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Substantial growth do-gooder dependent substantial growth needy begging 2B done good Hell even the Titanic was

a substantive thick Lie who knows where it actually Lie Righteous Sanctimonious Rhetoric Symptom Triage or the !ote Redirect or government mental health or history all she wrote " they#re not mad about this they are mad about that and the other $orthright $orthwith $orthcoming $$$

"n the name o %od o & or and with the 'eople (T$ http)**www+youtube+com*watch,v-.b/00% 12-c

$$$ $ickle $ate $inger Humanity is reality science& but we got belie science ma3ority vote 4 built on 2uicksand o https)**www+youtube+com*watch,v-Tong56s'oS/ 0orporations .00 4 .ni orm 0ommercial 0ode !R0 TL !atican Roman 0anon Titanic Law $reedom Boat Land


http)**www+youtube+com*watch,v-8$::"n-tir. 7id ;+'+ <organ & Rothschild &/nd $ederal Reserve Bankers Sink Titanic Soldiers are pawns o Rothschild
http)**www+youtube+com*watch,v-a%L=>?.mdTc L:@@T:@ - 2A1 - TH: T"T/B"0 C TH: .BTDL7 STDR= D$ "TS <=ST:R"D.S S"BE"B% C /ctually Dlympic or insurance

http)**www+youtube+com*watch,v-FDca?wTGHB6 The Titanic 0onspiracy 4 The %reat 7eception ;ekyll "sland meeting http)**en+wikipedia+org*wiki*0anon?law 0anon law is the body o laws and regulations made by ecclesiastical authority I0hurch leadershipJ& or the government o a 0hristian organiFation or church and its members+ "t is the internal ecclesiastical law governing the 0atholic 0hurch Iboth Latin 0hurch and :astern 0atholic 0hurchesJ& the :astern and Driental DrthodoK churches& and the /nglican 0ommunion o churches+L8M The way that such church law is legislated& interpreted and at times ad3udicated varies widely among these three bodies o churches+ "n all three traditions& a canon was originally a rule adopted by a church councilN these canons ormed the oundation o canon law+ http)**en+wikipedia+org*wiki*Eingdom?o ?%od The 0atechism o the 0atholic 0hurch I000J teaches that the coming Reign o %od will be a kingdom o love& peace& and 3ustice+L29M ;ustice is de ined as a virtue whereby one respects the rights o all persons& living in harmony and e2uity with all+L2OM The Eingdom o %od began with 0hristPs death and Resurrection and must be urther eKtended by 0hristians until it has been brought into per ection by 0hrist at the end o time+ L2HM The 0hristian does this by living the way 0hrist lived& by thinking the way 0hrist thought&L29M and by promoting peace and 3ustice+L21M This can be accomplished by discerning how the Holy Spirit I%odJ is calling one to act in the concrete circumstances o onePs li e+L21M 0hristians must also pray& asking %od or what is necessary to cooperate with the coming o %odPs Eingdom+ L2AM ;esus gathered disciples to be the seed and the beginning o %odPs Reign on earth& and ;esus sent the Holy Spirit to guide them+L2QM ;esus continues to call all people to come together around himL25M and to spread the Eingdom o %od across the entire world+L9>M However& the ultimate triumph o 0hristPs Eingdom will not come about until 0hristPs return to earth at the end o time+L98M 7uring 0hristPs second coming& he will 3udge the living and the dead+ Dnly those who are 3udged to be righteous and 3ust will reign with 0hrist orever+L92M 0hristPs second coming will also mark the absolute de eat o all evil powers& including Satan+L99M .ntil then& the coming o the Eingdom will continue to be attacked by evil powers as 0hristians wait with hope or the second coming o their Savior+L9OM This is why 0hristians pray to hasten 0hristPs return by saying to him C<aranathaRC which means C0ome& Lord ;esusRC+L9HM http)**en+wikipedia+org*wiki*:nd?time (hile some who believe in the literal interpretation o the Bible insist that the prediction o dates or times is utile& some other writers believe that ;esus oretold o signs which would indicate that the Cend o daysC was near+ Some o these signs include earth2uakes& natural disasters& civil problems& Cwars and rumors o wars&C and other catastrophes+ D the precise time& however& it will come like a Cthie in the nightC I8 Thess+ H)2J+

0annon Law (hen in the H.LL o 7/= Height .bi2uitous Lie Logistics o 7ark /byss =oke Be ore iring up the 0annon Law check the Spell be ore blasting away /kin the Senate o second thought and Dar (ell doublethink either way one way to hell

CHe who is sincere hits what is right& and apprehends without the eKercise o thoughtC The problem with that the thought machine must 8st be well eKercised adept to the challenge (hen up against a <ule who ya gonna call <uleskinner That#s who put away the kni e twit whet the wit


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