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Water |n Utah: Current

Cond|nons and a |ook to the

Surface Water Supp|y Index
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AF kAl^ kAl kAl X
8ear k|ver S32 140 672 -0.98 38 61, 39, 96, 89
GH Woodruff Narrows 13 96 109 -1.27 3S 91, 76, 00, 81
GI L|tt|e 8ear 9 28 37 -0.18 48 94, 10, 08, 93
J Cgden k|ver 37 66 103 -2.19 24 07, 81, 08, 87
K Weber k|ver 143 28S 428 -1.4S 33 08, 12, 00, 87
L rovo 260 9S 3SS -3.47 8 04, 03, 13, 02
H West U|ntah 8as|n 147 160 307 -0.09 49 10, 76, 87, 93
I Last U|ntah 8as|n 19.3 60.0 79.3 -2.31 22 94, 03, 12, 81
GM 8|acks Iork 6.0 76.0 82.0 -0.90 39 01, 03, 13, 06
GN Sm|ths Iork 6.S 24.0 30.S 3.06 87 10, 01, 11
M r|ce k|ver 13.9 30.0 43.9 -2.9S 1S 77, 91, 02, 89
N Ioe's Va||ey 29.3 43.0 72.3 -1.70 30 92, 94, 13, 04
O Ierron Creek 11.7 32.0 43.7 0.20 S2 78, 01, 96, 09
GP Moab 1.0 4.3 S.3 0.89 61 96, 07, 12, 94
GG Upper Sev|er k|ver 74 39 133 -0.6S 42 S9,76,71,S3
GO San |tch 0 1S 1S -1.91 27 03,91,08,93
GJ Lower Sev|er k|ver 106 104 210 0.74 S9 81,7S,88,87
GK 8eaver k|ver 8.9 2S.0 33.9 0.00 S0 10,71,96,74
GL V|rg|n k|ver 33.6 4S 78 -0.14 48 89, 97, 94, 00
*OM, eoJ of mootb,
5w5l, sotfoce wotet sopply loJex, ^kAl, tboosooJ octe-feet.
an exp|ananon of reservo|r and water r|ghts.
our 8as|c keservo|r.
Sen|or r|ghts.
Iun|or r|ghts.
Depend|ng on how the reservo|r h||s, some peop|e get a fu||
a||ocanon, some a parna| a||ocanon and some ||u|e p|gg|es may
get none.
1hus the cord|a| d|scuss|ons on water. r|ghts, de||very, change..
Stream ow |s generated
from areas wh|ch have
about 2S+ |nches of
annua| prec|p|tanon. Most
runo comes from the 30+
prec|p|tanon areas.

A|| other areas have a net
dehc|t of water, espec|a||y
|n the summer.

Where we ||ve - we need
1S to 2S |nches of water
per summer to make ||fe
1h|s |s p|easant.
1h|s |s NC1 p|easant.
1hough there |s
some 790,000 acre
feet that |s
deve|opab|e |n
Utah (out of 8.S
m||||on annua|) -
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In order for you to get more, someone e|se has to get |ess..
Where the
peop|e are and
where the water
w||| have to go.

So. where exact|y w||| th|s water come from?
W||| conservanon save the day?
An examp|e - r|p your str|p (||u|e grass by road)

Cn an average home the str|p |s about 2 to 3 of the tota|
|rr|gated |awn.
8 of Utah water |s used for 'cu||nary'
7.S m||||on af nmes 0.08 cu||nary nmes .02 of tota| water
g|ves us a max|mum sav|ngs of..
12,000 acre feet or 0.16 of tota|

A sma|| drop |n a b|g empty bucket.
Lvery drop counts and we count every drop.
Cvera|| conservanon on |awns and gardens can make a
d|erence |n that water supp|y to homes.
So, we know we don't have a |ot of
now much water do we rea||y use?
now much water |s used tak|ng
a shower?
1S-30 ga||ons per S m|nutes
Washing clothes?
30 gallons per load
How many gallons to wash the car?
~100 gallons
Water the lawn?
Depends on the lawn ~180 gallons per day for a small
lawn (more than 50% of total water use)
Where is most of Utahs domestic water used????
Water w|se |andscap|ng |s far and away our best opnon
for water conservanon. |t |s where we use and abuse
the ma[or|ty of our water.
You have all heard of the carbon foot print

Ever heard of your food foot print? Or more to the point,
your water footprint?
Yall like to eat, lets move on to FOOD,
How much water to make ONE SERVING
61 gallons of water
6 gallons (eat more lettuce)
16 gallons
3 gallons, so eat
tomatos and
22 gallons
100 gallons
6.5 gallons, so lets
all eat tomatos,
potatos and
15 gallons
A glass of Milk?
65 gallons
Can of soda?
10 gallons
Enough with the rabbit food stuff, how many gallons
of water to make a serving of steak?
2607 gallons
of water,
not 26,
not 7,
2 thousand,
six hundred
and 7 gallons
of water
408 gallons are pigs really that much more
water efficient than cows?
408 gallons chickens and pigs are the same
Gallons per average breakfast?
209 gallons of water.
Gallons per lunch?
1,427 gallons..
Gallons per
2,897 gallons
each time you
sit down to an
average dinner
So, how does that
make you fee|
about sav|ng S
ga||ons of water |n
the shower?

Conservanon buys
us some nme. It
de|ays the day of
If conservanon on|y buys us a ||u|e nme - where w||| the
water come from?????
Water for new peop|e w||| come w|th the dec||ne of
What average Utahn's fa||ed to comprehend |s that
the Governors Water Summ|t |s..
1he comp|ete b|uepr|nt as to what Utah w|||
|ook ||ke |n the future!
Where and how much agr|cu|ture.
If you can bu||d, where you can bu||d.
now deve|opments w||| proceed: bu||d|ng
dens|ty, |ot s|ze, open space, etc - a||
determ|ned by water ava||ab|||ty.
1here are commun|nes |n Utah where - |f you want to
deve|op, you have to br|ng your water and commun|nes
have bought ranches - not for |and but for water.
Its very s|mp|e - th|s |s the formu|a for water
8eyond conservanon and beyond the convers|on of
agr|cu|tura| water to mun|c|pa|. when there are [ust
peop|e and |nfrastructure. when |s snnks to ||ve |n

Where does water come from then?
Sooner or |ater you have ||m|ted opnons.
1. keta|n more water on s|te by rep|ac|ng
downstream use
2. Import water from somewhere e|se.
3. Stop growth and]or move peop|e e|sewhere.
1oday's Seawater Is 1omorrow's Dr|nk|ng Water:
UCLA Lng|neers Deve|op kevo|unonary Nanotech
Water Desa||nanon Membrane
What |f Los Ange|es]SoCa| cou|d get some]much]
a|| of the|r water from the ac|hc Ccean?
What |f we
cou|d pump |t to
Ar|zona or
1he M||||ona|re
More than m||||ona|re p|pe||ne.
Someday these m|ght be the "||u|e p|pe||nes"
Sooner or |ater |t w|||
be about the
'8||||ona|re' p|pe ||nes
from water r|ch areas
to water poor areas.

Not econom|ca|
today but a
poss|b|||ty and ||ke|y
a necess|ty tomorrow
What |s the hrst th|ng you are go|ng to m|ss |f the water |s
turned o????
If the to||et dev|ce don't work -
everyth|ng shuts down.
In the o|d days.
A chamber pot and a honey
oop |n a pot and put |n a

1h|nk of a |arge c|ty forced to do
So. what |s rea||y norma| for Utah?

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