *--#C )S? a&bassadors? and 1ed judges $Senate &ust a%%rove no&ination 7 can only a%%rove/deny or give advice 7 can +*T 1orce a&bassadors on t/e President' #n1erior *11icers Congress can vest a%%oint&ent in President? /eads o1 de%ts? or lo3er 1ederal courts )e&oval President &ay 1ire A+E e2ecutive branc/ o11icial U+L SS li&ited by statute Congress can li&it re&oval *+LE 3/ere inde%endence 1ro& President is desirable $can only require 0**5 CAUS ' #&%eac/&ent and )e&oval" President? AP? 1ed judges? and all o11icers o1 US can be i&%eac/ed and re&oved 1ro& o11ice 0rounds *nly 1or treason? bribery? or /ig/ cri&es and &isde&eanors )e&oval #&%eac/&ent does +*T re&ove a %erson 1ro& o11ice 7 only a1ter Senate convicts a1ter trial is %erson re&oved Aotes #&%eac/&ent J Majority o1 =ouse8 Conviction J 4/3 vote in Senate Presidential #&&unity" President /as absolute i&&unity to C#A#L suits 1or ; da&ages 1or actions @=#L #+ *--#C +o i&&unity 1or actions %rior to o11ice 2ecutive Privilege" President /as e2ecutive %rivilege 1or Presidential PAP )S ( C*+A )SAT#*+S but %rivilege &ust E# L5 to ot/er i&%ortant gov9t interests Pardon" President can %ardon anyone accused/convicted o1 - 5 )AL cri&es $ 2ce%tion" %erson i&%eac/ed by =ouse can +*T be %ardoned 1or underlying cri&e' 7 5oes +*T a%%ly to C#A#L liability FEDERALISM PREEMPTION: Aalid 1ederal la3 3ill tru&% inconsistent state la3s $state la3 can be &ore de&anding but not less de&anding' 3 Iinds" 2%ress Congress STAT S t/at its %o3er is GCLUS#A in t/e 1ield #&%lied 1'Si&ultaneous co&%liance not %ossible8 4'#&%edes 1ederal objective8 3'Clear #ntent o1 Congress to occu%y t/e 1ield $state can +*T regulate international co&&erce b/c o1 desire to s%ea. 3/ one voice' #ntergovern&ental #&&unity State can +*T c/arge a state ta2 to be %aid out o1 1ederal treasury $can9t ta2 ar&y store in state? can9t &a.e 1ederal building %ay state %ro%erty ta2es' DORMANT COMMERCE CLAUSE # PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES CLAUSE D$r%&'t C$%%(r)( C*&+,(: State la3 is unconstitutional i1 it %laces an U+5U :U)5 + on interstate co&&erce 5oes +*T discri&inate against out o1 staters> T ST" #1 la3 burdens interstate co&&erce? violation #- :U)5 + on interstate co&&erce out3eig/s : + -#T 5* S discri&inate against out o1 staters>

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T ST" Aiolation U+L SS 1'+ C SSA)E 4'to ac/ieve #MP*)TA+T gov9t %ur%ose A+5 3'L AST 5#SC)#M#+AT*)E alterative to ac/ieve its goal 2ce%tions" Congressional A%%roval $no longer dor&ant'? Partici%ant $state or local gov9t CA+ %re1er its o3n citi6ens in receiving bene1its 1ro& gov9t %rogra&s or in dealing 3/ gov9t o3ned business' PI C*&+,( (&rt -): +o state or &unici%ality can deny citi6ens o1 *T= ) states t/e P#s it a11ords it *@+ citi6ens 3/o SU:STA+T#AL FUST#-#CAT#*+ 5oes +*T discri&inate against out o1 staters> Clause +*T i&%licated b/c requires discri&ination 5* S discri&inate against out o1 staters> T ST" #1 la3 discri&inates against out o1 staters 3/ regard to t/eir C#A#L liberties or i&%ortant C*+*M#C activities $ability to earn a living' it A#*LAT S U+L SS 1'+ C SSA)E 4'to ac/ieve #MP*)TA+T gov9t %ur%ose +ote" Cor%orations and Aliens can +*T use or invo.e t/is clause b/c o1 use o1 3ord Kciti6ensL #1 c/allenger is cor% or alien only consider dor&ant co&&erce clause PI C*&+,( (1-t. &%('/): Preserves a %erson9s rig/t to T)AA L 1ro& one state to anot/er STATE TAXATION OF INTERESTATE COMMERCE: A state &ay only ta2 activities #- t/ere is a SU:STA+T#AL + GUS b/3 t/e %roduct or activity to be ta2ed and t/e state ( ta2 1airly relates to services/bene1its %rovided 1or by t/e state 4 States" State ta2 o1 interstate business/co&%anies &ust be 1airly a%%ortioned b/3 t/e t3o etc! Pre1erential T2" State can +*T use t/eir ta2 syste& to /el% state businesses FULL FAIT! AND CREDIT: Courts in one state &ust give 1ull 1ait/ and credit $&ust en1orce all judg&ents o1 courts in anot/er state' S* L*+0 AS Court t/at rendered or issued t/e judg&ent /ad %ro%er FU)#S5#CT#*+ Fudg&ent 3as *+ T= M )#TS Fudg&ent 3as -#+AL CIVIL RIG!TS



STATE ACTION RULE: Constitutional %rotections a%%ly *+LE #- T= ) #S STAT ACT#*+ Private Action" Private action need not co&%ly 3/ t/e Constitution by its o3n ter&s $Congress by STATUT can a%%ly constitutional nor&s to %rivate conduct' 2ce%tions" 1' Public -unction 2ce%tion $%rivate entity %er1or&ing a tas. traditionally? e2clusively done by state' 4' ntangle&ent 2ce%tion $Const a%%lies i1 gov9t a11ir&atively aut/ori6es? encourages? or 1acilitates unconstitutional activity' 13t/ A&end" Pro/ibits slavery and *+LE a&end t/at a%%lies directly to %rivate conduct $T#P" *nly slavery violates 13t/ a&end and race discri&ination violates statutes ado%ted %ursuant to t/e a&end 7 Congress can enact a statute t/at %ro/ibits al&ost all %rivate racially discri&inatory action t/at is a badge or incident o1 slavery' 0EY EXAMPLES: M M*)#M Courts can +*T en1orce racially restrictive covenants T/ere #S state action 3/en gov9t leases %re&ises to restaurant #S state action 3/en state %rovides 1ree boo.s to %rivate sc/ools t/at racially discri&inate +* state action 3/en %rivate sc/ool t/at is over NNO 1unded by gov9t 1ires a teac/er b/c o1 /er s%eec/ +* state action 3/en +CAA orders sus%ension o1 bas.etball coac/ at a state university #S state action 3/en %rivate entity regulates intersc/olastic s%orts 3/in a state +* state action 3/en %rivate club 3/ liquor license 1ro& state racially discri&inates INCORPORATION DOCTRINE/BILL OF RIG!TS RULE: :ill o1 rig/ts a%%lies directly only to t/e - 5 )AL gov9t 7 A%%lies to STAT S and local gov9t t/roug/ its incor%oration into 5PC o1 1Bt/ a&end KlibertyL RIG!TS INCORPORATED: ALL incor%orated e2ce%t 1'rt to bear ar&s8 4'rt to not /ave soldier quartered in /o&e8 3'rt to grand jury indict&ent in cri&inal cases $so only 1ed gov9t &ust use grand jury not state'8 B'rt to jury trial in civil cases8 H'rt against e2cessive 1ines LEVELS OF SCRUTINY 7 I+*@ GACT @*)5#+0 RATIONAL BASIS: A la3 is u%/eld i1 it is )AT#*+ALLE related to a L 0#MT#AT gov9t %ur%ose 5oesn9t /ave to be actual %ur%ose 7 just /as to be conceivable legiti&ate %ur%ose :urden" C/allenger /as burden o1 %roo1 INTERMEDIATE SCRUTINY: A la3 3ill be u%/eld i1 it is SU:STA+T#ALLE ) LAT 5 to an #MP*)TA+T gov9t %ur%ose A+5 t/e &eans are +A))*@LE TA#L*) 5 $not necessarily least restrictive' Actual %ur%ose &ust be i&%ortant :urden" 0ov9t /as burden o1 %roo1 STRICT SCRUTINY: La3 3ill be u%/eld i1 it is + C SSA)E to ac/ieve a C*MP LL#+0 gov9t %ur%ose A+5 use t/e L AST ) ST)#CT#A &eans Must be vital interest 7 &ust be actual %ur%ose :urden" 0ov9t /as burden o1 %roo1

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PROCEDURAL DUE PROCESS BASIC IDEA: -ederal , State gov9t can9t de%rive so&eone o1 li1e? liberty? or %ro%erty 3/o due %rocess $&ust use %rocedures' STEP 1: =as t/ere been a de%rivation o1 li1e? liberty? or %ro%erty Liberty A de%rivation occurs i1 loss o1 a S#0+#-#CA+T -) 5*M %rovided by Constitution or statute $/ar& to re%utation by itsel1 +*T a loss o1 lib'$%risoners rarely /ave liberty interest and so 3ill use' Pro%erty #1 a %erson /as an +T#TL M +T/) AS*+A:L GP CTAT#*+ and t/at entitle&ent is +*T -UL-#LL 5 #ntent" T/ere &ust be #+T +T#*+AL gov9t action *) at least ) CIL SS action 1or liability to e2ist 0ov9t negligence is +*T su11icient #n e&ergency gov9t liable only i1 t/eir conduct KS=*CIS T= C*+SC# +C L Private =ar&s" 0enerally gov9t 1ailure to %rotect %eo%le 1ro& %rivately in1licted /ar& does +*T deny due %rocess $don9t investigate c/ild abuse' STEP ": #1 t/ere /as been de%rivation? 3/at %rocedures are required> T ST" 3 %art balancing test #&%ortance o1 interest to individual &ore i&%ortant to individual &ore %rotection 3ill be required Ability o1 additional %rocedures to increase t/e accuracy o1 1act 1inding T/e gov9t interest usually e11iciency and saving &oney Ter&ination o1 @el1are :ene1its ter&ination needs notice ( /earing Ter&ination o1 Social Security 5isability :ene1its only %ost ter&ination /earing Ter&ination o1 Parent9s )t to Custody notice ( /earing Punitive 5a&ages A3ards requires jury instructions to guide discretion ( judicial revie3 to ensure reasonable +on<Citi6en =eld as ne&y Co&batant ability to c/allenge continued detention US Citi6en -acing Cri& C/arges in Anot/er US Controlled Country Can 1ile /abeas cor%us %etition ( see. revie3 in 1ed ct SUBSTNATIVE DUE PROCESS BASIC IDEA: 5oes gov9t /ave an adequate reason 1or a3ay a %erson9s li1e? liberty? or %ro%erty cono&ic" al3ays rational basis revie3 +on< cono&ic -unda&ental Strict Scrutiny +on<-unda&ental )ational :asis ECONOMIC: 0ov9t regulation o1 &in 3ages etc *nly rational basis test used $Ta.ings Cl , Contracts Cl' T&12'3, C*&+,(" Ht/ a&end 7 -ed gov9t can ta.e %rivate %ro%erty 1or %ublic use *+LE #- it %rovides just co&%ensation $a%%lies to states t/roug/ 1Bt/ a&end' B le&ents" 1'Private Pro%erty8 4'Ta.ing8 3'-or Public Use8 B'@/o Fust Co&%ensation" Possessory 0ov9t con1iscation by %/ysical occu%ation o1 %ro%erty is AL@AES a )egulatory 0ov9t regulation is a #- leaves +* ) SAS*+A:LE C*+*M#CALLE A#A:L US 0ov9t conditions on develo%&ent &ust be roug/ly %ro%ortional to t/e burden i&%ose ot/er3ise +*T a just b/c decreases %ro%erty value Te&%orary 5e%rivation" Te&%orarily denying an o3ner use o1 %ro%erty is +*T a S* L*+0 AS gov9t action is ) AS*+A:L Ino3ledge" CA+ bring ta.ings c/allenge to regulations t/at e2isted at ti&e %ro%erty 3as acquired Public Use" #1 is not 1or %ublic use gov9t can9t ta.e %ublic so long as act 3/ reasonable belie1 3ill bene1it %ublic $al&ost everyt/ing' Fust Co&%ensation" Loss to o3ner in ) AS*+A:L MA)I T AALU 7 gain to gov9t is #)) L AA+T C$'tr&)t, C*&+,(" $art 1 sect 1P' +o state s/all i&%air t/e obligations o1 contracts $STAT *) L*CAL gov9t *+LE' *nly a%%lies to AL) A5E G#ST#+0 contracts Private I9s T ST" M#G 5 inter&ediate scrutiny 0ov9t I9s T ST: ST)#CT SC)UT#+E E4 P$,t F&)t$ L&5," +eit/er - 5 )AL or STAT can ado%t e2 %ost 1acto la3s 7 *+LE C)#M#+AL PRIVACY: Privacy is a -U+5AM +TAL )#0=T ST)#CT SC)UT#+E a%%lies Privacy )ig/ts" 1')ig/t to Marry 4')ig/t to Procreate 3')ig/t to Custody o1 *ne9s Iids $state can create irrebuttable %resu&%tion t/at &arried @9s = is 1at/er'8 B')ig/t to Iee% -a&ily Toget/er H')ig/t o1 Parents to Control U%bringing o1 t/eir C/ildren Q')ig/t to Purc/ase and Use Contrace%tives





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R')ig/t to an Abortion )oe -ound rt to c/oose 1unda&ental8 Planned Parent/ood )ea11ir&ed but c/anged )oe Prior to Aiability Can +*T P)*=#:#T? but &ay regulate so long as not U+5U :U)5 + Per&issible" 4B /our 3aiting %eriod8 )equire&ent be done by licensed %/ysician8 Pro/ibition o1 K%artial birt/ abortionsL8 Parental notice and/or consent so long as /ave %ossibility o1 judicial override +ot Per&issible" S%ousal consent require&ents8 S%ousal noti1ication require&ents A1ter Aiability Can P)*=#:#T S* L*+0 AS /ave %rovision 1or %rotection o1 &ot/er9s li1e//ealt/ +ote" 0ov9t /as no duty to %rovide abortions S')ig/t to engage in Private Consensual Sa&e<Se2 Activity $La3rence v! T2 7 +o articulable standard' N')ig/t to )e1use Medical Treat&ent Co&%etent adults can even re1use li1e saving t2 )ig/t rests 3/ t/e individual 7 State CA+ %revent 1a&ily &e&bers 1or ter&inating 1or anot/er State #nterest State /as co&%elling interest in %rotecting sanctity o1 li1e and so can require clear and convincing evidence t/at %erson 3anted t2 ter&inated be1ore it is ended 1P')ig/t to Travel $ PC' 11')ig/t to Aote La3s t/at deny so&e citi6ens rig/t to vote &ust &eet ST)#CT SC)UT#+E $%oll ta2es? .id to vote 1or sc/ool board' *ne<Person<*ne<Aote MUST be &et 1or ALL state and local elections 7 All districts &ust be a%%ro2i&ately sa&e si6e $but redistricting is a %olitical question' T/e use o1 )AC in dra3ing district lines $1or t/e %ur%ose o1 : + -#TT#+0 &inorities' &ust &eet ST)#CT SC)UT#+E Counting uncounted votes 3/o standards in a %residential election violates PC +*T" )ig/t to %/ysician assisted suicide )ig/t to education E6UAL PROTECTIONS CLAUSE




BASIC IDEA: @/enever gov9t dra3s a distinction a&ong %eo%le &ay /ave an PC %roble& Constitutional Provisions" 1Bt/ a&end a%%lies PC to STAT /local gov9t 7 *nly a%%lies to - 5 )AL t/roug/ 5PC o1 Ht/ a&end -ra&e3or." 1'Pri&a -acie Case o1 5iscri&ination8 4'@/at level o1 scrutiny s/ould be a%%lied8 3'5oes t/is la3 &eet level o1 scrutiny STEP 1: PRIMA FACE CASE OF DISCRIMINATION -acial 5iscri&ination" Classi1ication on t/e -AC o1 t/e la3 5iscri&ination by 5esign/A%%lication" La3 is -AC#ALLE + UT)AL? but t/ere is :*T= 5iscri&inatory #+T +T A+5 5iscri&inatory #MPACT #1 can9t &a.e out bot/ intent and i&%act t/en only )AT#*+AL :AS#S APPL# S STEP ": W!AT IS T!E LEVEL OF SCRUTINY )ace , +ational *rigin" ST)#CT $discriminatory use of pre-emptory challenges based on race denies EP' A11ir&ative Action" Still ST)#CT Cuotas/+u&erical Set Aside Must /ave clear %roo1 o1 %ast discri&ination in order 1or it to be constitutional Ad&issions to Sc/ools Can use as 1 1actor in ad&issions decisions Still no quotas 7 can +*T add %oints to score based only on race Public Sc/ool Assign&ents Can +*T use race even as a 1actor in assigning students to sc/ools U+L SS strict scrutiny &et 0ender Classi1ications" #+T )M 5#AT scrutiny $Ke2ceedingly %ersuasive justi1icationL instead o1 Ki&%ortant gov9t %ur%oseL To :ene1it @o&en" Stereoty%es 0ender classi1ications bene1itting 3o&en based on role stereoty%es are +*T allo3ed Past 5iscri&ination 0ender classi1ications bene1itting 3o&en t/at are designed to re&edy %ast discri&ination/di11erences in o%%ortunity A) allo3ed Alienage Classi1ications" +on<Citi6ens" 3/en discri&inate against non<US citi6ens ST)#CT scrutiny 2ce%tions" Can be reserved only 1or citi6ens 1'Aoting8 4'Serving on a jury8 3':eing %olice o11icer8 B':eing teac/er $%ri&ary/secondary sc/ool not universities'8 H':eing %robation o11icer $b/c essential to our de&ocracy' Aliens" 3/en discri&inate against aliens only )AT#*+AL :AS#S test $i&&igration %ur%oses' Undocu&ented Alien C/ildren" #+T )M 5#AT scrutiny a%%lies $ct struck down law that gave free edu to documented and citizen children but undoc alien kids had to pay' Legiti&acy Classi1ications" #+T )M 5#AT scrutiny La3s t/at deny a bene1it to all non<&arital c/ildren but grant it to all &arital c/ildren are unconst under int scrutiny )ational :asis Classi1ications" Age


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5isability @ealt//Poverty 0ov9t cono&ic )egulations Se2ual *rientation FIRST AMENDMENT (Fr((/$% $7 S8(().)




GENERAL RULES Content :ased" Content based restriction $subject &atter restriction? vie3%oint rest' on s%eec/ &ust &eet ST)#CT SC)UT#+E Content +eutral" Content neutral la3s burdening s%eec/ generally need only &eet #+T )M 5#AT scrutiny Prior )estraints" Sto%%ing s%eec/ be1ore it occurs 7 ST)#CT SC)UT#+E Procedurally %ro%er orders &ust be co&%lied 3/ < i1 don9t barred 1ro& later c/allenging it 0ag orders on %ress to %revent %rejudice to cri&inal generally +*T allo3ed Can require license #- 7 i&%ortant reason ( clear criteria $+* 5#SC) T#*+' ( %rocedural sa1eguards Aagueness , *verbreadt/" unconstitutional i1 eit/er Aague reasonable %erson can9t tell 3/at s%eec/ is %ro/ibited and 3/at allo3ed *verbroad regulates substantially &ore s%eec/ t/at constitution allo3s +ote" statutes atte&%ting to %unis/ K-ig/ting @ordsL are generally vague or overbroad Sy&bolic S%eec/" 0ov9t can regulate conduct t/at co&&unicates #- interest unrelated to su%%ression A+5 least restrictive Protected" -lag burning8 :urning a cross $unless done 3/ intent to t/reaten/inti&idate'8 Contribution li&its 1or ca&%aigns8 Anony&ous s%eec/ +ot Protected" 5ra1t card burning8 +ude 5ancing8 2%enditure li&its on Ca&%aigns $can9t s%end &ore t/an 2/yr' UNPROTECTED/LESS PROTECTED SPEEC! #ncite&ent o1 #llegal Activity 7 +*T P)*T CT 5 $sub li.eli/ood o1 i&&inent illegal activity ( s%eec/ directed to causing illegal activity' *bscenity/Se2ually *riented S%eec/" T ST" *bscenity J a%%eals to Ks/a&e1ul or &orbid interest in se2L $co&&unity std' ( %atently o11ensive $co&&unity std' ( ta.en as 3/ole lac.s redee&ing artistic? literary? %olitical or scienti1ic value $+AT#*+AL std' Adult :oo.stores/T/eaters" CA+ use 6oning to restrict T and location C/ild Porn" C*MPL T :A+ to be c/ild %orn? c/ildren &ust be used in t/e %roduction o1 t/e &at9l Sei6ure o1 Assets" 0ov9t can sei6e ALL assets o1 business convicted o1 violating obscenity la3s Pro1ane/#ndecent S%eec/" Pro1ane and indecent s%eec/ is generally P)*T CT 5 $e2ce%tions" -) over air broadcast &edia 7 sc/ools' Co&&ercial S%eec/ #llegal/-alse Ads Ads 1or illegal activity or dece%tive ads are +*T %rotected by 1st a&end #n/erent )ic. 5ece%tion ven true co&&ercial s%eec/ t/at /as in/erently ris.s dece%tion CA+ be %ro/ibited Can %revent %ro1essionals 1ro& using trade na&es +o #+ P )S*+ solicitation o1 clients by attorneys 1or P)*-#T 0ov9t cannot %ro/ibit accountants 1or in %erson solicitation *t/er Co&&9l S%eec/ Can be regulated i1 &eet #+T )M 5#AT SC)UT#+E 5e1a&ation" 1st a&end only li&its recovery? does +*T %rotect de1a&atory s%eec/ Public *11icial/-igure P can recover only i1 %rove -ALS#TE ( ACTUAL MAL#C $.ne3 1alse or rec.less disregard' 5a&ages 7 co&%ensatory and %unitive %resu&ed Private -igure/Public Concern P can recover i1 %rove -ALS#TE ( + 0L#0 +C ( ACTUAL #+FU)E $co&%ensatory' 5a&ages 7 can only get %resu&ed or %unitive da&ages i1 %rove ACTUAL MAL#C Private -igure/Private Concern P can recover %resu&ed or %unitive da&ages @#T=*UT %roving ACTUAL MAL#C Probably requires s/o3ing o1 negligence and burden &ig/t be on 5 to %rove trut/ Privacy" 0ov9t )ecords State &ay +*T create liability 1or t/e trut/1ul re%orting o1 in1o legally obtained 1ro& gov9t records #llegal #ntersection Media can +*T be /eld liable 1or broadcasting ta%e o1 illegally recorded S* L*+0 AS didn9t %artici%ate in illegality A+5 it is a &atter o1 %ublic i&%ortance 0ov9t 5isse&ination 0ov9t CA+ restrict its *@+ disse&ination to %rotect %rivacy 7 %ublic *+LE /as rig/t to attend %roceedings and /ave access to gov9t %a%ers 1or C)#M#+AL trial and %re<trial %roceedings W!AT PLACES ARE AVAILABLE FOR SPEEC! Public -oru&s" 0ov9t %ro%erty t/at C*+ST#TUT#*+ALLE ) CU#) 5 to &a.e available 1or s%eec/ $side3al.sD? %ar.s' T ST 1or )egulations" Must be T#M ? PLAC *) MA++ ) regulation t/at serves an #MP*)TA+T 0*A9T PU)P*S and leaves o%en A5 CUAT ALT )+AT#A %laces 1or co&&unication Must be subject &atter and vie3%oint neutral 0ov9t regulation does +*T /ave to be t/e least restrictive alternative Per&it 1ees 1or %arades/de&onstrations A) constitutional #- city o11icials /ave +* 5#SC) T#*+ in setting a&t Li&ited Public -oru&s" 0ov9t %ro%erty t/at gov9t C*UL5 close o11 to s%eec/ but C=**S S +*T T* 7 sa&e rules as %ublic


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+on<Public -or&" Military base8 Areas outside Prisons/Fails8 Advertising S%ace on City :uses8 P*ST *--#C S#5 @ALI8 Air%orts 7 can %ro/ibit solicitation o1 ; but not distribution o1 literature? Court/ouse ste%s Aie3%oint neutral and reasonably related Private Pro%erty" T/ere is +* 1st a&end rig/t o1 access to %rivate %ro%erty 1or s%eec/ %ur%oses $e2" S/o%%ing &all' 1ST AMEND (Fr((/$% $7 R(*232$' # A,,$)2&t2$')



FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION: -U+5AM +TAL rig/t under 1st a&end 7 ST)#CT SC)UT#+E T ST" to %unis/ &e&bers/i% in gr% &ust s/o3" Actively a11iliated ( Ino3 o1 its illegal activities ( S%eci1ic intent o1 1urt/ering La3s t/at require disclosure o1 gr% &e&bers/i% t/at could C=#LL ASS*CAT#*+ &ust &eet ST)#CT SC)UT#+E FREEDOM OF RELIGION -ree 2ercise Clause" Congress s/all &a.e no la3 res%ecting an establis/&ent o1 religion or %ro/ibiting 1ree e2ercise t/ereo1 T ST" $S G' Secular %ur%ose 1or la3 ( Pri&ary 11ect not to advance or in/ibit religion ( +o 2cessive gov9t entangle&ent 3/ religion 7 &ust &eet all 3 ele&ents or it is a violation o1 1ree e2ercise clause Can9t %unis/ so&eone 1or t/eir religion 7 court can consider 3/et/er 5 actually believes t/e 1ait/ +*T 3/et/er t/e belie1s are true? 3/et/er t/e belie1s are traditional/establis/ed ? or 3/et/er 5 believes tenants co&e 1ro& su%re&e being Can +*T be used to c/allenge + UT)AL la3 o1 0 + )AL APPL#CA:#L#TE Cuit Fobs" 0ov9t can +*T deny bene1its to individuals 3/o quit t/eir jobs 1or religious reasons 5iscri&inate A&ong" Can +*T discri&inate against religious s%eec/ or a&ong religions U+L SS ST)#CT SC)UT#+E &et Public Sc/ools" 0ov9t s%onsored religious activity in %ublic sc/ool is +*T constitutional 7 :UT religious and co&&unity gr%s &ust /ave sa&e access to sc/ool 1acilities as non<religious grou%s Sc/ool %rayer A + #- A*LU+TA)E is +*T allo3ed 7 +*T A + A M*M +T *- S#L +C Assisting Paroc/ial Sc/ools" gov9t CA+ assist %aroc/ial sc/ools S* L*+0 AS ; is +*T used 1or religious instruction

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