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Educacin para toda la vida... Reinvntate, cambia, aprende, disfruta!

La Divisin de Educacin Continua y Estudios Profesionales (DECEP) del Recinto de Ro Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico cuenta con una trayectoria de ms de 90 aos en la enseanza de educacin continua. Adems, es lder en la innovacin de diseos en certificados profesionales, cursos cortos y alianzas con las diferentes juntas examinadoras que existen en Puerto Rico. Nuestros servicios estn dirigidos a la comunidad de nios, jvenes, adultos, estudiantes y profesionales y a las agencias gubernamentales, empresas privadas y organizaciones que necesitan capacitar a sus recursos humanos.

Certificados Profesionales Para detalles de los certificados profesionales y requisitos

de admisin, favor de llamar al (787) 763-4240 o entrar a nuestra pgina de Internet, Certificado Profesional en Consejera para la Admisin Universitaria y Planificacin de Carrera NUEVO! $2,495 180 horas contacto El Certificado Profesional en Consejera para la Admisin Universitaria y Planificacin de Carrera proveer el conocimiento a fondo y las destrezas necesarias para ayudar a los estudiantes de escuela superior en el proceso de transicin hacia la universidad. Certificado en Manejo y Aplicacin de los Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica (CMASIG) REDISEADO! $995 60 horas contacto El Certificado proveer a los participantes los conocimientos tcnicos fundamentales de los sistemas de informacin geogrfica (SIG), su uso, funcionalidad y aplicacin a diversos escenarios ambientales. El Certificado contempla la utilizacin de tecnologa apropiada y una variedad de programas de los SIG. Certificado en Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional $1,650 135 horas contacto Este certificado desarrollar los conocimientos y destrezas en el campo de la seguridad y salud ocupacional, incluyendo el anlisis de las reglamentaciones federales y estatales vigentes. Se ofrece en alianza con el Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Certificado Profesional en Tanatologa y Salud Integral $1,900 126 horas contacto

El Certificado ofrece instruccin integral relevante al manejo de las prdidas, la muerte y el duelo en sus manifestaciones variadas, cotidianas y extraordinarias cubriendo desde el nio hasta el anciano, la muerte esperada, la inesperada y la traumtica, los procesos de notificacin de muerte, el acompaamiento, experiencias de muerte y sueos. Entre otros temas el Certificado cubre la documentacin, las polticas de cuidado, las estrategias de intervencin y la atencin integral del paciente, familiar y personal de salud. El estudiante conocer adems datos de la historia del desarrollo de la Tanatologa en los Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico, entre otros temas de inters. La persona se capacitar para atender y dar apoyo a personas que pasan por experiencias de prdida de un ser querido.
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! Certificado Profesional en Coordinacin de Eventos $595 60 horas contacto El Certificado desarrollar las destrezas necesarias para coordinar eventos corporativos, fiestas y actividades de recaudacin de fondos.

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Cursos Cortos
Artes Plsticas
Enmarcado de Cuadros $205 - 30 horas contacto, sbado, 10 sesiones, 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. 8 de febrero al 26 de abril de 2014 Tcnicas de Barro: Formato Pequeo $235 21 horas contacto, sbado, 7 sesiones, 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m.! 8 de febrero al 29 de marzo de 2014 Batik Introductorio $205 20 horas contacto, sbado, 5 sesiones,9:00a.m. a 1:00p.m. 8 de febrero al 8 de marzo de 2014

Computadoras y Tecnologa
Office Suite 2010 package (Word, Power Point, Access, Publisher, Internet Explorer) $290 - 30 horas contacto, sbado, 10 sesiones, 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. 8 de febrero al 25 de abril de 2014 Excel Introduccin $240 - 20 horas contacto martes y jueves, 10 sesiones de 6:00 a 8:00 p.m. 4 de febrero al 6 de marzo de 2014 Todo lo que debes conocer de Power Point $237 - 20 horas contacto lunes, 10 sesiones, 6:00 a 8:00 p.m. 3 de febrero al 14 de abril de 2014

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Facturacin a Planes Mdicos

Facturacin a Planes Mdicos $185 - 30 horas contacto, sbado, 10 sesiones, 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. 8 de febrero al 25 de abril de 2014 Facturacin Electrnica a Planes Mdicos $225 -30 horas contacto, mircoles, 10 sesiones, 6:00 a 9:00 p.m. 5 de febrero al 9 de abril de 2014

Gerencia Operacional Nuevo!

Introduccin a Mejoramiento de Procesos Utilizando Lean Sigma El curso proveer a los estudiantes conocimientos y destrezas sobre estrategias, mtodos y herramientas de gerencia modernas en la calidad y mejoramiento de procesos. $300 20 horas contacto, sbado, 5 sesiones, 8:30 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. 1 de marzo al 5 de abril de 2014 Anlisis y Mejoramiento de Procesos Utilizando Modelos de Simulacin Se expondr a los estudiantes al uso de modelos de simulacin que imitan el comportamiento de un sistema real. La simulacin permite el anlisis y la experimentacin en una computadora para la bsqueda de soluciones a problemas operacionales. $550 30 horas contacto, sbado, 5 sesiones, 9:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. 12 y 26 de abril, 3, 10 y 17 de mayo de 2014

Alemn Bsico Chino Mandarn Bsico Italiano Bsico Japons Bsico $295 - 40 horas contacto, sbado, 12 sesiones, 12:30 a 4:00 p.m. 8 de febrero al 3 de mayo de 2014 Francs Bsico Portugus Bsico sbado, 12 sesiones, 9:00 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. 8 de febrero al 3 de mayo de 2014 Ruso Bsico $295 - 40 horas contacto, sbado, 12 sesiones, 12:30 a 4:00 p.m. $! !

! 8 de febrero al 3 de mayo de 2014

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Ingls como Segundo Idioma

Ingls Conversacional I y II NUEVO HORARIO DIURNO! $295 - 40 horas contacto martes y jueves, 20 sesiones, 9:00 a 11:00 a.m. martes y jueves, 20 sesiones, 2:00 a 4:00 p.m. 4 de febrero al 10 de abril de 2014 Ingls Conversacional I y II SABATINO! $295 - 40 horas contacto, sbado, 12 sesiones, 8:30 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. 8 de febrero al 3 de mayo de 2014 Ingls Conversacional III y IV $295 - 40 horas contacto, sbado, 12 sesiones, 12:30 a 4:00 p.m. 8 de febrero al 3 de mayo de 2014

Spanish for Non-Native Speakers

Survival Spanish (Spanish for non-native speakers) $295 - 40 horas contacto, sbado, 13 sesiones, 1:00 a 4:15p.m. 8 de febrero al 3 de mayo de 2014

Redaccin Bsica y Edicin $175 - 15 horas contacto, martes y jueves,7 sesiones, 5:00 a 7:00 p.m. 11 de febrero al 11 de marzo de 2014 Redaccin Creativa $175 - 15 horas contacto, sbado, 5 sesiones, 1:00 a 4:00 p.m. 8 de febrero al 8 de marzo de 2014 Business Writing $175 - 15 horas contacto, sbado, 5 sesiones, 9:00 a .m. a 12:00 p.m. 8 de febrero al 8 de marzo de 2014

Lenguaje de Seas
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! Lenguaje de Seas Bsico $225 - 36 horas contacto, sbado, 12 sesiones, 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. 8 de febrero al 10 de mayo de 2014 Lenguaje de Seas Intermedio Prerrequisito: Lenguaje de Seas Bsico $225 - 36 horas contacto, sbado, 12 sesiones, 1:00 a 4:00 p.m. 8 de febrero al 10 de mayo de 2014

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Sexualidad 101 El curso proveer al participante las herramientas necesarias para manejar aspectos de sexualidad en el entorno social actual. $175 - 15 horas contacto, sbado, 5 sesiones, 8:30 a 11:30 a.m. 8 de febrero al 8 de marzo de 2014 La Tecnologa y el Sexo El curso va dirigido a toda persona interesada en entender cmo los avances tecnolgicos, el sexo ciberntico y las redes sociales estn redefiniendo la sexualidad. $175 - 15 horas contacto, sbado, 5 sesiones, 12:30 a 3:30 p.m. 8 de febrero al 8 de marzo de 2014

Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional

Curso de Alcance para la Industria (General Industrial Outreach Course) $125 - 10 horas contacto, sbado, 2 sesiones, 8:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. 8 y 15 de febrero de 2014 Curso de Alcance para la Industria (General Industrial Outreach Course) $395 - 30 horas contacto, sbado, 2 sesiones, 8:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. 1 de marzo al 12 de abril de 2014

Cursos para Jvenes

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! Curso de Repaso para tomar el Examen del College Board $125 - 18 horas contacto, sbado, 3 sesiones, 8:30 a.m. a 3:30 p.m. 1, 8 y 15 de febrero de 2014 7, 14 y 21 de junio de 2014

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Programa Adelanta
Este Programa es una modalidad de articulacin preuniversitaria que les permite a los estudiantes acadmicamente sobresalientes que cualifiquen, adelantar hasta 9 crditos en cursos universitarios mientras completan su cuarto ao de escuela superior. Estos cursos les sern acreditados cuando ingresen como estudiantes universitarios al Sistema de la Universidad de Puerto Rico.

Adiestramiento y Capacitacin Profesional Corporativa a la Medida

La Divisin de Educacin Continua y Estudios Profesionales (DECEP) del Recinto de Ro Piedras de la UPR disea programas de capacitacin y mejoramiento profesional corporativo planificados especficamente para atender las necesidades de su organizacin. Estos programas son una manera costo efectiva de ayudarles a maximizar su potencial empresarial y administrativo. Matricularse es fcil: Puede llamar por telfono al (787) 763-4240 o acceder nuestra pgina de Intenet: Vistenos en el edificio Plaza Universitaria, Torre Sur, Piso 5, Ave. Ponce de Len (esq. Ave. Universidad), Ro Piedras. Horario para matrcula: Lunes a viernes de 9:00a.m. a 4:30p.m., sbado de 8:00a.m. a 12:00p.m.. *Los cursos no se reunirn los das 22 de marzo y 19 de abril de 2014.
Nos reservamos el derecho de cancelar o cam biar los ofrecimientos de nuestra oferta acadm ica. Todo curso que no cum pla con la m atrcula m nima requerida, podr ser cancelado. Las fechas y horarios de los cursos estn sujetos a cambio.

Cursos en Lnea
La Divisin de Educacin Continua y Estudios Profesionales de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Ro Piedras, ha establecido una alianza con UGotClass para ofrecer cursos y certificados profesionales en lnea. Participa en cualquier momento del da, desde cualquier computadora! Los cursos se ofrecen en ingls.

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The Division of Continuing Education and Professional Studies of the University of Puerto Rico, Ro Piedras Campus, has partnered with UGotClass to provide a wide range of online professional development course options. Participate anytime day or evening, from any computer!!! All courses are offered in English.

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For Online Registration and for more information, Call: (787) 763-4240, Email:

Business Coaching Certificate $295 Mentoring and coaching have come to be used more frequently in organizations to improve leadership competencies and provide employee support. Develop skills in the development, implementation, and support of coaching and mentoring programs in your workplace.

Certificate in Customer Service $245 Customer service is now essential for business and all work organizations. With the increase of technology, human interaction with customers becomes all the more important. Whether it relates to retaining customers, serving your audience, or turning inquiries from potential customers into sales, good customer service is now one of the central factors in organizational success. Certificate in Online Teaching $495 For those new to teaching online, or those already teaching online. Get the best instruction from the foremost authorities in online learning. Thousands of people have taken this fundamental yet advanced training in teaching online. eMarketing Essentials Certificate $495 Come get a fundamental yet advanced introduction to eMarketing, including improving email promotions, analyzing your web site traffic, doing search engine optimization, and how to successfully employ online advertising. Managing Telework Certificate $395 Get the best professional development in managing telework. Then boost your productivity and your organizations bottom line. For telecommuters, prospective telecommuters, those supervising telecommuters, decision makers, trainers, HR professionals, and anyone interested in telecommuting. Mobile Marketing Certificate $595 The way consumers are interacting with brands and connecting to the world is changing because of mobiles. Find out about location-based marketing, mobile payments, QR codes, applications, and mobile coupons. You will learn how mobile marketing can increase your capabilities to retain current customers and gain new ones. Video Marketing Certificate $395 Video marketing is the latest hot new marketing trend. Shoppers who viewed product videos were 144% more likely to add the product to their cart. Video with good SEO has a 53% higher chance of showing up on page one of Google searches. When done correctly, video can tell a story, and stories connect people. Video also leads to an emotion trigger that plain text cannot do.

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! Certified Webinar Planner Certificate $795 Finally, you can acquire the best professional development in webinar meeting planning. Plus get the option of being recognized for your knowledge by becoming a Certified Webinar Planner (CWP). Supervisory & Leadership Certificate $395 Your employees are your most valuable resources. Ensuring the efficiency of your team is the key to your success and is your most important responsibility. Get practical, easy to understand, and insightful methods for new and even experienced supervisors and managers.

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ONLINE INDIVIDUAL COURSES Dementia Care $495 As baby boomers age, the 21st century workforce is challenged to care for an exponentially growing population of persons with dementia. This course provides essential knowledge and understanding about neurological diseases that affect cognition and memory, and practical application of effective skills for supporting persons with dementia. Photoshop for Presentations $195 Acquire the skills to navigate an extensive list of Photoshop features. You will gain both a foundational and advanced understanding of the popular software, and practice the most commonly used methods, such as managing text, working with layers, and image file properties. You will find out the purpose of each photo-editing tool and walk away with the skills to use them. You will even learn what the pros know. Advanced Website Strategies $195 Discover ways to identify who your ideal audience is. Learn how to create content that is engaging and purposeful. Find out what you want to say to them. Explore where you want to say it. And finally, find out how you want to say it. Designing Successful Webinars $195 Webinars are a hot new meeting format that save money and reach more people than in-person meetings. Use them for customer education, staff meetings and training, presentations, virtual seminars and much more. Developing Hybrid Courses $195 Whether developing new or modifying an existing class, this four-week session will help you puzzle out how to take advantage of the best of both worlds. Use the strength of the face-to-face engagement and the power of the Internet to deliver great content, reach broader audiences and support different learning styles. The Hybrid or flipped classroom encourages students to learn at their own pace while also building on the unique exchanges that can happen in both the face-to-face class and on-line. Fostering Online Discussion $145 )! !

! Being engaged with your online learners throughout the course is one of the three biggest weaknesses of online teachers. It is also one of the three biggest ways to take your online course to the next level, making it a superior learning experience for your learners. Discover how to build student success through your interaction, how to give online learners feedback, communicating with them about everything from subject matter to delicate issues to grading. Facebook for Business $245 Find out what goes on behind the scenes on Facebook Pages and how to increase the chances that your message is seen and acted on. Discover new tools and proven techniques to increase business and expand your reach. Twitter $195 Twitter is a hot social media plat form these days and everyone seems to be using it. Learn the best way to take advantage of the unique opportunities Twitter offers and discover the best ways to create relationships and network with your key constituents. You will find out the best and easiest techniques for successful interactions in the Twitterverse. Google Analytics $195 If you are not reviewing your website statistics, then you are missing several key opportunities to profit from your website traffic. This course, aimed at non- technical users, will take you through all the key techniques and how to use website analytics using the world-standard Google Analytics, a free online tool. The Business Plan $195 Whether starting a business or growing the one you have, a business plan serves as a roadmap and can help secure needed funding. In this course, you evaluate the many aspects and potential hurdles of the business and build the Business Plan, one step at a time. Successful Survey Techniques $395 Your customers hold the key to your organizations success. Getting to know your customers better means lower costs and better results, including higher retention, more customer satisfaction and more returning customers. Using Cell Phones in the Classroom $145 Class, turn your cell phones - - on! Most of your students have cell phones, and now you can use this valuable tool in your classroom to engage and involve your students more in their learning. Students with Asperger $145 The effects of Aspergers Syndromea neurological disorder on the autism spectrum, vary widely, but it is important for every teacher to understand how to recognize behaviors that may indicate Aspergers Syndrome. In this course, you take away strategies for working effectively with Aspergers students. The course is geared for K-12 teachers, but it is also relevant for counselors, faculty in higher education, parents and anyone else interested in understanding this important issue.

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